GH Transcript Tuesday 3/26/13

General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 3/26/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Charlene

Dr. Obrecht: Stop crying and pull yourself together. I didn't raise my daughter to crumble at the first sign of adversity.

Britt: You don't understand. I've lost him. I -- I -- I have no chance of getting him back.

Dr. Obrecht: Nonsense. You're still alive, aren't you? You stand a better chance than that wife of his. There's still hope for you, Britta. And even if by some miracle Patrick and the mouse come together, you and I have one guaranteed method of pulling them apart.

Britt: I'm sorry. I think it's too late.

Dr. Obrecht: I told you this fretting is unbecoming. Besides, there's no need. We have everything in place to surprise your Dr. Drake.

Sabrina: Is everything okay?

Patrick: I think so, yeah.

Sabrina: Why do I get the feeling that --

Patrick: I think we should talk. There's something I want to tell you.

Sabrina: Okay.

Patrick: It's about the other day, when you, um -- when you told me how you feel about me.

Milo: After all that time we spent together in the gym, I feel like we've bonded. So, come on. Be straight with me -- are you sure you don't mind if I ask Sabrina out?

Felix: No. Why would I?

Milo: People can be territorial about their friends, and if you felt like I'd be trespassing or whatever, I'm not that kind of guy.

Felix: Don't worry. I don't mind if you ask Sabrina out.

Milo: Great.

Emma: Well, I do.

TJ: Hey, uh -- Shawn's not here yet?

Molly: Uh, I don't see him. Oh, thanks.

TJ: Good. Finally, he can't get on my case about being late.

Molly: Yeah. This time, it's the adults who are gonna get the lecture.

TJ: Your mom's not here, either?

Molly: Mnh-mnh. She wanted to stop by the police station first to see if she could find out about Rafe.

TJ: Him again, huh?

Molly: Rafe's still in that group home where he got beat up before. I just want to make sure he's okay, so I asked my mom to check on him.

TJ: All right. Well -- I don't know what Shawn's got going on, but it's got to be important. I mean, the dude's never late.

Olivia: Shawn? What the hell?! Put down the gun, okay?!

Alexis: Olivia?

Olivia: Oh, God. Oh, God. I -- thank God. Sorry. I thought you were Shawn.

Alexis: Uh, people don't ordinarily confuse us.

Olivia: Yeah, I know, I know. I think I must be having one of my woo-woo moments. I thought you were Shawn. He was standing right there where you are and was waving around a gun.

Both: Police! Freeze!

Dante: Drop your weapon. Drop your weapon! Now kick it away.

Anna: Put your hands behind your head!

Dante: Turn around.

Anna: Nice and slow.

Dante: Shawn? You shot Nikolas Cassadine?

Epiphany: He's coding!

Elizabeth: Nikolas! Nikolas! Nikolas, don't do this!

Epiphany: Cubicle 1, code blue.

Elizabeth: Nikolas. Nikolas, don't do this. Nikolas, listen to me.

Laura: You're right. He saved Lulu's life before, and he's gonna save it again. You're right.

Epiphany: Get that crash cart in here!

Laura: Oh, my God. What's happening?

Bobbie: Maybe this isn't the best idea.

Scott: What do you mean? Coming back here?

Bobbie: You really want to go another round with Luke?

Scott: I don't care about your brother. I want to see Laura. What's going on here? Where's Laura Spencer?

Officer: They all went to the hospital. Someone got shot.

Laura: That's the crash cart. His heart must have stopped.

Luke: No, no, no. You don't know that for sure.

Laura: I can hear the alarms.

Dr. Keats: Clear!

[Defibrillator discharges]

Dr. Keats: Push epi and load 300 milligrams amiodarone.

Elizabeth: Nikolas. Nikolas, please. Don't die one me. I can't lose you.

Laura: Why aren't they doing something? The alarms are still going off. My son could be dying!

Luke: He'll be okay.

Molly: They seem pretty happy.

TJ: They're done with school. I would be, too.

Molly: Hey, um -- did you hear that some of the graduates are working to bring back the Nurses' Ball?

TJ: "Ball"? Like the thing Cinderella went to?

Molly: Well, I doubt anyone's gonna be wearing glass slippers, but that's the basic idea. It's a gala to raise money and awareness for HIV and AIDS patients.

TJ: Okay. So it's like a benefit.

Molly: Exactly. It used to be an annual event. They had to stop when it got too expensive. But they're reviving the ball this year, in honor of Robin Scorpio Drake.

TJ: I've heard a lot of people talk about her. Sounds like she was pretty special.

Molly: Yeah, she was. And she would love this tribute. The ball is supposed to be superfun. I just hope I can get tickets before they sell out.

TJ: Well, you better hurry. Shawn already got some.

Molly: Wait. You knew about this and you let me go on and on explaining it?

TJ: I think you're cute when you're explaining, and I wanted to surprise you.

Molly: Well, I'm definitely surprised.

TJ: Then would you like to go to the Nurses' Ball with me? Or are you still thinking that Rafe might get around to asking?

Milo: Hey, Emma. Why don't you want me to go out with Sabrina?

Emma: Because I want her to go out with my daddy.

Milo: Is that what you were trying to tell me? Sabrina's seeing Dr. Drake?

Felix: No, I mean -- at least not that I know of.

Sabrina: I am so sorry I ever said anything about my completely inappropriate feelings. It put you in a terrible position, and --

Patrick: No, no, it's all right, Sabrina.

Sabrina: No, the thing is, I have been living with it for so long, and I just had to get it out of my system, but now I have, okay? So don't worry about it. It's not your problem.

Patrick: No, no, no, it's not a problem. What I was gonna say is, when you first came to me --

Milo: Excuse me. Sabrina? I'm sorry. I don't mean to interrupt, but Felix was just telling me about the graduation party over at the Floating Rib. Sure sounds like a lot of fun.

Sabrina: Yeah. No, yeah. It should be. The graduates chose it because the Floating Rib is laid-back and casual, and the whole idea is to relax and have fun, and Frankly, I cannot wait to get started.

Milo: Awesome, awesome. In that case, I was wondering if I could be so lucky to escort you.

Britt: I'm not sure I'm comfortable with your plans for Patrick.

Dr. Obrecht: Who said life is supposed to be comfortable? You should be grateful I've come up with a solution. If I hadn't where would you be?

Britt: It's not exactly a solution.

Dr. Obrecht: Solves the problem, doesn't it?

Britt: Yes, it puts an end to Sabrina and Patrick. But where will it leave me?

Bobbie: Who got shot? Was it Luke Spencer?

Officer: He wasn't here. He just rode in the ambulance.

Scott: Wait a second. It wasn't Laura, was it?

Officer: No, it was her son.

Laura: I've got to get in there.

Luke: No! You let the doctors do their work.

Laura: I'm his mother. I need to be with him now.

Luke: He'll be okay. He's gonna hang on for Lulu. He will.

[Cell phone rings]

Laura: Oh. It's Scotty.

Olivia: Thank you. Thanks. Honey, I am so sorry to go so weird --

Alexis: Don't apologize. It's all right.

Olivia: I've been having these visions for months, and normally, I have no idea what they mean, but why would I see Shawn here?

Alexis: Well, maybe because I'm seeing him?

Olivia: Yeah, well, possibly, but he was waving a gun all around. Shawn -- Shawn -- he wouldn't wave a gun around unless he was defending somebody. Could this mean something about him working for Sonny?

Alexis: Was he hurt?

Olivia: No.

Alexis: Oh, good. Well, that's a relief.

Olivia: I should warn you, these visions, they are not literal. I get them when I don't want them, and when I need them, I get nothing. Like, for instance, I'm trying to help them figure out something -- anything -- about Lulu. I'm racking my brain, and I'm just coming out blank.

Alexis: I'm sorry. Have the Police made any progress?

Olivia: No. And it didn't help at all that the Commissioner and Dante just went burning out of here to Dante's apartment. There were shots fired there, and someone was hit.

Alexis: Anyone we know?

Olivia: I don't know.

Shawn: Look, I didn't shoot Nikolas. I didn't shoot anyone.

Anna: Well, what hell are you doing out here? Why are you carrying?

Shawn: Sonny was worried about his daughter-in-law and asked me to keep an eye on the loft. I heard the gunshot, and less then a minute later, I saw a guy run out of the building across the street. I took off after him.

Anna: Oh, yeah?

Dante: So you can ID the shooter?

Shawn: Yeah. Darkish-brown hair, about 6', medium build. Come on, Dante. You know me. I didn't shoot anyone. I'm just trying to help.

Dante: So where did he go, this guy?

Shawn: Thanks. Yeah, last I saw, he was headed into the wooded area that runs across the Eastern boundary of the park. Get down!

Dr. Keats: Clear!

[Defibrillator discharges]

[Monitor beeping]

Elizabeth: He's back.

Dr. Keats: Call in for an O.R.

Epiphany: It'll be at least another 30 minutes. They're all busy.

Dr. Keats: Tell them he's critical. Let's get him on a ventilator.

Laura: Scotty?

Scott: Laura, I'm at Dante's. What happened?

Laura: Nikolas has been shot.

Scott: I didn't even know he was in town.

Laura: He came to Dante's looking for Lulu. He was trying to tell us something, and -- somebody just shot him through the window.

Scott: Is he all right?

Laura: It's bad. We're in the E.R. They're working on him now.

Scott: All right, listen -- I'm on my way to the hospital.

Laura: No, it -- Luke is here. It's just -- it's not a good idea.

Scott: Laura, your son was shot. I want to be with you.

Laura: I need you to stay there. Lulu's kidnappers might call. There might be some sort of an update. I just need you to stay there, please.

Scott: If that's what you need, that's what I'll do.

Laura: Thank you.

Scott: I love you.

Laura: The doctor's here. I got to go. I'm this boy's mother. Is he gonna be all right?


Dante: I'm going after him!

Anna: Careful!

Shawn: You okay, Commissioner?

Anna: Yeah. I'm all right. You all right?

Shawn: Yeah, I'm fine.

Anna: You're hit!

Shawn: What?

Anna: Oh, my God. You're hit. Here -- hold it. Stop the bleeding.

Shawn: It's not that bad.

Alexis: I've got to meet Molly, so I need to get going, but you will let me know if there's anything that I can do to help you find Lulu, all right?

Olivia: I will, Alexis. Thank you.

Alexis: You bet. Excuse me. I'm looking for some information about this boy who was involved with the Stephen Clay case. His name is Rafe Kovich. He's in a group home right now, and I would like to check --

[Telephone rings]

Officer: Just a minute, ma'am. PCPD. Yes, Commissioner. Where are you? I'm on it.

Olivia: That was the Commissioner. What did she say?

Officer: Perp opened fire on the Commissioner and Detective Falconeri. Someone was hit. I'm calling an ambulance.

Olivia: Was it Detective Falconeri?

Civilian. Shawn Butler.

Britt: I can see why this plan would be to your advantage, but it's not so much to mine.

Dr. Obrecht: Do you wish for something else?

Britt: Nothing else you've said gives me much hope.

Dr. Obrecht: Can't you see? I've offered a satisfying conclusion to your muddled -- mishap.

Britt: Yeah, satisfying for you, maybe even for Patrick.

Dr. Obrecht: Oh, beggars can't be choosers. Now, if you had just done what you said you would do and get him to fall in love with you, then we wouldn't have this problem.

Britt: Yes, Mother.

Dr. Obrecht: I'm glad you agree. Now, when shall we do what we need to do?

Sabrina: You're asking me to the graduation party?

Milo: I can't really do that. After all, it is your party. But I'd be honored to escort you. I, uh, asked Felix if you were available, and he told me you were. Unless you're not.

Emma: You look sad.

Felix: I do?

Emma: Yeah. How come? You don't want Milo to go with Sabrina, either?

Felix: No, I don't, just not for the same reasons.

Milo: I don't want to put you on the spot here, but is Felix right? Are you free?

[Pager beeping]

Sabrina: Um --

Patrick: Um -- you're gonna have to excuse me. I, uh -- got a patient in I.C.U.

Sabrina: Yeah, no, go ahead. We've got Emma.

Patrick: You sure?

Emma: Yeah. Yeah, I -- I know how much she wanted to go to the party. She only asked me like a million times, so, yeah.

Patrick: Okay.

Milo: So, in that case, can I escort you and Emma to the party?

Sabrina: Thank you, Milo. I'd be delighted.

Milo: Great, great. It should be fun.

TJ: Don't you want any?

Molly: I'm not that hungry.

TJ: Hmm. I guess worrying about Rafe takes away your appetite.

Molly: Why do you keep bringing him up?

TJ: Why are you always thinking about him?

Molly: I just thought it'd be better to admit that I sent my mom to check on him rather than keep it a secret, because then you'd feel like I was hiding something.

TJ: Okay, okay. Maybe you have a point.

Molly: So, does that mean we can talk about the Nurses' Ball, or do you still want to talk about Rafe?

TJ: The Nurses' Ball, all right? Definitely. Which, I was wondering, uh, that is -- would you like to go with me?

Molly: Yes, I would definitely like to go with you.

Felix: Emma, you look thirsty. How about an ice-cold Shirley Temple?

Emma: With two cherries?

Felix: You got it.

Sabrina: Hey. You okay?

Felix: I'm fabulous.

Milo: Are you okay with this?

Sabrina: You mean the party?

Milo: I mean going to the party, with me.

Sabrina: Of course. Otherwise, I wouldn't have accepted.

Milo: Okay. I just felt like maybe I interrupted something between you and Dr. Drake.

Patrick: I upped her pain medication, so she should be feeling better. If there's anything else, just give me a call and, uh -- yeah, I'll be home. Okay. Yes. Bye-bye.

Epiphany: Did I just hear you say that you're going home?

Patrick: Yes, I'm not on duty.

Epiphany: I know.

Patrick: Then what's the problem?

Epiphany: You went to the nurses' graduation. Why aren't you going to the party?

Patrick: No reason.

Epiphany: Mm-hmm.

Patrick: Okay, fine. I didn't want to get in the way.

Epiphany: Get in the way of what?

Patrick: Sabrina and her date.

Scott: Nikolas is in bad shape. Laura seems calm, but I could tell by her voice that she's terrified.

Bobbie: Well, I don't blame her. Scott, this is awful.

Scott: I got to know Nikolas in the last couple of years. You know, he's a good guy. He would come over and visit Laura like clockwork every month, make sure that she was okay. He always brought that kid along. Named him Spencer. Go figure.

Bobbie: [Chuckles] Well, I happen to think "Spencer" is a fine name.

Scott: Yeah, well, you might be a little biased.

Bobbie: [Chuckles]

Scott: Can we go back in?

Officer: You're all clear.

Bobbie: Thank you.

Officer: You're welcome.

Bobbie: You know, Scott, when Nikolas named his son after our family, it was a -- it was a lovely, thoughtful gesture.

Scott: Well, it's too bad it was wasted on that deadbeat brother of yours.

Bobbie: And you and I were getting along so well.

Scott: Well, it's just that I should be at the hospital right now, supporting Laura, but she doesn't want to upset old brother Luke.

Bobbie: Is that what Laura told you?

Scott: In so many words. She doesn't like it when we fight.

Bobbie: Well, she's not alone in that.

Scott: Well, I know. She's got enough to worry about right now with Nikolas being shot and Lulu missing, and she doesn't need to play referee to us.

Bobbie: Well, I think that was very considerate of you.

Scott: Or I'm a sap.

Bobbie: No, you're not.

Scott: Oh, come on. Look how it's working out for Luke again. You know, he's at the hospital, he's there with Laura. He doesn't even like Nikolas. And look at me -- I'm stuck here like some errand boy!

Bobbie: I'm sorry, Scott.

Scott: Well, you should be, Bobbie. Because you know what? It's your fault.

Luke: Calling your fiancé?

Laura: No, I'm calling my mom. She's staying with Spencer. Oh, God. I don't even know what time it is in Italy.

Luke: Italy?

Laura: Yeah, Nikolas has a house on Lake Como. It's beautiful. My mom loves it. I can't tear her away. Mom? Yeah, yeah, I'm all right. Listen, uh, is Spencer with you? Can you see him? Good. And the servants, are they all there? Yeah. Okay, great. No, Nikolas is here with us. He's been shot. Yeah. We're in the E.R., and they're gonna be taking him in for surgery right now. I'll call you as soon as I get an update from the doctor. Uh, listen, Mom -- don't let Spencer know that his dad has been hurt, okay? Yeah. There's a chance that we think that Helena could be behind all of this, so for now, if you could just keep Spencer very, very close to the house and make sure that all the servants know of what happened -- great. Thanks, Mom. Give him a kiss from me and tell him how much I love him. I love you, too, Mama. Bye.

Dr. Keats: They're freeing up an O.R. right now. They'll be taking your son up to surgery in about 15 minutes.

Laura: Can I see him? Please.

Dr. Keats: Go ahead.

[Monitors beeping]

Luke: Anna, I know you're busy. I just thought I'd update you on what's going on with Nikolas. They're about to take him up into surgery. He knows something about what happened to Lulu, so I'm gonna try to get in and question him.

Alexis: Luke. Sorry. Do you know where they took Shawn?

Shawn: [Grunts]

Anna: Yeah, here. Sorry. I'm just trying to stop the bleeding.

Shawn: I hope this isn't dry-clean only.

Anna: That's all right. I'll send you the bill.

Shawn: [Chuckles] Yeah.

Anna: God. Wonder where the ambulance is?

Shawn: Look, I'm fine, okay? I'm fine.

Anna: You're pretty good at this hero thing, aren't you?

Shawn: [Chuckles]

Anna: I guess maybe we're too far in the park for them to find us. I'm gonna go and check to see where they are, all right? Are you okay?

Shawn: Yeah, I'll be fine. Just -- just be careful.

Luke: What happened to Shawn?

Alexis: Apparently, he was shot.

Luke: There's a lot of that going around tonight. Well, I'm sorry. I don't know anything about it.

Alexis: It's okay. I'll ask at the desk.

Luke: Uh, Natasha --

Alexis: Yeah?

Luke: Shawn wasn't the only one who was shot tonight.

Laura: Nikolas, I spoke to Grandma Lesley, and she and Spencer are just fine. They just need to know that you're gonna be all right. But they are perfectly safe. Nikolas, I know you came here to help Lulu, and I want you to know that you are a wonderful brother. And you're a wonderful son. I love you, Nikolas. I don't think I've told you that often enough. But you're my firstborn, my beautiful, handsome boy. I didn't get enough time with you. Please don't leave me, Nikolas. Please, don't leave your mother now.

Dr. Obrecht: Enough of your dithering. When shall we do this? Do you have any ideas to offer at all, or do you expect me to do more than I have already?

Britt: What have you done, exactly, besides criticize?

Dr. Obrecht: If I could have made Patrick fall in love with you, I would have. But that was your task, and you quite clearly failed. So I'm waiting for your contribution.

Britt: Sabrina's involved in a certain cause. It was her way of getting close to Patrick, which is pathetic, if you ask me, but -- seemed to have worked.

Dr. Obrecht: Does this story have a point?

Britt: It's a benefit for the hospital -- the Nurses' Ball. It's to help get research for the AIDS --

Anna: Oh, Dr. Westbourne? Oh, Doctor, I need your help.

Shawn: [Grunts]

[Leaves rustling]

Britt: Commissioner, if it's an emergency, you should call the ambulance.

Anna: No, no, we can't wait for that. I need a doctor now. A man's been shot. He's bleeding.

Britt: Okay, well, I'll do my best, but I'm not very fast on my feet.

Anna: Well, you know what? If I could get any other doctor rather than you after the way that you treated my granddaughter, I would, but I don't have a choice.

Britt: All right, fine. Let's do this. [Scoffs]

Dante: Drop your weapon. Now.

Bobbie: Well, I'm sorry. How is any of this my fault?

Scott: Well, if you hadn't brought that criminal brother of yours to town to monkey with my car, to mess things up with Laura and me, there would have been no Luke and Laura!

Bobbie: I'm sorry. You gonna try to blame me for that at this late date?

Scott: Well, yeah. You should have just hired some local goon, get the job done that way -- pay him and -- that's it.

Bobbie: Well, what can I say? I was in love with you -- and it drove me to do some pretty crazy things.

Scott: Well -- I am irresistible.

Bobbie: Yeah. Between your looks, your charm, and your innate modesty, I couldn't help myself.

Scott: Well, then I forgive you.

Bobbie: And?

Scott: And -- I did some pretty lousy things myself, you know, that I'm not proud of, but I -- I did them for the same reason as you.

Bobbie: For love.

Scott: That's right. I love Laura. She loves me. But the trouble is, your brother keeps getting in the way, and I keep getting left behind.

Bobbie: Turns out, you and I have a lot more in common than I ever realized. Anyway, what are you complaining about? You're with Laura now. And you're gonna spend the rest of your life with her.

Alexis: Shouldn't they be prepping him for surgery if he's got a bullet in his chest?

Luke: They're getting the O.R. ready for him now. I'm so sorry, Alexis.

Alexis: All right, uh, I'm gonna call the staff and deal with Spencer because I certainly hope he's not sitting in a hotel suite --

Luke: Spencer is in Italy with Lesley. Laura already called and told Lesley what's going on.

Alexis: Oh, good. Okay. Well, uh, I should call, too -- the staff, I mean.

Luke: If you want to check on your nephew first, I'll keep an eye out for Shawn.

Alexis: Are you sure?

Luke: Yeah, sure. He's in there. Laura's with him.

Alexis: Thanks.

Luke: Sure.

[Monitors beeping]

Alexis: Oh, Nikolas.

Molly: Still no word from my mom. I don't know what's taking so long.

Felix: Excuse me. Do you mind if we join you?

Molly: Oh, I'm sorry. These seats are taken.

Felix: What? By your coats?

TJ: Listen, dude, don't talk to me like that.

Emma: It's okay. Felix is just in a bad mood.

Molly: Didn't you just graduate?

Felix: We did, indeed. Some are celebrating in style, others not so much.

Molly: What's wrong?

Felix: Them.

Emma: Yeah, them.

Molly: Milo's dating a nurse?

Felix: He asked her out right in front of me.

Molly: Wait. You're jealous.

Felix: You think?

TJ: I get that. No guy wants to see someone move in on his girl.

Felix: Hold on. I think we need to back up a second.

TJ: No, I get it, man. You're into that nurse over there.

Emma: No, silly. Felix likes boys.

Sabrina: Trust me, you -- you didn't interrupt anything between me and Dr. Drake.

Milo: Sure didn't look that way. I'm a trained observer. It's an important aspect of security work.

Sabrina: Well, not to take anything away from your skills as a bodyguard, but pretty much anybody can tell what I'm feeling just by looking at my face.

Milo: I like that you're honest. I like everything about you, Sabrina, but I don't want to make you uncomfortable, and I definitely don't want to mess up your relationship.

Sabrina: What relationship?

Milo: Felix told me you were free, but now I'm not so sure. Are you and Patrick into each other?

Epiphany: So, you think that Sabrina's out on a date.

Patrick: Watched her walk out with the guy.

Epiphany: If you are referring to Felix DuBois, he bats for the other team.

Patrick: I'm not talking about Felix DuBois. I'm talking about Milo Gia--

Epiphany: Oh, get out! Sabrina's out on a date with Magic Milo? You can grate cheese on that man's abs!

Patrick: Okay, relax. You're not making me feel any better.

Epiphany: Oh, I'm sorry, Drake Jr. If I didn't know any better, I would say you're jealous. Or are you just starting to wise up? Hmm? Are those feelings that Sabrina has for you not so one-sided after all? Well, Hallelujah.

Bobbie: It's all worked out for you and Laura.

Scott: Well, listen -- what about you? How's it going up there in Seattle? You got a boyfriend?

Bobbie: Well, nobody serious.

Scott: Well, too bad for the guys of Seattle, huh?

Bobbie: [Laughs] But you know what? I'm very happy with my life. I mean, I'm making a difference at the hospital. I've got a job that I love. And my son is close by.

Scott: Right, Lucas. How's he doing?

Bobbie: Oh, he's fine. He's got a job that he's very happy with.

Scott: Yeah, well -- seems like there's more to that story.

Bobbie: Well, you know, he dates a lot of people. He just hasn't found the one. I just wish he'd meet a nice young man and settle down and get married.

Felix: Out of the mouths of babes. Yeah, I like dudes.

Molly: So you're hot for Milo.

Felix: Hot doesn't even begin to describe it.

TJ: Does Sabrina know that?

Felix: Yeah, she knows it. She's my best friend. I tell her everything. And she knows what it's like to pine for someone from afar.

Emma: Felix, are you mad at Sabrina?

Felix: [Sighs] Yes, but I'm madder at myself for wanting someone I can't have. He told me he wasn't gay, but I wasn't trying to --

Molly: Maybe he is and doesn't know it? TJ and I met someone like that at school.

Felix: Could be. I mean, I'm hoping Milo's gay. Or maybe I'm just dreaming. But Sabrina going out with him isn't helping the situation any, either.

Sabrina: You don't have to worry that you're stealing me away from Patrick.

Milo: Well, I still get the feeling there's more to this story. Am I right?

Sabrina: Um -- I-I have feelings for Patrick. I never would have said anything, but last week, in a moment of temporary insanity, egged on by well-meaning but completely clueless friends, I -- I told him everything. I said I was crazy about him. [Chuckles nervously]

Milo: Lucky guy.

Sabrina: Well, he didn't seem to think so. Patrick made it clear that he does not return my feelings.

Milo: Wait. If that's how Patrick feels, why did he come to your graduation?

Sabrina: Emma was there. You know, and she and I are pretty close -- I babysit her -- so I think he stopped by to pick her up.

Milo: But he came over to talk to you.

Sabrina: Well, I think he just wanted to make sure things weren't weird between us, you know? So we wouldn't have a problem when we're working together or when I look after Emma.

Milo: Really? It seemed like something else, though.

Sabrina: He was just being nice. Patrick doesn't want me. End of story.

Patrick: I've been thinking about Sabrina, and I don't know. It's like I had an ep -- realization. Okay, when she first told me how she felt, I was confused and surprised, so all I said was that I never really thought of her that way. Well, when I started to think about it a little bit more and about her, I just --

Epiphany: Started seeing her in a whole new light.

Patrick: Yes.

Epiphany: Impressive. You're making progress, Drake Jr.

Patrick: Thank you.

Epiphany: But can you tell me something?

Patrick: Mm-hmm.

Epiphany: How could someone so wise be so -- stupid at the same time?

Patrick: Okay, first of all, I'm a man. Second of all, I just opened up to you, so what else do you want from me?

Epiphany: Okay, I'll give you the man thing, but you just had an epiph -- uh --

Both: Realization --

Epiphany: -- About Sabrina. Hmm? You attended her graduation. Then you let Magic Milo take her to the party. What's wrong with you?

[Monitors beeping]

Alexis: Now, Luke said that Nikolas knows something about Lulu's disappearance?

Laura: Yeah, but before he could tell us anything, someone shot him through the window.

Alexis: Are you sure he was the target?

Laura: Luke didn't think so at the time, but there was only one shot. I'm afraid that somebody wanted to prevent him from telling us what he knew.

Alexis: Someone lethal.

Laura: He was just trying to help his sister. He'd do anything for her.

Alexis: May I?

Laura: Yes.

Alexis: Hey, Nikolas. It's me. It's Alexis. Huh? I'm here, honey.

Dante: Sit down. Sit down!

Anna: The shooter?

Dante: Yeah.

Anna: How'd you find him?

Dante: I figured he'd double-back since Shawn can I.D. him.

Anna: Oh, good.

Dante: Yeah. Now this S.O.B. is gonna tell me where my wife is.

Anna: Yeah. You look after him, okay? Saved our lives.

Shawn: Dante had my back.

Anna: Yeah.

Dante: Who you working for? Was Nikolas Cassadine your target? Why don't you tell me who you're working for? Why don't you tell me where my wife is?! Lulu Spencer Falconeri! You tell me where she is!

Anna: Hey, Dante! Dante!

Dante: No, no. No! No! This happens here and right now! You're gonna tell me what I want to know or I'm gonna beat it out of you!

Anna: Detective!

Molly: Are you sure you guys don't want anything?

Felix: No. Not to drink.

Emma: Sabrina says you have to follow your dreams. If you keep believing that, you'll find someone else to love. You will.

Milo: So, what does this mean for us?

Sabrina: "Us"?

Milo: In the sense of maybe, possibly going out on a date sometime? A date besides this date, which is not so much of a date so far. Because I'm totally interrogating you. I'm sorry about that.

Sabrina: Oh, no, no, no. I -- I -- I don't feel interrogated at all. No, I know -- I get that this is really confusing. At this point, I'm confusing myself.

Milo: Just say how you feel. Are you stuck on Patrick, or are you ready to move on?

Epiphany: How could you let Sabrina go to that party with Magic Milo?

Patrick: I didn't mean to.

Epiphany: And you just let him come in and sweep her off her feet!

Patrick: Honestly, I don't really know what happened, okay? I was trying to talk to her --

Epiphany: Tried? What do you mean "try"?

Patrick: She wouldn't let me get a word in, all right? Then, Milo just came in and asked her out, and before I knew it, I got paged, and I'm up here.

Epiphany: Drake Jr., you really know how to mess up a perfect situation.

Patrick: Look, this is my point, okay? Maybe it's out of my hands. Maybe this was fate.

Epiphany: Fate?

Patrick: Yes. Maybe I'm not supposed to tell Sabrina about my -- realization.

Epiphany: [Laughs] So -- fate stopped you from telling Sabrina, who, by the way, has been knocking herself out to honor your dead wife -- fate is telling you not to let Sabrina know how you feel about her?

Britt: Mother, you're still here?

Dr. Obrecht: Were you able to help?

Britt: Well, the paramedics were already on the scene.

Dr. Obrecht: Just as well you didn't get involved. Gunfire in a park -- it's so -- American.

Britt: It's the first time I've seen it happen.

Dr. Obrecht: After living here how long? I was thinking about that Nurses' Ball you mentioned. Seems like the perfect place to spring our little surprise on Dr. Drake.

Patrick: It's like she didn't want to hear what I had to say. So maybe she changed her mind. Maybe she and Milo will be great together. She sure was smiling on the way out.

Epiphany: Because he's got the good sense to appreciate her.

Patrick: I appreciate Sabrina.

Epiphany: Too little too late.

Patrick: And that's exactly my point, Epiphany. Look, maybe we're just not meant to be.

Epiphany: Drake Jr., you don't have the sense that God gave a turnip. It would serve you right if that tight, taut, burning hunk of man snatched Sabrina away from you.

Milo: I'm totally putting you on the spot here, which is not how an escort should act. Can I get you another beer or two or something?

Sabrina: [Chuckles] Um -- you know, I think I'd rather answer your question. You asked me if I'm ready to move on.

Milo: Are you?

Sabrina: Yes. I am.

TJ: Okay. This is officially weird. I haven't heard anything from Shawn, not even to check in.

Molly: Yeah, my mom didn't text or call, either. What is going on?

Alexis: Hey, hey, hey, stop. Are you okay? How bad is it?

Shawn: Better now.

Alexis: Oh, honey, I'm sorry.

Luke: How's he doing? Any sign he's coming around?

Bobbie: You know, despite the horrible circumstances, it really is good to see you again.

Scott: It's good to see you, too, Bobbie.

[Glasses clink]

Scott: I hope there's good news about your niece soon.

Anna: He's dead.

Dante: No, he's not.

Anna: Yeah.

Dante: No, he's not! You get up! You get up! You get up and open up your eyes! Open up your eyes! You tell me what I want to know!

Anna: Falconeri! Walk! Cyanide pill. God, he'd rather kill himself than tell us what he knows.

Dante: So our one lead is dead? Is that what you're telling me? How am I -- how am I gonna find my wife? How am I gonna find my wife?

Elizabeth: Okay, he's ready. I'll go with him as far as the O.R.

Laura: Nikolas, I need you to live through this, honey. I need you to come back to me and to little Spencer and to all the people who love you. Please, honey, come back.

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