General Hospital Transcript Monday 3/25/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Charlene
Elizabeth: Okay, you two, say "Cheese."
Emma: Cheese!
Elizabeth: Emma, tell Nurse Santiago that --
Sabrina: I'm not a nurse yet, Nurse Webber.
Elizabeth: Well, then, tell soon-to-be-Nurse Santiago that her smile is wanting.
Emma: Her smile is wanting? What does that mean?
Elizabeth: It means she has to smile the way you do when you come home with a paper with a big gold star on it. Okay? Now say "cheese." Ready?
Emma: Cheese!
Sabrina: Cheese.
[Camera shutter clicks]
Elizabeth: Cute! Okay, one more. Hold on.
Felix: My turn! Whoo!
Felix: Oh. Wardrobe malfunction.
Elizabeth: [Chuckles]
[Camera shutter clicks]
Elizabeth: Aw!
Felix: [Chuckles]
Elizabeth: Want to see it?
Emma: Is it good?
Elizabeth: It's gorgeous.
Emma: Daddy's gonna be sorry he missed this.
Patrick: [Sighs]
Britt: You know you can get fined for that.
Dr. Obrecht: Britta.
Britt: Hello, Mother.
Dr. Obrecht: Why are you on crutches?
Britt: I slipped on the ice. My leg is broken.
Dr. Obrecht: Always so clumsy. I had hoped you would outgrow it.
Britt: Sorry to disappoint you...yet again.
Dr. Obrecht: Tsk, tsk, tsk. Don't sulk, Britta. Come. Kiss Mother hello.
Anna: Frisco, it's Anna. I-I have a situation developing that might involve the Cassadines. Now, I need you to pull the WSB dossier on them and anything you can get on the whereabouts of Helena. Strictly speaking, I don't really have access to that kind of stuff anymore, but you do. I need you to call me. It's urgent.
Dante: Uh-huh.
Anna: A life may depend on it.
Dante: Uh, yeah, Lulu -- uh, Lesley Lu Spencer-Falconeri. Blonde hair, uh, hazel eyes. Um, I'm gonna send you over the APB. I-I need to get in touch with Homeland Security and Interpol. Uh... oh, you can do that for me? Thank you. Thank you.
Olivia: Anything? Got anything?
Dante: No.
Olivia: Did you get any sleep?
Dante: Nope.
Olivia: Me neither. Every time I close my eyes, all I can see is her pretty little face.
Dante: Hey, uh, what else -- what else do you see?
Olivia: What do you mean?
Dante: [Sighs] I need your help, Mom.
Laura: This vendetta you have is upsetting me. And it's distracting you. And we can't have that.
Luke: What do you want me to do?
Laura: Focus! Let's go back to where all this started, when somebody sent that replica of the Ice Princess to Lulu. Who did your mind first jump to?
Luke: Helena.
Laura: Yeah, the Cassadines are probably behind this. If we track down the Cassadines, we will track down our daughter.
[Knock on door]
Officer Holeran: Uh, there's someone here to see you.
Luke: Well, let them in.
Laura: [Gasps] Nikolas.
Nikolas: Mother.
Laura: Oh! Oh, God, it's so good to see you.
Felix: If your daddy doesn't want to come see me toss my tassel, it's his loss. I'm not gonna let it ruin my day.
Elizabeth: You know he had to work.
Emma: No, he had to study. But he can do that later.
Sabrina: Well, I'm just glad that you're here. Do you think you could stay for ice cream after?
Elizabeth: [Gasps]
Emma: Daddy said I should help you celebrate, so that definitely means ice cream.
Sabrina: Yay!
Elizabeth: Come on, let's go get some seats.
Emma: Okay.
Elizabeth: Okay.
Felix: [Sighs] I'm sorry.
Sabrina: For what?
Felix: I feel guilty for cheerleading your efforts with Dr. Drake, for insisting he'd come to his senses. It wasn't fair to get your hopes up.
Sabrina: Look, Patrick doesn't return my feelings. I-I can't fault him for that.
Felix: Stop it. It's so not about you. I mean, Dr. Drake is gun-shy.
Sabrina: [Sighs]
Felix: He lost his wife. And -- and then he gets tangled up with the wicked witch of the Westbourne.
Sabrina: Look, Felix, it doesn't matter why, okay? Patrick chose not to attend. He's putting distance between us, and... it's -- it's time for me to move on.
Felix: Still, I think it's rude. I mean, you're graduating. At the very least, you're friends. He should be here. Well, if it makes you feel any better, you're not the only one who's been stood up. The Magic Milo of my dreams is nowhere to be seen.
Sabrina: Don't speak too soon.
Felix: You don't mean...
Sabrina: Almost-Nurse DuBois, I give you... Magic Milo.
Felix: [Exhales sharply]
[Both chuckle]
Britt: How long will you be in town, Mother?
Dr. Obrecht: I just arrived. You're already impatient for my departure?
Britt: I only asked.
Dr. Obrecht: Relax. You're always so sensitive. I was teasing you, Schatzi.
Britt: Teasing? That's new and different. Since when did you get a sense of humor?
Dr. Obrecht: This is hardly a fitting greeting.
Britt: I don't know what you expect, Mother. You haven't come to visit me once since I moved to the States. You've been holed up in Europe with your lunatics and research for so long --
Dr. Obrecht: All the more reason to pay you a visit.
Britt: You're not here to see me. What else have you got going on in Port Charles?
Robin: Just know that there isn't anything that I want more than to be with you. And I-I can't stand the thought of you being sad or lonely. And I can understand that you might want to cut yourself off from the possibility of being happy again. But you have to listen to me. You have to stop that right now, or you're gonna become a bitter old man. And that's not good for you, and it's certainly not good for our daughter. So I have to ask you to... do something... something... really big... something that you have to do for me.
Dante: [Clears throat] So, I'm, uh... I'm trying to rule out Scott Baldwin as a suspect. And, uh, Anna's trying to find out more information on the Cassadines. And, uh, the thing is, we don't have... don't have a single lead.
Olivia: Honey, you're gonna find Lulu.
Dante: Okay. I think I need you to help me do that.
Olivia: How? What do you need?
Dante: With your visions. You know, like you saw the toy from Bobbie and that it was dangerous.
Olivia: Dante, honey --
Dante: No, maybe you can see. Just listen to me, okay? Maybe you can have another vision. Maybe you can see who's got Lulu or maybe you can see where they've taken her or something like that.
Olivia: But, honey, honey, you know that's not how it works. I can't control these things. They usually come whenever they want and usually not when I want them.
Dante: I realize that! Ma, I don't -- [Sighs] We got absolutely nothing right now. And every second that she's missing... means we have less chance of finding her alive, okay? I need you to help me. I need to find my wife.
Laura: I am so glad you're here.
Nikolas: I have to admit I'm surprised to see you here.
Luke: He doesn't know.
Nikolas: Know what? What?
Laura: I-I left you about a half-dozen messages.
Nikolas: Well, I've been in transit, out of touch. I came here straight from the airport. What?
Laura: You didn't get any of my texts?
Nikolas: No, I honestly came here to see Lulu, and I saw all the Police outside. Where is she?
Luke: She's gone, Nick. She's been kidnapped.
Nikolas: I'm too late. I'm too late.
Luke: Too late for what?
Felix: Did he see me?
Sabrina: Why are you hiding from Milo? I thought you invited him.
Felix: Of course, I invited him, but I didn't actually expect him to show up. I consoled myself in a Boston-Cream donut. Now I feel fat, and he's here in his body-sculpted glory.
Sabrina: Felix, you are so not fat.
Felix: No, you don't understand. The man doesn't have a single milligram of adipose tissue on his body. How's my br-- I need -- I need, uh, mouthwash, gum, something.
Sabrina: Uh... Ice Breakers?
Felix: Awesome. [Sighs] [Exhales, sniffs]
Milo: Hey, buddy.
Felix: Hi.
Sabrina: Hi! [Laughs] Hi. I'm Sabrina. I don't know if you remember, but we met at the Haunted Star.
Milo: Sure. Yes, yes. You're a nurse?
Sabrina: Well, after today, I will be. I have to say I'm more nervous than I thought. You know, I mean, intellectually I know that I'm graduating, but I keep thinking something's gonna go wrong, like the sky is gonna fall or the power's gonna go out, or I'm gonna trip when I'm reaching for my diploma or...
Milo: Have you tried breath modification? 'Cause it works like a charm for me, especially when I'm in tense, high-stress situations. My boss can be a little demanding, so I find that focusing on my breathing --
Felix: Milo, you showed up.
Milo: You invited me. I got to show up for my spotter.
Felix: [Chuckles] Well, I, you know, appreciate the support.
Milo: I love the hat.
Felix: It's De Rigueur.
Milo: "De" what?
Felix: Uh, what people wear at graduations.
Milo: Oh. I wouldn't know. This is my first. School was never my thing. But I keep thinking I might go back, get my G.E.D., maybe go to massage school.
Felix: Yes. 'Cause who doesn't appreciate a good massage?
Milo: Thank you.
Sabrina: You won't regret broadening your education. It's never too late.
Milo: I sure hope not. Thanks.
Sabrina: [Chuckles]
Epiphany: We're at a graduation, people, not a Church Social. Come on. Let's go. Line up.
Milo: I better run.
Felix: Lining up. Lining up.
Epiphany: Are you looking for someone, Santiago?
Sabrina: Uh, no. No one.
Emma: Elizabeth, can I play with your phone?
Elizabeth: Uh, yeah. Sure. Just until the Ceremony starts, okay?
Emma: Okay.
Robin: I want our little girl to grow up in a happy home, so... I'm asking you to honor my memory and the memory that we have as a happy family and find someone else to be a family with again. So I'm telling you, it's okay with me if you move on and... open your heart to another woman. She's out there.
Sabrina: Come and get it, girlfriend. [Chuckles] There you go. Hi, Emma. Or should I say, Belle? You look lovely.
Emma: [Giggles] You look silly.
Robin: She's smart and she's funny and...
Patrick: Happy New Year!
[Horn blows]
Emma: Sabrina!
Sabrina: Hey, girl! I hope you're ready to party. Say "2013"!
Patrick: One, two, three.
Both: 2013!
Sabrina: [Laughs] Perfect.
Patrick: Yes!
Emma: Sabrina!
Robin: She'll love you... and she will love Emma as if she were her own.
Emma: I miss you. When are you gonna babysit me again?
Patrick: I love my card.
Emma: It's a Valentine, Daddy.
Patrick: Right, right, right. Guess who my Valentine is.
Emma: Sabrina?
Patrick: [Chuckles] I'm -- I'm pretty sure she meant "I love you forever, Sabina."
Robin: So please find someone who will make you a family again.
Patrick: You miss her... your mom?
Sabrina: Yeah. All the time.
Robin: I just really want Emma to have a mother figure and... Quite Frankly, you need a wife. [Chuckles] I mean, I'm sure there are women lined up around the block for you, so... feel free to pick one for yourself. Just know that... I'm saying all of this because of how much I truly love you. So I want you to... give her a call. I mean, if you can't do it for yourself or for me... do it for our daughter.
[Cell phone rings]
Britt: So, why are you really here, Mother?
Dr. Obrecht: Can't a mother visit her daughter without being interrogated? I just wanted to see how you're getting on in your new job. I'm proud of you, Britta -- following in your mother's footsteps, becoming a doctor.
Britt: I help couples have babies. I bring new life into the world. You usher it out.
Dr. Obrecht: You have only a dim understanding of my work.
Britt: Spare me, Mother. Just tell me why you're here.
Dr. Obrecht: I just... wanted to visit you, of course. But, uh, I also had some other unrelated business to attend to in Port Charles. But that's being taken care of as we speak.
Olivia: Sorry. I swear to God, I am getting nothing.
Dante: Don't say that, okay? Just try again.
Olivia: You know that I would do anything in my power to help you find Lulu. I just -- it's not working. All I'm getting here is a headache.
Dante: Okay, so, uh, what do you need? What do you need? Do you need to take a rest? Do you want to take a break? And then we can try again, okay?
Olivia: I can't force these visions to come.
Dante: This is the mother of your grandchild, okay? You had a vision that she was in danger. Now she's in danger. So why can't you just do it again?
Anna: Let's just -- just take a break, okay?
Dante: What? You want me to take a break? With all due respect, Commissioner, it's been more than 24 hours. You know better than anyone what that means, right? Okay. So... my mother had a vision of this toy. She -- she warned me about it. Maybe she can figure out who this bastard is that took Lulu.
Luke: What do you mean too late?
Nikolas: Too late to stop this from happening, for saving Lulu.
Luke: It's Helena, right? She's had her kidnapped?
Nikolas: I'm sorry. If I'd gotten here sooner, I could have prevented it.
[Gunshot, glass shatters]
Laura: [Gasps] Aah! Nikolas?! Nikolas!
Nikolas: [Grunts] [Gasps]
Emma: They look so important.
Elizabeth: They are. Wave to Sabrina and Felix. Hi! [Chuckles]
Epiphany: Family, friends, and colleagues, please join me in welcoming the Graduating Class of 2013.
Sabrina: I can't believe this is finally happening. We're gonna be nurses.
Felix: No thanks to the Britch.
Britt: You show up with no warning, first visit in years. You say you have some serious business in Port Charles but yet you give no details.
Dr. Obrecht: It's nothing for you to worry about, Liebchen. Now tell me, are you making progress with that handsome doctor of yours? I don't see a ring yet.
Britt: Can we change the subject, please?
Dr. Obrecht: When do you expect him to propose?
Britt: Never, okay? We're not even dating anymore.
Dr. Obrecht: Why not? You assured me that you'd reconciled your differences.
Britt: Well, we haven't. Not yet, anyway.
Dr. Obrecht: Why the delay? Don't tell me that timorous, homely slip of a girl is a problem.
Epiphany: Congratulations, Nurse Armstead.
Epiphany: Felix DuBois.
Epiphany: You and me are gonna have fun, Nurse DuBois.
[Camera shutter clicking]
Dr. Obrecht: I'm disappointed in you, Britta. This is very shoddy work. You told me you could handle her, and now it seems that you were quite wrong --
Britt: I tried! Everything I did blew up in my face. Now my career is on the line. And Sabrina and her band of smarmy students are launching theirs.
Epiphany: Congratulations, Nurse Rodriquez.
Epiphany: Sabrina Santiago.
[Cheers and applause]
Sabrina: Thank you so much.
Epiphany: You're welcome.
Sabrina: I bet you thought this day would never come.
Epiphany: Oh, not a doubt in my mind. Congratulations, Nurse Santiago.
Patrick: Way to go, Sabrina!
Luke: Stay down!
Laura: Nikolas!
Luke: Get down!
Laura: My son's been shot! My son's been shot! Help us! Call the police! Help us!
Luke: From across the street!
Nikolas: [Grunts] Aah! Unh!
Officer Holeran: I don't see a shooter.
Laura: Stay with me, honey. Stay with me. Stay with me.
Officer Holeran: This is Holeran. Shots fired at 682 Paulson, Apartment 4B. I need a -- I need a bus. The vic has a bullet to the torso.
Nikolas: [Grunts]
Dante: I'm sorry I pushed you. I'm just -- I'm running out of options.
Olivia: I know, baby. I know.
Dante: I can't lose her.
Olivia: You won't. Honey, you have to believe that.
Anna: Dante, report of shots at your apartment.
Olivia: [Gasps]
Nikolas: [Grunts]
Luke: I see movement! Somebody's on the run over there.
Laura: Nikolas, the ambulance is on its way.
Officer Holeran: Possible shooter -- male, medium build, gray hoodie, blue jeans. I'm gonna need a cordon around Third and Van Ness. Got to send a squad car to block the alley at Baker, okay?
Laura: Look at me, honey. Stay with me. You're gonna be okay.
Nikolas: [Grunts]
Laura: The ambulance is coming. I'm here.
Epiphany: Congratulations, Nurse Walker.
Felix: Look who decided to make an appearance.
Epiphany: Well, that concludes the handing out of our diplomas. Graduates, you may now move those tassels. You are now officially nurses. Ladies and gentlemen, please help me welcome the class of 2013.
[Cheers and applause]
Britt: She's pathetic and a borderline stalker who finds any and every excuse to be near Patrick.
Dr. Obrecht: It's difficult to seduce a man from long distance.
Britt: Seduce? She has all the sophistication and sexuality of a third-grader. The only thing she's good for is babysitting.
Dr. Obrecht: She must be good for more than that.
Britt: Patrick asked her to babysit a couple of times. And Sabrina worked that into a holy calling. The woman is a total incompetent. She's clumsy, easily flustered. I mean, she's -- she's a professional embarrassment, not remotely qualified to be in medicine. But she got Patrick's daughter to like her, and as long as Patrick keeps listening to Emma, Sabrina has the inside track.
Dr. Obrecht: When faced with a problem, a surgeon...
Britt: Removes with precision and all haste. I know.
Dr. Obrecht: And yet you fail to act. I don't understand you, Britta. You've been given every advantage. And the hardest part is the problem was removed before you even met the man.
Britt: What do you mean?
Dr. Obrecht: The wife.
Britt: Yeah, I've heard much too much about the all-sainted Dr. Scorpio-Drake. I sympathized with Patrick's loss, and I sung his late wife's praises until my teeth hurt.
Dr. Obrecht: I don't understand why you can't get this done, Britta. You have a To say nothing of the intellect you inherited from myself... and your father.
Britt: Fine, I'll... fine, I'll use my intellectual superiority and I'll -- I'll figure out a way to get Patrick back.
Dr. Obrecht: What is your plan?
Britt: Um, well, my last one went down in flames, so you're gonna have to give me a minute, and I'll think of an alternative.
Dr. Obrecht: Perhaps I should bring your father in after all.
Britt: No! No.
Dr. Obrecht: He would be very disappointed in you.
[Indistinct conversations]
Emma: I'm so proud of you, Nurse Sabrina.
Sabrina: Oh, Emma, thank you! I'm so glad you came.
Felix: [Chuckles] What about me? You proud of me, too?
Emma: You did a good job, Nurse Felix.
Felix: Oh, show a nurse some love.
[Pager beeps]
Elizabeth: Sabrina, congratulations.
Sabrina: Oh, thank you so much. Do you think you could stay for ice cream and cake?
Elizabeth: I just got paged to the E.R., so I got to go.
Patrick: I got Emma, so thank you.
Elizabeth: Perfect. I'm glad you showed up.
Emma: I thought you had to study, Daddy.
Patrick: I do have to study, but this was a priority, so... I wanted to be here. Congratulations, Nurse.
Felix: Thank you, Doctor. Now, if you will all excuse me...
Sabrina: I'm so glad you came.
Patrick: Well, you fought for this. I'm proud of you.
Sabrina: Well, it's important to fight for what you want. Right, Emma?
Emma: And follow your dreams and reach for the stars... like you.
Sabrina: [Chuckling] Yes!
Patrick: Congratulations.
Felix: So, how was your first graduation?
Milo: Interesting. Inspiring, even. Seeing people achieve a goal, pass a milestone... kind of like the first time I was able to bench 250, but way cooler. 'Cause you guys are gonna be nurses and help people. So congratulations, Man.
Felix: Thank you. It meant a lot to me, you showing up.
Milo: Of course.
Felix: Um, I'm ready to ditch this polyester tablecloth. You know, there's a party over at the Floating Rib. You want to come?
Milo: Will Sabrina be there?
Felix: Uh, it's for the graduates, so yeah.
Milo: Sure. Okay. Okay. You're friends with her, right?
Felix: Best.
Milo: If you could put a good word in, I'd really appreciate it.
Felix: I'm sorry?
Milo: Unless you don't think I'm good enough for her.
Felix: W-what do you mean? You're terrific.
Milo: Awesome. So you'll hook us up?
Patrick: Oh.
Sabrina: There. It's official. [Chuckles]
Patrick: Perfect. Your mother would be very proud of you.
Sabrina: I wish she could have been here.
Patrick: Yeah. But I'm sure she's here in her own way. I'm sure she's watching over you. Congratulations.
Dr. Obrecht: Clearly you need guidance, Britta. You've made a mess of things on your own.
Britt: Please leave Papa out of this.
Dr. Obrecht: That would be my preference. But I think he'd want to know about your troubles.
Britt: I'm fine.
Dr. Obrecht: No, Schatzi, you're not. And you know your father. He only wants what's best for you. And if he has to intervene personally, he will do whatever is necessary to --
Britt: I don't -- I don't need his help.
Dr. Obrecht: If you can promise me that you'll redouble your efforts, I might --
Britt: I promise. Just don't call Papa.
Dr. Obrecht: I'll keep your lack of efforts to myself for the time being. After all, Mother is here to show you how a strong woman gets what she wants, no matter who stands in my way.
Anna: Hey, Luke? Laura?
Officer Holeran: Commissioner, um, they were safely evacuated. I just stayed to lock down the site.
Anna: Okay, good. Right. Get the guys in.
Dante: The site is clear. You guys can come on in.
Anna: So take me through everything you know.
Officer Holeran: Uh, Hicks and I were in the hall, and we heard Miss Spencer, uh, call for help. And she said someone was shooting, um, so I sent Hicks down to check the street, and I entered the premises. And, um, Mr. Spencer spotted the shooter as he ran from the building across the street.
Anna: All right, so we've got teams in the area. We should have them converge on that building, find out if anyone saw anything. And then I'll get the Detective over to the hospital. Is that where Luke and Laura are?
Officer Holeran: Yeah. Yeah.
Anna: All right. And they'll make a statement when they can.
Dante: I thought you said they were okay.
Officer Holeran: Oh, yeah. They're fine. [Clears throat] Their visitor caught the bullet. He, uh -- he's bleeding pretty bad.
Dante: What visitor? Who are you talking about?
Officer Holeran: Uh, the woman said his name was Nikolas.
EMT: I have a G.S.W. to the chest with massive blood loss. B.P. is 74/42, pulse 142. Respiration's 34, shallow and diminished on the right side.
Dr. Keats: Okay, let's move him. On three. And one, two, three. [Grunts] Start a second line. Get a type and cross for four units, D.I.C. panel, and B.M.P. Start him on a rebreather at 10 liters.
Laura: Nikolas, I'm here with you. You're gonna be okay. The doctors are --
Luke: Hey, Nikolas, where is Lulu? Do you know who took her? Did Helena take my daughter, Nikolas?
Dr. Keats: Nurse, get them out of here.
Epiphany: You heard the doctor. You have to leave the room.
Elizabeth: Luke? Laura?
Laura: Elizabeth!
Epiphany: Nurse Webber, we need line and labs.
Elizabeth: Nikolas.
Felix: So, you're into Sabrina.
Milo: What's not to like, right? You think she'd go out with me?
Felix: Why not? You're a catch.
Milo: Awesome! So you think you can grease the wheels a little? Unless she's seeing someone. I'm very respectful of existing relationships. In fact, without naming names, there's one very married lady who I would do anything for. But by the time I made my move, it was too late. I always seem to get hung up on the people who aren't available.
Felix: Tell me about it.
Sabrina: I'm really glad you came.
Emma: He came because of me. I sent him our picture.
Patrick: [Chuckles] Yeah, well, it was a very lovely picture, but that's not the only reason I came. There's a couple reasons. Actually, there's a lot of reasons.
Britt: I don't need your help, Mother.
Dr. Obrecht: Of course, you do. We'll put our heads together and come up with a strategy to dispatch that leech.
Britt: Patrick and Sabrina aren't even together. He -- he has no romantic --
Dr. Obrecht: Then what was that telephone call? You phoned me in the middle of the night, drunk and maudlin and wallowing in self-pity!
Britt: It may have been something to do with the pain from my broken leg on top of losing Patrick.
Dr. Obrecht: My point exactly. You said you'd lost him to that girl. So we will do whatever is necessary to pry them apart.
Britt: Even if Sabrina were out of the way... there's the daughter.
Dr. Obrecht: Mein gott. First a lowly nursing student and now a child. Can't you do anything right?
Britt: I tried! I-I -- I was cheerful and -- and kind, and I even brought presents. It was useless. I mean, a person could sit under a giant umbrella on the dark side of the moon and still not feel as much shade from that brat as I got.
Dr. Obrecht: How hard can it be to mother a little girl?
Britt: Maybe I'd done better if my own mother had even a shred of maternal instinct. [Gasps]
Dr. Obrecht: I would remind you not to speak to me that way. I am your mother. I brought you into this world, and I can take you out.
[Police radio chatter]
Anna: Is Lulu close to Nikolas Cassadine?
Dante: No. I don't know. The guy -- he lives in Europe. Look, I got to go --
Anna: No. You need to talk to me about this. I need to find out about Nikolas. Do you think his shooting has something to do with your wife's disappearance?
Dante: How would I know?! I don't know! I don't know! Like I just said, he lives in Europe. He lives in Italy, like, Lake Como or something --
Anna: So what brought him back and what is his relationship to Lulu and the Spencers?
Dante: Please, I cannot -- I can't do this right now.
Anna: You can do this. Every detail can turn into a lead. You know that. Come on. Talk. Come on.
Dante: Nikolas is Laura's child with Stavros Cassadine, okay? Luke -- Luke never really took to him, but the siblings got along fine, probably a little too well.
Anna: I don't even know what that means. What does that mean?
Dante: Look, Nikolas and Elizabeth had an affair, and everyone thought that Elizabeth's youngest son Aiden was his child.
Anna: Is that why Lucky left her?
Dante: No, I don't know why Lucky left. A DNA test proved that Lucky was the parent, so I-I don't know. Maybe -- maybe Nikolas left to give them some space. I don't know.
Anna: So how did Lulu feel about that?
Dante: She was upset!
Anna: Okay.
Dante: She was upset. Okay, they were close. I mean, they didn't hang out. I mean, Nikolas is older, and he's a Cassadine, and Spencers and Cassadines don't exactly hang out. But he was devoted to her. He saved her life.
Anna: What happened?
Dante: She had an illness as a child, and she needed a bone-marrow transplant, and they couldn't find a match.
Anna: Until Nikolas. Okay. Got it.
Dante: Right. Okay. So no one knew that he existed except for Laura. He was living with the Cassadines in Greece with his uncle who died or something.
Anna: Yeah. Stefan.
Dante: Okay, so he saved Lulu's life, and his existence nearly tore the Spencers apart, okay? Good? Can I go now, please?
Anna: No, I'm not good. Come. I want to walk through this, all right? Because, look, if the Cassadines are responsible for Lulu's disappearance, and that's looking more and more likely, then is Nikolas involved in that?
Elizabeth: What happened?
Laura: He came to see Lulu at her apartment. We were just talking to him, and then out of nowhere somebody shot him through the window.
Luke: He knows something about where Lulu is. I need to talk to him.
Epiphany: B.P. is dropping. Nurse Webber, where are we on those labs?
Elizabeth: You guys need to wait outside.
Laura: I can't leave my son.
Luke: Listen, I have to speak to him because he knows where Lulu is.
Epiphany: Okay, the doctor says you've got to be out.
Laura: I am his mother. I will keep out of the way, I promise, but I'm staying.
Epiphany: If the doctor says you clear this room, then you're out.
Laura: Understood.
Luke: Hey, listen, I have got to talk to him, because he knows where my daughter is!
Epiphany: Look, if you get this boy's mama thrown out of this room, she will never forgive you. I know I wouldn't. So you just stay out of the way and let us save his life.
Dante: No, Nikolas is not involved. He would do anything for Lulu.
Anna: Yeah, but you just said that he's been staying in Europe over the past few years, which means that he is closer to the Cassadines than he is the Spencers. So they could have influenced him some way. They could have turned him.
Dante: Who do you think's been paying for Laura's Paris apartment and all her expensive medical treatments?
Anna: I don't know.
Dante: Nikolas has.
Anna: Okay, so that just means he's fabulously wealthy. It doesn't necessarily follow that he's pure of heart. The entire family is wealthy. But they're all blatantly evil. Though Alexis has managed to keep her distance.
Dante: Nikolas wouldn't hurt Lulu. But, uh, he would protect her.
Anna: Family's notorious for turning on their own. I don't think Helena would have any qualms about silencing him.
Dante: I'm telling you, Lulu told me that Nikolas is the only one Helena ever cared about.
Anna: Not judging by the bullet in his gut.
Dante: He better live through this, because we need to know what he knows.
Anna: We need to find the shooter. If it's one of Helena's people --
Commissioner? Suspect was spotted in the park. That's it. That's it.
Dr. Obrecht: Stop crying and pull yourself together. I didn't raise my daughter to crumble at the first sign of adversity.
Britt: You don't understand! [Crying] I've lost him. I-I... [Sniffles] I have no chance of getting him back.
Dr. Obrecht: Nonsense. You're still alive, aren't you? You stand a better chance than that wife of his. There's still hope for you, Britta. And even if by some miracle Patrick and the mouse come together, you and I have one guaranteed method of pulling them apart.
Britt: [Whimpers]
Milo: Ah, Sabrina's taken, isn't she? No surprise there. She's not only pretty. She's nice. You'd be surprised how many hot women are all grabby and demanding.
Felix: I wouldn't be surprised at all.
Milo: [Sighs] Sabrina -- even those couple minutes when we talked, she actually seemed interested in me. Like when she asked about my education. She was treating me like a real person.
Felix: As opposed to?
Milo: [Sighs] It's not a phrase I like to use a lot, but... beefcake.
Felix: You have a problem with people admiring you for your physique?
Milo: Well, every once in a while, I'd like if someone would acknowledge my mind.
Felix: Someone like Sabrina.
Milo: Just my luck she's taken.
Felix: Eh, no, Milo. Sabrina's single.
Milo: No way. So I still have a shot with her?
Felix: Uh, why not?
Patrick: Hey, can you do me a favor? Can you go pour me some punch?
Emma: And then can we get some mint ice cream?
Patrick: Yes, we can get some mint ice cream.
Emma: [Giggles]
Patrick: Go. Watch those wings.
Sabrina: [Chuckles] Is everything okay?
Patrick: I think so. Yeah.
Sabrina: Why do I get the feeling that you --
Patrick: I think we should talk. There's something I want to tell you.
Luke: Come on, Lucky. Pick up. Pick up.
Laura: Luke. Did you warn Lucky?
Luke: I haven't been able to reach him, but I've left a message, and I'll keep trying. How's Nick?
Laura: They're working on him now.
Luke: Did he say anything about Lulu?
Laura: No, he's barely conscious. Luke, when I find out who did this to my children, I swear to you that I will kill them with my bare hands.
Dante: Police! Freeze! Drop your weapon. Drop your weapon. Now kick it away.
Anna: Put your hands behind your head.
Dante: Turn around.
Anna: Nice and slow.
Luke: All right, that vengeance you seek -- count me in.
Laura: He's got to live, Luke. My son has to live.
Luke: Nikolas has got something that he needs to tell us about Lulu. He'll hold on. Believe me. He will hold on.
Elizabeth: Can we get him upstairs?
Dr. Keats: Not until he stabilizes.
Epiphany: B.P. is dropping.
Dr. Keats: Give him another unit.
Elizabeth: Okay, Nikolas. Nikolas, it's Elizabeth. Listen to me, you have to fight, okay? I -- so many people need you.
[Alarm blaring]
Epiphany: He's coding.
Elizabeth: Nikolas? Nikolas? Nikolas, don't do this.
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