General Hospital Transcript Friday 3/22/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Charlene
Felix: A life-defining occasion, and they expect us to wear polyester.
Sabrina: Who cares, Felix? We did it. We're graduating!
Patrick: [Sighs]
Felix: Forget the cap. You need to be crowned for that fancy award you're getting.
Sabrina: It's not that fancy.
Felix: Come on, girl. You aced the final exam. You rock.
Sabrina: I kind of do, don't I?
Britt: Um, wait a minute. You're graduating?
Felix: Surprised, Dr. Westbourne?
Spinelli: The report you requested.
Epiphany: And?
Spinelli: In my professional's quite conclusive.
Lucy: I'd appreciate if you'd just take the flier, call if you see anything, no matter how insignificant. It's imperative we find Lulu, okay? Thank you so much.
Scott: Excuse me. We're looking for this girl.
Dante: What the hell have you done with my wife?
Luke: Right. And you will call if you hear anything, right? Anything at all? Yeah. Thanks, Anna. So, how much longer before this is up and running?
Officer: Uh, it shouldn't take too much longer.
Luke: Good. How you holding up?
Laura: Where is she? Where is our baby, Luke?
Maxie: What? Okay. I'm coming. Lulu, hey. What are you doing here?
Lulu: How could you lie to me about the baby?
Sabrina: The person I care about is you, Patrick. It's always been you.
[Knock on door]
Patrick: Hey. Come on in.
Elizabeth: Hi. Thanks.
Patrick: Emma, Elizabeth is here! Thank you so much for doing this.
Elizabeth: Oh, please. My pleasure.
Patrick: She is so excited to see Sabrina graduate. She can't stop talking about it.
Elizabeth: Well, I'm just happy to have a date.
[Both chuckle]
Patrick: Hey.
Elizabeth: Hi, baby girl!
Emma: Hi, Elizabeth.
Patrick: Uh, excuse me, little miss. What are you still doing in your pajamas?
Emma: You're not in your suit.
Patrick: I know I'm not in my suit, but I'm not going to the Commencement today.
Emma: Why not?
Britt: I heard you'd been caught cheating.
Felix: Oh, you did, did you?
Sabrina: Yeah, looks like you're a little late to the party. I didn't cheat. I was set up.
Felix: Yeah, it seems somebody did a frame job on our Sabrina. Fortunately, it was a shoddy one. Administration let her take the test again and -- voila -- perfect score.
Britt: [Chuckles] Perfect.
Felix: Game over. She wins. You lose.
Britt: I'm not sure I even know what that means.
Felix: Sure you do.
Epiphany: Dr. Westbourne, may I have a word, please?
Maxie: Lulu, I-I didn't lie about --
Lulu: There it is again. They just roll right off the tongue, don't they?
Maxie: What are you talking about?
Lulu: It's over. [Chuckles] Dr. Westbourne told me everything.
Maxie: Oh.
Lulu: "Oh"? Really? That's all you have to say? You lost our baby, something that would have been difficult, no doubt, but we would have gotten through it together.
Maxie: You say that now.
Lulu: I would have said something different back then? Well, I guess we'll never know now, will we? Because instead of telling me and Dante, instead of telling the baby's parents that... you lost the child, you lied. You said that everything was fine. And what's worse, the night that you lost our child, you go and get yourself knocked up.
Maxie: I'm sorry, Lulu. That was an accident. I never meant for that to happen.
Lulu: Yeah, yeah, I believe you. I believe that you didn't mean to get pregnant and it's not your fault. Well, not using protection was your fault, but you know what I mean. So, here you are now, pregnant again...with Spinelli's child. And you still can't be honest with me.
Maxie: Lulu...
Lulu: What were you thinking? Did you think that you could get away with this forever, that you could pass your baby off as mine?! What is wrong with you?!
Maxie: I don't know, okay?! I-I thought that I was doing the right thing! I mean, you -- you wanted a baby so bad --
Lulu: I wanted my baby -- my baby -- not your baby! You let us dream up its future, think up names... listen to a heartbeat...
Maxie: I'm sorry.
Lulu: Me too. I'm sorry... that I ever trusted you with my child. I am sorry that I ever thought, for one second, that you could handle this. My first instinct about you was dead on.
Maxie: No. No, Lulu, I -- I just wanted you to be happy.
Lulu: You're too selfish to care about anybody else's happiness. I am clear on that now. You realize that you would have been giving away your own child! You would have been giving away Spinelli's child!
Maxie: You don't understand! I don't want the baby! Neither does Spinelli! [Gasps]
Scott: All right!
Dante: Tell me where she is or, I swear to you, I will kill you.
Lucy: Wait, wait! Please, wait a minute! He doesn't know! Let him go! Listen to me! Please listen. This isn't helping. This is making things worse. He doesn't know. He was with me at the Courthouse. Please listen. There were witnesses -- multiple witnesses. Luke and Laura were even there. He doesn't know where Lulu is. If you have questions, he can't answer them for you. Please!
Laura: She could be anywhere now. She could be across the ocean, Luke.
Luke: Yeah, just 'cause we can't reach her doesn't mean that she isn't gonna try to reach us. Now look -- this -- this baby of ours turned out to be a very resourceful woman, Laura. If there's any way to get out of the situation she's in, she'll find it.
Laura: Well, she is your daughter, after all.
Luke: It's funny. I thought she got that from you.
Officer: Uh, we are good to go. All incoming calls are gonna be traced automatically.
Luke: Great. You hear that?
Laura: Mm.
Luke: So even if she doesn't try to call us, even if whoever has her makes a call, we're on top of it.
[Knock on door]
Luke: Hey, I'll get that. Oh, my God. Is it good to see you.
Bobbie: How are you doing?
Luke: I've been better, baby.
Bobbie: Well, I came as soon as I could. I took the first flight out of Seattle.
Luke: Oh, thank you.
Bobbie: Has there been any news?
Luke: No, not yet, but there will be. There will be.
Bobbie: Oh, honey. I am so sorry.
Laura: Oh, Bobbie. Oh, Bobbie, I'm so glad you're here.
Luke: All right. Thanks a lot.
Bobbie: You must be going out of your mind.
Laura: Yeah, pretty much.
Bobbie: So what can I do to help? I can make some calls, or I can go on a coffee run. Just, you know, put me to work.
Laura: [Chuckles] Just sit with me, huh?
Bobbie: I'm an excellent sitter.
Laura: Thanks.
Bobbie: I just -- I can't believe this is happening.
Luke: You and me both, sister.
Bobbie: Somebody actually gave Lulu a booby-trapped gift... as if it were from me?
Luke: Yeah, yeah. Dante found the one that you sent afterwards. Deliveryman left it at the door.
Bobbie: But it's the timing. I don't understand.
Luke: Well, somebody knew that you were sending her a baby gift. They even knew what kind.
Laura: And then when she went to open the package, we realized that it was ticking, and so Luke thought maybe it was a bomb.
Luke: Yeah, I wasn't that far off.
Laura: Yeah, and we should have listened to you. We should have called the police sooner.
Luke: Well, but by then, you had already called to see if the present had arrived.
Bobbie: Yeah, Lulu asked me to describe it.
Luke: A bear with a clock. And someone duplicated that gift and used it to get ahold of her.
Bobbie: So somebody's been watching me, too.
Luke: Somebody like... maybe your friend Scott.
Dante: So what if you were at the Courthouse? You could've hired someone to take her.
Lucy: Okay, listen -- he wasn't just at the Courthouse. He was there to get married to Laura.
Scott: Lulu's mother. So why would I hurt her daughter?
Dante: Wedding, huh?
Scott: Yeah, and it never happened because Lulu disappeared.
Dante: Well, it sounds like the perfect alibi to me.
Lucy: No, no, no. Listen, I know you're so upset and so worried, but you got to see, this isn't doing any good questioning him. You're wasting time. You could be looking for your wife.
Scott: She's right. Whoever took Lulu is still out there.
Dante: If you had any part in this... if you hurt my wife in any way, you have my word, I will leave my badge in a drawer, and I will end your life.
Lucy: Okay. That's good. He's coming around.
Maxie: I must have fallen asleep out here. That was a dream. Thank God that was just a dream.
Spinelli: Might be more apt to call it a nightmare. You were -- you were distressed. And vocal.
Maxie: Was I? What did I say?
Spinelli: Uh... something about me... and a baby?
Britt: You wouldn't mind telling me what this is about?
Epiphany: It has been suggested that someone tampered with Sabrina Santiago's final exam.
Britt: Tampered with it? How?
Epiphany: By planting false evidence that makes it look like she cheated.
Britt: Okay. So you're talking to me about this why?
Epiphany: Because it's also been suggested that you were the one that did it.
Britt: Me?
Epiphany: That's what I said.
Britt: [Scoffs] Why would I care if some nursing student fails her exam? Come on. This is ridiculous. Who's accusing me? Sabrina or her sassy friend Felix?
Epiphany: Neither one of them said a thing.
Britt: Oh. Okay. I see. It was Patrick, wasn't it? Come on. Seriously? You'd think that I'd stoop to fabricating evidence against Sabrina?
Epiphany: This report proves it.
Sabrina: What do you think that business with Westbourne and Epiphany was all about?
Felix: I don't know, but it looked like Epiphany was about to open a can of whoop-ass on her. Mm! This day is shaping up. Uh, you should be grinning from ear to ear, which are in need of desperate bling, by the way.
Sabrina: I'm happy.
Felix: Happy? Forget about happy. I'm talking euphoric, elated, on top of the world. The Britch is about to have f-u-n with our fearless leader, and you're about to graduate.
Sabrina: You're right. It's a good day.
Felix: But it would be better if Dr. Dreamboat were there. Did you invite him?
Sabrina: Yeah, a while back, but that was before I told him how I felt, before he looked at me like I'd just handed him a bedpan.
Felix: You're exaggerating.
Sabrina: Well, you weren't there.
Felix: Well, like I said, it's early. He could show. And so could Milo.
Sabrina: Magic Milo?
Felix: I invited him the other day at the gym. Could be our first date.
Sabrina: Wait. Hold -- didn't he say that he was straight? You don't believe him?
Felix: With the amount of time he logs in with yours truly at the gym? Either he is deep in the closet or he's extremely comfortable around gay guys. Either way, you never know. Milo could reconsider. I mean, so could Patrick Drake, Surgeon extraordinaire.
Sabrina: You're reaching, Felix.
Felix: What's wrong with that? Didn't anyone ever tell you to reach for the stars? Things could change. They changed for Elizabeth, didn't they?
Patrick: Because I have work to do. There is a man that needs my help, and it's a new procedure that I've never done before. So actually something really cool happened. There was a doctor in Boston that did it, and he taped it and sent me a DVD, so I have to watch the DVD.
Emma: Why can't you watch it later?
Patrick: Because it's a very difficult procedure, and I might have to watch it a few times, so I have to start right away.
Emma: But Sabrina's our friend. She wants us to be at her graduation.
Patrick: I know she does, baby, and that's why you're gonna be there to represent both of us, okay? But not if you're gonna be dressed like this, so go put on that beautiful dress you picked out and hurry up, okay? Come on. [Clears throat]
Elizabeth: [Sighs]
Patrick: What?
Elizabeth: Really? Studying?
Patrick: I have to study, yes.
Elizabeth: Come on. Admit it.
Patrick: Admit what?
Elizabeth: The reason you're not going to the graduation is because you're avoiding Sabrina.
Scott: Can you do this by yourself?
Lucy: Laura?
Scott: Yeah. I mean, she's got to be really upset. I should be with her.
Lucy: Yeah, you should. Okay. But listen to me -- Luke's gonna be there, and he's just as wound up as Dante, so please, please, please be careful 'cause he's looking for somebody to blame, too.
Scott: I'm not gonna hide from that lunatic.
Lucy: [Sighs] Okay. Could you do me a favor, though? Maybe don't lose your temper. Be the better guy. Keep it all in check, because the point is, is you got to support Laura.
Scott: Okay, okay. I won't start anything. But if he does, I will finish it.
Lucy: Fine. I guess that's as good as I'm gonna get. Okay, go. Get out of here, get out of here. Okay, call me if there's anything I can do. If you hear anything, just call me, okay?
Scott: Have I told you how terrific you are?
Lucy: Not today. Go. Go, go, go, go. [Sighs] Oh, hi. How are you? Oh, my goodness. What a beautiful baby. Listen, I was just wondering if you could help us. We are looking for this young woman. Her name is Lulu, and she's a mother-to-be in trouble.
Maxie: I was... talking in my sleep about you.
Spinelli: Yes. And I quote, "I don't want the baby, and neither does Spinelli."
Maxie: Huh.
Spinelli: Yeah. You know, actually, I think I know the origin of the outburst.
Maxie: You do?
Spinelli: Yeah. You perhaps have, uh... heard a rather spirited conversation about children last night.
Maxie: I swore I wasn't eavesdropping.
Spinelli: Yeah, nor would you need to. The walls in this place are incredibly thin. Um... it started out as a discussion at Ellie's lab, and...I think we both intended to avoid the subject, but then... I guess it was so compelling... anyway, it turned into a heated conversation about whether we would have...children someday.
Maxie: I did hear something about babies.
Spinelli: Yes, but you... misinterpreted the oppositional side. See, it's... Ellie that doesn't want kids.
Maxie: Why not?
Spinelli: Well, she fears for our planet and doesn't want to pass on a mess to her offspring that we created.
Maxie: Well, can't she just buy a hybrid and call it a day?
Spinelli: Apparently not.
Maxie: And you don't feel the same way about kids.
Spinelli: No, I don't. Actually, you know... you're -- you kind of helped me realize that. It was the -- it was the sonogram image...of the -- of the baby that you are so heroically carrying. And I... I realized that I-I want that, you know? But if I stay with Ellie, I may not get it, so... maybe I'm not meant to be a father.
Maxie: No, that's not true.
Epiphany: A copy of the final exam was planted in Sabrina's locker.
Britt: And you and Patrick think I put it there.
Epiphany: But we agreed that I couldn't go to the Chief of Staff unless I had enough proof to back it up. There's your backup.
Britt: Well, do you want to tell me what I'm looking at here?
Epiphany: I hired a Private Investigator. Your prints... were all over Sabrina's locker.
Britt: "On the combination lock and on the locker itself." So I went to the wrong locker one day. It proves nothing.
Epiphany: Your prints were also found on the planted exam and on the file cabinet in the faculty office where the answers were kept. In case you can't tell, Doctor, you made a big mistake.
Patrick: Why would I be avoiding Sabrina?
Elizabeth: Um, after agonizing for months, she finally tells you how she feels, and now you're blowing her off?
Patrick: I'm not blowing her off.
Elizabeth: Yes, you are, because you're scared.
Patrick: Scared of what?
Elizabeth: Facing her.
Patrick: So is this common knowledge now? Everybody at the hospital talking about how Sabrina has a crush on me?
Elizabeth: Everyone who has eyes.
Patrick: Okay, Elizabeth, this is crazy, all right? You're just -- you're wrong about this one.
Elizabeth: Am I?
Patrick: Yes. I'm not avoiding her, all right? I'm not doing it on purpose. Look, she told me that she had a crush on Steve. Now, why wouldn't I believe that?
Elizabeth: Okay. All right. That's a valid point.
Patrick: Thank you.
Elizabeth: Are you sorry you know?
Patrick: No, I'm not sorry I know, but I'm not gonna lie to you, all right? It's a little more complicated now.
Elizabeth: Well, as long as we're being honest, you should know I'm the one who convinced her to tell you how she feels. Otherwise, she would have never said anything.
Patrick: And why would you tell her to do that?
Elizabeth: One, for her own sanity. It's not good to keep things like that built up inside. And, two, I thought you should know. Just in case.
Patrick: Just in case what?
Elizabeth: Just in case it stirred something inside you, which clearly, it didn't. And you made that...clear.
Patrick: I hurt her, didn't I?
Elizabeth: What do you think?
Patrick: It's the last thing I wanted to do, honestly. But in my defense -- okay? -- I didn't tell her that I didn't like her. I just said that it wasn't -- I didn't think of her that way.
Elizabeth: That's a total lie.
Patrick: What?
Elizabeth: New Year's Eve ring any bells? When the two of you almost kissed?
Luke: The timing is awfully convenient, Bobbie. Scott Baldwin hits town and 10 minutes later, my family is under siege.
Bobbie: You are not suggesting that Scott is somehow involved in Lulu's disappearance, are you? Luke, come on! That's absurd.
Laura: And that's exactly what I told him. But you know your brother. He gets something stuck in his head...
Luke: Hey. I'm right here!
Bobbie: Hey! Why would Scott want to kidnap Lulu? He lives on another continent, for God's sake. He has nothing to do with anything anymore.
Luke: Oh, I see you haven't heard the good news.
Laura: [Sighs] Scotty and I are engaged.
Bobbie: [Gasps]
Luke: In fact, they almost tied the knot last night, which puts Scott right in the thick of it...
[Knock on door]
Luke: ...Wouldn't you say, Barbara Jean?
Officer: Uh, he said he's family. [Clears throat]
[Door closes]
Lucy: If you see anything -- anything even small -- because she was taken from in this area, it would be so helpful. Please call.
Woman: Oh, I will, and good luck. I hope you find her.
Lucy: Thank you so much. Take care. Thank you. Um, excuse me. Hi. Miss?
Dr. Obrecht: Can I help you?
Sabrina: It's getting late. We should probably change.
Felix: Mm-hmm. That's why you're checking your phone. Dr. Dreamboat can't text you if he's driving over here.
Sabrina: For the last time, Felix, Patrick is not coming.
Felix: He could be coming.
Sabrina: Patrick was 100% clear about his feelings for me. They don't exist.
Felix: [Sighs] This all did just happen.
Sabrina: So?
Felix: So give the man a chance to come to his senses.
Sabrina: Oh, my God. Felix, for the last time, can we please just stop talking about this, please? If we don't, I'm gonna sweat right through my clothes and my gown.
Felix: Ugh. Not a good look.
Sabrina: No, not a good look.
Felix: Okay, fine. I'll zip it.
Sabrina: Great! Thank you.
Felix: But just one more thing.
Sabrina: What?
Felix: You two almost kissed on New Year's Eve.
Sabrina: Lots of people kiss on New Year's -- friends, acquaintances -- perfect strangers do it all the time. They do it in Times Square all the time.
Felix: But you and Dr. Drake were in his living room, cuddled up at midnight... long after Emma-sitting duties came to a close. He could've sent you home. That's proof. Dr. Drake has feelings for you. Maybe he just doesn't know it yet.
Sabrina: Or maybe it was a reflex and it meant absolutely nothing. Maybe that's why it was an almost-kiss.
Patrick: How do you know about New Year's Eve?
Elizabeth: Sabrina told me that there was a moment she thought you guys were gonna kiss. So it was mutual?
Patrick: Well, she didn't attack me, if that's what you're suggesting.
Elizabeth: Not me. Britt.
Patrick: What does that mean?
Elizabeth: Well, Britt told Sabrina that you said she had tried to kiss you and that it made you very uncomfortable.
Patrick: Are you serious? Elizabeth, that's -- that's not at all what happened. If anybody's responsible for... for...
Elizabeth: It was you? Patrick, it's okay if you wanted to kiss her. And it's okay if you didn't. I just -- I want you to be honest with your feelings.
Patrick: It doesn't matter what I feel, what I felt or -- you know, it's all irrelevant right now.
Elizabeth: Why would you say that?
Patrick: Because everything that I went through with Britt, it's pretty obvious to me that I'm not ready to have a relationship, okay? Not with anyone.
Britt: You do realize you're a Nurse -- right? -- And I'm a board-certified Physician? You have no jurisdiction over me.
Epiphany: I do realize that. Which is why I will have to turn this over to our Chief of Staff.
Britt: You can't do that.
Epiphany: I can. And I happily will.
Britt: Okay. I was really hoping not to pull rank...
Epiphany: Ha! Is that what that was?
Britt: ...But you're giving me no choice. I can make your life very complicated, Nurse Johnson.
Epiphany: Do your worst, Doctor.
Britt: Wow. This just took a really weird turn. Can we start over? I am really sorry I threatened you. I just don't understand what all of this is going to accomplish. I mean, Sabrina passed her final. She's going to graduate. So is it really necessary to involve Dr. Quartermaine? I mean, can't we just let this go?
Epiphany: No. I can't. You shouldn't have messed with my Nurses, Doctor.
Spinelli: Yeah, I appreciate your enthused optimism, but... at this juncture, it seems unlikely that I will ever experience fatherhood, given Ellie's current stance on the subject.
Maxie: I just -- I just think you're getting a little ahead of yourself. That's all. I mean, you and Ellie have only been together like a few months. Maybe you'll find someone else. Or maybe she'll change her mind. Because, you know, life is so long, and you guys aren't planning on having babies anytime soon, right?
Spinelli: No, no. Any talk of it thus far has been strictly theoretical. Yeah, and I -- I do hope that you're right, that she -- she changes her mind, 'cause... I have a confession to make.
Maxie: Join the club.
Spinelli: Pardon?
Maxie: Please, confess.
Spinelli: Well, I've come to realize that I have a very strong desire to procreate.
Maxie: You do?
Spinelli: Yeah. Well... as you know, I was raised by my Granny, and I never knew my parents, and... I mean, I'm not saying that she didn't give me a wonderful life. She did, but --
Maxie: But you wanted more.
Spinelli: The concept of family... you know... parents, children... maybe a pet or two... blows my mind.
Maxie: You know, I remember when, um... we talked about having kids right before our non-wedding and the idea of it completely freaked me out, but now that I think about it...
Spinelli: Imagine that. You know, if fate had taken a different turn... little...Spixies running around. [Chuckles]
[Knock on door]
Maxie: Hold on. What are you doing here?
Dante: Hey. Uh... we need to talk. It's about Lulu.
Scott: Bobbie, it's good to see you.
Bobbie: Hey. You too.
Scott: Wish it was under different circumstances.
Bobbie: Yeah.
Laura: How'd it go in the park?
Scott: Well, we were handing out fliers to anybody we could grab.
Laura: Thank you. Both of you.
Scott: I didn't know you were in town.
Bobbie: I just flew in.
Luke: Can you two get reacquainted another time? We're busy here.
Scott: I'm here to help.
Luke: This is a family matter. We don't need your kind of help.
Bobbie: Luke, stop.
Scott: Well, I don't care what you want, you know? But you had a point there. Speaking of family, since Laura's gonna be mine --
Luke: Get out!
Laura: Stop it! Please, can't we stop this?!
Scott: You're gonna have to throw me out, Spencer.
Luke: There's an invitation.
Bobbie: Knock it off!
Laura: This isn't going to help us find our daughter!
Lucy: So, we're just canvassing the entire area, and we're so desperate to find this woman.
Dr. Obrecht: So pretty.
Lucy: Oh, yes. She's actually beautiful. This picture doesn't do her justice.
Dr. Obrecht: What happened to this unfortunate creature?
Lucy: Um...she was kidnapped.
Dr. Obrecht: Who would do such a terrible thing, hold a poor young woman against her will?
Elizabeth: I miss Robin, too. She would have wanted this, Patrick.
Patrick: Don't do that.
Elizabeth: I would give anything to give you back your wife and to give Emma back her mom.
Patrick: Right, but she's not coming back, is she?
Elizabeth: No, she's not. Patrick... the thing that scared Robin the most wasn't dying. It was leaving you and Emma alone.
Patrick: Did she tell you that she left me a video so I would find it on Christmas Day?
Elizabeth: No. What'd she say?
Patrick: Basically what you're saying right now -- that I need to move on not just for me, but for Emma. She -- she talked about how she did a little vetting for me.
Elizabeth: [Chuckles] I'm not saying Sabrina is the woman for you... but what if?
Patrick: I think she would have liked Sabrina. She would like Sabrina.
Elizabeth: Yeah, she would.
Dr. Obrecht: Did you say the missing woman was a mother?
Lucy: Um, yes. Actually a mother-to-be. But I just can't believe someone would take such a sweet young woman out of her own home. You know, that person has to be totally insane.
Dr. Obrecht: Not necessarily. Some are driven by motives beyond the average person's comprehension.
Lucy: What does that mean?
Dr. Obrecht: It means you don't have to be insane to do evil things. You might simply be evil.
Laura: You both know I'm right. All of this fighting isn't going to get us anywhere.
Bobbie: Why don't we go for a walk? We can do some more canvassing.
Scott: Okay.
Laura: I'm fine.
Bobbie: Look, I know Laura's your fiancé, but Lulu is their daughter, so let them handle this.
Scott: Listen, I'm just a phone call away. I love you.
Laura: I love you, too. Thanks for checking on me.
Scott: Okay.
Laura: Well, Luke, would you rather fight with Scotty, or would you rather find our daughter?
Dante: I wasn't gonna come here just 'cause I didn't want to upset you with the baby and everything.
Maxie: Why would I be upset?
Dante: But you're one of Lulu's best friends, and you should know what's going on, and maybe you know something. Maybe you can even help.
Maxie: With what, Dante? What is happening?
Spinelli: Is Lulu in some sort of trouble?
Dante: Well, she's, uh... she's missing. She's been taken.
Lucy: Well, yes, actually. I happen to be very acquainted with evil, and it's not very nice. Th-that's why it's so important that we find Lulu and find the person who -- who took her. Um, so, please, if you think of anything, no matter how small, I'd appreciate if you'd keep the flier and -- and just call me. If there's anything at all, we really want to find her. All right, then. Um, I hope you have a -- a really good day. Ta.
Elizabeth: [Gasps] Wow! Look at you in those beautiful wings.
Patrick: Where did you get those?
Emma: Sabrina and I made them. She said they'd remind me, if I follow my dreams, then one day, I can fly as high as the sky.
Elizabeth: Aww.
Patrick: Wow. That is very cool.
Elizabeth: And very fitting, 'cause Sabrina has worked hard and followed her dreams, and now her Nursing career is about to take flight.
Emma: Yay!
Elizabeth: Yay! Sure you don't want to go with us?
Patrick: I have to work.
Elizabeth: Okay. Well, good luck with that new surgery.
Patrick: All right, you give me a kiss. Mwah. You have fun, okay? Don't forget your jacket. It's right there.
Elizabeth: Okay. So, should we take my car to the hospital, or should we fly?
Emma: Bye, Daddy.
Patrick: Bye, beautiful. Have fun.
Emma: I will.
Britt: You're making a huge deal out of something you don't even understand.
Epiphany: Oh, I understand. Sabrina is better for Drake Jr. than you will ever be, and you want her out of the picture. But Sabrina isn't going anywhere. I can't say the same about you, can I?
Felix: [Laughs]
Britt: You're gonna pay for this, Sabrina. This is nowhere near over.
Felix: Pay no attention. We're leaving.
Sabrina: Did she just --
Felix: Threaten you? She sure did.
Sabrina: I can't believe you just did that.
Felix: I can't, either. I'm so mad at you.
Epiphany: Excuse me?
Felix: You threw water, melted the wicked Britch down to a puddle, and no one was there to witness.
Sabrina: I can't thank you enough for clearing my name, really.
Felix: And sullying Dr. Westbourne's.
Epiphany: Oh, well, don't thank me. Drake Jr.'s the one that paid for the investigation. I'll see you at the ceremony.
Felix: Did you hear that?
Sabrina: It doesn't -- it doesn't mean anything.
Felix: That means everything. If Dr. Drake went through all that effort for you, it must mean he really cares.
Sabrina: You think?
Felix: My guess is, he's gonna walk through that elevator any second, tell you that he was a fool, and that he loves you back.
Emma: Sabrina!
Sabrina: Oh, Emma! Oh, I'm so glad you came.
Felix: And dressed like a true fashionista. I approve.
Sabrina: Patrick?
Britt: You know you can get fined for that.
Dr. Obrecht: Britta.
Britt: Hello, Mother.
Maxie: This can't be happening. Lulu's just gone? Who would do that? What would somebody possibly want from her?
Dante: I don't know. I don't know. That's what I'm trying to find out. So, um... look, maybe -- maybe you can tell me. You guys have been going to the doctor's appointments together and hanging out a lot. Maybe -- maybe you saw something suspicious, like a face, maybe, that -- that shouldn't be there that many times or a car that's been parked somewhere --
Maxie: I'm sorry. No, I don't -- I don't remember anything. I mean, everything seemed fine. Lulu seemed happy.
Spinelli: I've been here a great deal. I've crossed paths with Lulu several times, and I, too, saw nothing untoward.
Dante: Okay. Uh... I'm gonna go keep searching. Uh...
Maxie: Please keep --
Dante: Yeah, just let me know if she gets in touch with you.
Maxie: I'll call you.
Dante: If you think of anything...
Maxie: I'm sorry.
Dante: I'm gonna find her.
Maxie: There's not a doubt in my mind.
Spinelli: I'll do some digging on my end, as well -- I mean, not that Law Enforcement needs any help. It's just --
Dante: It's okay. Thanks, Spinelli.
Spinelli: Sure.
Maxie: What -- what can I do?
Dante: Uh... just... take care of our little baby, okay?
[Door closes]
Lulu: Hi. This is Lulu. Sorry I missed your call. Leave a message, and I'll talk to you soon.
Dante: [Voice breaking] Hey, it's me again. I wish -- wish you could tell me where you are. I love you so much. Just know that I'm coming to get you.
Laura: Scotty did not take our daughter, Luke. He couldn't have.
Luke: Really? You're sure of that?
Laura: Yes! I am positive. This vendetta you have is upsetting me, Luke. And it's distracting you, and we can't have that.
Luke: What do you want me to do?
Laura: I want you to focus! Remember -- remember what happened at the very beginning, when somebody sent that replica of the Ice Princess to Lulu. Who was the first person who popped into your head?
Luke: Helena.
Laura: Right -- the Cassadines. I think if we find the Cassadines, we'll find our daughter.
[Knock on door]
[Door opens]
Officer: There's someone here to see you.
Luke: Well, let him in.
Laura: Nikolas. Son. Thank you.
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