GH Transcript Wednesday 3/20/13

General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 3/20/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Charlene

Michael: Look, Starr, I really want to help you, but you got to tell me what's going on. Why do you have to leave Port Charles?

Starr: [Sighs]

Carly: To the end of me and Todd.

Sam: [Scoffs] To the end of me and John.

Carly: [Sighs]

[Knock on door]

McBain: [Sighs] To what do I owe the pleasure?

Anna: Well, this is official business. Um, I'm here for your badge.

Patrick: How are we doing in here?

Olivia: Fine.

Dante: Mom, you're not fine. She passed out.

Olivia: It was nothing. I probably didn't eat enough today or something like that. I mean, we're wasting Patrick's time.

Dante: Okay, great. Let's let him tell us that.

Patrick: Yeah, let me take a quick look at you here. Fainting should never be taken lightly. How long was she out for, Dante?

Olivia: I wasn't. I wasn't even out. The room just tilted a little bit. Then I steadied myself, and that was the end of that.

Patrick: And what were you doing before you passed out?

Olivia: Nothing. I was staring at a bear.

Lulu: Mom only agreed to marry Scott, because she thought that you were off the market.

Luke: No. Come on, baby. You're dreaming.

Lulu: You do not need me to spell this out for you, do you?

Luke: I need you to leave it alone.

Lulu: Dad, Mom still has feelings for you.

Luke: [Sighs]

Laura: Scotty. Scotty, why did you tell me to drop everything and run down to the Courthouse?

Scott: So that we can get married right now.

Laura: [Scoffs] Right now?

Scott: Yeah.

Laura: Like as in right this second?

Scott: Give or take a second or two.

Laura: Uh... we can't do that.

Scott: Give me a reason.

Laura: Weddings require a little bit of planning.

Scott: All we need is this.

Laura: You got a Marriage License.

Scott: Yeah. We were gonna need one sooner or later.

Laura: Yeah, I know. I just thought maybe that would be something we'd do together.

Scott: I wanted to surprise you.

Laura: You did.

Scott: So, we have a bride -- you. We have a groom -- me. And now we have permission. So let's do this now. Come on, Laura. Let's spend the rest of our lives together... starting tonight.

Lucy: Hi! A little help here, please.

Kevin: Yeah, sure. Kevin to the rescue. All right.

Lucy: Thank you.

Kevin: You know, those are gonna wilt a bit by the time April rolls around.

Lucy: Oh, well, they're not for the Nurses' Ball, silly. They're for a wedding we're attending tonight.

Kevin: We're going to a wedding?

Lucy: Yep. That's what I said. And guess what. You're the best man.

Laura: I just don't understand why our wedding has to happen so fast, you know. What's the big rush?

Lucy: You just grab her and marry her right now, before she finds out that Luke and Anna aren't together. You grab that girl, and you take her, and you marry her.

Scott: 'Cause I-I love you. And I-I don't want to wait another minute. It's -- it's that simple.

Laura: [Sighs] Okay, but, you know, look what I'm wearing.

Scott: You look beautiful. That's a permanent condition with you.

Laura: [Chuckles] But we don't have any flowers. We don't have rings. You know? What, you got rings?

Scott: Yes, I got them a while ago in anticipation.

Laura: Oh, Scotty. I love you. And I do want to marry you. It's just that... I don't know. I kind of wanted our wedding to be something special, something I could tell my new grandchild about. Don't you want that, too?

Patrick: I'm sorry. You're gonna have to walk me through this. You encountered a bear?

Olivia: In Dante and Lulu's loft.

Dante: She's talking about a stuffed animal.

Patrick: You saw a stuffed animal, and you thought it was alive?

Olivia: It was ticking. We thought it was a bomb.

Dante: Lulu's father thought it was a bomb.

Luke: Cupcake, your mother has no desire to tie back up with me.

Lulu: How do you know?

Luke: Because I asked her about her feelings for Scott Baldwin, and she told me that rekindling this precious Jurassic puppy love of theirs was the real thing.

Lulu: And she told you that she loved him.

Luke: In no uncertain terms.

Lulu: But that doesn't mean that she doesn't still love you.

Luke: [Sighs] I hate to burst your bubble here, baby, but your mother and I are done. We are not gonna get back together. She knows what she wants. And right now, what she wants is to throw the rest of her life away on that slimy toad.

Scott: This wedding is gonna be something to tell the baby about.

Laura: Oh, yeah, right. "Here's a picture of Grandma and Grandpa getting married. There's Grandpa Scotty. And there's Grandma Laura looking like a dog's dinner."

Scott: Wait. Hold on a second there. Now, give me a little credit here. First of all, I've got the Mayor officiating. I mean, that's a story in itself. "B," Lucy is gonna bring you a new dress.

Laura: Lucy? Lucy? Lucy Coe?

Scott: Yeah!

Laura: W-why would Lucy Coe be involved in my wedding?

Scott: Well, because I ran into her, and she said she wanted to help out. She's gonna bring Kevin as the best man, and she's gonna be your maid of honor.

Laura: No! She's not gonna be my maid of honor! Absolutely not. I want my daughter to be my maid of honor.

Lulu: Okay. I am sure Mom did say that she loves Scott, and she was sure about marrying him. But that was when she thought that you were taken.

Luke: Oh, no!

Lulu: Dad, I saw her face when she found out that you and Anna weren't together. It means something to her. [Chuckles] I bet she's out right now cancelling the engagement.

[Cell phone ringing]

Luke: Answer that, please.

Lulu: This is not over.

[Ringing continues]

Lulu: Hello?

Scott: Hello, Lulu. It's Scott Baldwin.

Lulu: Oh. Hi.

Scott: Listen, I'm at the Courthouse with your mother. We're about to get married, and she'd like you to be the maid of honor, so throw on a dress and come on down, okay? See you then. Anything else?

McBain: Let me guess. The Mayor changed her mind, and she wants to prosecute me for the jailbreak anyway.

Anna: No, it's nothing like that. The Bureau is pulling rank. They are recalling you for a case.

McBain: I'm out of the Bureau.

Anna: Did you learn nothing from me as an inter-agency liaison? You are never really out.

McBain: What are you talking about? What case?

Anna: Classified. I -- need to know. It's a -- the Senior Agent -- he wouldn't even give me a hint. But whatever it is, it's urgent. They're sending a plane to take you back to Quantico tonight.

McBain: Did they tell you how long?

Anna: I was encouraged to pull your paperwork and hire a replacement, which leads me to believe that this is gonna be a long-term assignment.

McBain: I should be pissed at them for disrupting my life... if I had one.

Sam: John and I realized it was never gonna work between us.

Carly: Can I ask why?

Sam: Yeah. I mean, when we started having feelings for each other, he had a family. And I had Jason, and... I think we both realized that we were never gonna be free.

Carly: I'm sorry.

Sam: You're sorry? I'm surprised you feel that way. You just -- you've been so against me and John.

Carly: When Jason was alive.

Sam: It was complicated.

Carly: Relationships are.

Sam: [Chuckles] John's a good guy.

Carly: Todd is not. It still hurts to walk away.

Michael: What is so important that you have to fly to Los Angeles tonight?

Starr: I don't know. I'd like someone to tell me. That's why I'm so worried.

Michael: She didn't say anything. She had to have said something.

Starr: She didn't tell me anything. She said that it would all make sense once I got there, and I need to get there right away.

Michael: Okay, I-I'll throw a few things in a bag, and we'll take a cab to the airport.

Starr: Michael --

Michael: There's no point in driving ourselves.

Starr: Michael, you can't come with me.

[Knocking on door]

Todd: Starr. Starr! Hey! Starr, open up.

Starr: Dad, what's going on?

Todd: How could you? How could both of you? I was pretty clear with Carly right from the beginning that I was a horrible person, okay. Maybe I didn't go into the specifics, but I was pretty clear about the general picture of me being a rotten human being. And you know what happens? Okay, when everything blows up and it comes out that I switched a couple of babies, she's mad at me. And you know why? Because I didn't trust her. Because I didn't have the courage to tell her the truth from the beginning! She said if I had the guts to do that, she would have stood by me!

Michael: Sounds like my mom.

Todd: Yeah! The one person in the world who isn't trying to change me, who isn't lecturing me about being a better human being. We're finally free. There's no secrets between us. And you know what happens then? She dumps me. [Sighs]

Starr: Because of AJ?

Todd: No! Because of me!

Carly: So, when the charges against Todd were dropped, he walked out of the courtroom and came to me to tell me that we could be together.

Sam: Mm.

Carly: He knew that I was gonna give in. I knew that I was gonna give in. So... I did something really stupid and... [Chuckles] ...Desperate. I grabbed... AJ, and I kissed him, and I told Todd that we were together.

Sam: That's desperate.

Carly: Well, Todd didn't believe me at all. He put a nanny cam in my house to prove that AJ and I were faking.

Sam: That is stalker behavior.

Carly: No, it's -- it's classic Todd. It is. It's -- it's dysfunctional, and it's wrong. He knew I was lying, and he wanted me back.

Sam: So, why didn't you go back to him?

Carly: I almost did. Oh, God, I wanted to so bad. But I just knew that that would be the first step towards destroying each other. And I just had to end it. I did. For Todd's sake as much as mine. Whatever. I know it doesn't make any sense.

Sam: No, actually, it does. It makes a lot of sense. Because if John and I had decided to stay together... I think the guilt... would have torn us apart.

McBain: In some ways, this couldn't have come at a better time.

Anna: For you maybe. Afraid I can't say the same.

McBain: Hey, you gave me a job when I needed it, and I'll always be grateful. But I got to make some changes. I got to turn my life around. Whatever this case is, I need to nail it.

Dante: I know this sounds... crazy.

Patrick: Well, a little bit. When I see a teddy bear, I don't naturally jump to "bomb."

Olivia: We hadn't -- we hadn't seen the teddy bear yet. It was still in the package.

Dante: Yeah, we just heard it ticking.

Patrick: And naturally you assumed explosive?

Dante: Turns out it was a clock.

Olivia: Yeah, it was a really cute gift.

Dante: Yep.

Patrick: I'm sure it was. Why, again, did you assume it was a bomb?

Dante: Because Lulu's father thinks someone's out to get us.

Olivia: But happily it was all just a great, big misunderstanding. I guess that kind of thing happens in the Spencer clan from time to time. You got to make sure you send Bobbie a thank-you note.

Dante: Yeah. Okay, Mom.

Patrick: So it sounds like to me this fainting spell occurred around a little bit of stress.

Olivia: Well, it wasn't exactly the most relaxing situation. I mean, I could have just passed out 'cause I was overly relieved or whatever.

Dante: Look, I would still like it if she got checked out. She's still dealing with that LSD dose that Heather gave her.

Olivia: He's afraid that my brain is short-circuiting.

Dante: That's not funny.

Patrick: It's always better to err on the side of safety. So we'll get some blood work done and take some scans and see what's going on, all right?

Dante: Ah, thank you. See?

Lucy: Come on, we got a lot to do.

Kevin: Ah, wait, wait, wait. Not until you tell me who I'm standing up for.

Lucy: [Mumbling] Scott Baldwin.

Scott: I-I'm sorry. You're gonna have to use actual words.

Lucy: Scott Baldwin.

Kevin: Come again?

Lucy: Scott Baldwin.

Kevin: Is that a joke?

Lucy: No. Why?

Kevin: Then you are out of your mind.

Lucy: Oh, come on, Doc.

Kevin: I would rather be bitten by one of your vampires than be Scott Baldwin's best anything!

Scott: Hey, come on, Laura. Where's your sense of adventure?

Laura: [Sighs] Yeah. You know, I think I just pictured it differently. That's all.

Scott: Well --

Laura: Didn't you think that I would want to plan my wedding?

Scott: Yes, but it's not like we haven't done this before.

Laura: No, and I don't need a big, grand ceremony or a Cathedral train, but I do need to be involved in it.

Scott: Well, you are. You're the most important part. I love you.

Laura: I love you, too.

Scott: Well, there you go. Then what difference does it make if we get married tonight or next month?

Laura: Well, I suppose it shouldn't make a difference. You're right.

Scott: But it does. Is that because of Luke?

Luke: Lulu, if you wind that thing one more time, it's gonna be the most uptight bear in Jellystone Park.

Lulu: [Scoffs] Do you want some water? I just got crazy thirsty.

Luke: Daughter! [Sighs] Who was on the phone?

Lulu: Scott!

Luke: What did he want?

Lulu: He wanted to share some news.

Luke: What news?

Lulu: He and Mom are at the Courthouse. They're getting married!

Luke: Well, then there you have it. It's a done deal. Everything's settled.

Lulu: What are you talking about?! That doesn't settle anything!

Todd: Carly said that we would destroy one another, that we were both so afraid to love that we would push at each other and push and test and test till one of us finally broke. And then one of us would leave.

Michael: I can't really speak for you --

Starr: Well, I can.

Michael: But as far as my mom goes, she's the strongest person I know. She doesn't back down from anything.

Todd: Well, then why is she doing this?

Starr: Because she finally figured you out, Dad! Deep down, you can't trust anyone that says that they love you. You have to prove that they're lying, right? You have to do something so terrible that they turn their back on you.

Todd: Is that what I've done to you? Did I finally push you away for good?

Carly: So, do you mind hearing me talk about Todd?

Sam: No.

Carly: I know that, you know, you hate him. You have every reason to.

Sam: Listen, I'd rather you talk about him than go back to him.

Carly: That would matter to you? If I were with Todd?

Sam: Well, I'm just -- you were Jason's best friend. And I know how much he loved you, and he wanted you to be happy. Carly, you deserve better than Todd.

Carly: Jason would want you to be happy, too. So if you're giving up John McBain, so you can stay faithful to Jason's memory... that's the last thing he would want.

Anna: I don't mean to pry or anything, but, um...

McBain: Since when?

Anna: Yeah. Don't you have some people here in Port Charles you need to say goodbye to?

McBain: I'd appreciate it if you'd keep an eye on Rafe Kovich. Let me know if the kid gets in any more trouble. He could really use someone in his corner right now.

Anna: Okay. Yeah, I'll keep an eye on Rafe.

McBain: Thanks.

Anna: No one else?

McBain: You're asking about Sam.

Kevin: On what planet is it appropriate for me to be Scott Baldwin's best man?

Lucy: Uh, this planet, because he really needs to get married tonight.

Kevin: I can't stand him.

Lucy: Why?

Kevin: Is that a real question?

Lucy: Is it just because I had a relationship with him?

Kevin: You were married to him! You have a daughter with him. You do remember Serena?

Lucy: Oh, come on. Of course, I remember Serena.

Kevin: How did this even happen?

Lucy: Which part?

Kevin: How did you find out he was getting married in the first place?

Lucy: Oh, oh! That's easy. I ran into him, and it was so great, 'cause I haven't seen him in such a long time. He looks really good, I think. Oh. A-and then we started talking and -- and -- oh, then he just started pouring his heart out to me about his --

Kevin: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Your ex-husband was pouring out his heart?

Lucy: Because he's a good friend.

Kevin: Whatever happened to the clean break? What is this exes-being-friends business, anyway?

Lucy: What is this with you being jealous? I promise you there is nothing between Scott and myself. Clearly he is getting married. I just want to help him have a very special wedding. He needs us.

Kevin: Count me out.

Lucy: Doc... I can't do that. He doesn't have anybody to stand up for him.

Kevin: You know why? Because no one likes him.

Lucy: Okay, fine. Doc, if you can't do it for Scott, could you please, pretty please, just do it for me?

Laura: I don't understand why you have to bring up Luke.

Scott: Really? You don't? I mean, I asked you to marry me, and you said no.

Laura: I didn't say no.

Scott: You said maybe.

Laura: I said yes, with a caveat.

Scott: Yeah, but you had to come back to town here to see if there's anything left between you two. A lot of guys might have a little problem with that.

Laura: Yeah. But you didn't. So why is it a big problem now?

Scott: Well, 'cause I thought it was all settled. You knew that Luke was with Anna, and --

Laura: Yeah, but that's just it. He isn't with Anna.

Scott: Who told you that?

Laura: [Sighs] Lulu. But Luke confirmed it. You know, I was so worried that Anna was cheating on Luke. But it turns out that they weren't together at all. But, yeah, if you had just let me go and talk to him about it the way I wanted to, but you kept stopping me and telling me that it wasn't any of my business and... wait a minute. You didn't know that Luke and Anna had called it quits, right? I mean, you weren't trying to keep that from me, were you?

Scott: Laura --

Laura: Scotty, tell me the truth. Is that the reason for the warp-speed wedding?

Luke: So, your mother is getting married. How much more subtle do you want it?

Lulu: Just because she's marrying Scott doesn't mean that she wants to!

Luke: Well, that doesn't make any sense. Your mother doesn't do anything she doesn't want to.

Lulu: You just said that she was acting weird, rushing out of here when Scott says "jump."

Luke: Well, clearly I don't know her as well as I used to.

Lulu: She ran out of here, because she doesn't know how to handle the fact that you're single.

Luke: Lulu, you're reading way too much into this!

Lulu: No, I'm not! She is not being honest with herself nor you!

Luke: So I'm wrong.

Lulu: Hmm. It has happened before.

[Clock ticking]

Lulu: Ticking time bomb, anyone?

Patrick: Okay, you guys sit tight. I'm gonna take a look at the blood work and the scan, and I'll get back to you.

Dante: Great. Thank you.

Patrick: And, Dante, congratulations, by the way. I haven't seen you since hearing about the baby. That's awesome news.

Olivia: Isn't it?

Dante: Thanks.

[Cell phone rings]

Dante: Uh... okay, it's work. I got to take this.

Olivia: Yeah. Go, go. Do your thing.

Dante: Yeah.

Olivia: [Sighs]

[Clock ticking]

[Alarm ringing]

Luke: Lulu.

Lulu: Hmm?

Luke: You and I have got problems with Baldwin, but your mother doesn't. Okay? She's chosen him. And she should have her choice. That's all.

Lulu: [Laughs] A choice implies that there is more than one option. What I'm saying is, Mom didn't know that you were a potential option.

Luke: I am not an option! [Sighs] Your mother has chosen Scott Baldwin to spend her life with. Okay? I don't know why, but it's not up to me or up to you to try to change her mind. Now you go change your clothes or whatever you have to do and get down there, because she's gonna need you.

Lulu: Oh, no. You're wrong.

Luke: Again.

Lulu: Yes! She doesn't need me. She needs you. You should go to the Courthouse.

Luke: Why?!

Lulu: So you can stop the wedding!

Todd: I'm sorry that I kept a secret from you, 'cause I did. I knew that Johnny had killed Cole and killed Hope, and I should have told you about it. I just... I hurt your feelings. And, uh... you're the one person in this world that I really want to see happy. And I decided that the moment that I first laid eyes on you, Starr. I'd lay down in front of a train for you.

Starr: So if someone killed me, you would want to know who did it, right?

Todd: Yeah.

Starr: So why wouldn't you tell me who killed my daughter?

Todd: I screwed up, okay? I did. I totally screwed up, and then I-I-I dug this big hole for myself, so I lied to try and get out. It just made everything worse. And I-I -- I can't lose you, too.

Starr: That's not up to you.

Todd: I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.

Starr: I can't do this right now. I'm sorry. I have to go.

Todd: Go? Where are you going?

McBain: Remember those not-so-subtle warnings you gave me about getting too close to another man's wife, about how I was starting to feel something? You were right.

Anna: Yeah, well... Jason Morgan is dead now, so...

McBain: He wasn't when Sam and I first kissed. And I wasn't free either.

Anna: What do you mean? Any happiness that you and Sam could have would be tainted somehow by -- by your guilt over how it all started?

Sam: John and I mutually agreed to end things.

Carly: That must have been painful.

Sam: [Sighs] I... God, I'm just starting to realize how much.

Carly: Jason would want you and Danny to find love again.

Kevin: There's something really wrong with this whole wedding picture. I'm -- I'm starting to smell a vintage Lucy Coe scheme.

Lucy: Oh, no, no, no, no. Wait a minute. My intentions are 100% altruistic. There's nothing in this for me. Except I get to bask in the glow of helping an old friend.

Kevin: Would you help explain to her why I don't want to be her ex-husband's best man? Or even attend that wedding?

Mac: Sorry. Can't do that.

Kevin: Seriously?

Mac: A wise man recently advised me, Lucy's with you. Stands to reason she's not interested in Scott.

Lucy: Thank you, Mac. Doc... I love you and only you.

Kevin: Oh, let's just get it over with.

Lucy: Yes! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay!

Kevin: And I'm not throwing him a bachelor party.

Lucy: You don't have to. There's no time for that anyway. Listen, you're not only Scott's best man. You're mine.

Luke: Sweetheart, this is really kind of sad. A lot of kids whose parents are divorced have fantasies that they're gonna get back together.

Lulu: This is not about that.

Luke: Oh, I think it is.

Lulu: Mom is lost. She and you have history. She still has feelings for you.

Luke: Of course, she has feelings for me. And I have feelings for her. We have kids together. We'll always have some kind of feelings for each other. But they're not the kind of feelings you want them to be. Our lives have taken a different direction, and that's okay.

Lulu: But is it okay to stand back and watch Mom get hurt?

Luke: Oh, now you're just playing dirty.

Lulu: No, I'm not. You hate Scott.

Luke: Well, only because he's a reptile.

Lulu: So why would you let Mom marry him?

Luke: I don't let your mother do anything! I'm not her keeper!

Lulu: Okay, you think that Scott sent me the fake Ice Princess, right?


Lulu: Yeah, yeah. And you all but accused him of a bomb threat. So you think he's dangerous, right?

Luke: I do.

Lulu: Okay. So what if he puts Mom at risk?

[Alarm ringing]

Olivia: Dante? Dante? Dante, honey. Honey, come here. The bear -- the bear is sitting on the counter. It's --

Dante: What bear? Did you have another vision?

Olivia: The -- the bear, just like the one that Bobbie gave you, only it was sitting here. It was ringing like an alarm clock. [Sighs] Why the hell would I see that bear?

Luke: Yes, I think that Baldwin is up to something. I think rodents are always nibbling around the edges.

Lulu: So isn't that reason enough to stop the wedding?

Luke: No.

Lulu: You can't let Mom marry someone who's dangerous!

Luke: I am done riding to your mother's rescue. She's a grown woman.

Lulu: [Sighs]

Luke: She is just gonna have to save herself or pay the price.

Laura: You knew Luke was free. And you've been working overtime to keep it from me.

Scott: Yes.

Laura: Haven't you?

Scott: Yes, yes, yes.

Laura: When did you find out?

Scott: When I went down to the police station to try and help Lucy out, I ran into Anna, and she told me that they had broken up.

Laura: That was weeks ago, Scotty. You have been lying to me all this time? Why? Why?

Scott: 'Cause I was afraid. I-I have waited so long to have a second chance with you. And just when I thought things were going my way, I was afraid it was gonna evaporate. I panicked. I lied. 'Cause I love you.

Laura: Wow. If we've learned anything from our mistakes in the past, isn't it that we need to be honest with each other?

Scott: Yeah. I-I was just afraid if you knew Luke was available that I would lose you. I don't want to lose you. Unless... I already have. Laura, do you still want to marry me?

Todd: You're going to Los Angeles? And you have no explanation?

Starr: Just that it's important.

Michael: We were on our way to the airport.

Starr: Michael offered to come with me, but I was trying to tell you that you can't come with me.

Michael: I want to support you.

Starr: I know but AJ and ELQ need you right now, and I don't know how long I'm gonna be gone for.

Michael: I don't care. You have no idea what you're walking into.

Todd: It's okay, kid. I'll take it from here.

Starr: What --

Todd: Do you have a ticket? Do you have a plane ticket?

Starr: Not yet.

Todd: You were just gonna go to the airport and, what, hope for the best?

Starr: It's Los Angeles, not Bora Bora. It's not gonna be hard to find a flight.

Todd: Well, I have a jet, and it's right outside, and it's running. I'll take you. I'm on my way to Llanview, anyway.

Starr: Why? Why are you going to Llanview?

Todd: Oh, Dani called. She's upset about something.

Starr: Well, then you do have to go.

Todd: Yeah, I do. And I'll drop you off first.

Starr: Los Angeles is a little out of the way, don't you think?

Todd: Look, do you want my help or not?

Starr: Look, Dad, I'm sorry, but --

Michael: Yeah.

Starr: "Yeah"? What? Why are you taking his side?

Michael: It's only fair, after all the times you've taken mine.

Todd: Yeah. You know, for the son of a gangster, he's remarkably perceptive.

Starr: Okay, Dad --

Todd: Yeah, whatever! I'm a horrible person, and I'm a consistent disappointment, but I have a jet, and I'm having a really bad day! How 'bout you just let me be your rich dad?

Carly: I need to record the date. I do. I need to put a star on the calendar, because today was the first time that I made a conscious decision not to destroy my life.

Sam: Congratulations. No, I mean that. Cheers.

Carly: I'm serious, you know. Every time it hurts, I keep telling myself, "I get to walk away still liking Todd." You know, we never got to that ugly place where everything that was good about us turns bad.

Sam: Yeah.

Carly: Where it becomes a contest to see who can tear each other down the most.

Sam: Just a thought. [Clears throat] Next time when you are searching for a guy, why don't you choose one that doesn't scream, "I'm screwed up."

Carly: [Laughs]

Sam: Seriously.

Carly: No, I hear you. [Chuckles] Okay. What about you?

Sam: Hmm?

Carly: Yeah, what are you looking for in a man?

Sam: Honestly, Carly, I don't know. Because right now I just -- I can't stop thinking about how much I miss John.

McBain: I didn't get to carry this long. It was an honor to serve under you, Commissioner.

Anna: You're one of the finest officers I've worked with. And the Bureau is very lucky to have you back. Very.

McBain: You didn't happen to put in a good word for me, did you?

Anna: No. No, not you. I'd like to take credit for it, but you got this entirely on your own merit. Besides, I wouldn't be so stupid as to get rid of one of my best Detectives, would I?

McBain: You're a great boss. You're an even better friend. Don't tell anybody I stole a bunch of towels.

Anna: [Chuckles] [Sniffles] Have you got everything?

McBain: Almost. You want to help me finish this?

Anna: You bet.

Dante: You're stressed out, okay? It's been a long day.

Olivia: I'm sorry, honey. I'm sorry, but this -- this -- the bear -- the vision -- it was very ominous.

Dante: Mom, come on. It's a harmless baby gift, okay?

Olivia: I can't get the sound of the alarm out of my mind. I-I-I'm sorry. I know that this sounds crazy. I think you should go home. I think you should check on the bear.

Dante: I'm not gonna go home and check on a stuffed animal, Mom.

Olivia: Look, I humored you. I think that you should --

Patrick: I've got Olivia's test results.

Dante: Is she okay?

Luke: Laura makes her own decisions about her own life.

Lulu: I understand that, but Scott's manipulated her before. What if he's manipulating her again?

Luke: It doesn't matter. It's still her choice.

Lulu: [Scoffs]

Luke: Now, do I wish that she'd chosen somebody else, somebody that could make her really happy? Sure. But she didn't.

Lulu: Okay. I've said my piece. You can decide what you want to do from here.

Luke: Thank you! Where are you going?

Lulu: I need to change into something appropriate for a maid of honor, even I think the wedding is a bad idea.

Scott: I'm sorry that I lied. Tell me that you understand why I did it. Tell me you still want to be my wife.

Lucy: Hi! Hey! We're here! Yoo-hoo! We're here! We're here! We're here!

Kevin: With bells on.

Lucy: Yes! Okay, we have everything you need to throw a killer wedding, including a killer ensemble. So, tell me, are you two love birds ready to say "I do"?

Laura: Okay. [Chuckling] Let's get married!

Starr: Okay. You can fly me on your private jet.

Todd: Excellent choice. Is this your only bag?

Starr: Yeah. Could you take it down to the car for me?

Todd: Of course, I'm gonna take it down to the car for you, Starr. The plane's not actually parked out front.

Starr: Can Michael and I have a little bit of privacy to say goodbye?

Todd: Oh, yes. No, of course. I totally respect your privacy, because I'm a great parent, and I show support and affection for all of my children. Michael... if you ever see your mother again, please tell her that I don't think I'll ever be back.

Michael: Okay, I'll tell her.

Todd: And she's got a great face. A really nice smile.

Michael: You sure you don't want to just fly commercial with me?

Starr: My dad does need to do this for me. Thank you for pointing that out. I miss you already.

Michael: Okay. Then let me come with you.

Starr: I'll be back before you know it.

Michael: All right. You better be.

Starr: [Chuckles]

[Horn honks]

Starr: Oh, he's beeping already? It's my dad.

Michael: I love you.

Starr: I love you, too.

[Horn honks]

Starr: Back before you know it.

Carly: Well, you're the last person I expected to see tonight, but I'm glad I did.

Sam: Me too.

Carly: Better things are coming for you.

Sam: [Sighs] You too, Carly.

Carly: You know, we have to stop bonding like this. People are gonna think we're friends.

Sam: [Chuckles] God forbid.

Anna: To your assignment.

McBain: To you.

Anna: [Exhales] [Sniffles]

McBain: Thanks, Anna.

Anna: You be safe, okay? Good luck.

McBain: Yeah. You too.

Anna: [Sniffles] Agent John McBain. [Sighs]

Mac: Felicia, it's me. Call me when you get a chance. We need to talk about what's going on with you and Frisco.

Patrick: Everything looks fine. Test results came back negative. Brain scan's clear.

Dante: Great. Thank you.

Patrick: Mm-hmm.

Olivia: So why do you think I passed out?

Patrick: Dehydration, low blood sugar. You mentioned you didn't eat much today. Is that common?

Olivia: Well, since Steve's gone, I guess I haven't been taking very good care of myself.

Dante: Okay, good. Well, we'll start by changing that right now. Let's go get some food.

Olivia: No, I told you. You're gonna go, and you're gonna check on that bear. Better yet, just get rid of it.

Lulu: Dad, are you sure that you don't want to co-- Dad? [Chuckles] How do you like that? He actually went to the Courthouse. [Chuckles] This I got to see.

[Alarm ringing]

Scott: Wow.

Lucy: "Wow"? Is that the best you can do?

Kevin: Laura, you look lovely.

Laura: Thank you.

Lucy: You are a vision. And that ensemble I picked is perfect.

[Both chuckle]

Lucy: I'm really very good at this, aren't I? Okay. The blush looks good. Um, I have these for you. So we're all ready. Oh, except I need to text Mayor Lomax. Can't do the wedding without the officiant. [Chuckles]

Laura: Or the maid of honor.

[Door slams]

Scott: Oh, that must be Lulu.

Lucy: [Sighs]

[Alarm ringing]

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