General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 3/19/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Charlene
McBain: All I did was mess up your life.
Sam: Well, maybe I'm the one who messed up yours.
McBain: No. I did that all on my own.
Sam: Will you stop that? Stop. Stop standing here, acting like everything is your fault when it's not. John, look at me.
McBain: I can't.
Sam: Look at me, please. You're a good man.
Todd: Stop fighting with yourself....the real is just so much better than the imaginary.
Carly: Just shut up and kiss me, you jackass.
AJ: Sorry to interrupt you. Have either of you seen Elizabeth Webber?
Nurse: Her shift just ended, so she might have already --
Nurse: Wait. There she is.
AJ: Hey, Elizabeth. Hey.
Felix: Uh, sorry, we're full. Take the next one.
AJ: Elizabeth, please. I really, really need to talk to you.
Michael: All right, potential uses for Pickle-Lila -- go.
Starr: Hot dogs.
Michael: Uh, Bratwurst.
Starr: Knockwurst.
Michael: Polish sausage.
Starr: Italian sausage.
Michael: Well, any kind of sausage, really.
Starr: Not breakfast sausage.
Michael: Well, who are you to say?
Starr: Okay, fine. Anyone can use relish on anything at any time they desire.
Michael: As long as it is our relish.
Starr: Pickle-Lila.
Michael: Pickle-Lila. Who would have thought that ELQ's key to salvation would be a jar of relish?
Starr: And, thankfully, we were able to wrangle that secret ingredient out of Ellie.
Michael: All thanks to Lucy Coe.
Scott: I've been in love with Laura since I was 17 years old.
Lucy: Okay, then marry her. Marry the heck out of her right now before she finds out that Luke and Anna have broken up. You have to marry her now.
Scott: She may not want some quickie wedding. If I recall, there was quite a number of people watching her marry that string bean.
Lucy: Oh, Scott, that was 1981. Everybody was a lot younger, had a lot more hair, but she had her big wedding. You already caught the bouquet. It's done. Let's move on.
Scott: My point is that she may want some big hullabaloo, not some cheesy Courthouse wedding.
Lucy: Okay, then it's your job to convince her she wants a cheesy -- it won't be cheesy, but a Courthouse wedding. Talk to her because it's only a matter of time before she figures out that they did break up and that Luke's available, and then I know you're worried you and Laura will be kaputs.
Laura: Luke and Anna broke up? Are you sure?
Lulu: Yeah, positive. He just told me. I mean, that's -- that's what we were talking about when you walked in. Okay, I have to ask. Does it matter to you if dad's available?
Olivia: Ooh. Look what I found outside the door.
Lulu: Whoa!
Olivia: It is addressed to the new mama.
Lulu: Me!
Olivia: There you go.
Lulu: Oh, my gosh. Look at this. [Laughs] Oh. It's from Aunt Bobbie. Wow.
Luke: Hold it. Don't -- don't -- don't touch it.
Dante: Why not?
Luke: I don't think that's from Barbara. Um, hello.
Lulu: What makes you think that this isn't from Bobbie? It says on here, "I'm sorry I can't be there to share --"
Luke: I don't care what it says on the card. Was there a deliveryman? Did you sign for it? Was there a receipt?
Olivia: Well, no, but your sister probably ordered it online. I think you're lucky to get a type-written card. It's usually just a sentence on a packing slip or something. You guys, seriously, is this such a big deal?
Laura: Uh, well, it's just that Luke and I collected a lot of enemies in the past.
Dante: Come on, you're telling me this is someone who wants revenge?
Olivia: Like who?
Luke: Well, top of my list would be Helena Cassadine. And a close second would be Scott Baldwin.
Scott: So, as usual, your screwy logic makes sense. I got to marry Laura lickety-split.
Lucy: Uh, yeah, right, and that's not gonna happen here.
Scott: I need a marriage license.
Lucy: You need to get one.
Scott: Yeah. Do you think that -- the Courthouse is open late on Mondays. Do you think we can make it there --
Lucy: It doesn't matter. No door is ever closed to Lucy Coe.
Scott: You're the greatest.
Lucy: Thank you. Let's go. [Gasps] Hi. Oh, Elizabeth, Felix, what are you doing here?
Felix: We're getting our drink on.
Lucy: No. No, no, no, no. The Nurses' Ball is practically right on top of us. You've got to sell tickets. We got to get the program done. You got to sell tables.
Felix: We're Nurses. We can multitask.
Lucy: Oh, right. Okay, carry on, good luck. Thank you. See you soon. Okay. Come on.
Felix: To think, I used to worship that woman.
Elizabeth: Oh, please. You still do.
Felix: Well, she throws charity balls, slays vampires, and celebrates beauty. Her place in my heart is secure. Speaking of hearts and insanity and disappointment, how you holding up?
Elizabeth: I'm fine. At least, I will be. Thank you for running interference for me back at G.H. I'm in no mood to deal with AJ or any of his lies.
Starr: Out of all the people you could possibly give credit to for reviving Pickle-Lila, you choose Lucy Coe?
Michael: Well, if she hadn't flipped out about the whole vampire --
Starr: Okay, don't even start.
Michael: ...Vampire-obsessed maniac John McBain look-alike, then her shrink husband, Dr. Kevin Collins, would never have come back to Port Charles, hypnotized Ellie, and get her to remember the missing ingredient. So, it all comes back to Lucy.
Starr: Okay, that is a bit of a stretch, but as long as you're happy, then I can't argue.
Michael: Well, AJ's the one that's gonna be happy. He got what he really wanted -- the recipe for Pickle-Lila.
McBain: You okay?
Sam: Yeah. No. No, I-I-I don't know -- I don't know -- I don't know if I can do this.
McBain: Then maybe we shouldn't.
AJ: 4 messages in the last 10 minutes. That's got to count for something.
[Cell phone rings]
AJ: Hey, Michael. Hey, what's going on?
Michael: I've got some good news about Pickle-Lila. We got it.
AJ: What? The secret ingredient?
Michael: Well, not the secret ingredient per se, but the chemical formula for it. Now all Ellie's got to do is match it up with some database, and we'll have the relish and ELQ.
AJ: No, you're right. That's amazing news.
Michael: You okay? You don't seem too excited.
AJ: No, I'm thrilled. I can't wait to celebrate with you and Starr. I'm proud of you, son. Excuse me. I'm really sorry. I don't mean to bother you again. Do you know where Elizabeth was going?
Nurse: If she wanted you to know, wouldn't she have just asked you to go with her?
Nurse: You could be a stalker.
AJ: I'm not a stalker.
Nurse: That's what you'd say if you were a stalker.
Nurse: If you weren't a stalker, then why did she run from you?
AJ: [Sighs] We've had a misunderstanding. See, Elizabeth thinks that I'm not interested in her, but I'm very interested, but I can't tell her that if she keeps avoiding me. So, come on, help a guy out, please. What's it gonna take?
Nurse: It just so happens that we're selling tickets to the Nurses' Ball. [Clears throat]
Todd: There's really no comparison, right?
Carly: The only comparison is you're both jerks.
Todd: Yeah, well, I'm the jerk who's kissing you.
Carly: Do you really want to keep reminding me how I was willing to pretend to have another boyfriend just to stay away from you?
Todd: You don't have to pretend with me, ever, about anything. Carly, I'm right here, and I'm free, and I'm real.
Carly: I think -- I think you need to go.
Starr: So, did AJ rejoice when you told him about Pickle-Lila, or...?
Michael: Well, he said he was happy, but he seemed a little preoccupied.
Starr: That doesn't make any sense. AJ's been ELQ all the time -- getting votes, ousting your Aunt Tracy. And Pickle-Lila -- what could have possibly taken his mind off the family business?
Michael: One of two people -- my mom... or Elizabeth.
Felix: Maybe Magic Milo could do a duet with me.
Elizabeth: I don't think Milo sings.
Felix: Back to the drawing board.
Elizabeth: [Sighs] Carly, Carly, Carly. I still can't believe it.
Felix: Unh-unh.
Elizabeth: I mean, Carly?
Felix: Boggles the mind.
Elizabeth: Out of all the people he could have hooked up with, why choose the one that ruined his life?
Felix: I tell you, some people.
Elizabeth: But it would have never worked, right? I mean, that would have been a disaster -- me and AJ?
Felix: For sure.
Elizabeth: But if he's so into Carly, why wouldn't he just leave me alone?
Felix: Maybe he ditched Carly because he wants another chance with you. Maybe Magic Milo could lip-sync. I figure if his shirt's off, no one will notice.
Elizabeth: AJ has a better chance of being best man at Sonny's wedding than ever getting close to me again.
Felix: I wouldn't speak so soon.
Todd: You want me to -- you want me to leave?
Carly: No. I-I -- no.
Todd: Carly. Hey. What's going on?
Carly: You're terrifying.
Todd: Sorry, I haven't heard that one in a long time.
Carly: You scare me.
Todd: No... okay. If I can put all of your fears to rest, then will you want me?
Carly: I want you. I don't trust you.
Sam: I thought I was ready for this.
McBain: But you're not.
Sam: I don't know why. I don't know if it's -- if it's this room or... I mean, Danny was born here.
McBain: I remember. Something about a rainstorm.
Sam: Yeah. I could have -- I could have been at home with Jason. I could have been at my mother's. But for some reason, I chose to be close to you, and I told anyone and everyone that would listen to me that we were just friends, but... it was more than that. I was married, and you had a family to go home to.
McBain: That thing between us is always gonna be there -- when we first wanted each other and neither one of us was free.
Scott: Oh, hello. Who's in charge of issuing marriage licenses?
Shandling: That would be me.
Scott: Oh, good. I'm in dire need of one. I'm glad I caught you before quitting time.
Shandling: Actually, quitting time was five minutes ago. You're too late. No one's getting married today.
Luke: After Mikkos Cassadine was killed, the real Ice Princess was stashed away in a safe spot. Now, lo and behold, a replica of it is given to Lulu as a gift.
Olivia: Hold on. You're telling me that the vengeful widow of some guy that you and Laura killed 30 years ago is out to get Lulu?
Luke: Well, either her or Laura's eraser head fiancé.
Laura: Leave Scotty out of this, please. Trust me, he was in no way involved in this.
Olivia: Well, so, then it's got to be Helena.
Dante: But we have no evidence against Helena.
Lulu: Or it could be nothing. For all we know, it was some kind of practical joke.
Luke: I ain't laughing.
Olivia: Whoa, whoa, whoa. People, this is no joke. The thing's ticking.
Scott: Hey, hold on a second there, Mister, uh...
Shandling: Shandling.
Scott: Shandling.
Shandling: Shandling.
Scott: Shandling, of course. Do you remember me? I remember you.
Shandling: No.
Scott: Say hello to Lucy here. Lucy, this -- this here is Mr. Shandling.
Lucy: Hi.
Shandling: Wait a second. Aren't you the...lady?
Lucy: I beg your p--
Scott: Shandling here was the best clerk ever to grace City Hall. He was punctual, efficient, organized. When I was the D.A. and I needed things done, you were the go-to guy.
Shandling: I started last month.
Scott: Well, you look like the go-to guy, and I'm sure you're just as competent.
Lucy: Oh, and just as good-looking. Look at you. You're very, very handsome. I like your suit.
Shandling: Uh-huh, uh-huh.
Scott: So, Mr. Shandling, what do you say? For old times' sake or the sake of the old times that we --
Shandling: Okay, this isn't Tammany Hall. We have procedures here. There will be no favors to be had.
Scott: Wait, hold on a second.
Shandling: Good day, Mr. Baldwin. I said "good day," sir.
[Both sigh]
Lucy: That went really well, didn't it? I forgot how alienating you are to your fellow civil servants.
Scott: Lucy, I need your help, not your criticism.
Lucy: I'm not criticizing, pal. I'm just observing.
Scott: I know, but while you're yammering, Laura could find out that Luke and Anna aren't together. I have got to get a marriage license, and I got to get it tonight.
Lucy: Right. Okay, hold that thought. I'm gonna take care of this. Don't you worry. [Smooches] Hey, Mayor! Oh, yoo-hoo! Mayor Lomax!
Olivia: At least I think it's ticking. I could be having another one of my whoo-whoo moments. Anyone else hear that?
Luke: Yeah. I hear it, I hear it.
Dante: Okay, look, everybody out. Let's go. I'm calling the bomb squad.
[Telephone rings]
Luke: Lulu, come on.
Lulu: Bobbie?
Dante: Lulu.
Lulu: Hi. I was gonna call you. What did you send?
Laura: Honey.
Dante: I know.
Lulu: When was it gonna be delivered?
Dante: Just relax.
Luke: Lulu! Put down the phone. Come on, what are -- what are you doing?!
AJ: Elizabeth, please. I really need to talk to you.
Elizabeth: So, Felix, about the Nurses' Ball -- I think you should go solo.
Felix: Yeah, solo seems to be the right move.
Elizabeth: Mm-hmm.
AJ: You guys working on acts for the Ball?
Felix: However a born star I may be, I'd hate to steal the thunder on Sabrina's big night. So, I'm willing to share both my talents and the stage.
AJ: Hey, maybe I'll do a skit.
Felix: [Sighs] Elizabeth, will you look at it in here? It is getting way crowded. Why don't we go back to my place, continue our drink, and stay away from busybodies who don't seem to know when they're not welcome?
AJ: Elizabeth, I'm not giving up.
Elizabeth: Oh, no, no. Please, please, give up. And go back to your bed buddy, Carly.
AJ: I don't want Carly. I'm not with her. I never was.
Todd: You don't trust me?
Carly: Do you blame me?
Todd: No. No. You trusted me... and I kept secrets from you... and it all blew up in my face, and I lost you. And the irony, of course, is that if I had been brave enough to tell you the truth that you would have stood by me. Did I get that right? Is that what you told me?
Carly: I did.
Todd: Did you mean it when you said that?
Carly: I did.
Todd: Great. So, I know that now. So, there's no reason for me to keep anything from you ever again, right? And that's great.
Carly: Why? Is there something I need to know?
Todd: No, no. No, I haven't done anything. There is nothing to hide from you. I have shared everything with you.
Carly: Okay. So, I can just trust you?
Todd: Yes, Carly, you can trust me.
Carly: Until there's another secret.
McBain: You were right to pull back. No matter what I feel for you, there would always be that guilt between us. You don't deserve that.
Sam: Neither do you.
McBain: You know, Sam, I'm not really big on wishes, but... oh, how I wish things were different.
Sam: Me too.
Todd: That kind of unconditional trust where you tell somebody every horrible thing about yourself and they still stand by you -- I didn't think that existed. I thought it was an impossibility. I didn't trust you.
Carly: I know.
Todd: I get myself into situations, and you know that about me. You understand that about me. You accept that about me. So, the next time something like that happens --
Carly: Why?
Todd: Why?
Carly: You're not telling me there's gonna be no more trouble?
Todd: No, I'm -- why would I tell you that? There will be a catastrophic situation -- I'm sure there will be another catastrophic situation, but the next time something like that happens, I'll be able to go through it with you. We'll be together. We'll be side by side. You'll be there to bail me out.
Carly: No. I won't.
Lucy: Madam Mayor.
Mayor Lomax: Yes.
Lucy: Hi. Hi, Madam Mayor. Oh, it's so good to see you again. Um, Lucy Coe. You remember? Lucy?
Mayor Lomax: Yes, I remember.
Lucy: Oh, good. Well, I just really wanted to thank you again for exonerating myself and my fellow cohorts. You know, that was so special. And also, I want to thank you for thanking us for saving Samantha and her baby, Danny.
Mayor Lomax: It was my pleasure. If you'll excuse me...
Aide: The Mayor is late for a meeting.
Lucy: Pardon me. I just need you to meet somebody. This is my very best pal in the whole world, legal eagle Scott Baldwin.
Scott: Nice to meet you.
Mayor Lomax: Yes, I remember your infamous term as our District Attorney.
Scott: Why, thank you.
Lucy: Oh, infamy? No, no, no. Infamy schminfamy. That's all just water passing under the bridge. He is flying the straight and narrow now. In fact, Mr. Baldwin is engaged to be married.
Mayor Lomax: Congratulations. If you'll excuse me...
Lucy: Whoa! Wait, whoa, whoa. Please. See, we just have a tiny thing, because he's so excited to get married. He wants to get married like now, like right away, and wouldn't you know it? The clerk's office -- closed.
Mayor Lomax: Well, then he'll have to wait until tomorrow.
Lucy: No! No. No, no. Tomorrow would just be really too late, as it would be for you if you don't take the time to make this happen.
Mayor Lomax: Is that a threat?
Lucy: Kinda.
Lulu: It's not a bomb! It's a bear with a clock. It's some kind of a sleep aid for the baby.
Dante: Okay, great. Next time, please do not open this when I say don't open it.
Lulu: What are you talk-- Bobbie called me, and she told me what it was. She wanted to know if I got the package. So, you guys can chill.
Luke: Oh! Oh!
Lulu: Oh, my gosh.
Dante: Are you okay?
Luke: Are you all right?
Olivia: Yeah, I think I'm just a little wobbly from all the excitement. I'm fine, I'm fine.
Luke: No, no. No, she isn't fine. Something's wrong.
Dante: Hang on, look at me. Look at me. I'm taking you to the hospital.
Olivia: I don't need to go to the hospital.
Dante: I'm taking you. Don't argue with me, okay?
Lulu: Should I go with you?
Dante: No, no, no, just stay here with your parents. Can you take her for a second?
Luke: Yeah.
Laura: We've got her.
Dante: Look, just please, please don't open any more ticking packages without me.
Lulu: I won't. I promise.
Dante: I love you.
Lulu: I love you.
Dante: See you in a bit.
Laura: Oh, my goodness. You all right, honey?
Luke: Sorry about the paranoia.
Laura: Oh, well, no harm done. [Scoffs]
Lulu: Actually, there is harm being done due to crossed wires, and that's gonna end tonight. Mom, isn't there something you wanted to clear up with dad?
Laura: No, there isn't. Well, yeah, maybe there was something that I misunderstood, and I'm a little embarrassed about that now. Don't embarrass your mother.
Luke: What's going on, Lulu?
Lulu: If you're not gonna tell him, then I will. Dad, were you ever gonna tell mom that you're recently single?
Elizabeth: You were never with Carly?
AJ: That's the truth.
Elizabeth: But I saw you. I showed up for our date, and I saw you kissing Carly, a lot.
AJ: Carly was trying to get rid of Todd, okay? So, she came up with this idea to pretend that we were having a relationship, so that he could move on.
Elizabeth: Oh. Okay, all right, I could believe that coming from Carly, but why would you go along with it?
AJ: It's not like I planned it. I came through the door, and she was making it up. She roped me into it.
Felix: Bitch, please.
AJ: No, honestly. I mean, she was all over me. I had no time to think.
Elizabeth: So, you want me to believe that you couldn't defend yourself against Carly? [Laughs]
AJ: No, no, I... I chose to go along with it, because she had something that I needed, and I thought if I helped her out that she would give me that something.
Felix: And did you get that somethin'-somethin'?
AJ: No, because I decided that I wasn't gonna --
Felix: So, you backed out on a date with Queen Elizabeth the Fabulous for nothing?
AJ: I didn't get what I wanted from Carly, because I came to my senses, and I bailed on the deal. Look, Carly had information that would have put ELQ right in my hands. Okay, I could have finally rebuilt the company with my son by my side. Elizabeth, I gave it all up, because I realized the price that I'd have to pay was you. Look, I lied about Carly, okay? And I saw how much it hurt you, and I'm sorry. And I knew that if I kept on lying, I was just gonna be that scheming lowlife, that same disappointment, that same punch line that I've always been. And I realized that any success that would jeopardize our friendship, well, it just isn't worth it, because you mean that much to me.
Carly: [Sighs] You and me, we're a lot alike.
Todd: Perfect.
Carly: No, we would destroy each other.
Todd: That's a slight exaggeration.
Carly: Not because of the lies and the secrets or whatever bad thing one of us would do for the right reason. We're afraid to love. We're afraid to be vulnerable. So, we drive the people who love us away, and we test, and we test until they break.
Todd: I don't think I would do that to you.
Carly: [Laughs] You already have. And you'd do it again or it would be my turn. I've sabotaged every man who's ever loved me. I push and I push until I push them too far, and I don't want to do that to you. I don't want to get to the point where we're screaming and yelling at each other and where all we feel is disappointment and hate. I don't want that.
Todd: I don't think I could hate you.
Carly: Look, you're already lying.
McBain: I don't want you to ever look my way and feel guilt or regret.
Sam: Yeah, I feel the same way. I don't ever want you to feel like you had to go against who you are and how you feel.
McBain: Then I guess we're doing the right thing.
Sam: I'm kind of getting this feeling that I'm never gonna see you again.
McBain: Yeah.
Sam: Yeah. In that case, there's -- there's one thing that kind of bothers me.
McBain: Just one?
Sam: Well, I mean... no, it's just, I know you think that this relationship hasn't gone further than a few kisses, but that's not true. You saved my life... you brought my child into this world, and then you saved my life again. John, you taught me how to trust again... and to have faith. And you never failed me.
McBain: I never will. It's been a hard year, Sam. The only good moments I had came from you and Danny. And if I helped you at all, I will carry that with me always, always.
Todd: Why do you assume that you and I will be just like every other dysfunctional couple?
Carly: It's our pattern.
Todd: That happened once. One drink, are you an alcoholic? We'll make a new pattern.
Carly: You make me laugh when I feel like crying. You don't judge me, and I feel like I can tell you anything.
Todd: You can. Carly, you can tell me anything.
Carly: The highs are high, but the low is awful. And I know it only happened once, but it's gonna happen again.
Todd: Okay. I'll do better next time.
Carly: I don't want you to do better. I don't want you to try and live up to some impossible standard, because I think you're wonderful. I think you're wonderful and irresistible and infuriating and unforgettable. I just can't be with you.
Todd: I liked this conversation better when we were arguing about your imaginary boyfriend.
Carly: That was a game. This is real. Whatever we had, um... it's over.
Michael: Thank you.
Starr: Is that just, like, all-around gratitude, or are you thanking me for something in particular?
Michael: Thank you for helping to decipher the recipe for Pickle-Lila. And thank you for not even blinking when my family's insanity took over our life.
Starr: Oh, right, because I'm one to complain about insane families.
Michael: Most of all, thank you for being in my life. I love you, Starr.
Starr: First of all, you are welcome. And second of all --
[Cell phone rings]
Starr: [Sighs] Way to kill a moment.
Michael: Let it go to voice mail.
Starr: I know, I just want to -- it's Langston. [Grunts] Langston, hey, what's up? Wait, what?
AJ: I didn't come here to brow-beat you into giving me a second chance, but I couldn't let you think that I asked you on a date just to -- just to hook up with Carly. Elizabeth, what can I say? I was greedy, I was stupid, and I made a mistake. I just hope the next guy that works up the nerve to ask you out isn't as stupid as I was.
Elizabeth: AJ, I don't even -- I just don't know what to say.
Felix: I'm sorry. That was the most romantic thing that was ever said in my presence. I just -- it just kills me that it wasn't said to me. Excuse me.
AJ: Um... I'll see you around, okay?
Elizabeth: AJ, wait. [Sighs] This goes against my better judgment, but I'll go out with you one more time.
AJ: You will?
Elizabeth: On one condition.
Mayor Lomax: Do your worst. I am not afraid of some addled, washed-up cosmetics peddler who is just 15 minutes out of Ferncliff.
Lucy: Wow. Okay, I'll own up to I am a cosmetics peddler, but I'm hardly addled or washed up. Let me just remind you of something. One of my fellow escapees out of Ferncliff happens to be a very outspoken publisher of the Port Charles Sun. His name is Todd Manning.
Mayor Lomax: So?
Lucy: So, Toddy happens to be a very good friend of mine, and I think he'd be very, very interested in the fact that you conned the entire public, along with your hand-picked police commissioner, Anna Devane, not to mention the fact that you completely, completely botched everything. What do you think? Page 6, maybe the headline -- which way? Headline. Listen to me. You not only botched the whole Stephen Clay investigation, you also -- what did you call those poor outlaw fugitives on the run? Oh, yeah, we were "undercover." Sure, that's right. Listen. I think that would sell a whole lot, lot of newspapers, not to mention the fact that, lady, it would cost you your job.
Scott: Yeah, I could see the headline -- "Lomax goes way of betamax."
Lucy: Betamax?
Scott: Yes.
Lucy: Oh. Anyway, the point is, do you really want to cost yourself your job, just because you refused to wrangle one teeny, tiny, little marriage license?
Scott: This town could be in for a new Mayor. Who knows? I might run.
Luke: Well, I didn't think that my personal love life, such as it is, would be of interest to anybody but me.
Laura: Well, I guess Lulu's right. You know, wires just sort of got crossed. Okay, so, what happened was I was walking down the docks a few weeks ago, and I just happened to see you there, and you were kissing Anna.
Luke: Oh, that night.
Laura: Yeah, and just, you know, from the looks of it, it seemed like that was pretty serious.
Luke: Well, it sort of had been, but it ended that night.
Laura: Okay.
Luke: All right, since we're talking about personal things, I have got a question for you.
[Cell phone rings]
Laura: Uh, yeah, sure, fire away.
Luke: Laura.
Felix: All right, I'm back. Sorry for making a scene. What did I miss?
Elizabeth: I just told AJ I'd go out with him again.
Felix: I'm so glad that you reconsidered after he made that beautifully thought-out and well-composed speech. You earned this. Now deserve it. Continue.
Elizabeth: On one condition.
AJ: Name it.
Elizabeth: You have to perform a number with me at the Nurses' Ball.
Felix: [Laughs]
AJ: Ohh. Done.
Elizabeth: Really? Just like that? You don't even want to think about it?
AJ: What's there to think about? Yeah.
Felix: I hope you know what you're getting yourself into.
AJ: Oh, I know.
Starr: Okay, I'll let you know. Bye, Lang.
Michael: Is everything okay? That sounded pretty intense.
Starr: I'm leaving Port Charles.
Todd: So, if we hadn't slept together, you think we'd still be friends?
Carly: We were always gonna sleep together.
Todd: Yeah, you're... probably right. Don't regret it?
Carly: I regret many things, but... Todd Manning, you are not one of them.
Todd: I meant what I said. I wanted to see your face every day.
Carly: You have to stop.
Todd: I don't want to stop.
Carly: You have to stop.
Todd: Why? How? How do I stop?
Carly: You say goodbye, and you walk away. You say goodbye and walk away.
Singer: Broken up from the storm lost at sea, and then you found me well, I can't afford to throw my heart on the floor luckily, this is for real because the tears will be all mine it'll bleed and it'll hurt
[Door closes]
Singer: And it'll take everything to save me
Sam: You know, we never did really figure out that feeling we had when we first met each other.
McBain: Maybe we did. Different time, different place.
Sam: Yeah. Someplace where we could be happy and not hurt anyone.
McBain: Maybe next lifetime.
Sam: Maybe.
McBain: Cherish every day you get with your little boy.
Sam: I will.
Singer: Will you take apart this man and leave your shadow in the sand?
McBain: Goodbye, Sam.
Singer: Or be a shelter and my way home?
Sam: [Groans]
Luke: What do you thinks’ up with your mother? She's not acting like herself.
Lulu: How is she acting?
Luke: Well, in all the years I've known her, she's never taken to a short leash or any kind of a leash. And now, suddenly, Baldwin calls, and she's out the door like a shot.
Lulu: Wow. For a guy who prides himself on his savvy, you are thick.
Luke: What do you mean?
Lulu: Mom was looking for you when she came to Port Charles, and she finds you kissing Anna, and then she turns around and gets engaged to Scott. And then she starts acting weird when she finds out that you and Anna were breaking up instead of making up.
Luke: So?
Lulu: So, she only agreed to marry Scott, because she thought that you were off the market.
Laura: Scotty, is everything okay?
Scott: Yes, yes, yes. Everything's fine. At least I think it's gonna be.
Laura: Well, then why did you tell me to drop everything and come running down to the Courthouse?
Scott: So we can get married right now.
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