General Hospital Transcript Monday 3/18/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Charlene
Carly: Todd was here, and he thinks this relationship is a fraud.
AJ: Because it is.
Carly: I know that, but Todd doesn't.
Todd: He already does.
Carly: You've got to help me keep Todd from knowing anything about this.
Todd: Yeah, good luck with that.
Todd: Did you really think you were gonna fool anybody with this fake relationship of yours?
Lucy: What are you cackling about?
Molly: What? No, no, no. You can't send Rafe back to that place. It's too dangerous.
McBain: You're right. You don't have to go back there. You can hang with me, kid.
Rafe: Are you serious?
McBain: Absolutely.
[Knock on door]
Dante: Ma. Mom! Your ride is here. Come on, Lulu is expecting us.
Olivia: Hey.
Dante: What the hell is this? Why aren't you ready?
Olivia: I'm not going.
[Knock on door]
Lulu: Hi!
Luke: Hello, you. Where is everybody?
Lulu: Dante went to go get his mom, but I'm guessing that's not who you meant by "everybody."
Scott: Laura.
Laura: Oh! You scared me, Scottie. I didn't hear you come in.
Scott: Is there a reason why you're going down memory lane?
Lulu: So, you're not hoping to see anyone else?
Luke: Just your sonogram photograph. Although, you know, I don't know why people make such a fuss over those things. They don't even look like a kid. They look like a Rorschach test.
Lulu: Okay. Well, just so you know, I invited Mom.
Luke: Okay. Listen. Since we have a minute... you haven't received any more of those weird gifts like the Ice Princess thing?
Lulu: No, no. So, I guess Helena has better things to do with her time than try to freak me out.
Luke: Yeah, if it's Helena.
Laura: I was looking for pictures of Lulu as a baby. She called me, and she invited me to come over and see the photo from her first sonogram.
Scott: Sonogram?
Laura: Yeah. Well, Maxie's almost at the end of her first trimester.
Scott: Wow.
Laura: Yeah. It's very exciting, the first sonogram, you know. It makes everything so much more real, makes the baby more real, and I thought, you know, if she wants to show me a picture of her baby that she might enjoy seeing pictures of herself as a baby.
Scott: I would love to see your face when you see the first shot of your grandchild, so can I tag along?
Laura: Scottie, I'd kind of rather you didn't.
Scott: Laura, wait a second. You're not believing any of that nonsense that Spencer was saying that I've got some vendetta against Lulu, I mean, that I'm trying to gaslight her because --
Laura: No. No. I don't believe that at all.
Scott: Why can't I go?
Laura: [Laughs] It's not a big deal. Don't make it one.
Scott: Luke gonna be there?
Laura: I don't have any idea.
Scott: Well, if he is, are you thinking about telling him that Anna is stepping out with Duke?
Laura: Look, um... why would I be thinking about what to tell Luke if I don't even know if he's gonna be there?
Scott: I'm just saying, I thought that we agreed not to get mixed up in Luke's love life, remember?
Dante: Why aren't you dressed? What, are you sick?
Olivia: I just -- I don't feel up to a family gathering right now, okay?
Dante: I know it's been a rough few days, but that's why you should come. It'll take your mind off things.
Olivia: I spoke to Steve's lawyer down in Memphis this morning. Because he's pleading guilty, they're gonna have the hearing today. He could be sentenced right away.
Dante: And, you know, maybe they'll go easy on him, because he's taking responsibility.
Olivia: Yeah, but even if the judge agrees to voluntary manslaughter, he's still gonna spend years in prison. God. Why didn't I go down there?
Dante: Uh, 'cause he asked you not to.
Olivia: Yeah, but I still -- I should... I should be there. I got to know what's happening. I got to wait for the lawyer to call. [Sighs] Leave your ma. Take the cannoli, okay?
Dante: No. Not okay.
Rafe: You mean it? That I don't have to go back to that place? I can stay with you?
McBain: You made a good point about, you know, you don't take up much room, and it'll give me the incentive I need to start looking for a new place.
Sam: A new place? Oh, you haven't mentioned that before.
McBain: Yeah. I've been thinking about getting out of this place for a while and maybe finding something a little more permanent. With you in the picture, it makes sense to move.
Rafe: I know I asked you to let me stay here, and I probably sounded a little desperate, but you really don't have to do this.
McBain: Forget about it. You'd be doing me a favor, right? Give me the push I need to get into somewhere new.
Rafe: All right, well, I mean, I can do chores if you want. I'm a pretty good cook -- nothing too fancy.
McBain: Well, "nothing too fancy" sounds better than "do you want fries with that?" So, uh, what do you say? It's a deal?
Rafe: Yeah.
Molly: Rafe, this is amazing, but you need to sit down and keep that ice on your face for another 10 minutes.
Sam: Are you sure this is a good idea?
Todd: And you are?
Lucy: Lucy. Lucy Coe.
Todd: Lucy Lucy Coe. Doesn't ring a bell.
Lucy: What is wrong with you? Come on. We escaped from Ferncliff, busted out. Then we went on the run, and then we holed up in that creepy old dusty mansion. Remember?
Todd: No, but I do suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, so...
Lucy: Oh, no. That's right. That's too bad. Hey, I tell you what. You can see a doctor now, because you are free, because somehow you beat those charges, because Heather Webber said that she switched those babies alone.
Todd: I remember now.
Lucy: You do?
Todd: Yeah. You were the one who was in on it with the cops all along. You didn't mention that when we ran out at Ferncliff, did you?
Lucy: Well, heck, there was a lot going on.
Todd: Got to love the Port Charles Judiciary System.
Lucy: Yeah, you do. Justice was served. All is right with the world, and Caleb the vam...pire -- Stephen Clay is dead, and I'm free.
Todd: Super.
Lucy: It is super. 'Cause right now, I can get back on track with the Nurses' Ball and make everything happen, especially since I have an anonymous donor, and I'm gonna make it the biggest, best, baddest event ever to hit this town. Hey, you know what? You should get involved, too. You need to buy a table. And look at this. I've been working very, very hard. What do you think? What do you think of these centerpieces?
Todd: I think that I would rather take out my small intestine with a cocktail fork.
Lucy: Oh, my God. Cocktail forks. I forgot to order them. Thank you.
Todd: No problem.
Lucy: But you don't really like these centerpieces?
Todd: Stuffy speeches, events -- no.
Lucy: Okay, but you would love the Nurses' Ball, because I happen to be the Mistress of Ceremonies, and I've never, ever given a stuffy speech in my life. Plus, we have absolutely wonderful acts.
Todd: Yeah, ventriloquists, people juggling puppies?
Lucy: Yeah. How did you know? No! We have really talented, extremely talented people, wonderful performances.
Todd: I doubt it.
Lucy: Okay, fine. That's your loss, you know, but you are not gonna ruin my mood, because everything is right with the world, especially my world, because I now have the cherry on top. I got my man back.
Todd: Oh, yeah. I'm about to get that, too, only with a woman.
AJ: You know, you didn't really have to throw the Nanny and Josslyn out of the house like that.
Carly: Josslyn had play group, and besides, the less she sees of you, the better.
AJ: Hey, Carly, if you summoned me over here for digs, I'll take a pass.
Carly: I summoned you over here, because Todd is snooping. He even asked Josslyn if Uncle AJ spent the night.
AJ: That's disgusting.
Carly: Yeah, it's disgusting, and he's gonna keep digging, okay? We have to make a pre-emptive strike before he finds everything out. I want to keep Todd in the dark.
AJ: What do you want me to do, honey, rip your clothes off, throw you on the couch, and then call him, so he can watch us doing it?
Carly: In your dreams.
AJ: More like my nightmares.
Carly: I'm not crazy about the prospect of you groping me, either.
AJ: Then what do you want from me? This is your plot. This is your psycho boyfriend.
Carly: He's not my boyfriend. Okay, I don't want Todd to be my boyfriend. I am trying to stay away from boyfriend land with Todd. That's why I'm doing all this.
AJ: You know what the problem is? You really haven't thought this out very carefully, have you? I mean, did you honestly think that Todd wasn't gonna smell a fraud? The guy is a master of frauds himself. Look, I hate to say it, Carly, but, Frankly, I'm disappointed. You're slipping.
Carly: I don't need you to judge me.
AJ: Then what do you need?
Carly: I need you to stop being your usual useless self and help me like you said you were gonna help me, that's what I need.
AJ: [Sighs] Look, I told you that I would be a participant in this little farce. I didn't say that I was gonna plan the whole thing for you.
Carly: Okay, stop talking. Stop talking, and listen to me. This is what we need to do. Somehow, somewhere, we need to come up with a very believable show that proves that we are completely and madly together, all right?
AJ: The mind boggles.
Carly: It's nauseating, I know, but Todd has to see it.
AJ: Good plan.
Carly: And we have to do it now, so let's go.
AJ: No. No dice. You know what? Game over.
Lucy: Oh, that's right. You said you were madly in love with Carly.
Todd: I did not. I would never say anything like that. I've never used those words in my life. It's such a -- it's a cliché.
Lucy: Okay, okay, fine. In general, you said you love Carly, you lied to her, and now she wants nothing to do with you, which is really odd, because she's a big fat liar, and I can't judge, because I've been known --
Todd: I might have said that she was really mad at me and in love with me, because she is really mad at me, and she is in love with me. She's so in love with me that she made up a fake boyfriend to keep me away, but I've got the goods on her.
Lucy: Do tell. How?
Todd: The Easter Bunny sees all.
Carly: What do you mean, "game over"?
AJ: I don't want to do this anymore.
Carly: Define "this."
AJ: Putting on a public display of affection with you for Todd. I don't want to pretend that we're anything other than exactly what we are, which is two people who hate each other.
Carly: Well, then you need to fake it, assuming you want the name of the mystery Quartermaine heir.
Todd: I've got ammunition that proves that Carly's fake relationship with her fake boyfriend is a complete fake. Now I get to go over there and blow this whole charade right out of the water.
Lucy: Okay, can I just warn you about something? If you do have that ammunition to prove that her fake boyfriend really is a fake, there's no guarantee that Carly's gonna want a real relationship with you again.
Todd: Unh-unh-unh-unh. You are living in the negative. It's very discouraging.
Lucy: Oh, no, I'm sorry. Really, I'm just trying to be realistic here, because sometimes there are lies that you just can't take back and damage that you just can't repair; but, on the other hand, if you truly, truly really love somebody, then you never, ever give up.
Todd: See? Now, that's a cliché that I can live with.
Lucy: Good luck.
Molly: Do you need some more ice or a dry towel?
Rafe: No, um, I'm okay.
Sam: Is it even possible for Rafe to stay with you? I mean, will Social Services allow it?
McBain: I don't know, but whatever it takes, I'll do it.
Sam: Really? 'Cause your life really isn't set up to raise a child, I mean, let alone a teenager.
McBain: Yeah, I know that, and maybe I'm wrong, but I think I can do better than that group home. I mean, who better to look after the kid than a cop?
Sam: True, but it's a huge responsibility.
McBain: Well, that's a ringing endorsement.
Sam: I'm just saying that you have a high-profile job, and you're gone all the time.
McBain: You know, Sam, I've been kind of in this limbo hell for too long now, you know? I spend all my time here just working or staring into a muted television, and I don't know. It just seems wrong to be wallowing in my own misery when the kid could use some help.
Sam: You do not wallow.
McBain: Oh, no, I wallow. I'm a very good wallower.
Sam: Just so you know, I think it's pretty great what you're doing.
Dante: So, you and the cannoli are coming with me.
Olivia: I got to be here if the lawyer calls.
Dante: Ma, that's why they invented cell phones, okay? So, if Steve's lawyer wants to call you with updates, he can do so.
Olivia: I don't know, honey. I just -- I don't know.
Dante: I do. I do. This is a big day for me and Lulu and your grandchild. We'd like you to be there.
Olivia: Why do you make it so hard to say no to you?
Dante: Um, I think it's because I'm a spoiled only child.
Olivia: You are not spoiled. Maybe just a little overindulged.
Dante: Mm-hmm.
Olivia: Okay, just give me a second. Don't touch those. They're for Lulu.
Lulu: So, you think Scott Baldwin sent me the fake Ice Princess.
Luke: I wouldn't rule Helena out, but, let's face it, he does have a grudge against you.
Lulu: Yeah, no matter what I say, he still blames me for his son's death.
Luke: And consider the timing. Same day he shows up in Port Charles, that faux princess thing is sent to you.
Lulu: Have you said anything to Scott about this?
Luke: Oh, yeah, but of course, he denies it. What else would he do, huh?
Lulu: Was mom there?
Luke: Mm-hmm. Mmm. Iced tea, nice.
Lulu: So, nothing's happened since Valentine's Day, so maybe there's nothing to worry about.
Luke: Yeah, maybe, or maybe he's backing off, because he knows I'm on to him.
Laura: Lulu didn't tell me that she invited Luke over, all right? But even if he is there, I don't have any plans to tell him that his girlfriend's cheating on him.
Scott: So, why can't I come with you?
Laura: Well, because I kind of want to have a little mother/daughter time. I haven't seen her in such a long time. These moments are precious. I don't get very many of them anymore, you know? You must understand that.
Scott: Of course, I do. But...before you go, there's a very important question I want to ask you.
Lulu: I can see why you don't trust Scott Baldwin.
Luke: And you don't, either, right?
Lulu: Of course not, but I've decided to stay out of it. I have my own relationship to focus on. So do you.
Luke: I do? What relationship?
Lulu: Your relationship with Anna.
Luke: Oh. No, Lulu, the Commissioner and I broke up. That's over.
Lulu: You did? I'm sorry. Does mom know that?
Laura: There's something you want to ask me?
Scott: Yeah. Come -- come over here and sit down.
Laura: Should I be a little nervous right now?
Scott: Well, I'm nervous enough for both of us. Sit down. I love you. I've always loved you, and I think it's pretty clear that I'm gonna love you forever, so will you do me the honor and be my wife...again...forever?
Laura: I already said yes, honey.
Scott: Yeah, but I didn't have the hardware.
Laura: Oh, my God. Scottie.
Scott: So, uh, is that a yes?
Laura: Yes. Yes, I will marry you, Scottie. Mmm.
Luke: ...If your mother knows anything about me and Anna.
Lulu: She might be interested.
Luke: I don't see why.
Lulu: Maybe because you guys used to be married, and you have two kids together, and you're about to be grandparents together for the second time.
Luke: Well, what the hell difference does all that make to what Laura does or doesn't know?
Laura: Does or doesn't know what?
Lucy: Scott? [Laughs] Oh, wow. Wow, wow, wow. You -- you are a sight for sore eyes.
Scott: Well, look at you. You look like a million bucks. I was wondering if I was gonna run into you.
Lucy: I didn't even know you were in town.
Scott: Well, I knew you were. You're still making headlines, Lucy. Did you really stake a cop?
Lucy: [Sighs]
[Knock on door]
Sam: Mom?
Alexis: Yeah, honey.
Sam: Oh.
Alexis: Hi.
Sam: Please tell us you have some good news.
Alexis: I spoke with Child Services.
McBain: Good, what do we have to do to make this happen?
Alexis: I'm sorry. It's not going to happen.
Carly: You're not backing out on me, AJ.
AJ: You know what? This entire disgusting charade is putting a real crimp in my personal life.
Carly: Now I know you're lying, because you don't have a personal life.
AJ: Really? 'Cause last night, I was supposed to meet Elizabeth for dinner, and she showed up, and what did she see? You kissing me.
Carly: I didn't see her there.
AJ: I didn't see her, either. She probably ran in horror, because she saw you latched on me, and I -- I went to go see why she didn't sh-- why am I telling you this?
Carly: You didn't tell her about our plan? Anything?
AJ: I lied. I lied to Elizabeth, and I lied to our son.
Carly: You lied to Michael?
AJ: You're blackmailing me.
Carly: I am not blackmailing you.
AJ: Did you or did you not say that you won't tell me who the Quartermaine heir is unless I pretend to have a relationship with you? If that isn't blackmail, I don't know what is!
Carly: It's a mutually beneficial agreement.
AJ: Not anymore it's not, okay? I'm done. I'm done lying to Elizabeth. Carly, I finally have a chance at having a relationship with somebody, somebody that I care about, if I can just get out of this ridiculous mess that you created.
Carly: Okay. What about cementing yourself in ELQ and kicking Tracy out?
AJ: What about it?
Carly: I thought that was the most important thing -- redeeming yourself with Michael, fixing your place in the family again, blah-blah-blah. If you drop this, man, it's not gonna happen.
AJ: You don't know that.
Carly: Tracy already has Luke on the trail --
AJ: You told Luke the name?!
Carly: Yes, I did, and if Luke finds the heir before you do, well, you're out. So you need to think long and hard about what you want to do, AJ.
[Knock on door]
Todd: Hey, guys.
Carly: Todd.
Todd: Hi. So, uh, how's the happy couple?
Molly: Mom, what are you talking about? Why can't Rafe live with John?
Alexis: Because Child Services won't sign off.
Molly: Won't sign off on him staying with John for now or won't sign off permanently?
McBain: Look, if Rafe needs to stay somewhere else until we can make it official, maybe we can speed the process up. I'll do anything. I'll sign whatever it takes.
Alexis: John, they won't approve you as a foster parent.
Sam: Mom, why not?
Alexis: He doesn't meet the necessary requirements. I'm so sorry. I'm gonna have to take you back.
Molly: No! That's not fair.
Scott: Laura moved to Paris to be close to her doctors, and I happened to be there.
Lucy: You just so happened?
Scott: Yeah. Yeah, well, it was, you know, it was a big coincidence.
Lucy: Mmm, and it is me you are talking to, remember?
Scott: Well, maybe not such a coincidence.
Lucy: Aha.
Scott: The point is that, you know, she was there rebuilding her life, I was there with her. You know, after a couple years, one thing led to another, and... I proposed.
Lucy: And she said yes.
Scott: Not exactly. She said she had to see if there was anything left between her and that fathead Spencer.
Lucy: Okay, so, what did you do?
Scott: What could I do? I told her to come to Port Charles and figure out what she needed to figure out.
Lucy: Well, then, what did Luke and Laura figure out?
Scott: Well, as it turned out, the stars aligned in my favor, and she got here and found out that Luke had moved on with Anna Devane. So, she agreed to marry me.
Lucy: So, you think that she agreed to marry you just because she thinks Luke's not free.
Scott: But he is.
Laura: What don't I know, Lulu?
Olivia: We just ran into Laura out in the hallway. Hey, Luke, do you like cannoli? I got you the kind of cannoli you like from Luigi's.
Lulu: Thank you. That's so thoughtful. Hi, mom!
Laura: Hi, honey. You look gorgeous.
Lulu: Thank you.
Dante: Hey.
Luke: Hi.
Dante: Glad you made it.
Luke: Thanks, Dante. Nice to be here.
Olivia: It's a big day, right? Our first big chance to see Dante and Lulu's baby. Hey, where's that sonogram picture, anyway?
Lulu: I will get it right now. Hang on, hang on.
Dante: Oh, baby, it's in here. It's here. This way.
Laura: This is kind of special, right -- to get the first glimpse of our grandchild.
Luke: Yeah, in theory. Of course, those pictures never look like a kid. It just looks like a bubble in a lava lamp, but...
Olivia: [Laughing]
Lulu: Okay. [Clears throat] I just want to say how happy Dante and I are that almost all the grandparents could be here for this.
Luke: Where is Sonny?
Olivia: Oh, well, it turns out that Kate or Connie or, I guess, both of them really needed him.
Lulu: So, without further ado... [Laughs] Your grandchild.
Olivia: Oh, my God!
Laura: Oh, my goodness. They've changed so much since I had mine. Wow.
Luke: Well, that is one fine-looking legume.
Lulu: Thank you.
Laura: Wow, you can see her precious little hands.
Olivia: Ooh, her?
Laura: Or him. It doesn't really matter, does it? Oh, it's a beautiful baby.
Olivia: Oh, it's gonna be absolutely -- look, one thing's for sure -- it's not gonna be a dog.
Luke: A dog?
Laura: Why would Lulu and Dante's baby --
Lulu: It's --
Dante: For no reason 'cause no one's -- not gonna be a dog.
Olivia: Guys, I'm just so happy, I don't even know what's coming out of my mouth. [Laughs] It's gonna be perfect. Oh, honey, I'm so proud of you.
Lulu: Thank you so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Laura: Beautiful baby. And thank you for letting us share in it.
Lulu: Yes, I'm glad this worked out.
Laura: I'm proud of you, honey, so proud of you. Very exciting. Hey. Congratulations.
Luke: Congratulations.
Carly: What are you doing? You can't possibly want to see AJ and me together.
Todd: Well, Carly, I'm a human being with needs, and I feel like the only way I'm going to be able to face the difficult, difficult, difficult task of letting you go is if I see how you two love one another, so do me a favor and just go about your day and, you know, pretend I'm not even -- pretend Mr. Bunny and I aren't even here.
AJ: You know, I got to hand it to you, Manning, that's weird, even for you.
Todd: I just -- I feel like the only way I'm really ever gonna be able to let you go is if I see you two have sex.
Carly: What?
Todd: Sex. You know, like sofa sex or carpet sex or this --
Carly: We're not putting on a sex show for you, Todd. We're not.
Todd: Why not?
Carly: Because. Because it's disgusting. What do you mean, "why not?"
Todd: Okay, that's the reason?
Carly: Yes.
Todd: That's the reason? You sure that that's the reason? You sure it's not because of...
AJ: What the hell are you doing, man?
Carly: What did you do? Jax bought that for Josslyn.
Todd: No, I bought it for Josslyn...the better to see you with, my dear.
Carly: You were spying on me?
Todd: With audio. Mr. Bunny and I heard every word you two phonies said to each other. You two are so busted. This whole ridiculous idea that you two had that you were gonna fool the world into thinking that you two were in a relationship -- that is over. That is done. Mr. Bunny and I have kicked --
Carly: No, no, no. You didn't hear what you think you heard.
Todd: I know what I heard. As soon as you two aren't in public, you loathe one another, and I saw what I saw.
Carly: What you saw wasn't real, because I knew the bunny was a spy cam.
Todd: Did you?
Carly: Yes, I did. I have three kids, okay? I know what a nanny cam is. I knew all about it. What you saw was just a fake. I told AJ all about it when he was on his way over here. Right, AJ?
AJ: Wrong. Wrong. Right before Todd burst in, I was about to tell you I'm out. You, good luck with your psycho boyfriend. No offense. You, good luck.
Carly: You can say goodbye to your future at ELQ. I knew I couldn't count on you!
[Door closes]
Carly: Get out. Now. Get out.
Todd: [Laughs] That's very sweet.
Carly: And funny.
Todd: It is. It's kind of funny. You're trying so hard to hurt me, to push me away, keep me at a distance, and for me, it only proves how much you care. You are just as much in love with me as I am with you.
Molly: Look at his face, Mom. He got jumped by a bunch of kids at that group home. He cannot go back there. It's too dangerous. Can't you convince Child Services that he'd be much safer with John?
Alexis: Sweetie, Child Services has rules, and very often, they're impenetrable. I promise you I will not give up on this. I will keep working on it, and we will find you a safer place as quickly as possible.
Molly: Define "as quickly as possible." Is that 24 hours, 2 weeks? And how is Rafe supposed to defend himself?
Rafe: Molly, it's okay. Really, it's fine. Thank you, Miss Davis. I appreciate all your help.
Alexis: Look, I'm sorry, Rafe. We need to go.
McBain: Hey. I'm sorry, kid. I let you down.
Rafe: Thanks for trying.
Laura: I thought it might be fun for you to see some pictures of you and Lucky when you were babies.
Lulu: Yes!
Laura: It'll be fun, right?
Lulu: Oh, my gosh. Let's see this. Oh.
Laura: [Laughs] Look.
Lulu: Oh, my gosh. Wow, I was a scrunchy little thing, wasn't I?
Laura: No. You were a beautiful little thing, and we had such high hopes for you, and you have surpassed all of them. I can't believe my baby's having a baby.
Lulu: I know. Sometimes I can't believe it, either, since Maxie's the one who's pregnant. It's just weird watching someone else's body nurture your baby.
Laura: I know, honey. And I know how hard it was on you when you found out that you couldn't carry a child, but please, Lulu, keep it in perspective. Pregnancy is a nine-month experience, and motherhood -- that's forever.
Lulu: [Chuckles]
Laura: Right?
Lulu: Yeah.
Laura: I'm happy for you.
Lulu: Gosh, I'm so, so happy you're here to share this with me.
Laura: I am, too.
Olivia: Hey, honey, I got this great book for Lulu about being a first-time mom. I think I left it down in your car.
Dante: Okay, well, sit down --
Olivia: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I'm a little antsy waiting for the lawyers to call. Let me take the stairs. It'll do me good.
Luke: So, how are you doing on the search for Helena?
Dante: I've been looking for her ever since Lulu got that fake Ice Princess thing, and I... there's no sign of her.
Luke: She's really good at flying under the radar. I've got a few sources of my own that are making inquiries.
Dante: I appreciate that.
Luke: Look... as long as you're at it, why don't you look into Scott Baldwin?
Dante: Laura's fiancé Scott Baldwin?
Luke: Yeah. I mean, I don't know that he sent Lulu the fake Ice Princess, but that guy is definitely up to something.
Scott: So, I went down to the police station to try and get you out of that little fix that you were in. That's when I ran into Anna, and she told me that she was no longer with Luke.
Lucy: But I have been out of jail for several days now.
Scott: I've known about it for a while.
Lucy: Oh, I see. So, you are keeping it from Laura, because you think, if she finds out that Luke is free, she'll break up with you?
Scott: Something like that. So, is this where you tell me to fess up and tell Laura the truth?
Lucy: Heck no.
Lulu: I've always, always loved this photo.
Laura: Me too. Look at the smile on your dad's face.
Lulu: [Laughs]
Laura: I love that. Oh, it's such a shame.
Lulu: What? What's wrong?
Laura: Oh. Well, I promised Scottie that I wouldn't talk to Luke about it, but I didn't say that I wouldn't talk to you about it.
Lulu: About what?
Laura: Anna is cheating on Luke with Duke Lavery.
Lulu: Oh, no, she's not.
Laura: Yes, she is. I saw her kissing him.
Lulu: Yeah, you may have seen Anna kissing Duke, but Anna's not cheating on dad. Dad and Anna broke up.
Scott: You're saying I shouldn't tell Laura about Luke and Anna breaking up?
Lucy: You seem surprised.
Scott: Well, I thought you gave up your sneaky ways. I thought you now stand for good. Evil gone.
Lucy: Yeah, that. I'm trying. I'm changing. I'm -- maybe a better word is I'm trying to evolve, and I do realize that you can't always get what you want when you lie and sneak around, except when you can.
Scott: So, like my current situation?
Lucy: Okay. Part of me thinks that honesty is always the best policy, and that you probably shouldn't start a whole marriage based on a lie.
Scott: And the other part?
Lucy: I tried to tell the truth. I tried really hard, and I did tell the truth, and look what it got me. I lost Doc for a very long time. When we were apart, it was absolutely horrible, and lots of horrible things happened, and so I've just... hey. Do you love Laura?
Scott: Yes.
Lucy: And right now, at this point in your life, she is absolutely the one?
Scott: I have been in love with Laura since I was 17 years old.
Lucy: Okay, then, you marry her. You marry the heck out of her. You just grab her and marry her right now, before she finds out that Luke and Anna aren't together. You grab that girl, and you take her, and you marry her.
Laura: Luke and Anna broke up? Are you sure?
Lulu: Yeah. Dad just told me.
Laura: Ah.
Lulu: I mean, that's what we were talking about when you came in.
Laura: Oh.
Lulu: Okay, I have to ask. Does it matter to you if dad's available?
Dante: Look, Luke, I know you're not big on family gatherings and stuff like that, but it means a lot to Lu and to me that you're here. We really appreciate it.
Luke: I'm very happy for both of you, believe me. And I know how much family means to her.
[Door opens]
Olivia: Oh, hey. Look what I found outside the door. And it is addressed to the new mama.
Lulu: Whoa. Let me see the card.
Olivia: Here.
Lulu: Oh, my gosh. It is addressed to me. It's from Aunt Bobbie.
Luke: Hold on. Don't touch it.
Todd: I'm right here... and I'm free... and I have no secrets.
Carly: Not one? Sure about that?
Todd: Sure about that. Learning from my mistakes. If I ever screw up again -- and I'll probably screw up again -- I'll just be honest with you. And when you screw up again -- 'cause you're gonna screw up again -- I'll stand by your side.
Carly: You're just telling me everything I want to hear, huh?
Todd: I hope so, yeah. Carly, you're the only friend I've ever had in my life. And you were wrong. Sleeping with you didn't screw it up. It just made it better. I need you in my life. And I know you need me, too.
Carly: [Crying]
Todd: Why don't you just stop fighting with yourself?
McBain: I should have known. I should have known. It's the same thing all over again. They were never gonna let me look after Rafe. I was an idiot to get the kid's hopes up just to have them torn down.
Sam: This is not your fault. Child Services is making a huge mistake.
McBain: I got to hand it to that Stephen Clay. The guy was out of his mind, but he didn't let anybody stand in the way of keeping him from the people he loved.
Sam: John, come on.
McBain: Rafe was his son. He took him. He thought you were his wife. He took you. You know, better to die with an arrow in your heart than a knife in your back. I just feel so useless.
Sam: You are not useless. You should know that. Don't say that.
McBain: Tell that to Rafe.
Sam: What do you mean, "Tell that to Rafe"? Rafe is alive because of you. My son and I are alive because of you.
McBain: All I did was mess up your life, Sam.
Sam: Yeah, well, maybe I'm the one who messed up your life.
McBain: No. I did that all on my own.
Sam: Don't, John. I'm not gonna stand here and let you think that you did something wrong. Hey. Look at me.
McBain: I can't.
Sam: Hey, stop. You're a good man.
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