GH Transcript Friday 3/15/13

General Hospital Transcript Friday 3/15/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Charlene

[Elevator bell dings]

Kevin: Really, Lucy, there is no need for this. Excuse me. I'm fine.

Lucy: I know -- I know you're fine. You're more than fine. You're generous and handsome and kind, and you're very, very forgiving, and I am so glad we're getting back together.

Kevin: Great! Then let's go someplace else and celebrate.

Lucy: We will, but you are still recovering from your injuries, sustained when you had that altercation at Ferncliff.

Kevin: That's one way to put it.

Lucy: Okay, you got conked, you were unconscious on the freezing concrete. [Sighs] Listen, if you want a future with me, then you need to have your head examined.

Kevin: I'll say.

Lucy: Hey! That's not funny. Please? Please, Doc, for me? Promise me you'll get yourself thoroughly checked out. And I promise you will never, ever hear me say the word "vamp--" the "V" word again.

[Knock on door]

Sam: Molly, you're a published author. That's a huge achievement.

Molly: I know, and I really want to be happy. I am happy, but it just seems so selfish to be focused on my book when I'm worried about Rafe.

McBain: What's up, Rafe?

Rafe: Sorry. I didn't know where else to go.

Felix: Okay, let me get this straight. You poured your heart out to Dr. Dreamboat.

Sabrina: I told him exactly how I feel.

Felix: And he didn't sweep you off your feet?

Sabrina: Nope.

Felix: And your date with AJ Quartermaine?

Elizabeth: Never happened.

Felix: Because you saw him kissing Carly Jacks.

Elizabeth: In the middle of the restaurant. Doesn't really surprise me. Carly's not known for her discretion, but I guess she was just too good for AJ to resist.

Felix: What the hell is wrong with these men? How could they be so thoughtless?

Carly: You can say nothing to anyone about this. You start running your mouth, you will never find out who has those ELQ shares, and your dream of redeeming yourself in Michael's eyes, we know what'll happen there.

AJ: I'm so sorry, Elizabeth.

Ellie: Good morning.

AJ: Let's hope so. How'd that scan go that you had run?

Ellie: Uh, you're referring to the endoscopy which was performed on Damian?

AJ: Uh, yeah, that one. Look, if we can't reconstruct the relish recipe, I can't guarantee the future of ELQ. Ellie, please, Michael and I are really counting on you.

Starr: You have any idea what time it is? Michael, we're supposed to meet Ellie and Spinelli in 10 minutes! What are you doing?! Come on! AJ's waiting for us!

Michael: He's got his mind on other things right now.

Starr: What does that mean?

Michael: He's back together with my mom.

[Doorbell rings]

Carly: Oh, okay. You know what? You can color that in. H—

Rafe: Sorry. I didn't have anywhere else to go.

McBain: Don't apologize. It's good to see you. You want to tell me what happened?

Rafe: Things got a little ugly at the group home.

McBain: You should've called me. I would've come picked you up. You run here? You take the bus?

Rafe: I took the bus. Thought about going to Molly's house, but I've put her through enough grief.

Sam: You're thinking about Rafe, huh? What about TJ?

Molly: I wasn't thinking about Rafe like that. I just haven't heard from him since they threw him in that group home.

Sam: Well, I'm sure he made it there okay.

Molly: I just want to know if he's okay. Is that too much to ask?

Sam: No. Why don't you call him?

Molly: How? Rafe doesn't have a cell phone. I can't even text him.

Sam: Okay. Well, remember there is a thing called land lines.

Molly: Yes, but I don't even know what home Social Service sent him to, so even if I wanted to call him on a land line, it's impossible.

Sam: Maybe not.

Felix: What the hell was AJ doing kissing on Carly? She told me that he fills her with murderous rage. Of course, there's a thin line between love and hate.

Elizabeth: In Carly's case, it's lust and hate. But if AJ doesn't know by now to stay away from Carly after all the misery she has caused him, then that is his problem, not mine.

Felix: Clearly, there's a lot of history here to which I am not privy. Fortunately for you, I know your story up and down, so the first thing I'm gonna do is go talk to Dr. Dreamboat--

Sabrina: Oh, no, no, no. You are not gonna do that. I have humiliated myself enough for 10 lifetimes, okay? I just want to -- I just want to forget that the whole thing ever happened, please.

Felix: All I can say is, if these two fools can't see what's right in front of them, then it's their loss. We need to focus on the bright side.

Sabrina: Which is?

Felix: Well, for starters, you weren't fired. You passed the final, which means...

Sabrina: Which means?

Felix: We're all nurses!

Sabrina: Right.

Lucy: I certainly hope so. We have a gigantic event to plan, and it's not called the Student Nurses' Ball.

Starr: Are you sure Elizabeth didn't misunderstand?

Michael: That's what I thought. My parents can't make it through a simple conversation without hurling out accusations or threats, but Elizabeth swore she saw them kissing, and then AJ showed up, and he confirmed it.

Starr: Okay. I don't want to imply that your father is lying to you, but...

Michael: "But"?

Starr: Your father's lying to you.

AJ: So where are we with reconstructing the relish recipe?

Ellie: Well, we performed the endoscopy, hoping to locate the paper and extract it surgically.

AJ: And?

Ellie: And... unfortunately, the acid in his stomach dissolved the recipe. So all we discovered was that Damian has the beginnings of an ulcer.

Spinelli: I've been under a lot of stress lately, so...

AJ: Yeah, you're not the only one. I was really hoping this was gonna work so I wouldn't have to start with plan "B."

Spinelli: I'm sorry. Plan "B"?

AJ: Yeah, it's not a real pretty option. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Spinelli: [Sighs] This is all my fault. If I hadn't succumbed to Tracy's threats, none of this would have happened, and you would've been on your way to world relish domination.

AJ: All I want to do is restore ELQ, just keep it going for future generations... maybe prove myself to my son in the process.

Ellie: I suppose I could try to reconstruct my notes using trial and error. I mean, the other ingredients --

Spinelli: You won't have to. There's another way.

Carly: I --

Todd: I brought doughnuts.

Carly: I don't want any doughnuts.

Todd: Oh, come on. Everybody loves doughnuts. Doughnuts are delicious. Hey, maybe...AJ wants a doughnut.

Carly: You cannot just walk into my house and do this, you know?

Todd: Hey, sugar twist! You want a bear claw?! See, I know that your completely legitimate boyfriend is here because you're in a totally non-bogus relationship.

Carly: You're trespassing in my home. You know that.

Todd: For a good cause. Right?

Carly: No.

Todd: Carly, your boyfriend doesn't seem to be coming down the stairs.

Carly: I don't have to explain anything to you. Anything!

Josslyn: Hi, Mr. Manning!

Todd: Hey, Joss. Wow. Don't you look pretty. You look just like your mom.

Josslyn: I drew this for you.

Todd: You did? Oh, let me see. [Gasps] How did you know I was a pirate?

Josslyn: Because you are!

Todd: That's right, I are! And you know what? I'll give ye a cruller if ye tell me a tale about your mother and Uncle AJ. Did Mommy and Uncle AJ have a sleepover party last night?

Carly: Okay, all right. You know what? You're gonna go in the kitchen and color, okay? You get those. Can you pick those up? Come on. Say goodbye to Mr. Manning.

Josslyn: Goodbye.

Carly: You can carry these, and I'll be right with you. Thank you, sweetie. What is wrong with you? You do not need to ask my daughter things about my houseguests or anything else!

Todd: I was just trying to give her a cruller.

Carly: No, you weren't. You were trying to bribe her.

Todd: Well, I wouldn't have to bribe the preschooler -- would I? -- If you would just admit the truth.

Carly: What?

Todd: You and AJ -- whatever his name is -- you don't have anything in common. The only thing you have in common is Michael and your mutual dislike for one another. Anything else is pure fiction.

Carly: There is nothing pure about me and AJ.

Todd: Tell me about it. I saw your skin crawling every time he touched you.

Carly: You know what? I'm with him, okay? And your daughter even told you that.

Todd: Yeah, my daughter is lying, just like you are.

Carly: You're out of here.

Todd: Hey, I get it. No, I understand. All right? I know what it's like to be scared. You don't want to open yourself up because you're afraid that I'm gonna hurt you. So you're trying really, really hard to not know what it is that you know that you know.

Carly: That makes no sense at all! You realize that.

Todd: You're right, you're right. I'll simplify it. I totally screwed up. Not the first time in my life I've screwed up, and I hope that I get to screw up with you again, because I feel like you and I are really great together. Please take me back.

Carly: Goodbye...Todd. Get out of here. Goodbye.

Todd: Mm. Give my best to AJ. [Breathes deeply]

Spinelli: So, as I understand it, you and Starr deciphered most of the recipe. Correct?

Ellie: Right. But she wasn't there when I ascertained the mystery ingredient.

Spinelli: Yeah, but nevertheless, someone in the room knows the secret.

AJ: Who?

Spinelli: You.

Ellie: Me?

Spinelli: Yeah, you drew the molecular diagram.

Ellie: I jotted it down, much as you would a phone number or a street address when you ask for directions. I didn't have time to analyze the diagram, and unfortunately, I don't have photographic memory.

Spinelli: Yeah, you won't need one. So, the recipe may be in my stomach, but the information is in your head, hidden in your memory. And I know a way to find it.

Lucy: I am so glad you are all here, ready to go to work.

Sabrina: Wait. What do you mean "work"?

Lucy: What do you mean what do I mean? We have a huge event to plan. I've told you and told you. It's gonna take all of us together. We've got stuff to do -- lots of stuff.

Felix: But the Ball isn't happening, at least not this year, anyway.

Lucy: What on earth do you mean?

Elizabeth: Lucy, I don't want to bring up an uncomfortable subject, but you're kind of in trouble with everybody.

Lucy: I know. But it's getting better. I mean, I know CoeCoe is still being restructured. We're readjusting, but we're gonna emerge out of that better than ever. And as far as my personal situation, well, I do realize I was sidelined -- it's true -- by certain -- let's just say -- unspoken-about events, okay? And let's move on! Because, happily, I'm done with that. I am free to get the ball rolling. Get it? See what I did there? Okay. Never mind. Let's just get down to business, shall we? Oh, okay.

Molly: Are you sure this will work? I mean, I really want to --

Sam: Yes, hi. Yes, this is Alexis Davis, Rafe Kovich's attorney. I was wondering if you could help transfer me to the home that he's been placed. I have a few questions I need to ask him. Thank you.

Molly: Are you through?

Sam: Hold on.

Molly: You're the best.

Sam: Yeah? Oka-- okay. Thank you very much.

Molly: What's wrong?

Sam: He's gone.

McBain: Why don't you walk me through what happened?

Rafe: Well, let's just say kids who get sent to group homes... not exactly well-adjusted.

McBain: What is that? Some sort of hazing thing?

Rafe: That I could deal with.

McBain: Worse?

Rafe: Look... this isn't your problem.

McBain: It is now. Hold this against your eye.

Rafe: [Sighs] Okay, fine. They were making fun of my mother.

McBain: About what they're saying in the papers and stuff.

Rafe: Yeah, they told me she was crazy and that she should've been locked up. They asked if she had hallucinations and if she thought every guys she slept with was a vampire. I lost it. Started throwing punches and took a couple of them down.

McBain: Good for you.

Rafe: Yeah, except there was way too many of them. Once they got me down and kicked the crap out of me, I... decided to leave.

McBain: I'm gonna do something about that right now.

Rafe: How are you gonna do that?

McBain: We're gonna go back down there, and I'm gonna have a talk with a supervisor.

Rafe: Forget it. I'm not going anywhere near that place.

Starr: Remember how I told you I was going to have a peaceful night in watching "Reptile Wranglers" and ordering in Chinese food? Well, didn't exactly turn out that way.

Michael: Why not?

Starr: Because my dad waylaid the delivery man and brought me the Chinese food himself. Only that was just an excuse.

Michael: I'm afraid to ask.

Starr: You should be. Turns out I wasn't his first stop. He went to see your mom as soon as he got out of prison. He tried to get her back, apologized for all the terrible things that he had done, and Carly wanted to prove to him that she had moved on, so she kissed AJ right in front of him.

Michael: Yeah, I know. I just don't buy, after all of these years of hating each other, they're suddenly just hooking up.

Starr: Yeah, my dad didn't buy it either. That's why he asked me whether I knew anything about Carly and AJ being together, and I told him that I did.

Michael: So you lied.

Starr: Yeah, I did. Because your mom asked me to.

Carly: [Sighs] Josslyn, you are a very good judge of character.

Josslyn: Did you have a sleepover with Uncle AJ?

Carly: No. No, I did not. Mr. Manning was wrong about that, and he's wrong about a lot of things most of the time.

[Doorbell rings]

Carly: You know what? We'll talk about that when you get older.

Lucy: First and foremost, I want you to know we should be so proud and honored, because we are going to be partners with amfAR (the American Foundation for AIDS Research) for the Nurses' Ball this year. It's so fantastic. They're this huge charity that does so much -- raises money and awareness -- for HIV, AIDS, and for people everywhere, and it's really a big deal. So I need you to get to know everything about them so we can answer questions if people ask, so that's in the front of your book, okay?

Elizabeth: Excuse me, Lucy. Is amfAR aware of the problems we've had trying to stage the Ball? Because they might be expecting more than we can produce.

Felix: A lot more.

Lucy: I promise you, we will not disappoint them, and we will be very worthy of their trust. Okay, let's turn to page 3, because what I did there was outline all the accomplishments we've had so far, and a big one is getting the Metro Court Ballroom, thanks to Felix. What a coup. That has earned you a golden duck. If not, you'll get that position very soon.

[Cell phone rings]

Felix: Thanks. I think. Am I missing something?

Elizabeth: Excuse me. I need to take this.

Lucy: Oh! Okay. We'll soldier on. Hurry back. [Chuckles] Okay, now, really, if we're gonna meet our target date, we have a lot to do.

Felix: Uh, Lucy -- Ms. Coe -- this isn't gonna work.

Lucy: What do you mean? It is gonna work. I know we don't have a lot of time and there is an extreme deadline issue, but we're gonna make it work because the Nurses' Ball must go on.

Sabrina: It's not so much the time as much as it is the money.

Lucy: Don't worry. We have the money.

Sabrina: Unfortunately, things have changed since you've been... uh, since you've been away.

Felix: We lost our funding.

Sabrina: We really appreciate how hard you've worked on this and that you care so much, but... there isn't gonna be a Nurses' Ball.

Lucy: [Sighs]

Elizabeth: When will they be ready? Okay. Thanks. You too. Dr. Collins?

Kevin: Elizabeth! Look at you. You look terrific.

Elizabeth: Thank you. You too. What're you doing here? Are you back at G.H.?

Kevin: Only as an outpatient.

Elizabeth: Is everything okay?

Kevin: Well, I had a run-in with a blunt object.

Elizabeth: Oh. That's not good. How'd that happen?

Kevin: It seems that Heather Webber decided that I would best serve her escape from Ferncliff if I were unconscious.

Elizabeth: That was you?

Kevin: That was me.

Elizabeth: Oh.

Kevin: So Lucy insists I have another scan.

Elizabeth: Let me take you to Radiology.

Kevin: Oh, thank you. I understand Heather's been sentenced to the Miscavige facility for an indefinite term.

Elizabeth: Thank God. She's just about the last person I'd ever want to see.

[Elevator bell dings]

McBain: Okay. I'm gonna talk with a woman in Social Services, all right? We're gonna get you transferred somewhere better.

Rafe: It doesn't matter, okay? I'm still gonna be the son of the vampire and some crazy lady.

McBain: Look, I'm sorry, Rafe. I just don't know if there's a lot of other options at this point.

Rafe: What if I stay with you?

Molly: Rafe is gone? When? What happened?

Sam: Well, from what I could gather, he got into a fight with some other kids at the facility.

Molly: Oh, my God. We have to find him. Rafe has no one. His parents are dead. He has no one here except for John McBain.

Sam: Hey, Molly, calm down!

Molly: He was only in Port Charles for a few hours when his mother was killed. He doesn't even know his way around.

Sam: Listen to me. I'm your big sister. I'm gonna take care of it.

McBain: You don't want to get stuck with me, kid. I got more problems than the group home.

Rafe: Just hear me out, Detective.

McBain: Don't call me Detective. Call me John.

[Cell phone rings]

McBain: One second. Hey. Hi. What's up?

Sam: Hey, um, look -- I was hoping you could help us. Rafe Kovich ran away, and Molly is really worried about him.

McBain: Yeah, he's here. He showed up about 20 minutes ago. He's -- he's got a pretty good shiner, but other than that, he's fine.

Sam: That's a relief.

Molly: What?

Sam: Well, do you think you can help him?

McBain: I'm gonna try.

Sam: Awesome. Thank you. Thank you so much. Rafe is at John's.

Molly: Is he okay?

Sam: Yeah, I think he's fine.

Molly: Okay, come on.

Sam: What do you mean "come on"? Where do you think we're going?

Molly: We are gonna go see Rafe and John.

Sam: But I don't think --

Molly: Please? I just need to make sure Rafe is okay.

Sam: Okay.

Spinelli: Forgive me. Are you doctor -- are you Dr. Kevin Collins, esteemed Psychiatrist?

Kevin: I'm Kevin Collins.

Spinelli: Okay. It is an honor. Um, we've never met in person, but we have many people in common.

Kevin: Do we?

Spinelli: Yes, yes. I'm very close with the Scorpio/Jones clan, so Mac, Felicia, Maxie, they all speak of you in glowing terms.

Kevin: Oh, that's very kind. And you are?

Spinelli: I'm sorry. I'm Damian Spinelli, a Private Investigator by profession, but I've also been known to dabble in cyber dominance.

[Both laugh]

Kevin: Something tells me you're very well-versed in the computer sciences.

Spinelli: I was once a very formidable hacker, but now I only use my powers for good.

Kevin: Well, I'm sure that's a big relief for someone.

Spinelli: Yeah, I apologize for accosting you, but we have a matter of some urgency which could benefit from your expertise.

Kevin: Uh, actually, Mr. Spinelli, I don't think I'll be taking any --

Spinelli: Oh, gosh! I'm sorry for my rudeness. This is Ellie Trout, Lab Technician par excellence.

Kevin: It's nice to meet you, Ellie.

Ellie: Likewise, Dr. Collins. I think we can let Dr. Collins get back to his --

Spinelli: Actually, he can help us.

AJ: How? Kevin, I'm sorry. I should've said hello.

Kevin: AJ, hello.

AJ: Look, we don't mean to put you on the spot, but, uh...

Kevin: Well, to be honest, I'm a little curious about how I can help. Do you need a consult?

Ellie: Oh, um, something like that.

Spinelli: We could use your assistance in the lab.

Kevin: Well, if memory serves me, it'll be at least an hour back up in Radiology. Would you mind putting my name on the list so I can see how I can help Mr. Spinelli?

Elizabeth: I'll do that.

Kevin: Shall we?

AJ: Uh, I'll catch up with you guys later, okay? Elizabeth, please, listen. Let me just explain what happened last night.

Elizabeth: Not interested.

AJ: Hey, hey, look, if you'll just hear me out --

Elizabeth: If you have something to say, say it to Carly.

Carly: Todd, you got to give it a rest. This is ridiculous. Are you kidding me? What is wrong with you? Why do you keep doing stuff like this?!

Man: Ow! Lady, what's your problem?

Carly: Oh, my God, I'm so sorry! I thought you were somebody else.

Man: I'm a delivery guy. These are for your kid.

Carly: Well, it's a little early. Who sent this?

Man: Some guy from Australia. He was very intent on getting the deluxe packages. He was very specific.

Carly: Oh. Come in. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Come in. You can put it all there. Oh, gosh. All right. Here.

Man: Thank you.

Carly: No. Thank you. And I'm really sorry about that. There you go.

Man: Thanks.

Carly: Yeah. Josslyn, look what your daddy sent you! Come on! Come take a look.

Josslyn: He sent me a bunny?

Carly: Yes, he did. He's so thoughtful. Unlike other people.

Todd: Well, all's well that ends well, right?

Molly: I -- I beg your pardon?

Todd: You figured out the whole mess about who wrote the book.

Sam: Hey, Molly, why don't you go wait in the car, please?

Molly: If Mr. Manning wants to talk about my book --

Sam: I'll be right there.

Todd: Sam, we live in the same town. We're gonna run into each other. Don't you think?

Sam: You think you just got away with it. Stealing my son, leaving me to grieve.

Todd: You got your kid back. Why can't it be over?

Sam: Because it's not.

Todd: Okay. You're an angry Sam. I see that. I get it. You want revenge. I know how that feels.

Sam: Well, maybe, one day, something really awful will happen to your family. Then you can tell me you know how it feels.

Starr: Your mom wants my dad to think that she's unavailable.

Michael: So, she's pretending to date AJ. Who's gonna believe that?

Starr: She's hoping that my dad will.

Michael: I know my mom has feelings for your dad. Actually, I'm pretty sure that she loves him. But he lied to her. She broke up with him. Why can't that be it?

Starr: Because my dad is relentless. He wears people down until they give him exactly what he wants. I could swear up and down that I'll never forgive my dad, but I know that I will, and he knows it, too.

Michael: So he's gonna try and convince my mom to take him back.

Starr: Yeah. It'll work. My dad already knows exactly what Carly is up to. My dad never steps down from a challenge.

Todd: Hello? Oh, hey, Danielle. How's Llanview? Ooh. You're cranky. What -- hey. Dani, hold on a sec. You're not making any sense. Well, okay. If I'm such an awful father, why do you keep calling me? Hello? Dani?

Man: Sounds like you've had one hell of a morning.

Todd: Yeah, why don't you brighten my day with a great big ray of sunshine and tell me that you set up Carly like I told you to?

AJ: Elizabeth, what you saw last night --

Elizabeth: You kissing Carly?

AJ: It's not what you think. I mean, Carly and I cannot stand each other.

[Cell phone rings]

AJ: [Sighs]

Elizabeth: You were saying?

AJ: You got the wrong idea, really.

Elizabeth: You better get that. Carly does not like to be kept waiting.

AJ: [Sighs] You know what? This is not the best time.

Carly: I don't care that it's not convenient. I need you to get over to my house now.

Rafe: Look, I'll totally respect your privacy.

McBain: It's not about that.

Rafe: I know this place is kind of small.

McBain: Yeah.

Rafe: But, I mean, I don't take up much room. I don't really have anything, and I can sleep on the floor.

McBain: You're not sleeping on anyone's floor, kid.

Rafe: Really, I don't mind. I spent enough time in homeless shelters that this is actually a step up.

McBain: Most people would disagree with you.

Rafe: So then why do you stay here?

McBain: Habit. Bad habit. Keep thinking I should find somewhere decent, you know? Maybe has an actual kitchen where I don't have to eat takeout all the time. Maybe have a living room.

Rafe: Maybe a spare bedroom.

[Knock on door]

McBain: Sit tight.

Molly: Rafe! Oh, my God. Look at your face. What happened?

Sam: She insisted.

Molly: I was so worried about you.

McBain: I'm glad she did.

Lucy: Financing is not an issue for the Nurses' Ball.

Felix: Okay, maybe you didn't hear. While you were, um... indisposed, the government froze all of ELQ's accounts. They put a stop payment on the check.

Lucy: I know. I heard. Okay. Did you guys love it? These little colored tabs? I love them. Look how color-coordinated they are with everything, from the venue, the decora--

Sabrina: Okay, the thing is, as much as we all want this Nurses' Ball to happen, we just don't have a budget for anything.

[Door opens]

Elizabeth: Hi. Okay, I'm back. Sorry. What did I miss?

Lucy: Well, not much yet. Okay, let's turn -- shall we? -- To page 15. You'll see I had some ideas and some inspirations for the -- [Gasps] -- Centerpieces. [Chuckles]

Elizabeth: Oh.

Sabrina: She knows all about ELQ.

Felix: And apparently, we're good to go.

Elizabeth: Oh. Oh, okay. Well, wow. Hmm.

Lucy: Uh, you don't like my suggestions?

Elizabeth: Oh, I love them. They're beautiful. And expensive.

Lucy: Exactly! That's what we're going for -- luxury, elegance -- that kind of impression we're trying to make. Wait! You've been to a lot of the Nurses' Balls. Tell them, tell them what it's like.

Elizabeth: Yeah, I've told them that they were absolutely magical. But that was the '90s. The economy was in a better place.

Felix: As much as I love -- love -- to indulge in extravagance, there's no way we can afford this.

Sabrina: Please -- please don't misunderstand. We know that obviously you've worked very hard on this, and we really -- we're very grateful.

Lucy: Okay. You came to me because you wanted the Nurses' Ball done right, right? Okay, well, this is the way we have to go. We have to go with beautiful flowers, gorgeous, in the center of the tables, and every person having filled glasses, champagne sparkling everywhere. We have to work the magic. You have got to spend money to make money.

Sabrina: Lucy, there is no money to spend. How do you expect to pay for all of this?

Kevin: So you want me to use hypnosis to help Ellie recall a molecular diagram that she only saw for as long as it took to jot it down?

Spinelli: Yeah, that's -- that's the plan.

Kevin: Well, uh... how do you feel about the idea of hypnosis?

Ellie: I'm a little nervous, actually. In college, I went to a hypnosis show in Vegas, and they made me sing a song from "Les Mis," so...

Kevin: Oh, well, I can promise you there will be no singing.

Ellie: [Chuckles] Well, I know we need to get this recipe. So if this will help...

Kevin: I can't make any guarantees, but many subjects have said that hypnosis helps memories come to the surface.

Spinelli: It's actually important that no one knows about this, particularly Lucy.

Kevin: Oh, I don't think I'll be telling anyone that I used hypnotherapy to recover a relish recipe. So, uh, would you mind waiting outside?

Spinelli: Is -- is that necessary?

Kevin: Well, the patient needs to concentrate.

Spinelli: Of course. I'll be right outside.

Ellie: Okay.

Kevin: All right, Ellie. Now, just... try and relax. There. You comfortable?

Ellie: Yeah.

Kevin: Okay. All right. First thing I'd like you to do is just... clear your mind. Now, once your thoughts stop racing, I just want you to start counting backwards from 100.

Ellie: Okay.

Kevin: You understand?

Ellie: Yeah. [Breathes deeply] 100... 99... 98... 97...

Lucy: Okay. Read my lips, my baby nurses -- stop worrying about the money. It will all work out.

Felix: Maybe Ms. Coe's right. I mean, you have to spend money to attract money. But without the check from ELQ, we won't be able to afford the startup costs.

Elizabeth: Maybe we could just focus on smaller businesses and get local donations.

Sabrina: And we scale all of this back.

Elizabeth: Yeah, we could have a banquet, right?

Lucy: Oh, my goodness! Really?! A banquet? Oh, ye of little faith. Have you not learned yet? Never underestimate Lucy Coe. I said it will all work out, and I mean it's gonna all work out, okay? Okay. We have. The money.

Todd: So, the camera's been planted.

Man: You're good to go. Just log in to the server.

Todd: Great. Thanks a lot. Thanks a lot.

[Indistinct conversations]

Singer: One last time make it a last kiss

[Doorbell rings]

Carly: Okay. Come in. What took you so long?

AJ: [Scoffs]

Carly: All right. We've got to figure something out.

Todd: And away we go.

Kevin: All right, Ellie, let's go back to yesterday morning. You're in the lab. What do you see?

Ellie: I was working in the lab.

Kevin: Were you alone?

Ellie: Yes. Starr just left to go to her father's trial. We'd made a batch of the relish, but something was missing -- the secret ingredient. So I'd done some more research, and I'd just drawn the diagram for the missing ingredient. I'd found it. I'd isolated the missing ingredient. But then Damian arrived. Damian, your timing is impeccable.

Kevin: Okay. We've gone just a little too far. Let's just back up a little bit. Now, you've just made the diagram of the missing ingredient.

Ellie: Yes.

Kevin: Let's go right to that moment. You've made the diagram. What do you see? Can you see it?

Ellie: Yes. Only it's blurred.

Kevin: That's okay. Just keep looking at it. It'll get clearer. So you see the diagram. Can you read it?

Ellie: Almost.

Kevin: All right, just stay with it. You're looking right at the diagram. You can see it. What does it say?

Molly: You could've had a concussion.

Rafe: Molly, I'm fine, really.

McBain: So, the kid watches his mother die, and then he has to confront... confront a killer, and the city rewards him by sticking him in a group home where every day's gonna be a fight. I know the system's supposed to be fair, but this is extreme.

Sam: Well, maybe after this, Social Services will find a foster home for him.

Molly: Why didn't you call me?

Rafe: Molly, I've put you through enough. But I'm really glad you're here now.

McBain: So I'm gonna call Social Services.

Molly: What? No, no, no. You can't send Rafe back to that place. It's too dangerous.

McBain: You're right. You're not going back there.

Starr: Ellie's getting hypnotized?

Spinelli: Yeah. It appears to be our last chance at recalling the missing ingredient.

Michael: Look, it's nice of Ellie to agree to this, but at a certain point, we got to cut our losses.

Starr: Michael, that might be easy for you to say, but how do you think AJ will feel about it?

[Door opens]

Starr: Ellie.

Ellie: Hi.

Spinelli: Are -- are you all right?

Ellie: Yeah, I'm fine. The experience of being hypnotized was oddly refreshing.

Kevin: Well, you made an excellent subject, Ellie.

Ellie: Thanks.

Starr: Okay. So, did it work? Do you remember the secret recipe?

Elizabeth: Lucy, it's not that we ever doubted you. We just knew that this was a major feat.

Sabrina: This is just so unexpected. I hope that you didn't feel pressured to do the impossible.

Felix: Ms. Coe -- may I call you Lucy?

Lucy: Please do.

Felix: Um, we already think you're fabulous, and we know how much you care about the Nurses' Ball, but... sometimes things just don't work out, no matter how much you want them to, so... you don't have to say we have the money if we don't.

Lucy: Oh, my goodness. We have the money. We just have to now plan the most spectacular show ever.

Felix: May I?

Lucy: Oh, by all means.

Felix: [Chuckles] It's real.

Lucy: Of course, it is.

Sabrina: But how? Unless the SEC unfroze the Quartermaine bank accounts.

Lucy: Which I haven't heard happen, really. It'll happen, but I don't know when, but it doesn't matter. That is not from ELQ, and it is certainly not from the Quartermaines.

Felix: Look at all the zeroes.

Elizabeth: Where did it come from?

Lucy: I don't know. I have no idea. It just appeared. There was no postmark, no return address. It's from an anonymous donor.

AJ: I was at the hospital. I was dealing with some ELQ business.

Todd: Hey, do -- do you even have champagne?

Josslyn: I love you, bunny.

Todd: Whoa. No, no, no. Joss? Oh, come on. Get -- all right, look -- come on. I'll buy you a real bunny, okay? Mr. Bunny doesn't want kisses. Go color. Come on. You're blocking my view.

Carly: You know what? If this arrangement is going to work, you're gonna have to promise to be civil to me in front of my daughter.

AJ: Why would you even imply that? Joss seems like a really sweet kid. It's not her fault that she's related to you. Hey, let's -- let's get this straight. This little arrangement was your idea, and since we're on talking terms, I do not appreciate being summoned.

Carly: I don't care. Todd was here. Todd was here, and he thinks this whole thing is a fraud.

AJ: 'Cause it is!

Carly: Yes, I know that, but Todd doesn't know that.

Todd: He does now.

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