GH Transcript Thursday 3/14/13

General Hospital Transcript Thursday 3/14/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Charlene

Connie: How could you take me to bed, whisper all those sweet lies in my ear, and 5 seconds later turn around and sleep with Kate?

Sonny: I never denied my feelings for Kate. So what are you talking about?

Connie: I want you to tell me the truth. When we were together, did you want to be with me or did you want to be with Kate?

Lulu: What do you think the baby's gonna look like?

Dante: [Chuckles] Probably an alien.

Lulu: Stop it.

Dante: What? Have you ever seen a sonogram before?

Lulu: Yes.

Dante: Well, then, what does the baby look like?

Lulu: An alien, but this is gonna be different.

Dante: And why is that?

Lulu: It's our baby.

Dante: [Chuckles]

[Elevator bell dings]

Lulu: [Hums] Elizabeth, do you know what room Maxie's in?

Elizabeth: Hey. What'd you say?

Lulu: Something wrong?

Britt: You know, you really should consider getting another O.B.

Maxie: Uh, why? So you're no longer bound by doctor/patient confidentiality? Yeah, right. I'm scheduled for a sonogram. I'm gonna get one.

Britt: Fine. Then let's get started.

Maxie: Not without Dante and Lulu.

Britt: Why are they coming? It's not like it's their baby.

Spinelli: [Groans] Apologies again for almost betraying you. If it helps, I am sorely paying the price. This... [Gulps] Dyspepsia hasn't let up since the incident.

Ellie: Oh, you mean the one where you took advantage of my affiliation to steal the newly deciphered Pickle-Lila recipe.

Spinelli: Yeah. Um... and I would gladly suffer every digestive ailment known to man if it means you'll still forgive me.

Michael: I'm about to check on Ellie, see if she made any progress. But, uh... I can come home if you want.

Starr: No, I'm okay. I have a bottle of wine open, I have Chinese food on the way, and I have five episodes of "Reptile Wranglers" to catch up on. So from now on, I will only be thinking about lizards and snakes.

Michael: Okay, well, I'll just see you later, then. Save me some Moo Shu?

Starr: Pbht! You wish.

Michael: Spring Roll?

Starr: Goodbye!

Michael: All right, bye. Hey. Hey.

Ellie: Hey.

Michael: Starr told me you were close to cracking the recipe. So, uh, how's it going?

Ellie: Great. Incredible, in fact. Until Damian ate it.

[Knock on door]

Carly: Of course, you want something. When do you not want something?

AJ: Uh, were you just here?

Carly: Yeah, unfortunately, I was.

AJ: I just put on the performance of a lifetime, convincing your sociopath/boyfriend that we were involved. Hell, I even kissed you.

Carly: And you enjoyed every second of it. I was the one forced to play along.

AJ: Really? And why did you need to do that? You need to do that because you need me, all right? If I hadn't convinced your boyfriend that we were involved, you'd be running back into Todd's arms as we speak.

Carly: Why couldn't someone else have walked in? A Janitor, Max, Milo... anybody?

AJ: I don't know. It's fate. Maybe it's karma. Maybe it's the universe finally teaching you that you need to appreciate me. And look -- you're a businesswoman. I'm offering you a service. All I'm asking for, Carly, is the same courtesy in return.

Carly: What do you want?

AJ: I want the name of the mystery Quartermaine heir.

Starr: You stole my food from the delivery guy.

Todd: I gave the guy a big tip. And relax. I didn't eat all of it. I did have a little fortune cookie, though.

Starr: What are you doing here?

Todd: I'm free.

Starr: I heard.

Todd: Yeah. I tried calling.

Starr: I saw.

Todd: You didn't return my calls.

Starr: Why should I?

Todd: Well, just to say, "Congratulations, Dad. It's supercool you're not gonna be in jail for the rest of your life."

Starr: It is cool.

Todd: Really? You think so?

Starr: Yes, I'm glad you are not being locked up forever. I think the time that you spent away was enough.

Todd: But?

Starr: But, Dad, what you did to me was unimaginable. You knew who killed Cole and Hope, and you didn't tell me.

Todd: Hold on a second. Okay, I get it. And I don't expect you to forgive me right away, but I'm not here to grovel for your forgiveness. I need your help.

Starr: Are you serious?

Todd: Yeah.

Starr: With what?

Todd: Carly.

Carly: Short-term memory loss. You're a little young for that, aren't you?

AJ: My memory works just fine, thank you very much.

Carly: Then you should remember that we already had this conversation. I don't know anything about a Quartermaine heir.

AJ: You do know the name. There is somebody out there that is entitled to a part of my family's company, Carly. I want the name.

Carly: Relish not working out for you?

AJ: Hit a snag.

Carly: Bummer. Can't help you.

AJ: Okay, but you don't do for me, I can't do for you. Hey, do you have Todd's phone number? 'Cause I think I'm gonna ask him, given the choice between -- I don't know -- dousing myself with gasoline and hooking up with you, I think the first words out of my mouth would be, "who's got a match?" Hold that thought. Better than that, I think maybe I'm gonna go tell him myself.

Carly: Okay, wait.

Elizabeth: I'm sorry. It's just been one of those days. You're looking for Maxie?

Lulu: Yeah, she's having a sonogram. We get to see our baby.

Elizabeth: I'm so happy for you.

Lulu: Thank you.

Elizabeth: She's in 3. No, 2. She's in -- she's in 2.

Lulu: 2? Okay.

Dante: Thanks. Yeah.

Maxie: I don't need a reminder that this is Spinelli's child. Unless that was a threat. Dr. Westbourne, are you planning on telling Dante and Lulu that this isn't their baby?

Britt: And have your father come after me again? One accident is more than enough. Just do me a favor -- leave me out of it when this all comes crashing down, because it will, and not just on you.

[Door opens]

Dante: Oh. Everything okay in here?

Michael: I'm sorry. I'm not... did you -- you ate the relish?

Spinelli: Oh, I wish. I... I actually ate the recipe. [Burps]

Michael: I don't even know what that means.

Ellie: It means Damian is up to his esophagus in subterfuge.

Spinelli: Please don't say "esophagus."

Ellie: Tracy Quartermaine hired Damian to procure your Great-Grandmother's relish recipe, a fact which he failed to disclose to me.

Spinelli: [Groans]

Michael: Okay.

Ellie: Well, when you and Starr left this morning to go to her father's trial, I discovered the last secret ingredient.

Michael: But you have the complete recipe?

Ellie: Well, I only had time to draw the molecular diagram on the piece of paper with the rest of the recipe. And that is when Damian arrived.

Spinelli: Yes, at which point, to my boundless regret, I took the aforementioned information straight to the Quartermaines, but... I, when faced with the reality of betraying my girlfriend, I couldn't -- I couldn't go through with it.

Michael: And Tracy just let you go.

Spinelli: Oh, on the contrary, she summoned Alice to threaten me. So, unable to defend myself, I took the only recourse possible and ate the recipe.

Michael: [Sighs] Like, physically ingested it?

Spinelli: Yes, and now it is trapped. Apparently, peristalsis is no match for the beast we know as paper. Uh, so, sadly, I fear that whatever makes Pickle-Lila Pickle-Lila will remain lost forever.

Michael: No, ELQ needs that recipe. There's got to be something we can do.

Ellie: There is.

Alexis: Perhaps you would like to continue this conversation without an audience.

Connie: Are you gonna answer me, Sonny, or you gonna have your lawyer clean it up?

Sonny: I don't want to discuss this in front of all these people.

Connie: It's not that complicated! I just want the truth. Fine. You know what? I'll show you how it's done, Sonny. Excuse me. Hello, all the "Love In Maine" fans. Um... I-I want to thank you, first, for coming out tonight. It was really fun. But I have to be honest with you right now. I didn't... write "Love In Maine." I stole the manuscript from the real author, Molly Lansing Davis. Thank you.

Agnes: Uh, Connie, could I have a word with you in private?

Connie: I'm sorry, Agnes... but those kids were right. It was Molly's book after all. Except the hot stuff. Of course, that was all me, but the plot, the characters, everything in the book but the sex was Molly.

Agnes: Uh, can you, um... could you not tell me this before the book signing?

Connie: Okay. You know what? Relax. You're still gonna get the author to sign, right? So go on, kiddo. Get up there. Come on, everybody! Get in line!


TJ: Congratulations, author.

Alexis: See, now this makes sense. I'm proud of you.

Molly: I can't believe this is happening.

Shawn: Believe it, both of you.

Connie: [Sighs]

Olivia: Hey, hey. Way to stand up there, cuz.

Connie: Thanks. I just hope Sonny follows my example. Okay. I told the truth. Now it's your turn. Do you need me to repeat the question? When you were sleeping with me, did you want me or Kate?

Sonny: I'm not gonna get into this.

Connie: You're stalling.

Sonny: You want the truth?

Connie: Yes.

Sonny: Then you come with me. Otherwise, you stay.

Connie: Okay. Okay, fine. I'll go with you. And I better like the answer.

Sonny: You want the truth, right? That's what you're gonna get. Come on.

Olivia: Well, it looks to me like Sonny's got a long night ahead of him, huh?

Shawn: At least one good thing came out of this mess. Molly's got her book back.

Alexis: Amen.

Molly: There -- it's official.

TJ: I was really starting to think this was never gonna happen.

Molly: It finally did, thanks to you.

Agnes: Group hug! [Laughs]

TJ: Really?

Agnes: I'm sorry I called you an interloper, Molly. I was cruelly deceived. We all were. There are few crimes less painful and hurtful than plagiarism, right?

Molly: I guess.

Agnes: I know this has been a painful journey, but the whole "teen author gets book stolen" angle is gonna make for killer publicity. And that is gonna translate into killer sales.

Molly: If you say so.

Agnes: So let's get this press tour started. There are a bunch of reporters that want to speak to you.

TJ: Wait, wait! When will Molly's name actually appear on the book?

Agnes: Soon. Next printing.

TJ: And when is that?

Agnes: With the kind of publicity that this is gonna get us, in no time.

TJ: But wouldn't it be better just to do it --

Agnes: Come on, Molly. Let's get your name and face out there. Molly!

TJ: Just go.

Agnes: Come on.

Carly: Here's the deal. You keep up the act, you pretend we're a couple, and then I'll give you the name.

AJ: How long?

Carly: Until Todd believes us and decides to leave me alone.

AJ: How long?

Carly: I don't know.

AJ: What are we talking about here? Weeks, months?

Carly: You have to ask Todd.

AJ: I want to know how deluded this guy is about you.

Carly: I don't know. You have to ask him.

AJ: All right, look. Maybe you ought to just reconsider. I mean, Todd could be your last chance.

Carly: I'm not getting hurt again, okay?

AJ: Okay.

Carly: Do we have a deal?

AJ: [Sighs] Look, I need some kind of guarantee that you're gonna deliver on your end.

Carly: There are no guarantees. This is the deal -- take it or leave it.

Starr: Just a fortune cookie, huh?

Todd: It's not like you're eating it.

Starr: Oh, yeah, sure, Dad. Just help yourself. Was the cuisine at the county lockup not so hot?

Todd: Listen, let me tell you something -- those enchiladas were delicious. I'm pretty sure they were enchiladas.

Starr: Dad, I'm not going to help you get Carly back.

Todd: Why not?

Starr: Because she's never going to trust you again, and she shouldn't, and I can empathize.

Todd: Yeah, no. I did kind of hurt the both of you -- a lot.

Starr: Okay, so don't try to convince me to have her reconsider.

Todd: Oh, wait a second. You think that's what I'm trying to do here?

Starr: That's exactly what you're trying to get me to do. You want me to work her for you.

Todd: I can win Carly back all on my own. Just as soon as she dumps her new boyfriend.

Starr: Her new boyfriend?

Todd: Michael's father.

Ellie: Well, we're in a hospital. Why not ask a doctor to remove it surgically?

Spinelli: You want to cut me open?

Michael: Okay, the recipe's important, but I don't want anybody getting hurt.

Ellie: "Want"? Well, I didn't want any of this.

Spinelli: I'm not sure my insurance covers recipe removal, not to mention the risks and the bleeding and the scarring, and did I mention risks?

Ellie: Yeah, you have a valid point.

Spinelli: Oh, thank God.

Ellie: But maybe there's a nonsurgical option. I mean, if the paper isn't too far inside your system, it could be extracted through a tube down your esophagus.

Michael: Really? Is that safe?

Spinelli: If I might point out, I'm afraid that the paper may have already been exposed to the digestive process, and, to wit, it may already be disintegrating.

Ellie: That's true. The odds are definitely against us. But I think it would be worth getting an endoscopy to see if there's any chance for success.

Maxie: Everything is fine. Dr. Westbourne's just giving me a hard time. That's all.

Lulu: About what?

Maxie: About how large and in charge I am.

Dante: What are you talking about? You're barely showing.

Lulu: You're eating enough. I mean, she's eating enough.

Britt: Maxie's right on target with her weight.

Maxie: Yeah, I meant that more like as a joke.

Lulu: Ha ha.

Britt: Now that that's settled, let's see the baby.

Lulu: Oh! Are we gonna find out if it's a boy or a girl?

Dante: I-I don't know. What do you want to do?

Lulu: I'd rather wait.

Dante: Oh. Okay. Okay, well, then, we're gonna wait. So we're not gonna know what we're looking at anyway, so just don't drop any hints.

Britt: Understood.

Maxie: Oh, my! That's cold!

Britt: I should have prepared you for that. My bad. Dante, will you hit the lights?

Dante: Yeah.

Lulu: Oh, my God.

Britt: You see that little flicker there? That's the heart.

Dante: It's -- it's beating so fast.

Britt: Do you want to hear it?

Lulu: Yeah.

[Heart beating]

Dante: That's a strong heartbeat. I mean, that is a strong heartbeat, right?

Britt: Everything looks perfect.

Lulu: I can't believe this. That's our baby.

Dante: We did it.

Lulu: You still think it looks like an alien?

Dante: That's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Just a little bit of you and me.

Lulu: [Chuckles]

Britt: Looks like I got its good side.

[Both laugh]

Dante: You kidding me? Our baby doesn't have a bad side.

Lulu: Maxie, I don't... know what to say. I don't even know how to thank you. I mean, I know... I've always known that what you were doing is huge, obviously, but it's just... really hitting me now, and... we wouldn't have this without you. And I'm gonna stop now, and I just want you to know that we love you so much, and we will forever, forever be grateful.

Maxie: I love you guys, too.

Dante: Okay, let's go. Come on.

Lulu: We'll be outside.

Dante: Thank you again.

[Door closes]

Britt: Well, that was awkward.

Maxie: Can I see that sonogram again?

Ellie: Elizabeth? We need to have an endoscopy performed on Damian immediately. He swallowed some paper, and I think it warrants being checked out.

Elizabeth: I'll get you a tech right away. Take him to room 3. No, take him to 2. 2 is empty. Take him to 2.

Ellie: Okay. All right. Good luck.

Michael: I hope this works.

Spinelli: Yeah, me too. I owe it to Ellie.

Maxie: [Sighs] It's so different now. I mean... I knew it was my baby, but... now that I've seen it and heard it...

Britt: Changes everything.

[Door opens]

Spinelli: [Sighs]

Michael: Hey, aren't you, uh, late for something?

Elizabeth: Excuse me?

Michael: You and AJ have a date, I thought.

Elizabeth: Oh. No.

Michael: Really? He was telling me he was looking forward to it.

Elizabeth: Is that right?

Michael: Yeah. Sorry. Did something happen, or...?

Elizabeth: You want to know why AJ and I aren't having dinner? He's too busy making out with your mother.

Carly: Hey. Do we have a deal?

AJ: [Scoffs] Terms like that, how could I possibly refuse? [Clears throat]

Carly: Hey. You can say nothing to anyone about this. You start running your mouth, you will never find out who has those ELQ shares, and your dream of redeeming yourself in Michael's eyes -- we know what'll happen there.

AJ: Okay.

Carly: You swear.

AJ: [Whispering] I swear.

Carly: No one can know about this. Todd is determined to prove that we're lying. He's gonna stop at nothing. Oh, my God.

Starr: Carly is back with Sonny?

Todd: No, no, Michael's other father -- RJ.

Starr: AJ?

Todd: Carly claims that they're a couple.

Starr: When did this happen?

Todd: Right in front of my eyes. I saw them. They were -- they were kissing, more than once.

Starr: They kissed in front of you?

Todd: Yeah, more than once. I know it's all an act, right? I know that this is Carly's last line of defense, and I can see why she would choose him, because he is built like a refrigerator.

Starr: Line of defense against...?

Todd: Against me and my undeniable charms. I'm totally gonna get Carly to fall for me again.

Starr: What does this have to do with me again?

Todd: Who can blame her, right? Well, you are living with Carly's son, so you can find stuff out. Please tell me she's not seeing that guy.

Fan: This book basically changed my life.

Molly: You already read it?

Fan: Three times. The part where Hank and Maddie do it in the woods – OMG.

Alexis: Okay, well, thank you for the kind abbreviation, but my daughter did not write that.

Connie: Just for the record, I didn't break the mirror. That was Kate.

Sonny: I don't care about the mirror.

Connie: Who do you care about, Sonny -- me or Kate?

Sonny: When I slept with you on Valentine's night, I wanted you, Connie.

Connie: Well, then, why did you turn around and sleep with Kate?

Sonny: I know that you're hurt, and I know that you feel betrayed.

Connie: That makes me feel so much better. Thank you. Why did you do it? Do you still love her?

Sonny: I love Kate.

Connie: [Sighs]

Sonny: But... I love you, too.

Connie: What are you saying?

Sonny: I'm saying that... I love Kate... and I love you. I love you both.

Carly: Oh, I got to go.

AJ: Why?

Carly: Damage control. I hope I'm not too late.

AJ: Wait. One question. Should I wait up for you, or are you gonna snuggle in bed with me when you get home?

Carly: You're disgusting.

AJ: I love you.


[Cell phone rings]

Michael: Okay, there, um... there has to be some kind of a mix-up here. AJ and my mom can't even stand being in the same room together. I mean, they were at each other's throats this morning.

Elizabeth: Oh, there were throats involved. And tongues.

Michael: Uh, when did this happen?

Elizabeth: About an hour ago.

Michael: And you're absolutely positive it was them.

Elizabeth: Guess a lot can happen in a day, huh?

Michael: It still doesn't make any sense. Not only does my mom hate AJ, she's still into Todd Manning, and I swear AJ is into you.

Maxie: Spinelli!

Britt: This is a surprise.

Spinelli: Yeah. What is the surprise?

Maxie: That you're in my room. What are you doing in my room?

Spinelli: I-I'm awaiting a process known as an endoscopy. Yes, endoscopy.

Maxie: W-what is that? Is that life-threatening?

Britt: They're putting a fiber-optic camera down his throat.

Spinelli: Yeah. I think they sent me to the wrong room.

Maxie: Why are you getting an endo-whatever? Are you hurt?

Spinelli: Oh, no, no, no! I just, um... something I ate. Yeah. Oh, my. Is that the -- is that the wee one? Wow. Nature is truly miraculous, isn't it? What a heart-warming sight. Dante and Lulu must be... Maxie? Are you okay?

Fan: So, you didn't write that sex scene?

Alexis: No, of course, she did not write that sex scene. Connie Falconeri was the mastermind of the sexcapades in that book, not my daughter. Not Molly.

Fan: Oh. Well, that's too bad.

Alexis: "Too bad"?

Fan: Is he your boyfriend?

Molly: Um, yeah.

Fan: Was he your inspiration for Hank? You must be pretty good. "His lips stayed light in a maddening counterpoint to the hard, cold pressing of --"

Alexis: That's it! Enough! That's it! She did not write that. I'm not saying that again.

Fan: Any of it?

Alexis: None of it. Zip.

Fan: Oh.

Alexis: She's 15 years old. She doesn't even know about that stuff.

Molly: Mom!

Fan: So, bottom line -- Connie wrote all the good stuff.

Alexis: If by "good" you mean "trash," yes.

Fan: Then how are you the author?

Fan: Yeah. Which parts did you write?

TJ: Look, guys, guys! Look, Molly wrote the story, all right? She created the whole heroine -- a young girl from a rich family trying to make it on her own. I mean, we can all relate to Maddie, right? Except the money part. But the point is, being tested and becoming something stronger because of it, Molly Davis wrote that, all right? And she's the one who made you give a damn. You guys want to see Hank and Molly together, right?

Fan: Yeah!

TJ: All right, all right. This is her book. No one else's. Get back up here, Molly. Come on.

Alexis: Yeah!

Mac: Wow. A lot of controversy about this book.

Agnes: Controversy sells. So does sex.

Mac: Not interested in the story?

Agnes: I'm interested in yours. You married?

Connie: You love us both, me and Kate.

Sonny: That's right.

Connie: Well, that's too bad, Sonny. You have to make a choice. Who do you love more? Who do you want to stick around?

Sonny: That's not up to me! Last night, Kate and I agreed that she was gonna go to a psychiatrist.

Connie: I don't need a shrink!

Sonny: Kate is gonna come back, and then we're gonna fix this.

Connie: So that's what you want?

Sonny: Okay. When I look at you, Connie, I see a whole person, nothing missing. When I see Kate, I see the same thing -- a whole per--

Connie: Kate is not a whole person, Sonny. She is an alter. Nothing about her is real.

Sonny: She's part of you. Two halves of one woman.

Connie: I don't need her in my life!

Sonny: You need her, you need each other, and I need you both. So it's up to you to make that decision. Either you go to the doctor and get integrated... or you walk out that door and never let me love you again.

Starr: Carly's love life is none of my business.

Todd: Yeah, but does her love life include PJ?

Starr: AJ?

Todd: She can't be with him. She just can't be with him. She hates him.

[Knock on door]

Starr: And how do you think she feels about you?

Todd: I think it's irrelevant.

Carly: Hi. Have you seen your father? If he shows up here asking any kind of questions --

Todd: About CJ? You don't need to worry about it. Starr already filled me in on your non-relationship, so no problems there.

Starr: I hate to tell you this, Dad, but, uh... Carly and AJ are together.

[Elevator bell dings]

Lulu: Ellie.

Ellie: Hi!

Lulu: You want to see a picture of our baby?

Dante: You did have a hand in creating him or her.

Ellie: Are diamond and graphite both forms of pure carbon?

Dante: Uh, I guess that's a yes?

Ellie: Yes! Of course, I want to see. Oh, my goodness.

Lulu: I mean, I don't want to brag, but pretty cute, right?

Ellie: Good CRL. BPD looks right on track.

Dante: Yes, sounds like a good review.

Ellie: Well, Maxie is growing a very healthy baby. You two must be so thrilled.

Spinelli: Seeing the baby in all its adorable glory made it real?

Maxie: You have no idea.

Spinelli: This perfect little life inside you. A part of you but at the same time not biologically yours -- it's a lot to wrap your head around.

Maxie: I didn't realize how I was gonna feel.

Spinelli: Someday you'll have a child of your own, and... who knows? Someday, maybe I will, too. [Laughs] Can you imagine? Little yous and mes running around Port Charles? But just, you know... keep focused on the positives. Think about the gift you're bestowing upon your friends and... when you do, be proud of yourself. I know how proud I am of you.

Maxie: Spinelli, I have to tell you something.

Ellie: Are you still waiting on your endos...copy?

Michael: Look, a lot of things can change in a day but not the way my parents feel about each other. AJ thinks she's a user, and she thinks that he is a liar. They fight every chance they get.

Elizabeth: Well, they weren't fighting tonight.

[Elevator bell dings]

AJ: Hey. Uh, Elizabeth, why didn't you show for our dinner? I've been calling you.

Elizabeth: Oh, I showed.

AJ: You left? Why?

Michael: She said she saw you kissing mom.

Carly: You heard it from your daughter's lips, all right? Do you believe I'm with AJ?

Todd: When I told you that Carly and JJ were displaying affection publicly, you were surprised.

Starr: I-I was surprised that you knew.

Todd: No, no. You thought I was talking about Sonny.

Starr: No, I was lying to you, because I didn't want you to get hurt.

Todd: Okay, fine, then. What are you doing here?

Carly: I-I came to let Starr know that the cat was out of the bag and that she would be worried about your reaction about me being with AJ and that she would probably be your next stop.

Todd: How considerate.

Carly: I've moved on, Todd.

Todd: You keep saying that.

Carly: And you don't want to believe it, but AJ is a better man than you are.

Todd: You don't belong with AJ. You belong with me, and I'll prove it to you.

Starr: What just happened?

Alexis: You're a great guy. You know that?

Molly: Mom, you're embarrassing him.

Alexis: Okay. I'm sorry. How you doing with all this?

Molly: I got my book back. That's the important part, right?

Alexis: My brave, beautiful daughter. I just happen to love you.

Molly: I love you, too.

Alexis: Mm.

TJ: You're not really cool with this, are you?

Molly: I don't know. It just feels weird. Like, it's my book, but it's not.

TJ: Well, you don't have to put your name on it. You could leave it off.

Molly: After going through all that?

TJ: Hey, I don't know. Connie made a pretty big mark. I didn't know if you wanted to start all over --

Molly: Oh, please. All Connie did was add some heavy breathing to my story. My story -- "Love In Maine," by Molly Lansing Davis. No one gets to take that away from me.

TJ: [Laughs]

Molly: You did that on purpose.

TJ: I did that on purpose, yeah.

Molly: I want my name on my book, TJ.

TJ: And it'll get there.

Molly: When?

Connie: What are you thinking, Sonny? Kate and I integrate, you get the best of both worlds? Kate is the trophy, me in the sack? Well, you can keep dreaming, because that's never gonna happen!

Sonny: What are you gonna do? Leave? You gonna leave me? Never see me again? I know why you're fighting so hard to get treatment, 'cause I was there. I denied being bipolar. My life would cycle up and down. I'd trash it.

Connie: That's your problem, Sonny. That's not my problem.

Sonny: You can't live like that! At constant war with Kate, being afraid that she's gonna, you know, take over.

Connie: I can handle it.

Sonny: You can handle it? Prove it. Prove it right now, okay? Come to bed with me. Show me how long you can stay you.

Connie: No, because that's -- you just want Kate to come back.

Sonny: I told you... that I love you both, and I want both of you to be happy, but that can't happen unless you see a doctor. Can you trust me on that? Can you let me help you?

Agnes: If Felicia gets back with Frisco... give me a call.

TJ: Hey! Close your eyes.

Molly: Why?

TJ: Just do it. Okay. Now open them. [Chuckles]

Molly: TJ.

TJ: When the next printing comes out, this is the name everyone's gonna see.

Molly: And when all of our friends read Connie's sexy parts, they're gonna think you taught me everything I know.

TJ: Oh, yeah. I'm the man. [Chuckles]

Molly: You really are.

Sonny: Connie, you got to let me take you to the doctor.

Connie: I don't want to lose myself, Sonny. Or you.

Sonny: You got -- you got -- you got nothing to lose. I mean, if you really are the host... then, you know, you'll be integrated, and Kate will be part of you.

Connie: What if I'm wrong and she's stronger than me? What if I just disappear?

Sonny: No. You will be a whole person.

Connie: Sonny... I'm scared. I can't... I can't...

Sonny: Listen to me.

Connie: I can't do it.

Sonny: Hold my hand. Hold my hand. I told Kate that I would never abandon her, okay? And I would never abandon you, too. I'm right here with you... no matter what.

Lulu: Is it weird if I frame this?

Britt: I've seen a lot of mothers do it.

Lulu: I'm gonna be a mother. People keep saying that, and I keep saying it, but for the first time, this really feels real.

Dante: Thank you for making this all possible, Dr. Westbourne.

Britt: Oh, no, don't thank me. If it wasn't for Maxie, there wouldn't be a baby.

Ellie: Damian, how did you and Maxie end up in the same exam room?

Spinelli: Oh, it was inadvertency. Elizabeth told me exam room 2.

Maxie: And I was already in exam room 2.

Spinelli: Hey, this is -- that's the baby.

Ellie: Yeah, yeah, I know. I saw. Dante and Lulu already showed me. I don't think I've ever seen a couple so happy.

Michael: Tell her it was a mistake. You and my mom can't stand each other. There's no way you were kissing.

Carly: You can say nothing to anyone about this. You start running your mouth, you will never find out who has those ELQ shares, and your dream of redeeming yourself in Michael's eyes -- we know what'll happen there.

AJ: I'm sorry, Elizabeth. I... I never meant to hurt you.

Michael: What are you talking about?

AJ: I'm with your mother now, Michael.

Carly: I'm not with AJ, okay? Just the thought makes me sick to my stomach. But when your father showed up, wanting me back --

Starr: You were tempted to go with him?

Carly: I can't. No matter how I feel about Todd, I can't trust him, and I can't be hurt again.

Starr: I hear you.

Carly: So I told him I was with someone else.

Starr: AJ?

Carly: I know! He was there, and before I knew it, I grabbed him and kissed him, and -- oh, God.

Starr: You really went for it.

Carly: I did. I know I'm asking a lot, but if you go along with this, maybe Todd will believe it and leave me alone.

Starr: Are you sure that's what you really want?

Carly: I want to move on. Will you help me do that?

Todd: [To his drink] I've always loved you.

[Cell phone rings]

Todd: Hello? Mm. Hey, Dani. That's nice. At least one of my children is calling to congratulate me on my newfound freedom. Uh... hey. Hey! Wow. Doesn't sound like you're rejoicing. Dan-- Dani? Dani, hold o-- did you call just to say that you hate me, or is there something really wrong with you? D-- wow. Night-night, princess. Always nice to hear from you, too.

Starr: I've been where you are, trusting my dad with my heart, and he turns around and breaks it.

Carly: I hate asking you to lie to him.

Starr: Well, the last lie he told me was a lot bigger than this. This is nothing.

Carly: So...

Starr: So... it's payback time.

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