General Hospital Transcript Friday 3/8/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Charlene
Tracy: Which part of "use the back door" did you not understand? AJ's on his way down to breakfast! Get in there!
[Elevator bell dings]
Sabrina: Elizabeth, did you hear anything about my final-exam results? I can't find Epiphany anywhere. Elizabeth?
Elizabeth: [Sniffles]
[Cell phone vibrating]
AJ: Uh, Elizabeth, it's AJ. Look, I heard about your brother. I'm really sorry. If you want to cancel lunch, I completely understand, as long as you promise to give me a rain check, okay? Bye.
Spinelli: You know, I was hoping to retain the structure of my jacket --
Tracy: Retain this! I'm paying you for one thing and one thing only -- to get the recipe to Pickle-Lila. Did you get it?
Spinelli: No.
Tracy: Why the hell not?
Ellie: You were right. It's a polysaccharide. Starr?
Starr: What? I'm sorry, Ellie. Just my mind's on something else.
Carly: Michael! Oh, hi. Are those for me?
Michael: Yep, your favorite.
Carly: Yes, bless you. [Laughs] What?
Michael: Well, I'm lucky to have a mother with such deep appreciation for junk food.
Carly: Heck, yeah. You know it's my favorite food group. Thank you very much.
Michael: I thought you could use it today.
Carly: Why? What's today?
Reporter: Mr. Manning, do you regret switching those babies?
Reporter: What do you think your chances are?
Reporter: Mr. Manning, what's it feel like to be facing 20 years to life?
Reporter: Will Manning Enterprises go under while you're in prison?
Diane: My client has no comment.
Todd: Actually, I do have something to say to Carly Jacks.
Michael: Why don't you have some now?
Carly: Before breakfast?
Michael: Never stopped you before.
Carly: Okay. [Chuckles]
Michael: Junk food always makes you feel better.
Carly: Feel better? Who says I'm in a bad mood?
Michael: Not bad but sad, maybe.
Carly: Now I'm sad? Why?
Michael: Because of Todd.
Connie: Tell you what. If you find that this is too much for you again, why don't you do us both a favor and run away... and give me back my life.
Kate: No. This is my life, Connie! And I am not gonna let you take it!
Sonny: Mm. Kate.
Sonny: I can't believe you're still here.
Kate: Where else would I be?
Sonny: I'm just grateful you gave me another chance after everything that happened.
Kate: You mean after you slept with Connie?
Sonny: Thank you for listening and understanding.
Kate: Always. Can I make one request?
Sonny: Name it.
Kate: Can we not stuff it down and pretend that it didn't happen?
Sonny: Okay.
Kate: You had real feelings for her, didn't you?
Sonny: I told you that. But Connie's not here, so let's not -- I'm happy. You see how happy I am?
Kate: You're right. Connie's not here. She's gone.
Sonny: Right.
Kate: And I'm with you.
Sonny: Okay.
Kate: Sonny.
Sonny: Yeah?
Kate: Will you do me a favor?
Sonny: Mm-hmm.
Kate: Will you tell me you love me?
Sonny: I love you, Kate. And I'm gonna spend the rest of my life proving that to you.
Kate: That's all I needed to hear.
Sabrina: What's going on?
Elizabeth: It's just my brother.
Sabrina: Wait. Steve? Did he have a setback or something?
Elizabeth: No, I just... had to say goodbye to him.
Sabrina: What? Where's he going?
Elizabeth: To Memphis... to start his -- his prison term.
Sabrina: Prison?
Elizabeth: It's a really long and -- and complicated story, but basically Steven thinks what he's doing is the right thing, and I don't think he deserves to be in a prison with a bunch of criminals who are far worse than he could ever be.
AJ: No, no, no, I'll take care of that. Yeah, okay. Bye.
Tracy: You give me one coherent, non-rambling reason why you don't have that formula yet.
AJ: Oh, Auntie!
Tracy: Oh, God, get down!
Spinelli: Ow!
Tracy: [Whistling] Oh, AJ, you're up early for a dissolute bounder.
AJ: And you look remarkably well-rested for a desperate loser.
Tracy: I'm not desperate.
AJ: Hey, Tracy, make no mistake about it -- you are going to lose. Michael and I, we are this close to cracking the formula. Hey, here's a piece of good news for you -- we're gonna save ELQ. Smile.
Tracy: God, I hate him!
Spinelli: Quartermaine snark never disappoints.
[Door closes]
Tracy: I need that recipe!
Spinelli: Right! Uh, well, I have made some progress.
Tracy: Really? What kind?
Spinelli: Well, I -- I have been able to glean that Michael and AJ have employed the -- the services of a lab technician.
Tracy: Oh. They're analyzing the ingredients.
Spinelli: Yes, precisely.
Tracy: Well... all you have to do is snatch it from some pasty, beady-eyed lab rat.
Spinelli: "Pasty" is a bit harsh. She is fair. She's my girlfriend.
Starr: So, basically, my dad sacrificed his freedom in order to save Danny's life, or at least that's how I like to look at it. And now his trial is starting today, so... I'm sorry. This must be really boring you.
Ellie: No. Are you kidding? I've read all about your father and his, uh... adventures. I find him quite fascinating. But I know this must be extremely difficult for you.
Starr: Yeah, he's done a lot of horrible things -- a lot of horrible things -- but for some reason, I still love him.
Ellie: Of course, you do.
Starr: I don't think he's going to get away with it this time, though. I really think he's going to get locked up for a very long time.
Ellie: You know, I think I can handle the analysis for Michael's father. Why don't you go to the courthouse to be with yours?
Michael: Todd's trial starts today.
Carly: Does it? What do I care? Has nothing to do with me. I'm finished with Todd.
Michael: You know, ignoring your feelings isn't gonna help, Mom.
Carly: It might.
Michael: Just ask Starr. I mean, she wishes she can write off Todd, but she can't. She still loves him.
Carly: Of course, she does. He's her father. And, you know, despite every horrible thing Todd has done, he's devoted to Starr, you know? He really does want to be a better person. He just doesn't know how. And why am I talking about this? See?
Michael: Well, maybe, Mom, you're falling in love with him.
Carly: No.
Todd: Carly, I love you. We belong together, and I don't know how, but I'm gonna make that happen.
Reporter: How do you intend to do this from a prison cell?
Diane: And I think we're done here. Let's go, Casanova.
[Camera shutter clicks]
Todd: [Sighs] You know, you never told me how things went with Johnny Z. Did you get him to call off his associate?
Diane: I tried.
Todd: You tried?
Diane: Mm-hmm.
Todd: Did you remind him that he killed my granddaughter?
Diane: I did, indeed, right after I asked him to call off his associate, but Johnny wouldn't agree to anything.
Bailiff: All rise. The honorable Judge Shepperd presiding.
Judge Shepperd: Be seated. Mr. Manning, you've agreed to a bench trial as opposed to taking your chances with a jury of your peers, which means that I alone will be deciding your fate. You understand?
Todd: Yes, your honor, I understand.
Judge Shepperd: Call your first witness.
D.A. Martinez: Prosecution calls Heather Webber.
[Door opens]
Kate: [Sighs] I missed you. This.
Sonny: I can't tell you how much I missed this.
Kate: [Giggles] Oh, yeah?
Sonny: Yeah. You know what else you missed?
Kate: What?
Sonny: You ready?
Kate: [Chuckles] Yeah.
Sonny: My world-famous breakfast.
Kate: Ha!
Sonny: You hungry?
Kate: Yes. After all this activity?
Sonny: Are we still talking about breakfast?
Kate: I'm talking about everything.
Sonny: Well, I'm talking about -- all right, I'll go get -- I'll go make it for you. How's that?
Carly: Okay. I'm gonna tell you the same thing I told your father. I'm -- I'm torn. But whether I had or have feelings for Todd doesn't matter now.
Michael: Even if he's acquitted.
Carly: Okay, well, he's not gonna be acquitted. That's impossible. But, yeah, even if he were clear of all charges, free to live his life, I would never take Todd back.
D.A. Martinez: Ms. Webber currently resides in maximum security at the Miscavige hospital for the criminally insane.
Judge Shepperd: And yet you deem her to be a credible witness?
D.A. Martinez: I think you'll soon agree she just may know the defendant better than anyone.
Judge Shepperd: Take the stand, please.
Diane: You told me Heather Webber promised to take the rap for you.
Todd: She did.
Diane: Then what the hell is she doing here?
Starr: My dad got into this mess without consulting or even thinking about me, so that is exactly how he is going to have to handle his trial. But you were saying -- it was a polysaccharide?
Ellie: Yeah. Yeah, you were right, as usual. Okay. Let's see. Next, it looks like a disaccharide.
Starr: Oh, so sugar.
Ellie: Oh.
Starr: One down.
Ellie: Piece of cake.
Starr: What?
Ellie: Oh, sorry. I didn't mean that literally. I just meant that was an easy one.
Starr: Oh, for a second, I was like, "a piece of cake?"
Ellie: Okay. Next, it looks like CH3, COOH.
Starr: Uh, that's vinegar. Right? Yeah, I have that.
Ellie: Awesome.
Starr: Check.
Ellie: Okay, this next one's really difficult. Coumarin glycosides, bergapten, apiumoside, apiumetin...
Starr: Celery?
Ellie: Yes. Wait. Celery seed.
Starr: Oh, that's right. Okay. Uh... I actually did get that. Yay!
Ellie: Yay!
Starr: Just a few more ingredients, and we are ready to cook this puppy up. [Chuckles]
Spinelli: So, my sincerest apologies, but you'll no doubt understand that --
Tracy: Don't count on it.
Spinelli: Purloining the relish recipe proves near-impossible, given that my girlfriend, Ellie Trout, is the lab technician.
Tracy: Is that a real name?
Spinelli: There are records of over 63,000 Trout families. I believe that the name originated in England sometime during the middle ages --
Tracy: That was a rhetorical question.
Spinelli: Sorry. Uh, but as I was saying, I cannot steal from the woman I love. Romance takes precedence over relish.
Tracy: Not this time. That relish is my family's legacy.
Elizabeth: It's so hard with family 'cause you think you know what's best for them, but ultimately, they have to make their own choices.
Sabrina: Well, I really admire your brother for owning up to his actions.
Elizabeth: He wants to be honest. That's why he didn't fight the arrest. He is so done with all the lying. [Breathes deeply] And I think we should be done, too.
Sabrina: Okay. What am I lying about?
Elizabeth: Patrick? Your feelings for him?
Sabrina: [Scoffs] That's a little trivial in comparison, don't you think?
Elizabeth: It's all about telling the truth, Sabrina.
Sabrina: Which is what I'm trying to do by proving that I didn't cheat on the final exam. Epiphany said she'd have my test results today, but she's not in her office.
Elizabeth: Mm, okay. Well, and while you wait for her, you can just, you know, call Patrick and tell him your feelings.
Sabrina: I can't. Elizabeth, look, we're friends now, okay? It's not -- not doctor and nurse or father and babysitter, but we're actually real friends. He even told Dr. Westbourne off for me.
Elizabeth: He did?
Sabrina: Yeah.
Elizabeth: Oh, she must have loved that.
Sabrina: If Patrick doesn't feel the same way, I'll lose his friendship. Besides, he's not ready yet. You know, he's -- he's still mourning over Robin.
Elizabeth: So you're just gonna keep going on like this indefinitely? Pining away over a man who has no idea?
Sabrina: Oh, look. You have a message.
Carly: These are healthier for me than Todd Manning.
Michael: Are you sure you're not just talking yourself into something you don't really feel?
Carly: Michael, I'm doing something I should've done a long time ago. No more being drawn to men that are bad for me. You're my witness, okay? This is a loser-free zone.
AJ: Hi, guys.
Carly: Or it was.
Todd: Did Heather make a deal? Is she willing to ruin my life in exchange for a lighter sentence? Is that what's going on?
Diane: Have you ever been to Miscavige, Todd?
Todd: No. Not yet.
Diane: It makes Ferncliff look like a five-star resort.
Todd: There you have it. She made a deal.
Judge Shepperd: Thank you, Bailiff. We can proceed. Your witness.
D.A. Martinez: I'll cut right to the chase. On the night of June 4, 2012, did you and Todd Manning conspire to switch Sam Morgan's live baby with Téa Delgado's deceased one?
Sonny: What the hell?
Kate: Sonny? Oh, my God. What happened?
[Shard slams]
Sonny: Someone smashed the mirror.
Spinelli: You see, I've -- I've betrayed Ellie once before --
Tracy: What are you doing?
Spinelli: She is the woman for me. I'd be foolish to jeopardize our relationship.
Tracy: Hmm. So this is serious.
Spinelli: Very.
Tracy: Oh. You planning on moving in together sometime soon?
Spinelli: Well, I'm not sure either of us are ready for that. But why -- why are you asking?
Tracy: Oh, no reason. It's just that you're about to be homeless.
Ellie: Okay. Ready to compare?
Starr: Yes. Okay. So this is the Pickle-Lila.
Ellie: Yes.
Starr: Cheers. I mean...
Ellie: Lila Quartermaine was a genius.
Starr: So good.
Ellie: All right, here we go. Moment of truth. Thank you.
Ellie: Okay. Well? What do you think?
Starr: Mnh-mnh.
Ellie: No, I know, right? More pepper?
Starr: It's not the pepper.
Ellie: Well, it's definitely missing something.
Starr: Something subtle.
Ellie: Elusive.
Starr: Ethereal. But what?
Ellie: It must be some sort of secret ingredient.
Starr: [Sighs]
AJ: A family reunion. Isn't this a treat, Carly?
Carly: Not the first word that springs to mind.
AJ: Come on. You and me and baby makes three. Hey, is anyone drinking this?
Carly: Oh, it's yours. If it gets you out the door faster, have it -- on the house.
AJ: Oh, that is suspiciously generous of you. [Sniffs] What -- did you put vodka in this? You. Trying to lure me into drinking again.
Carly: You son of a bitch.
Michael: Will you guys both knock it off? I -- again, I don't care who did what to whom, okay? I'm not gonna hate either one of you. I want you both in my life, so you can fight as much as you want, but I'm not gonna pick sides. It just makes everything so much more uncomfortable than it has to be.
AJ: I'm sorry, Michael.
Carly: Yeah, I'm sorry, too. Okay.
Michael: Why don't we go see if Ellie and Starr have figured out the recipe.
AJ: Uh, you know what? I'm gonna catch up with you. I actually want to ask your mother something.
Michael: Are you okay with this?
Carly: Yeah. Thank you for coming to see me.
Michael: Yeah. Yeah. Definitely should do it more often.
Carly: Yes, you should. [Chuckles]
Michael: Play nice.
AJ: Got it, son.
Carly: Why do you do that? Why do you make him referee?
AJ: You're the one who's always warning him against me.
Carly: No, you put him in the middle.
AJ: No, you put him in the middle. As a matter of fact, maybe you could possibly show a little gratitude.
Carly: Keep your voice down! Gratitude?
AJ: Yeah. Yeah.
Carly: You're kidding me.
AJ: Everything that you are, everything you have, one way or the other, came from Michael, and Michael wouldn't exist if it weren't for me.
Carly: Are you kidding me? That is so convoluted and self-serving, even for you. Wow.
AJ: That only means that you know that I'm right.
Carly: Shut up. What do you want?
AJ: I want to know who the Quartermaine mystery heir is now.
Elizabeth: You happy now? I listened to my message.
Sabrina: Well, who was it?
Elizabeth: AJ Quartermaine. I'm supposed to have lunch with him today.
Sabrina: Oh, really, now. Like a date?
Elizabeth: Um... he heard about my brother, and so he's just giving me an out.
Sabrina: Well, are you gonna take it?
Elizabeth: Yeah. You know, I feel like, with this whole "telling the truth" thing, I really need to be honest with myself about who AJ is... and who he used to be.
Sabrina: But I thought you said that he was different now, that he'd stuck by you when Dr. Webber almost died, which, by the way, I still can't believe that happened. I mean, what kind of mother would stab her own son?
Elizabeth: A crazy one.
D.A. Martinez: Mr. Manning conspired with you to switch those infants, didn't he?
Diane: Objection -- leading.
Judge Shepperd: Overruled. Answer the question, Ms. Webber.
Heather: Todd knew nothing about it. I was alone in that garden shed. I'm the one who switched the dead baby with Sam's live one. I wanted to punish her. Tea Delgado and Todd Manning were completely in the dark.
D.A. Martinez: Ms. Webber, I'd like to remind you you are under oath.
Heather: I'm aware of that.
D.A. Martinez: And are you also aware perjury is a crime?
Heather: Exactly. That's why I'm telling the truth. I swear on my son, Steven Lars, that Todd Manning is innocent.
D.A. Martinez: No further questions.
Judge Shepperd: Would you like to cross-examine?
Diane: Not unless "thank you" has now become a question, your honor.
Judge Shepperd: You can step down.
Todd: Wow. Saved by the looney bell.
Diane: Yeah. Now, if only Johnny's associate would go AWOL, we'd be home free.
Judge Shepperd: You can call your next witness.
D.A. Martinez: Prosecution calls Pete Fillmore.
Judge Shepperd: Well, it appears your witness needs a lesson in punctuality. Unless he's not coming.
Todd: Wow. We did it.
Diane: I did it.
Todd: Whatever. I'm just glad it's over. [Clears throat] And when I say it's over, what I mean is that it's over for me.
Elizabeth: I'm so glad AJ was here when Steven was brought in, because I don't know if I could've handled it by myself.
Sabrina: See? That doesn't exactly scream "bad guy."
Elizabeth: I know he's made a lot of mistakes in his past, but he's also started over. That hasn't worked out so well for him. I don't know. I don't know what to think. I don't know if I can trust him. How do I know if he's even really changed?
Sabrina: Well, you can never know. I mean, not 100%.
Elizabeth: [Sighs] I just don't want to be wrong. Again.
Sabrina: Look, there's always a risk in getting close to someone. The question is, is AJ worth it?
Carly: So, there is another Quartermaine heir out there. Wow. You guys are a fertile bunch.
AJ: You know, cut the crap, all right? I know you know who it is. Tell me.
Carly: Why? I mean, I don't mean "why tell you?" Why do you care to know if there's another mystery shareholder out there? You don't need it to get ELQ. You've already won. Tracy's out.
AJ: Yeah, she's out, but do you honestly think that my crazy aunt is just gonna let it go? I want a backup plan for me and Michael.
Carly: Michael's fine. He always lands on his feet.
AJ: Would you honestly trash his dreams just to spite me?
Carly: His dreams? Are you kidding me? That is such a stretch. Michael is young. He hasn't even scratched the surface on what he's going to do. You -- I don't care. We're done.
AJ: Yeah. We're done.
[Cell phone beeps]
Carly: You can leave now.
AJ: Shh. Huh. Um, apparently, I'm going to be needing a dinner reservation.
Carly: Here?
AJ: Mm-hmm. 7:30, two people.
Carly: What skank's going out with you?
AJ: Hey, she's not a skank.
Carly: Okay. What's her name?
AJ: Elizabeth. Webber.
Carly: What is she thinking?
Spinelli: Yes, I've had some problems compiling sufficient funds to make my monthly rent, but I've spoken to the management company, and --
Tracy: I'm the management company.
Spinelli: What?
Tracy: One of the few moneymaking endeavors my father did not donate to big bird or habitat for humanity --
Spinelli: Wait. So you're saying that you own my office/home?
Tracy: And what daddy giveth, Tracy can taketh away.
Spinelli: Please, I beg you to reconsider.
Tracy: I will. Absolutely, no question, indeed. All you have to do is get me the formula.
Ellie: I analyzed everything. The missing ingredient has to be in here somewhere. I'm gonna find it.
Starr: Okay. Do you mind? I'm gonna call Michael with an update.
Ellie: Yeah, go ahead.
Starr: Okay.
Michael: Hey.
Starr: I was literally just about to call you.
Michael: Yeah? Well, I thought I'd save you the minutes.
Starr: I wanted to give you an update. We're getting really close to figuring out the recipe.
Michael: Yeah?
Starr: Yeah. To say that Ellie is determined would be an understatement.
Michael: That's awesome.
Starr: Yeah.
Michael: That's not the only reason I stopped by, though. I want to check on you, see how you're doing. I know your mind must be on your dad.
Starr: I've been trying to drown myself in relish, but...
Michael: Not working.
Starr: Not even a little.
Michael: Starr, do you -- do you want to go to the trial?
Todd: May as well cuff me now.
Diane: Just hold your horses.
Todd: See, I don't understand that. I don't have any horses.
Diane: It comes from the circus.
D.A. Martinez: Mr. Fillmore, isn't it true you were in the woods on the night in question, tracking Ms. Webber's movements?
Mr. Fillmore: Yes. My associate Donny Smith and I both were.
D.A. Martinez: Why is that, Mr. Fillmore?
Mr. Fillmore: John Zacchara hired us to tail her.
D.A. Martinez: And you saw Ms. Webber in and around that garden shed, correct?
Mr. Fillmore: Yes.
D.A. Martinez: Can you tell us exactly what you saw transpire?
Mr. Fillmore: She went into a shack or a shed or whatever, so we snuck up to a window and watched.
D.A. Martinez: And what was Heather Webber doing in that shed?
Mr. Fillmore: Switching a couple babies. One was real still, and the other one was awake and moving.
D.A. Martinez: I see. And she did this with Mr. Manning's help?
Mr. Fillmore: No.
D.A. Martinez: Excuse me?
Mr. Fillmore: Manning was waiting outside. I don't think he had any idea what was going on. The Webber lady brought out one of the babies, the live one, gave it to Mr. Manning, and some other lady came up, and he gave the baby to her.
D.A. Martinez: Mr. Fillmore, this goes against your earlier statement.
Mr. Fillmore: My boss told me to implicate Manning.
Judge Shepperd: Your boss being John Zacchara.
Mr. Fillmore: They hate each other, and I work for Mr. Zacchara, so I lied.
D.A. Martinez: And now you're telling the truth.
Mr. Fillmore: Yeah.
D.A. Martinez: No further questions.
Judge Shepperd: Your witness.
Diane: Your honor, both of the prosecution's star witnesses have just testified on behalf of my client, so if that's as good as it gets for the district attorney, I would like to move for the immediate dismissal of all charges. There's no case against Todd Manning.
Sonny: How the hell did this happen?
Kate: This is my life, Connie, and I'm not gonna let you take it! I don't know. Did you hear anything last night?
Sonny: No. Did you? No one broke in. There's nothing stolen.
Kate: Maybe it was Max and Milo. They're clumsy, right?
Sonny: Yeah, but I don't think they would, you know, do this and not clean it up.
Kate: Maybe they took off trying to find a piece of replacement glass.
Sonny: They wouldn't not tell me about it. You know what I mean?
Kate: Well, yeah. They're probably mortified, Sonny. You know how nervous they get when they feel like they messed up.
Sonny: So they leave me with seven years looking at bad luck.
Kate: Oh, God. You're not superstitious. Come on. Look how our luck's changed, anyway. I'm here, you're here. If that doesn't say luck, then I don't know.
Sonny: How about if I get breakfast started?
Kate: Mmm. I'm starving. I'll finish cleaning up.
Sonny: You don't have to do that.
Kate: No, I want to.
Sonny: I'll be right back.
Kate: Egg white omelets with vegetables.
Sonny: Yeah, and I got you some freshly squeezed orange juice. Here you go.
Kate: Oh, Sonny. Let's toast.
Sonny: Okay.
Kate: To us.
Sonny: To u--
Kate: And to the end of Connie and how happy we are that she's gone for good.
[Glasses clink]
Starr: I keep telling myself that I'm done with my dad, but I need to know what happens. And I do need to be there because, no matter what, I want him to know that I still love him.
Michael: I understand.
Starr: I don't. After everything he's done to me?
Michael: Well, families are complicated. Dads are complicated. Trust me -- I've got two of them. Look, let's go.
Starr: You don't have to come.
Michael: I know.
Starr: Ellie, it turns out I'm going to my dad's trial after all.
Ellie: Have no fear. By that time, I will have found the missing ingredient.
Michael: You weren't kidding.
Starr: I told you.
Spinelli: [Sighs]
Ellie: [Gasps] This is it. This is the key.
Spinelli: What -- what key?
Ellie: Damian! Oh, your timing is impeccable. Try this.
Spinelli: Um... [Coughs] Not exactly scintillating.
Ellie: Exactly. Because it's missing the secret ingredient, which I just found.
Spinelli: Oh. Well, this sounds like cause for celebration!
Ellie: This is the enigma that put "Lila" in Pickle-Lila. [Sighs] Oh! It feels so good to be back. It's almost like the accident never happened.
Elizabeth: What?
Sabrina: I'm just -- I'm just glad that you decided to go for it with AJ. I mean, look -- even if it doesn't work out, it's still better to have tried, right?
Elizabeth: Are you listening to yourself?
Sabrina: What?
Elizabeth: Take your own advice, Sabrina! Go for it with Patrick.
Sabrina: Oh, no, no, no, no. It's not the same thing.
Elizabeth: Yes, it is. You will never know how he feels unless you take the risk.
Sabrina: Elizabeth --
Elizabeth: Listen to me. If I can do it, so can you.
Carly: I mean, I know Elizabeth has had a rough time, but, boy, she is scraping the bottom of the barrel with you, huh?
AJ: Maybe she likes me.
Carly: [Laughs] Look at you. You're actually gonna pretend to be a decent guy and hope Elizabeth buys it.
AJ: Has it ever occurred to you that, for the right woman, I could be a decent guy?
Carly: Mm. All right, before you get in too deep, I'm gonna give you a warning -- the part of Elizabeth's heart that doesn't belong to Lucky, well, it belongs to Jason, so there you go. Don't say I didn't warn you.
AJ: Where the hell do you get off, perched on your high horse, when every relationship that you've ever had has crashed and burned? I've got a better shot of having a relationship with Elizabeth than you do with this. Ugh!
Judge Shepperd: You make a compelling argument for dismissal.
Diane: Thank you, your honor.
D.A. Martinez: You can't be serious. Your honor, after Mr. Manning was apprehended, he tried to bribe a detective. I have a recording of the incident. When that didn't work, he attempted escape. And upon that failure, he faked his way into a mental institution where -- surprise, surprise -- he escaped again. This is a man you want to go free?
Diane: Your honor, the charges here today pertain only to the mix-up of those infants last June. Now, while tragic as that may be, my client was not involved. He was arrested and imprisoned based on the false testimony of one John Zacchara, who as we all know is now facing 20 years in prison for murder. Anything that happened after that fraudulent arrest and imprisonment should -- and I hope will -- be thrown out. End this now, your honor. Let Mr. Manning go.
Sonny: So, you want me to call the hospital, or do you want to go there in person to get a referral for the psychiatrist?
Kate: Yeah, I just have to do a few things first.
Sonny: Okay. You're not avoiding it, are you?
Kate: No. Sonny, believe me, nobody wants to get rid of my alter more than I do.
Sonny: That means getting treated.
Kate: I know.
Sonny: Okay.
Kate: So I'll just, um... I'll just call you after my errands.
Sonny: All right.
Kate: All right?
Sonny: Yeah. Sounds good. I love you.
Kate: I love you. Thank you for breakfast.
Sonny: Ah!
Kate: It's delicious. Mmm. Let me out, Connie! It's my life. You can't have it. Let me out!
Connie: I can't hear you, Kate. No one can. You know why? Because you're done.
Kate: No! I'm not done!
Connie: You got it?
Kate: You're done, Connie!
Connie: I'm back, and I'm here to stay.
Kate: You listen to me!
Connie: See, I'm finally starting to see things the way they really are.
Kate: What is that supposed to mean?
Connie: Sonny's gonna pay for what he did to me.
Kate: What are you gonna do to Sonny?
Connie: He doesn't get to cheat on me.
Kate: He didn't cheat on you! Connie!
Connie: Especially not with you.
Elizabeth: Come on. Put your money where your mouth is. Pick up that phone, dial Patrick, and tell him everything.
Sabrina: Okay. You're right.
Elizabeth: I am? Yes! Yes! I am! I am right! Call him! I know you can do it.
Sabrina: Dr. Drake. Hi, it's Sabrina. Oh. "Patrick," right. Duh. Um, so, I was just wondering if we could talk. Oh, you are. No, yeah, I'm actually here right now. So I'll just -- I guess I'll just wait for you to get here. I have something really important to tell you.
AJ: Ellie.
Ellie: Mr. Quartermaine, hi. How are you?
AJ: I'll be doing a lot better once you give me the results to the relish.
Ellie: Well, I'm about to make you a very happy man.
AJ: You did it? You guys got it?
Ellie: For all intents and purposes, yes.
AJ: That's amazing!
Ellie: Well, it wasn't easy. There was a secret ingredient that was quite the conundrum, but with Starr's help, I was able to isolate the elusive substance, and all I have to do now is extrapolate the name from the molecular diagram. Voilá!
AJ: [Laughs] Ellie, I can't thank you and Starr enough.
Ellie: Let's see. I... I was sure I put it right here.
Spinelli: 'Tis I -- Spinelli.
Tracy: [Gasps] Is that what I think it is? Did you get my mother's recipe?
Michael: Diane?
Diane: Hey, Michael, Starr.
Starr: We thought my dad was on trial today.
Diane: He was. It's over.
Starr: They already took him off to Pentonville?
Diane: Oh, ye of little faith. No, he's free.
Michael: What?
Diane: They dismissed the charges, so if I had my best guess, I would say Todd's off somewhere getting his life back.
Carly: [Sighs]
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