General Hospital Transcript Thursday 3/7/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Charlene
Connie: [Echoing] Ka-a-te. Kate.
Kate: [Gasps] Hello?
Connie: Kate.
TJ: [Sighs]
Shawn: You okay? You know, it's not like you to leave anything on your plate.
TJ: It's nothing.
Shawn: Nothing?
TJ: That's what I said.
Shawn: So, you're letting a half a rack of ribs get cold and giving me attitude over... nothing? Hmm. Why don't I believe you?
TJ: Because I'm obviously lying. All right? It's Molly. She should be here.
Shawn: Don't take it personally, okay? It's our first night free.
TJ: Exactly. She breaks three people out of jail, the charges get dropped, and is she celebrating her freedom with me? No. She's still down at the station, worried about Rafe.
Alexis: Voilá. You guys must be starving.
Rafe: Thank you.
McBain: What, were you raised by wolves? All right? Have a little manners. Ladies first.
Alexis: Veggie burger.
Rafe: Found it.
Alexis: Sorry.
Molly: Here you go.
Alexis: Okay. So, what did I miss while I was on my Kelly's run?
Molly: Nothing. We've been waiting for hours, and Rafe still has no idea what's gonna happen to him.
Luke: Let's talk Pickle-Lila. How soon will you have the relish?
Tracy: I have people working on getting the recipe for me. In the meantime, I have a plan in place to get even with my recent burglar.
Luke: Who?
Tracy: I didn't tell you? I was robbed by your favorite kilted Celt.
Luke: Lavery robbed you?
Tracy: Yes. He took advantage of my good nature and filched the last remaining morsel of Pickle-Lila. But he will pay.
Luke: What are you cooking up, Trace?
Tracy: Cooking up? Not a thing. This revenge has already been served. I have set him up to take a fall.
Luke: Ooh, I like the sound of that. So, don't keep me in suspense. What did you do to Duke?
Waiter: I'm afraid this money is no good here.
Duke: Oh. Did Carly comp the meal?
Waiter: Not your money, this money.
Anna: [Clears throat]
Waiter: It is customary to check the authenticity of large bills.
Duke: What?
Waiter: These are counterfeit.
Anna: What?
Duke: No, there must be some mistake.
Anna: Really? Do you have something that you need to tell me?
Laura: You saw that, didn't you?
Scott: Saw what?
Laura: Anna kissing another man.
Scott: Oh, that.
Laura: Yeah. That. She's cheating on Luke.
Scott: Now, let's just not jump to conclusions, huh?
Laura: Well, what other explanation could there be? Unless...
Scott: Unless what?
Laura: Unless Anna's not with Luke at all.
Scott: Oh, come on, Laura. Of course, they're still together.
Laura: What makes you so sure?
Connie: [Echoing] Over here.
Kate: [Gasps]
Connie: Come on! You didn't think you were gonna get rid of me that easily, did you?
Kate: Connie.
Connie: That's right. I'm still here.
Kate: Why? After all the damage you've done, there is nothing left for you to do.
Connie: Well, I disagree, princess, because you stole my life... and now I'm gonna take it back.
Rafe: How long does it take to figure out what to do with one kid?
McBain: Well, you know Social Services is trying to set you up with a foster home. I mean, it's late and there's these waiting lists, and my guess is they haven't found one yet.
Rafe: And if they can't swing that, then what? Get sent to an orphanage?
McBain: No, more like a -- they call it a group home. It's --
Rafe: That's a nice name for an orphanage.
McBain: No, not exactly.
Rafe: What's the difference?
McBain: Group homes don't make you eat porridge.
Rafe: Look, I've stayed at shelters before -- and hostels. Lots of them, actually. Only difference was my mom was there. Other than lockup downstairs, this is the first time I'm doing this alone.
McBain: You're not alone, kid. There's a lot of people pulling for you.
Molly: Can't you make some calls, pull some strings?
Alexis: Look, honey, you know that I would do anything I can to help Rafe, but it's not like I can do anything tonight.
Molly: Then why can't Rafe just come home with us?
Alexis: [Sighs]
Kate: Your life back? You never had a life, Connie. You stole mine.
Connie: Why don't you think again, Kate? I've been out for the past five months, and I've been doing just fine until you decided it was safe enough to come back.
Kate: Doing just fine? I wonder if Trey would agree with that.
Connie: Let's talk about Trey, because as soon as you found out the son that you never wanted was alive, you ran for the hills. Don't you walk away! Yeah, you decided it was too much, so you took off! You can blame me all you want, Kate, but that was your choice.
Kate: Oh, no, no, no, no, Connie. You saw an opportunity, and you took it.
Connie: That's right. I made a life for myself. And you think you can just come in here and take that all away from me? Oh, no, no, honey. You don't get my job, you don't get my life, and you certainly do not get my man.
Waiter: I'll give you a minute to figure this out.
[Mid-tempo music playing]
Duke: What? No. No. You don't think seriously that I would be passing counterfeit bills?
Anna: Yes. I mean, your new suit and everything -- this whole thing -- and the wine. [Gasps] My necklace.
Duke: Anna, do you honestly believe that I would set up our first real date in 20 years and use forged bills to pay for everything? What sense does that make?
Anna: It doesn't make any sense.
Duke: Thank you.
Anna: Except for the fact that when I asked you how you could pay for all of this, you just dodged the question.
Duke: No, I-I did a private transaction with the Quartermaines, and I didn't feel it was appropriate for me to disclose the details.
Anna: Wait. You said that the Quartermaines always had an investment to tap. Was that a lie?
Duke: That was not a lie. Perhaps it was... an embellishment.
Anna: Oh. Duke, seriously, have you gone back to your old way of doing business?
Duke: No. No, I have not, and don't even say that.
Anna: Then you just tell me how -- how did you get this money?
Duke: I swear on my life... this money...came from the Quartermaines.
Anna: Their assets have been frozen.
Duke: ELQ's assets have been frozen. This money came from Tracy Quartermaine.
Luke: You gave Lavery funny money?
Tracy: I did, indeed.
Luke: What, you just have wads of it laying around?
Tracy: Yes, loads. I keep all my phony money in my phony vault. And what the hell is the matter with you? You don't like Duke. I just did something bad to Duke.
Luke: Hey, don't get me wrong. I think it's great you put one over on Rob Roy.
Tracy: But?
Luke: But you've got the S.E.C. breathing down your neck! You want the FBI involved, too?
Tracy: I'm not the one passing counterfeit money! Duke Lavery is! And, by the way, this is not his first felony. This isn't even his first felony this week.
Luke: You lost me.
Tracy: Ahh! Do you ever listen to me?! I told you he stole my relish!
Luke: Tracy, have you ever heard of proportional response?
Tracy: I think I showed extraordinary restraint. The man robbed me of my family legacy!
Luke: It's a condiment -- granted, a very rare and precious condiment which may have the key to your family's fortune, but it's sandwich topping!
Tracy: Do you know how he did it? By breaking in to this house.
Luke: That is standard operations for burglars.
Tracy: And pretending to pump me for information about your relationship with Anna.
Luke: I don't have a relationship with Anna. It's through.
Tracy: I know that. And Duke certainly knows that. In fact, I don't think there is a person in Port Charles who doesn't know that you and Anna are through.
Scott: I'm only going on what you told me. Maybe Luke and Anna aren't together, but you did say you saw them kissing on the docks.
Laura: Yes. I did see them, and they were certainly acting like a couple. And Lulu told me that Luke was seeing Anna.
Scott: Then that's that.
Laura: No. It's -- it's not that. It's much worse than that. Anna is cheating on Luke.
Scott: This may sound a little cold. So what? It's none of our business, Laura. If Anna is stepping out on Luke, it's up to her to fess up.
Laura: Well, she must not feel very guilty about it if she's seeing Duke right in front of everyone. She's making a fool out of Luke.
Scott: Well, I got a news flash for you. Luke is a fool. Okay. What are you saying here?
Laura: I have to tell him the truth. I do.
Scott: [Groaning]
Connie: Who the hell do you think you are, sleeping with Sonny?
Kate: Why do you care what I do with him? You hate him.
Connie: Well, your Intel's out of date, because things have changed between me and Sonny, Kate. We helped each other through a very dark time. Sonny was there for me, not you, when my son died.
Kate: Leave it to you to use my son's death as an excuse to crawl into Sonny's bed.
Connie: Well, Sonny doesn't feel that way, because no matter how many awful things I did to him, he stood by me, because he cares about me.
Kate: Oh, does he, Connie? Well, if he cares about you, then why did he jump right back into bed with me?
Anna: Tracy gave you this counterfeit money?
Duke: Yes.
Anna: Oh, my God. I thought you said you work for AJ
Duke: I do work for AJ, but AJ and Tracy are in this dispute over relish, and their dispute was escalating, and I decided --
Anna: What did you say? Did you just say, "relish"?
Duke: AJ and Tracy -- well, it was getting out of hand, so I just --
Anna: With relish?
Duke: Pickles, Anna. It was getting rather byzantine, so I decided, on AJ's behalf, to do some opposition research.
Anna: That's corporate espionage.
Duke: All right. So, while I was doing my research, there was an opportunity which I discovered --
Anna: What opportunity?
Duke: An opportunity to convince Tracy that I was in her camp.
Anna: Okay.
Duke: Well, I went into the Quartermaine den, and Tracy caught me there.
Anna: That's breaking and entering right there. That's breaking and entering.
Duke: I decided to use this opportunity to my advantage.
Anna: Uh-huh. Oh. What? You tried to put one over on Tracy Quartermaine?
Duke: Yes, I did. And Tracy put one over on me.
Luke: What ever made you think giving Lavery a suitcase full of phony cash was a good idea?
Tracy: Better question -- why do you care what happens to Duke Lavery?
Luke: I don't care about him, baby! I care about you!
Tracy: Oh, well, I'm fine -- soon to be a lot better when my revenge is complete.
Luke: All right, let's think about this for a minute. Lavery wants nothing more than to get close to our fair police commissioner. Aren't you worried that he's gonna tell Anna where he got that cash?
Tracy: No, because then he's gonna have to explain how he got a briefcase full of big bills! Everybody knows you don't get one of those for being nice.
Luke: What if he decides to come clean? Women love that.
Tracy: Well, I guess I'm just gonna have to cross that bridge when I get to it. In the meantime, don't think for a minute I didn't notice you changed the subject! We were talking about you and Laura!
Scott: Wait, wait. Hold on a second, Laura. I-I don't think telling Luke is really a good idea.
Laura: Of course, you don't, because you hate Luke.
Scott: No, I -- [Sighs] I'm indifferent. If I hated him, then I would be happy for you to tell him that Anna's cheating on him.
Laura: I just think he has a right to know.
Scott: You know what? We have a -- we have a wedding to plan. I think we should think about that. We don't want to get mixed up in all of Luke's sordid life, do we, now? I mean, let him just handle his own business.
Laura: It's just that if Luke is seeing Anna, then I know that he cares about her. And he does not give his heart easily.
Scott: Yeah, I know. You would know that. [Sighs]
Laura: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. That was stupid.
Scott: No, it's -- it's okay. You and -- you have a history together. You have kids together. I don't like it, but that's the way it is. But you know what? We have a history together, too.
Laura: [Chuckles]
Scott: And we have a future. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Baldwin. The sequel.
Laura: I know. And I'm really glad about it.
Scott: Good, 'cause this is our time, and I don't want to waste it. Listen, I'll tell you -- tell you what I'll do. Since I'm a sport...
Laura: Oh, really?
Scott: Yeah. ...If you want to tell Luke, I will go with you, and we can do it together. But I still think that we should just stay out of it.
Laura: Okay.
Scott: Okay?
Laura: Mm-hmm.
Scott: Okay. I'm gonna go take a shower. Then we're gonna have dinner. Then we're gonna find an old movie to watch.
Laura: [Chuckles] Sounds good.
Scott: Okay.
[Footsteps depart]
Luke: There is no me and Laura. There hasn't been for years.
Tracy: And yet you managed to stop by her hotel room today.
Luke: Yeah, to warn her about Baldwin. She accepted his proposal. She has a right to know that he's working an angle.
Tracy: Baldwin is irrelevant. Baldwin has always been irrelevant, especially if you want to be with Laura. Do you? Maybe because, as many times as you say it's over, she's never really gone. She's always in need of some kind of rescuing from Baldwin or the Cassadines or her own illness.
Luke: I won't apologize for wanting my ex-wife to be happy.
Tracy: No matter who you have to step over to make that happen.
Luke: Tracy, you're my ex-wife, too. I want you to be happy. You don't generally need to be rescued, but if you do, I'll be there, just like you're always there for me.
Tracy: Well, that's a really nice sentiment, but it certainly doesn't measure up to the greatest love of all!
Luke: Laura.
Tracy: Oh, I heard you were in town.
Laura: Your maid was kind enough to let me in.
Luke: What are you doing here?
Laura: I was looking for you, Luke.
Tracy: How'd you track him here?
Laura: He wasn't in his hotel room, and he wasn't with -- this was the next logical place.
Tracy: Of course, it was.
Luke: Well, what's so important you need to track me down?
Laura: There's something I need to tell you. It's about Anna and Duke.
Anna: So, Tracy figured out what you were doing, and she decided to get back at you?
Duke: Yes.
Anna: That's -- wow.
Duke: Obviously, yes. This -- this -- this everything, this...whole evening has been paid for with money that she gave me in a briefcase.
Anna: [Chuckles]
Duke: Well, I apologize that this nightmare of a night has come to an end so soon.
Anna: [Chuckles]
Duke: What do you find funny?
Anna: Oh, just -- I don't know -- everything. I mean, you apologizing for a nightmare of an evening -- it's just all so...
Duke: It doesn't make much sense, does it?
Anna: No. Yes. Certainly not your usual smooth self, are you?
Duke: Hmm. No. I've lost my finesse in certain areas. Yes, I will admit that, Anna. Well, I'm gonna go make it right.
Anna: Going off to Tracy?
Duke: Yes, I am.
Anna: Well, I can't miss this.
Duke: No, I'm gonna do this on my own.
Anna: No, you're not. Looks like I uncovered a counterfeiting ring, and what would the Mayor think if I turned a blind eye to that? How would that look, right?
Duke: All right. Come with me.
Waiter: Commissioner.
Anna: Yes? Oh, thank you so much.
Waiter: Commissioner?
Anna: Yes? Oh, God. [Sighs]
Duke: [Sighs]
Anna: Just a second. Thanks. Sorry.
Molly: So, he can stay with us, right?
Alexis: The system doesn't work like that, honey. I can't just take him in.
Molly: Why not?
Alexis: Because, honey, there are rules in place for situations like this, and even if there weren't, I don't think I could handle another teenager, especially a teenage boy -- one that you hid in your bedroom.
Rafe: What's that?
McBain: What's what? Hey! I'm starting to get the feeling you're an experienced food thief.
Rafe: You knew what I was doing. You let me do it.
McBain: Yeah, well, you could ask next time.
Rafe: I don't really like asking for things.
McBain: I guess that makes two of us.
Alexis: You know, Molly, the decision is not just about you or me or Rafe. Isn't there someone else you're forgetting about?
Molly: Kristina? Well, she doesn't care if Rafe stays with us.
Alexis: Say we take Rafe in. Have you ever thought about how TJ might feel about it?
TJ: She's all about Rafe -- breaking him out of jail, hiding him in her room.
Shawn: She's just looking after the kid.
TJ: No, see, I remember when Molly was there for me when I was in trouble. It seems like since I cleaned up my act, she moved on to another project.
Shawn: You know, you've helped her out just as much as she's helped you.
TJ: No, I haven't.
Shawn: Didn't you stand up to Connie Falconeri when she stole Molly's book?
TJ: Okay. A lot of good that did. Molly never got her book back.
Shawn: And she still might. Sonny told me Kate's back.
TJ: Okay. Good for them.
Shawn: Don't you get it? There's no way Connie's mess is gonna go unfixed -- well, not as long as Kate is here.
Kate: Sonny and I just made love, but you knew that, didn't you? Otherwise, you would never have called me down here.
Connie: [Echoing] Yeah. I see you put him right to sleep.
Kate: Oh, he was thrilled to have me back.
Connie: Don't worry, kiddo. I'm gonna deal with Sonny -- right after I deal with you.
Kate: What are you gonna do, Connie, from behind the mirror? You gonna reflect him to death?
Connie: No, you see, because Sonny doesn't get to sleep around when he told me that he cares about me.
Kate: Oh, he cares for you? Is that what he said?
Connie: Damn right.
Kate: But he didn't say, "love," because Sonny loves me. He told me over and over again how he tried to move heaven and earth to get me back, despite all the horrible things you did to him. Sonny slept with you, because he wanted to get closer to me.
Connie: You don't know what you're talking about, because Sonny and I have a real connection.
Kate: How can you have a real connection with anybody? You're not a real person.
Connie: Oh, no. You got that backwards, sweetheart.
Kate: How so?
Connie: Well, I hate to break it to you, kid, but I'm the real person, and you, Kate Howard -- you're the alter.
Scott: Come on. Laura, answer the damn phone.
Tracy: What about Anna and Duke?
Laura: Uh, gee. I-I don't quite know how to tell you this. Um...
[Cell phone rings]
Laura: Oh. [Chuckles] Phone call. Uh...
Tracy: Oh, please, don't keep us in suspense. What about Anna and Duke?
Duke: What about us?
Tracy: Are you kidding me? Is this a private residence or a fast-food restaurant?
Anna: Laura, hello. Anna. We've never actually met.
Laura: Uh, yes, Anna. I recognize you. People speak so highly of you.
Tracy: Why is this meeting taking place in my living room? Alice? Alice?!
Anna: Ooh.
Tracy: Oh, well. So much for that.
Anna: It's okay. Please don't blame Alice. I flashed her my badge. She let me in.
Tracy: Oh, good. Well, you'd think by now she'd ask for a warrant. Speaking of warrants...
Anna: I don't have one yet, but this is official business. I would like to ask you a few questions.
Tracy: Regarding?
Duke: This.
Kate: No, no. You're the alter. You are an out-of-control coping mechanism.
Connie: Boy, you really missed a lot when you checked out, huh? The court of law decided I'm the real deal. Kate Howard is a symptom of mental illness.
Kate: Oh, is this the same court of law that has both you and me on record for killing Starr Manning's family instead of Johnny? You can tell the judges anything you want. I know the truth.
Connie: What truth, Kate? The truth about your childhood in Connecticut, the truth about your made-up-name? Everything about you is a lie. I'm the real deal! Okay. Okay. Let's just talk about the facts. Connie Falconeri was born in Bensonhurst. Connie Falconeri fell in love with Sonny. Connie Falconeri was raped by Joe Jr. and pregnant with Trey. But when Connie Falconeri had the child, she abandoned him. Something snapped.
Kate: No. That is when I made the conscious decision to become Kate Howard.
Connie: Oh, no. That's just what you tell yourself to fill in the gaps.
Kate: You are the liar. You lie about everything, Connie, and you're lying about this.
Connie: Then why are you so scared? You're starting to think I'm telling the truth, ain't you?
Duke: You gave me counterfeit money.
Tracy: Why would I give you any money at all?
Luke: Is this what you wanted to talk to me about?
Laura: No.
Anna: Trafficking in counterfeit money, you know, is a serious offense.
Tracy: Really? I did not know that.
Luke: Why don't we let them handle this?
Laura: Okay.
Duke: I want to press charges. You defrauded me.
Tracy: Then I'm gonna press charges. And if you're humiliated now, imagine how you're gonna feel when Anna arrests you for breaking and entering and theft!
Luke: There. That's better. I can actually hear you now.
Laura: Yeah.
Luke: So, what did you want to tell me?
Laura: You know, I'm not so sure that I should be doing this.
Luke: Laura, why? You know you can tell me anything. Right?
Laura: Yes. Yes. Of course. [Chuckles] Okay. [Chuckles] Here goes. Um...I, uh... I was in the Metro Court --
Luke: What are you doing here?
Scott: I might ask you the same question.
Luke: Well, you see, I have friends here, upstairs and down. Oh, wait -- how do I explain the concept of friends to this?
Laura: Please, uh, let's -- let's not do this. I-I came here because I wanted to talk to Luke.
Scott: Let me just talk to you first.
Laura: [Chuckles] I'm sorry. Do you mind -- for a minute?
Luke: No, I don't mind. No. I need to find Alice anyway and find out why she's letting all the riffraff in.
Laura: What are you doing?
Scott: I might ask you the same question. I thought that we decided that we weren't going to get involved in Spencer's business.
Laura: I just wasn't sure that that was the right thing to do.
Scott: No, but it's not for you to decide, 'cause we kind of decided that together, didn't we? I turn my back, and you do the opposite. How do you think that makes me feel?
Laura: You're right. I'm -- I'm really sorry.
Scott: You don't have to apologize. Just do me a favor. Forget about spilling the beans to Spencer. Come home with me now.
Anna: Tracy, what are you talking about, exactly?
Tracy: Mr. Lavery entered my house under false pretenses and stole my relish.
Anna: When you say, "relish," is that, like, code for something, or is it, like, a condiment for a sandwich?
Tracy: Pickle-Lila, my mother's recipe. It made ELQ millions and would do again if he hadn't walked off with it!
Anna: You know what? You are accusing each other of very serious crimes, which leaves me no other option than to arrest you -- both.
TJ: So, you think Kate will give us Molly's book back?
Shawn: Kate Howard may not be the warmest person, but she's got integrity. Look, once she understands what Connie did, I'm sure she'll get in touch with the publisher and Molly will get credit as the author.
TJ: Molly's gonna be so stoked when she hears about it.
Shawn: Then I think you should be the one to tell her. That way it'll remind her of all the great things you did for her. You'll be her hero again. [Chuckles]
TJ: Yeah. Yeah. And maybe she'll forget all about Rafe.
Molly: Rafe, I just want you to know, whatever happens, I'm here for you.
Rafe: Thanks. You've been so great to me. I don't even know why.
McBain: Well, look, thanks for letting me know. All right. I'll call you back. Uh...that was Social Services. I'm -- I'm -- I'm sorry, Rafe. They couldn't find an open family tonight.
Alexis: Oh. All right. So, where does that leave him?
McBain: Well, that means they're gonna place him in a group home, but it's just for tonight. We're gonna find you something better, something permanent, okay?
Rafe: Sure.
McBain: All right. Listen, the Social Services lady -- she's gonna come by and pick you up, all right?
Alexis: Okay, look -- this is all gonna work out, all right? You're gonna be fine. Shawn's waiting for us. We do need to go.
Molly: Mom, I can't just leave --
Rafe: Molly, Molly, it's cool, really. You've done so much already. I'm not really good company right now, so...get out of here.
Molly: Are you sure?
Rafe: Hey, at least it's not lockup or some creepy mansion with tunnels and a serial killer.
Molly: Still, my Mom and I are gonna find you a home -- a good one -- I promise.
Rafe: Thanks. I appreciate that.
Molly: Hey. I mean it. It's not over. Right, Mom?
Alexis: Right. We're gonna take care of this, I promise.
Molly: Bye.
McBain: So... what's your game -- War or Crazy 8s?
Rafe: Texas Hold 'em, nothing wild.
McBain: What?!
Rafe: Mom and I had to do something to make money.
McBain: Damn.
Rafe: Look... I appreciate this, you know?
McBain: [Sighs]
Rafe: But you really don't have to stay here with me. I mean, you've been here all night, too.
McBain: Kid, I'm not going anywhere until I know you're okay.
Kate: No. What you're saying -- it doesn't make any sense. Dr. Keenan told me about my D.I.D.
Connie: [Echoing] Ha! Dr. Keenan -- the sheep farmer turned psychopath? See, unlike you, honey, I got diagnosed by a real shrink, and he told me the truth. Me, Connie Falconeri, is the real deal. You, Kate Howard -- you're nothing. You're like a fairy-tale princess.
Kate: No. That is impossible.
Connie: Fight all you want, Kate. It's not gonna change a thing.
Kate: I am not the alter! You are!
Connie: Isn't it horrible to think that you only exist because someone's dreaming you up? So hollow. Tell you what -- if you find that this is too much for you again, why don't you do us both a favor and run away and give me back my life?
Kate: No. [Crying] This is my life, Connie, and I'm not gonna let you take it!
McBain: Rafe, this is Ms. Blackwood. She's with Port Charles Social Services. She's good people.
Rafe: Hi.
Ms. Blackwood: It's good to meet you, Rafe. We're going to get you settled tonight at the facility.
Rafe: You mean the orphanage.
Ms. Blackwood: Actually, they're group homes now.
Rafe: So I've heard. What's porridge?
Ms. Blackwood: These days, we call it "oatmeal." Now, if you'll come along with me, please.
Rafe: Hey, Detective?
McBain: Hmm?
Rafe: Thanks for waiting with me.
McBain: You got it. I'll check in on you tomorrow.
Rafe: Sure.
Alexis: Hi, guys. Sorry we're late.
Shawn: No problem. We're just glad you could make it at all. Isn't that right, TJ?
TJ: Hey.
Molly: Hi.
Alexis: Okay. How about we join you for dessert?
Shawn: Hey, I'm on board. But, uh, TJ here doesn't seem to have much of an appetite.
TJ: Uh, I had a lot of food. I'm good.
Molly: Oh. Uh, I-I had a veggie burger at the st-- uh, Kelly's.
Alexis: Yeah.
Shawn: You know what? I could use a drink. Join me at the bar?
Alexis: Yeah. Uh, I could use an adult beverage about now.
TJ: You okay?
Molly: Uh, yeah, I guess.
TJ: You know, whatever's bothering you, you can tell me.
Molly: Even if it's --
TJ: Even if it's about Rafe.
Molly: [Sighs] I don't know. I just feel so bad for him. He's all alone.
TJ: I'm sorry.
Molly: Thanks.
TJ: It might not be the right time, but I do have some news that might cheer you up.
Shawn: Group home?
Alexis: Uh, just for the night.
Shawn: Tough break. Do you think a foster home will open up soon?
Alexis: Soon? I don't know. I hate when the system fails any kid, let alone a kid who's a friend of my daughter.
Shawn: I wouldn't worry about Molly. Something tells me things are about to turn around for her.
Molly: Seriously?!
TJ: Yeah.
Molly: Oh, my God!
Alexis: What? What? What?
Molly: Kate's back! [Laughs]
Connie: I'm coming, Sonny.
Anna: If you're going around town handing out counterfeit bills, and you're breaking in to her house with the intent to steal condiments, I have no option than to arrest both of you. Unless you mutually decide not to pursue either thing any further.
Duke: I spent 20 years in prison. I don't relish the thought of going back.
Anna: So, that's it? You're not gonna pursue charges? Is that what I'm -- I'm good here with this?
Duke: Yes.
Anna: Yes? Yes? Great. My work here is done.
Tracy: Well, then, see yourselves out.
Anna: Always such a pleasure.
Tracy: Ow!
Duke: [Chuckles]
Tracy: [Sighs]
Luke: I'll take that.
Tracy: Why? Where's Laur--
Luke: She left with Baldwin.
Tracy: Really? Was he here, too?
Luke: Just long enough to talk her out of whatever it was she came to tell me.
Tracy: [Laughs] And you let that happen?
Luke: She makes her own choices, Tracy, no matter how bad they may be. "Let it happen."
Tracy: [Sighs]
Scott: You okay?
Laura: Yeah, I'm fine.
Scott: You hardly said anything on the drive.
Laura: I'm just hoping I did the right thing.
Scott: You did. You know, Spencer's life -- it's always been a big mess.
Laura: Yeah. It's pretty complicated. Yeah.
Scott: I just don't see where you have to pick up after him anymore.
Laura: No, I don't.
Scott: Good. It's you and me, okay? We're gonna get married. We're just exactly where we belong. You know that, don't you?
Laura: Of course, I do. I love you.
Scott: I love you, too. You and me -- where you always should have been.
Duke: Well, at least, let me buy you a drink. I have enough legitimate money in my pocket to pay for that.
Anna: No. I think we should call it a night.
Duke: It's very early, Anna.
Anna: Yeah. I got to get up in the morning, and I got to return this, and --
Duke: No, no, no, no. No, don't -- don't -- don't do that. I'll take care of it. Well, this is not the way I thought this night would end.
Anna: Maybe it's for the best.
Duke: I don't see how.
Anna: I, uh -- probably before we get too far into it and find that it's all a conflict of interest --
Duke: Conflict of interest?
Anna: I'm police commissioner. I can't be socializing with someone who habitually breaks the law.
Duke: Oh, Anna, you don't mean that.
Anna: I do. Your first impulse was to break in to Tracy's home, which proves to me that you haven't really changed. You always like to be one step outside the law, and if I turn a blind eye knowingly, then I'm gonna lose my job and, more importantly, my self-respect.
Duke: There's more to this than that. What is it? What's going on? Is it Faison? Every time you look at me, you see his face? Is that it?
Anna: No.
Duke: Then what? What is it? Tell me something that I understand, 'cause I don't understand. And don't hide behind your badge.
Anna: I'm sorry. I tried, you know? I just -- I don't want to go down this road.
Duke: Right. There appears to be... nothing more to say.
Anna: [Sighs]
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