GH Transcript Wednesday 3/6/13

General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 3/6/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Charlene

Sonny: Kate?

Kate: Yeah, it's me. It's Kate.

Sonny: You okay?

Kate: Yeah. Why?

Sonny: Well, you said you wanted to be alone to mourn your son.

Kate: May I come in? I need to speak with you.

Sonny: Yeah. Come on in. You want something to drink? Can I get you some wine or --

Kate: No, I just need to say this.

Sonny: Okay. Go ahead.

Kate: I came here to tell you... I'm sorry.

Tracy: What am I paying you for? Do you have the recipe to Pickle-Lila or not?

Spinelli: I-I assure you I'm on the case. You know, in fact, I've compiled a list of -- a list of possible local facilities that A.J. might have employed to reverse-engineer the recipe from the remaining jar. But since business hours have concluded, I am picking up my girlfriend.

Tracy: I'm paying for results. Oh! Would you rather not be paid at all?

Spinelli: I will redouble my efforts.

Tracy: I thought so.

Spinelli: Never fear. The condiment will soon be yours. [Sighs] No matter who stands in my way.

Mac: To hard heads. [Chuckles]

Kevin: Nice!

Mac: I'm really glad Heather Webber didn't do serious damage when she brained you at Ferncliff.

Kevin: Mac Scorpio, you are a sentimental fool. Cheers.

Mac: Felicia.

[Cell phone rings]

Anna: Well, I certainly don't recognize the suit, but I do recognize the silhouette.

Frisco: [Chuckles] Anna!

Anna: Frisco.

Frisco: Hello! [Chuckles]

Anna: Oh, God. It just seems like yesterday you were my favorite rookie.

Frisco: [Chuckles] Nice to see you, too, boss.

Anna: Yes. Oh, Frisco. It's really good to see you. How are you?

Frisco: Good. I'm great.

Anna: Excellent. You look very dapper.

Frisco: [Chuckles]

Anna: You here for a hot date?

Frisco: Well, that remains to be seen.

Mac: Everything okay?

Felicia: Yup.

Mac: I made that for you.

Felicia: Well, thank you. To what are we drinking?

Mac: [Sighs] To the lovely women who deign to grace us with their presence and uplift our lives.

Felicia: [Chuckles]

Kevin: Time to sober up.

Felicia: You need to keep your wits about you, Kevin. Lucy's released from jail today.

Kevin: What does that have to do with my sobriety?

Felicia: [Chuckles] Well, knowing Lucy, she's gonna walk in here at any minute, march right up to you, and demand that you take your rightful place by her side.

Tracy: Get that recipe! Pickle-Lila is the answer to ELQ's future.

Lucy: What is that about ELQ?

Tracy: Lucy, what are you doing here? Alice! Call the police!

Lucy: Oh, brother. Hey! Did you forget? I live here, remember?

Tracy: No, actually, you live behind bars, vampire slayer! Did you escape again?!

Lucy: Oh, dear. You didn't hear, did you? Guess what. At long last, I have been absolved, exonerated, vindicated. I am free to resume my life. I get to rebuild my career and resurrect my image. But first I really just want to rejuvenate my body. So I'm gonna take a nice, relaxing bath upstairs. But -- [Gasps] I'll tell you what. Why don't you break out the wine and cheese and crackers, and I'll be back down in a jiffy. And then I'll be all spic and span and ready to take up the mantle of co-C.E.O. of ELQ.

Tracy: Yeah, well, you can go straight to h-e-l-l! Because the only thing you're taking up is space.

Scott: Boy, that Lucy gets out of the messes she gets into.

Laura: Yep. And it looks like Luke's girlfriend came out ahead, too.

Anna: It isn't any of your business, but I'm no longer seeing him.

Scott: Anna's not so bad.

Laura: Did I say she was? Huh? [Smooches] No.

[Knock on door]

Laura: I'm glad everything worked out for everyone. We might as well wish for their happiness, too, right? Luke?

Luke: Excuse me. You son of a bitch! I know what you did! Fess up, Baldwin.

Laura: Luke, what are you doing?

Scott: Ranting like a lunatic. What else is new?

Laura: Luke, I'm sure you have a good reason for whatever it is you're doing here.

Luke: Ask your fiancé. Helena Cassadine didn't send Lulu that phony ice princess. He did.

Lucy: Listen, lady. Since last I saw you, I broke out of Ferncliff, I went on the run, I saw the love of my life get clunked on the head by Heather Webber. Then I held a gun on Anna Devane. I got busted. I was in jail! I busted out of there! I went on the run again, not to mention the fact that now I'm in the catacombs at Wyndemere, chasing this serial killer, doing battle, and then I broke every single nail on this hand. So listen to me. You are not about to cross paths with me, let alone try and cheat me out of my rightful place at ELQ!

Tracy: Enough. I couldn't kick you out if I wanted to. We are both out.

Mac: Come on, Kevin. You and Lucy have counted on each other for so long. I mean, you've been through all the good and bad times together and all the craziness in between. You have always wound up back in each other's orbit. You have an unbreakable bond, no matter what happens or who might come along in the meantime.

[Cell phone rings]

Kevin: Who said anything about somebody else? Is there somebody dogging Lucy?

Mac: No. I'm not saying anyone --

Felicia: I have to go. I'm sorry.

Mac: Really?

Felicia: Yeah. I have to have -- I forgot. I have a meeting with a friend.

Mac: Okay. Well, have fun.

Felicia: Okay. Bye. Bye, Kevin.

Kevin: Bye. That was odd.

Mac: Yeah, but not completely unexpected.

Kevin: Is there something wrong?

Mac: Felicia just lied to me.

Frisco: Anna, I was so sorry to hear about Robin. She was such a bright light in all of our lives. I just think of that [Sighs] 6-year-old little girl that captured my heart. I'm sorry she's gone.

Anna: Thank you for saying that. I miss her every day.

Frisco: Well, you have Duke in your life now.

Anna: Yes. Yeah. It's wonderful, I must say. It's really great to have him back. Um, you know, sometimes I feel like I look at him and, uh... just for a second... I see Faison. It's horrible.

Frisco: Understandable. Had to be a bit traumatic when you thought you finally had Duke back in your life and it was Faison impersonating Duke.

Anna: Yeah. Yeah, that was rich. I wonder if maybe... if our relationship is just always gonna be tainted because of that. Do you know what I mean?

Frisco: Anna...

Anna: No, I mean --

Frisco: No, no, no. Listen. I remember the two of you. You guys have great chemistry together. That kind of bond -- nobody's gonna come between the two of you.

Sonny: I don't know what you have to be sorry about, because I'm the one who should apologize. You just wanted to go to the site where, you know, Trey had his car crash and just to see where your son passed away. I pushed you too hard.

Kate: Sonny I --

Sonny: I know and I said some harsh things to you that I shouldn't have.

Kate: Everything that you said was true. You asked me if I chose to give in to Connie.

Sonny: I know that's not simple. You don't have control over that.

Kate: I know it's not, but I still -- when I found out that Trey was my son, I hid from everything and everyone that I love, and I made it easy for Connie to take over. And then when I finally fought my way back, I ran away again. And I-I don't want to do that anymore.

Sonny: If this is some kind of build-up --

Kate: Please let me finish. I'm not done. What I'm trying to say is that... I want to start a new life. I really hope that you're part of it. Because I... I just don't want to lose you. Because I love you.

Laura: Ice princess is the reason Mikkos Cassadine is dead. It had to have been Helena who sent the replica.

Luke: Yeah, well, that's what he wants you to think.

Scott: Spoken like a true paranoid.

Luke: Look at the timing. The same night that you arrive in Port Charles with this mutt sniffing after you, Lulu gets that phony ice princess sent to her. Come on!

Laura: What -- why would Scotty want to do that?

Luke: Because he's the same spiteful twerp he's always been. He's had a grudge against us that goes all the way back to when he crashed our wedding.

Laura: That was a long time ago. It was a lifetime ago for most of us.

Luke: Yeah, well, his resentment has only grown. He blames Lulu for the death of his deadbeat son.

Scott: Watch it, Spencer.

Luke: Open your eyes, Laura. Your fiancé is here for vengeance.

Spinelli: The vision before me appears to be my lovely and intellectually superior girlfriend working away quite capably. But the last time I saw said girlfriend, you insisted that you were only coming to the lab to become reacclimated.

Ellie: Well, don't worry. This isn't hospital business. I was presented with an outside project that's just too stimulating to pass up.

Spinelli: Okay, well, what is this mysterious project?

Ellie: This.

Tracy: A.J. blackmailed me, took control of ELQ. If I'm out, you're out.

Lucy: Oh, no, no, no. This is an outrage! A.J. just can't throw us away like so much rubbish! What are you doing about this? What are you doing? You're not gonna let that sorry excuse for a Quartermaine walk all over you, are you?

Tracy: I have the perfect plan to wrest control of ELQ back from A.J. and squash him like the cockroach he is.

Lucy: Oh, goody, goody. Okay, time's a-wasting. What are you gonna do? Let's do it. Chop, chop, chop!

Tracy: Don't you worry. A.J. and that kilted crony Duke Lavery will regret ever crossing me.

Lucy: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Duke? Come on. He's so roguishly charming. He's got that smile and that yummy accent. You got to be wrong. There's no way he would get involved with that weaselly A.J.

Tracy: Duke and his accent are working for my worthless nephew. But don't worry. I am onto Duke now. And by the time I'm through with him, he will have learned the hard way -- mess with Tracy... get the horns.

Anna: I'd like to see you again. I want you to meet Emma, find out what you're doing.

Frisco: I'll call you.

Anna: Okay.

Frisco: Duke.

Duke: Frisco. Should we sit?

Anna: Yeah. Great.

Duke: So glad you were able to join me for dinner this evening.

Anna: Oh, gosh. I wouldn't have missed it. You know, I'm very grateful for the escape. Day from hell.

Duke: Really? Didn't sound like that to me. Mother and child at home safe. You took down a deranged killer. Sounds like a perfect coup for the PCPD.

Anna: Yes. That's how it seemed. But there's a bit more to it.

Lucy: We have got to stop A.J.'s mad grab for power. Thank God you have a plan.

Tracy: The answer is in the relish.

Lucy: Wait! Relish?

Tracy: With the recipe to Pickle-Lila, there will be no stopping me.

Lucy: No -- hey, whoa there. Don't you mean "us" there, partner?

Tracy: Yeah, whatever.

Lucy: Okay. Okay, good. So, for a minute there, I thought we were utterly defeated, but no. We're all gonna be okay, because we have a plan. Sure, the plan hinges on a condiment, but beggars can't be choosers. And, boy, I am so tired of being a beggar. I've got to get out from under all of this. I have to free my assets, and I have to rebuild the Nurses' Ball back to its previous glory, and I've got to rescue CoeCoe from the federal government. Then I'm gonna be queen of cosmetics again and... golden duck numero uno!

Tracy: Yeah, you go, girl.

Lucy: But none of this is gonna mean absolutely anything if I don't have Kevin.

Kevin: Excuse me? Felicia Jones a liar? Since when?

Mac: You're a shrink. Didn't you pick up on Felicia's tell?

Kevin: I didn't pick up on anything.

Mac: Yeah, well, every time Felicia lies, she tilts her head a little to the left.

Kevin: Okay, so what did she lie about, meeting a friend?

Mac: No, that part was true enough. She left out the identity of her dinner date.

Kevin: She said it was an old friend.

Mac: Who happens to be her ex-husband.

Kevin: Not...

Mac: The one and only Frisco Jones.

Felicia: Double vodka rocks, please.

Sonny: I love you, too.

Kate: You do?

Sonny: I promised you the night I proposed to you that I would never leave your side. And I meant it. I'm always gonna be by your side, no matter what. You stay with me, you will not lose me.

Kate: Not even to Connie? We can't ignore what happened, Sonny. She's as much part of this as I am. You slept with her.

Sonny: Kate, I know that you feel betrayed. And from the bottom of my heart, I'm really, really sorry.

Kate: I hate that it happened.

Sonny: I know.

Kate: But it did. So we just have to deal with it. You had feelings for her. I don't know if you still do, but I need you to tell me the truth. Do you want me, or do you want Connie?

Anna: I presided over a colossal fiasco. A-and I think that somebody should be held responsible for that, and it's me, and... she should have taken my resignation.

Duke: And what would that accomplish? You're a perfectly capable commissioner, Anna.

Anna: Thank you. But... you know, I mean, the worst part of the whole thing is that I allowed a deranged killer to trick me into believing that... one of my best officers was... see, this is what I mean. I feel like I can't trust my own judgment.

Duke: You're being too hard on yourself.

Anna: But this --

Duke: You're wonderful at what you do. You're a born leader. You hold a position that very few women hold. You're a role model for young women everywhere. You're a role model for Emma. That's why you have to carry on doing what you're doing. [Chuckles] Am I being too officious?

Anna: [Laughs] No, not at all. No. No, I enjoyed the pep talk. Thank you.

Duke: Well, if you need any more cheering up... I got this for you.

Kevin: Felicia went to see Frisco? Are you sure?

Mac: I saw them having a pretty intense conversation earlier.

Kevin: Okay, what was this intense conversation about?

Mac: I really didn't get the specifics.

Kevin: Well, what did she say when you asked her about it?

Mac: I didn't need to ask.

Kevin: Well, this just gets better and better.

Mac: Felicia has been acting squirrelly ever since Frisco blew into town. He said he came for Maxie. But he headed straight for Felicia as soon as he got here.

Kevin: Well, she is the mother of his children.

Mac: He doesn't give a damn about his children. He never did. Felicia's the one he's after.

Kevin: Well, it doesn't matter what Frisco wants. I mean, he can't make Felicia take him back.

Mac: I don't think he has to. I think she's falling for his act all over again.

Frisco: Well, I didn't think you were coming. That'll teach me to doubt you.

Felicia: It's important that we talk.

Frisco: I agree. We have a lot to say. It certainly can't all be said in one night.

Felicia: Well, this is all the time that we have.

Frisco: What do you mean?

Felicia: Frisco, I want you to leave town.

Frisco: What?

Felicia: You came. You saw Maxie. Now I want you to go. If you really care about me the way you say you do, then please, please just leave.

Sonny: You know I love you. I mean -- I mean... I want you by my side. I hope you see that, and I hope you can forgive me.

Kate: I don't understand, though.

Sonny: What?

Kate: Connie -- Connie hurt you. She hurt me. She has destroyed so many people.

Sonny: Right.

Kate: I don't understand how you can care for her.

Sonny: Kate... don't walk away, please. Listen. I saw a different side to Connie. No, I mean --

Kate: What does that mean?

Sonny: A better side. But it doesn't diminish my love for you. It would -- right now, if you came back after everything that we'd been through and you told me that you didn't want to be with me anymore... I don't know what I'd do. Can we just -- just put Connie behind us?

Luke: Baldwin still blames Lulu for the death of his son, even though Logan attacked her and she was just trying to protect herself.

Scott: Lulu and I have made peace. If you don't believe me, ask Laura.

Laura: It's true. I was there.

Luke: And I hope you enjoyed the show. Were you also there when his idea of reconciliation was threatening Lulu with lethal injection?

Laura: Scotty was stricken with grief. He has come to terms with the death of his son now, and he does want to make up for his mistakes.

Luke: How? By gas lighting our daughter?

Laura: Okay, Luke. Explain this to me, all right? How is it that Scotty sending a replica of the ice princess to our daughter is going to get back at Lulu? I mean, she didn't know what the thing was, so what's the thinking behind that?

Scott: Laura, you can't try and reason with him. He's never gonna be honest about what's making him really monkey crazy.

Luke: Oh, but you are honest, oh, pillar of truth and integrity?

Scott: It's about you, Laura. He just can't fathom that you've moved on with your life and that you've moved on with me. Admit it, Spencer. The reason why you're spouting all these theories is 'cause you're trying to shake Laura's confidence in me, because you want her for yourself.

Luke: All I want is for you to stay away from my family.

Laura: Okay, look. We're all letting the past cloud our judgment. And the truth is that everyone, Luke included, moved on a long time ago. What's important here is that somebody did send that replica to Lulu. And that's what we should be thinking about now.

Scott: Well, I didn't do it, and I'm not gonna stand here and take it. You know what? I'm gonna throw you out of here.

Laura: Stop it.

Scott: You know what? I'm not gonna mess myself up with you. I'm gonna call Security. I bet you've been thrown out of this hotel before, huh?

Laura: Luke, please. You should probably go now.

Scott: Yeah.

Luke: You stay away from my daughter.

Laura: [Sighs]

Luke: Laura, think about what I said.

[Door opens]

Scott: [Sighs]

[Door closes]

Scott: Boy, he is truly a crackpot. Let's go get some dinner. Come on. You're not buying his four-day-old fish story there. I would never hurt Lulu.

Laura: I know. But I wish that you wouldn't goad Luke like that.

Scott: Yeah, but he's such an easy target.

Laura: Yeah, but, you know, come on, all that stuff about how he wants me back. It's not true. It isn't. We both know that he's with Anna now.

Duke: Well, I bought it for my favorite police commissioner, so I'm glad you didn't resign, 'cause I don't think it would suit Mac.

Anna: [Chuckles] Well... oh! It's lovely.

Duke: I saw it in the window, and I...I thought of you.

Anna: You don't have to buy me jewelry.

Duke: You don't like it?

Anna: No! Yeah, of course, I do. It's... I can't accept it. It's way too expensive.

Duke: I can afford it.

Anna: No. No, you can't. ELQ's assets are frozen. And whatever it is A.J.'s paying, you shouldn't be spending it on me.

Duke: Well, it's very kind of you to worry, but you don't have to. I'm living within my means.

Anna: Are you being careful?

Tracy: It pays very well. So I would like you to come work for me.

Duke: Y-you know, my accounts are flush and stable, and, well, you know the Quartermaines. There's always some investment just waiting to be tapped.

Spinelli: This is your project. Huh. Uh, what is it?

Ellie: Well, apparently this is what A.J. Quartermaine thinks will be the salvation of his family's company.

Spinelli: Yeah... I don't understand, though. It's just --

Ellie: Relish. Yeah. Well, Pickle-Lila, to be exact. And apparently A.J.'s grandmother created it back in the '80s when the Quartermaines were broke, and it was so successful that it actually saved ELQ from bankruptcy.

Spinelli: An empty jar. I mean, how does A.J. expect an empty jar to save ELQ?

Ellie: It wasn't empty when he gave it to me. I used the last of the relish to perform all the tests.

Spinelli: Tests?

Ellie: Yeah. I have been contracted to reverse-engineer the relish and reconstruct the recipe.

Tracy: He's gonna need to extract the recipe, and when he does, Spinelli will be there to get it.

Spinelli: Have you met with any success?

Frisco: Felicia, be serious.

Felicia: I am serious. This isn't fair. You can't just drop into my life and expect me to run off with you.

Frisco: Well, maybe I'm ready to stay put. Maybe I'm finished with the fieldwork, and I want to be home with you and with Maxie.

Felicia: I've heard this all before.

Frisco: Well, things are different now. I'm different.

Felicia: No, I can't have this. I can't have you complicating things between me and Mac.

Frisco: Admit it, Felicia. You feel the same things for me as I do for you. It's always been that way... since the day I caught you lurking under my bed. What?!

Felicia: I, Felicia, take you, Andrew, to be my wedded husband.

Frisco: As long as we both shall live.


Felicia: You make this sound like it's just one big adventure.

Frisco: I haven't forgotten the bad times. And I haven't forgotten what today is. Georgie's birthday.

Sonny: Will you come back to me, Kate? Can you forgive me for failing you?

Kate: [Sighs] Oh, yes.

Sonny: Yeah.

Kate: I love you.

Sonny: [Laughs]

Kate: I love you. Of course.

Sonny: [Sighs]

Kate: But what if Connie comes back?

Sonny: Listen, we're gonna get the best doctor we can, okay? We can go to the hospital right now if you want to.

Kate: No, no, no. I don't want to tonight. Please.

Sonny: Yeah?

Kate: I don't want any doctors or integration. I just... I just want you.

Singer: Oh, my baby, we both know why don't we save the trouble? It's the words not spoken here that bring us back to love and I've spent all of my life just waiting for a sign so, baby, please let's stay let's steal away baby, please it's just you and me we've got nowhere else to be

Sonny: [Sighs] I missed you so much.

Kate: I could tell.

Sonny: [Chuckles]

Kate: [Chuckles] I missed you, too. I don't want this to end.

Sonny: It's not gonna end. We're gonna get you a doctor, and he's gonna make you well.

Kate: What if that's not possible?

Sonny: I promise you, you are gonna be whole. And when that happens, we'll never be apart again.

Kevin: Okay, let's not take this lying down. Let's go find Felicia, and we'll see if Frisco's really putting the moves on her.

Mac: [Chuckles] Well, that'll go over well. Felicia will know I'm jealous and came looking for her.

Kevin: We'll go incognito.

Mac: Incognito?

Kevin: We'll go as Norma and Eve if it's necessary, though I really hope that isn't.

Mac: Please. I don't shave my legs for anyone anymore.

Kevin: You have to do something.

Mac: What? What, challenge Frisco to a duel? Kevin, I love Felicia. All right? I want her in my life. But only if she wants me, too. Felicia's gonna have to figure out on her own that I'm the one she wants. She's gonna have to come to me.

Kevin: I know how you feel.

Mac: Are you saying that if, uh, you and Lucy, you know, could make up that you could forgive her, get back together?

Kevin: If only.

Mac: Then it's your lucky day.

Felicia: I didn't think you'd remember Georgie's birthday.

Frisco: Well, I guess I deserve that. I certainly wasn't a great father. In fact, I wasn't much of a father at all. But I do remember my daughters' birthdays. I love my girls.

Felicia: I know you do.

Frisco: [Sighs] I never should have left.

Felicia: Port Charles couldn't hold you. You were meant to be out in the world, taking risks and saving lives.

Frisco: Felicia, I should have been here with my family. I... I'd have come back sooner, but I was just afraid to face you and Maxie. I was afraid to face the truth.

Felicia: What truth?

Frisco: That if I'd have been here... like a good father... Georgie would still be alive.

Felicia: [Voice breaking] You can't know that.

Frisco: No. And I can't make the time up I missed with her. But I can make up the time I missed with you and Maxie. If you'll let me.

Felicia: [Sighs]

Tracy: [Sighs] Silence.

[Door slams]

Luke: Well, that slug denied everything, and then he had the gall to call me paranoid.

Tracy: I take it we're discussing Scott Baldwin.

Luke: I confronted him about sending that knock-off ice princess to Lulu. He yammered on about how innocent and harmless he is. I'm telling you, I can smell the lies on that creep like cheap cologne. Baldwin is up to something.

Duke: Thank you. May I?

Anna: Yeah.

Singer: Love, it seems, always followed you and me all the times we tried, let's try once more this could be our happy ending

Anna: How does it look?

Duke: There's no jewel in the world that could ever do you justice.

Anna: [Chuckles]

Duke: The reason I wanted you to have this -- I've been focusing so much on the past, and I want you to know I love that we have a history. I want to have a future. I want to plan a future, and I want to start right now. New chapter. New page. Duke and Anna. You and me.

Singer: Happy ending after all this could be the life that we've been waiting for

Connie: [Echoing] Kate... Kate... Kate.

Ellie: Well, I have to finish all of the tests first, and only then can I begin the analysis. So I don't even know when I'll have a report for A.J.

Spinelli: Could you offer a hypothesis, like a rough draft of the recipe?

Ellie: Why are you so interested?

Spinelli: I've always been interested

Ellie: Really?

Spinelli: Mm.

Ellie: I never knew that. You know, I would love to share my findings with you.

Spinelli: You would?

Ellie: Unfortunately, I am working on uncovering a secret recipe for a private client. So as much as I care about you, the recipe isn't mine to share.

Tracy: Gee, Scott didn't immediately confess? Shocking.

Luke: I should have known he wouldn't say anything with Laura there.

Tracy: Oh! Laura was there! Now it makes sense.

Luke: What?

Tracy: Why you would go after Scott without one iota of proof, knowing full well that he was gonna deny everything and leave you twisting in the wind!

Luke: So, have you got any more salt you want to rub in this wound?

Tracy: You are physically incapable of thinking clearly when you are around Laura. You know why? Because you care too damn much about her!

Scott: I thought you were hungry.

Laura: I lost my appetite.

Scott: Why?

Laura: Oh, come on. Did you see that?

Scott: See what?

Laura: Anna kissing another man!

Scott: Oh, that.

Laura: Yeah. That. [Sighs] She's cheating on Luke.

Scott: Now, let's not jump to any conclusions.

Laura: What other explanation could there be? Unless...

Scott: Unless what?

Laura: Unless Luke and Anna are not together at all. [Clears throat]

Duke: Oh, that's -- no, that's fine. The rest is for you. Thank you.

Waiter: I'm afraid this money is no good here.

Duke: Oh, did Carly comp our meal?

Anna: [Chuckles]

Waiter: Not your money. This money. It is customary to check the authenticity of large bills.

Duke: Of course.

Waiter: These are counterfeit.

Frisco: I'm not gonna push you. But I'm not giving up, either.

Felicia: Is this yours?

Frisco: No. It's yours.

Felicia: I can't. Would you read?

Frisco: "Lady of my heart."

Felicia: I love you. [Sighs] [Chuckles] [Crying]

Lucy: Kevin.

Kevin: Lucy.

Lucy: You look good.

Kevin: So do you. Well, you're certainly dressed better than you were the last time I saw you, at the police station.

Lucy: Thank you. Um, that's exactly what I want to talk to you about.

Kevin: Lucy, you don't have to --

Lucy: No, I want to. I have to. Please, Doc. I made a gigantic, humongous mistake when I left you lying on the ground at Ferncliff. That is not the way a woman that is truly, madly, deeply in love behaves. And I am truly... madly, deeply in love with you. And I promise that if we can try to work things out, you'll never hear the "V" word, "vampire." I won't mention it. I will be good. I will behave. I want to make this great. I want to make it good. I want to make everything the way it was.

Kevin: Lucy! Shut up and kiss me.

Connie: [Echoing] Kate!

Kate: Hello? [Gasps]

Connie: Oh, come on. You didn't think you were gonna get rid of me that easily.

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