General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 3/5/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Charlene
Sabrina: I've never cheated. How could somebody say that about me?
Patrick: It's got to be a misunderstanding, all right? We just got to find Felix. We're gonna figure this out.
Sabrina: No, but Felix said that Epiphany told him the only reason why I passed the exam was because I cheated. Why -- why would she say that?
Patrick: Ask her.
[Knock on door]
Sonny: Oh, it's you.
Carly: Nice to see you, too.
Sonny: No, I'm sorry. I was -- I was hoping it was Kate.
[Door opens]
Kate: Liv. What's wrong? I thought you were getting married to Steve today.
Olivia: [Sniffles] Not anymore.
Dante: Steve.
Steve: Hey.
Dante: Hey. I, uh... got an update on your mom.
Heather: Please, just one phone call. You can even listen in. I'll waive my right to privacy. I just have to call my son to apologize, to explain it was all an accident.
Todd: So, the rumors are true. You're not dead yet.
Steve: What's gonna happen to my mother?
Dante: She's being transferred to a maximum-security hospital for the criminally insane. Judge's orders.
Steve: She's not going back to Ferncliff.
Dante: Ferncliff's gonna be like a country club compared to this place. There's no way she's getting out.
Steve: It's where she belongs.
[Handcuffs click]
Todd: You and I are not friends. In fact, you're in the top five or six worst things that have ever happened to me, but I don't think you deserve to be at the bottom of a harbor.
Heather: Why, Todd, that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me.
Todd: Watching that McBain-alike choke you and then throw you off the pier facedown like that -- I mean... even you don't deserve to die like that.
Heather: Not everyone would agree.
Todd: So, uh, you stabbed your kid, huh? What's up with that? And then you turned yourself in?
Heather: I took full responsibility, even though it was just a terrible accident.
Todd: Right. If I had a nickel for every time I accidentally skewered one of my children...
Heather: What? What did you just say?
Todd: I said, "if I had a nickel for every time I accidentally skewered one of my children..." the inference is that then I'd be a rich man.
Heather: Well, then you be nice to me. Why don't you try being nice to me, Todd.
Todd: Or what? No Christmas cards from you?
Heather: I happen to know that your trial starts tomorrow. The D.A. has asked me to testify against you.
Patrick: Epiphany, could I talk to you for a second?
Sabrina: I can deal with --
Patrick: I told you I'm not letting you go without a fight.
Epiphany: What do you need, Drake Jr.?
Patrick: We just heard there's an accusation that Sabrina cheated on her final nursing exam. Why would anybody say that?
Epiphany: Because it's true. Sabrina got a perfect score on her test -- not a single question wrong, which has never happened in the history of the G.H. nursing program.
Patrick: Did you consider that she knows what she's doing and that she mastered the material?
Epiphany: Yes, I did. Until I got an anonymous e-mail claiming that Sabrina had gotten ahold of a copy of the test answers.
Sabrina: That's not true, though.
Patrick: Wait a second. So you're gonna take somebody else's word that won't even identify themselves?
Epiphany: I didn't. We found this in your locker.
Patrick: What is this?
Carly: Kate's back?
Sonny: It happened Valentine's night.
Carly: Wow. I mean, I'd just about given up on her. I mean, not that I'm a fan of Kate's, but I'd take her over Connie any day. Is she here?
Sonny: No, she's not here.
Carly: Why aren't you happier? Isn't this what you wanted?
Sonny: Of course, it is.
Carly: Well, I know you. That's not the look on your face when you've gotten what you wanted.
Sonny: It's complicated. Kate's gonna have to adjust, and, you know --
Carly: Trey?
Sonny: What do you mean?
Carly: I mean, does she remember what happened to him?
Sonny: We had to tell her.
Carly: Oh, Sonny. Oh, God, how awful for her. I mean, to wake up and find out that your son is dead?
Sonny: Kate's going through hell.
Carly: Why aren't you with her?
Sonny: If I could be, I would be.
Carly: I don't understand. With what Kate's going through, why isn't she with you?
Kate: You mean you're not getting married today? Oh, honey, I know that might be disappointing, but I think it's for the best. I wasn't gonna say anything, but I think you might want more than a quickie ceremony in I.C.U.
Olivia: No. The ceremony today would've been everything I ever needed. [Sniffles] When Steve was dying in my arms the other night, I realized I didn't need any big build-up or any big ceremony. I just wanted to start my life with Steve. And it almost happened. We were all the way through to the "I dos," and it just all went to hell. And my fiancé canceled it.
Steve: Thank for letting me know about my mother.
Dante: Yeah, sure. I wanted you to know as soon as I found out. The wedding -- how did it go? I wanted my mother to hang on a couple hours, but you know how she gets when she makes her mind up about something. So, where is the bride? Did she -- she trying to plan the honeymoon already or something?
Steve: There's not gonna be a honeymoon.
Dante: Well, yeah, okay. Sure. You want to wait till you get out of the hospital. I can see that.
Steve: Your mother and I aren't married. Halfway through the ceremony, the Memphis police showed up with a warrant for my arrest.
Dante: [Scoffs] So they finally figured it out. The evidence that cleared you was manufactured by your mother.
Heather: They want me to say that you were in on it -- the escape from Ferncliff... the baby swap, the whole thing -- that we were partners in crime.
Todd: You and I were never partners in anything.
Heather: You don't give yourself nearly enough credit, Todd.
Todd: If you spin what you've done -- you know what? I'm calling backsies on any sympathy that I ever felt for you.
Heather: You have to look at it from my perspective. I mean, after all, you're the big get here -- the wealthy publisher who literally got away with murder. They promised to go easy on me if I cooperate.
Todd: You know what? I don't have a lot of time here. What's it gonna be, huh? What's it gonna be? Are you gonna ruin my life in exchange for an upgraded padded cell and an extension of your basket-weaving privileges or not?
Heather: No.
Todd: No. Wait. No?
Heather: I had a revelation of sorts. You know what they say -- you can't change until you hit rock bottom. Well, that's what happened when Steven Lars got hurt.
Todd: Yeah, how do you do that? How do you accidentally stab your son?
Heather: I was going after the girlfriend. I wasn't trying to hurt Steven Lars. He just got in the middle of it. I looked down and I saw him... and it hit me -- I've failed him his whole life. I just -- I had to make it stop. Next thing I knew, I was here at the police station, turning myself in.
Todd: You know, you've committed a lot of crimes. You realize that if you have to serve your sentences concurrently, you're gonna be in jail for like 11,000 years.
Heather: I still don't regret 90% of what I did.
Todd: Okay.
Heather: I do regret Steven getting hurt. I turned myself in because of Steven Lars.
Todd: Well, I hope he appreciates it.
Heather: I thought, "Heck. While I'm at it, I'm in for a dime. Might as well go in for a dollar." So I took the heat on the breakout from Ferncliff and the baby swapping. I mean, I must admit, it was my idea. I did mislead you about Sam not wanting her baby.
Todd: Oh. Wow. You're admitting that now.
Heather: You're not completely innocent, Todd. But I won't be there to testify against you tomorrow.
Todd: I don't know what to say.
Heather: No. You wouldn't.
Todd: Wait. Hold on. I do know what to say. Thank you. Okay, wait. That's a little inadequate. Thank you very much. Seriously. You're kind of saving my life.
Heather: I'm trying, Todd. Unfortunately, even I can't keep you out of Pentonville.
Sabrina: I would never cheat. I've never even seen this before. This is not mine. I don't know how it ended up in my locker, but I did not put it there.
Epiphany: Be that as it may, I have no choice, Sabrina, but to ask you to leave the premises.
Patrick: Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Epiphany: This is the contents of your locker.
Patrick: Epiphany, wait a second. You can't just expel her without some kind of hearing.
Epiphany: The faculty vote was unanimous.
Patrick: The faculty vote was based on a lie, okay?
Patrick: She didn't cheat. She was framed.
Epiphany: By who? And I'll need more than a theory.
Patrick: Oh, come on! Give me a break. An anonymous e-mail comes up saying that she cheated on the exam, and the evidence is in her locker?
Epiphany: I'm still not hearing any names.
Patrick: Britt, okay? Dr. Westbourne, yes.
Epiphany: She is a highly respected physician. Why would she harass a nursing student?
Patrick: I can't talk about her motives, okay? I don't know that part. But she has been all over Sabrina since she got here. She's been petty, hypercritical, giving her drudge work just to break her down.
Epiphany: So far I'm not hearing anything illegal. And I cannot go around accusing doctors of sabotaging nursing students without any evidence.
Patrick: I don't have evidence. But I believe that Britt blamed Sabrina for the drug mix-up in the Carlson case. When that didn't work, she framed her for cheating.
Epiphany: I'm sorry. Without any proof, there's nothing I can do.
Patrick: Come on.
Epiphany: Leave your I.D. at H.R. on the way out.
Sabrina: Oh, my God.
Patrick: Okay, listen. We're gonna figure this out, okay? I'm gonna go to Britt --
Sabrina: Why? She's just gonna lie to you, okay? Epiphany, come back here. We're not finished.
Todd: Yeah, figures, right? 'Course the police wouldn't believe your confession. They think you're lying to cover for me.
Heather: Well, I must admit, my credibility's taken a bit of a hit the past few months.
Todd: Yeah.
Heather: But I think the police do believe me, up to a point.
Todd: So then what's the problem?
Heather: Well, there wouldn't be one if you weren't so adept at making enemies. They don't have much evidence against you without my testimony. But Johnny Zacchara's hired some goon who swears that he saw us in cahoots, plotting that night that the baby swap --
Todd: Who's gonna take the word of a "goon"?
Heather: The jury. Unless...
Todd: Unless what?
Heather: Johnny tells him to keep his mouth shut.
Dante: Oh, man, this is gonna kill my mother.
Steve: I can't marry your mother with all this stuff hanging over my head. It's not fair to her.
Dante: No, I -- I -- I see that. I just -- I just don't think she's gonna see it that way.
Steve: I'm going to prison, Dante. What am I supposed to do? Move her to Memphis and come visit me twice a month? [Scoffs] What kind of life is that for her?
Dante: It's not, Steve, but it's kind of her choice, right?
Steve: I love your mother, but I can't marry her until I can give her some kind of future. Tell me the truth. You think I'm doing the right thing?
Olivia: Steve is gonna confess to murder. I mean, do you have any idea what that means? He's throwing his whole life away. Our whole life together -- he's throwing it away.
Kate: Oh, honey, I'm so sorry. I had no idea.
Olivia: When Steve almost died last night, I prayed to God and I begged him to please just let him live. And he did, and I felt -- I felt so blessed. I felt like everything was finally gonna be okay, you know? And I'm not one of those woman that spent their whole life dreaming about some big, magical wedding, you know? I have no regrets. I raised my perfect son, and... this was supposed to be... my happy ending. My fairy tale with Steve... just to have it end like this --
Kate: You know what? We need to focus on solutions. There were extenuating circumstances. We can get Steve the very best lawyer --
Olivia: He doesn't want a lawyer! That's the thing. He feels like he needs to pay his debt to society, and until that happens, he's not gonna marry me.
Kate: He's been living with this for a long time.
Olivia: I get that. I get that. When he first told me, I almost walked out on him. And then I thought about it a little, and I said, "Okay. Okay. He made a terrible decision," right? But at the end of the day, he saved a little girl's life.
Kate: Yes, and they will take that into consideration.
Olivia: No, they won't -- not if he walks into the courtroom and says, "Hey, everyone, I'm guilty." They won't.
Kate: Liv, I understand what it means to feel compelled to take responsibility for what you've done. I feel the same way. I have to hold myself accountable for how I failed my son.
Carly: Kate finds out her only child is dead. Why isn't she with you?
Sonny: I was just headed out. Was there a reason that you came by?
Carly: Yeah, there's a reason that I came by, and I'm more than happy to tell you after you explain to me what's going on.
Sonny: I can't explain anything right now.
Carly: Where you going?
Sonny: Out.
Carly: Really? How come Max and Milo aren't sitting out front in the car, waiting for you? What is going on? You were going to marry Kate and spend the rest of your life with her, right? Then her alter shows up. You haven't seen Kate in months. Now she's back. Why aren't you glued to her side?
Sonny: She doesn't want me.
Carly: Did Kate fall out of love with you because Connie was around too much?
Sonny: I'm not gonna get into this with you --
Carly: I'm just trying to help you. Tell me.
Sonny: Okay. The night that -- the night that Kate came back was right after I slept with Connie.
Epiphany: What did you just say to me?
Sabrina: I said we're not finished. You need to know that I did not cheat on that nursing exam. I have never cheated on anything in my life -- not even solitaire! I'm just not that person. I couldn't live with myself if I were. And, yes, okay? I'm clumsy sometimes, and I've been known to break things, and I'm not always prompt or neat, but I am not a cheater. And this is not fair. I'm being accused of a crime that I didn't commit without the chance to even prove that I'm innocent.
Epiphany: Okay, prove it.
Sabrina: Fine! Then I'll take the test again right now. Walk me into the conference room and watch me take it, and I'll make a deal with you. If I do not make the same score that I did the first time around, if I even get one question wrong, go ahead -- kick me out.
Patrick: Sounds good to me.
Epiphany: [Sighs] And if I don't agree?
Sabrina: Then I will... I'll sue the hospital. No, I won't. I'm not gonna do that. I love the hospital. But -- but I'll do something. I'm not a doormat. And I'm not gonna let you tarnish my honor and my good name or -- or jeopardize my future in the profession that I love. I have worked way too hard to become a nurse, and I'm not gonna quit just because somebody decided to... lie about me.
Carly: What the hell is wrong with you?! Why? Why would you sleep with that piece of trash?! Okay. Was it some kind of a plan? You were trying to get Connie to lower her guard so Kate could come back?
Sonny: I was not manipulating Connie.
Carly: Then what the hell, Sonny?! Did you miss Kate so much that Connie was the next best thing?
Sonny: I didn't sleep with Connie because of Kate. I slept with Connie, because I wanted to sleep with Connie.
Kate: It's Trey's. He had been staying at St. Timothy's after his father died. The minister gave him a room in exchange for doing chores. And I went there to -- I don't know -- just get to know him, find out how he spent the last few months of his life, because I can't do that now that he's gone. Anyway, he used to get up every morning and have coffee with the parish secretary. She called him a lovely young man. He used to take milk and extra sugar in his coffee.
Olivia: Just like you did. [Chuckles]
Kate: Yeah. Anyway, the priest gave this to me, and I haven't been able to open it.
Olivia: Why not, honey?
Kate: I mean, I don't know. It's like I'm violating his privacy. What right do I have?
Olivia: Honey, you're his mother.
Kate: When have I ever been a mother to him, Liv? Plus, I'm scared. I don't know. If I look through that, it might just break my heart.
Olivia: How about if I do it with you?
Carly: You wanted to sleep with Connie. Are you telling me you have feelings for her?
Sonny: What if I do?
Carly: Oh, I'm sorry. Kate's having a mental breakdown, and you sleep with her alter? No wonder why she doesn't want to have anything to do with you. You totally betrayed her trust, Sonny!
Sonny: Kate was gone for more than five months. I started to understand Connie a little more each day, and then, you know...
Carly: And the fact that she stole Kate's personality and has made everyone in this town miserable doesn't matter at all?
Sonny: Connie has been wrong about a lot of things, but you know what?
Carly: Oh, my God! You're so selfish! Do you know that? A woman gives you her heart when she knows that she shouldn't, and she ignores all the warnings, everyone telling her over and over again to stay the hell away from you, but she believes in you, and she defends you, and you sit there and you lie right to her face!
Sonny: What are you talk-- I didn't lie to Kate. What are you talking about?
Carly: I'm talking about me! Todd Manning.
Todd: It's all over for me, isn't it? Once Johnny's goon spills his guts, I'm toast.
Heather: Don't be such a defeatist, Todd. If you can get Johnny to call his goon off, the case will fall apart.
Todd: That's kind of a reach, don't you think?
Heather: No evidence, no case. Why would they follow up on any new leads if they've got me pleading guilty? You could walk out of that courtroom a free man.
Todd: It's not that I don't appreciate your enthusiasm, 'cause I do, but Johnny Zacchara hates my guts, and I don't blame him. He's not gonna do me any favors after I stole Carly from him.
Heather: Really? Where is she? I don't see her here by your side.
Todd: She's just... a little upset at me right now. That's all. It's just a misunderstanding.
Heather: So, apparently, the end result is you don't actually have Carly. Why wouldn't Johnny do you a favor?
Kate: California.
Olivia: Yeah. He wanted to make movies.
Kate: [Chuckles] [Sniffles] [Smooches] Maybe there are more pictures.
Olivia: What's in there?
Kate: I don't know. It's, uh... oh. It's me. He was trying to get to know me.
Olivia: Of course, he was.
Kate: This is articles.
Olivia: Honey, you're his mother. That meant something to him. He wanted to get to know you, too.
Kate: Yeah. [Sniffles] Thanks for doing this with me. I'm really glad to have you in my life.
Olivia: You know what? I'm not the only one that loves you, honey. You got Sonny, too.
Epiphany: Okay. You can retake the test.
Sabrina: Really?
Epiphany: You made a strong argument. And I'm gonna take you at your word -- a perfect score or you're out. Agreed?
Sabrina: Agreed.
Epiphany: Get yourself set up in the conference room... and I'll get a copy of the test.
Sabrina: [Laughs] Oh, my God!
Patrick: That was amazing. You were amazing.
Sabrina: I was?
Patrick: Yes. Few people stand up to Epiphany and actually survive.
Sabrina: I -- I don't know. I don't even know -- I didn't know I had it in me.
Patrick: I did. Yes. You're the same woman that stood up to Todd Manning when he didn't sponsor the Nurses' Ball. You stood up for my daughter against Britt. Sabrina, you're slow to the fire, but when you get there, watch out.
Sabrina: [Laughs] I honestly -- I don't know where that strength came from. But I'm so glad that Epiphany agreed to let me retake the test. My God. I just hope I can pull it off now.
Patrick: Not a doubt in my mind.
Dante: Look, you made a choice in Memphis. And part of me can understand why you made that choice, but, as a cop...
Steve: You don't have to explain. I know what I did was wrong.
Dante: I do respect that you're accepting your consequences. [Sighs] I just hate that it means my mother is gonna be losing you and alone again.
Steve: I feel terrible about letting her down.
Dante: Well, look -- you won't be doing her any favors, you getting married to her and then get locked up in some Tennessee prison for who knows how long. So, I appreciate that you called off the wedding.
Steve: You'll take care of her?
Dante: Yeah, of course.
Steve: Help her understand why I had to do this.
Dante: [Chuckles] Yeah, sure. I will -- I will try. But you know what? Lulu and I, we have a baby coming. My mother's gonna have a lot to distract her.
Steve: Yeah. I'm sorry I'm gonna miss that. But I'm -- I'm glad she's gonna have family around her.
Olivia: I've been so caught up with what's going on with me and Steve, I haven't really got a chance to ask you -- what's going on with you and Sonny? Have you talked? Where do you two stand?
Kate: Well... he caught up with me at the accident site.
Olivia: Oh.
Kate: I went there to see if I could try and remember something, one last image of Trey.
Olivia: I understand.
Kate: Anyway... we got into it, and he said that he wasn't the one that left me, that I left him. And he was right.
Olivia: But that's -- that's a little bit oversimplified, though.
Kate: No, please. Don't misunderstand. I'm still very upset over the fact that he slept with Connie. I just, um... I never really thought about what Sonny was going through.
Olivia: Sonny was heartbroken.
Kate: I believe he was.
Olivia: So maybe you think there's any way you could give him another chance? Maybe just leave the door open a little crack?
Todd: I don't know. Maybe -- maybe you're right. Maybe Johnny doesn't have a reason to resent me now that Carly and I are, strictly speaking -- well, strictly speaking, we're not anything, are we.
Carly: I believe that you were trying to rescue Danny.
Todd: Okay. I recognize that I'm speaking to a complete lunatic, but try and understand -- the last time I spoke to Carly, it was right here, and I felt as if she was starting to thaw.
Heather: So what? Johnny doesn't need to know that. Why don't you have that snippy lawyer of yours go to Pentonville and explain to Johnny that you and Carly are kaput.
Todd: Why would she lie to one client on behalf of another client?
Heather: She's a lawyer. It's what you pay her to do. So, you tell Diane to go talk to Johnny, do whatever she has to do. Just get him to forbid his goon from testifying against you.
Todd: You know, Johnny does kind of owe me one, right? 'Cause he killed my granddaughter.
Heather: Well, go ahead -- use it. Whatever it takes to get him to back off.
Todd: Easier said than done.
Heather: [Sighs] Think about it this way, Todd. If you're gonna avoid going to prison, it means you can find out if you and Carly still have something.
Sonny: Manning? Why even bring him up? I mean, what -- I thought you wrote him off?
Carly: I did, when I thought that he was gone for good, but now he's back, and I got to deal with him.
Sonny: Well, only if you want to. Isn't he going to trial for stealing Jason's kid?
Carly: Yeah. Kidnapping and a list of other things.
Sonny: Well, Diane's not gonna be able to get him out of this. He's on his way to Pentonville, along with your other boyfriend, Johnny. They're gonna be, like, making license plates.
Carly: That's really funny.
Sonny: Well, isn't that what you wanted -- out of sight, out of mind? Oh. Maybe not. Look at you, pining over the son of a bitch who stole Jason's kid.
Carly: Hey, I hate what happened to Danny, but I know Todd wasn't solely responsible.
Sonny: Oh, so now you're defending him? He's a dirt bag, same as Johnny. They're both liars and murderers. One's going to prison. The other one's in prison. Well, at least you're two for two.
Carly: Who the hell are you to judge? You can't make up your mind between a snobby bitch with a fake name and a piece of trash?
Sonny: Okay, let's not go there now, Carly.
Carly: Say what you want, but at least Johnny and Todd are two different people.
Todd: Why you doing this for me?
Heather: I have a lot of skills, Todd, developed over years of dealing with the mental-health profession. Why waste them?
Todd: Okay. But it's kind of a good idea. I mean, at the very least, it's a non-insane idea. It's almost generous.
Heather: Maybe I'm not the vicious lunatic you think I am.
Todd: No, you're a vicious lunatic, but you're having a brush with reality.
Heather: I know. It's true. Ever since Steven Lars got hurt... I mean, when I hurt Steven Lars, I just -- I couldn't deny it anymore. I gave birth to him. I love that child. He means more than anything to me. I just wish I could tell him.
Todd: Where the hell's my lawyer?!
Officer: Wouldn't know, Mr. Manning.
Todd: I need to talk to my lawyer! I have trial, like, tomorrow! Can I talk to my lawyer, please?!
Officer: You'll have to take that up with her when she gets here.
Todd: Okay, my lawyer knows a lot of really big words like "police brutality" and "human rights violations," and I think it would be in everybody's best interests if you would just let me talk to her for like five minutes. Come on! See? Now, doesn't it feel good to make good choices?
Heather: What's this?
Todd: This is a telephone that has a cord on it. You should use it to call your son 'cause that's what you want to do. You're welcome.
Dante: I admire you for facing up to what you did. And, in time, my mother will, too.
Steve: Just not right away.
Dante: Yeah, she is pretty stubborn with the people she loves.
[Cell phone rings]
Steve: Hello?
Heather: Hello, Steven Lars.
Steve: Heather.
Heather: It's your mother. It's so good to hear your voice. You sound just like yourself. It's wonderful. I can't tell you how relieved I am.
Steve: I'm surprised the police let you go.
Heather: They didn't. Listen, son, I only have a moment. I just wanted to tell you I wish I could undo everything I did to you. Giving birth to you was the only good thing I've ever done. So be happy, live your life... with Olivia. I wish you the best of everything.
Kate: You're sitting here in a dress for a wedding that never happened, and you're trying to give me advice on my love life.
Olivia: Okay, just do as I say, not as I do, all right?
Kate: Oh, and, speaking of running away, Steve's in trouble, and instead of sticking around him, you take off!
Olivia: We're not talking about me right now.
Kate: We are talking about you.
Olivia: Because this isn't about me! I don't have any options. You got options. You can go talk to Sonny. I realize that you don't understand his feelings for Connie, but that doesn't mean you can't accept the past and try to move on.
Kate: Just forgive and forget?
Olivia: Yes. Honey, he loves you so much. That's got to count for something.
Kate: The way Steve's love counts with you? The way you're accepting what he feels he has to do?
Olivia: Fine. Fine. I get it. I got to get over myself, and I got to go face Steve.
Todd: I'm just saying, we go to court tomorrow, and my entire life is on the line, and you're an hour late! No, you're right, I guess you make a valid point. I really don't have anywhere else to go. She's on her way.
Sabrina: [Breathes deeply]
Patrick: Coffee.
Sabrina: Thank you...
Patrick: You're welcome.
Sabrina: For sticking up for me. I never would have had the guts to stand up to Epiphany if you hadn't defended me.
Patrick: I don't know about that.
Sabrina: You're a really good friend.
Patrick: I hope so.
Sabrina: I was just getting ready.
Epiphany: I got the test cleared by the Dean, so we're good to go. Finish getting set up, and I'll be right back.
Patrick: Good luck.
Sabrina: Okay.
Patrick: Epiphany. Hey. Thank you.
Epiphany: I was disappointed when I found those test answers in Sabrina's locker. I thought she had potential. I mean, I know the girl is goofy as hell, but I would have never pegged her for a cheater.
Patrick: Let's hope she proves you right.
Epiphany: Uh, Dr. Drake, about Dr. Westbourne.
Patrick: Mm-hmm. I know. Look --
Epiphany: I didn't say anything when you first started seeing Britt Westbourne. But the fact of the matter is that that woman was never good enough for you, and she had no right to try to fill your wife's shoes.
Patrick: That was never the plan.
Epiphany: Look, you need someone different... someone who can handle you and that sweet little girl of yours... someone with a heart that's big enough for the both of you. Sabrina, are you ready?
Sabrina: Yes.
Epiphany: I'll be watching you.
Sabrina: I know. Wish me luck.
Patrick: You don't need it. Bye.
Sonny: Kate was traumatized. She was diagnosed with a mental illness.
Carly: Right. Didn't stop you from sleeping with the other personality.
Sonny: Just like your great love Jason didn't stop you from sleeping with Manning.
Carly: I didn't know anything about Todd and the situation with Danny!
Sonny: It wouldn't have mattered. You know that. [Sighs]
Carly: Jason always hated when we did this to each other.
Sonny: You know what? I'm just pissed off and, you know, I'm taking it out on you. I'm sorry.
Carly: I'm no better. You don't believe this, I know, but I did not come over here to fight.
Sonny: Why'd you come over? What do you got?
Carly: I, um -- I, uh... Morgan is going to be spending spring break in D.C., and I have his itinerary, and I just thought that you'd want to know what he was doing.
Sonny: Well, we're gonna have to get into this sooner or later.
Carly: I know. I was thinking that, when he comes home, that you'd like to spend some time with him.
Sonny: Well, I'd love to, if he ever spends any time, 'cause he always wants to stay away on vacation.
Carly: God. Can you blame him? Look at us. We're a mess.
Sonny: Pretty much, yeah.
Carly: What are you gonna do with Kate and Connie, and what were you thinking?
Sonny: I don't know. What are you gonna do about Manning?
Carly: I don't know.
Todd: If I get another shot with Carly, and even if I don't, I just want you to know that I appreciate all of your help.
Heather: Does this mean you're glad we met?
Todd: No. Not at all.
Officer: Let's go, Heather. The van is here for the criminally insane.
Todd: Heather. Thank you very much, and good luck.
Heather: I hope the trial goes your way. And even if it doesn't... don't give up on Carly. I believe in the possibility of redemption -- for all of us.
Steve: Heather apologized. And I think she meant it.
Dante: I hope she did. And that she stays locked up. I got to go find my mother.
Olivia: There's no need. [Sniffles]
Dante: I'll, uh, leave you two with some privacy.
Olivia: I shouldn't have walked out like that before. I just was so sad... and angry and... I'm just gonna miss you like crazy. But if, um... if going to Tennessee and serving your time is what you feel like you have to do, then... then I guess I just have to accept it. 'Cause I love you.
Steve: I love you, too.
Olivia: And we just have one problem, right?
Steve: Just one?
Olivia: How am I ever gonna say goodbye to you? [Sniffles]
Officer: Lawyer's on the phone. Didn't you just talk to her?
Todd: What can I say? I'm a glutton for punishment. What do I do? Thanks. Awesome. Hey, Diane, just listen for a second. This is about tomorrow's trial. All right, I don't think Heather's gonna be a problem, but Johnny's another matter. I need you to go back to Pentonville and work on him. 'Cause that goon of his, he'll say whatever Johnny wants him to say. And, hey, it probably wouldn't hurt to mention to Johnny Z that Carly and I are on the outs. That'd probably make him happy. Bottom line is, you need to get Johnny to back off, or I'm dead.
[Knock on door]
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