General Hospital Transcript Monday 3/4/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Charlene
Felix: We did it! We finally graduated. Congratulations, Nurse Santiago. You can call me Nurse DuBois. Or not. What's wrong?
Sabrina: Felix, I'm really -- I'm really happy for you and everybody else who's graduating, but -- I'm not.
Steve: I, Steve, take you, Olivia --
Olivia: -- To have and to hold --
Steve: -- For better or for worse --
Olivia: -- For richer or for poorer.
Reverend: By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you --
Elizabeth: Excuse me. This is a private ceremony.
Detective: Steven Lars Webber?
Steve: Yes.
Detective: Memphis P.D. You're under arrest.
Olivia: What, is this some kind of joke?
Elizabeth: That's what I would like to know. My brother's under arrest for what?
Detective: Murder.
Mayor Lomax: "Alleged serial killer dies in struggle with look-alike cop." "Fugitives rescue mother and child from serial killer." The media is hailing these people as heroes. Three alleged felons that you held downstairs were somehow freed by a 15-year-old girl!
Molly: I wish they would give an update on Rafe. I hate not knowing what's gonna happen to him.
Kristina: If I were you, I'd be glad I wasn't in the cell next to him.
Molly: [Sighs] You know, I don't regret breaking the Port Charles three out of lockup. I'd do it again. I mean, John is the one who saved Sam from that psycho.
Kristina: Yeah, I was just about to go check on them, see if they're up yet. I figured they could use some breakfast.
Molly: Mom said Sam might sleep late. She's still dealing with the effects of the drug Caleb used on his fake fangs.
Kristina: Did you see those bite marks?
Molly: Yeah. You know those vampire books I loved so much?
Kristina: Yeah.
Molly: I threw them out this morning. I swear, I will never look at them again.
Kristina: Ugh. [Sighs]
Molly: Oh, good.
[Indistinct shouting]
Reporter: Behind me, you can see the three escapees being brought up from their cells.
Officer: Come on! Give us some room!
Reporter: We still have no word on what charges will be filed against them.
Officer: Move aside!
Mayor Lomax: Three escaped convicts, one of them a rogue cop, apprehending a serial murderer is a public-relations nightmare. I'm being asked if I condone vigilante justice. There are questions as to why the PCPD couldn't tell the difference between one of its own and another human being.
Anna: I'm sorry. Can you just -- I think we need to see this. I didn't mean to interrupt, but --
Reporter: What's going to happen to you?
Reporter: Will you be punished for breaking out of jail to rescue the victim and her son?!
Mayor Lomax: Well, now, that's the million-dollar question, isn't it?
Reporter: Is there anything you can tell us about --
Reporter: Comments! Any comments?!
Lucy: Well, actually, I would like to say that my comrades and I have no regrets. Absolutely none. Our adventure was pretty important.
Alexis: Thank you so much. I'm Alexis Davis. I'm representing Ms. Coe and Detective McBain. Currently, Mayor Lomax is meeting with the commissioner and the district attorney. She's asked for a full debriefing of the events that's happened in the last couple of days, and my clients are prepared to give detailed statements about those events, as well as their encounter with Stephen Clay.
Reporter: And what about Rafe Kovich?
Alexis: Mr. Kovich's attorney is now meeting with Judge Hartnett. I'm sure she'll speak to them in due time. In the meantime, we have no further comment.
Molly: That's it? "No comment"? Why aren't you fighting harder for them, Mom?
Kristina: Oh, my God!
Molly: What is it? What's wrong?
Kristina: Sam and Danny, they're gone!
Molly: What are you talking about? Where could they be?
Kristina: I don't know.
Molly: [Sighs] I do.
Sam: I have a comment.
Reporter: Oh, that's her, guys.
[Indistinct shouting]
Felix: Okay. Rewind. How could you not be graduating? You have the highest GPA in the whole class. Wait. This isn't about the cop who died with the mix-up of the meds.
Patrick: No, Sabrina was cleared of any wrongdoing.
Felix: So you got a clear record. Why would you think you're not graduating?
Sabrina: My name's not on the list.
Felix: Girl, you crazy. You need to check your glasses. Of course, you are. Your name's not there.
Patrick: I told you. How the hell is this even possible?
Sabrina: There's only one explanation -- I -- I must have failed the exam.
Felix: No, no, no. I refuse to believe that. There has to be another explanation.
Patrick: Yeah, maybe there is.
Officer: I mean it, people -- give the lady and her kid some room, or I'm clearing the area!
Sam: Mom, Mom, I am fine. Whatever drug Stephen gave me is out of my system.
Alexis: All right. You don't have to address the media unless you --
Sam: I want to set this record straight. I want the commissioner, the D.A., and the mayor, and everyone else in Port Charles to know that, if it weren't for these three people right here, my son, Danny, and I would not be alive today. Rafe Kovich protected my son when Stephen Clay gave me no choice but to leave him behind. Rafe also protected him when Heather Webber tried to kidnap him after she stabbed her own.
Olivia: You're arresting Steve for murder.
Elizabeth: Who are you saying he killed?
Reverend: I'll be outside if you choose to finish your ceremony.
Elizabeth: You better double-check your warrant, because you've got the wrong man.
Detective: I'm afraid Dr. Webber forgot his oath in doing no harm. He murdered one of his patients back in Memphis.
Elizabeth: No, no, I know he would never harm a patient.
Olivia: Steve was cleared of all wrongdoing in that case. Maggie Wurth confessed to that murder in her suicide note.
Detective: It's true Dr. Wurth left a note exonerating Dr. Webber. However, Dr. Wurth's family did not believe that she killed herself and lobbied the Memphis P.D. to reopen the case. We found proof that the suicide note was a forgery.
Elizabeth: So that automatically implicates my brother?
Detective: It didn't take much to get the forger to tell who gave him the job -- a woman by the name of Heather Webber. Here your mother paid money to get you off the hook for murder, and you didn't even invite her to your wedding?
Sam: Rafe stood up to Heather in the face of being a threat to his own safety. He is a hero, not a criminal.
Mayor Lomax: What now? She's gonna plead with you to release Lucy Coe after the woman impaled Detective McBain and held you at gunpoint?
Sam: Lucy is the first one who let us all know that Stephen Clay was as dangerous as he was. Detective McBain was falsely accused of Stephen Clay's crimes. He risked his badge and his life to save me and my son. My son and I owe these three people our lives. And if there's any justice done, they'll go free. I will fight for them to make sure that happens the way they fought for me. It is the least I can do to help.
Olivia: Heather Webber has spent the better part of her adult life in and out of mental institutions. Who cares if she told you she paid some forger to help out her son? You can't believe a word that comes out of the woman's mouth. She's friggin' insane!
Detective: Ms. Webber's mental illness is a matter of record. And you're right -- proof that she had a suicide note forged does not add up to murder. But I kept looking, and I turned up a file that, for some reason, had been mysteriously misplaced, one that clearly implicates Dr. Webber in the murder of his patient.
Elizabeth: Hold on. You're telling me that you have proof Steven killed a patient?
Detective: Dr. Webber, I have a court order to extradite you back to Tennessee, where you will be formally charged and tried for murder.
Elizabeth: Wh-what? No, wait! This doesn't make any sense! He didn't kill anyone! You didn't kill anyone! Did you?
Felix: We need to check again. Maybe we just missed your name.
Sabrina: We looked through all the S's twice.
Felix: Well, maybe it's not in alphabetical order. Maybe your name is in a special place reserved for students of amazing brilliance.
Patrick: Can I have a word with you?
Britt: I didn't realize we were on speaking terms.
Patrick: This is about Sabrina.
Britt: Oh, surprise, surprise.
Patrick: Apparently, she failed her nursing exam.
Britt: And I would care why?
Patrick: Because I think you had something to do with it.
Officer: Move aside! Let them go through. Come on, people, back up.
[Camera shutters clicking]
Rafe: Thank you for what you said about me out there.
Sam: Are you kidding? I meant every word.
Rafe: Look, I just want to let you know how sorry I am. I didn't mean to give Danny boy to Heather Webber. Molly trusted me to keep an eye on them.
Molly: Oh, my God. How great was Sam?
Kristina: Pretty great.
Molly: Maybe what she said will help Rafe go free.
Kristina: And is that all that matters?
Molly: What do you mean? I want them all to go free -- John, Lucy, and, yes, Rafe.
Kristina: Rafe, a guy that you barely know, except that you just happened to hide him in your bedroom. Not only that, you lied about it to me and Mom. And all this was before you busted him out of jail.
Molly: So?
Kristina: So -- what's going on between you and Rafe?
Alexis: You have my eternal gratitude.
McBain: I was only thinking about Danny and Sam.
Lucy: Sam, I just -- I can't tell you how much it means to me, to all of us, that you came all the way down here and stood up for us, especially after what you've been through. You know, if it was me, I'd probably want to be up to my chin in my CoeCoe moisture glow bubble bath with cucumber slices and a mud mask on my face, you know? Actually, come to think of it, I really could use a bubble bath myself.
McBain: Me too.
Sam: Well, if it were up to me, you'd both be there right now.
Lucy: I know, and thank you. And, unfortunately, it's not up to you.
Mayor Lomax: So, you let three people escape, and now, in your very own squad room, a widowed mother gives a press conference about how those same fugitives saved her life, along with her son's. If we press charges, we're going to look like heartless monsters.
D.A. Martinez: And if we don't, what are we saying to the citizens of Port Charles? Hmm? That we condone vigilante justice? That everyone should just take the law into their own hands?
Mayor Lomax: D.A. Martinez, I don't like this any more than you do, but McBain rescued a young mother from a serial killer who thought he was a vampire. If it weren't for the Detective and his accomplices, Sam Morgan and her son would be dead. Now, how exactly would you want me to spin that?
Anna: I have a solution. McBain and Kovich, they were arrested and wrongly accused on my watch, and they escaped, along with Lucy Coe, and I have absolutely no excuses for what happened -- which leaves me with one course of action. Here's my badge -- along with my letter of resignation. I take full responsibility for all the mistakes that were made here.
Sabrina: I'm telling you, Felix, my name is not on the list.
Felix: What is this? A parallel universe where the top student doesn't graduate?
Sabrina: There is only one explanation -- I screwed up.
Felix: And I told you I refuse to believe that.
Sabrina: Then what else could it be?
Britt: You're serious? You actually believe I had something to do with Sabrina failing her nursing exam?
Patrick: Are you gonna deny you haven't tried to get rid of Sabrina for the last month, hmm? Isn't that exactly what that letter was to Dr. Quartermaine -- an attempt to get her fired?
Britt: But I didn't. That letter had absolutely no effect. Sabrina was cleared.
Patrick: You're right. It didn't work, so you had to get creative.
Britt: What exactly are you implying? You think I didn't get Sabrina fired so I somehow arranged for her to fail her final exam?
Patrick: That's exactly what I think.
Elizabeth: You killed that patient in Memphis?
Steve: Yeah. I did.
Olivia: Your brother's a good man. You know that. He saves lives. He doesn't deserve to go to prison for the one time that he didn't. I'm gonna call Alexis.
Steve: No. No!
Olivia: What?
Steve: No, don't -- I don't want a lawyer at all.
Olivia: What are you talking about?
Steve: I'm not gonna fight this, Olivia.
Alexis: Well, I don't think it's right that they keep you sitting here in shackles.
McBain: Well, technically, they're cuffs.
Alexis: All right, well, whatever. I mean, you voluntarily surrendered, you saved Sam, Danny, Rafe, and Lucy. I think they should come in here and take this off. I'm gonna find out what's going on with that.
McBain: Relax. Listen, it's not gonna do anyone any good to make the Mayor crazy.
Anna: I didn't live up to the standards expected of me in this department, and I do not want any excuses made on my -- what are you doing?
Mayor Lomax: [Tears up the letter] No. I don't accept this.
Anna: Come on.
Mayor Lomax: I handpicked you for this position, which is why I can't accept your resignation. Any assumption of failure on your part is a direct reflection of me.
D.A. Martinez: With all due respect, commissioner Devane's job status is beside the point. Three prisoners escaped from custody, including a Detective who should've known better. We have to press charges against them.
Rafe: Can I talk to you for a minute?
Lucy: Well, yeah. Of course.
Rafe: Okay. The thing is, when you and John left me with Danny, something happened. Heather Webber wasn't the only person who showed up.
Lucy: Somebody else was at Wyndemere?
Rafe: My mom. I mean, her ghost or whatever.
Lucy: Hey, she, um -- she came to me, too.
Rafe: Seriously? So you don't think I'm losing my mind.
Lucy: No, you're not losing your mind. She somehow came to me in the tunnels, and she gave me hope and courage and strength, and -- what did she tell you?
Rafe: She gave me courage, too. And she told me something else. She told me that that freak, Caleb, who killed her -- that he's my father.
Lucy: I'm so sorry. I am sorry you had to hear it that way. I'm sorry.
Rafe: He really is my father.
Lucy: Biologically. You know, it's just some shared DNA. That's all.
Rafe: Great. DNA from a psycho.
Lucy: Hey. Hey. Hey -- you know what? Um, you got to think about John McBain. You know what? The resemblance that you two have is uncanny. There's something that's got to be there.
Rafe: So --
Lucy: So, I have come to learn that John McBain is really a good guy and so was the man that you are named after -- Rafe Kovich. Your mother loved Rafe very, very much with her heart and soul.
Rafe: She -- she told me that he'd always be my real dad.
Lucy: And he will be. You have to believe her. Honor her by believing that. Listen to me, okay? That Caleb does not deserve to be your father. He never, ever earned that title.
Rafe: I mean, I want to believe that. But what if I'm just like him?
Molly: It's true. I have done things I never thought I would do because of Rafe, but -- I mean, I knew all along that he was innocent. And when Sam and Danny disappeared, I would do anything to help.
Kristina: What about T.J., Molly? It's obvious you have feelings for Rafe.
Molly: [Sighs] I worry about Rafe.
Kristina: Will T.J. be able to accept that?
Molly: All I can think about right now is that I helped Rafe escape from jail, and he could be facing serious time because of it.
D.A. Martinez: I understand your concern for your constituents, Madam Mayor. I do. But it is our job -- it's our duty -- to uphold the law. We cannot condone three prisoners escaping, because they thought the charges against them were unfair.
Mayor Lomax: If we prosecute Detective McBain and his accomplices, there will be a public backlash against all three of us. But if we don't, we're tacitly condoning lawlessness and vigilantism.
Anna: So what are you gonna do?
Alexis: You know what? This is taking way too long. I'm gonna go check and see what's going on?
McBain: You really all right?
Sam: Yeah. I'm okay.
McBain: Does it -- does it hurt?
Sam: This?
McBain: Yeah.
Sam: Just a little bit.
McBain: I'm sorry I didn't get to him before you could --
Sam: No, no, no. Don't you do that. No apologizing. John, I meant what I said to those reporters out there. If it weren't for you, Danny and I wouldn't be alive.
McBain: Lucy had something to do with that.
Sam: [Chuckles] Caleb was convinced that I was Livvie, and it didn't matter what I said. He would've killed me.
Lucy: Hey, the mayor is actually here.
Reporter: Can we get a statement?
[Indistinct shouting]
Alexis: Thank you for showing up. Would you mind telling me what's gonna happen with my clients?
Reporter: Yes. What could you tell us?
[Indistinct shouting]
Felix: [Clicks fingers] Wait. Why didn't we think of the most obvious answer?
Sabrina: Which is what?
Felix: Clerical error. Some underpaid staffer took a coffee break right before he got to the S's and then completely forgot to add your name.
Sabrina: I suppose that's a possibility.
Felix: It's more than a possibility. It's probably what happened. So why aren't you as outraged at this bureaucratic bungling as I am?
Sabrina: No. No, you're right. You know, I just -- I couldn't believe that I flunked it, and when I was taking the exam, I felt like I knew all the material.
Felix: I told you! Now I'm gonna go do what I should've done in the first place -- talk to Epiphany.
Sabrina: Oh, Felix, are you sure that's a good idea?
Felix: She's the head of nursing. She has the answers. I'm not back in 20 minutes, can you send the rescue dogs?
Sabrina: Felix, you don't have to do this for me.
Felix: [Breathes deeply]
[Elevator bell dings]
Felix: I regret that I only have one life to give for my friend.
Britt: In case you've forgotten, Patrick, I'm a doctor. I have more important things to do than meddle in the lives of the nursing staff.
Patrick: Well, you found time to write a letter about Sabrina to Dr. Quartermaine. You had time to hand-deliver the results of the inquiry.
Britt: Get over it, Patrick. Your little babysitter didn't know the material. Maybe she was just too distracted by that monumental crush she has on Steve.
Olivia: As soon as you're well enough, we'll get on the first plane to Memphis, and then we can demand to see this so-called evidence that they have, and then we can just get Alexis to discredit it.
Steve: What I did was wrong. You and I both know it. I think about this every day -- the way I played God, to decide who was entitled to live and who wasn't.
Olivia: Are you serious? Honey, you know that I had a hard time accepting this decision in the beginning, but -- but you explained it to me. That -- that bastard committed unspeakable crimes.
Steve: I had no right to kill him, Olivia -- even to save that little girl's life. And he wasn't the only victim. My mother killed Maggie.
Olivia: But that's your mother. That's her crime. That's not yours! You're not responsible for what she does! She's out of her mind!
Steve: I knew that this day would come. I knew this would all catch up with me, and now it has. And now I'm ready to accept the consequences.
Olivia: Oh, God. Please, could you help me out here? Could you please ask your brother to defend himself?
Elizabeth: I can't. I -- it's his decision.
Steve: It's like the Detective said -- when I'm well enough to travel -- they can extradite me to Memphis, and I will plead guilty and take my punishment. If my mother can take responsibility for her crimes, so can I.
Olivia: But where does that leave us?
Rafe: What's going on? Why are they uncuffing us?
McBain: Because the Mayor told them to.
Lucy: I'm gonna have these ugly, ugly bruises now.
Alexis: Mayor, may I remind you that my clients voluntarily surrendered. They saved a mother and child, and they've been incarcerated for 12 hours longer than --
Reporter: Have charges been filed?
Reporter: Will the three heroes face jail time?
Officer: This area hasn't been cleared for press, which means all of you --
Mayor Lomax: I have an announcement to make. Can I have the three prisoners join me, please?
[Knock on door]
[Camera shutters clicking]
Rafe: What's going on?
McBain: No idea, buddy.
Mayor Lomax: Are the cameras rolling?
Reporter: They are.
Mayor Lomax: Wonderful. Because I know the public is anxious to hear the fate of Lucy Coe, Rafe Kovich, and Detective John McBain.
Molly: The mayor's making an announcement. And Rafe's standing right by her.
Mayor Lomax: The media has reported that these three people escaped from custody to rescue Samantha Morgan and her son and, in the process, tried to stop a killer who was wreaking havoc on our community. But what the media did not know is that commissioner Devane and her department were working in tandem with Ms. Coe, Mr. Kovich, and Detective McBain.
Molly: What is she talking about?
Mayor Lomax: It was a very unconventional and risky move on commissioner Devane's part, but sometimes unconventional methods prove necessary, especially when trying to catch a serial killer as delusional and as dangerous as Stephen Clay was.
Molly: But that's not how it happened. John said I had to help him and Rafe escape, so they could save Sam and Danny.
Mayor Lomax: In light of these extraordinary circumstances, and due to the heroism of these three brave people, the district attorney has agreed to not press charges.
Molly: Yes! Oh, my God! Yes! Can you believe it?! Rafe's not going to prison! Ha ha!
Kristina: It's great.
Mayor Lomax: The city of Port Charles thanks you. You are free to go.
Lucy: Oh! Oh!
Mayor Lomax: [Laughing]
Lucy: [Laughs]
All right, everybody step back.
[Indistinct talking]
Mayor Lomax: Uh, the district attorney and I will answer all of your questions in the conference room. The sooner the commissioner and her people can get the paperwork processed, the sooner these three fine people can get home. So everyone please follow me.
Anna: She was very convincing.
D.A. Martinez: She was. Do me a favor.
Anna: Yeah.
D.A. Martinez: Don't arrest anyone unless you actually intend for me to prosecute.
Alexis: That was your lawyer. I'll give her the good news. You're free.
Lucy: Wow!
Kristina: I wish I could stay and celebrate, but I got to get to my community service at Pentonville.
Molly: Oh. I'm sorry. I forgot.
Kristina: Yeah, I wish I could. Could you imagine if you got sent to juvie at the exact same time I got a suspended sentence? Mom's head would've exploded.
Molly: Oh, I would've been more worried about her heart. I think we would've broken it.
Kristina: You might be right.
Molly: But now we don't have to worry about any of that. In fact, I think I might stop by the police station and congratulate her.
Kristina: You mean, you're going to go see Rafe. Now, is that a smart thing for my smart little sister to do?
Molly: I don't know.
Kristina: I'm sorry. I'm just trying to look out for you. You're happy that Rafe's going free, and that's all that matters. Come here, Molls.
McBain: The Mayor found a way to make herself look good.
Anna: Oh, she is very pleased with herself. Anticipating a spike in her approval ratings, I'm sure.
McBain: You don't seem comfortable with it.
Anna: I just have an aversion to spin control. But they're right. The department should've known the difference between a deranged killer and one of their own -- I should have known the difference. I'm sorry.
McBain: Forget about it. You owe me a beer.
Anna: [Chuckles]
McBain: I still have a hard time believing it myself.
Lucy: Hey, hey, hey, guys.
Anna: Yeah.
Lucy: Listen, I am so beyond happy about being released. I mean, we're all free, and we caught a killer, and everything is right in the world.
Anna: Yeah.
Lucy: But there's just a few teensy-weensy little things that I think we should address.
Anna: What?
Lucy: Well, think about it. You know, we have this Stephen Clay, right? Well, who's not Caleb, I guess, but just a guy who was in a mental institution, deranged. He thought he was a vampire, but we're not really sure. Here's the thing that's really got me -- him. He's still John McBain. You look like Caleb. And why? Why does Sam look like Livvie? Tell me that.
Anna: Oh, I don't know. You know, it's a very good question, but don't you think we should just be thankful that the man is dead and gone and all is right with the world and you guys are -- really, it's over. Done. There you go.
Lucy: Anna! Wait. Where is Caleb?
Anna: Stephen Clay is in the morgue.
Lucy: No, no, no, no, wait. Do you... do you know that for absolutely certain?
Anna: He's not a vampire, Lucy. Oh, God. I mean, you saw for yourself. Fake fangs.
Lucy: Okay. But I still -- I -- I need to see his body.
Olivia: So then what happens now? We were seconds away from being married.
Elizabeth: Olivia.
Olivia: Am I supposed to just pretend that that didn't happen?
Elizabeth: Steven, I love you -- no matter what, okay? No matter what.
Steve: Thank you.
Elizabeth: [Sighs] Olivia, I am so sorry this is happening.
Olivia: Yeah. I'm sorry, too. Steve, all I want is to be your wife. Maybe the minister is still outside.
Steve: No.
Olivia: The ceremony was almost finished.
Steve: I'm arrested.
Olivia: Do you think that that matters to me?! Like we just promised -- for better or for worse. So maybe the worse is coming a little sooner than we expected, and that just means that we -- that we have a little bit more of the better to look forward to, right? Okay? Okay, honey? Let's get this show on the road. I want to be your wife.
Steve: And I want to be your husband. But this isn't the way to start a marriage.
Olivia: So when is it? Are you seriously backing out of marrying me?
Steve: For now, yeah.
Britt: Maybe Sabrina found out Steve's getting married. And with the raging crush she has on that guy, there's no wonder she flunked.
Patrick: Britt, Sabrina's an excellent nurse, and she doesn't let her personal feelings affect her professional life.
Britt: And there's no chance you can be wrong.
Patrick: She is bright, capable, and compassionate, and there is no way that she failed that final nursing exam.
Britt: Except she did.
Patrick: I'm gonna find out what happened. If you had anything to do with it, you're gonna be leaving this hospital, not Sabrina.
Sabrina: Dr. Drake -- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I overheard what you said, and... I'm really grateful.
Patrick: Look, don't, okay? I'm not gonna let you go without a fight.
Sabrina: Felix, did you talk to Epiphany?
Felix: I did.
Sabrina: And what did she say?
Felix: That you passed -- with flying colors.
Sabrina: Are you serious? Epiphany told you that I passed?
Patrick: Of course, you passed.
Sabrina: So then you were right. It was just some clerical error, and that's why my name's not on the list of graduates.
Felix: Well, there's a little more to it than that.
Patrick: What do you mean?
Felix: They're saying that you cheated.
Steve: I love you. And I want to marry you more than anything.
Olivia: Yeah.
Steve: But not like this.
Olivia: Yes, like this. Please. Please, let's just do it before they can take you away from me.
Steve: We just have to wait until I serve my time in Memphis. This isn't a way to start a marriage.
Olivia: Honey -- Steve -- when you were hanging last night somewhere between life and death, I talked to God and I begged and I bargained. I told them I would -- I would do anything. I would do anything -- I would go to church every Sunday, I would buy myself a new rosary, I would bake 50 dozen biscotti for every church bake sale for the rest of my life.
Steve: Weren't kidding around, were you?
Olivia: No. I was willing to do anything -- anything -- for you. Anything except for let you go. That is the one thing that I did not bargain for. And I never will. We had a dream -- to live our lives together and -- I'm not letting go of that dream. [Sniffles]
Anna: Hi.
Morgue Attendant: Commissioner.
Anna: Yes.
Morgue Attendant: How can I help you?
Anna: This is Ms. Coe, and she just -- she just wants to check that Mr. Clay is dead because she believes he's a vampire.
Morgue Attendant: So I've heard. But I can guarantee you that this man is deceased.
Lucy: I -- please, um -- I just need -- I need to see his body.
Anna: Yeah.
Lucy: [Gasps] [Breathes deeply] Okay. Okay, then. Caleb really is -- dead. Oh. The ring. Where is his ring?
McBain: I owe you, Sam.
Sam: No, you don't. Stop saying that.
McBain: You know, once you said your speech, it's what got the Mayor to let us go.
Sam: No, I was just telling them the truth. And if they weren't gonna let you go, I was gonna pull a Molly, and I would've had to spring you myself. Hey.
Molly: Hi! Kristina and I saw you on TV. You rocked!
Sam: Hey, well, no, it wasn't all just me. Thanks to you for freeing the Port Charles three.
Molly: Thank you.
McBain: No. Thank you. You're the one that got me out of that cell. Although I think you were a little more worried about the kid.
Molly: Where is he?
Sam: What do you think's going on between Rafe and Molly?
Rafe: Molly, hey.
Molly: I'm so happy you're okay and that you're getting out of jail.
Rafe: Me too. Though I have no clue where I'm gonna go now, but --
Molly: We'll figure that out. I mean, after all, you're a hero! You saved Danny from Heather and that psycho Caleb.
Rafe: Yeah. Him.
Molly: Was Caleb really awful?
Rafe: He was an insane killer who thought he was a vampire. And guess what else. Caleb Morley really was my father.
Lucy: Caleb always wore a ring on the third finger of his right hand. It was gold, and he had a ring with -- with a bat. It had a crest, and I know it because he had it on him when he was killed. I tried to take it off, but it wouldn't budge. I couldn't get it off.
Anna: Uh, a ring?
Morgue Attendant: I don't know what you're talking about. I never saw a ring, commissioner.
Anna: Okay, uh --
Lucy: Is it in evidence? Did you take it off in evidence?
Anna: No, no ring. Actually, no jewelry of any kind was taken from his person.
Lucy: Where -- where could it be?
Anna: We don't know. Lucy, somebody must have taken it off his finger.
Lucy: It's not possible because I tried and I tried to take that ring off, but I couldn't pull it off.
Anna: So you said, yes. But I guess someone that's been in contact with the body -- perhaps the coroner, his assistant, or a clerk, something like that -- somebody obviously managed to get it off his finger.
Lucy: Not unless they cut it off.
Anna: Okay, perhaps that's exactly what they did, because thieves are very resourceful these days. Did you say that it was gold? Is that what it was? Gold?
Lucy: Yeah.
Anna: Okay, right. So what I'll do is I'll put a report in that the ring is missing, and we'll get to the bottom of this. Um, are you okay now? We've seen that this is not a vampire, because obviously there aren't vampires, but are you okay with the body now? We good?
Sam: I bet you'll be glad to get back to your life.
McBain: Never been so happy to see my dingy hotel room -- and go back to working 18-hour days.
Sam: I'm sure you're missing Liam now.
McBain: Always. Been worried about this -- this Rafe, too, you know? He sees Stephen Clay murder his mother, and then he finds out the guy's really his father. The kid probably doesn't know what hit him.
Sam: At least, he's not in jail. But you are right. Where is he gonna go? What is he gonna do?
Lucy: Okay. Yes. Caleb is really dead. But that's not even Caleb. It was -- it was just a story he told. He was Stephen Clay -- and he was -- just a man.
Anna: Right. Good. Okay. Then should we get out of here? Okay? I'll look into the ring thing, all right? Come on. Deceased.
[After Anna and Lucy leave the morgue, the attendant removes Caleb's ring from his pocket and puts it on. As he does so, the face of the dead man turns into the attendant's. Caleb covers the body with a sheet and walks out.]
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