General Hospital Transcript Friday 3/1/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by Brenda
Patrick: Hey. Those are for the N.A.
Sabrina: Right. Sorry. I should probably just get a Danish from the vending machine or something.
Patrick: Relax. You're not the first person to steal from the stash. Dr. Webber is actually notorious for taking the jelly doughnuts. Open secret. You okay?
Sabrina: Oh, you know, just waiting to hear the hospital's verdict on my whole future is all.
Patrick: [Sighs] They're gonna vote in your favor. I promise you. And if this is gonna make you feel any better... it's on me.
Britt: Afraid you killed your career along with your patient? The board made its decision on Sabrina's negligence in the E.R. Want to know what it is?
Mac: I should've offered to do that.
Felicia: Well, why didn't you?
Mac: I'm enjoying the view. [Chuckles] Come here, you. Come here.
Felicia: [Giggles]
[Cell phone vibrating]
Mac: You're vibrating.
Felicia: [Laughs] I'm sorry.
Mac: Hey, look who's here. Hey, Bud. Morning.
Duke: Morning. How are you?
Mac: Good. Good to see you.
Duke: Hello, Felicia.
Felicia: Hi.
Duke: Trouble?
Felicia: It's just a wrong number.
Frisco: You can't avoid me forever, Felicia. Sooner or later, you're gonna have to admit the truth. Now, I know that you're worried about Mac, but he'll understand. When two people are meant to be together, you can't keep them apart.
Maxie: Who're you talking to?
Mac: I'm gonna bring this stuff downstairs. Excuse me.
Felicia: What can I do for you?
Duke: Well, I was at a loose end, and I thought I'd take the opportunity to drop by and see how you're doing.
Felicia: You're not going into the office?
Duke: I'm consulting on a special project, which means I'm in the field.
Felicia: Oh, I hate that phrase.
Duke: What, "In the field"?
Felicia: Well, wouldn't it just be a lot simpler to say that you're not going in today?
Duke: Oh, I'm working at ELQ, and there's nothing simple about that.
[Cell phone rings]
Duke: Don't misunderstand me. I'm very grateful for the job, but... ELQ has its own complications, chief amongst them being... Tracy Quartermaine.
Duke's Voicemail: You've reached Duke Lavery...
Tracy: Voicemail again.
Duke's voicemail: Leave a message, and I'll return your call as soon as possible.
Tracy: Duke, this is Tracy Quartermaine leaving yet another message. It is urgent that I speak with you. It's about my relish.
Starr: It's definitely...
Michael: Hey. How long you been awake?
Starr: I kind of never went to sleep.
Michael: You've been up all night?
Starr: Yeah.
[Knock on door]
Starr: Do you know that there are hundreds of different kinds of relish? And don't even get me started on chutney. I can't even believe all of the possible ingredients that can go into relish.
Michael: Hey. Welcome to Relish Central.
AJ: Starr, I would've been here sooner, but I wanted to stop by and see how Elizabeth was doing. Check on Steve's condition.
Michael: How's Steve doing?
AJ: He says he's doing pretty well -- I mean, given the fact that his mother almost killed him last night.
Steve: I've got to get out of the bed.
Elizabeth: Not today.
Steve: Olivia wants to get married.
Elizabeth: Unfortunately, you're in no condition to be walking down the aisle.
Olivia: That's why I'm bringing the aisle to him.
Felicia: You couldn't pay me to work for ELQ.
Duke: Well, nobody else was beating down my door, and it seemed like a good idea at the time.
Felicia: You will make it work.
Duke: I hope so. You know, I always associated the Quartermaines with darling Lila. It never crossed my mind to think about deadly Tracy.
Felicia: I feel kind of sorry for Tracy. She's worked her tail off to make ELQ a success. And how does she get paid for it? AJ just takes it away from her again.
Duke: Well, there was a rather prominent article about Tracy and ELQ getting in trouble with the S.E.C.
Felicia: It isn't the first time that a Quartermaine has engaged in something shady.
Duke: Ah. You've got a point.
Felicia: Anyway, Tracy can be very abrasive, but I think that she's had to be in order to keep her place in the family.
Duke: So you approve of her tactics?
Felicia: I just think she deserves a little bit more than what she gets.
Duke: Oh, don't worry. I have no intention of crossing her. Although I think I may already have.
Felicia: Uh-oh. What have you done?
Duke: [Sighs] I...borrowed something from her, and I think she may want it back.
Michael: Starr's been up all night researching relish.
Starr: I have a list of ingredients. I just need a lab to test them.
AJ: What about PCU? You're taking your classes there, right?
Starr: I could get permission, but it wouldn't be secure.
Michael: And we can't do the research at an ELQ facility.
AJ: No, no, no. Tracy would find out.
Starr: So I'm kind of stuck.
AJ: You know what? Don't worry. I think I know the perfect lab to use.
Spinelli: [Sighs] See? Nothing's changed.
Ellie: Oh. Yeah, the test tubes are in the racks, the blood samples are in the cooling unit, and my microscopes are on the bench. Everything's exactly where I left it. I guess -- I guess I'm the only thing that's changed. Not that I'm complaining. I would so much rather be using this walker than a wheelchair.
Spinelli: And soon you won't need anything.
Ellie: In the meantime, I just need to figure out the best way to navigate around this lab, despite my limitations.
Spinelli: Well, if there's anything I can do to be of assistance...
Ellie: I know. I know how much you want to help, and I appreciate it, but this is why I came in a day early -- you know, to get re-acclimated -- because I want to be able to handle my job on my own.
[Cell phone rings]
Spinelli: Uh, excuse me for just one second.
Ellie: Yeah, I just have to check calibrations.
Spinelli: 'Tis I -- Damian Spinelli.
Tracy: Uh... hi. It's me -- Tracy Quartermaine. I was wondering if you could come over to my house. I -- I need to speak with you.
Spinelli: In a professional capacity?
Tracy: As opposed to what? I don't want to socialize with you. I want to hire you.
Spinelli: Well, I'm sorry. I'm in the middle of something that takes precedence.
Tracy: It pays very well. I'll give you double your day rate, plus overtime, and a substantial bonus for speedy results.
Spinelli: Uh, I will be right there. Uh, I'm sorry. I have a potential client that I...
Ellie: Great! Don't even worry. I have so much to keep me busy.
Spinelli: Okay. All right. Mwah!
Ellie: Bye.
Felicia: You borrowed something from Tracy? Oh, no -- don't tell me. I have enough on my mind without getting pulled into the latest round of "Quartermainia."
Duke: Yeah, your sunny smile has a cloud over it. Has that anything to do with that wrong number?
Felicia: It was Frisco.
Duke: Ah. I'd heard he's back in town. I haven't had the chance to reconnect.
Felicia: Oh, yes! That would be a good idea -- reconnect, take his time, keep him busy. In fact, since you have a day off, maybe you could take a trip to Manhattan with him. Could hit a few bars, you could take in a show...
Duke: Oh, I sense you have mixed emotions about Frisco being here.
Felicia: He's Maxie's father, and he has every right to reach out to her.
Duke: Are you concerned about Maxie?
Felicia: Absolutely. But the truth is, I'm avoiding Frisco, and I'm avoiding telling Mac about Frisco... because Frisco wants me back.
Frisco: Just a project I'm working on that has been a priority and recently become a bit urgent. How are you, Sweetheart? You feeling all right?
Maxie: Yeah, I feel fine. I'm actually here on some business of my own.
Elizabeth: Where did you find that dress? That's amazing!
Steve: It's beautiful.
Olivia: I certainly hope so. This is my wedding dress.
Elizabeth: Okay, hold on. Hold on. I know you guys can't wait to get married, but Steven can't be going to a ceremony.
Olivia: Oh, no, no! No, no, no, no, God forbid. I don't want the groom keeling over at the altar. You don't have to go anywhere. We're getting married right here. You don't even have to get out of bed.
Steve: [Chuckles] You planned a wedding overnight?
Olivia: Well, I can assure you, I am a very determined woman, and I could plan a wedding all by myself if I had to, but I didn't have to because I found an expert on short order.
Elizabeth: Who?
Olivia: Maxie.
Maxie: I used to take pride in all the details, making sure the event came out smoothly. You know, it's really nice to be needed for something again -- besides being a baby incubator, I mean.
Frisco: Listen, I'm glad that you're keeping busy, but don't push it too much.
Maxie: This isn't my first quickie wedding. Trust me. Although it is my first in I.C.U.
Frisco: You had any more run-ins with this Dr. Westbourne?
Maxie: Not a peep since you told her to stay away from me.
Frisco: Well, let me know if you do.
Maxie: I still feel really guilty about that horrible trick she had me play on Sabrina, making her think she'd killed one of her patients by giving him the wrong medication. I mean, let's face it -- Dr. Westbourne is despicable. There's no guarantee she's gonna keep her mouth shut that this baby's mine and Spinelli's.
Frisco: Can I help you with something?
Patrick: What happened to you?
Britt: I slipped in the parking lot.
Patrick: Lot of ice on the ground this time of year.
Britt: Your sympathy is overwhelming.
Patrick: I don't wish you any misfortune, Britt, and it's too bad you can't extend the same to others.
Britt: And here I am, trying to do a nice thing -- hand-delivering the results of Sabrina's inquiry.
Patrick: And how did you get that?
Britt: Dr. Quartermaine was called in to surgery and --
Patrick: So you just volunteered?
Britt: I was there. After reading my letter, the board asked me to testify.
Sabrina: And, of course, you made me look worse than I already do, right?
Britt: I'm not sure that's possible. You did kill someone.
Patrick: Ignore her. What's it say? Did the committee clear you?
Sabrina: "Dear Ms. Santiago, based on the available facts, it is our judgment that..." Oh, my God.
Patrick: What?
Sabrina: "...Your actions conformed to hospital policy and were not to blame for the patient's death."
Britt: "Not to blame"?
Sabrina: "The committee holds that Officer Carlson's death was accidental and no wrongful act was committed. You are free to resume full duties at General Hospital"!
Patrick: I told you.
Britt: You know, it sounds like the board had no choice but to back Sabrina. I mean, if the hospital admits guilt, they open themselves up to a lawsuit.
Patrick: No, don't you dare try to imply a cover-up when none exists.
Britt: In any event, I am barring Sabrina from my patients. I suggest you do the same.
Michael: Hey. I'm sorry to bother you.
Ellie: Oh, no. No, you're no bother at all. I actually haven't even officially started back at work yet.
Michael: I don't know if you remember me...
Ellie: Of course, yeah. Michael. You're my savior.
Michael: Oh, thanks. No, that's not really what --
Ellie: Yeah, you -- you were the one who found me after I was struck by Mrs. Zacchara's car, and I haven't even had a chance to say thank you for saving my life.
Michael: Well, you give me a little too much credit, okay? I was there, but so was Starr.
Starr: Yeah, I'm glad to see you're doing better.
Ellie: Thank you. Thank you both so much. Sorry. Have we met?
Michael: This is my father, AJ Quartermaine. AJ, This is Ellie Trout.
Ellie: Hi.
AJ: It's a pleasure to meet you.
Ellie: Your father? I -- I thought, um... I thought your father was Sonny Corinthos. I was at his wedding, or his almost-wedding, I guess, and I saw you there.
Michael: Yeah, I have two fathers. I'm pretty lucky.
Starr: This lab is pretty state-of-the-art.
Ellie: Yeah, it is. I am so thrilled to be back. But I've been really out of the loop, so if you guys need test results, you're gonna have to talk to Kim or --
Starr: Oh, no, no, no. We don't need results, but we do need to have some tests performed.
Ellie: Oh.
AJ: On this.
Elizabeth: Maxie planned your wedding?
Olivia: Yeah, she was totally awesome. She called in some favors, she got this dress right out of the closet at Crimson.
Elizabeth: It is the perfect dress.
Olivia: Yeah.
Steve: But?
Elizabeth: If it were any other event, I would say she's the perfect planner, but her track record isn't so hot when it comes to weddings. You know, Tracy, Anthony Zacchara, Sonny and Kate.
Olivia: Well, I can't say anything for Tracy and Anthony's wedding, but the problem with Sonny and Kate's was Connie.
Steve: Yeah, Liv and I don't suffer from split personality, so there shouldn't be a problem.
Elizabeth: Yeah, I'm just saying. Maxie's intentions are, for the most part, good, but always something goes wrong.
Olivia: No, no, no, no. No, not this time. Maxie's my little good-luck charm. After all, she's carrying my grandbaby.
Frisco: If you don't mind, my daughter and I are having a private conversation.
Spinelli: Did you just say your daughter?
Maxie: Oh! That's great. I can introduce the two of you. Spinelli, this is my dad. Dad -- Spinelli.
Spinelli: Uh, the famed Frisco Jones. Or, I'm sorry. Do you prefer "Andrew"?
Frisco: I prefer "Mr. Jones."
Spinelli: Oh. Well, it is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Jones.
Frisco: I'm not sure I can say the same. Is this the guy that broke your heart?
Maxie: Dad.
Frisco: Is there something wrong with a father protecting his daughter?
Spinelli: I'm sorry. Given your many years of absence, it does...seem a tad hypocritical to all of a sudden be playing the concerned patriarch at this late date.
Frisco: Have you been thrown through a wall recently?
Maxie: Dad, it's really okay. Spinelli and I have made our choices, and we're very content with the way things are. It's harmonious, so just breathe.
Frisco: Well, I wouldn't want to disturb the harmony.
Spinelli: [Clears throat] Well, if you'll excuse me. I have some important work to do.
Frisco: Don't let us keep you.
Spinelli: Maxie, it is a... pleasure to see you looking so well.
Maxie: Thanks, Spinelli.
Frisco: That's the father of my grandchild?
Maxie: [Sighs]
Felicia: I should've never sent that message. I mean, I don't know what I was thinking. Maxie's pregnant, and I just thought Frisco should know about it, but it never occurred to me that he would actually show up.
Duke: What, not even to see his daughter?
Felicia: Frisco's children have never been his priority -- not even in the top 10. Supporting Maxie is just an excuse to come back. He's here to win me back.
Duke: Well, I only recently found out that you two had been estranged.
Felicia: Oh, Duke, it's more than estranged. We were over. We've been over for years. I'm committed to Mac. And Frisco just won't accept that. He says that I'm wasting my time and there's just no comparison to the relationship that I have with Mac to what I had with Frisco.
Duke: Well, is Frisco wrong? Does it compare?
Ellie: You want me to test this? For what -- salmonella?
Michael: No, we just want to find out what it's made of.
Ellie: Pickles?
AJ: You see, the secret ingredients -- well, they're secret, and the only person who knows the recipe, she passed away.
Starr: And I've been trying to do so by breaking down the finished product into its concentrated parts --
Ellie: And reverse engineering it.
Starr: Exactly. See, I'm a science nerd.
AJ: Do you really think this reverse engineering will work?
Ellie: Yeah, it should, in theory. Unfortunately, this lab is for hospital use only.
AJ: My family practically built this hospital.
Ellie: And I'm sure the board is extremely grateful, but they're not about to let a civilian putter around. I mean, the liability issues alone --
Starr: What if I puttered around with you?
Michael: Starr could be your assistant.
Ellie: Ugh! Technically, I'm not allowed to give permission for that.
Michael: Look, we really, really need your help, Ellie.
AJ: My family's legacy depends on this.
Ellie: Why not?
Tracy: It is about time you got here.
Spinelli: You mentioned a substantial bonus?
Tracy: Yes, if you can do the job quickly. I'm missing something of vital importance.
Spinelli: Okay. The item in question?
Tracy: A jar of relish.
Spinelli: Have you checked the crisper? I often find when my fridge gets overcrowded, I --
Tracy: It's not in the refrigerator because my thieving nephew stole it.
Spinelli: Right. You know, it might be more cost-effective just to purchase another jar.
Tracy: It is a one-of-a-kind jar of relish. It is my intellectual property, a legacy from my mother and father. AJ absconded with it... as an act of corporate espionage.
Spinelli: I'm unclear as to how the theft of a gift of food from your departed parents could be construed as --
Tracy: That relish is the future of ELQ. I want you to find AJ and abscond it back.
Spinelli: I'm afraid I can't be of assistance.
Tracy: Oh. I guess you don't need the money.
Spinelli: No. I-it's true my cash flow has slowed to a trickle. In fact, I'm in danger of losing the lease on my office, but I... I'm a private investigator, not a thief. I don't burgle or purloin.
Tracy: Oh, a P.I. with morals. No wonder you're broke.
Spinelli: I suggest you call the police.
Tracy: And what am I gonna do? Report a stolen jar of relish? They're never gonna take me seriously. That is why I called Duke Lavery. That is a scoundrel you can count on.
Spinelli: S-so I wasn't your first choice as a covert operative?
Tracy: Lucky for you, Duke Lavery did not return my phone calls. I guess he's happy collecting unemployment.
Spinelli: Uh, Duke's not unemployed. In fact, he works for you.
Duke: I realize that it's different, but I understand what it's like to want to be reunited with the woman that you love after being separated for many years.
Felicia: Well, you never made the choice to leave Anna like Frisco made the choice to leave me and our daughters. Turned out that he didn't want a family. His commitment was to his job, and that's his choice. Some marriages just don't work out.
Duke: I have very fond memories of you and Frisco. Although I do remember you always seemed to be star-crossed.
Felicia: You see, that's the way he seems to be now. He's sort of stuck in the past. It's like it never changes with him. It's all one big adventure to him, and, for me, I'm just not that woman anymore.
Duke: You've moved on.
Felicia: Well, I tried to make it work -- at my family's expense. I left Maxie and Georgie with Mac while I ran after Frisco. Georgie's gone now, and there's nothing that I can do to make up for the time that I've lost with her. But I'm trying with Maxie. And she wouldn't even let me do that if it wasn't for Mac supporting me and forgiving me. Mac took me back.
Duke: I guess that's it, then. You've got to tell Frisco, in no uncertain terms, that it is over. Unless it isn't.
Maxie: Dad, please do not make trouble for Spinelli. You have no idea how badly I treated him or how much I strung him along. It's not his fault that he fell in love with someone else. And we're friends now. Things are finally okay.
Frisco: Okay. I'll leave him alone. I promise. Can't say the same for your Dr. Westbourne.
Maxie: What happened to her?
Frisco: Maybe she's clumsy.
Maxie: Dad, did you do something? N-never mind.
Frisco: Let's have a little talk with the doctor, shall we? We can have some long-overdue father-daughter bonding by terrorizing your doctor.
Maxie: As much fun as that actually sounds, I've got a wedding to throw, so... I'll catch you later.
Frisco: Dr. Westbourne, we meet again.
Britt: You did this, didn't you? You made me fall.
Frisco: Accidents happen, especially for people with bad karma, like blackmailing patients, things like that. They have a tendency to have accidents. Be more careful in the future.
Britt: Look, it's over with Maxie. I let her go. You and I are done.
Frisco: We'll be done when I say so, Toots.
Britt: What do you want?
Frisco: There's the issue of the nurse.
Patrick: Forget about Britt. The hospital made the right call by clearing you.
Sabrina: But could they really get sued because of me?
Patrick: No. Officer Carlson died because of his wounds.
Sabrina: Yeah, but maybe with the right medication, he could've been saved.
Patrick: Stop, okay? You are going to graduate. You are going to become a nurse, just like your mom.
Sabrina: I guess so.
Patrick: No. No "I guess so." Look, you got to believe in yourself, all right?
Maxie: Hi! Oh, Elizabeth! Good, you're here. I need you to try on the maid-of-honor dress, or I guess it should be matron-of-honor, only you're not married anymore.
Elizabeth: Best man. I'm actually best man.
Maxie: Oh, that's funny. Olivia didn't mention that.
Olivia: Oh, well, Elizabeth agreed to stand up for Steve, and since we were kind of last-minute, I didn't really have anyone to ask to be my attendant, so I was hoping that you wouldn't mind.
Elizabeth: Really? Are you kidding? I'd be honored.
Maxie: Okay, that's really sweet, but we don't have time for that. You have to change. We'll be right back. Don't worry.
[Both laugh]
Steve: You know what? We can always wait until I'm ambulatory and plan a proper wedding.
Olivia: Ambulatory shmambulatory. Look, the way that I see this, this is our window of opportunity. Your mother is safely locked up, you're here, I'm here. I think this is an all-time low for a potential surprise. So -- so -- so let's do this, right? What do you say?
Steve: I say I can't wait.
[Door opens]
Sabrina: [Gasps] Oh! I'm sorry to interrupt.
Olivia: Sabrina. I'm actually glad you're here. You can take this as official confirmation that your, uh, crush is off the market.
Britt: The committee cleared your little nurse. So leave me alone.
Frisco: I will when I'm satisfied that you won't open your mouth about the baby that's growing inside of my daughter.
Britt: No one will know that Maxie's carrying her own child by Damian Spinelli. You have my word.
Frisco: Your word?
Britt: What other assurance do you want?
Frisco: I'll get back to you on that.
Sabrina: Oh, I'm so glad Steve is off the market! I mean, I -- I wish the both of you every happiness.
Steve: Thank you.
Olivia: Mm-hmm.
Sabrina: I didn't mean to intrude. I just came to pick up your chart.
Steve: By all means. I'm glad to see you're still on duty. I take it the board found in your favor?
Sabrina: They did.
Steve: Good. Congratulations.
Sabrina: Thank you.
Steve: Sabrina, hey, hold on one second. I just wanted to clear something up real fast. That vision you had of Sabrina and I getting wet together?
Olivia: Mm-hmm.
Steve: It came true.
Olivia: What?!
Steve: I bumped into Sabrina while she was carrying a big vase of flowers, and the water dumped all over both of us.
Olivia: And?
Steve: I went to the locker room and changed -- alone. That was it.
Olivia: Okay, okay, all right. So maybe it wasn't the most accurate vision that I ever had, but given the fact that she had a crush on you --
Sabrina: No, there was no crush. There never was. Look, Dr. Webber, I really like you, but I, um... the thing is, is I think you're a very nice man a wonderful surgeon, and I'm sure you're very attractive but just not -- not to me. What I'm trying to say is, I -- I never had any romantic feelings for you whatsoever. The fact is, I -- I do have a crush on another staff member, but I was too embarrassed, and I couldn't admit it, so... I lied. And I said it was you --
Olivia: You lied about wanting Steve.
Sabrina: Yes.
Olivia: Right.
Steve: So, your crush is on someone else?
Olivia: Why do you kind of sound so disappointed about it?
Sabrina: I'm so sorry! This is all my fault. I should've been more professional, and I wasn't, and I just -- I'm -- I'm sorry.
Olivia: Okay, Sabrina. Sabrina, all right, all right. Just take it easy. You're not the first woman in the world that's gotten all crazy about a man. I've done the same myself. I'm sorry I was such a bitch about it, okay?
Sabrina: Oh, my gosh, no. I'm -- I'm sorry that I lied.
Olivia: Well, you know what? Let me give you a piece of advice, all right? If you've got a crush on somebody, assuming that they're not already in a committed relationship, you got to tell them about it.
Britt: I have not stepped foot near Sabrina, so whatever she's blubbering about this time, it wasn't me,
Patrick: Sabrina's fine.
Britt: So why are you here? Did you come to scold me again?
Patrick: You must have me confused with Maxie's dad. So, tell me, Britt -- how'd you get on his bad side?
Felicia: Frisco and I have a history and we have memories, but you can't have a relationship with someone who's always running off or... someone who's always dodging bullets.
Duke: Yeah, I can certainly see where that would be problematic.
Felicia: But Frisco's important to me.
Duke: More important than Mac? You can't avoid this confrontation too much longer. You've got to make your mind up about your feelings before Frisco forces you to.
Frisco: Duke Lavery. Well, you are looking good, my friend.
Duke: You don't look so bad yourself. How are you, you unrepentant adventurer?
Frisco: [Laughs] Well, here we are, after all these years. Like nothing's changed.
Tracy: Duke Lavery does not work for me.
Spinelli: I beg to differ. The F.O.S. were quite specific.
Tracy: The F.O.S?
Spinelli: Uh, "Friends of Spinelli." They were all atwitter when one of their number, an employee of ELQ's I.T. department, posted the fact that she had just processed the dashing Duke's I.D. card.
Tracy: AJ -- that weasel! He hired him and then sent him over here to steal my relish. And I took pity on the man. I believed his lies about Anna and Luke. No wonder he's avoiding my calls. He thinks I'm onto him.
Spinelli: Aren't you?
Tracy: Yes. Thank you. You are not entirely useless.
Spinelli: Ah.
Tracy: AJ has the relish.
Spinelli: So what are you gonna do about it?
Mac: Looks like quite the reunion.
[Cell phone rings]
Duke: Well, unfortunately... I have to leave.
Felicia: No. I mean, you just got here. Don't you want to get caught up?
Duke: Well, some other time. I'm afraid this is one confrontation that I cannot put off one minute longer.
Frisco: Don't be a stranger.
Duke: Okay.
[Ringing continues]
Mac: What brings you by, Frisco?
Frisco: Felicia.
Michael: This is gonna work. Starr and Ellie are gonna find the recipe.
AJ: For once, I wasn't thinking about relish or ELQ or even sticking it to Tracy.
Michael: Yeah? What were you thinking?
AJ: I was thinking to myself how much smarter you are than me, because you found a smart and beautiful girl like Starr.
Michael: Then maybe it's your turn to find somebody who's smart and beautiful.
AJ: Hey.
Elizabeth: Hi.
Britt: Maxie Jones is my patient. Her father had some concerns about the treatment, and I was updating him.
Patrick: He seemed angry.
Britt: Not every parent is thrilled that their daughter has chosen to be a surrogate. If you don't believe me, I can call Mr. Jones, and I'm sure he'll tell you everything that I told him. Of course, he might be curious as to why you're prying.
Patrick: It's not your ability as a doctor that's got me concerned. It's the way you treat people.
Britt: Oh, so back to Sabrina. What a surprise.
Patrick: Mm.
Britt: The Board of Inquiry cleared her, despite my detailed letter and personal testimony I gave, so obviously, I am no threat to Student-Nurse Santiago.
Sabrina: What was all that about?
Patrick: Not sure.
Mac: If you're looking for Felicia, you found her.
Felicia: What is it, Frisco?
Frisco: I called you earlier and you didn't answer. Did you get my message?
Tracy: Ah, using the front door for a change.
Duke: Oh, anything for you, Tracy.
Tracy: I'm so glad to hear you say that, because I've been thinking about your visit here last night.
Duke: Yes. Well, you said something about, uh... ketchup.
Tracy: No. Relish.
Duke: Well, I'm a marmite man, myself.
Tracy: Yes. Well, this was a very special jar of relish, and it's gone missing, and, um... in fact, the last time I saw it was right before you arrived.
Duke: Well, far be it for me to cast any stones, but do you think it may be possible that Alice may have had an accident --
Tracy: No, she passed a lie-detector test. In fact, I've ruled out all of the suspects except one.
Duke: Oh, well, about that. I, um...
Tracy: My nephew AJ.
Duke: AJ?
Tracy: Yes. He has made no secret of his relish envy, and I believe that he used his familiarity with the premises to filch the key and steal the relish. And who better to steal it back for me than a man who just last night exhibited a perfectly larcenous skill set?
Duke: Thank you. I think. But... I mean, to steal relish?
Tracy: It pays very well. So... I would like you to come work for me. Unless, of course, you've found more profitable employment?
AJ: Uh, you look, um...
Michael: Beautiful?
AJ: Yes, very.
Elizabeth: Thank you. I guess it's an upgrade over my scrubs, right?
AJ: Why are you so dressed up?
Elizabeth: My brother and Olivia are eloping in the I.C.U. right now. Maxie's put together a ceremony, and she drafted me to be maid of honor and the best person.
AJ: They got that last part right.
Michael: I'm gonna go get some coffee.
AJ: Okay.
Elizabeth: I should go --
AJ: Did you want to do something sometime?
Elizabeth: You mean like a date?
AJ: Yeah, definitely like a date.
Elizabeth: Yes, I would like that.
AJ: Really?
Elizabeth: Really.
AJ: Good. Great.
Elizabeth: Okay. I really should go now. I don't want to keep them waiting.
AJ: I'll call you.
Elizabeth: I'm looking forward to it.
AJ: Okay.
Elizabeth: Okay.
AJ: Yes!
Olivia: I got it, I got it.
Maxie: [Clears throat] Excuse me. Bride, Groom, may I introduce Reverend Walker? Fortunately, he had a cancellation, so he can marry you guys today.
Steve: Welcome.
Olivia: Thank you so much, Reverend. We're so grateful that you could do this for us.
Reverend Walker: It's my pleasure. And your wedding planner is extremely focused. She literally wouldn't take "No" for an answer.
Maxie: Who likes the word "No"?
Elizabeth: All set.
Olivia: Yes! Let's get this show on the road. And you -- thank you very much. Everything's perfect. Now you get out. Go put your feet up. That's my grandbaby you're carrying in there.
Steve: Don't ask.
Maxie: Right. Um... congratulations.
Steve: All right. You ready to do this?
Olivia: You bet your life.
Tracy: You can come out now. You heard?
Spinelli: Yeah, every word. He bought it.
Tracy: Yeah. Duke is probably reporting to AJ even as we speak. I can just see them gloating. Fine. Let them. The more confident they are, the easier it's gonna be for you to upend them.
Spinelli: Me?
Tracy: Oh. Does your moral code preclude spying?
Spinelli: Oh, no, no! Spying falls within the context of private investigation. In fact, my powers of observation are unmatched.
Tracy: Glad to hear it. AJ may have won the battle, but he's not gonna win the war with one jar of relish. He's gonna need to extract the recipe. And when he does, Spinelli will be there to get it.
Michael: Hey.
AJ: Hey.
Michael: I caught a glimpse of Elizabeth as she was heading off. She was definitely checking you out.
AJ: [Laughs] Hey. So, what happened?
Duke: Not good, I'm afraid. Tracy believes that you pinched her relish, and she's hired me to pinch it back. I don't think I want to be very successful.
AJ: Oh, this day just keeps getting better and better, because once Ellie and Starr crack the code, it's gonna be all over but the shouting.
Olivia: I, Olivia, take you, Steve...
Steve: I, Steve, take you, Olivia...
Olivia: ...To have and to hold...
Steve: ...For better or for worse...
Olivia: ...For richer, for poorer...
Reverend Walker: By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you --
Elizabeth: Wait. Excuse me. This is a private ceremony.
Detective: Steven Lars Webber?
Steve: Yes.
Detective: Memphis P.D. You're under arrest.
Nurse: Congratulations!
Sabrina: What's going on?
Nurse: They just posted the final class ranking. I'm officially a nurse!
Sabrina: Oh, congratulations.
Patrick: Okay, go take a look. What're you waiting for?
Sabrina: I'm scared.
Patrick: Come on. Five bucks says you're valedictorian.
Sabrina: Well, salutatorian, maybe.
Patrick: Whichever one it is, Emma and I are gonna throw you a party.
Sabrina: No, you're not. I'm not on the list. I'm... I'm not graduating?
Mac: I'm gonna go finish the inventory.
Felicia: You came all the way over here to tell me you left a message?
Frisco: It's important.
Felicia: Well, what's it about?
Frisco: Well, listen to it. I'd like you to meet me tonight at the Metro Court around 8:00. And dress up. Maybe wear some of that Aztec treasure we had so much fun chasing after. You're not gonna walk out of my life. I'll see you tonight.
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