General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 2/27/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by Brenda
Tracy: Ned, you have to trust me. I have everything under control. Every night, I take the key and I hide it in a different place, because if I didn't, my loving nephew would sneak into my room in the middle of the night and grab it off my neck, strangling me in the process. You have to see him. You cannot believe how obsessed he is with getting that last jar of Pickle-Lila relish. This way nobody's the wiser.
Duke: AJ It's Duke. Call me back when you get this message. I've been keeping a close watch on Tracy, and I know how badly we need the original recipe for Pickle-Lila. I think I may have just found an opening.
Cindy: What have we got?
Paramedic: Severe knife wound. Massive blood loss.
Elizabeth: Steven! What happened?
Paramedic: B.P. is 76 over 37.
Elizabeth: Who did this?
Olivia: Heather!
Paramedic: Pulse rate is 142 and thready. He's going into shock.
Elizabeth: Heather? No, she's --
Olivia: Heather is alive. Look what she did to her own son.
Cindy: Let's get him to Trauma Room 1.
Elizabeth: Steven.
Olivia: [Crying]
Anna: Heather Webber didn't drown in the harbor. She just -- she just stabbed her own son. Okay, Robinson, I want you to pull two units off the McBain case and have them canvass the area around Steve Webber's apartment. Make them go door-to-door if necessary, 'cause she ain't getting away with it this time.
Heather: [Sighs] Now, this is perfect.
Anna: I need you to get back in touch with the director of that sanitarium in Alabama. I need all of Clay's records, and I want to talk to someone who actually treated the guy, you know, before he escaped, okay?
Officer: Got it.
Anna: Thanks a lot. [Sighs]
Alexis: Oh, Anna. Anna, I could really use your help with something.
Anna: Yeah?
Alexis: I'm waiting to see the D.A. to see if I can get the charges against Molly dropped, and he's stonewalling me.
Anna: I don't know that I can do anything. What can I do?
Alexis: You can tell him that it was not Molly's fault. There was no criminal intent. It was Lucy Coe's idea.
Anna: Molly's all over the surveillance footage, opening the cell doors for Rafe and John.
Alexis: She was trying to help.
Anna: Oh, God.
Alexis: [Sighs] Look. Sam has been missing for 24 hours. Molly is terrified, as am I.
Lucy: Great. Now what? Caleb has got Sam down here, but where? If Caleb finds out she's not Livvie, I don't know what he'll do to her.
[Flashlight clatters]
Lucy: What else can go wrong? Oh!
Caleb: It's time.
Sam: No. No.
Caleb: One little bite... and you'll remember everything. That you are Livvie. That you are Livvie and we are destined to be together.
Sam: Please don't hurt me. Please.
Caleb: [Chuckles] When our blood mixes together, you'll wake up in a world where anything is possible.
Sam: No! [Breathing heavily]
Caleb: We're soul mates forever, Livvie.
Sam: No. No!
McBain: Get your hands off her!
Caleb: I'm sorry, Sweetheart. This won't take long.
McBain: I said get away from her!
Caleb: And I reluctantly oblige. John McBain, at last.
[Door creaks]
Duke: Let's see. Where would she leave the key? "War and Peace" -- hmm! Sums up her relationship with the Quartermaine family. "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm." [Chuckles] Hardly think so. "Vengeance is Mine." That's her to a "T."
[Door opens]
Tracy: What are you doing in my house?!
AJ: [Sighs]
Dr. Keats: He's in hypovolemic shock.
Olivia: I tried to stop the bleeding, Doctor. There was just so much blood.
Elizabeth: We need to get him into surgery right now.
Dr. Keats: Call upstairs. Find out how long it would take to free up an O.R.
AJ: Wait a second. Forget waiting in line. Steve's one of your own. Man, you got to operate now.
Dr. Keats: Tell them to get a room prepped. We're gonna bring him up in three minutes.
Olivia: [Sniffles] Hear that, Honey? Gonna get you right into an operating room. They're gonna fix you up. You're gonna be just fine.
Cindy: We need to have you move back, okay?
Elizabeth: What happened? Olivia, what happened?
Olivia: It was Heather. She showed up at his apartment. She was blaming me for turning Steve against her, and then... [Sniffles] She was trying to kill me. And he just appeared out of nowhere, and he got between me and a butcher knife. He saved my life.
Elizabeth: I don't -- I don't understand. How did this happen?
Olivia: This is the vision. This is the vision that I saw. He was stabbed, he was bleeding, and his crazy excuse for a mother made it come true. [Sniffles]
Heather: God works in mysterious ways. He giveth and he taketh away. And then he giveth again. Just as one son is lost, another is found. I'll take the baby.
Rafe: No way, Lady.
Heather: But I'm his nanny. Remember? We met before. I'm Susan. Susan Moore.
Rafe: I don't care what you call yourself. You're no one's nanny, okay? You're Heather Webber. You're a kidnapper and you're crazy.
Alexis: Look, I-I don't understand, with everything the D.A. has on his plate, why is he pursuing this with Molly?
Anna: I can't answer for him.
Alexis: Yes, you can. I think you can. He won't take my calls. Maybe he'll take yours.
Anna: Come on, Alexis. I am trying to put out several fires here. In addition to the three prisoners that your daughter helped escape, Heather Webber just stabbed her son.
Alexis: What?!
Anna: Ugh. Don't.
Alexis: Is he all right?
Anna: I don't know. We're not gonna know for awhile. He's at the hospital. I assume that he's in surgery.
Alexis: Wait, I thought Heather Webber was dead.
Anna: Yes, we all did. But apparently you can't even kill her if you strangle her and throw her in the harbor.
Alexis: Like a cockroach. And this was supposedly done by John McBain's look-alike?
Anna: That part of the story might be true. You know, this vampire that Lucy keeps ranting on about? I think he's this escaped mental patient, Stephen Clay.
Caleb: Hello, Detective.
McBain: Hello, Stephen.
Caleb: Caleb. Caleb Morley. You look like you got a little bit of Morley in you yourself.
McBain: Any resemblance is a freak coincidence.
Caleb: No such thing. No, you are -- you are fated to be here to... to watch over Livvie until I could come back to claim her.
Sam: John.
McBain: You okay, Sam?
Sam: Where is Danny? Is he okay?
McBain: He's fine.
Caleb: Your son is fine. Everything's happening just the way I said it would.
McBain: Get this through your head, all right? Her name is not Livvie. Her name is Samantha Morgan.
Caleb: Well, you're mistaken. And so is she, but only for a little while longer.
McBain: She's bleeding.
Caleb: It's for a good cause.
McBain: You bit her?
Caleb: Twice, actually.
McBain: She could bleed to death. You ever think of that?
Caleb: Death is a relative term for me, for her. Not so much for you.
McBain: Shut up! I'm not gonna let you hurt her again.
Caleb: She wants this!
Sam: No!
Caleb: You do. You do, when you remember and we are together forever. First... [Chuckles] ...I got to get rid of -- this.
Lucy: [Groaning] What happened? Wyndemere. I'm in the tunnels. Oh, my. Oh, I got to -- I got to go. I got to find Caleb. I got to get to him. I got to get to Sam. Oh! Oh, I -- I got to get to Sam. I got to find Caleb. I got to keep going. I got -- ow! Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! Oh! [Gasps] Oh, my God. It's -- it's really you, Alison?
Alison: It's me, Lucy. Let me help you.
Lucy: I have missed you much.
Alison: I'm here for you now. It's okay.
Lucy: [Chuckles]
Heather: I don't blame you for being a little bit confused. I mean, am I Heather or am I Susan? Well, the answer is yes... and yes. Actually, it doesn't really make much difference. As Shakespeare wrote, "What's in a name?" The point is... that that's my baby. That's my son, and I need him. I need him so much. So be a good boy and hand him over.
Cindy: Give me some tape.
Olivia: Honey. Please open your eyes.
Cindy: Another one.
Olivia: Just open your eyes and look at me. Please.
Cindy: All right. That's good.
Olivia: He heard me. I think he heard me.
Elizabeth: Steven? Steven, we're right here. You're gonna be fine, okay? Can you hear me?
Cindy: Need to put pressure. Need to put pressure.
Dr. Keats: You'll have to step back. We're gonna take him to the O.R.
Elizabeth: Can you open your eyes for me? Steven.
Dr. Keats: Step back.
Elizabeth: Okay, no, I'm gonna scrub in, okay?
Dr. Keats: You know the rules. No family.
Elizabeth: I'll be fine.
AJ: Elizabeth, stop.
Dr. Keats: Elizabeth, you're slowing us down.
AJ: You're wasting time. Let them get him up there, okay? Come on.
Olivia: I'm going with you.
Dr. Keats: You can help by staying out of the way.
Olivia: To hell with that. I'm taking the stairs.
Elizabeth: Olivia.
AJ: Wait, wait, wait. Let her go. Let her go. Let her go.
Elizabeth: But I just need to be with my brother.
AJ: I know, I know. You will be. Listen to me. You got to let the doctors do what they're gonna do. You'll see Steve later.
Elizabeth: That's exactly what he said when he got on the elevator to go home. He said he'd see me later.
Tracy: Duke Lavery? How did you get in my house? And why?
Duke: You look very well, Tracy.
Tracy: You're gonna have to do better than flattery. I completely understand being in a prison for 20 years, times might be tough, but when did you become a burglar?
Duke: Oh, no. I'm not a burglar. I may be employment challenged, but I'm not a burglar.
Tracy: But you broke into my house! How did you get in? The front door is locked.
Duke: I wouldn't know. I didn't come in the front door. I came in through the terrace.
Tracy: Why did you sneak in my house?
Duke: Because I'm desperate to see you.
Tracy: About?
Duke: Anna Devane, of course.
Anna: Stephen Clay was a successful rock musician, and part of his stage act was to assume the persona of a vampire.
Alexis: So I see.
Anna: Now, after his wife, Livvie, died, he suffered this psychotic break and was convinced that he was actually a vampire.
Alexis: Livvie. That's the name that Lucy called Sam.
Anna: Look. Practically identical.
Alexis: Wow.
Anna: Livvie Locke Clay. Now, she's been dead for about 10 years. Clay couldn't accept her death and he went on this killing spree. There were about seven victims. They each had puncture wounds to either their throat or their jugular. They all died from loss of blood. When he was being led out of the courtroom, he was screaming that he's immortal and he's going to come back and reclaim his wife.
Alexis: And this maniac thinks Sam is his wife?
Anna: Yeah.
Alexis: [Sighs]
Anna: I mean, that's the theory we're working with. He was taken to a private sanitarium in 2003, where he disappeared from late October 2011.
Alexis: Late October?
Anna: He vanished from a locked room on Halloween at midnight.
Alexis: You can't be serious.
Anna: I know. He may be demented, but he certainly has a flair for theatricality. So, I'm assuming that it's most likely that Clay is responsible for the spate of murders that McBain's been arrested for.
Alexis: So, can you explain to me how this Stephen Clay looks just like John McBain and this Livvie is a dead ringer for my daughter?
McBain: I know all about you.
Caleb: Do you, now? Are you sure?
McBain: Yeah. You lost your wife. And you lost your mind to the grief.
Caleb: [Sighs] Livvie is my wife, my one eternal love. Sure, we were torn apart, but I've always found my way back to her, haven't I, Sweetheart?
Sam: Come on. Not again. Please.
Caleb: Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. Shh. It's almost over. Soon we'll be husband and wife forever.
McBain: Your wife is dead. And you'd believe anything and you'd do anything to get her back, but you're not a vampire, and that's not Livvie lying on that table!
Caleb: [Laughs] Clearly one of us is delusional, John. I mean, if you're right, there's no such thing as immortality. There's no such thing as fate. The three of us are here by accident. No, wait a minute. How did you put that? Coincidence? But if I'm right, I will taste my wife's blood for the third time and she will awaken to her true self. She and I will be reunited, and we will claim those two boys upstairs.
McBain: You're not going anywhere near those boys, and you're not touching Sam.
Caleb: I was gonna kill you, but I think I'm gonna let you watch. Just to see who's delusional, John.
Sam: Aah!
McBain: No!
Sam: John!
Tracy: And what does Anna have to do with you letting yourself into my house?
Duke: I want her back.
Tracy: Well, that concerns me because...
Anna: I already ended it with Luke.
Duke: I want her to fall in love with me again, and I understand you and Spencer are friends.
Tracy: Luke and I are many things.
Duke: Well, I thought perhaps you could maybe tell me something about their relationship.
Tracy: You want me to tell you what I know about Luke and Anna so you can better evaluate your chances with her?
Duke: Oh, I know I'm clutching at straws, but, you see, I'm reunited with her after 20 years, and now I discover I'm in competition with Spencer, and I need to know for a -- well, is he a factor?
Tracy: Ah. So, assuming that I know anything about where Luke and Anna stand, why would I involve myself?
Duke: Compassion?
Tracy: For a man who just broke into my home with questionable motives?
Duke: ...I know how badly we need the original recipe for Pickle-Lila. I think I may have just found an opening.
Steve: You know, I see us at the altar, me and my bride.
Elizabeth: Mm.
Steve: And then I look to my best man for the ring, and my best man flashes her gorgeous smile, says how happy she is for me.
Elizabeth: She?
Steve: Did I not mention that?
Elizabeth: No.
Steve: Well, my best man not only happens to be a woman, but she also happens to be my sister.
Elizabeth: [Sniffles] [Sighs]
AJ: Elizabeth, is there anything I can do?
Elizabeth: [Sniffles] You can sit with me.
AJ: All night long, if that's what it takes.
Heather: I really wish you wouldn't make this difficult.
Rafe: He's not yours. His mother's name is Sam.
Heather: But I need him. And he needs me. You see, he's my do-over. And we're gonna be so happy together. Don't you want us to be happy?
Rafe: You can say whatever you want to say, you know, try to make me feel bad for you, but it's not gonna work. I promised that I'd take care of Danny until Sam got back, and that's exactly what I'm gonna do.
Alexis: Did anyone who treated Clay -- do they know where Sam and Danny are?
Anna: They don't. But, you know... Clay loved his wife, Livvie, and he literally will love her after death. So we're hoping that as long as he thinks that Sam's Livvie, he's not gonna hurt her.
Alexis: Well, that's a pretty feeble hope. That guy's a mental patient with a history of violence. How is it possible that he's allowed to roam free? And I say this with all due respect, Anna, but I don't understand how your police department can confuse a lunatic who thinks he's a vampire with a real detective, with a real police officer.
Anna: I don't know. I'm sorry.
Alexis: Well, don't be sorry. Just find my kid. Please. I don't know what I'd do without her, and if I lost her, I couldn't handle it. [Sighs] Now I'm sorry. I -- God, I'm sorry.
Anna: It's fine.
Alexis: [Sighs] If anyone knows how I feel right now, it's you.
Anna: It's okay. You're entitled to your feelings.
Alexis: I -- it's just that I lost Sam once already. It's a long story. I didn't raise her.
Anna: I didn't know that.
Alexis: I gave her up for adoption when she was -- my father forced me to give her up for adoption when she was a baby.
Anna: Oh, God.
Alexis: Quite a father, huh? Imagine having that as your dad.
Anna: No, I can't. I was pretty lucky. I had a great dad. You know, he -- I wish he'd lived long enough for Robin to meet him, 'cause they would have really loved each other.
Alexis: You missed a lot with Robin, you and Robert.
Anna: We did. But the time we had, we really appreciated, you know? I mean, Robert was unconventional, but he was a really good dad, and Robin loved him.
Alexis: Mm-hmm.
Anna: She thought he hung the moon. [Chuckles]
Alexis: Well, she's lucky. Sam never met her dad.
Anna: Who is he?
Sam: This is wrong! Stop! [Both grunting] John!
McBain: [Grunting]
Sam: John.
Heather: Let me tell you a little something about Miss Samantha Morgan. She doesn't deserve your loyalty. And she certainly doesn't deserve a little baby boy like that. She's an unfit mother. [Sighs] An unfit mother.
Rafe: You okay, Lady?
Heather: That's what they said I was. And maybe they were right. I had a baby boy. Steven Lars. I loved him very much. You've got to believe that. Anyway, I... I wanted to take care of him. But I couldn't. I was young and so alone. I... I couldn't do it. You understand, don't you? So I sold him.
Rafe: You sold him?
Heather: I tried to make it up to him. I tried to be the mother I-I should have been. I thought it would be just the two of us looking out for each other. Me and Steven Lars, mother and son. You'll never understand a feeling like that.
Rafe: Yeah, I do. I failed my mom. I failed her. Just like you failed your son. But I'm not gonna fail Danny.
Alison: Are you okay?
Lucy: Yeah, I'm fine. I think I just bumped my...head. Oh. Alison. I am so sorry. I failed you.
Alison: No.
Lucy: I did.
Alison: No.
Lucy: I did. I was supposed to be the slayer. I was supposed to protect you.
Alison: Lucy, I am at such peace now. All those years I spent looking over my shoulder, all that fear is gone. I'm finally with my husband.
Lucy: Is he okay?
Alison: Yeah, he's good. And he sends his love and his strength. Lucy, it is up to you now. You have to protect our son.
Lucy: I know Rafe loved you very much, and... he loved your son very, very much.
Alison: Caleb may have sired my son, but Rafe has always been his true father.
Lucy: But Caleb is determined to claim Rafe for his own.
Alison: I know. He's trying to turn him, to make him like him. But, Lucy, you are the only person that can stop him.
Lucy: [Sobs]
Sam: John?
Caleb: You should know better, Livvie. I would never let anybody come between us.
Sam: John. John, wake up. Please.
Caleb: You're the one that will wake soon, Livvie.
Sam: No. No.
Caleb: And all this will seem like a dream, the life you lived apart from me, apart from yourself.
Sam: I am not Livvie. You're wrong.
Caleb: Don't believe the stories they've told you.
Sam: No stories.
Caleb: Yeah, stories. Soon you'll understand the truth. I can't die. And every time I've come back to claim you and every time I've been denied, it's just made the bond between us stronger. But this time, there will be no separation. Our covenant will be eternal.
Sam: No, I'm not gonna marry you.
Caleb: Oh, yes, you will.
Sam: No.
Caleb: And I will claim the two boys upstairs.
Sam: Not Danny. You can't have Danny.
Caleb: It's all waiting for us. And once I kill the lying detective, there's nothing to stop us from having everything we want.
Sam: [Groans]
Lucy: Alison, I'm afraid. I-I-I don't think I can defeat Caleb again. He's so -- so much stronger this time.
Alison: You will find a way.
Lucy: A way? I am lost. I am literally lost. I need you to help me, show me what to do.
Alison: Lucy, don't ever doubt yourself. Not even for a minute. You have the power. You always have.
Lucy: [Gasps] Alison? Alison?
Heather: What happened between you and your mother?
Rafe: It was like you said. Just the two of us on our own.
Heather: That sounds wonderful.
Rafe: Didn't quite think so. We were always on the move.
Heather: I'm sure your mother was doing the best she could.
Rafe: It was hard to appreciate it at the time, you know. She kept saying that there was this evil man after us, and I -- I thought she was crazy. You have to understand, I didn't -- I didn't have any friends. I didn't have anything. Except her. She'd get these weird ideas and leave me at some lonely place and tell me to wait for her. You know, I got sick of it. So I took off.
Heather: That's understandable.
Rafe: She died because of me. Because I wasn't there to save her. She... she got stabbed to death.
Alison: [Screams]
Rafe: I should have been there to save her. You know, it's all my fault.
Steven: Let her go! Ohh!
Olivia: Ohh! Ohh! Oh, God! Ohh! Ohh!
Steven: [Gasps]
Heather: I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I'm so, so sorry.
Alexis: Sam's dad --
Anna: Oh, no. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ask that. It's none of my business.
Alexis: No, no, it's, uh --
Anna: It really isn't.
Alexis: It's okay. Really. It's a -- it's a logical question, um --
[Cell phone vibrates]
Alexis: Oh. Uh, it's the D.A. He wants to see Molly.
Anna: Okay, she's in the interrogation room with Shawn.
Alexis: Thanks.
Anna: Alexis. I promise you I will do everything in my power to get Sam and her baby back for you.
Alexis: Thanks.
Duke: I'm sorry. I should have known better than to involve you in my situation with Anna.
Tracy: Anna broke it off with Luke.
Duke: She did?
Tracy: Yes. She finally realized that Luke was never gonna be the love of her life. That dubious honor falls to you.
Duke: She told him that?
Tracy: Personally, I thought it was overkill. A simple "let's be friends" would have sufficed.
Duke: Oh, thank you. Oh, thank you!
Tracy: Oh! You're welcome, but... now you're wearing my drink.
Duke: Oh. Oh, that was clumsy of me. I'm sorry. Oh, could I possibly maybe...
Tracy: Use the facilities? Down the hall.
Duke: Thank you.
Rafe: Wait, if this is some sort of trick...
Heather: No. No trick.
Rafe: Well, if you're trying to con me into letting you take Danny, it's not gonna work.
Heather: No. I'm not. I swear.
Rafe: I don't believe you.
Heather: I mean it. I'm not gonna try to take Danny away from you. I have no right. I'm not his mother.
Anna: Wow. A whole year without you. God, I still can't even believe it. I see you everywhere. Everywhere. I mean, I know it's not you, but... you are everywhere. God, this whole town has gone mad. I couldn't even protect Steven Webber from his crazy mother. How am I supposed to save Alexis' daughter when I couldn't even save you? Dear God... if you had to take Robin from me... could you please watch over her? Let her feel my love around her. Could you do that for me?
Heather: That little boy isn't mine. My son, Steven Lars, he could be dying as we speak. And there's nothing I can do to help him. All I can do is pray. [Sniffles] Dear Lord in heaven... I know I'll have to face you someday, and I'll get whatever I deserve. [Voice breaking] Do whatever you want to do to me. Please don't let him die.
Olivia: Please don't let him die, God. [Sighs] I know he's made a lot of mistakes, but... he saves lives every day. And that's got to count for something, right? His patients need him. His sister needs him. [Cries] I need him. [Sniffles] God, he's so good to me. And he's so loving, and I just want him to be my husband... my partner. I want to spend the rest of my life with him. [Sniffles] Maybe that's a selfish thing to say, but...I've really never had that, you know? 'Cause I feel like... I feel like I've been on my own my whole life. And I know -- God, I know that you've blessed me. You gave me a beautiful son. But this was supposed to be my time. Mine and Steve's. Please don't take him away from me.
AJ: Your brother's not gonna die.
Elizabeth: You can't know that.
AJ: No. No, I can't, but... look, I was on the brink of death once. I came back.
Elizabeth: That was a miracle.
AJ: I guess I'm living proof of miracles.
Elizabeth: Well, you can't count on miracles. [Sniffles]
AJ: No. But you can pray. I mean, maybe that's not your thing. I know you're a nurse. You have a scientific background.
Elizabeth: If anyone believes in the power of prayer, it's nurses. Just didn't expect to hear that out of you.
AJ: Prayer is how I recovered. And it's how I stay recovered, one day at a time. [Sighs]
Elizabeth: [Sniffles] Please, Lord... spare my brother's life. We need a miracle right now.
Lucy: I can do this. I'm gonna do what I was sent here to do, and that is protect Rafe and Livvie -- Sam -- from Caleb, and I will do that. But I'm gonna need some help. Don't you see I am lost here? I am lost, literally, in more ways than I ever thought possible, so I need you to help me. Please! Okay. I know Alison said that I have this power in me, and she believes in me. But I just -- I need your help. I need you to show me how. Just a little help here, please. Show me how to find the strength to defeat this monster.
Caleb: You're getting impatient. I know. So am I. It's time, Livvie. Say good night, McBain. The moon is closing in. [Singsong voice] Now, where is my ax? There is my ax. There is my ax.
Sam: John.
McBain: He bite you again?
Sam: He's waiting. Can you get free?
McBain: I'm working on it.
Sam: He's gonna kill you. We have to do something.
[Blade sharpening]
McBain: Tell God.
Sam: Please. Please help us. If you're listening, wherever you are, please just help us. My son needs his mother. John's baby needs him. Please protect us from this evil, please.
Duke: Thank you for all of your help.
Tracy: [Sighs] You've already thanked me enough. Allow me to see you out.
Duke: Oh, there's no need. You've done quite enough. I can show myself out. I'll leave the way I came. Thank you very much. You've made me a very happy man. Good night.
Olivia: [Sniffles] Hey. Is Steve out of surgery?
Elizabeth: Not yet. Not yet.
Olivia: That can't be good if he's in there for this long.
Elizabeth: It's hard to tell. The surgeon needs to be thorough and make sure there's no hidden lacerations or any complications.
Olivia: This is all my fault. God sent me a vision. He sent me a-a vision of Steve all covered in blood, and I told him about it. I-I told him, and he just brushed it off 'cause he didn't want to worry me. [Sniffles] And now he's fighting for his life in the O.R. because of me.
Elizabeth: No --
Olivia: No, I should have put him in a car. I should have put him in a car, and I should have just driven somewhere, anywhere that his mother wasn't.
Elizabeth: But you didn't know that Heather was involved.
Olivia: Who else, Elizabeth?! Who else?! How many times has that woman tried to kill us?
Elizabeth: Exactly. It's not your fault. It was hers.
AJ: Olivia, you're probably the reason Steve's still alive. 'Cause you got him here so fast. That's the doctor.
Olivia: [Sniffles] Oh, God.
Anna: [Gasps]
Heather: That won't be necessary. I'm here to turn myself in.
Rafe: Don't worry, Danny Boy. It'll be okay. Your mom will be back soon. You'll see.
Caleb: You know, you're lucky this is an antique, McBain. Otherwise this could get messy. There's just something about hand-forged steel, you know? Holds an edge better than that factory-sealed stuff.
Sam: Please don't do this.
Caleb: Don't worry, Sweetheart. This won't take long. You have to trust me sometimes.
Sam: I'm not gonna trust you if you do anything to him.
Caleb: I-I thought I wanted him around to witness this, but I realize I want this just to be a moment between us. I want us to be alone.
Sam: Just let him go.
Caleb: With this man out of the way, our lives will begin again. And this time, it will be forever.
Lucy: Caleb!
Caleb: [Sighs] [Laughs]
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