GH Transcript Tuesday 2/26/13

General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 2/26/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by Brenda

Steven: Ouch! What the heck was that for?

Olivia: Did you find -- Heather. I thought you were --

Heather: Dead? Surprise! John McBain did try to kill me, but I survived. Too bad you won't be able to say the same thing.

Molly: Any word on Sam and Danny?

Shawn: Not yet.

Molly: [Sighs heavily] What about John and Lucy and...

Shawn: Rafe?

Molly: Yeah.

Shawn: No. Still on the lam, thanks to your little stunt.

Molly: How's my mom?

Shawn: Well, right now, she's in with the D.A.

Molly: [Voice breaking] I'm supposed to be the good one... the daughter who doesn't mess up or break mom's heart. But I did, didn't I? I broke T.J.'s, too.

[Door opens]

Guard: You've got a visitor.

McBain: You okay, Buddy? A little scary being in this creepy house all by yourself, huh? You're brave.

Lucy: You know what? I-I think you're right. I don't think he was by himself very long. The fire's still burning.

Rafe: You think Caleb's still here?

McBain: I think Stephen Clay is still here.

Lucy: Hey, listen -- I don't care if you believe me about the vampire, okay? I need you to understand and believe this -- his name is Caleb Morley. And if we are going to defeat him, we have to use his true name, okay? [Sighs] I'm just very glad that someone remembered to bring all of these.

McBain: Right.

Rafe: How's Danny Boy doing?

McBain: Good. Danny's good. He's good. Question is why did Caleb leave him behind, and where did he take Sam?

Caleb: Stay with me, Livvie. It's only a little farther.

Sam: We have to go back up.

Caleb: No. We can't.

Sam: My -- my son needs me.

Caleb: Your son's fine -- soon to be my son. [Grunts]

Sam: Stop!

Caleb: [Breathing heavily] You don't understand, Livvie. These people -- they don't understand us. They're trying to stop us.

Sam: I want my son.

Caleb: And you will have your son. When all this is over, you will have your son, as I will have mine.

Rafe: He seems pretty happy. Doesn't seem hungry. Doesn't need a change or anything.

McBain: More evidence they haven't been gone long.

Lucy: No. Where? Where did he take her? Think. Think, Lucy, think. Where?

McBain: I know.

Lucy: What do you mean, you know? You can't know that. I'm the slayer. You're not. Why would you sense it? I can't think of it.

McBain: They're in the tunnels.

Molly: Hi.

T.J.: This really did happen? You really got arrested?

Molly: Yeah. Uh...I'm guessing Shawn told you.

T.J.: He didn't have to! It's all over the news!

Molly: It is?

T.J.: "High-school girl busts three people out of jail, one of them being a rogue cop"? The media's going nuts, Molly!

Molly: Oh, God.

T.J.: You know, the kids from school -- they keep texting me. You know, I tell them that all the reporters are wrong. You know, "This is Molly we're talking about here -- you know, straight-'A' student, never even been to detention." You know, I can't believe you just threw away your whole life over a guy you barely know.

Molly: I didn't mean to.

T.J.: What? You didn't mean to? Really? So, you didn't know you were helping them escape? You didn't think you'd be busted? Well, there we go. Congratulations, Molly! You're finally famous -- just not for writing a book.

Sonny: Listen to me. This isn't gonna help you or Trey or anyone else.

Kate: No. You're wrong, Sonny, because if I stand here long enough and I concentrate, I think I can remember...what happened to him.

Sonny: Reliving the nightmare is not gonna change anything.

Kate: But that's my point! I didn't live it to begin with, right? I wasn't there. I don't remember driving the car. I don't remember him collapsing. I don't remember any of it.

Sonny: Why would you want to?

Kate: Because he's my son -- my only child -- and I have to honor that.

Sonny: There are other ways.

Kate: The least I can do is remember how he died...because I never knew how he lived.

Steven: I think you broke the skin.

Elizabeth: Oh, please. Don't be such a baby.

Steven: You just impaled me with a pen.

Elizabeth: I prefer the term "stabbed."

Steven: Call it what you want. I'd like an explanation.

Elizabeth: Well, since Olivia had a vision that you were going to be stabbed, I thought I'd just do it myself.

Steven: Why?

Elizabeth: Because now that her premonition has come true, we don't have to worry and we can all relax.

Steven: For your information, Olivia saw me clutching my stomach, as if I was stabbed in the gut.

Elizabeth: Oh, I can do that.

Steven: Are you c-- you are crazy! You know that?

Elizabeth: I'll take that as a thank you. And now you're not gonna die a violent death. I just made sure of it.

Olivia: [Gasps]

Heather: Don't fight me, Olivia, 'cause I really will kill you, just like that hateful detective tried to kill me.

Olivia: Too bad he failed.

Heather: What was that? Do you know what it feels like to be strangled?

Olivia: No, Heather. I can't say that I do.

Heather: Desperate for oxygen, and then everything starts to go black. It's a real nightmare. And my neck -- well, it's still killing me.

Olivia: Yet you're still here.

Heather: Yeah. I'm a hard gal to get rid of. Even the icy waters of the harbor are no match for me.

Olivia: What do you want, Heather?!

Heather: What I've always wanted. You know the answer to that one -- my freedom and a do-over with my new little son.

Olivia: He is not your son. That's Sam's baby, and you kidnapped that poor little boy.

Heather: And you want to know why?

Olivia: Because you're freaking crazy.

Heather: No! No. Because of you. It's all your fault. You forced me to find a new Steven Lars to replace my own son. You're the one who made me lose my son. Payback's a bitch.

Sonny: You got to stop blaming yourself for what happened with Trey. You were just a kid. No one expects --

Kate: Go away! I don't need you making excuses for me!

Sonny: That's not what I'm doing.

Kate: My son is dead, Sonny. And Connie, who is a part of me, is responsible, so I'm gonna stand here and own it... because if I don't, I'm not gonna remember what happened. I'm not gonna remember... his last moments. [Sighs]

Sonny: You want to stay here?

Kate: Yes!

Sonny: Okay. You can go ahead and stay here as long as you want. But I'm not leaving.

Kate: [Sighs]

Sonny: 'Cause I made you a promise, and you know I did. When I first found out you had D.I.D., I promised that I would stick by matter what, and I'm not gonna break that promise.

Kate: Is that a joke? [Chuckles] You already broke that promise with me, Sonny, the minute you slept with Connie.

Molly: You're mad. You have every right to be.

T.J.: You think?!

Shawn: Okay, look -- how 'bout we try to take it down a notch, okay? T.J., Molly's got a lot on her plate right now, and it's not your job to make it worse.

Molly: Shawn, it's okay. I deserve it.

Shawn: Okay. I'm gonna go see if I can hunt Alexis down and find out what's going on.

T.J.: [Sighs]

Shawn: You two gonna be okay in here?

Molly: We'll be fine.

T.J.: [Sighs] I just don't get it. You never get into trouble -- don't break the rules or nothing.

Molly: I did when I started dating you.

T.J.: Seeing a guy your mom said you couldn't date and breaking three people out of jail is a little different, Molly, not to mention helping a fugitive hide out.

Molly: I don't know what to say.

T.J.: How 'bout starting out with the truth? Why'd you risk so much for a guy you met two seconds ago? It's like Rafe changed you into someone else.

Molly: No, that's not it.

T.J.: Really? 'Cause the Molly I know wouldn't break the law -- not twice and not on purpose.

Molly: I didn't just do it for Rafe, T.J. I mean, yeah, he was in trouble and I wanted to get him out, but I-I helped John and Lucy, too.

T.J.: Again, why?

Molly: Because they're the only people who can save Sam and Danny.

Rafe: Wait a minute. So, there's tunnels in this place?

Lucy: Yeah, yeah. There were always rumors about them when the Cassadines lived here.

Rafe: As if it isn't creepy enough.

Lucy: Yeah, I just -- I just don't know. If they're there, then I don't know how to access them. Hey, do you?

McBain: Yeah, I do, and most of them end in brick walls, but some of them are supposed to interconnect. Someone showed me one time that --


McBain: Here it is. Hey, Rafe, can you give me a hand here, Buddy?

Lucy: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Here. Come here, Buddy. Come here, Bud.

Rafe: Hey.

Lucy: Come on. Okay. Okay.

McBain: Right here. Just give me a good push, man. [Grunts]

Lucy: Oh, wow. Nice work.

McBain: Hang on, Sam. I'm coming for you.

Sam: John's gonna find me. Whatever you're doing, you're not gonna get away with it.

Caleb: I already have. In the end, you'll be glad.

Sam: You are a sick son of a bitch! You bit me!

Caleb: It wasn't all bad, was it? You'll be able to handle two more times, and then all of this will make sense, Livvie -- who you are, who I am, the life we shared. It will all come back to you.

Sam: Nothing's gonna come back to you. I want nothing to do with you.

Caleb: No, you will. You will. Trust me. You will.

Sam: 'Cause I'm not Livvie! [Breathing heavily]

Caleb: [Sighs]

Sam: No, please. Nooooooo!

Steven: Listen, I appreciate the effort to spare my life.

Elizabeth: Oh, you're welcome. Now you can go home and tell Olivia that everything is over so now she can start to focus on something else -- say, your wedding. Have you even set a date?

Steven: No. We haven't discussed it, really.

Elizabeth: What?! You're telling me you haven't figured out what you want? I mean, is it a big wedding? Is it a small wedding? Is it gonna be here, out of town?

Steven: Honestly, I don't know. I mean, I-I-I've given it some thought, you know?

Elizabeth: And?

Steven: know, I see us at the altar -- me and my bride.

Elizabeth: Aww.

Steven: And then I look to my best man for the ring, and my best man flashes her gorgeous smile and says how happy she is for me.

Elizabeth: She?

Steven: Did I not mention that?

Elizabeth: No.

Steven: Well, my best man not only happens to be a woman, but she also happens to be my sister.

Elizabeth: Really? Are you asking me to be your best ma'am?

Steven: [Chuckles] I'd love it if you stood up for me.

Elizabeth: Oh, I'd be honored.

Steven: Yeah?

Elizabeth: Yeah! What, did you think I'd say no?

Steven: No, no, no. I just -- I mean, I knew you'd come through, but I -- [Sighs] Thank you.

Elizabeth: I'm so excited!

Steven: Not -- not for being my best man. I mean, yeah, for that, too, but [Sighs] For mostly being you. Look, I know I give you a hard time. I play the protective-big-brother part, but you have to know I love you.

Elizabeth: Of course, I do.

Steven: Now we just have to work on your taste in men.

Elizabeth: Oh, way to ruin the moment.

Steven: [Laughs]

Elizabeth: Now you have to go. You have to go home. You have to talk to Olivia. You need to set a date, and you have to stop bothering me, because I have a bachelor party to plan.

Steven: Thank you for snapping me out of my funk.

[Elevator bell dings]

Steven: I guess the pen is really mightier than the sword, after all.

Elizabeth: [Chuckles]

Steven: See you later.

Elizabeth: [Sighs]

Olivia: I didn't turn Steve against you, Heather. You did that all on your own.

Heather: I was healed. The doctors at Ferncliff released me.

Olivia: Well, that was their first mistake.

Heather: I was a well woman. Steven Lars took me in. We were all poised to have a wonderful relationship, and then you came along and ruined it.

Olivia: How? How did I do that?

Heather: By poisoning us. You watched me. You made up things. You told lies.

Olivia: What lies, Heather? Every word I said was the God's honest truth, and I didn't even know the half of it! Burying Anthony Zacchara, taking Luke hostage, trading out Sam's live baby for a dead one -- you did those things! You did those things! You turned your son against you yourself, and I don't blame Steve one bit!

Heather: I bet you don't, because it's exactly what you wanted. Well, how about what I want? I wanted a relationship with my son. I wanted to spend time with him. I wanted to have some BLTs. But no -- no. You took that all away. Naturally, I wanted to eliminate you.

Olivia: Yeah, and you tried.

Heather: Yeah, I tried. But you didn't die. You should be dead by now, just like I should be, but we're both still here. You survived the LSD, but you won't survive this.

Sam: [Cries]

Caleb: [Breathing heavily] How do you feel? Are you starting to remember?

Sam: A little dizzy. A little strange.

Caleb: Ahh. It's working.

Sam: What do you -- what do you mean, it's working? What are you talking about?

Caleb: You know what I mean. You know what I mean. Deep down, in part of your soul, you've known since the first time you saw me again. In order for us to live through time bound as one... you must be as I am.

Sam: Hmm? What are you talking about, as you are?

Caleb: It's time, Livvie. It's time for you to leave this world and enter mine. It's time for you to cross over to the other side.

McBain: All right. Let's go.

Lucy: Okay.

Rafe: Hold on. I'm coming with.

Both: No!

McBain: Look, "A," we can't leave this little guy alone, can we?

Rafe: But I need to face him, okay?

McBain: Listen, you're on my watch now, okay, kid? I'm putting Danny on yours.

Rafe: Okay, but why would you do that after what I did?

McBain: Hey, look, Heather convinced you to trust her, right? It's not your fault.

Rafe: I won't make that mistake again.

McBain: I know you won't, all right? You hang tough, Buddy. I'm bringing your mom home.

Lucy: Okay. Just wait. Hey, um, listen -- I took this thing out of the professor's office, okay? I thought it might come in handy.

Rafe: What is it -- a medal?

Lucy: Yeah, it's a medal of Saint Michael. He was the archangel. You see, if you believe the legends, he was the angel that combated Lucifer when he was cast out of heaven, and it means that good always beats evil. People believe it keeps everyone safe, okay? So, listen -- I need you to hold on to it. Anywhere -- just put it in your pocket or wherever. Remember, your mother and your father -- they are watching out for you, okay? So, just hang in there. Do not forget, okay? Okay?

Rafe: Okay. I won't.

Lucy: Okay, okay, okay. Be careful.

McBain: Slayer, can we do this now?

Lucy: Yeah.

Molly: T.J., please try and understand. Sam is my sister. I love her more than anything. And Danny --

T.J.: He's the best. I know.

Molly: There's nothing I wouldn't do for them, even if it means I have to wreck my own life.

T.J.: You must be really, uh -- really freaking out.

Molly: Beyond.

T.J.: Molly, I'm sorry. I mean, lately I've been so focused on being angry, I never stopped to think about how --

Molly: No. No, no, no, T.J. I am sorry. I feel terrible about all of it.

T.J.: Me too.

Molly: I really love the Valentine's Day gift you gave me.

T.J.: You do?

Molly: Yeah. I can't wait to start writing in my new journal. I just hope my first entry isn't from juvie.

T.J.: Don't joke, please.

Molly: It was the perfect gift. And I have something for you, too, but I never got the chance to give it to you.

T.J.: Think you will?

Molly: Maybe in 15 to 20. I'm kidding.

T.J.: This is, uh -- it's pretty serious, isn't it?

Molly: Yeah. I'm in real trouble.

Kate: You slept with the woman who was keeping me from you, who's awful and deceitful, who hijacked our wedding day to announce that she's married to someone else, the woman who caused an accident that left my son brain-dead. But you know what? Let's just let it go. Let's forget it.

Sonny: That's not what I'm saying.

Kate: That's not even what hurts me the most, Sonny. [Voice breaking] What hurts me the most... is that you let her do it. You let her pull the plug on Trey. You let that imposter kill my son, and then, to celebrate, you took her to bed. I don't want to hear your empty promises, because they don't mean anything to me. You turned your back on me. You abandoned me when I was sick. And you sided with Connie. How could you leave me for her?

Sonny: I did not leave you! That's the thing! You're the one who left me!

A.J.: I got to tell you, that smile of yours is just what I need.

Elizabeth: [Chuckles] Rough day?

A.J.: Yeah, yeah. It was kind of a rough day. I just spent the last two hours telling my deep, dark secrets to the shrink.

Elizabeth: Oh, you went.

A.J.: Yeah, I went.

Elizabeth: I'm glad. How'd it go?

A.J.: You know, it was really, really nerve-wracking.

Elizabeth: [Chuckles]

A.J.: I mean, why is it that they just sort of -- they stare at you like, "Mm-hmm, mm-hmm"?

Elizabeth: I think their point is to get you to explore your own feelings and figure out what's going on for yourself.

A.J.: Really? 'Cause the only thing I wanted to explore was the exit.

Elizabeth: But you didn't.

A.J.: 'Cause of you. Thanks for pushing me to therapy.

Elizabeth: Even though you hated it.

A.J.: No, I-I didn't hate all of it. I mean, you know, once you get used to the sort of the -- that thing -- it's not that bad.

Elizabeth: Good. Well, was it helpful? Were you able to get to the root of your issue?

A.J.: I'm getting there.

Elizabeth: I'm sorry. That was so rude of me. I'm pry-- you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.

A.J.: No. I-I mean, I don't, except with you.

Caleb: Rest now, Sweetheart. I want you to be ready for the final one... the one that will finally seal our union. I have been planning this so long. I have a beautiful gift for you, and when you awake, you'll be as blissful as I am.

Lucy: Wow. This place could use a little track lighting, maybe some heat.

McBain: Yeah.

Lucy: [Breathing heavily] Okay. Oh, great. What do you think? What do we do?

Molly: Do you think Sam and Danny are okay?

T.J.: Your sister's pretty tough. Put my money on her every time.

Molly: I just wish we'd hear something already.

T.J.: You want me to check it out?

Molly: Would you?

T.J.: Yeah, yeah. And I'll see if I can track Shawn down, as well.

Molly: Thank you. I would really, really appreciate that.

T.J.: No problem. Uh, Molly, I-I'm sorry I came in all hot and yelled at you. I was just scared.

Molly: I know. I'm scared, too.

T.J.: I mean, you know I would hate -- hate, hate, hate -- if anything were to happen to you.

Molly: I'm really happy you're here.

T.J.: I care about you, Molly -- a lot. And, uh, I just...don't want to lose what we've got because of Rafe.

Rafe: We got an angel watching over us. You know, Molly -- Molly asked me if I was named after an angel -- Raphael. I mean, I always thought I was named after my father, but who knows? It could have been deeper than that. I never really got the chance to ask my mom. I miss her... so much. I know you miss your mom, too, Buddy. That's my fault. [Sighs] My mom always said, you know, "First things first," so I guess first up is an apology. I'm sorry, Danny Boy, for handing you over to that Heather lady. I had no idea she was crazy.

Heather: No, no! Steven Lars, why did you get in the way?!

Olivia: I've got to put pressure on the wound! Heather! God, Steve! Steve! Steve, talk to me. Can you talk to me? Can you talk to me?

Heather: No, he can't talk to you! Look what you did.

Olivia: What I did?! You just stabbed your own son! Honey, please open your eyes. Open your eyes. Look at me. Oh, God. It's okay. No, save your strength. Save your strength. Honey, I'm gonna get you all fixed up. I'm gonna get someone here to take care of you, 'cause you've got to be okay. [Crying] Honey, we've got a wedding to plan. Okay. I'll call 911. Here. Here. Put pressure on that. Press down hard!

Heather: Okay. I'm here, Steven Lars, just like I always have been. I'm here.

Kate: I left you? Are you serious?

Sonny: I needed you more than I ever had, and you weren't here.

Kate: Well, I'm sorry, Sonny.

Sonny: I'm not trying to -- I'm not placing blame on anybody.

Kate: You are.

Sonny: No. I'm just letting you know how difficult it was for me to look at your beautiful face, to see your eyes, and you not be able to look back at me. I did everything I could to get past Connie to break through to you. My body would physically ache for you to come back to me. My whole world was crumbling. And the one person -- the one person -- that I could talk to was not here.

Kate: Did something else happen besides me?

Sonny: I was losing Michael at the time. I was grieving for Jason.

Kate: What do you mean, J--

Sonny: He's dead. He was shot.

Kate: What?

Sonny: Thrown into the harbor like -- like a dog.

Kate: Oh, my God.

Sonny: He was closer to me...than a brother. You know that. And I trusted him more than anyone except you. And -- and when I lost both of you... I'm surprised I'm still standing.

Kate: I'm really sorry about Jason. You know I would have wanted to be there for you.

Sonny: I'm not trying to make you feel guilty, Kate. I'm just saying that I lost somebody, too, and I know -- I know what that feels like. God, I missed you.

Kate: [Cries] I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. But it's not my fault, Sonny. I didn't choose to abandon you or for Connie to take over. I have no control over any of it.

Sonny: You sure about that?

Lucy: [Breathing heavily] Okay. What do you think? What do you think we should do?

McBain: Split up. It's the best chance we have of finding Sam.

Lucy: [Sighs] Faster that way, huh?

McBain: Yeah. Uh...hey. Good luck, Lucy.

Lucy: You too, John. Okay. [Sighs]

Caleb: Livvie. There isn't a woman in the world as beautiful as you.

Sam: What is this?

Caleb: Hey.

Sam: Why -- why can't I --

Caleb: I didn't want you to hurt yourself.

Sam: My hand hurts. What are you doing?

Caleb: This? Oh. Your wedding dress. And look. I want to show you something. You see this? This was our most beautiful day -- the day you understood what it was to give in to me, and you did so willingly. You made me so happy.

Sam: That's not me. That's not me.

Caleb: [Chuckles] Thought perhaps the -- the picture would help you remember, but you're not ready yet.

Sam: Ready for what? What are you talking about?

Caleb: Livvie... it's time for you to say goodbye to this life. It's time for you to surrender to a peaceful sleep.

Sam: I don't want to die.

Caleb: Die? "Dying" is a word used by people who don't understand the possibilities. To the weak and ordinary, dying is the end, but to the extraordinary, it's just the beginning. We are born again into a new and vibrant world full of knowledge and power. Our minds will merge, and we will whisper in ways humans could never imagine. And the one thing that we believe denied to us -- a child, Livvie -- there are already two -- yours and mine... together.

Kate: Are you suggesting that I wanted Connie to take over?

Sonny: Not consciously, no.

Kate: Deep down?

Sonny: All I know is that I told you over and over again that I loved you, that I would help you through this, and then when you found out about Trey, you didn't come to me. You let Connie handle it.

Kate: No, I didn't let Connie do anything. It's not a choice for me.

Sonny: But what if it is?

Kate: I have an illness, Sonny! I thought you understood that!

Sonny: Of course, I do!

Kate: No, you don't! You don't. Connie came out, because she thought that I couldn't deal with my son, Trey. I don't know why she did it. Regardless, it was her decision. So, for you to stand there and pin this on me after what she did to me -- I will never know my son! I will never have a smile, a laugh, or share a hug. She took him from me.

Sonny: And I'm sorry about that.

Kate: And she took you from me, too.

A.J.: Well, you know, I told the psychiatrist that I thought all the stress came from, you know, coming home, trying to prove myself to Michael and the rest of the family. Succeeding at ELQ -- that was my way of dealing with it in proving myself, and now the company's completely in the -- it's in the toilet.

Elizabeth: That's a lot of pressure.

A.J.: Yeah, well, it turns out that that's not my problem.

Elizabeth: The therapist told you that?

A.J.: Oh, no. Of course not. No, no. Just like you said, they want the answers to come from you. So, she, you know, kept asking me about my past.

Elizabeth: Ohh. Yeah, I-I kind of had a feeling your panic attacks went deeper than ELQ. I mean, just with everything that -- you know, the things that happened right before you disappeared.

A.J.: You mean all the havoc I wreaked?

Elizabeth: I was trying to put a nice spin on it.

A.J.: I appreciate that. Thank you.

Elizabeth: You made a lot of mistakes, I know.

A.J.: Yeah.

Elizabeth: But you are also the victim, especially at the end, when you were almost murdered.

A.J.: Oh, yeah -- right here in this hospital. Good times.

Elizabeth: It makes sense why being here in this place brings up a lot of bad things, right? You don't have to tell me any of this if you don't want to.

A.J.: I do want to.

Kate: Sonny, I said go away, please.

Sonny: I'm not gonna leave you here by yourself.

Kate: Please leave me alone!

Sonny: You don't need to do this now!

Kate: I do! I need to see where it happened! I need to see where Connie killed my son.

[Indistinct conversations]

Olivia: No! No, Heather!

Heather: [Grunts]

Olivia: Psycho! God!

Steven: Liv? Mother?!

Olivia: Steve!

Heather: Steven Lars.

Steven: Let her go.

Heather: No.

Steven: Let her go.

Heather: No, no, no. It's better this way. You got to listen to me. We don't need Olivia.

Steven: Let her go! Ohh!

Olivia: Ohh! Ohh! Oh, God! Ohh!

Steven: [Gasps]

Olivia: Ohh! Ohh! [Crying] I love you.

Heather: [Crying] I love you, Steven Lars. Ohh!

EMT: Okay. What -- what happened?

Olivia: His mother stabbed him!

Heather: It was an accident. It wasn't my fault.

EMT: The police are on their way right now. You can sort that out with them.

Heather: Just save my son.

Olivia: The police are coming, and you're gonna have to pay for what you did. What the hell is the matter with you?! I tried to stop the bleeding, but it was so much blood.

EMT: It's all right, ma'am. We'll do everything we can for him.

EMT: It's a deep laceration. I have compression.

Heather: I love you so much. Please just don't let him die. Don't let him die.

EMT: We'll do an I.V. in the truck.

Olivia: He's gonna be all right, isn't he?

EMT: I don't know.

Sonny: I'm still here, Kate, and I always will be.

Kate: I don't want to do this right now, Sonny. I don't want to fight with you.

Sonny: Can we just start over?

Kate: Fresh start? Like the one I could have had with my son? No. Trey's gone, and I have to come to grips with that before I come to grips with anything else. So, I need to stand here and mourn -- alone. I need you to go.

Sonny: No matter what happened with Connie -- how or why she was able to take over, whether you let her in or not -- doesn't -- doesn't matter to me. The only thing that's important... is that I love you -- you, Kate. And I'm not gonna stop.

Molly: When Danny and Sam disappeared, the first person I wanted to call was you. I miss you, T.J. Did they find my sister?

Shawn: Uh, no. Sorry.

T.J.: What about the others?

Shawn: Well, if there's any word on John, Lucy, and Rafe, nobody's saying.

Molly: Do I even want to ask about my mom?

T.J.: I mean, yeah -- does she have a prayer of getting out of this mess?

Molly: Or am I going to jail?

Rafe: Don't worry, Danny Boy. John and Lucy will be back for us soon.

A.J.: My, uh, shrink said it would be good for me to talk about this, you know, with someone I trust.


[Rapid footsteps approach]

Cindy: What have we got?

EMT: Severe knife wound, massive blood loss.

Elizabeth: Oh, my God! Steven! What happened?!

EMT: BP is 76/37.

Elizabeth: Who did this?

Olivia: Heather.

EMT: Pulse rate's 142 and thready. He's going into shock.

Cindy: Let's get him in Trauma 1.

Olivia: No, wait! Heather -- she's alive!


Rafe: Hmm. Hear that, Danny Boy? It must be another entrance to the tunnels. John and Lucy are bringing your mom back. That's probably them right now.

[Door opens]

Lucy: Ohh. Caleb! Where the hell are you?!


Caleb: It's time.

Sam: No. No.

Caleb: One little bite... and you'll remember everything -- that you're Livvie -- that you are Livvie and we are destined to be together.

Sam: Please don't hurt me. Please.

Caleb: [Chuckles] When our blood mixes together, you'll wake up in a world where anything's possible.

Sam: No! [Breathing heavily]

Caleb: We're soul mates forever, Livvie.

Sam: No. No!

McBain: Get your hands off her!

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