GH Transcript Monday 2/25/13

General Hospital Transcript Monday 2/25/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread by Brenda

Patrick: Hello. I'm Patrick, and I'm an addict.

All: Hi, Patrick.

Patrick: Hello. And it feels like a lifetime ago that I started using. In reality, it was just this -- this last winter. I started using drugs to try and fall asleep, to get up in the morning, try and get through my day, but mostly to try and forget... to try and dull the pain of what I lost... more importantly, who I lost. It's been a year since my wife died.

Starr: People say that it gets better with time. And it does. I've been able to find a little bit of happiness, but... when I think back on everything that we lost that night... I miss you so much -- both of you.

Kate: So you're telling me what happened to Trey is Connie's fault?

Sonny: It was an accident.

Kate: Are you saying that I didn't kill Starr Manning's child? I killed my own son?

Sonny: That's not --

Olivia: Honey, no.

Sonny: That's not what happened.

Olivia: It wasn't -- it was not your fault.

Kate: It was Connie! You said it was Connie!

Sonny: That's right. It was Connie -- exactly -- not you.

Kate: Connie is me, Sonny! I am Connie. We are one, which means my hands were on the wheel, which means my son's blood is on my hands.

Sonny: Listen, you got to stop talking like this, 'cause you're just gonna get yourself all worked --

Kate: What have I done?

Steve: Looks like your visions did not come to pass this time, just like they didn't the last time, since Sabrina and I haven't gotten all wet and wild --

Sabrina: Oh! Oh! [Gasps] Oh, my God!

Anna: Anything on the escapees?

Officer: Could be a coincidence, but the campus guard reported a break-in at the university.

Anna: Which building?

Officer: Dewitt Hall.

Anna: Professor Mosser's office.

Officer: Mm-hmm.

Anna: That's the man who was murdered when John was in lockup.

McBain: There's a whole lot of hoo-ha in this book about how vampires supposedly came and went. They used a form of hypnosis that gave the people the impression that they had been dreaming.

Rafe: Do you think that might have been what really happened?

Lucy: No. No, no, no, no. If Caleb and I crossed paths in anything but a dream state, one of us would have ended up dead.

McBain: Where were you when you had this dream?

Lucy: It was Heather's idea. We went to that creepy place on Spoon Island.

McBain: Wyndemere.

Lucy: Yeah, Wyndemere.

McBain: That's where I'm going next.

Caleb: Welcome home.

Sam: Where am I? Is this Wyndemere?

Caleb: Careful.

Sam: Don't touch me.

Caleb: You've only just returned to the land of the living.

Sam: Please get away.

Caleb: You're finally with me, as you were meant to be. We're reunited and will remain so. Forever.

Kate: My kid never had a chance with me as his mother.

Sonny: Why would you even say that, Kate?

Kate: Because it's true, Sonny. It's the truth. I left him to die.

Sonny: Come here. Let's go -- let's go over here.

Olivia: Sit down.

Kate: I don't want to sit down. Please, I just want answers. Okay? So please tell me -- how did he die?

Olivia: Please don't.

Kate: Was it quick? Did he suffer?

Olivia: This isn't the time.

Kate: When is it the time, Liv?! When would be the time to discuss losing my son -- my one and only son?

Sonny: We weren't keeping anything from you. We just -- we don't want to throw everything at you at once.

Kate: I understand, but if this was Dante, you'd want to know everything, right? Every detail? What he said, what he saw. What were his last moments like? That's all I want to know. So, please, I can take it. Tell me. Please tell me how -- how did I kill my son?

Starr: It isn't fair. Is it fair if I live the rest of my life and if I'm happy... without you?

Michael: Hey, sorry. Did I scare you?

Starr: No. What are you doing here?

Michael: Uh...well, it was a year ago we met here on this road. It was a year ago when I made you a promise.

Starr: My boyfriend! My boyfriend and my daughter! They're in that car! Please, they can't get out! They need help!

Michael: But how'd you get out?! How'd you get out?!

Starr: The passenger-side door -- it's the only door that works, but the car keeps slipping. It's going to fall any second! You need to get them out! Please promise me.

Michael: I promise you.

Michael: And, uh... I'm sorry I couldn't keep it.

Starr: [Breathes heavily]

Patrick: I thought the pills were gonna make things easier, but they didn't. You know, I almost lost everything -- my career, my daughter, our beautiful little girl. But by the grace of God, I was able to hold on. 200 days and counting.


Patrick: And I'm one of the lucky ones. You know, I have friends that support me, and I've made great friends. And... I continue to make more.

Sabrina: I'm so sorry. Mr. Hoffman told me to get rid of these. He didn't want them because they were from his mother-in-law, and I just -- I wasn't paying attention. Oh, my God. You're soaked.

Steve: It's okay. It's all right.

Sabrina: No, it is so far from okay. Here, look -- why don't you take your shirt off and put this on?

Steve: No, I can dress myself just fine, thanks. I'll do it in the privacy of the locker room.

Sabrina: Right. Sorry.

Steve: You already said that.

Sabrina: Well, that was an apology for the spill. This one's for weirdly and inappropriately acting like your mother.

Steve: I sure hope not. My mother's dead.

Sabrina: Oh, my God.

Steve: Sabrina, relax. Now, if you'll excuse me.

Lucy: Okay. Then let's go to Wyndemere. I want to take care of Caleb once and for all!

McBain: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait, wait, wait! Listen, I think I should be the one doing the confronting here.

Lucy: I am the vampire slayer. I was divinely appointed to take care of that stupid bloodsucker! It's me. I go.

McBain: All right, tell you what -- if I find a vampire, I'll let you know. Until then, Lucy, I think at this point, you need to accept this guy is not a vampire! You can read all about it right here, all right? This guy, Stephen Clay, he's just a guy who had a psychotic break after his wife died, all right? He made himself believe he's a vampire, and he went on a killing spree!

Lucy: No! No. That Stephen Clay is just an alias. That creature's name is Caleb Morley. He wears that ring of an ancient vampire clan! That's where he gets all his power. He's real.

McBain: He's not real. He's not of a clan. He's not an immortal. He's just a killer, and he is dangerous. I'm going in there unarmed, so I cannot help you. I cannot protect you!

Lucy: Just wait. Who said anything about being unarmed?

Caleb: Drink this, Livvie.

Sam: My name isn't Livvie. It's Sam. I am Sam Morgan. What did you do to me? Where's my son? Where's Danny?

Caleb: Oh, he's safe and sound. As a matter of fact, he's right over here.

Sam: What did you do to me?

Caleb: I would not harm a hair on his pretty little head, not that he has that many.

Sam: What did you do?

Caleb: You and I had so much to discuss that I couldn't have you running around.

Sam: You drugged me.

Caleb: No, not exactly.

Sam: Danny...

Kate: So, you said it was a car accident New Year's Eve.

Sonny: That's right.

Kate: Did it happen then? Did he die on impact?

Olivia: The way Kristina told it, he seemed fine.

Sonny: He was walking, talking, he was a little banged up, but, you know... he even helped Kristina.

Kate: He did?

Sonny: Yeah, she -- she collapsed. She wasn't breathing. He gave her mouth-to-mouth, you know? And I'll always be grateful for that.

Kate: Yeah. I don't understand how he went from being fine to not.

Olivia: I guess there was some internal injuries. I'm guessing he probably didn't feel them at first from all the adrenaline from the accident.

Kate: Yeah.

Sonny: I guess it just caught up to him.

Kate: And then what?

Sonny: Then, you know, he just -- he went down.

Kate: He died in the middle of the road.

Olivia: They took him to General Hospital, and -- and... the doctors did everything they could.

Kate: Did they operate on him? Did they lose him on the table?

Sonny: It wasn't on the table.

Kate: Tell me how he died.

Starr: Michael... what happened to Cole and Hope had absolutely nothing to do with you, no matter what I said back then.

Michael: I am so sorry I couldn't save them.

Starr: I am so sorry if I ever made you feel...

Michael: Look, your whole world was torn away. You needed somebody to hold responsible.

Starr: And I found him.

Michael: My dad.

Starr: I would have killed Sonny, thanks to Johnny and all of his lies. If you hadn't stopped me...

Michael: But I did.

Starr: I have to do it!

Michael: Think -- think about Cole and Hope, how much you love them, how much they loved you! If you do this, if you pull that trigger, you really are gonna lose them because, Starr, you're gonna lose yourself. Trust me. Starr, trust me -- it's not worth it. Starr!

Starr: I would be in prison right now. I would be... if it wasn't for you.

Patrick: Hey.

Sabrina: Hi.

Patrick: Sorry to walk in on you. Usually, it's deserted this time of night.

Sabrina: Yeah, that's why I came.

Patrick: I'll give you some privacy.

Sabrina: No, please, stay.

Patrick: Okay.

Sabrina: Patient?

Patrick: I told Emma I would come and light a candle for Robin. A year ago.

Sabrina: Oh, Patrick, I'm sorry.

Patrick: Mm-hmm.

Sabrina: How are you doing?

Patrick: Well, I've been better. But I have been worse.

Sabrina: How's Emma?

Patrick: Emma -- we, uh -- we went and fed some squirrels.

Sabrina: Oh.

Patrick: Robin used to take her down there all the time. It used to drive me crazy.

Sabrina: Oh, you're not a squirrel fan.

Patrick: No, they're like glorified rats with bushy tails.

Sabrina: [Laughs] Okay.

Patrick: But it's tradition, so... got to keep that alive, right?

Sabrina: Well, Emma is lucky to have a dad like you.

Patrick: Oh, I'm the lucky one. She's amazing, you know? She's not only the best daughter in the world, but... she has so many people that care about her, that support her, you know -- family and friends and... you.

Anna: Well?

Officer: Campus security's on standby until further notice.

Anna: Okay, good. Anything else? Any more information?

Officer: A more detailed description of our perps -- tall woman, kid, a man with longish hair.

Anna: Okay, that's them. Alert all units in the vicinity of the university. We need to establish a perimeter as discreetly as possible. The last thing we want to do is to tip off our threesome.

McBain: Guess I should've taken that refresher course in spear-throwing at the college.

Lucy: Uh, by the way, that is not a spear. It's a pike -- not very practical. I suggest you go with the battle axe.

McBain: Where we going? The crusades?

Lucy: Listen, I know you would prefer a modern gun, but we can't exactly go by your apartment to get yours.

McBain: No, that's the first place the cops would look. Well... then I guess I'll just have to adapt.

Rafe: All right, look -- can we just get going? The faster we get to Wyndemere, the faster we can save Danny and his mom.

McBain: You're not going to Wyndemere, all right? I'm gonna put you somewhere safe. You're not going anywhere near Caleb.

Rafe: The hell I'm not! I need to face him. He needs to pay for taking my mom. Don't tell me you wouldn't do the Same. You know, if someone killed one of your parents, you wouldn't be able to just let it go.

Lucy: Okay. Thank you.


Sam: You've bit me.

Caleb: You need to remember who you are... who I am... and who we are to each other.

Sam: My son. Please give me my son.

Caleb: Danny's safe. No harm will ever come to him, Livvie.

Sam: Stop. Stop calling me Livvie.

Caleb: It'll all come back to you. I'll help you remember who you're supposed to be.

Sam: Please just let us go. Give me my baby, please. We have a family.

Caleb: I'm your family. I know I didn't always give you cause to believe that... when I slept with Alison and she bore my child. [Sighs] But you -- you set all that in motion when you took my ring and you made that wish. You shouldn't have done that. Don't you understand you tore us -- you tore us apart? But we have...all eternity to put it back together. I've already started to set things right.

Sam: How? By killing Alison?

Caleb: Things have come full circle, Livvie. I hurt you. Your hurt me... when you ran off and had a -- a child with some...person. But I will accept your son... if you accept mine.

Steve: Mm. Seriously?

Elizabeth: Steven Webber.

Steve: Don't you know not to sneak in on somebody like that?

Elizabeth: What are you doing?

Steve: Searching for jelly. What's it look like?

Elizabeth: Um, looks like you're stealing doughnuts from the N.A. meeting.

Steve: Relax. The meeting's over.

Elizabeth: And?

Steve: I'm stressed, okay?

Elizabeth: Something happen with a patient?

Steve: No.

Elizabeth: Well, then what's the problem?

Steve: Nothing major. Just my imminent violent death.

Patrick: So, what happened here? I wasn't gonna say anything, but...

Sabrina: Oh. [Sighs] I crashed into Dr. Webber with an overwatered flower arrangement. You should see him.

Patrick: Well, I wouldn't worry about it. He takes any opportunity he can to strut his stuff in the locker room. [Chuckles] No. Not that funny, huh?

Sabrina: Oh, I'm sorry, no. I -- I -- I didn't... [Sighs] I don't know. I don't know what I am.

Patrick: The inquiry?

Sabrina: No word yet.

Patrick: Your nerves must be shot.

Sabrina: Yeah. Yeah, that's part of it, but I just... I don't know. We'll say I just can't stop thinking about Officer Carlson.

Patrick: Right. That's who the candle was for.

Sabrina: He was studying for his detective's exam. Married, three kids. They were planning their first trip to Disney World this summer.

Patrick: How do you know all that?

Sabrina: I went to his memorial service, sat in the back. Is that weird?

Patrick: No. It's human. You feel guilty. I get it. This isn't gonna help, but, you know, these things happen.

Sabrina: Not to everyone. I -- I knew a nurse who never messed up the way that I did -- a nurse who never lost a patient so carelessly.

Patrick: She was very fortunate, then.

Sabrina: She was... she was amazing. And I wanted to be the same kind of nurse... the nurse my mother was.

Starr: I'm serious, Michael. I should be in a cell in Pentonville right now.

Michael: What, for doing nothing wrong?

Starr: Attempted murder isn't something wrong? Yes, you talked me down, but that's still committing a crime. The only reason why I'm not serving time right now is because our dads made a deal with each other and because you agreed to perjure yourself.

Michael: I should've never turned you in to the cops in the first place, okay? You are obviously an amazing girl. You just made a mistake.

Starr: And I never paid for it.

Michael: You owned up to what you did, okay? You apologized. That's payment enough.

Starr: Thank you so much for forgiving me.

Michael: Hey. We forgave each other.

Kate: All right, if Trey didn't die in surgery, then how did he die?

Olivia: He -- he suffered an aneurysm.

Kate: Oh. 'Cause of the crash?

Sonny: They couldn't be sure. He was in bad shape, you know? Trey was with us, and he wasn't with us.

Kate: What -- what do you mean? Was his heart beating? Was he breathing?

Sonny: With the help of machines. He was brain-dead.

Olivia: We had to make a decision -- to either let Trey waste away in bed or that we had to let him go.

Kate: "We"? Who's "we"? Who decided to take him off life support? Stop looking at each other. You better tell me.

Sonny: It was up to the next of kin.

Kate: Connie. You let Connie take my son... off of life support?

Anna: Police!

Caleb: Been apart too long for this reunion to be easy. But I'm patient. In time, you'll remember me. You'll remember us.

Sam: What are you talking about? There is no "us." I am not Livvie. I -- I have never been Livvie. Whoever she is, you must have loved her a lot to go through all this trouble, but, please, I can't replace her! I need my son! Let us go!

Caleb: It'll take three times.

Sam: What are you talking about? Three times for what? [Gasps]

Elizabeth: So I guess this is about Olivia's vision?

Steve: Premonition.

Elizabeth: A vision about you being stabbed. We've already talked about this. They don't always come true, right?

Steve: Name one.

Elizabeth: Well, you didn't have a shower with Sabrina, did you?

Steve: As a matter of fact, I did.

Patrick: You said "was." Is your mom not a nurse anymore?

Sabrina: She passed away.

Patrick: Wow. I'm so sorry, Sabrina. I didn't know.

Sabrina: It's okay.

Patrick: I just... can't believe I haven't asked that before. I -- I didn't --

Sabrina: No, don't -- don't worry about it. It's not exactly the first thing you ask someone.

Patrick: But we're kind of past the first questions, don't you think? I mean, we're friends. I want to know these things. I -- I -- I should know these things. I mean, of course, if you want to talk about them.

Sabrina: Sure. Uh, okay. Where do I start? Well, my mother was... she was my hero.

Patrick: Really?

Sabrina: Yeah. I wanted to be just like her -- a loving, capable nurse who treated her patients like people, you know? Not like patients. Or, at least, that's how it seemed. I was really little when she died.

Patrick: Like, how little? Like -- like Emma little?

Sabrina: Yeah.

Patrick: Must have been pretty tough on your dad.

Sabrina: Uh... he couldn't even function, much less take care of me, so he sent me to live with my cousins in Puerto Rico.

Patrick: I wasn't much use after Robin died, either.

Sabrina: Yeah, but you pulled it together for Emma. My father couldn't do that for me.

Patrick: Well, I'm sure he wanted to.

Sabrina: Well, he's just not as strong as you are.

Starr: You know, it's kind of amazing that we ended up together. We probably shouldn't even be friends.

Michael: Yeah, we were pretty cautious around each other for a while there.

Starr: But then things changed. What?

Michael: Oh, nothing.

Starr: What? Don't "nothing" me.

Michael: [Laughs] I was just thinking about the moment that things changed for me.

Starr: Ooh, ooh just like that can't get you off my mind how unexpected I never would've guessed it was you

Michael: It was watching you sing... 'cause you were so beautiful and amazing and just... I'll never forget it.

Starr: Me neither. Or what you said after. We were pretty much goners after that.

Michael: Oh, I know I was.

Starr: [Laughs]

[Fireworks exploding]

Michael: And our friendship was over.

Starr: And something else... something way better had begun.

Kate: So, Connie not only left Trey a vegetable, she took him off life support.

Sonny: Trey was an organ donor. It took a lot of convincing, but in the end, Connie did the right thing. She honored his decision.

Kate: It wasn't her honor to give, Sonny. Connie is not Trey's mother. I am. I was.

Sonny: What else did you want us to do?

Kate: I want you to wait. Wait for me. Keep Connie from pulling the plug. Let him live long enough for me to say goodbye to my own son.

Sonny: There was no other option. There was people waiting, families waiting.

Kate: For what?

Sonny: For the gift that only Trey can give them. If Connie had waited, other people die.

Olivia: Trey died a hero, okay? You got to hold on to that.

Kate: But I just want to hold on to my son.

Anna: Go, go, go.

Officer: Wonder how long ago they cleared out? Clear.

Anna: Okay. I don't know. The monitor's still warm. I wonder what they were looking for. Oh, my God. Look at this. Stephen Clay. Well, he's not a vampire. He's an escaped mental patient. So, apparently, he suffered a psychotic break after the death of his wife, Livvie. Well, that explains who Caleb is. Doesn't explain why he looks exactly like John, though.

Sam: Please just leave my son alone. Please.

Caleb: I would never hurt Daniel. I love him as my own.

Sam: Then let us go, please. No! No, no, no.

Caleb: Three times, Livvie. Once I taste your blood three times, then all this will come back to you.

Sam: No, please! Don't! Don't!

Caleb: Twice more and our reunion will become complete.

Sam: No, please. No!

[Door slams]

Lucy: Caleb! Come out, Caleb! Let's finish this.

Patrick: You miss her? Your mom?

Sabrina: Yeah. All the time. But I keep a piece of her close.

Patrick: Is that hers?

Sabrina: Yeah. She used to listen to my heart with it and say that it told her stories... secrets about me... things that only my heart knew and... like -- like what I'd be when I grew up, you know? And I'd say, "a nurse like you?" And she'd just smile and say, "Mija, it could be anything."

Patrick: 'Cause you can be anything.

Sabrina: But she never said what. Wasn't her secret to tell.

Patrick: I like that. I'm gonna steal that. Is that okay? Use it with Emma?

Sabrina: Yeah, go for it. She'll love it. I use it with all my younger patients. I tell them exactly what my mom told me -- that -- that their heart will let them know when it's ready, and then it's up to them to make their dream come true.

Patrick: Your mom would be very proud of you, Sabrina.

Sabrina: For not graduating from nursing school?

Patrick: No, don't say that. That stethoscope is gonna get a lifetime of use. I promise.

Sabrina: You think so?

Patrick: Come on. You brought the Nurses' Ball back to reality. You're gonna do the same with your dreams.

Michael: You are totally revising history. You wanted nothing to do with me.

Starr: What? No, I wanted everything to do with you. I just -- I wasn't sure if I was ready. [Laughs] Do you remember our first date?

Michael: Oh, yeah. I was never that nervous in my entire life.


Michael: You look -- you look great.

Starr: Thank you. So do you.

Michael: Well, thank you. Uh... so, you -- you ready for this?


Michael: I'm just kidding with you. Look, I'm glad you were careful, and you were able to figure out exactly what you wanted.

Starr: Who I wanted. You.

Michael: Well, you got me.

Kate: Connie squandered every chance I had to be with my son, and she killed him.

Olivia: Honey, it took everything in her to sign those papers.

Kate: You on her side now, Liv?

Olivia: No, honey, I'm on your side, always -- always. I'm just telling you this was not easy for Connie.

Sonny: She -- she ended up, you know... coming around with Trey.

Kate: On his death bed? Well, that's convenient.

Sonny: It hurt her as much as it hurt you is what I'm saying.

Kate: Are you defending her now, Sonny?

Sonny: No, Kate, I'm just saying you didn't see her.

Kate: No, I didn't see her. You know why? Oh, that's right. Because she has been forcing me down, keeping me away from everything and everybody that I hold dear, and you're making her sound like a human being.

Sonny: She is a human being.

Connie: No, she's a symptom! She shows one iota of maternal feeling... and that's all it takes for you, I guess, apparently. Couple crocodile tears and boom! You end up in bed with her.

Steve: There is something to these visions, always. Olivia saw Sabrina and me wet together, and we were wet together, and then she saw me covered in blood.

Elizabeth: Come on, Steven. You can't seriously be suggesting that --

Steve: Olivia sees a vision, it comes true somehow.

Anna: Well, that explains how Detective McBain can be in two places at once, and Stephen Clay's dead wife, Livvie, looks surprisingly like Sam. Guess that gives maybe just a little credence to Lucy's story.

Officer: What're you saying? That lady's right? There are vampires in Port Charles?

Lucy: Caleb, I know you can hear me!

Sam: Aah!

Caleb: Shh. You wouldn't want Lucy to get overexcited.

McBain: I thought I told you to wait outside. You two --

Lucy: I am not letting you fend for yourself. You need me.

McBain: No, Clay has two hostages. I was kind of hoping to sneak up on him.

Lucy: Oh, really? Do you think you can surprise a vampire? That is impossible. Their senses are a lot more attuned than ours.

McBain: Who needs attuned senses when you're yelling all over the place, all right? You just gave Clay a chance to take off.

Lucy: His name is Caleb, and he didn't take off! He's still here. I can feel him.

McBain: Oh.

Lucy: Caleb! Show yourself!

Sabrina: Well, thank you for the support. I appreciate it.

Patrick: You just got to believe it now. You have to have faith in yourself, like your mother did. Like I do.

Sabrina: I'm sorry.

Patrick: For what?

Sabrina: We've just been talking about me this whole time. Go -- go light your candle. I'll -- I'll talk to you later.

Patrick: Oh, no, hey, you don't have to go.

Sabrina: Are you sure?

Patrick: We'll light them together. All right? One for your mother and one for Robin.

Sabrina: I'd like that.

Olivia: You guys, maybe we --

Kate: So, what in particular about Connie's tour de force as a grieving mother enticed you, Sonny? Was it her tears and her running makeup? Did she throw herself over my son's body? When was the point you knew you had to have her?

Sonny: I never planned to sleep with Connie.

Kate: You just couldn't help yourself.

Sonny: No, I did everything I could to bring you back. Ask Olivia. I waited for months.

Kate: Five months!

Sonny: Five months? I don't know.

Kate: You deserve a medal for your devotion and fidelity. Well, you're gonna be waiting for the rest of your life for me and for Connie, because neither of us is ever coming back to you.

Sonny: Come on. Come here. Come here!

Kate: Stay the hell away from me, Sonny.

Michael: There's a shooting star.

Starr: What? No way! Shut up! You did not see one.

Michael: Yes, I did. It's a shooting star. Go on -- make a wish.

Starr: Okay, you have to, too.

Michael: Okay.

Starr: Close your eyes.

Michael: You done?

Starr: Yeah. You?

Michael: Yeah. What'd you wish for?

Starr: I wished for peace for Cole and Hope.

Michael: I wished for peace, too -- for you.

Starr: I'm getting there, Michael. I really am.

Michael: Take your time, okay? I'm not going anywhere.

Anna: Our first priority is to find Lucy Coe, Rafe Kovich, and Detective McBain.

Officer: Trail's pretty cold.

Anna: Not necessarily. Now we have a lead. We now know who John and Lucy are going after. Maybe we know what they intend to do with him when they find him.

Rafe: Danny Boy?

McBain: Hey, Buddy, am I -- am I glad to see you! Am I glad to see you. Hey, where's your mom, huh? Where's your mom?

Lucy: Wait. I know that baby. That's Livvie's -- that's your friend's baby, right?

McBain: Here's what we know. We know Clay was here, he was here recently. The question is, where did he take Sam?

Lucy: [Scoffs] I-- I don't know. He is a vampire. He could even fly.

McBain: Yeah, or maybe he's a guy and he's just hiding in the closet.

Elizabeth: You just admitted that Olivia's shower hallucination didn't come true in the literal sense, right?

Steve: Right.

Elizabeth: So doesn't it stand to reason that her vision of you covered in this red substance...

Steve: Blood.

Elizabeth: ...Is open to interpretation?

Steve: Interpret.

Elizabeth: Hello! You're a surgeon. Or maybe you spill ketchup on yourself at lunch. Or you went to Napa and you were stomping on grapes. I don't know! But just because Olivia saw you covered in red stuff doesn't mean you're gonna be stabbed to death.

Olivia: Did you find he--

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