General Hospital Transcript Friday 2/22/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele
Alexis: Hopefully she brought us down here 'cause she knows something about Sam and Danny.
Shawn: What the hell happened here?
Alexis: Oh, Anna, what do you know about Sam and Danny -- anything?
Anna: No, nothing yet. No, we're still working on it. That's not why you're here. I need your help with another crisis.
Alexis: Okay. I can do one crisis at a time, so --
Anna: Yeah, wait. Listen. Hear me out. Your client John McBain has escaped from his cell, taking with him Rafe Kovich.
Alexis: Rafe Kovich is Diane Miller's client.
Anna: No, I know that. John and Rafe -- they've apparently escaped with Lucy Coe, your other client, before she was able to be transferred to Ferncliff.
Lucy: Hey, all I'm saying is that maybe we should have waited until nightfall.
McBain: No. We can't wait. All right, come on. Come on. Listen, Caleb killed Professor Mosser in this office. It's our best chance to find a clue about where he might have taken Sam and Danny.
Rafe: Yeah, but, I mean, the office and building are both closed off. Aren't we gonna get in trouble for breaking in?
McBain: We're escaped fugitives. Really, how much more trouble can we get in? Okay. Let's go.
Anna: Apparently, Lucy set a fire here in the squad room in order to sneak away with all the commotion.
Alexis: Oh, swell. It doesn't make her responsible for the other prisoners.
Anna: Well, no, it doesn't. No. Lucy did not facilitate John and Rafe's escape. Your daughter did that.
Luke: I'm glad you're here.
Tracy: What a coincidence. I am so glad you're here. I have wonderful news.
Luke: The Mayans weren't wrong. They were just a couple of months off.
Tracy: A.J. Quartermaine suffers from panic attacks. How fabulous is that?
Luke: Well, that's great for his therapist and his pharmacist, I guess.
Tracy: No, for ELQ! Nobody wants a CEO who falls apart at the first sign of trouble! I now have perfect grounds to oust him.
Luke: So, either he steps down or you expose him to the stockholders?
Tracy: Here's the best part -- I don't have to tell them. He does, or it's an S.E.C. violation -- nondisclosure of a debilitating condition that could adversely affect net worth. Is it too early for a celebratory drink?
Luke: No. So, what's your next move?
Tracy: To get reinstated as CEO. Have you found the missing Quartermaine heir?
Luke: I got distracted. Something happened at Lulu's Valentine's Day party that sidetracked me.
Tracy: Why? What happened?
Luke: How much time have you got?
[Door opens]
Lulu: We're closed.
Scott: I'm not here for a drink.
Lulu: We're still closed.
Scott: Well, you are your father's daughter.
Lulu: Thank you.
Scott: So, um, I thought we could, uh, clear the air, settle some unfinished business, like the fact that you killed my son.
Kate: Trey is my son. I don't even know him. I have to go to him.
Olivia: You can't.
Kate: Why? Okay, look -- if Joe Jr. thinks he's gonna come in between me and my son, he's --
Olivia: No, that's not it. Joe Jr. is dead.
Kate: What? [Gasps] [Exhales sharply] Well, I hope he rots in hell.
Olivia: I'm sure he is.
Kate: So, why can't I see my son if Joe Jr.'s dead? Liv, I have so many things I have to talk to him about. I have to tell him how sorry I am and -- oh, I have so many regrets. I just -- I can't even be-- What are you doing here, Sonny?
Sonny: We need to --
Kate: No, I was clear last night with you. I don't want to talk to you right now.
Sonny: I know what you said. You need to give me a chance. Give me a chance to explain.
Kate: No, no, no, because I'm gonna explain something to you. Liv, stop!
Sonny: Liv.
Kate: Listen, it was the shock of finding out the truth about Trey -- who he was, how he was conceived. That is what brought Connie out. That is why she's been in control for so long -- because I couldn't face the truth.
Olivia: Nobody's judging you.
Kate: I can face the truth now. Sonny, I can face my son, and I'm going to right now.
Sonny: Wait, wait. You can't do that.
Alexis: Okay, hold on a second, 'cause I'm a little confused. Molly -- this Molly, my Molly, who's gotten "A's" since she was in preschool, who never cut a class, who picks up other people's litter and puts it in the trash -- this Molly helped three prisoners escape?
Anna: Correct.
Shawn: But Molly's just a kid.
Anna: But she used Lucy's diversion to open John and Rafe's cells. I'm sorry. It's caught on tape.
Alexis: I-I-I-I don't even know what to say. What on earth possessed you to do something like that?
Molly: Lucy convinced me it was the right thing to do.
Alexis: On what planet and what universe, even Lucy Coe's, would aiding and abetting a jail break be the right thing to do?
Molly: She said it was the only way to save Sam and Danny from Caleb Morley.
Rafe: The cops have already been here. What are you hoping to find?
McBain: I don't know. You know, Mosser was doing some research for me on that ring that you saw on Caleb's finger.
Lucy: You could have just asked me. I told you I would tell you everything there is to know about Caleb.
McBain: Except for what he might have done with Sam and Danny.
Lucy: [Sighs]
McBain: Look, Caleb was in this room long enough to kill Professor Mosser, all right? Maybe he found something that we need to know. Or maybe, just maybe -- maybe he left something behind. Look.
Lucy: [Sighs]
Tracy: Don't keep me in suspense. If you're in trouble, I want to know.
Luke: I'm not in trouble. I'm just surprised. I ran into my ex.
Tracy: Oh. What did you do -- beg Anna to take you back? Was Duke there? Tell me you at least were standing, not sitting or on your hands and knees, groveling in public.
Luke: Do you really think I'd get on my knees and grovel?
Tracy: Are my concerns not valid?
Luke: Maybe, but not for the reasons you think.
Tracy: Oh, what the hell happened to you on Valentine's night?
Luke: I ran into Laura.
Lulu: When I just randomly killed your son? Is that how you think of it?
Scott: Listen, we don't have to relive this.
Lulu: Logan stalked me. He terrorized me. He attacked me. I never meant to hurt him, but he came at me. You can choose to believe that or not.
Scott: Lulu, time and distance has allowed me to see things more clearly. I'd like to put that behind us, and I'd like to work on a better relationship with you as we move forward.
Lulu: Oh, okay. Well, how 'bout this? How 'bout we move forward, and we have no relationship whatsoever, okay?
Scott: No, it's not okay, because --
Lulu: Would you please excuse me? I have to put all of these decorations away and get the new theme loaded in.
Scott: You've got a new theme?
Lulu: Yeah. The Oscars are this Sunday.
Scott: Oscars, huh?
Lulu: Yes, they're a lot of fun, and people watch them. Why are you still here?
Scott: 'Cause I'm hoping that you're gonna give me a second chance now that...we're gonna be family.
Lulu: What are you talking about?
Scott: I'm gonna be your stepfather. Your beautiful mother has agreed to marry me.
Tracy: Laura? Not Lauren, the missing Quartermaine heir -- another Freudian slip?
Luke: No, not this time.
Tracy: Laura Laura? Laura Vining-Webber-Baldwin-Spencer, mother of Lulu, Lucky, and Nikolas?
Luke: That's the one. I didn't even know she was in the country. I walked into her on the deck of the Haunted Star.
Tracy: That was the ex you were referring to?
Luke: It's not what you were expecting, is it?
Tracy: I thought the whole point was that she was supposed to stay in Paris, so that she could get outpatient treatment from her specialists.
Luke: Well, apparently, her doctors feel she's well enough to travel.
Tracy: And there's no place she'd rather be than next to Lulu while Lulu and Dante await the birth of their child.
Luke: That's part of it.
Tracy: I'm sorry that you felt blindsided. Given your history, it must have been pretty awkward.
Luke: Well, it got really awkward when she introduced her fiancé.
Tracy: Her fiancé? Oh. She's found a new man?
Luke: No, she found an old man -- Scott Baldwin.
Tracy: [Spits out her drink]
Laura: Scotty, I thought you were going to wait for me.
Scott: Hello, beautiful. Did you get my note?
Laura: Yes, I got it, and thank you for leaving it, but I wish that you would have waited for me to tell my daughter about this.
Scott: I just wanted to talk to Lulu privately. I hope you're not upset that I let the cat out of the bag, but it's not exactly a secret, right?
Laura: No, of course, it's not a secret. It's just that I would have liked to have been the one to tell my daughter about our engagement.
Scott: Well, I just assumed you might have, you know, shared the good news.
Lulu: Okay, one, no one believes you, and, two, please tell me that he's lying. Tell me that you're not gonna marry this man after what he did to me -- what he did to you.
Scott: Lulu, those things are in the past.
Laura: Could you give me some time alone with my daughter?
Scott: Yeah. Yeah. I got some business to take care of, so I'll come back and pick you up later. Lulu, I'm glad we had this talk.
Lulu: What? Mom, what are you doing?
Laura: [Chuckles]
Molly: Lucy said this man Caleb -- the one who looks like Detective McBain -- she thinks he has Sam and Danny. She also thinks Caleb's a vampire and that McBain is innocent.
Alexis: Oh, great. Well, that clears it all up.
Molly: Rafe told me that when Caleb had him on the pier, he said that he was his father and that they were finally gonna be together or something. Rafe could be in serious danger.
Anna: Yes, which is why -- don't you think? The jail was the safest place for him.
Shawn: Okay. So, Lucy convinced you that Rafe was in danger? That explains why you helped him escape. Why'd you let McBain go?
Molly: Lucy thinks that Caleb will come after Rafe, so Rafe will need someone who can protect him. Besides, John really cares about Sam and Danny. If anyone can rescue them, it's him.
Lucy: Caleb is evil incarnate. He's not stupid. I don't think he just left a clue lying around somewhere.
McBain: Well, you know, there's a first time for everything.
Rafe: Who knows? Maybe he wants us to find him.
Lucy: [Sighs] You know, I-I-I still can't get over that I'm seeing you -- that you're so grown up like this.
Rafe: Do we know each other?
Lucy: Well, kind of. I-I haven't seen you since you were born. I'm just so sorry about your mother. You know, Alison was a wonderful, wonderful person.
Rafe: You know, she came to Port Charles to see you. She said that you were the only person who could help us, but she never really told me why we needed help.
Lucy: What did she tell you?
Rafe: I mean, she was never, you know, specific -- just that someone was after us, and he was dangerous and evil. I thought she was crazy.
Lucy: No. Don't say that. She was not crazy. She was a beautiful, caring person. She just happened to cross paths with the wrong --
Rafe: Vampire?
McBain: Man. Man.
Rafe: Do you know... is Caleb really my father?
McBain: Hey. Wait. Here. I got something.
Kate: Why? Why can't I go to my son? Sonny, he's alive. You know what that means to me. And Joe Jr.'s dead. Now I can have a relationship with him. I can get to know my son.
Sonny: It's not gonna happen.
Kate: I know it's not gonna be easy. I have a lot of work to do, I have a lot of apologizing to do, but I have to try, right? So, I'm gonna go to him. I'm gonna go to his apartment, and you can't stop me, Sonny.
Sonny: You're not gonna find Trey over there.
Kate: Why?
Sonny: Because Trey... is gone.
Kate: Trey's gone?
Sonny: Yeah.
Kate: What, did he go to New Orleans after his father died? Did he go to L.A. for his television-production company?
Sonny: No, he didn't go to L.A. He's, uh... I'm sorry.
Kate: Why are you sorry? What's -- where'd he go?
Sonny: You can't see Trey, because he's dead.
Tracy: Scotty Baldwin?
Luke: Yep.
Tracy: The oily ambulance chaser with the spiky hair and the dangerously high forehead?
Luke: It's even higher now.
Tracy: And Laura is --
Luke: Back together with him.
Tracy: I thought you said she was better.
Luke: Well, apparently, I was misinformed.
Tracy: Doesn't she remember all the hideous things that Scott Baldwin did?
Luke: If she does, she has gotten past them. Not me. I remember every detail of what he's done to my family. It was all I could do not to throw him off the deck of that boat.
Tracy: Why didn't you?
Luke: Because she loves him.
Tracy: Then you were right not to get involved.
Luke: Who are you, and what have you done with the vindictive dark angel that I so adore?
Tracy: Laura is a grown-up -- diminished capacity, perhaps, but a grown-up nonetheless -- and if she has the poor taste to marry Scott Baldwin for the second time, let her have him.
Luke: I don't think so.
Lulu: Why would you go back to Scott Baldwin?
Laura: Okay. I'm not going back to Scott Baldwin. What happened was we just sort of ran in to each other in Paris shortly after I moved there.
Lulu: Oh, okay. So, let me guess -- you were just strolling down the Champs-Élysées with a bottle of wine and a couple of baguettes, and he just happened to bump into you out of nowhere.
Laura: Yeah. It was pretty much exactly like that. Oh, no, no, I don't think it's a coincidence. I don't.
Lulu: Oh. So, he was stalking you? Like father, like son.
Laura: Lulu... to tell you the truth, uh... it was kind of nice to see a familiar face. I was working really hard to rebuild my life, and Scotty turned out to be incredibly supportive of that.
Lulu: Mm. So, what does he want?
Laura: He wants to rebuild his life, and I guess he wants someone to rebuild it with.
Lulu: Oh, please!
Laura: Okay. Okay, here's the important part. We reconnected, and I don't know if you know this, but we were each other's first loves.
Lulu: I'm sorry, but that doesn't erase everything that has happened since then.
Laura: No, it doesn't, but we've talked about it. We've admitted our mistakes and the pain that we've caused each other, and while we were sort of leaning on each other, some of those old feelings just came back.
Lulu: Hmm. Okay. So, I have one question for you. Why didn't you tell me any of this?
Laura: I didn't really want to go into all that on the phone.
Lulu: Yeah, but what about the day you came back? We had this whole conversation. You never once mentioned that you were engaged.
Laura: I wasn't engaged then. I mean, Scotty had already asked me to marry him, yes, but I wasn't sure what my answer was gonna be --
Lulu: Until you saw Dad kissing Anna.
Scott: Hello, Anna Devane.
Anna: Oh, God. Scott Baldwin.
Scott: It's been a long time.
Anna: Not long enough. Excuse me.
Scott: Oh, okay. So, no small talk. I'm here to see Lucy Coe. I understand that you have her in lockup.
Anna: Well, you heard wrong. I'm busy.
Scott: Hold up. I'm not just here as her friend. I'm her attorney.
Anna: No, you're not. Alexis Davis is.
Scott: I'm sure Alexis is doing a fine job, but now that I'm back in town, I'm sure Ms. Coe would prefer my legal expertise. So, could you point me in her direction?
Anna: No.
Scott: What do you mean, "No"? Do you want me to go to the judge, who I probably already know?
Anna: You know what? Knock yourself out. Sure.
Scott: Listen, you can't keep an attorney from his client.
Anna: Lucy's not your client yet. I just told you... we don't have her in custody.
Scott: Did Alexis spring her? Hold on a second. Did she escape?
Anna: Yes. She's --
Scott: Huh?
Anna: Yes, she escaped.
Scott: She did, huh? Boy, you got to hand it to Lucy. She's very sneaky.
Anna: You know, she wouldn't have been here anyway, 'cause she was on her way to Ferncliff, so...
Alexis: A jail break? What the hell were you thinking? I mean, do you have any idea how much trouble you're in?
Molly: Lucky I've got a good lawyer.
Shawn: Okay, look -- it's not as bad as all that, you know? I mean, Molly's not a career criminal. She's not even a delinquent.
Alexis: Well, apparently, she is now. Lucy's nuts, and she knew better.
McBain: Molly...
Molly: I'm sorry. Um, it's okay. I-I just dropped my house keys. There's nothing to worry about.
McBain: I saw the cellblock keys. Where'd you get them?
Molly: I need to get Rafe out of here. He's not safe. Please, please, please don't say anything to anyone.
McBain: I won't say anything -- if you let me out, too.
Shawn: Look, Molly, okay, maybe it'll help you in the long run if you let us know where Lucy, McBain, and Rafe are going.
Molly: [Sighs]
McBain: Rafe, you might want to check this out. There's a picture in here of that ring that you told me about with the crest that I described for Professor Mosser.
Rafe: Yeah, that's the one that you -- Caleb was wearing.
Lucy: Okay. What's the rest of it? What does it say?
McBain: All right, there's a lot of stuff in here about, uh -- about this powerful clan, the Julii. Big in ancient Rome, 350 B.C. Blah, blah, blah. Historical reference. Historical reference. Long story short, these Julii were pretty hell-bent on revenge, it looks like.
Lucy: Okay, the ring. The ring is where Caleb gets his power. What does it say specifically about that?
McBain: Specifically about the ring? Okay. Yeah, the ring. "The last time the ring surfaced was in the late 19th century. It was in the possession of a family that went by the name of Morley."
Lucy: Oh, brother. Caleb Morley -- that's him. I've been telling you all -- listen, I've told you all of this. You can research it until the cows come home. The fact is Caleb is evil. You can call him "Julii" or "Morley" or "Stephen Clay." It doesn't matter.
McBain: What's Stephen Clay?
Lucy: Stephen Clay -- it's just a name he used, an alias when he was a rock musician. It was very effective in getting young women.
McBain: Well, you know, musicians get chicks. How do you -- how do you spell that?
Lucy: Clay! C-L-A-Y. How else would you spell it?
McBain: C-L-A-Y. Hey. Hey, uh, I found him.
Rafe: Well, what does it say?
McBain: I think I just found out who your vampire really is. "Rock singer escapes from mental institution."
Rafe: That's you -- I mean, him.
McBain: "Rock musician Stephen Clay has escaped from the Laurel Hills Sanitarium in Actium, Alabama. Clay was committed to the private facility in 2003 after suffering a psychotic break in a reaction to the death of his wife, Livvie Locke Clay."
Lucy: What? Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. That can't be right. Livvie died?
McBain: Here's a picture.
Lucy: Well, now do you see why I mistook Sam for Livvie? I mean, that is if we assume they're not the same person.
McBain: Yeah. "Clay, a successful musician and performer, frequently assumed the persona and trappings of a vampire as part of his stage act." Any of this look familiar?
Lucy: Well, yes. That is Caleb up on stage, but it wasn't an act. He really is a vampire.
McBain: 'Court records indicate that following his wife's death, Clay became convinced he was, in fact, a vampire. Clay went on a bloody rampage and is believed to be responsible for as many as seven deaths. Clay was found unfit to stand trial by reason of insanity. On the day Clay was committed, he was dragged from the courtroom, screaming that he was immortal, and he would return to 'find and reclaim his wife.'"
Lucy: Okay. He was telling the truth there. I mean, Caleb is immortal.
McBain: No, Lucy. Stephen Clay is a deranged killer who's fixated on Sam, because she looks like his dead wife.
Lucy: Okay. Fine. Have it your way, okay? Maybe Caleb's a vampire, maybe he's human, but you're right. He's a deranged killer, he's a determined killer, and, sooner or later, he's gonna come looking for us. Actually, to be more precise, Rafe, he's gonna come looking for you.
Molly: [Sighs] I don't know where Lucy and John took Rafe.
Alexis: You are already in enough trouble, my friend. Covering up is not going to help.
Molly: I'm not covering for them. They didn't tell me where they went. They just left.
McBain: Thanks, Molly.
Rafe: Molly, I won't forget this.
Molly: Be careful -- both of you.
McBain: I'm gonna take care of Rafe, and I'm bringing Sam and Danny home.
Shawn: Look, Molly, you've -- you've really gone out on a limb for this boy.
Alexis: Yeah. She hid him in her room when the police were looking for him.
Molly: He needed help!
Shawn: Look, Rafe is a stranger, Molly. You know, right now, there's another boy who cares an awful lot about you. You know, he's hurt and upset. And things aren't gonna get better when he finds out about this.
Anna: Mr. Baldwin, if there's nothing else, I have a police department to run.
Scott: So, I'm here with my fiancée, and I heard about Lucy's legal problems. Did she really stake a cop with the leg of a wooden chair?
Anna: Did you say you have a fiancée?
Scott: Yes.
Anna: Congratulations.
Scott: Thank you.
Anna: So, um, what is she missing -- her faculties, her sense of the absurd? What? What is it?
Scott: No, she's perfectly fine. She has it all.
Anna: Including you, huh? Wow. Who's the lucky lady?
Scott: Laura.
Laura: Your father has every right to see whoever he wants to see. But how did you hear about this?
Lulu: Elizabeth mentioned that you had seen Dad kissing Anna the night you came back. She thought that I knew. She tried to change the subject, and I pressed her, and she told me. What I'm wondering is why you didn't tell me.
Laura: Kind of an awkward subject to discuss with your daughter. Besides, there was no point.
Lulu: The point is timing. You accept Scott's proposal after you saw Dad and Anna kissing. Is that why you came back -- to test the waters with Dad?
Laura: No! I came back for you and Dante and the baby.
Lulu: But if you hadn't seen Dad and Anna kissing, then what?
Luke: There's no way in hell I'm gonna let Laura marry that sewer rat.
Tracy: Not that it's any of your business.
Luke: She's unwell, Tracy. He's taking advantage of her.
Tracy: Maybe, but it is no longer your job to rescue Laura, not that you could help yourself.
Luke: What are you talking about?
Tracy: [Sighs heavily] Luke, why did Anna dump you? Because you're not the love of her life, and she's not the love of your life. In her heart of hearts, Anna still loves Duke, and you have never stopped loving Laura, and, lo and behold, miracle of miracles, hours after Anna sets you free, Laura arrives in town. It's kismet.
Luke: Gesundheit.
Tracy: Look at me. Do you really expect me to believe that you did not look in Laura's eyes and think, "Oh, finally, I get to have her back"?
Laura: Don't be silly. Of course, I want to marry Scotty.
Lulu: Now, but if you hadn't seen Dad with another woman, would you have accepted Scott's proposal?
Kate: What do you mean, Trey's dead? He's a perfectly healthy boy.
Olivia: Honey --
Kate: No. No, stop it. He's not dead. He can't be dead. Are you kidding me? When he was born, I put him in a drawer, alone and unprotected, and he survived. He grew up with Joe Jr. as a father, and he survived.
Olivia: I know this doesn't make any sense.
Kate: No, Liv. He is strong, he is vibrant, and he has a whole life to live. He is not dead. Because God would not be that cruel to me. God would not bring my son in my life and take him away a minute later. No. I cannot have missed the chance to get to know him. Liv, please -- please --
Sonny: Kate, he died months ago.
Kate: No! You're lying!
Sonny: Kate.
Olivia: Honey, honey, I hate it, but it's the truth. [Crying]
Kate: [Crying] No. No. Why? How did he die? How did he die?
Anna: You and Laura are back together?
Scott: Back...
Anna: Thank you.
Scott: ...And better than ever.
Anna: My God. You couldn't possibly be taking advantage of her mental instability, could you? Oh, no, sorry. That's -- I'm just being cynical.
Scott: Uh, she's perfectly sane. That's more than I can say for her ex, that old fool Spencer. But I hear you two are an item now.
Anna: Not that it's any of your business, but I'm no longer seeing him.
Scott: Really?
Anna: Mnh-mnh.
Scott: What a surprise. How long did it take for that house of cards to come crashing down?
Anna: The night before Valentine's. I'm sure you can appreciate the irony.
Molly: I'm really sorry I upset you, Mom, but I know I did the right thing.
Alexis: I am trying to understand you, Molly. I really am. But for starters, you have got to stop being swayed by lost causes.
Molly: I'm sorry. I don't happen to think Rafe is a lost cause, and I certainly don't think Sam and Danny are lost causes, either.
Alexis: Okay. Try looking at it from my perspective, okay? Not only do I have to worry about Sam and Danny now, I have to worry about you.
Molly: Well, Mom, what was I supposed to do -- turn my back on someone who needed my help or prevent someone from helping my sister? You tell me what's better -- having John McBain behind bars or out there looking for Sam?
McBain: Next question -- where would a vampire hang out?
Lucy: Wait a minute. So, now you believe me?
McBain: I believe that's what Caleb believes. Listen, he's patterning his behavior on this legend, right? So, if we can figure out what the legend would do, maybe we can anticipate his next move.
Lucy: I know his next move. If we don't find Caleb first, he's gonna find us. You know he's not gonna stop at anything until he gets Rafe.
Rafe: You really don't have to keep saying that, okay?
Lucy: I know. I am so sorry. I'm not trying to upset you. It's just we've got to keep the big picture in mind -- Caleb's ultimate goal. He's got his little family together. In his mind, he's got his wife, he thinks, and how he wants his son -- you.
Rafe: He killed my mom right in front of me and then made me watch while he killed that other cop and then almost took me who knows where? If he does find us...
Lucy: I know. I know. Hey, please believe me. I will do everything in my power to protect you. I will give my life if I have to, and Caleb knows this.
Rafe: How does Caleb know that?
Lucy: Well, he -- he -- I dreamed about him. It was really quite a nightmare, and I told him.
McBain: Hey, wait, wait. This nightmare -- was this something that happened recently?
Lucy: Well, yeah. When Todd and Heather and I were hiding out after escaping from Ferncliff, I dreamed that Caleb found me and he told me that he would not stop. Nothing can prevent him from getting to you.
McBain: Right. Listen. When you had this nightmare, this dream, whatever it was, where were you? Where were you hiding out?
Lucy: What does it matter where I was? I was dreaming.
McBain: Maybe you weren't.
Kate: Just tell me everything. Tell me how my son died.
Sonny: There was -- there was a car accident.
Olivia: On New Year's Eve.
Sonny: Trey was in the car with Kristina, Michael, and Starr.
Kate: Were they drinking and driving?
Olivia: No, honey. It was nothing like that. Mnh-mnh.
Kate: Well, tell me. What?
Sonny: They were trying to rescue Johnny.
Kate: What? What do you mean, rescue Johnny? Rescue Johnny from who?
Sonny: From...Connie.
Luke: Laura and I are over, Tracy. We've been over for a long time. It was just a shock seeing her. That's all.
Tracy: Do go on.
Luke: What we had is finished. We've both moved on.
Tracy: Mm. When did you move on?
Luke: I moved on with you twice.
Tracy: And look where you are now -- single. And what are you focusing on? Protecting Laura from Scott Baldwin again! You haven't moved on, and I bet you hope Laura hasn't moved on, either!
Luke: Of course, I hope she's moved on! She deserves happiness. She deserves to be loved, but not by somebody as worthless as Scott Baldwin!
Laura: Lulu, what does it matter when I made the decision to marry Scotty? I made the decision, and I am confident that it is the right one.
Lulu: That's not an answer.
Laura: Oh, all right. Okay. Maybe I -- maybe I did want to see if there was anything left between your dad and me.
Lulu: Don't you think you and Dad should have talked?
Laura: No, because it turns out I didn't need to.
Lulu: Because you saw him kissing Anna?
Laura: Yeah. That's when it hit home for me, absolutely. Your father has moved on. I need to do that, too.
Lulu: Okay. But I don't think marrying a man that you divorced in '81 is moving on, and, Frankly, I don't even know if Dad's moved on. I don't know where he stands with Anna, so --
Laura: Well, I saw them together, and I am pretty sure where they stand.
Lulu: Just be honest with yourself. Is not being able to be with Dad a good enough reason to marry Scott?
Scott: Look who's back.
Luke: Why shouldn't I want to protect Laura from Baldwin? That sleazeball, with his bad-luck-troll hair, is the worst possible thing for her. You said so yourself.
Tracy: I did? Now what?
Luke: The Ice Princess.
Kate: They were trying to rescue Johnny from Connie? Why?
Sonny: Connie kidnapped Johnny.
Olivia: She had him in the trunk of her car.
Sonny: And they thought that she was gonna kill him, so they wanted to stop her.
Kate: This is horrible. That's awful, but it doesn't explain how Trey died.
Sonny: He's brain-dead.
Connie: He's my kid. I haven't done a damn thing for him his whole life, and now you're telling me that I have to be the one to end it.
Sonny: You got the power to set him free. I know it's not gonna be easy. But you know what? You're not gonna be alone, 'cause I'll be with you every step of the way.
Sonny: There was a crash. Trey was fine at first. Then he collapsed. They took him to the E.R. at General Hospital.
Kate: So, what you're saying is -- is Trey's accident was because of Connie?
Sonny: Okay, it was --
Kate: What you're telling me is that I did not kill Starr Manning's child... I killed my own son?
Tracy: The Ice Princess? That ridiculous diamond that the inbred Cassadines used to try to freeze Port Charles? What on earth does that have to do with anything?
Luke: A replica of it showed up at Lulu's doorstep.
Tracy: A rock on a stick?
Luke: The original Ice Princess held the formula to carbonic snow.
Tracy: [Laughs] That's a sentence I didn't expect to hear today.
Luke: And now a replica of it shows up with an unsigned note. Now, I thought that Helena must have been the one who sent it to her, but now, with this timing...
Tracy: What are you thinking?
Luke: I'm thinking maybe it wasn't the dragon lady after all.
Laura: Hey. Did you get all your business done?
Scott: Yeah. Well, no, not really. I went to the police station to see Lucy, but she wasn't there.
Laura: Oh. Did you run in to anybody else?
Scott: No, no. The whole trip was kind of a waste of time. So, did you guys have a nice talk? Did Laura convince you that my intentions are honorable?
Lulu: The word "honorable" never came up.
Scott: Lulu, I-I know I didn't believe you when you said you didn't kill Logan, so why should you believe me when I tell you that I'm in love with Laura? I've always been in love with Laura, so now that we're getting married, I'd like to bury the hatchet, as long as it's not in the back of my head.
Laura: [Chuckles] Lulu, please. For me?
Luke: The Ice Princess caused nothing but pain and suffering, and now a reminder of it shows up in our lives?
Tracy: And you think that the timing is too convenient?
Luke: I think that replica was sent by Scott Baldwin.
Lulu: [Sighs] If it'll make my mom happy. [Sighs]
Laura: Thank you.
Alexis: I want you to understand something. I am furious, and in no way, shape, or form am I condoning anything that you've done. But --
Molly: There's a "but"?
Alexis: Not a good time for you to interrupt me, sweetie. But...if somebody were to look for Sam, I would want it to be John McBain, so let's just hope and pray that he finds her.
Anna: Oh, good. Anything on our escapees?
Officer: Could be a coincidence, but the campus guard reported a break-in at the university.
Anna: Which building?
Officer: Dewitt Hall.
McBain: There's a whole lot of hoo-ha in this book about how vampires supposedly came and went. They used a form of hypnosis that gave people the impression they had been dreaming.
Rafe: Do you think that might have been what happened -- you know, that you actually did talk to Caleb?
Lucy: No, no, no, no, no. If Caleb and I were together in anything but a dream state, one of us would have ended up dead.
McBain: Where were you when you had this dream?
Lucy: It was Heather's idea. We were at that creepy place on Spoon Island.
McBain: Wyndemere?
Sam: Caleb.
Caleb: Welcome home.
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