General Hospital Transcript Thursday 2/21/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele
Sonny: Hey, Michael.
Michael: Hey, good morning. So, are you alone?
Sonny: That's not why I'm here. Have you, uh --
Michael: Dad, you don't have to tell me. I get it.
Sonny: You get -- huh?
Michael: Starr and I saw you go into the stateroom with Connie during the party. I know you two stayed the night here. So, is she on her way, or she sneak out already?
Sonny: Connie's gone now. I got to find Kate.
Steven: [Sighs] Mm, thanks. What time did you finally get her to sleep?
Olivia: [Sighs] I don't know -- about two or three hours ago. She was so upset last night.
Steven: I know. I remember.
Olivia: It was bad enough her finding out that Connie had been in control for so long, but then how crazy weird must it have been to find out he slept with another woman... and it was her?
Elizabeth: They're gorgeous. I love them -- but totally unnecessary.
A.J.: Well, I just thought I should actually give you some flowers that came from me instead of ones I found on the porch.
Elizabeth: At least you were honest about where they came from -- proof you're evolving as a human being.
A.J.: Yeah, it's about time, right? I just, um -- I don't know. I wanted to thank you for dinner.
Elizabeth: Well, it was just spaghetti.
A.J.: You forget -- I was the one watching you cook. I saw you put your personal touch into it. I also wanted to thank you for letting me play with the boys. I got to tell you, I really had a good time.
Elizabeth: Well, they had a good time, too.
A.J.: Did they?
Elizabeth: Yeah. Yeah, and so did I.
A.J.: Great, 'cause I got to tell you, I've had a smile on my face right up until this moment.
Officer: These should keep you out of trouble until you go back to Ferncliff.
Lucy: Hey, out of trouble? Come on. What's the fun in that? Hey, hey, hey, wait. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Excuse me. Could you please, please do me a huge favor? Could you just adjust these cuffs just a teeny-weeny bit? You know, they are pinching me something fierce.
Officer: Cool your heels there. It'll be a while...Vampira.
Lucy: Thank you. Hey, I'm not the vampire! You know, officer, excuse me! I am not the vampire.
McBain: Hey. I got to see the commissioner.
Officer: You know I can't do that, Detective.
McBain: Please, please, please. I need to get out of here, all right? This guy's killed at least three people, and now he has Sam and her son. I need to find them.
Molly: I thought these might help you find my sister and her baby. They're very recent.
Officer: I'll let the commissioner know.
Molly: Okay.
Officer: Don't worry. We'll find them.
Lucy: Hey. Hey. Psst! Hi. Hi. Um, come -- come -- come here, please, please, please. Excuse me. Could I -- could I just -- could I see that picture?
Molly: Okay.
Lucy: I-is that woman your sister?
Molly: Yeah. She's been kidnapped -- her baby, too.
Lucy: [Sighs] Oh, no. I'm -- I'm afraid I know who took them... and why.
Molly: You're Lucy Coe, right?
Lucy: Oh. I am.
Molly: I've heard about you.
Lucy: Oh. Well, of course, you have. You probably have heard of my CoeCoe Cosmetics for teens. You know, you are the perfect candidate. You have a beautiful complexion. Maybe if you just adjust...
Molly: No, no, no. I don't use CoeCoe Cosmetics, though I'm sure they're excellent. I know about you because John McBain is a friend of my family.
Lucy: Oh, I see.
Molly: Well, have you told the police who took my sister and my nephew?
Lucy: Well, yeah. I always try to tell the truth to anybody who will listen. Unfortunately, people don't tend to listen to me until it's too late.
Molly: In other words, no, you haven't told the police what you know?
Lucy: No, not "no." I have. It's just the police don't care, really, to listen to a deluded vampire slayer.
Molly: Well, I care, and I will listen as long as you want if you'll just tell me who took my sister and my nephew.
McBain: What?
Kyle: I'm sorry. The commissioner's got her hands full. She can't see you --
McBain: Try again.
Kyle: She can't see you.
McBain: Try again. Hey!
Kyle: Sorry. Sorry.
McBain: Hey, do not walk away from me. Do not walk away from me! [Sighs]
Rafe: They really mean a lot to you, don't they -- Molly's sister and her kid?
McBain: They do.
Rafe: Can I ask you something?
McBain: Sure, kid. Since Manning's with his lawyer, we might be able to have a conversation without the laugh track.
Rafe: So, you really think this Caleb guy has Sam -- that he actually took her baby so that he could lure her to him?
McBain: Yeah, I do. He needs Sam to join him.
Rafe: Okay, but why would he do that?
McBain: He thinks she's somebody else. And while I'm stuck in here, Caleb's out there. I know Sam can handle herself, but if he's got Danny as a hostage... she'll do whatever he wants.
Rafe: This is all my fault. I let that crazy lady take the kid.
Molly: Please just tell me who took Sam and Danny or I'm leaving.
Lucy: Oh, no. Okay, okay. Don't go. The man's name is Caleb Morley.
Molly: He's the one who looks like John McBain?
Lucy: Exactly, although I am starting to believe that maybe John McBain and Caleb aren't necessarily the same person, although Caleb can't really be a person, you know. You can't be a person and a vampire at the sa--
Molly: Okay. Well, person or not, he took Sam and Danny. Why? What does this Caleb want with my sister?
Lucy: Caleb was deeply in love, but he's not really capable of being in love, so let's just say he was completely obsessed with this woman who looks exactly like your sister. Her name is Livvie.
Molly: Okay. So, Caleb thinks Sam is Livvie?
Lucy: Yeah, I'm afraid so, and it gets a lot worse. You see, the one thing that he wants as much as Livvie is his son, Rafe.
Elizabeth: I take it Tracy just came in?
A.J.: How'd you guess?
Elizabeth: Did you take my advice about her?
A.J.: Uh, no. I was just about to give it a whirl.
Elizabeth: Okay. Listen, I know it's a long shot, but you just got to try it.
A.J.: I tell you what -- I'll keep you posted. If this actually works out, I'm gonna owe you a big thank you. Here goes nothing.
Tracy: And who were you chatting with?
A.J.: Just a friend.
Tracy: [Laughs] You don't have any friends.
A.J.: You know what, Tracy? Let's -- let's start over again. Hi, Tracy. How are you doing this morning?
Tracy: Deeply suspicious. Yourself?
A.J.: Well, actually, I was --
Tracy: Never mind. It's not gonna work.
A.J.: What isn't?
Tracy: If you try to steal this key from me, I'm gonna call the police. I'm gonna tell them you assaulted me and that you stole my relish. Now, I realize that it's just a condiment and the police probably aren't gonna care, but it is my relish, I inherited it from my father, and I have legal documentation to prove it, so watch your step!
A.J.: I can see you've given this a lot of thought. Let me assure you that I am not gonna take the key or the relish by force. I would never do that.
Tracy: Of course, you would.
A.J.: Okay, fair enough. Maybe I would have done it before.
Tracy: But not now?
A.J.: No, 'cause you are gonna give it to me voluntarily.
Michael: When you say, "find Kate," you mean "find Connie," right?
Sonny: Kate...came back last night.
Michael: Well, that's great, right? I mean, she's been in control for...
Sonny: Five months.
Michael: ...Five months. It seems a lot longer than that. Dad, I don't get why you're not happier about this. I mean, after everything that happened -- I mean, you kidnapped --
Sonny: I can't believe it happened, Michael. I was so happy to see her.
Michael: Did Connie take over again?
Sonny: No. She -- Kate had a bad reaction when she realized that I slept with Connie. I tried to explain to her everything that had gone on. She got upset, and I've been trying to find her ever since.
Michael: Okay. Maybe I can help. I mean, where's the last place you checked?
Sonny: I went everywhere. I went to the pier. I went to Kelly's, every coffee shop you can think of.
Michael: I don't want to sound morbid, but have you checked the hospital?
Sonny: I called ShadyBrook to see if maybe she checked in there. Then I even went to Johnny's because maybe Connie... I got nowhere else to look, mike. I came back here to see if maybe by chance she was here. There's no sign of her.
Steven: Kate did the right thing by coming here. She's in good hands with you. Call me if you need an assist. Who knows who's gonna wake up? It might be Kate, or Connie might resurface.
Olivia: I don't care if it's Kate or Connie or Cleopatra. I'm just gonna take care of her. Love you.
Steven: I love you.
Kate: You hate Connie. She -- she despises you.
Sonny: Things have changed.
Kate: Apparently.
Sonny: Things are different now.
Kate: No, they're not different. They're disgusting. You had sex with the woman who stole my life. She did everything in her power to keep me down, Sonny. She wanted me to stay away from you.
Sonny: I understand how you feel.
Kate: Do you?
Sonny: But I don't see it that way anymore.
Kate: [Gasps] [Breathing heavily]
Olivia: Kate. Is that you?
Michael: This is probably gonna be a stupid question, but have you tried calling her?
Sonny: Called her a thousand times. She's not answering. The machine picks up. It's Connie talking. I don't know what to do.
Kate: Yes, it's still me.
Olivia: 'Cause if it's Connie --
Kate: Please. Don't ever say her name again. Please, Liv. I had the most horrible nightmare just now. I dreamed that when I was gone and Connie was in control, she slept with Sonny. Oh, God. [Sighs] But it's not a dream, is it?
Olivia: I'm sorry, honey.
Kate: How could this be happening? How could he sleep with Connie?
Olivia: Come here.
Kate: I can't believe it. Thank you for taking me in last night. I don't know what I would have done.
Olivia: Oh, honey. What am I gonna do -- kick you out in the street and send you to live with the nuns? We're family.
[Cell phone rings]
Olivia: [Sighs] It's Sonny. Tell me what you want me to do. Totally up to you.
Elizabeth: Hey.
Steven: Hey.
Elizabeth: I heard about Heather. Is it true?
Steven: I don't know. They haven't found a body yet. At this point, we only have Todd Manning's account to go on.
Elizabeth: And he's accusing John McBain?
Steven: Yes, even though McBain was in police custody at the time.
Elizabeth: Okay. What about you? Are you okay?
Steven: Yeah, I'm fine.
Elizabeth: Really?
Steven: Yeah.
Elizabeth: 'Cause I know your feelings for your mom are complicated, to say the very least.
Steven: The very least.
Elizabeth: And I hate the way she's treated you, and I hate the way she's hurt you, but I get that she's still your mom.
Steven: That's exactly what Olivia said, but, honestly, I'm okay -- at least for the moment. [Chuckles]
Elizabeth: What does that mean?
Steven: If you're listening to my lovely fiancée, I'm about to get stabbed to death.
Tracy: Why would I give you anything when I know for a fact you're gonna stab me in the back?
A.J.: 'Cause I'm gonna give you something in return.
Tracy: Such as?
A.J.: A job at ELQ. Tracy, this is the business plan for Pickle-Lila. I've laid everything out.
Tracy: In what universe do you think I would ever, ever work for you?!
A.J.: You wouldn't be working for me. You'd be working with me -- and Michael. Look, if we can reconstruct the ingredients, we can rebrand this thing and mass-produce it.
Tracy: I'm listening.
A.J.: Okay. All right. So, we had the same idea at the same time, right? Doesn't it make sense for us to just put aside our differences, stop blaming each other for everything, and work together? We can restore the company to its previous glory. Come on! It's a real family business, stronger than ever.
Tracy: It does make sense. What doesn't make sense is you're the one that's suggesting it. You don't sound like your usual, treacherous self.
A.J.: Yeah, well, I spoke to somebody, and they convinced me that this is the way to go -- you know, working together.
Tracy: Your phone friend?
A.J.: Yeah. Look, we've got two options here. We can keep sniping at each other and watch ELQ circle the drain, or we can work together. We can rebuild the company, okay? I mean, for me, this is a no-brainer. What do you say?
Tracy: I say that it's my relish. My father left it to me in his will, and if he had wanted somebody else to have it, he would have left it to them in his will and left me the stock that I so richly deserve!
A.J.: Tracy, use your brain! Come on! If the company goes under, the stock's gonna be worthless! I mean, we've got nothing to lose here! Let's give it a shot. What do you say?
Rafe: If I hadn't had let that Heather woman take Danny, then the rest of this wouldn't have happened.
McBain: Blaming yourself ain't doing anyone any good, kid. Right now we got to concentrate on a way to get them back.
Rafe: Yeah, but how are we gonna do that when you're stuck in here?
Molly: Caleb got a police officer to take Rafe out of his cell and escort them to the pier, and then when they were there, Caleb killed that policeman and told Rafe that he was his father.
Lucy: Oh, no. That poor, poor boy. Not only did he lose his mother, he saw Alison be killed and now he saw a policeman be killed, and then that bloodsucker Caleb is claiming to be his father? No wonder he's terrified.
Molly: Yeah. I mean, Caleb tried to take him away somewhere, but Rafe got free, and he took off.
Lucy: Oh. Smart boy. Good for him. I was afraid this was gonna happen. You know, I've tried so hard to protect Rafe. Listen, if I'm right and Caleb does have your sister and her baby, it's only a matter of time before he comes back for his son.
Molly: But it was a lie, wasn't it? Rafe isn't really Caleb's son?
Lucy: Listen to me. Your name's Molly, right -- Molly?
Molly: Yeah.
Lucy: Okay. I need you to do something. I mean, really, Rafe needs you.
Molly: To do what?
Lucy: You need to break Rafe out of jail.
Molly: How?
Lucy: Look. Look, look, look, look, look, look -- in my hand, hand, hand. With these.
Kate: I don't want to speak to Sonny.
Olivia: Are you sure? He's called about a billion times.
Kate: Olivia, I told you last night I don't want to talk to him. He's the last person I want to talk to.
Olivia: Okay.
Kate: Thank you.
Olivia: If you don't want to talk to him, you don't have to talk to him.
Kate: All right.
Olivia: I'll do all the talking.
Kate: Liv, no!
Sonny: Kate?
Olivia: No, it's Olivia. Kate's here, though.
Sonny: Where? Where? Is she all right?
Olivia: She's at Steve's apartment, and, physically, yes, she is fine.
Sonny: Can you put her on the phone?
Olivia: I'm sorry, Sonny. She does not want to talk to you right now.
Sonny: Did she tell you why?
Olivia: Why do you think? Look, you know where she is. You know that she's fine. Just let's leave it at that, okay?
Sonny: I need her to understand I'm not giving up, Olivia.
Olivia: Well, then, you need to wait until she is ready to listen to you, okay? And that time is not right now. So just let her get it together, and she will call you when she is ready.
Sonny: [Sighs] I don't know how long I can wait.
Olivia: Tell me something I don't know.
Sonny: She doesn't want to talk to me.
Michael: [Sighs] I'm sorry.
Sonny: No, I'm gonna go over there.
Michael: Whoa, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad.
Sonny: What? What are you doing?
Michael: I think you should hold off on talking to Kate right now, okay? She needs some time to calm down.
Sonny: She's had all night to calm down.
Michael: Once she has some time to think about it, she'll realize that you sleeping with Connie didn't mean anything to you.
Sonny: What?!
Michael: It was Valentine's Day. You were missing Kate, and Connie looks a hell of a lot like Kate.
Sonny: Okay, you need to understand something. I wasn't with Connie because she reminds me of Kate. I was with Connie because I wanted to be.
Olivia: Better for me to just talk to Sonny. Now he'll stop calling and you can get some rest and just catch your breath.
Kate: Thank you. I just cannot handle him right now.
Olivia: He loves you so much, honey.
Kate: Then why did he sleep with Connie? Why did he give up on me?
Elizabeth: Stabbing? That's, um...
Steven: Not something you hear every day. I know.
Elizabeth: [Sighs] Olivia's track record with these visions have been pretty good. I mean, she knew that Kate was Connie before anybody else, and she saw Ewen as the devil.
Steven: That's true, but I did not take a shower with Sabrina Santiago, so she's not infallible.
Elizabeth: Right. Right. Yeah. You can't take her visions literally. I mean, there's always room for interpretation.
Steven: My sentiment exactly.
Elizabeth: Yeah.
Steven: So, who's the lucky patient? Who gets these?
Elizabeth: Um...they're for me.
Steven: Really?
Elizabeth: Mm-hmm.
Steven: From who, may I ask?
Elizabeth: Oh, it's none of your business.
Steven: Oh, come -- I've got to look out for my little sister.
Elizabeth: Don't you have lives to save or something?
Steven: You know what? You should know by now it's useless to try to hide these things from me.
Elizabeth: They're from A.J. Quartermaine.
Tracy: Let me make sure I have this right. You want us to team up, you want to bring back mother's relish, save my father's company together -- you and me?
A.J.: Yeah. It's a win-win. Are you in?
Tracy: I'm in.
A.J.: Yes! Finally! The woman sees reason!
Tracy: Over my dead body.
A.J.: Why would I expect any other response besides that?
Tracy: I don't know why you would.
A.J.: Tracy, isn't the goal to save ELQ, to preserve it for the Quartermaine family -- all of us? Why would you turn down an opportunity like this?
Tracy: Because the only job I want... is yours -- the one you stole from me -- chief executive officer, my title -- mine! And I am gonna get it back. How, you might ask? By getting the votes I need to toss you out.
A.J.: Oh, really?
Tracy: Yes, really. So enjoy your petty little power play while you can, because your ass is about to hit the pavement really hard, and not a minute too soon!
A.J.: We'll see about that!
Tracy: Yeah, we'll see, and you know who else is gonna see? Michael! Your innocent, little, naive son is gonna see exa--
A.J.: You leave Michael out of this, Tracy!
Tracy: You brought him into it! Let me just recap, okay? You will not get my mother's relish! You will not rebuild my father's company! You know why? Because nothing you ever do succeeds! Even your pathetic attempt at treachery was doomed to failure. Look at you. Everything you touch turns to dust! ELQ already has. And Pickle-Lila is going to. Do you think that I'm stupid enough to team up with you and watch that happen?
A.J.: [Breathing heavily] Oh, my God. It's happening again. It's happening again. [Breathing heavily]
Molly: How did you get those keys?
Lucy: Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh. I-I, uh, sort of lifted them from that cop over there when he cuffed me to the desk.
Molly: You stole keys from a cop?
Lucy: Shh! The poor guy doesn't suspect a thing, which makes it that much easier for you to break Rafe out of jail. And you are not exactly an object of suspicion.
Molly: No, no, no, no, no. I'm sorry. I can't be an accessory to a jail break. I'm in high school.
Lucy: Well, so what? Then it's high time you got some gumption.
Molly: Excuse me?
Lucy: Yeah. Well, when I was in high school, I can't tell you all the things that I did --
Molly: I have tons of gumption -- metric tons.
Lucy: Okay, metric girl. Then listen to me. If you care about Rafe -- and, Frankly, I think it's rather obvious that you do -- you're gonna break Rafe out of that cell.
Molly: I'm just not sure that -- I mean, won't he be in more danger if we take him away from the police?
Lucy: No. Think about it. Didn't Caleb get to him before in the cell? Couldn't he do it again? You don't want Rafe to be trapped like a rat, do you?
Molly: Well, no.
Lucy: Okay, good. Now listen -- I have a feeling that Caleb is really attracted to Rafe like a magnet to metal.
Molly: Hold on. So, you want Caleb to come after Rafe?
Lucy: No. No, of course not. I don't want that. But if it happens, so be it. We'll use it. I think I can protect Rafe, and that'll smoke Caleb out, and that's the way we're gonna save your sister and her baby.
Molly: I just don't think that getting Rafe --
Lucy: Molly, listen to me. You have to do this. This is the only way we can save them all.
Rafe: That guy, Caleb... he thinks he's my father.
McBain: Who told you that?
Rafe: Caleb. I mean, but that doesn't make any sense. My father was Rafe Kovich. I'm named after him. I mean, Caleb has to be lying, right?
McBain: One step at a time, kid. First thing we've got to figure out is where Caleb went -- where he would take Sam and Danny. Did he say anything to you?
Rafe: He had his hand on my neck, and he pushed me towards the end of the pier and was looking out towards the water. He pointed at a boat. I think he said it was coming for us, and that's when I ran. But I could hear him calling after me. He said he would find me, and he sounded so sure. I mean, what if he's really my father? What if my mom's been lying to me all this time?
Molly: Excuse me. I need to talk to Rafe Kovich.
Kyle: You really shouldn't be down here, young lady.
Molly: I know, I know, but my sister and her baby are missing, and I think Rafe may have information that could help us find them. Please.
Kyle: All right.
McBain: Molly, hey. Any word from Sam?
Molly: Uh, no, not -- not yet. I'm sorry. I have to talk to Rafe.
Rafe: Molly, what are you doing here?
Molly: I came to break you out.
Rafe: Where did you get those?
Molly: Lucy Coe. She's got a plan to get you out of here.
[Keys jingle, clatter]
Kyle: What the hell was that?
Lucy: Oh, Officer, hi. I think I need to register a complaint. Smoking? Really? I mean, a handsome guardian of the public good? Smoking -- that's such a filthy habit, don't you think?
Officer: I'll quit just for you, Ms. Coe.
Lucy: Oh, well, thank you. That's very sweet. I know you're lying, but that's very sweet. Hey, I do want to thank you. You've been very nice to me, and I don't mean to cast aspersions, but some of your fellow officers have been unnecessarily rough with me, I think. They've been actually kind of rude. But you -- you, sir -- you are a fine, upstanding example of dignity in your department.
Officer: Thanks.
Lucy: Oh, uh, would you mind? Could I have one more teeny-tiny favor? I would love a nice, fresh-squeezed glass of carrot juice or maybe a chocolate doughnut. [Chuckles] Thank you.
McBain: It's okay, Kyle. The kid just dropped something. Molly...
Molly: I'm sorry. Um, it's okay. I-I just dropped my house keys. There's nothing to worry about.
McBain: I saw the cellblock keys. Where'd you get them?
Molly: [Sighs] I need to get Rafe out of here. He's not safe. Please, please, please don't say anything to anyone.
McBain: I won't say anything -- if you let me out, too.
Sonny: The last couple months, I've been seeing another side to Connie, and I know you have, too, if you think about everything that's going on with Kristina. Kristina would be in prison if it wasn't for Connie.
Michael: Yeah. Dad, Connie's the one who insisted on pressing charges against Kristina, and this was after she kidnapped Johnny and caused that car crash that made Trey brain-dead. I am grateful that Connie changed her story in court. You know, I am. But that looked more like, to me, last-minute damage control.
Sonny: I'm not gonna excuse everything Connie's done, but there's a lot more to her than meets the eye.
Michael: [Sighs] Okay. So, that's why you didn't tell me the story about ELQ using mob money -- because you were protecting Connie... kissing her at the party.
Sonny: You saw that?
Michael: Everybody saw that. Olivia thought she was having her visions again. And then you guys snuck off into the stateroom, and with Connie, not Kate. So, Dad, are you telling me that you're having feelings for Connie?
Sonny: Yeah, I do.
Olivia: Sonny tried so hard to get you back. Honey, you got no idea what Connie put him through -- every insult, every humiliation. She was relentless. You both were -- right up until Connie got him to the altar.
Kate: What?
Olivia: Are you sure you want to hear the story now?
Kate: Yeah, tell me. What -- what about the altar?
Olivia: Connie let everyone believe that you were still in control, right up till the last minute, till you got Sonny to the altar.
Kate: Why? Why would she do that? She hates Sonny. Or I thought she hated him. I don't know. Why would she let it get that far?
Olivia: She wanted to humiliate him -- publicly -- and tell everyone that she was already married to John Zacchara.
Kate: Oh, yeah. Sonny told me about that. She married Johnny to protect her, because only a husband can commit his wife, and she knew that he would never commit her.
Olivia: She taunted him. She said he would never see you -- Kate -- again.
Kate: I just don't understand. I mean, why would Johnny help her? What, just to hurt Sonny?
Olivia: Honey, you know what? You know what? This is a lot of information --
Kate: Do you know this answer? Tell me why --
Olivia: This is a lot of information --
Kate: I want you to tell me.
Olivia: I don't think this is a good idea right now.
Kate: Why? Why, Liv? What is so important that you're leaving out? I'm begging you. Please tell me how she got Johnny to marry her.
Olivia: Connie was holding something over Johnny.
Kate: What? What did she know about Johnny that was so huge, she got him to do this?
Olivia: Johnny killed Starr Manning's family. It wasn't you.
A.J.: [Groans] Tracy, help! Call for help!
Tracy: [Laughs] Seriously?
A.J.: Serious. I'm having --
Tracy: I know what you're having, and I'm not having any of it. How gullible do you think I am?
A.J.: Tracy! Ugh!
Tracy: [Laughs] You want me to rush over there and minister to you, and while I am, you're gonna take this key from around my neck. A.J., you are a shameless fraud.
A.J.: [Grunting]
Elizabeth: A.J. and I are just friends.
Steven: Does he know that?
Elizabeth: What? What? Is this you not policing my love life?
Steven: Okay, look, look -- it's just that he has kind of a checkered past.
Elizabeth: Yes. He and I have both made mistakes -- huge ones.
Steven: No, no, nothing you've ever done compares to A.J.
Elizabeth: Maybe not, but I can see that he's just really trying to prove himself to his son, he's trying to make amends for past mistakes, and he's trying to live up to his family's standards.
Steven: They're Quartermaines. How high could their standards be?
Elizabeth: There's a lot of hypocrisy in that family. They build each other up by tearing A.J. down.
A.J.: Tracy. Look, Tracy, please. I'm not faking.
Tracy: Hmm! Where have I heard that before?
A.J.: Elizabeth Webber.
Tracy: Why would I call Elizabeth? Is she your little partner in this charade?
A.J.: I told you I'm not faking! Please --
Tracy: You know, A.J., you of all people should know that this is not my first fake heart attack. It was Daddy's standard tactic whenever he wanted to get what he wanted, and it was much more convincing than you.
A.J.: I'm having chest pains.
Tracy: You know, you would think if you went to all this trouble to get me to help you that you would be a little more creative. How 'bout faking, uh, an aneurysm or a seizure?
A.J.: I'm not faking! Damn it, I'm not faking! I'm not having a heart attack. I'm...having...a panic attack.
Tracy: A panic attack. Of course. That's much more plausible.
A.J.: Please call -- call Elizabeth. She'll know what to do, okay? Tracy, please. Just can you be a human being for once in your life?
Elizabeth: You do not have to worry about A.J., okay? The guy just needs a friend.
Steven: Okay. All right.
Elizabeth: That's it.
Steven: You know what? He'd better watch himself, because he's gonna have your older brother to contend with if he doesn't.
Elizabeth: Oh, really? Oh, okay.
Steven: Yeah.
[Cell phone rings]
Elizabeth: Oh, speaking of, look. Look who it is. Hmm. Hi, A.J. How'd everything go with Tracy?
Tracy: Not well. Your friend A.J. says he's having a panic attack, and he needs you. Satisfied?
A.J.: [Breathing heavily] Elizabeth?
Elizabeth: A.J., are you okay?
A.J.: It's happening again. It's happening again. I can't -- I can't breathe, and I can't...calm down.
Elizabeth: Okay. Will you listen to me? You have to calm down, okay? The most important thing is that you breathe -- in through your nose and out through your mouth.
McBain: You know, Rafe may not be safe in here, but he sure as hell ain't safe out there from Caleb without someone to protect him.
Molly: I know, but, I mean, it's bad enough I'm already planning to break one person out of jail.
McBain: This guy Caleb, he's dangerous, and he has Sam and Danny, and I need to find him, but I can't do that from in here.
Molly: I don't know.
McBain: Okay. Listen, I understand. I know you're confused. I'm just as confused, all right? There's nothing about any of this in the FBI training manual. But you and I both know one thing -- I would never hurt Sam or Danny. I just want to find them, and I want to bring them home safe, but I can't do that unless you let me out.
Molly: What do you think?
Rafe: You've been telling me all along that he couldn't have done the things Caleb did, right? Well, I believe you now, Molly. I mean, I trust him, and if anyone's gonna find your sister and help the kid, it's gonna be him.
Molly: [Sighs] All right. Yeah, I agree. Um, Lucy said she's gonna cause a distraction. Just wait for that. It'll be your signal to go.
McBain: Oh, boy.
Ms. Coe, I'm here to escort you back to Ferncliff. Are you ready?
Lucy: Oh, I suppose so. Hey, I do have one small request, though. Could you perhaps remove these handcuffs?
I'm afraid not.
Lucy: Oh, shoot.
Lucy: Right. I know. Um, okay. Well, how 'bout this? Could you exchange them for those soft, squishy little hand restraints? You know, my poor little wrists are just getting chapped and raw.
I'll have to call, uh, Dr. Finch for authorization.
Lucy: Oh, okay. I'd be ever so grateful. You know, your kind, humane treatment of me will not go unrewarded. Thank you. [Chuckles]
Sonny: You think you're surprised that I'm falling for Connie? How do you think I feel?
Michael: You're right. I'm at a loss. Considering everything that Connie's done to you, it would be hard enough to forgive her, let alone fall for her.
Sonny: I'm not falling for Connie.
Michael: But you care about her. I mean, that's what it sounds like.
Sonny: Okay. This is all real confusing right now, and it doesn't matter what's going on with Connie. I love Kate, and I've waited five months for her, so I got to see her now. I got to get her to understand everything.
Michael: Understand what, exactly? I mean, how are you gonna explain your feelings for Connie?
Sonny: I don't know. But I know I have to.
Kate: That's why I couldn't remember the accident, Liv. Even after all of my memories returned, I couldn't remember because it never happened.
Olivia: Honey, you don't have to blame yourself anymore.
Kate: I have to go see Starr.
Olivia: No, no, no, honey. That can wait. That can wait.
Kate: No, I have to go tell her how sorry I am.
Olivia: You've been back less than 24 hours. I don't want you to go getting all excited. Take a shower.
Kate: Stop it. I have to go see Starr...
Olivia: I'll make you a beautiful breakfast.
Kate: ...Now that I know what happened. Does she still live with that kid Trey?
Olivia: No, she doesn't live with him anymore.
Kate: Trey. That's the last thing I remember. I was fighting with Trey, because I thought he was out to hurt Kristina... and then I saw the medal on his neck.
Olivia: Okay, Kate. Why don't you come here and sit down?
Kate: The same medal that Joe Jr. wore. Oh, my God. I remember. The medal Joe Jr. wore when he raped me. Trey is Joe Jr.'s son. He's my son -- the son I left to die.
Olivia: Come here, honey.
Kate: But he didn't die. My son! My son! He's alive!
Tracy: Nurse Webber, here he is. Take him. He's all yours.
A.J.: Hey. Tracy... thank you for driving me. I just didn't think I should get behind a wheel.
Elizabeth: Yeah, it's probably for the best.
Tracy: Yeah, you might have hit a string of red lights and had another panic attack. Falling apart under stress -- yep.
[Elevator bell dings]
Tracy: He'll make a fine C.E.O.
A.J.: [Sighs] [Chuckles]
Elizabeth: Whoa. [Chuckles]
A.J.: Yeah.
Elizabeth: Are you okay?
A.J.: Yeah, I think so, thanks to you. Hey, nice flowers.
Elizabeth: Thank you. And you got yourself through this. You need to remember that if it happens again.
A.J.: Don't you mean "when it happens again"?
Elizabeth: It might not.
A.J.: Come on. I think we both know that's not true. Maybe Tracy's right. Maybe I'm just not cut out to be C.E.O.
Elizabeth: Don't listen to her.
A.J.: She makes a good point. I mean, it doesn't matter how hard I want to prove myself. You know, maybe I'm not up to it.
Elizabeth: Uh, no. You are up to it, and you can do it, okay? I'm gonna get a doctor to check you out. He'll give you some antianxiety meds to get you through the next attack.
A.J.: I don't know about that. I mean, I'm an alcoholic. I don't know if I should be taking pills.
Elizabeth: Yeah. No, you're right. Um...we'll figure something else out.
A.J.: Will we?
Elizabeth: You don't have to do this alone. A.J., You're gonna be fine.
A.J.: Okay.
Michael: Dad, where you going?
Sonny: To see Kate.
Michael: Are you sure that's a good idea?
Sonny: Olivia -- I don't care what Olivia says, and Kate may not realize it yet, but she has missed out on a big part of her life. I know she needs me... and I need her.
Kate: I saw the medal, and then I realized that that boy, Trey, was my son. I must have panicked. It was too much to take on, and Connie -- that's when she decided to come out and take over. But I'm here now, Liv, and I can go see my son.
Olivia: I-I need you to stop right now, and I need you to listen to me.
Kate: What? No. I'm gonna go see him. I never knew him my whole life, and now I have the opportunity!
Olivia: You can't. You can't.
Kate: Why? No. If Joe Jr. thinks he's gonna come in between me and my son --
Olivia: No, no. Honey, honey, Joe Jr.'s dead. He's dead.
Kate: He's dead?
Olivia: Yeah.
Kate: Ohh. Good. Hope he rots in hell.
Olivia: I'm sure he is.
Kate: So, if Joe Jr.'s dead, why are you trying to keep me from seeing my son?
Olivia: [Sighs]
Ms. Coe, the officer will switch you to soft restraints while I wrap up the paperwork.
Lucy: Oh, thank you! There's definitely a place for whatever heaven you want just for you. [Chuckles] Hey, does anybody else smell smoke?
Lucy: Fire! Fire! Somebody pull the alarm! Fire!
[Bell ringing]
McBain: Hey. Hey, Kyle, that doesn't sound like -- that doesn't sound like a drill.
Kyle: Yeah, I'm gonna go check it out.
McBain: No, hey. You can't leave us down here! Hey, come on, man! Okay, he's gone.
Molly: Do you think it's a real fire?
McBain: When Lucy says, "Distraction," she means "distraction." Let's go.
[Ringing continues]
Lucy: Fire! Oh, oh, good! Thank -- thank God! Thank God! Put it out! Put it out! Put it out! Come on! Hurry up! Fire!
[Ringing continues]
McBain: Thanks, Molly.
Rafe: Molly, I won't forget this.
Molly: Be careful -- both of you.
McBain: I'm gonna take care of Rafe, and I'm bringing Sam and Danny home.
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