General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 2/20/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele
Luke: I've got a bad feeling about this.
Laura: I do, too. What do you think it means?
Luke: Worst case, some psycho from our past is trying to haunt us with the ugliest part of our history.
Scott: Who you calling ugly?
Luke: I'll be damned. Baldwin.
[Footsteps approaching]
Duke: Anna.
[Glass shatters]
Olivia: What was that?
Steve: [Grunts]
Olivia: [Screams] Oh, God! Steve, what happened?! What happened?! Who stabbed you?!
Todd: If I give you my blanket, do you think you could get your teeth to stop chattering? Because it's really interfering with me getting in touch with my unlimited potential.
Rafe: I don't want your blanket. I don't want anything from you.
Todd: Okay, look, I don't like bunking with you any more than you like bunking with me, but I think we're missing the point here. I think we're missing the giant ray of sunshine in all this. At least we're safe from that guy.
Shawn: Am I supposed to know where we're going?
Alexis: I just want to stop by and see my daughter.
Shawn: I thought we were going to celebrate Valentine's Day.
Alexis: Yeah, yeah. We will. I just want to check on Sam.
Shawn: All right.
Alexis: Who should be answering by now.
Kate: [Gasps] Where am I? Sonny?
Sonny: What? Connie?
Kate: Sonny, wake up.
Sonny: What's going on?
Kate: Connie? Sonny, it's me, Kate.
Luke: If you think for one second that you're gonna start messing with my family --
Laura: Luke, don't do this, please.
Luke: Why are you here? What's your game? What do you want?
Scott: Why do you think I'm here, Spencer? For Laura.
Anna: Hi, Duke. What are you doing here?
Duke: I was about to ask you the same thing. It's freezing out here.
Anna: Is it? Yeah, I guess so.
Duke: Although after being cooped up for all that time, I really can't complain about any elements, no matter how extreme. Anna?
Anna: Oh, sorry. I guess I'm -- I'm not good company right now.
Duke: Well, that's all right. Happy Valentine's Day. I was gonna call you. I wanted to send you flowers, but I wasn't sure whether you wanted to hear from me.
Anna: I've been kind of up to my neck in work, really.
Duke: Yeah. Me too. Trying to salvage what's left of ELQ, though there's not much, to be honest with you. That's why I came out here, to grab a breath of fresh air before I go back to the office. It's your turn.
Anna: I'm trying to figure something out -- something outrageous.
Duke: I specialize in outrageous. What is it?
Anna: Whether or not there could be two John McBains.
Todd: So, what's it like to be a hero? You -- talking to you. What's that like? You were right about him from the get-go, huh. I read about it in my paper. I used to own a newspaper. First time you laid eyes on him, he was trying to murder your mother.
McBain: That's nice, Manning.
Todd: It's true, right? Right? It's true. And then you saw him kill his brother in law enforcement, Officer Charleston.
Rafe: Carlson.
Todd: Didn't hesitate, right? Just pulled out this weird weapon, an innocent father of three -- just kind of sliced him up into tiny --
McBain: Enough!
Todd: -- Pieces of cop. Enough for who? For you?
McBain: You don't need to make the kid relive it.
Todd: Well, he wouldn't have had to live it at all if you hadn't gone on a killing spree. Don't worry, kid. I got your back.
Rafe: How?
Todd: How? I saw him kill someone, too. She was a mother -- just like yours.
Olivia: I got to call 911!
Steve: Liv, Liv, I'm fine. I'm fine. Look. Not a scratch.
Olivia: But I just saw you -- I just saw you. You'd been stabbed.
Steve: I'm fine.
Olivia: [Panting] But what was the crash that I heard in there?
Steve: It was the mirror coming off the bathroom door as I was getting in the shower. It must have needed a bigger nail.
Olivia: Did you cut yourself or anything?
Steve: No, no. I was just coming out to get a dustpan.
Olivia: Okay. I don't even know where to begin with this one, all right? The mirror breaking alone -- that's seven years bad luck.
Steve: If you're superstitious, which I'm not.
Olivia: Which I am! Italian! Hello! This does not bode well for our wedding.
Steve: No bad luck. No cuts. I'm fine. We're fine.
Olivia: Steve, that image was very, very clear. You were stabbed. You were holding your stomach. There was blood everywhere. I've never been so scared.
Todd: It's really too bad Lucy Coe's aim was off. I mean, when I first met Lucy, I thought she was nuts, and it turns out she was, arguably, but she was right about that guy.
Rafe: D-did you just say Lucy Coe?
Todd: Yeah. She tried to stake our friend here right through the heart. And if she had succeeded, she would have saved a lot of lives, including Heather. Don't get me wrong. The world is a better place without Heather, but she was a person. I mean, she was a frail, middle-aged person who didn't know herself very well, but --
Rafe: Frail? Frail? I mean, I thought she was pretty sturdy.
Todd: How do you know Heather?
Rafe: She tricked me into giving Molly's nephew to her. It's my fault she got her hands on that baby.
Todd: Don't feel bad. It -- she can be very persuasive. She's got, like, Jedi mind skills.
McBain: Unbelievable you're trying to twist this to your advantage.
Todd: Heather Webber was a saint.
Rafe: A saint who kidnapped a baby.
Todd: Well, yeah, she was stark, raving mad. But she was a human being who liked "50 Hues of Blue" and BLTs and babies and a whole bunch of other things that probably started with the letter "B." And here we are, locked up next to her killer like we're the same brand of bag. Let me tell you something. I was trying to save that baby. He was trying to steal the baby.
Rafe: So?
Todd: So, just saying I think we can help each other.
[Knock on door]
Alexis: Honey, it's Mom. Are you in there?
Shawn: You know, she's probably in bed by now.
Alexis: I know. Listen, I know. I-I-I just -- I don't like this. I mean, her kid was kidnapped. I know he's back safe and sound, but I would like to see with my own eyes that my daughter and my grandson are okay.
Shawn: Okay, well, let's do this.
Alexis: What are you doing?
Shawn: I can have this lock picked in no time.
Alexis: Oh, you know what? That's not really necessary.
Shawn: Or do you want me to break the door down? I'll pay for the damages.
Alexis: Truly, I'm good. I'm good.
Shawn: Then how are you gonna get inside to see if they're okay?
Alexis: With my key.
Shawn: Right, right. I knew you had it.
Alexis: Yeah. Sure you did.
Sonny: Kate? Am I dreaming? This is really you?
Kate: Yes. This is real. I'm here, Sonny. I'm Kate.
Sonny: I never thought I'd see you. You came back to me.
Kate: I'm back.
Sonny: I can't believe it.
Kate: [Chuckles]
Sonny: It's been so --
Kate: I can't believe it either. Where are we?
Sonny: We're at the -- the estate room at the Haunted Star.
Kate: What? Why would we be on Johnny's boat?
Sonny: It's not Johnny's anymore. Uh -- Lulu and Starr own it. They were having a big party tonight for the Valentine's.
Kate: Valentine's?
Sonny: Yeah.
Kate: Oh. I missed -- I missed Christmas. I missed Thanksgiving.
Sonny: It's been a while.
Kate: How long has it been?
Sonny: It's been -- you've been gone five months.
Steve: I'm sorry, baby. I know that must have been terrifying.
Olivia: I'm telling you, you were clutching your stomach, like you'd been stabbed, and there was blood everywhere. Steve, I thought I was gonna lose you.
Steve: Hey, hey. You're stuck with me. That's what this means.
Olivia: Okay.
Steve: Hey, I'm okay.
Olivia: Yeah, for now. For now, but you know what these visions mean. Okay, what if this means that something terrible is gonna happen to you?
Steve: What if it means nothing? Just like you see me in the shower with Sabrina -- that's not gonna come true.
Olivia: There is a serial killer out there that stabs his victims. Like that Alison Barrington woman on the pier, like the police officer, like the professor from PCU. What if you're his next victim?
Alexis: Honey? Are you here?
Shawn: She's probably upstairs with Danny.
Alexis: She better be. Sweetie? It's Mom. I was worried about you. She's not here.
Shawn: Okay. No need to panic.
Alexis: Too late.
Shawn: She maybe is taking the baby for a walk.
Alexis: At this hour? Do you know how cold it is out there?
Shawn: Well, look, it doesn't look like anyone broke in, you know, no sign of a struggle. Everything looks like, you know, where it should be.
Alexis: Yeah, everyone's here except my daughter and my grandson.
Duke: I read about the stabbings and that John McBain is the primary suspect.
Anna: Yeah, we have surveillance footage, eyewitnesses. It's almost like the evidence appears to be conclusive.
Duke: It's very difficult to imagine, considering the effort he went to save us when we were at Faison's mercy in Switzerland.
Anna: Difficult -- that's an understatement. I mean, I've known John for years. He's my friend. He's a colleague, but he's more than that, you know, and -- I just -- I-I-I -- I don't think he's capable of murder.
Duke: Could there be some other explanation?
Anna: I've got this man in custody, Todd Manning. He's despicable as they come. And I found him here earlier. He'd taken Sam Morgan's baby after he'd been kidnapped by somebody else.
Duke: The baby?
Anna: Yeah. Anyway, so Manning -- he's on the run, see. And I assumed that he was gonna use the baby as leverage.
Duke: Let me guess. He told you a different story.
Anna: Right. He said he wasn't taking the baby, that he was rescuing him, that -- that he -- that he had come here a-and -- and found John, Heather, and the baby.
Duke: Meaning that they were all in cahoots.
Anna: No. Manning said he saw John strangle Heather and throw her in the harbor and then take the baby for himself. See, t-that's not even a plausible lie. You know, it doesn't make any sense at all. Why would he say something like that? Unless -- that's what really happened.
Duke: What do your instincts tell you, Anna?
Anna: [Sighs]
Duke: Do you think John McBain is capable of such acts?
Rafe: I don't know who this guy is or what he's done.
Todd: Nothing. Well, nothing lately.
Rafe: But I know you. You killed my mother.
Todd: Oh, snap.
Rafe: And then -- then came back to me, swore you didn't, took me out of my cell with some lame excuse about wanting to go back to the scene to walk through what happened, all so you could kill that other cop. Why?
Todd: Why? Why indeed?
Rafe: Why did you have to do it in front of me? What, was it a message that I was next or what?
Todd: I know, yo. Right? When I saw him kill Heather, I was like, "What?! What is this guy capable of? I mean, am I next? Is he gonna kill me next?" And you know he might have if the cops hadn't shown up.
Rafe: I'm not the only witness anymore. Look, you can't intimidate me anymore, okay?
Todd: Go on, son.
Rafe: So what's it gonna be? You finally gonna change your story?
McBain: No. It wasn't me. I didn't do any of those things.
Rafe: Well, then who did?
McBain: His name is Caleb.
Todd: Caleb.
Anna: Ugh, my instincts. God. They are not as trustworthy as they used to be.
Duke: I don't believe that for a second. Do you think John McBain is capable of murder?
Anna: No. I do not. Besides, he was in lockup when Manning said that he saw him push Heather into the harbor.
Duke: So is it possible this Manning fellow is lying?
Anna: I don't think so, not about this. I really don't.
Duke: So hence your theory of the two McBains.
Anna: But how? God, I wish you could see the footage. The likeness -- it's striking. The face, the mannerisms, everything about him. But how is that even possible? He's identical to John. But how is that even possible? Could there be two McBains?
Duke: Of course, it's possible, Anna. Well, that's exactly what happened to me.
Luke: You are so delusional. You're still stalking Laura? This is the story of your life.
Scott: Why would I be stalking my own fiancée?
Todd: I expected better from you, McBain. You're gonna blame vampires for murders you committed?
McBain: Never said Caleb is a vampire. Just a guy that looks like me.
Todd: Even the hair?
McBain: Doesn't it strike you as slightly impossible that while you supposedly saw me strangle Heather that my presence is accounted for right here?
Todd: Yeah, by fellow officers.
Rafe: He's got a point.
Todd: Yeah! I knew I liked you. I know that sentence is weird, 'cause in prison.
McBain: He doesn't have a point. None of these guys are covering for me.
Todd: Of course, they are, McBain! Come on! I watch television. It's called the blue wall of silence.
McBain: After I've been accused of killing a cop? Yeah, I don't think so. And you -- last time I saw you, you were in that cell. It was the day after your mother had been murdered, and we talked about Caleb, and we talked about the ring. You remember that?
Rafe: Yeah.
McBain: You described it for me. And then I went to go find out more about it.
Todd: Yeah, from another guy who wound up dead.
McBain: I was at the university talking with a professor when the guy that looks like me --
Rafe: He looks exactly like you?
McBain: Caleb took you out of the cell. It wasn't me, which means that guy's still out there and other people are still in danger.
Todd: [Scoffs]
Alexis: All right, just keep Molly distracted and lock the doors, all right? And I'll call you as soon as I hear something. All right. Kristina, I do. Yeah. I love you. Bye.
Shawn: No sign of Sam?
Alexis: No. The girls haven't heard from her. She didn't stop by the house.
Shawn: Well, you know, maybe she got spooked by what happened today and went to go stay with someone else.
Alexis: She would have told me that to avoid this. I'm afraid that someone took her and Danny.
Shawn: Who? I mean, Todd Manning and John McBain are both in lockup, and Heather Webber is supposed to be dead. Who else would want to hurt Sam?
Olivia: I know you think I've lost my mind. But we got to take these visions seriously, Steve.
Steve: I don't think you've lost your mind, and I also don't think I'm next on a killer's hit list.
Olivia: Okay, then why did I see you covered in blood?
Steve: I don't know. Even if it did have something to do with the stabbings, Detective McBain is the number-one suspect.
Olivia: Dante's partner? No. I don't believe that.
Steve: Look, Liv, all the evidence points to him. That's what the news says. And he's locked up at the PCPD, so he's not coming after me.
Olivia: And what if McBain isn't the killer?
Alexis: Heather's death is alleged. There is no body.
Shawn: So you think she survived and went after Sam?
Alexis: I don't know if she was assaulted at all. And if she was assaulted, it wasn't by John McBain.
Steve: They had eyewitnesses, Liv, in three out of the four deaths.
Olivia: But your mother's supposed killing happened while McBain was in lockup. How do you explain that?
Shawn: You trust McBain?
Alexis: Don't you?
Shawn: I worked with him the one time when we went after Jerry. He seemed to be a good man, but people have been known to snap.
Alexis: Oh, come on. I mean, he delivered Danny, for God's sake. He -- he brought Danny to Sam. He's not a murderer.
Olivia: Maybe the cops arrested the wrong person. Maybe -- maybe somebody else is responsible for the killings.
Steve: Like who?
Olivia: Heather.
Alexis: Can you name one person more obsessed than Heather Webber with my grandchild? She's already taken him twice.
Shawn: Yeah, most recently by letting herself into your house. That's bound to be unsettling.
Alexis: Exactly. And you think I'm overreacting? I mean, that lunatic is obsessed with my daughter. What if she took both of them this time?
McBain: You believe what you want. This guy's out there. He's pretending to be a cop. He's got everyone believing he's me. And he's a murderer.
Todd: You're gonna try and skirt prison time by saying that there's two of you running around and that one of you is a vampire.
McBain: I'm not trying to skirt anything.
Todd: Hey, I've done some crazy -- I've done horrible things. And I've come up with all kinds of excuses for the atrocious things that I've done, but even I haven't sliced and diced my way through an entire community.
McBain: Rafe -- it's not me.
Todd: [Scoffs] I don't know, McBain, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck --
McBain: Manning, you and I don't -- you and I don't like each other. That's no secret.
Todd: No, it's not.
McBain: But you know me.
Todd: Unfortunately.
McBain: Hasn't always been bad, has it?
Todd: No, it's been mostly bad.
McBain: Yeah, you're right. Except for that time you came back to Llanview, and you didn't know anybody. And those guys trying to kill you, and besides drinking all of my beer, well, I think I had your back, didn't I?
Todd: Yeah. You had one moment of humanity. That doesn't excuse murder.
McBain: So if I'm the serial killer, why expose myself now? Hmm? I'd never seen Alison Barrington before the day she walked into the police station. Bud Carlson was a co-worker, Professor Mosser a stranger, Heather Webber just nuts. What did I have to gain by killing her and stealing Sam's baby?
Duke: Of course, it's possible, Anna. That's exactly what Faison did to me. He stole my identity. He stole my memories. He took my love, the love I had for you, so he could try to win you over.
Anna: I know. I almost fell for it. I was just so happy to have you back that I couldn't even see -- I couldn't think. That's what I mean when I talk about my instincts.
Duke: You've got to stop blaming yourself.
Anna: I can't. Oh, God, now I'm in a position where I really have to use my gut, and I'm scared.
Duke: I'm not. You can handle anything that life throws your way. You're Anna Devane.
Anna: [Chuckles]
Duke: And we finally both know who I am. I'm not Faison. I'm not this person Lucy Coe thinks I am, this Joshua Temple. I'm Duke Lavery.
Anna: Yes, you are.
Duke: More than that, I'm a husband who's still very much in love with his wife.
Anna: [Sighs]
Luke: Did you just call her your fiancée?
Scott: Yeah, that's what I called her, because that's what she is, Spencer.
Laura: It's true. Scotty and I are engaged to be married.
Kate: Five months. [Sighs] Our wedding -- did we get married?
Sonny: No.
Kate: No? Did Connie pretend to be me? Was she -- did she lie to you? D -- why isn't she in ShadyBrook?
Sonny: Connie married Johnny.
Kate: What?! What?!
Sonny: Only a husband can commit his wife.
Kate: I'm gonna be sick.
Sonny: Hey. Listen. It's okay. It's okay. We're together, all right? That's all that matters right now. It's just you and me.
Kate: Wait a minute. If Connie's been out the whole time, and I just came back now -- why are we in bed together?
Sonny: Kate, listen to me.
Kate: Sonny -- why are we in bed together?
Steve: Okay, look. Let's just calm down and think this through.
Olivia: Okay. Fine. Fine.
Steve: Why would my mother kill a professor?
Olivia: Why does your mother do any of the things that she does? I have no idea.
Steve: Even if she did, according to Todd Manning, he saw Detective McBain take Sam's baby from Heather, strangle her, and throw her in the harbor.
Olivia: I don't care. There has no body recovered, and until I see a corpse, I'm gonna put my money on Heather resurfacing.
Steve: [Sighs]
Shawn: So, if Manning's lying, Heather's back on the table as a suspect.
Alexis: What if he's not lying?
Shawn: I don't understand.
Alexis: Well, you said it. I mean, people snap. Maybe John snapped. He's under a lot of emotional pressure. He hasn't had access to his kid in six months. And it's possible, I supposed, that Todd could tell the truth at least once. What if he did catch John trying to kidnap the baby?
Shawn: So, what, do you think McBain escaped and has Sam and the baby now?
Alexis: [Sighs]
McBain: You don't honestly believe I killed four people in front of witnesses, one of whom is you.
Todd: I don't know. You're kind of a moody guy. Maybe that's because you're just not in touch with your dark side.
McBain: Like you're in touch with yours? You think my story's unbelievable? This guy Manning, he's got a twin brother named Victor who pretended to be Manning for, like, I don't know, eight or nine years.
Todd: Not just that. He stole my entire life.
McBain: Made Manning mad. Real mad. So mad, he killed old Vic.
Rafe: Your own brother?
Todd: If you'd met him, you would have killed him, too.
McBain: Yeah, you see, the point is you've been where I've been. You know what it's like trying to convince people of something that sounds crazy but you know it's true. Manning. You listening?
Todd: Yeah, I'm not deaf.
McBain: You sure?
Todd: Make you a deal. I'll believe your story if you believe mine.
Anna: Duke --
Duke: You don't have to say anything. You don't have to respond. I'm not pressuring you. I just want you to know I'm here, and I'm waiting, and I'll wait for as long as it takes for you to make your choice between me or the other person.
Anna: I already ended it with Luke.
Duke: You did? May I ask why?
Anna: You know, we had real feelings for each other. But -- he's not the love of my life. And I'm not his.
Luke: You're marrying this loser?
Laura: [Sighs] I'm marrying Scotty.
Luke: Well, what did he do, take advantage of you when you weren't thinking clearly?
Laura: No. I knew exactly what I was doing when I accepted his proposal.
Luke: But you don't have a ring.
Laura: Well, we haven't had time to get one yet, but Scotty promised me a beautiful one, right?
Scott: Yes, yes. And it will pale in comparison to you.
Luke: Smarmy as ever.
Scott: Here's what's forever. We're gonna get married, and we're gonna have a whole new life together.
Luke: Laura -- you look me in the eye, and you tell me that you really want to marry this.
Laura: I want to marry Scotty.
Luke: Why?
Kate: Did you sleep with Connie?
Sonny: Kate, you got to listen to me.
Kate: Just tell me what happened, Sonny. Did you s -- did you sleep with Connie?
Sonny: Yes.
Kate: Oh, my God. What did she do to you? Did she pretend that she was me, that I had come back?
Sonny: It wasn't like that.
Kate: What happened? Did she drug you? Because anything short of a lobotomy, I don't see how this could happen.
Sonny: I knew who I was taking to bed.
Kate: What?!
Sonny: I knew it was Connie.
Kate: You slept with Connie when you knew she wasn't me.
Sonny: Yeah.
Kate: You're serious.
Sonny: Yeah.
Kate: You took her to bed. You kissed her. You touched her. I cannot believe this is happening.
Sonny: Can I explain, at least?
Kate: You hate Connie. She -- she despises you.
Sonny: Things have changed.
Kate: Apparently.
Sonny: Things are different now.
Kate: No, they're not different. They're disgusting. You had sex with the woman who stole my life. She did everything in her power to keep me down, Sonny. S-she wanted me to stay away from you.
Sonny: I understand how you feel.
Kate: Do you?
Sonny: But I don't see it that way anymore.
Kate: Oh. Oh, I'm sorry. Allow me some time to catch up with you.
Sonny: Can you understand that it's -- can you -- can you understand that it's been five months?
Kate: And what?! Five months, and what?! You got bored?
Sonny: No, that's not it.
Kate: You got bored, and you figure, "Oh, Connie's a substitute for Kate. Smells like her. She looks like her."
Sonny: Why would you even bring that up? There is no substitute!
Kate: You know what? This whole time, I thought that me being gone this long -- was the big thing.
Sonny: Okay, okay, we just need to talk, okay?
Kate: I don't want to talk to you.
Sonny: Come on.
Kate: I don't want anything to say to you. Stay away from me.
Sonny: Let me explain! Let me --
Steve: You're right. The authorities haven't recovered my mother's body.
Olivia: So Heather could still be out there anywhere.
Steve: If what Todd Manning said was true, then it's highly unlikely. My mother wasn't a great swimmer to begin with, and if she was incapacitated at all --
Olivia: Steve, your mother jumped off the roof of a freaking hospital and survived. She is indestructible.
Steve: All right, she survived. She wouldn't try to kill me.
Olivia: But you never thought she'd knock you over the head and knock you out either, huh? There's a first time for everything.
Steve: [Chuckles]
Olivia: You think this is funny?
Steve: No.
Olivia: I'm not gonna let your mother make me a widow before I even get married.
Steve: I'm not going anywhere, all right? I'm not going anywhere before we say "I do" and especially not after.
Olivia: [Sniffles]
Todd: That's my offer. Take it or leave it.
McBain: You want me to believe your story.
Todd: I know it's a stretch.
McBain: I already do.
Todd: You do?
McBain: Yeah. I have no doubt you saw a man who looks like me on the pier. And I have no doubt you saw this man strangle Heather and take off with Danny.
Rafe: But it wasn't you.
McBain: No, Rafe. It wasn't me. So what do you say we start -- start at the beginning? You tell me what happened between Caleb and Heather. Yeah. You.
Todd: Uh, well, he threw crazy Heather into the harbor, and then he tried to leave.
McBain: But you stopped him.
Todd: Well, I wasn't gonna let him leave with that baby.
McBain: What went down before that? What happened between Caleb and Heather?
Todd: I-I'm -- [Sighs] Look, I was focused on escaping and then this whole thing -- I mean, you're you, but it's not you. It was all very bizarre.
McBain: Let's talk about Caleb and the baby. You know, why'd he want the baby? Must have been pretty significant if he was willing to kill for it.
Todd: Yeah. He would have killed me, too, if the cops hadn't come.
McBain: Well, make sure it's noted in the report, all right? Did he say anything to Heather before he killed her?
Todd: [Sighs] He was -- he was upset at her for taking something that did not belong to her.
McBain: We're talking about Danny.
Todd: I don't know. I mean, he said that -- that now it would be easy for him to get the mother to come with him. I don't know. Whole thing's totally weird, but what the hell, right?
McBain: No, it's not at all. It all fits.
Todd: It fits.
McBain: Yeah. Rafe, did your mom ever mention a woman named Livvie Locke?
Rafe: Uh, yeah. I think she said they used to be friends or something.
Todd: Okay, come on. Who's Livvie Locke?
McBain: She's a woman who apparently resembles Sam as much as I resemble this Caleb.
Todd: Right. Okay. So now there's two double people running around Port Charles?
McBain: When your mom was at the PCPD, she kept calling Sam "Livvie." And Lucy said that -- Caleb was obsessed with this Livvie. It was the reason for everything he did.
Todd: Right. And nothing impresses a chick more than killing four people.
McBain: So if Caleb's after Livvie -- then Danny's just the bait. Caleb wants Sam.
Duke: I know it must have been difficult for you, putting the brakes on things with Luke.
Anna: Yeah, I think we'll end up friends. You know, that's how we started, so I think that's --
Duke: May I be honest with you?
Anna: Oh, God, I think we've earned that, don't you, at this point?
Duke: I'm glad you've ended things with him.
[Cell phone rings]
Anna: [Sighs] I've got to take this.
Duke: Of course.
Anna: Devane.
Alexis: Hi, Anna. It's Alexis. Sam and the baby are missing.
Anna: What? How? Since when?
Alexis: I don't know. I just got to the penthouse. They're not here. She's not answering her cell phone. And if she had gone anywhere, she would have told me.
Anna: Okay, I'll get the word out. Will you meet me at the station?
Alexis: Thanks.
Duke: Duty calls?
Anna: Yeah. This is just the day that will never end.
Duke: I've got to get back to work, too. Anna?
Anna: Yeah?
Duke: Trust your gut. You'll get the right man.
Anna: Yeah. Thanks. For the talk. I think I will.
Duke: Okay.
Luke: Why would you want to marry this zero?
Scott: Because we were childhood sweethearts.
Luke: Oh, that's right. You've always been about the romance, haven't you, Baldwin? Especially when you tried to convince her that she had killed her own stepfather. Why would you want anything to do with this guy after all he's put you through?
Scott: You raped her on the floor of the campus disco when she was married to me! To me!
Laura: Stop it. Please don't. You know, the way I see it, I'm just putting things back to the way they were before you came along, Spencer, and screwed everything up.
Luke: Why don't you let her speak for herself? You afraid she's gonna tell the truth?
Scott: All right, Spencer. Ask her what you want. My lips are sealed.
Luke: Do you love him?
Olivia: You know what? We'll get an alarm system, and a guard dog wouldn't be a bad idea either.
Steve: Maybe that's the meaning behind all your puppy visions.
Olivia: You think this is funny?
Steve: [Chuckles]
Olivia: This place is gonna be locked up tighter than Fort Knox. Nobody's getting in.
[Knock on door]
Olivia: Who is it?!
Kate: Liv, it's me, Kate. Will you open up, please?
Olivia: Kate?
[Knock on door]
[Cell phone rings]
Sonny: Come on. Come on. Pick up. [Sighs]
Connie: It's Connie. You know what to do.
Olivia: Kate? Is it really you? You're back?
Kate: [Sobs]
Olivia: Oh, honey. Honey, what happened? What? What happened?
Sonny: [Sighs] [Sighs]
Luke: Is this really what you want? Or is he pressuring you, playing on loyalties? You deserve so much better.
Laura: This is what I want. I love Scotty. And -- I want to marry him.
Scott: Shall we? Au revoir, Spencer.
McBain: Caleb is after Sam, and nobody knows it.
Rafe: I mean, there's got to be something we can do, right?
McBain: Hey, Guard, you got to let me out of here!
Todd: Why would Caleb go after Sam? Why wouldn't he go after Livvie?
McBain: Hey, Guard!
Todd: They could have little doppelganger vampire babies together.
McBain: You said it yourself. He's gonna use the baby to make Sam go with him. Anna. Anna, I'm glad you're here. You got to listen to me.
Anna: [Sighs]
McBain: What's going on?
Anna: We just wanted to make sure that you are where you're supposed to be.
Todd: Where could we go? There are bars. But it's cool. We've been talking about the finer points of criminal intent and the true nature of identity.
Rafe: Yeah, we've been here this whole time.
McBain: Something happened.
Anna: Sam and Danny are gone.
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