General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 2/19/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele
Olivia: Is that real, or am I having another vision?
[Both chuckle]
Ellie: Hi. Did you buy out the store?
Spinelli: Almost. How is my Valentine?
Ellie: Good.
Spinelli: Mwah. Um, are we alone?
Ellie: Yeah. Uh, I heard someone come for Maxie earlier. I think it was her father.
Frisco: Maxie, what's going on? What did you do?
Maxie: Just forget it, okay? I shouldn't have said anything.
Frisco: I'm your father. Whatever it is, you can tell me. Who knows? Maybe I can help you.
Felix: You know what? Maybe you do need another drink.
Sabrina: No. I think I've had enough.
Felix: Well, something needs to put a smile on your face, because this, um, dancing just ain't doing it.
Patrick: Hey, hey, hey. Okay. I'm all done.
Emma: Okay.
Patrick: Thank you so much for doing this. An emergency consult and no babysitter don't go hand in hand.
Nurse: No problem. Look what Emma gave me. This is the most fun I've had all day.
Emma: I made one for you, too, Daddy.
Patrick: You did? Let's see. "Happy Valentine's Day." Thanks, Babe. Nice.
Emma: This one's for Sabrina.
Sabrina: Look, I'm sorry, Felix. I know you're trying to make me feel better, but I just can't stop thinking about that cop and his family.
Felix: You can't keep doing this to yourself.
Sabrina: I ended his life. I can't be here.
Frisco: I can't help you if you don't let me.
Maxie: Don't worry about it.
Frisco: Come on. Give me a chance. I know I wasn't much of a dad all those years, but I want to fix that. Let me help you. It would mean a lot if you trust me.
Maxie: See that girl right there?
Frisco: The one with the glasses?
Maxie: Yeah. I ruined her life.
Lulu: Gee, Dante, you shouldn't have.
Dante: Uh, I-I didn't.
Lulu: You didn't give this to me?
Dante: Have you met me? Why would I give you a, uh -- what -- what the hell is that?
Lulu: Your guess is as good as mine.
Luke: Laura.
Laura: Hello, Luke.
Connie: Get your hands off me. Same with your mouth.
Olivia: I-I guess Connie's back to her old self, huh?
Nurse: We had a great time, didn't we, Emma?
Emma: Yes.
Nurse: So, if you're all set, there's a party in the break room.
Patrick: Yes, please, go. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. [Smooches] I love my card.
Emma: It's a Valentine, Daddy.
Patrick: Right, right, right. Guess who my Valentine is.
Emma: Sabrina?
Patrick: No, silly. You are. [Smooches] You're my Valentine. Yeah?
Emma: Daddy, here comes that mean lady.
Patrick: It's okay. We're gonna go. Come on.
Britt: Patrick, please. I-I have something --
Patrick: We don't want to hear it, Britt.
Britt: I want to talk to Emma.
Felix: You want me to take you home?
Sabrina: No. I have to go back to the hospital and see if I've been expelled from nursing school.
Felix: It's not like Dr. Quartermaine or anyone from the administration's even gonna be there.
Sabrina: Yeah, but there might be something in my mailbox.
Felix: Any chance I can change your mind?
Sabrina: No.
Felix: [Sighs] So, let's go.
Sabrina: Wait. No. Felix, you don't have to go. Don't worry about it. You don't have to come with me.
Felix: The hell I don't. You are my Valentine's date, and I don't abandon dates -- or my friends. Come on.
Frisco: So, who is she?
Maxie: A nursing student at G.H.
Frisco: And why do you think you ruined her life?
Maxie: I don't think I ruined it. I know I did.
Frisco: How?
Maxie: I made her believe she killed one of her patients.
Spinelli: So, Maxie's father? Really?
Ellie: Mm-hmm.
Spinelli: Did you meet him?
Ellie: No. I wanted to give them privacy. Why? What's he like?
Spinelli: I don't know. I've never met him. But from what I gather, he's a bit of a free spirit. Maxie hasn't seen him in years.
Ellie: Really? Oh, that's too bad.
Spinelli: Yeah. Apparently, their relationship is strained. But hopefully they can finally work it out. But in any event, I'm glad they're gone, because this night is about us, and I want you all to myself.
Ellie: Oh. Ooh! Chocolates! [Chuckles]
Dante: A black rock on a stick?
Lulu: Maybe it's art.
Dante: Well, it ain't speaking to me.
Lulu: I wonder who sent it.
Dante: Who do you know with bad taste? [Chuckles] Is there a card?
Lulu: Well, all I saw was the "To Lulu."
Luke: So, it was you.
Laura: When?
Luke: Uh, there -- on the pier. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me.
Laura: [Chuckles] Well, it wouldn't be the first time, would it?
Luke: Laura!! Oh, my God! Oh!
Luke: No, it wouldn't. You were in trouble then.
Laura: I sure was.
Luke: Are you in trouble now?
Laura: I'm fine. I just came to see our daughter, because I heard that we were gonna be grandparents again.
Luke: Oh, yes. I guess we are. Yeah.
[Both chuckle]
Luke: Well, she's inside, if you want to speak to her.
Laura: I've seen her already. And you. Yesterday -- on the pier.
Luke: Why didn't you say something?
Laura: You were a little busy. You were with Anna Devane.
Sonny: What are you doing?
Connie: The last time you kissed me is because you want me to drop the charges against your daughter.
Sonny: That's not true.
Connie: No, that is what you wanted.
Sonny: I wanted a lot of things. What are you saying?
Connie: I don't like the way you went about it.
Sonny: But I was trying to make a point.
Connie: What point?
Sonny: You showed me another side -- and I liked it. And I like you.
Connie: So?
Sonny: Well, what I'm saying is, for a long time, you -- you were like an obstacle and somebody that was keeping me away from Kate. And then, you know, things changed -- all right? And I started seeing you -- for you. And -- I don't want to ignore it anymore. I want you.
Michael: But why don't we take this party back to the apartment?
Starr: Michael, this is my first night as co-owner. I can't just leave.
Michael: Well, Lulu's there. Why don't you ask her if you need to stay or not.
Lulu: "Dear Lulu, I saw this and thought of you." No signature. [Chuckles] Looks like I have a secret admirer.
Dante: Well, if I was given a gift like that, I'd keep it secret, too.
Britt: Emma, I want to apologize for our misunderstanding the other day.
Patrick: Emma doesn't like truffles.
Britt: No matter what you think, honey, I-I do like you, and I really care about your daddy. Do you accept my apology?
Patrick: Emma! Hey! Emma, come here.
Sabrina: Oh, hi. Oh.
Maxie: After the patient died, I made it look like Sabrina had given him the wrong medication -- s-so she thinks she killed him, when, really, he died from a stab wound.
Frisco: So, this Sabrina -- did she do something to hurt you, something to --
Maxie: No, no. I-I don't even know her.
Frisco: Then why did you do it?
Spinelli: I got all your favorites -- sesame noodles, egg rolls, extra-spicy hot mustard, ice-cold beer.
Ellie: Damian, this is all -- it's too much.
Spinelli: Do you know how grateful I am that you're gonna recover? I almost lost you. So that I can buy you gifts and dinner, it's a privilege.
Ellie: What is this?
Spinelli: Open it and see.
Ellie: Oh, my gosh. Damian!
Maxie: I tried to tell you that I'm a terrible person. I mean, setting up Sabrina to believe she killed someone -- it's just the latest worst example.
Frisco: Well, even terrible people generally have a motive, so there has to be a reason why you did what you did to Sabrina.
Maxie: My doctor hates her.
Frisco: Your doctor? Are you two friends?
Maxie: God, no. I can't stand her.
Frisco: Okay, I'm a little confused. Why would you purposefully ruin someone's life for a doctor that you can't stand?
Maxie: I don't have a choice. She knows my secret.
Frisco: What secret?
Olivia: Did the Coast Guard give you any idea how long they were gonna keep looking for Heather's body? I know Todd Manning's not the most reliable source, but his story did seem pretty convincing.
Olivia: What's wrong?
Steve: The door's open.
Olivia: Okay. Just let me call Dante. Let me call d -- what?
Steve: I'm going in to look around first.
Olivia: I'm going with you.
Lulu: "Gee, what did you get for Valentine's Day -- champagne, roses, chocolate? I got a rock on a stick."
Dante: Look, the night is still young. Why don't we get out of here? On the way home, we'll chuck that thing in the river, and maybe -- just maybe -- there might be some surprises waiting for you there.
Lulu: Oh! Well, then I think I'll go talk to Starr then. Hey, do you feel comfortable shutting down tonight, because I have been here every single night every since Johnny was arrested and I really, really would like some alone time with Dante?
Starr: Yeah, okay. Oh, gosh, yeah. Michael's here with me, so he can help.
Lulu: Awesome. Just call me if you have any problems, okay? Thank you so much.
Starr: Oh, no problem. Happy Valentine's Day.
Lulu: You guys, too.
Dante: Happy Valentine's Day. Thank you, little brother.
Michael: Okay.
Starr: I'm sorry.
Michael: Don't be sorry. You are a responsible club owner, and you have to be here. But I think that we should inspect the rest of the ship.
Starr: The rest of the ship?
Michael: Check out the state-rooms, make sure everything's okay. Then maybe if we find an empty room --
Starr: You just don't give up, do you?
Michael: I cannot help myself with you.
Starr: [Chuckling] Let's go.
Frisco: You're gonna have to fill me in here, Maxie, because it sounds like this doctor's blackmailing you.
Maxie: Dr. Westbourne said she would tell everything that she knows unless I agreed to help her ruin Sabrina's life.
Frisco: Well, then, we're back to the big question -- what is this secret? Why are you allowing this doctor to control your life?
Britt: Patrick, I did nothing wrong. I approached you and your daughter in a place we both work, and I offered her a box of candy.
Sabrina: Emma, honey, what's wrong?
Emma: I'm scared.
Sabrina: You're scared?
Patrick: Britt tried to apologize for upsetting her a few weeks ago, and she wasn't having it, and she ran away.
Sabrina: But you're okay how, right, honey? You're with your daddy, and you're safe.
Felix: And look what I've got for you.
Sabrina: Ooh. It's okay. He's my friend.
Patrick: Yeah. This is Felix. He's a student nurse with Sabrina.
Felix: And I've got a magic wand just for you.
Emma: Will it make her disappear?
Felix: Ooh.
Patrick: Do you mind leaving us alone?
Britt: I'm waiting to talk to Sabrina.
Felix: Uh, the nurses are having a party in the break room.
Emma: Daddy, can I go to the party?
Patrick: Yeah, yeah. You want to go? As long as it's okay with Felix.
Felix: Oh [Chuckles] She'll be the belle of the ball.
Patrick: Okay.
Felix: I have a CoeCoe makeup kit just for you.
Emma: Can I put it on all by myself?
Felix: A girl after my own heart. [Chuckles]
Emma: Poof! You're gone.
Felix: Come on, honey.
Patrick: I'm asking you not to speak to my child again. Do you understand?
Britt: I think you'll find that if you allow Emma free rein and let her be openly rude to adults, you'll quickly have an out-of-control child.
Patrick: Just leave her alone, okay? You understand that?
Britt: Fine. If you insist on misinterpreting everything that I do, there's nothing left to say. I wrote to Dr. Quartermaine about you. I thought it was only fair to give you a copy.
[Footsteps depart]
Maxie: On second thought, this father/daughter bonding moment is not exactly working out. You have more important things to do, like save the world. And I have my own life, which you never really cared about before --
Frisco: Sorry. Too late.
Maxie: What's too late?
Frisco: You confided in me. Your my daughter, you're miserable, and I'm gonna help you no matter how long it takes. Now, what is this secret? What has this doctor got over you?
Maxie: You're gonna hate me.
Frisco: It's not possible. By the way, I'm far from perfect. If anybody knows about making mistakes -- a lifetime's worth -- it's me.
Maxie: Dad, this is so much more than a mistake. It's unforgivable.
Frisco: Maxie?
Maxie: Dr. Westbourne knows the baby I'm carrying doesn't belong to Dante and Lulu.
Luke: Have you heard from lucky?
Laura: Well, we had a wonderful, long visit together last year in Ireland, but since then, um, I get a postcard every once in a while. He seems to be traveling an awful lot.
Luke: Well, he's in love with the open road.
Laura: Yeah, I wonder where he gets that.
Lulu: Dad. Mom. You guys found each other.
Laura: Yes, we did.
Lulu: Happy Valentine's Day.
Dante: Laura, great to see you.
Laura: It's so very good to see you.
Dante: You look terrific.
Laura: Thank you.
Dante: I guess you've heard. You heard about the baby and everything?
Laura: Oh, yes. Yes. You're gonna be a wonderful father.
Dante: Thank you.
Laura: And with you and my beautiful daughter as a mother --
Luke: Not to mention the great grandparents.
Laura: [Chuckling] Yes. That baby is truly blessed.
Maxie: I just wanted to do something good, something generous. I should have known I would screw it up.
Frisco: Slow down. One thing at a time here. If the baby's not Dante and Lulu's, who are the parents?
Maxie: Spinelli and me.
Ellie: Oh! Wow. Damian, this is much too extravagant.
Spinelli: It suits your wrist well, as I hoped it would.
Ellie: Yeah. [Exhales deeply] You can't afford diamonds. I mean, what's next, a ride on the Space Shuttle?
Spinelli: Yeah. Next year.
Ellie: [Chuckling] Okay.
Spinelli: But this year, we dance.
Lulu: Uh, well, if you need anything, um, Starr will help you guys, 'cause we're trying to sneak away while we still can.
Dante: Yes, before your secret admirer finds you.
Lulu: Yeah. I have a secret admirer. He has such great taste. He got me that!
Dante: Wow.
Luke: Where'd you get that?
Dante: We don't know. Someone just left it for her. Why?
Laura: We've seen this before.
Lulu: What is it?
Luke: It looks like the original Ice Princess.
Connie: You want me?
Sonny: Yeah, I do.
Connie: [Chuckles]
Sonny: It took me a while to figure it out, but -- I'm not gonna -- I'm not gonna hide anymore, you know? For months, we wanted different things. We were driving each other away, and we even made some sort of true. I d -- I didn't see this coming. This isn't -- this isn't about Kate anymore. This is -- it's about you. You got to believe that. You got to believe me.
Steve: All clear.
Olivia: Well, everything seems to be where we left it. I don't see anything missing, so --
Steve: I-I must have left the door unlocked. I was a little distracted about that call about my mother.
Olivia: Would you please not say your "mother" and "unlocked door" in the same breath, please?
Steve: I'm sorry.
Olivia: I'm -- I'm sorry. I know. I need to be a little bit more sensitive.
Steve: You are sensitive.
Olivia: You think?
Steve: I know.
Olivia: Did you check the shower?
Steve: No. Why?
Olivia: Maybe Sabrina's in there. You know, we never did figure that out -- why I had that vision of you two, uh, lathering it up the other day.
Sabrina: "Dear, Dr. Quartermaine, as you probably know, one of our student nurses, Sabrina Santiago, made an egregious error in the E.R. the other night that resulted in the tragic death of a decorated police officer. In light of that, I feel compelled to inform you that in my many experiences with her, I have found Sabrina to be grossly incompetent and hideously unprofessional."
Patrick: She's calling -- you're calling her unprofessional? That's ridiculous.
Britt: I guess we'll agree to disagree. Keep reading, Sabrina.
Sabrina: "Not only is she slovenly, but she is frequently distracted by her crush on one of our prominent male physicians. Given that her graduation is approaching, you should ask yourself if Miss Santiago is someone we want on staff at General Hospital. Yours truly, Britt Westbourne."
Patrick: Sa --
Lulu: I miscarried Dante and Lulu's baby on New Year's Eve. It was the same night that Spinelli thought his girlfriend had dumped him. We met up by accident. He was drunk, and I-I was a wreck, and we slept together. But Spinelli loves Ellie. And by the time I found out I was pregnant, they were back together. And then she was paralyzed in an accident, and, I mean, there was no way he was gonna leave her then.
Frisco: So, this about loyalty? Spinelli feels obligated to this girl?
Maxie: That's what I thought or -- or what I wanted to think. But Spinelli chose Ellie. I mean, she's a genuinely good person. She's funny and -- and smart, and I can see how much she cares about him. And even now, when it looks like she's gonna be okay, I-I just can't destroy them. I can't do it.
Ellie: Oh! This is my favorite song. Maybe we should save the dancing for next year. I mean, I can't even stand on my own.
Spinelli: Do you trust me?
Ellie: Yeah, of course, I trust you. There's just -- there's limitations, you know, that anyone can --
Spinelli: So we work with them, okay? [Chuckles] I talked to your physical therapist. He gave me a few guidelines, okay? So --
[Slow, romantic music plays]
Spinelli: All right. Now put your arms around me.
Ellie: Oh.
Singer: What you mean to me --
Maxie: I-I didn't get a chance to tell Dante and Lulu that I miscarried, because they were away. And I was pregnant again by the time they came back. And I thought that it was like this miracle, that I could just keep my mouth shut, and Dante and Lulu could have the baby that they wanted, and Spinelli could feel free to be with Ellie, without feeling obligated to me or a child that he didn't plan to have. I thought everyone would be happy, and then my doctor found out, and she threatened to tell unless I did what she wanted, and what she wanted was for me to sabotage Sabrina. [Cries] Do you think I'm awful?
Frisco: No, I don't. I think you're amazing. You're my daughter, and I love you. And I believe you've been sacrificing your happiness for everyone else's.
Lulu: I thought the Ice Princess was a diamond. This looks like a burnt cake pop.
Laura: Well, honey, before a diamond is cut and polished, it looks just like an ordinary rock.
Luke: When the Ice Princess first surfaced -- it looked like that. It was uncut. Nobody knew what was underneath.
Laura: Lulu, are you sure this was meant for you?
Lulu: Yeah, that's what the note said.
Dante: Here. Take a look. It doesn't say who sent it.
Laura: Well, there can only be so many possibilities, right?
Luke: She'd have to get her hands on it first.
Lulu: Who's "she"?
Luke: Well, your mother and I had so many enemies in those days, it's kind of useless to speculate.
Dante: Sure, but you two obviously have a pretty good idea who it might be.
Laura: Helena.
Luke: Cassadine.
Connie: Oh. I forgot what it was like.
Sonny: What are you laughing about?
Connie: [Laughs]
Sonny: What are you talking about?
Connie: It's been so long, Sonny. Except for that one time.
Sonny: With Johnny? Do we have to talk about that now? Seriously?
Connie: I slept with Johnny to hurt you. With me, sex has always been a weapon. A defense. Avoid feeling anything.
Sonny: What are you feeling right now?
Connie: Like when I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you.
Maxie: I was fine with my decision, and Dr. Westbourne wasn't thrilled, but she was keeping the secret about the baby, until suddenly she insisted that I mess with Sabrina or she'd tell.
Frisco: Sounds like a woman who uses leverage whenever she can find it.
Maxie: There's a part of me that wanted to call her bluff. I mean, she's a doctor. She could probably lose her license at this point. But I don't want to risk it. I really want Dante and Lulu to have this baby. Dad, what about Sabrina?
Frisco: Yeah. Sabrina. I'll take care of that.
Maxie: How?
Frisco: I'm your father. I may not have been around for most of your life, but I'm here now. And you're very lucky because I am very experienced at dirty tricks. Let's go.
Lulu: You think Helena Cassadine sent me this? Seriously?
Luke: Well, I can't be sure, but she was always obsessed with the Ice Princess.
Dante: So, the note says, "Saw this and thought of you." Why would Helena be thinking about Lulu?
Luke: I don't know.
Laura: She used it to control Lucky.
Lulu: Well, if she thinks that she can control me with this, she's out of her mind.
Luke: Well, you're right there. She's always been a couple of aces short of a full deck. The last time I saw the Ice Princess, it was tucked away safely in vault in Zurich. Ah. See there? Like I said, she's crazy. She's nuts, but she's not without some smarts.
Dante: So there's no way that Helena has this diamond?
Luke: Well, the last time I saw it, it was in Switzerland. But I suppose she could have gotten her hands on it.
Laura: But what is she trying to say to Lulu?
Connie: [Sighs] What are we doing, Sonny?
Sonny: What do you mean?
Connie: I'm scared.
Sonny: Of what?
Connie: I'm scared of everything.
Sonny: Tell me. What?
Connie: I'm scared that how you feel about me isn't real.
Sonny: My feelings are for you, Connie -- only for you. No one else. What are you talking about?
Connie: What if I go to prison?
Sonny: What does that mean?
Connie: I assaulted Starr. I kidnapped Johnny. [Voice breaking] I killed my son.
Sonny: There.
Connie: I hit the Trout girl. I don't think she can walk.
Spinelli: [Chuckles]
Ellie: I have never been happier.
Spinelli: Well, fasten your seat belt, because your joy meter is going to go into overdrive.
Ellie: Um, only my favorite non-sci-fi movie ever. How did you know this?
Spinelli: Well, you told me on our first date. And it is the blu-ray digitally enhanced version. Are you about to cry?
Ellie: Oh, this movie always makes me cry.
Spinelli: But it hasn't even started yet.
Steve: Sabrina made a mistake in the E.R. that killed a patient. Showering with me is the last thing on her mind.
Olivia: I can't help it. I saw you two so clearly, and you know these visions always mean something.
Steve: Can we stop talking about visions, please? Tonight, I can only think of one thing I want to do -- this.
Starr: Did everyone leave?
Michael: Well, it is Valentine's Day night, and most people want to be together, alone. I'm just saying, nobody's here. Any chance we can, you know, take off?
Starr: No, not with Connie and your dad shacking up in the state-room. But we do have the whole place to ourselves. [Chuckles]
[Slow romantic music plays]
Sonny: Whatever happens, we're gonna deal with it.
Connie: How?
Sonny: As much as I hate to admit it, Diane is a great lawyer, and she is going to get you acquitted.
Connie: Only if I can pay her.
Sonny: Don't worry about that, 'cause she's gonna get her money. All we should do right now is enjoy the fact that we are right here where we belong.
Connie: [Crying]
Sonny: [Chuckling] What? Hey.
Connie: You know what?
Sonny: What?
Connie: [Sniffles] This moment. This is the happiest I've ever been in my whole life.
Patrick: I'm gonna talk to Dr. Quartermaine. There's no reason for Britt to be bad-mouthing you. Hey. I've seen you with patients every single day. You've never made one mistake. All right? I want you to graduate and be the nurse that I know you can be, and I want you to stay at General Hospital. I don't want to lose you.
Britt: Now what, Maxie? I can just see it on your face. Once again, you're in crisis.
Frisco: Maxie's not the one in crisis. You are.
Britt: And who the hell are you?
Frisco: I'm Maxie's father -- her dad. And your little reign of terror -- it's over.
Steve: [Gasping] You hungry? [Chuckles]
Olivia: You want me to cook something?
Steve: No. No, no, no. Relaxed. Let's just go out and get a burger, huh?
Olivia: You are the sweetest man. You know that?
Steve: I think I'm gonna go grab a shower.
Olivia: All right.
Steve: Okay.
Olivia: Okay. Sabrina better not be in there with you. [Chuckles]
Olivia: Steve? What was that?
Steve: Oh! [Gasping]
Olivia: [Screaming]
Patrick: Look at that.
Sabrina: [Chuckles] Oh! [Laughs]
Patrick: What's it say? [Chuckles] I'm -- I'm pretty sure she meant "I love you forever, Sabina."
Frisco: Here's the plan, Britt. Mind if I call you Britt?
Britt: Uh --
Frisco: Good. You're gonna stop blackmailing my daughter, and you will never tell, think of telling, or even threaten to tell Dante and Lulu that the baby Maxie's carrying isn't theirs.
Lulu: Well, we're not gonna figure this out tonight, and it's getting late, so we're gonna head home. But you two have fun.
Luke: Yeah. Do me a favor. Keep your eyes open.
Dante: Hey, this one is safe with me.
Laura: Of course, she is.
Lulu: Happy Valentine's Day.
Dante: Yes, Happy Valentine's Day.
Luke: Happy Valentine's Day to you, too.
Dante: Thanks.
Spinelli: [Chuckling]
Frisco: And part 3 of this plan -- you will never reveal that Maxie's carrying Spinelli's baby. And part 4 of this plan -- you got to clean up this mess you created with Sabrina Santiago.
Britt: And why would I do that?
Luke: I have a bad feeling about this.
Laura: I do, too. What do you think it means?
Luke: Worst case -- some psycho from our past is trying to haunt us with the ugliest part of our history.
Scott: Who you calling ugly?
Frisco: I'm what you call a fixer. I get paid to kill bad guys. And from where I'm standing -- you're a bad guy.
[Slow romantic music plays]
Starr: I'm sorry I couldn't find us a place to be alone.
Michael: We're together. That's all that counts. I want to just -- holding you like this and dancing -- it's -- it's one of the best things in the world.
Starr: I was hoping you would say that. I think so, too.
Kate: Oh, my God. What's going on? [Gasps] Where am I?
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