General Hospital Transcript Monday 2/18/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele
Starr: Hey, good news.
Lulu: The champagne?
Starr: Yes. 20 minutes ago. I put the case behind the bar, and then the rest of them are in the front refrigerator.
Lulu: Thank you so much for coming early to take the delivery.
Starr: No, I'm glad I did. They tried to short us five cases.
Lulu: Are you kidding? We need to change the distributors.
Starr: Yeah, it's fine by me.
Lulu: I think we made our first decisions as co-owners.
Starr: Did we? That wasn't so bad!
Lulu: Are you nervous about tonight?
Starr: Well, should I be?
Lulu: No, I just -- I think that we're gonna make great partners.
Starr: I think so, too. I think that this will be Valentine's party that no one will ever forget.
Lulu: I completely agree.
Michael: Starr.
Starr: Hey.
Michael: Hey.
Starr: What's wrong?
Michael: Did you hear about your father?
Starr: No. What happened?
Michael: He was caught on Pier 52. He claims he saw John McBain murder Heather Webber.
Olivia: You think Todd Manning's story's really true? You think Heather might actually be dead?
Steve: According to Manning, Detective McBain strangled her and -- threw her off the pier. That sounds crazy.
Olivia: Yeah, but with Heather involved --
Steve: Crazy is normal.
Olivia: Yeah.
Steve: Liv, what if it's true? I mean, what if -- what if Heather is truly gone? And why -- why the hell do I even care, huh?
Olivia: Because, Steve --
Steve: After everything she's done to me and to you --
Olivia: Because she's still your mother. That's why. And whatever she's done, you're allowed to have whatever feelings you might be having, okay? And I'm here to support you.
Steve: I thank God I have you.
Olivia: Right back at you.
Connie: Aww. Well, aren't you two romantic. Who died?
Lulu: Hey! There you are.
Dante: Hey. Sorry I'm late.
Lulu: It's okay. Michael told me about Todd getting arrested.
Dante: Oh. Yeah, he was found on Pier 52 with Danny Morgan.
Lulu: Danny?
Dante: Yeah, kid's fine -- not a scratch on him -- but Todd had some crazy story he was spouting off about it. Anyway, the kid is safe. He's home with his mother, and that's all that matters. Let's talk about something else, okay?
Lulu: Yeah, let's talk about surprises.
Dante: Surprises? What surprises? You have something in mind?
Lulu: Oh, come on. Don't play dumb. You always surprise me on Valentine's Day. So, what is it?
Dante: Uh --
Sonny: Hey, Lulu.
Dante: [Chuckles] Um -- surprise.
Maxie: Why are you bothering me tonight? Do you not have any friends? Look, Dr. Westbourne, I already did what you asked, okay? I made it look like Sabrina Santiago gave the cop the wrong medication. What else do you want me to do? Yes, I still need you to keep quiet that the baby that I'm carrying is mine and Spinelli's rather than Dante and Lulu's. What else do you want me to do? Haven't we ruined this girl's life enough already?
Sabrina: "You are a cutie." How about, "You are a murderer"?
Felix: Okay. That's it. We're going to a party.
Sabrina: A party?
Felix: Yeah. You can't just sit around here being miserable.
Sabrina: I can't?
Felix: No, it's Valentine's Day. And I am a cutie.
Sabrina: Right. On top of everything else, I don't have a Valentine.
Felix: Hmm. What a coinky-dinky -- neither do I. Oh, wait. Now I do -- you.
Maxie: Dr. Westbourne, could you please stop hounding me?
[Knock on door]
Maxie: I got to go, okay? Somebody's at my door. Dad.
Frisco: Happy Valentine's Day -- to my baby girl.
Maxie: Well, I haven't been your baby girl for a while now, so what are you doing here?
Frisco: You wouldn't return my calls, so I came to you.
Maxie: Yeah, I was ignoring your calls for a reason.
Frisco: Well, you should know by now that when something matters to me -- I don't give up very easily.
[Soft music plays]
Frisco: I love you, and I always have. You know that.
Felicia: You love me?
Frisco: Since day one. I made so many mistakes. I let you down. And I let the girls down. But I'm back, and I want to start over, and I want to start over with you -- and something tells me you feel the same way.
Mac: Penny for your thoughts?
Starr: I don't want to talk about my dad anymore.
Michael: I just want to make sure you're okay.
Starr: No. You know what? I am great. I am in my new club, and I am throwing my first Valentine's Day party with Lulu.
Michael: Which I am sure is going to be a huge success.
Starr: And you know what the best part about it is? Is that I have you right by my side.
[Both laugh]
Michael: Well, where else would I be on the most romantic day of the year?
Starr: Oh, I don't know. With A.J., looking for a jar of relish.
Luke: Hey, A.J., what's up?
A.J.: How did you get in here?
Luke: Alice let me in. She loves me. What're you looking for?
A.J.: Uh, none of your business.
Tracy: Actually, he's looking for this. And you're not gonna get your little grubby hands on it.
Cameron: Mommy, I made this for you at school.
Elizabeth: Oh, Cameron let me see it. Oh, I love it. And I love that you made it for me. Come here. Give me a hug. Oh, you guys are the best little Valentines I could ever have. You know that? Yes?
[Doorbell rings]
Elizabeth: Oh, I wonder who that could be? Okay. Stay put, okay? [Clears throat]
Laura: Happy Valentine's Day.
Elizabeth: Laura!
Laura: Hi, honey. Oh!
Elizabeth: Come in, come in!
Laura: Thank you.
Elizabeth: This is such a surprise. I didn't know you were in town.
Laura: Well, nobody does. Except Lulu.
Elizabeth: Oh.
Laura: Well, it just wasn't exactly planned. I just couldn't stay away any longer. That's all. I wanted to see my grandsons.
Elizabeth: Cameron. This is your daddy's mommy. Do you remember her?
Cameron: Yes.
Laura: You do? Oh, my goodness. I am so, so glad. And that must be Aiden. Hello, honey. Aiden, I am your grandmother, and I brought you some presents.
Elizabeth: Presents?
Laura: Want to see what I've got? That's for you, my dear.
Elizabeth: Did you hear that? She has presents for you!
Laura: That's for your little brother. That's for you, Aiden.
Elizabeth: Cameron, why don't you go take your brother to the couch and you guys can open them, okay?
Cameron: Let's go open our presents.
Elizabeth: Go on, Aiden. Oh, thank you so much.
Laura: Hey, honey. Oh, my goodness. Just adorable. They're so big!
Elizabeth: I know.
Laura: Oh. You know, Aiden looks just like Lucky did at this age.
Elizabeth: Do you ever hear from him?
Laura: Uh, not very often, no. I think he -- he's still finding himself.
Elizabeth: Mm. Well, I hope he succeeds.
Laura: Yeah.
Elizabeth: It's so good to see you. And you look amazing.
Laura: Oh, why, thank you. And you, my dear, more beautiful than ever.
Elizabeth: Oh, please. Can you stay for a while? Can I take your jacket?
Laura: Sure. That would be great, if you don't mind.
Elizabeth: Oh, I would love for you to.
Laura: Okay. Just a little. Thank you. Oh, they're gonna open them up. Good.
[Both laugh]
Laura: You know, I hope you don't mind my asking -- I was just wondering if, uh -- well, if there's anybody new in your life.
Elizabeth: Oh. No. No.
Laura: No?
Elizabeth: There was this one guy, and it was a train wreck, and then another, but the timing wasn't right. I guess I just don't have a very good track record when it comes to romance.
Laura: I'm sorry, honey.
Elizabeth: No. Oh, don't be sorry. It's not like I'm looking. And I'd rather focus on my real true loves.
Aiden: Look what I got.
Laura: Oh, look what you got!
Elizabeth: Look what you got!
Laura: Yes, and you are so lucky to have them, aren't you?
Elizabeth: Yeah.
Laura: But, Elizabeth, you're a very young lady, you know? I know that love is the toughest thing to get right, but when you do, just sort of makes everything else better.
Elizabeth: So, have you seen Luke yet?
Laura: Yes, I've seen him, but he didn't see me. He was a little bit busy -- kissing Anna Devane.
Luke: Nice bling, Trace. Key to your heart?
A.J.: Who the heck would want to get into that cold thing? No, that's to the pantry refrigerator. See, my crazy aunt has decided that it needs to be padlocked.
Tracy: Yes, I'm trying to help A.J. stop snacking between meals. I think he could lose a few pounds.
A.J.: Okay, give it up, Tracy, huh? You're just trying to keep me away from that relish.
Sonny: I hope you don't mind that he brought me along.
Lulu: No, don't be silly. Just have fun tonight.
Sonny: All right, thank you.
Lulu: So, that was my surprise -- your father?
Dante: Yeah. You cool with it? No, of course, it's not. Look, I saw him earlier. He seemed kind of lonely, and I didn't want him spending Valentine's like that, so I invited him along. Maybe he will meet someone here. You never know.
Lulu: That's really sweet of you to be concerned about him. But do you think that he's ready to move on from Kate?
Connie: Hello? Any comment?
Olivia: Yeah, I got a comment. What're you doing here?
Connie: Well, Cuz, I am editrix-in-chief of the hottest newspaper on the planet. I do go where the news goes. And this is where it happened today. Fugitive Todd Manning captured by the PCPD! It's so good! Oh! And you know what? Speak of the devil, why don't you give me an exclusive, Steve? Huh? What do you have to say about Todd Manning's statement that your mama's sleeping with the fishes?
Steve: Nothing.
Connie: Come on!
Olivia: Be nice! What happened to the Connie that got Kristina off the hook?
Connie: I got a responsibility to my readers.
Olivia: Well, you're getting nothing out of him. We got a party we got to get to.
Connie: What? A party?
Olivia: Yes.
Connie: Where?
Steve: The Haunted Star.
Connie: Perfect! I'll come with you.
Tracy: I can see right through you. You realized that Pickle-Lila can save ELQ like it did before.
Luke: Don't you two think that pinning the entire future of ELQ on an old bottle of relish is a tad absurd?
Tracy: That relish is pure gold in the right hands. Those are not his.
A.J.: Okay, okay! I'm trying to save the company! Will you just give me the relish?!
Tracy: I wouldn't trust you with that relish or anything else, so buzz off!
Sabrina: Felix, can you please just -- just leave me alone, okay? I'm in no mood to be anybody's Valentine tonight, and you're just asking me out of pity.
Felix: [Sighs] Sabrina -- you did not kill Officer Carlson.
Sabrina: But I gave him the wrong medication.
Felix: Yes, you gave him the wrong meds, and he died, which he probably would have done in the first place, according to the dream-boat Dr. Drake. It was horrible and it should never have happened.
Sabrina: I just don't -- I don't understand. I thought I checked the vials carefully, you know? I don't know how. I don't know how I misread those labels.
Felix: But moping and punishing yourself is not gonna bring that poor man back, either. So can we please get out of here before all the cute single people start pairing up? Come on.
Sabrina: I don't know, Felix.
Felix: I'm not going without you.
Sabrina: Okay.
Felix: All right. You're depressing all these sick people anyway. Let's go.
Maxie: Dad, I am, uh, really not in the mood for any of your excus --
Frisco: I know that we still have our issues.
Maxie: Yeah. It's funny how one random visit doesn't erase years of neglect.
Frisco: You have every right to be angry. I've been gone a long time.
Maxie: "A long time." Do you even remember the last time I saw you? I think I was seven, which means Georgie couldn't talk. You missed her entire life. Mine, too.
Frisco: I'm sorry. But I'm still your father, and I'm here now.
Maxie: Mm. Why couldn't you stay on the other side of the world fighting bad guys?
Frisco: Because I wanted to see my daughter.
Maxie: Why? What is it that you want from me?
Frisco: I want to know you. I want you to know me. I want to discover who you are now. So -- please -- I'm just asking for the same chance you gave your mother to make amends.
Felicia: I-I was just thinking how lucky I am to have such a handsome date for Valentine's Day.
Mac: [Chuckles] Are you kidding me? I am the lucky one. I mean, waking up to this beautiful face every day -- how did I ever come to deserve that?
Felicia: [Chuckles] And you deserve so much more. You're an amazing man, Mac Scorpio. So, we ready to get this party started?
Mac: You know what? Just -- just, um, come here. Stand out here with me a while longer, okay? I'm not ready to share you just yet.
Felicia: Is that so?
Mac: Mnh-mnh. I want you all to myself.
Maxie: Okay. Yeah, let's go. What the hell?
Frisco: Not the most loving response, but I'll take it.
Maxie: Just -- just give me like 10 minutes to change?
Frisco: Maxie -- thank you. Thanks for giving me a chance.
Maxie: Don't get too excited. I'm only going with you because it's Valentine's Day and Spinelli's coming over to celebrate with Ellie, and I don't want to be stuck being a third wheel. Um -- what should I dress for? Kelly's?
Mac: There's a Valentine's Day party at the Haunted Star.
Felicia: Well, thank you, Mac. I would love that.
Frisco: Actually, I was thinking of the Haunted Star.
Felix: Oh, yes, yes, yes. This is the place to be. Oh, come on, Mama. This'll be fun. It's exactly what you need to forget about your troubles.
Sabrina: Oh, my God.
Felix: Mm. Mine, too. Too bad he's married.
Sabrina: No, Felix. That's the cop who came to the hospital to see Officer Carlson. He interviewed me. I can't even look at him.
Felix: Oh, no, you don't.
Dante: [Clears throat] Anyway, Kate's been gone for months, but Sonny and Connie seem like they've been getting along pretty good, but maybe that's just because of Kristina's hearing?
Lulu: Oh, yeah. I mean, I can't believe Connie came through like that for Kristina. I think Sonny got through to her, but Connie's not Kate, and it's looking less and less like Kate is coming back.
Michael: You know, it would be a lot easier for me to believe that you didn't sabotage ELQ if you just tell me who did.
Sonny: I understand that, but I can't.
Michael: Wh -- why? Why not?
Sonny: Because Connie asked me not to.
A.J.: Tracy, even if you managed to resurrect Grandma Lila's relish recipe, it's not gonna do you any good. You're not in charge anymore at ELQ.
Tracy: Things change. Often do.
A.J.: Okay. All right, I'll bite. So, what is that supposed to mean?
Luke: That's for her to know and you to try and unsuccessfully to find out.
A.J.: You know what? You're wasting my time. And this isn't over.
Luke: Now who has the upper hand? Oh, I do love the twists and turns.
Laura: Ah, delicious. Thank you.
Elizabeth: Thank you for the presents. That's so -- they're perfect and generous.
Laura: They're just at such fun ages, I couldn't resist picking out a few little things.
Elizabeth: Well, that puzzle's gonna keep them busy forever, which is a good thing, because I wanted to ask you, how'd it make you feel when you saw Luke kissing Anna?
Laura: Uh -- you know, if -- if Luke is happy, then I'm happy for him.
Elizabeth: That was enthusiastic.
Laura: You know, Elizabeth, that Luke and I were over a long time ago, and I guess it was just pretty obvious that he has moved on.
Elizabeth: Have you?
Tracy: That relish is my manifest destiny. I will figure out what the recipe is, I will put it back in production, and it will be a huge success. With the proceeds, I will restore ELQ to solvency.
Luke: Sing it, Sister.
Tracy: A.J. is right about one thing, however. In order for my plan to work, I have to be C.E.O. again, so we have got to find the missing Quartermaine heir.
Luke: The daughter that Franco may or may not have, who has 6% of Edward's stock.
Tracy: I need her, Luke. I need her vote.
Luke: I know. And don't worry. I have not given up on Laura.
Tracy: What did you say?
Luke: I said I haven't given up on Lauren. I'm gonna find her for you --
Tracy: No, no, no, no, no. That's not what you said you haven't given up on Laura. Excuse me. Your Freudian slip is showing.
Luke: Oh, I did not. And even if I did, that's not a Freudian slip. That's just a slip of the tongue, a mistake.
Tracy: Uh-huh. You know what Freud says about mistakes? There are none.
Luke: Just because the man had a beard doesn't mean he was right about everything!
Tracy: Why are you pining after Laura?!
Luke: I'm not pining. Anna just threw her in my face when she dumped me last night.
Tracy: Excuse me?
Luke: When I rushed over there to see if Anna was okay, she kicked me to the curb.
Tracy: Hmm. Because of Laura?
Luke: Anna said that ours is not a great love -- like hers is with Duke and mine is with --
Tracy: Maybe she's right.
Elizabeth: I'm sorry. Forget I said that. I should not have asked if you've moved on. I realize that is incredibly personal and maybe none of my business.
Laura: It's okay, really. It's okay. Take a deep breath.
Elizabeth: Okay.
Laura: Let it go.
Elizabeth: All right.
Laura: Actually, um -- can I tell you something?
Elizabeth: Yes, please.
[Doorbell rings]
Elizabeth: Oh, just hold that thought.
Laura: [Chuckles]
Maxie: Wow. This is, uh -- some party. I'm not sure this is the best place to talk, but that's okay. I don't have a whole lot to say.
Frisco: I'm just very happy that you came with me. Thank you. I appreciate it. Oh, look who's here. Let's go say hello, shall we? Felicia, Mac. What a surprise.
Felix: Will you stop staring at the hot police officer. He's not gonna walk up and arrest you, and it doesn't look like he's got any cuffs on him.
Sabrina: Felix, that's not what I'm worried about. He knew Officer Carlson. He called him Bud.
Felix: Well, they worked together.
Sabrina: You know what? I can't stand this. I have to say something. I'm gonna walk over there right now, and I'm gonna tell him that I killed his friend.
Sonny: Connie promised to protect the identity of the ELQ whistle-blower. I respect that. Because that's what a journalist should do.
Michael: She's not a journalist, Dad.
Sonny: She's trying. She's thinking of other people instead of herself, just like when she said that Kristina didn't assault her. Look, you got to listen to me, okay? There's a difference in Connie right now, and don't make the same mistake I made by underestimating her is all I'm saying.
A.J.: These are for you.
Elizabeth: Wow. They're absolutely gorgeous. Um, I'm -- I'm so surprised. I don't know what to say.
A.J.: No, I -- they're not from me.
Elizabeth: Oh. Oh!
A.J.: Oh, the florist showed up, and I -- I told him I'd give them to you. I -- I didn't mean for you to think that I brought them.
Elizabeth: Right. I mean --
A.J.: Because why would I ever show up with flowers? Wouldn't even think --
Elizabeth: From my gram.
[Cell phone beeps]
Elizabeth: Not exactly my secret admirer.
Sonny: Look, I did not leak that story about ELQ. You're gonna have to believe me, Son.
Starr: Michael, what do you say? Can you give your dad the benefit of the doubt?
Michael: You know what? If you say you didn't do it, then -- okay, I believe you.
Sonny: Really?
Michael: Yeah.
Sonny: Just like that.
Michael: Just like that.
Sonny: Thank you.
Connie: Well, what do you know? It's St. Valentine's Day miracle.
Felicia: Maxie, you look absolutely beautiful.
Maxie: Thanks, Mom. So do you.
Mac: What're you doing here?
Frisco: I'm here to talk with my daughter.
Mac: Here. You sure about that?
Maxie: It's true. He said he wanted to come here so we could talk.
Frisco: Of course, I'm sure. Why else would I be here?
Steve: You must be Frisco. Heard a lot about you. Steve Webber.
Frisco: Steve.
Steve: This is my fiancée, Olivia.
Olivia: It's a pleasure. Nice to meet you.
Frisco: Nice to meet you.
Steve: What brings you here?
Frisco: Valentine's Day with my daughter.
Olivia: Maxie, it's good to see you. How you feeling?
Maxie: Good.
Olivia: You want something to drink? Could somebody please get this young lady a glass of milk to drink?
Dante: Ma, could you take it down a notch, please? And leave Maxie alone.
Olivia: What? Is it my grandbaby she's carrying or not?
Maxie: Oh, no.
Felix: Whoa, whoa, wait! What --
Sabrina: What?
Felix: Are you crazy? You do that and it's not just your neck on the line.
Sabrina: What are you talking about?
Felix: If you do that, you'll leave the hospital open to all sorts of lawsuits. You don't want to be the girl that single-handedly brought down General Hospital, do you?
Sabrina: No. No, I don't.
Felix: Then let the hospital handle it.
Lulu: Hey. You okay?
Maxie: Y-yeah. Why wouldn't I be?
Lulu: Your father.
Maxie: Oh. Right. Him. Um -- he just sort of showed up on my doorstep. Actually wasn't even planning on going tonight, but Ellie and Spinelli are staying in, so -- I figured I was gonna have to deal with my dad sooner or later. Might as well be at a Valentine's Day party.
Lulu: Yeah, speaking of absent parents, my mother's back.
Elizabeth: Please come in.
A.J.: I hope it's okay I stopped by. I was kind of hoping we could talk. I'm sorry. I didn't realize you had company. Laura?
Laura: [Laughs] A.J. Quartermaine.
A.J.: Wow! It has been a long time since we've seen each other.
Laura: Yes, I know. It's good to see you looking so well. Boys! If you'll excuse me. Grandma has to go now, so can I have a hug bye-bye?
A.J.: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to run you off.
Aiden: Thank you for this.
Laura: You're welcome, dear. You're so welcome. Well, it's really nice to see you again.
A.J.: You too. Hey, guys, you want to let me play? Hey!
Elizabeth: Thank you so much for coming over. It's so good to see you.
Laura: It's good to see you, too, honey. And listen -- I know you think that you want to be alone right now -- but don't give up on love. Trust me.
A.J.: It's over there. I -- I'm sorry. This is Valentine's Day. It's a crazy time to drop in. I just, um -- I kind of needed someone to talk to, and you're the first person that came to mind.
Connie: So you're one big happy family again?
Sonny: Yeah, I was just telling Michael that I had nothing to do with leaking that story about the dirty money at ELQ.
Connie: I told you that - your father had nothing to do with that story.
Michael: Yeah, after you told me that you did hear it from him.
Connie: I know. I lied. Okay? He's innocent, so get over it.
Michael: I did.
Connie: Okay. Great. Now that we have that taken care of -- give me back my damn boat.
Maxie: Laura's back. Does your dad know yet?
Lulu: I don't know. He hasn't said anything.
Connie: Okay, cut the innocent act, Starfish! You know what I'm talking about! I want what's mine!
Lulu: I should deal with this. I'm sorry.
Starr: I have nothing that's yours.
Connie: Look around, honey. Everything in this building belongs to me.
Starr: Johnny legally signed over half of the Haunted Star to me, and I have the paperwork to prove that.
Connie: Oh, paperwork? Pbht! Paperwork doesn't mean jack, because he's a convicted felon!
Lulu: Excuse me.
Michael: Okay, Starr, let's get out of here.
Sonny: Let them deal with it.
Michael: I'm not gonna stand here and let her attack Starr.
Connie: I'm not attacking anyone! I could, but I'm not going to because I'm stating the facts!
Starr: Connie, first of all, tone your volume down! It doesn't matter. You can kick and scream all you want. It's not going to change anything. Johnny signed over half the Haunted Star to me, fair and square. My name is on the deed, and it's going to stay that way.
Connie: Yeah, we'll see about that, won't we?
Maxie: Are you doing okay?
Sabrina: No. I killed a police officer.
Felix: Whoa, whoa. What was in that punch? My date seems to have had quite a bit. Uh, guess we're just gonna go leave.
Sabrina: Wait. There was punch?
Felix: Keep it moving, Santiago. Now look - you're cut off. Did I or did I not say that you can't be telling people that you killed somebody.
Sabrina: I did, Felix. Even though I thought that I checked the labels -- check thrice for me to stay nice -- but you know what? Thrice didn't cut it. I gave him the wrong drug. And you know what? Now -- I may not graduate, and I'll probably never become a nurse, and you know what? That's probably the best thing because someone's now dead because of something that I did.
Felix: Come on. Sabrina, it was an accident.
Sabrina: He had three kids, Felix. Three kids who no longer have a father. [Crying]
Felicia: What do you think you're doing, using our daughter to try to get closer to me?
Frisco: I genuinely want to get to know Maxie better.
Felicia: So you bring her to a crowded party with music and dancing -- to a party you know I'm going to be at?
Frisco: People talk at parties. Look -- we're talking. That's all I want to do is talk a little bit. Why wouldn't I want to be with the two most favorite women in my world?
Felicia: I told you stay away from me.
Frisco: You look upset.
Felicia: Beautiful spy work. I am upset.
Frisco: Well, if I really don't matter to you, why is it such a big deal if I'm here or not?
Dante: Why don't you calm down, Connie?
Connie: I'm not gonna calm down, Dante, because this spoiled little brat who's never worked a day in her life, by the way, decided to take advantage of Johnny's guilt over what happened to her boyfriend and her little girl!
Starr: What happened to Cole and Hope was --
Connie: Yeah, you heard me.
Sonny: You don't want to do this.
Shawn: Sonny, I --
Sonny: No, you don't.
Connie: Come on!
Sonny: Stop it! You don't want to do this right now, right here.
A.J.: So when Duke came up with the idea to produce Pickle-Lila, I was hopeful. I figured maybe we finally found a way to save my grandfather's company.
Elizabeth: And I know how important ELQ is to your family.
A.J.: Yeah, well, here's the kicker -- especially to my Aunt Tracy.
Elizabeth: Mm-hmm.
A.J.: Yeah. Apparently, the recipe was so secret that nobody bothered to write it down, and now there's just one jar left.
Elizabeth: And let me guess -- Tracy has it.
A.J.: Yeah. I know I can -- I don't know. I can figure out if I -- if I had the chance to analyze the last couple spoonfuls from the last jar, I can put the recipe back together. But she won't even let me near it. Listen to this -- she has actually taken to padlocking the refrigerator door.
Elizabeth: That's a bit eccentric, isn't it?
A.J.: Yeah, you think I'm crazy for pinning all my hopes for a multinational corporation on a jar of pickle relish.
Elizabeth: Actually, I don't think you're crazy at all. I think you're not giving up, and that takes a lot of guts.
A.J.: Thank you.
Cameron: Done!
A.J.: All right!
Elizabeth: Let me see! Good job, buddy.
A.J.: You want a high five, too? Yeah!
Laura: Relax. No, I was not visiting Luke. I have no intentions of seeing him. I came here to visit my grandsons. Will you please try to calm down? All right. All right, then. I will see you soon. Goodbye.
[Soft music plays]
Luke: [Breathes deeply] Laura?
Tracy: Oh, Mother, I'm so grateful to you for inventing this relish all those years ago. And, Daddy -- thank you for leaving it to me -- and trusting me to save ELQ. I don't need -- anybody else to be my Valentine.
A.J.: I think I'm gonna say goodbye, so thank you for --
Elizabeth: Wait. Um -- you know, my boys are busy with their new toys upstairs, and -- I would love to have a conversation that didn't include laser sound effects. I'm about to make dinner. It's nothing special. It's just spaghetti. Do you want to stay for a while?
A.J.: Yeah. Yeah, thanks. I'd -- I'd like that.
Lulu: Hey. How's it going?
Mac: That S.O.B. knew I was bringing Felicia here for a romantic Valentine's, and he decided to crash.
Lulu: What are you waiting for? Why don't you go get your date?
Mac: That's a good idea.
Frisco: Mac, how are things at the bar.
Felicia: [Gasps]
Mac: Let's dance.
Felicia: I thought you'd never ask.
[Both laugh]
Felicia: You know what? Hmm? Yeah?
Mac: Why don't we finish this dance and go home, huh?
Felicia: [Giggling] What a wonderful idea.
Felix: Okay, that's enough of that.
Sabrina: I'm sorry, Felix.
Felix: No, don't be sorry. Come on. Let's turn this Valentine's Day around.
Sabrina: I can't.
Felix: Yes, you can. And hopefully they'll play "I will survive," which you will.
Sabrina: No. I -- I -- I don't know.
Felix: I'm just trying to get you to smile. Can you do just a smile? For me? Come on. There you go. Mija, let's go dance. Come on. We're gonna cut the rug.
Frisco: Maxie -- sweetheart -- what's the matter?
Maxie: You don't want to know. Trust me.
Frisco: Actually, I do. I'm your father.
Maxie: You're making a mistake trying to get to know me, to get close to me. I'm -- I'm not worth it.
Frisco: Maxie --
Maxie: No, really. If you had any sense at all, you would just get as far away from me as possible. I'm a bad person, and I'm selfish, and I wreck things -- really important things.
Frisco: I want you to tell me what's going on. What did you do?
Dante: Happy Valentine's Day, Mrs. Falconeri.
Lulu: Happy Valentine's Day, Mr. Falconeri.
Dante: So, I'm thinking maybe we should go up to the deck and have our own little celebration up there.
Lulu: Ooh! I like where your head's at. Let me get a little champagne. What? Finally!
Michael: Are you sure you're okay? Connie was really out of line and loud.
Starr: Connie was being Connie. I should've known. She was being way too quiet about Johnny giving me the other half of the Haunted Star.
Michael: My dad keeps insisting that there's more to Connie than meets the eye, but I am not seeing it.
Starr: Me either.
Michael: You know what? It's Valentine's Day. And I think it's time we both forgot about Connie.
Starr: Oh, yeah? And how are you going to help me forget?
Michael: Well, actually -- maybe this will work.
Starr: What is this? You got me a present?
Michael: Yes, I did.
Starr: Michael, that's beautiful.
Michael: Yeah. But it's not as beautiful as you are.
[Both laugh]
Starr: All right, I'll read the card. I love you, too, Michael.
Sonny: You don't have to go after Starr like that. She's just a kid.
Connie: She took what's mine.
Sonny: No, she didn't. Why do you want the Haunted Star, anyway? You got a newspaper to run. Who cares about the Haunted Star? Let Lulu and Starr run the club. You got too much on your plate.
Connie: No, I don't have anything on my plate! I got nothing, Sonny. But you wouldn't know anything about that, would you? 'Cause you have a family, you have people that love you, you have a son who forgives you. I got no son. I lost him before I could even know him. I have nothing. I am alone.
Sonny: That's not true. You got -- you got your cousin. You got your business, right? You got me. Hey.
Lulu: Don't look so innocent. I know what you're up to. Oh. Gee, honey, you shouldn't have.
Dante: Yeah, I -- I didn't.
Luke: Oh, there's nothing there, Spencer.
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