General Hospital Transcript Friday 2/15/13
Provided By Suzanne
Todd: Last chance, John. Your friends are here.
[Siren wails]
Todd: I can't wait to tell them what their favorite detective did to Heather. What's it gonna be, John?
[Car doors close]
Sam: Danny!
Anna: Don't move! Don't move, Manning! Nice and slow. Just back away from the baby, please. Nice and slow. Sam! Sam!
Todd: Listen --
Anna: Put your hands in the air! Shut up!
Todd: It's not what it looks like.
Shawn: I'm guessing you're not here for the blue plate special.
Sonny: You're right. There's something I need you to do. And it's about Johnny Zacchara.
I'll be back.
[Door opens, closes]
Johnny: Day 2 of 7,304. [Sighs] How the hell am I gonna get through this one? [Sighs]
Sonny: Now that Johnny's finally behind bars, the Zacchara name is up for grabs.
[Cell phone rings]
Sonny: I got to get this. Sorry.
Connie: Sonny.
Sonny: Connie. [Chuckles]
Diane: Good. You already have a table. Because we have a lot of ground to cover.
Connie: [Sighs]
Shawn: Ah. Those are for customers, man.
T.J.: All right. Fine. I can wait till you throw out the leftovers. That's cool.
Shawn: Look at you. You're looking sharp. [Chuckles]
T.J.: I got a date with Molly tonight. It's our first Valentine's Day.
Shawn: Okay, so what do you got? Chocolates, jewelry, or...?
T.J.: No. It's a surprise. And, uh, I'm betting she's got one for me, too.
Alexis: All right, Molly, did you actually see Heather take the baby?
Molly: No, not in person, but --
Alexis: You didn't actually see her take the baby?
Molly: No --
Alexis: Then how do you know it was Heather that took the baby?
Molly: I just do, okay?
Rafe: It's okay. I don't want you to get in trouble for covering for me. Look, Molly had nothing to do with this, okay? It was all my fault this Heather woman just took Danny from me.
Alexis: Who is this boy, and why is he in my house?
Molly: Um...
Alexis: Oh. I see. [Sighs] You didn't have a boyfriend in your room. You had an accused murderer!
[Door opens]
McBain: Hey.
Dante: Hey. [Clears throat] So, Lucy Coe is back in her cell.
McBain: Any of what I say get through to her? I mean, does she still think I'm this -- this Caleb?
Dante: You know, it makes sense she's having, uh, trouble with this. It's hard making someone believe you're two different people.
Todd: It's not what it looks like.
Sam: You know what it looks like.
Carly: What the hell's going on here?
Sam: What's going on? Todd tried to steal my kid for the second time.
Todd: I wasn't trying to steal anybody. I was trying to save your kid.
Anna: From who? From Heather?
Todd: No, from John McBain.
Carly: Really? You expect me to believe that John McBain tried to kidnap Danny?
Todd: Carly, why would I make something like that up?
Carly: Because you would lie about anything, and I can't believe I fell for it again.
Todd: I swear to you on my -- I-I swear to you on anything but my daughter's life that John McBain was here.
Sam: Hey, it's okay, Danny. Mommy's here. You've had a strange day, haven't you?
Anna: What exactly are you saying, Manning? That McBain was trying to take Sam's baby?
Todd: What I'm saying is that McBain throttled Heather and then threw her into the water, and then he tried to take Sam's baby.
Anna: You're not doing yourself any favors.
Todd: Tell me about it. I'd be halfway to Canada right now if McBain hadn't tried to take the kid out from right under my nose.
Carly: So you're telling us that you were rescuing Danny?
Todd: Sam already lost her kid once because of me. It'd be bad karma to let something like that happen again, don't you think?
Anna: And you what? You fought McBain for the baby?
Todd: Well, yeah. I mean, you don't know this about me, but I did play college football.
Carly: Where is John?
Todd: I don't know.
Anna: I do. He's at the police station.
McBain: You don't really believe I'm a vampire, do you?
Dante: No, I don't think you're a vampire, John.
McBain: Just a serial killer who thinks he's a vampire. That's so much better.
Dante: You know, man, I don't know what to believe, okay? We -- we have this eyewitness nurse at G.H., Sabrina Santiago, she implicated you in Carlson's murder. We have surveillance footage that definitely doesn't lie. Has you in the evidence room escorting Rafe Kovich out of his cell. This kid Rafe won't stop telling anyone who will listen to him that you're the one who killed his mother.
McBain: No, Dante, he saw someone who looks like me.
Dante: What do you got? A twin that you didn't mention?
McBain: All I know is this guy goes by the name of Caleb. And until you believe that and you start searching for him, none of this is gonna get cleared up.
Dante: We got to find this kid, Rafe Kovich, and talk to him and find out what happened with -- with Carlson.
McBain: Yeah, I just hope the kid's all right.
Dante: Well, why wouldn't he be?
McBain: [Sighs] Rafe told me that he and his mom were on the run from someone. He didn't have the details. He -- he doesn't know why his mom was so afraid of this person.
Dante: But you know why?
McBain: The kid's the key to the whole mystery.
Rafe: Look, none of this is Molly's fault, okay? I showed up and begged her to help me. She didn't have any other choice.
Molly: Well, that's not exactly true. I-I --
Rafe: I told her I had nowhere else to go, okay? She'd already helped me once, so I took advantage and begged her into letting me stay here.
Alexis: And then you -- you let him babysit --
Rafe: I would never hurt Danny, okay? He's an amazing kid. I was just supposed to watch him for a couple minutes, and then that woman showed up. She told me she was his nanny, and I had no clue that she was trying to kidnap him.
Alexis: All right, well, I have no doubt that Heather lied to you, and I'm hoping the police will take that into consideration.
Molly: Mom, mom, mom, mom. No, no, no. You can't turn Rafe into the cops.
Alexis: Yes, I can, my darling, and I'm going to because I'm an officer of the court and I have that obligation. You should have thought about that before you let an accused criminal into your bedroom.
[Cell phone rings]
Alexis: Sam?
Sam: Mom, hi. We found Danny. He's fine.
Alexis: [Sighs] Well, is he okay?
Sam: Yeah, he's perfect.
Alexis: All right. So -- so what happened? Where's Heather?
Sam: We'll talk about this when I get home. I just -- I want to get him home.
Alexis: All right. All right. Well, you do what you need to do, honey. I'm glad everything's okay. And -- and thank you for calling.
Sam: Okay. Talk to you soon.
Alexis: You heard.
Molly: Danny's okay?
Alexis: Safe and sound. You, on the other hand, are not off the hook.
Molly: Mom, please.
Alexis: I am calling the police.
Molly: No, you can't.
Johnny: I take it you're not here to visit me.
Kristina: No. That is, I'm -- I'm still glad to see you. Well, not that you're here -- not glad to see you that you're here. Of course, um, I'm just glad that you're okay. I mean, assuming you are. Okay, I mean.
Johnny: Was there a question in there somewhere?
Kristina: Sorry. I guess I'm -- I'm just nervous.
Johnny: It's understandable. This place can be a little intimidating. Lucky for me, I got the next 20 years to get acclimated.
Kristina: How can you be so cheerful about it?
Johnny: Well, hey, come on. I'm just glad I got my first visitor. Although you did say you're not here to visit me.
Kristina: I'm here for community service. I-I got a suspended sentence for assaulting Connie, and... this is where I've been assigned.
Shawn: Sorry about that.
Sonny: A problem with T.J.?
Shawn: For once, everything seems to be going according to plan. You, uh... you were talking about Zaccharas.
Sonny: Yeah. Now that Johnny is a guest of the government, I think it's a perfect time for a hostile takeover.
Shawn: Hmm. You want his territory?
Sonny: I want everything the Zaccharas are in control of.
Shawn: That sounds like a smart plan. Except the last I checked, the guy had a wife. I mean, you want any of Johnny's legitimate assets, you're gonna have to go through Connie.
Diane: You kidnapped your husband, you assaulted Starr Manning, vehicular assault on one Ellen Trout, the woman you ran over in the fog --
Connie: That was an accident. She was standing in the middle of the road, Diane.
Diane: Yes, but you were in the middle of committing a felony, which means that any -- any ensuing damage you are responsible for. You're culpable, including all the damages to miss Trout and Mr. Mitchell.
Connie: You mean the death of my son? I never meant to hurt him.
Diane: Okay. There's no way that the prosecution can prove that you lured this vehicle, this other vehicle, you enticed it to follow you, so I am fairly certain that I can get the manslaughter charge dismissed.
Connie: Which means I won't go to prison?
Diane: No. Because the other charges also carry prison time, and there's a lot of evidence against you.
Connie: That's what I'm paying you for, Diane, so you can come up with a strategy.
Diane: Already done. We pin it on someone else.
Connie: Who?
Diane: Kate. Mmmm! This is microwaved?
Connie: Diane, look, if I claim that Kate caused that accident, that means I'm not integrated. They're gonna send my ass right back to ShadyBrook.
Diane: That is one possible outcome, yes.
Connie: Well, that's not acceptable to me. We got to come up with another strategy.
Diane: I am perfectly capable of conceiving an alternate line of defense, but, Connie, it's gonna come cheap. And may I remind you that you are already on the hook, as it were, for many billable hours.
Connie: I don't have the money right now.
Diane: Well, certainly there's somewhere you can turn.
Connie: There's always Johnny.
Johnny: 500 hours of community service.
Kristina: Starting now. Or as soon as my supervisor gets here.
Johnny: Well, hey, come on, it could have been worse, right? You did say Connie wanted you brought up on attempted murder.
Kristina: She did, the day it happened.
Johnny: What's changed?
Kristina: All I know is that when Connie showed up in court, she completely backed off.
Johnny: We talking about the same Connie here?
Connie: That's it. I'll get the money out of Johnny's account.
Diane: Well, if you're sure...
Connie: Hey, it's community property, right? He's my husband. His accounts are my accounts.
Diane: [Chuckles] Matrimony -- the gift that keeps on giving. Let me know when you can write a check that clears.
Connie: Hey, hey, you're not leaving.
Diane: Connie, I have three rules for my very successful practice. Number one, I scrupulously guard my client's privacy. Number two, I make no moral, no value judgments on my client's actions. And number three, I bill on time. I expect payment on time.
Connie: All right, I'll get you the money.
Diane: Yes, because there's no miller defense with no recompense.
Sonny: I don't -- I don't think it's a good idea to involve Connie.
Shawn: Why? 'Cause you don't want to?
Sonny: Because, uh, Johnny's marital assets is -- is separate from his territory.
Shawn: Well, you don't think he would put a couple of things in her name, make sure the feds can't touch it?
Sonny: He's too smart for that. He would -- he would have just buried, you know, his family holdings, that way Connie can't get ahold of them.
Shawn: And you want me to dig them up.
Sonny: Yeah, that's right. And there's something else I want you to do. I want you to find out who else is looking for it.
Shawn: You want me to hold them off. I can handle that.
Sonny: I have no doubt.
Shawn: [Sighs] Tomorrow.
Sonny: Uh, how about tonight?
Shawn: It's Valentine's Day, man. And nothing's gonna keep me from spending it with the woman I care about.
Connie: Oh, come on. What kind of accountant are you if you can't get money out of the grand keys? All right. That's what I like to hear. Ah, spare me the details. Just let me know when the check clears, okay? Ciao.
Sonny: Mind if I sit down?
Molly: This is wrong. Rafe came to me for help, and you can't turn him in.
Alexis: You are such a compassionate girl, and that's such a nice quality. However, helping the needy is not synonymous with harboring a fugitive.
Molly: Okay. But Rafe never should have been arrested. He told me he didn't do anything, and I believe him. Why would he kill his own mother? That just doesn't make sense.
Alexis: Well, sometimes, honey, things don't make sense. Sometimes people behave in irrational ways, like you are doing right now.
Molly: I disagree. Helping an innocent person who's been charged with a crime is totally rational.
Alexis: You let this boy, who is wanted by the police, into our home, into your bedroom. You let him babysit your sister's baby, and then he got kidnapped?
Rafe: Don't make this Molly's fault. Okay, she trusted me with Danny. I'm the one that screwed up.
Alexis: I'm not making this Molly's fault, the kidnapping part. I'm not even making that part your fault. But you, my friend, are wanted by the police.
Molly: How can you be such a hypocrite? You get paid to defend uncle Sonny when you know he's totally guilty most of the time!
Rafe: Molly, your mom's right.
Molly: What? You didn't do anything.
Rafe: No, I didn't, okay? I would never hurt my mom. But running from the cops was a bad idea, okay? And coming here and staying with you was even worse.
Molly: I told you, I wanted to help.
Rafe: Okay, and I'm grateful. But you've done enough. I'm ready to turn myself in.
Molly: Well, can you at least represent him?
Rafe: Molly, no. You don't have to do that.
Molly: She's represented plenty of guilty people. She can represent somebody who's actually innocent. Isn't that what you tell me, mom? That everyone has the right to a vigorous defense?
Alexis: Not that I don't like my own words spat back at me, but I cannot defend Rafe because I'm defending John McBain, who he accused of killing his mother, so it's a conflict of interest.
Molly: Well, just let John McBain get another lawyer. He has money. Rafe doesn't. He is all alone.
Rafe: I don't need a lawyer. I didn't do anything, so they're gonna have to let me go eventually.
Molly: Is that how it works, mom? Rafe didn't do anything, so they'll have to let him go?
Alexis: Get your coat.
Molly: If you're going to the police station, I'm coming, too.
T.J.: Happy Valentine's Day.
Todd: John McBain cannot be at the police station because he was just right here.
Anna: And yet he's nowhere to be found.
Todd: He was right here. We were struggling over the baby stroller. We heard sirens. We -- we looked to see if you knuckleheads were showing up. And when I turned back, he was gone.
Anna: Which is why when we arrived, there was just you and the baby.
Todd: Yeah. Is that so hard to understand?
Anna: No, it's not hard to understand. Todd Manning, you're under arrest for attempted kidnapping. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used in a court of law.
Todd: I think you would have memorized that by now.
Anna: You, too. You have the right to an attorney and for that attorney to be present during questioning. If you desire and you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you.
Todd: I have lied to you. I have lied to everyone my whole life. You told me if I were honest with you that you would have stood by me. I'm being honest with you now. I was not trying to steal that baby. I was trying to save that baby. So help me, that's the truth.
Anna: Do you understand your rights as they have --
Todd: Yeah, I get it.
Anna: Go.
McBain: Assuming everyone's telling the truth, this Caleb has now killed Alison Barrington, bud Carlson. And since professor Mosser was my alibi, he's killed him, too.
Dante: Do you know how ridiculous this is, this theory? You know how much evidence is against you right now?
McBain: Forget the evidence.
Dante: Okay.
McBain: You're my partner, man. You know me.
Dante: I do? How long have I known you?
McBain: You tell me, huh? How long did I know you when Ronnie Dimestico framed you for beating all those women, huh? When all the evidence pointed to you as a dirty cop, I still joined up with you to help you find your wife. Look, Dante, I'M...I'm not asking you to believe me. I'm just asking you to give me the same chance. And I can do a hell of a lot more good out there than I can in here. You got to let me go, man.
Kristina: Just as I was about to enter my plea, Connie showed up and told the judge that it was all a complete misunderstanding.
Johnny: A complete misunderstanding that -- that trashed her office.
Kristina: She actually said I only had that bat because I was trying out for some, uh, corporate softball team.
Johnny: Wow. [Chuckling] And the D.A. bought that?
Kristina: He seemed pretty pissed. But, I mean, what could he do? The victim completely recanted her statement.
Johnny: I don't believe it.
Kristina: That Connie lied under oath?
Johnny: No, that I believe. I... [Sighs] I've seen Connie do that myself. What I don't believe is that why would Connie lie to help anybody other than herself? I mean, that -- I just don't understand that. What would make her want to do something like that?
Connie: To what do I owe the pleasure?
Sonny: Uh, I just -- I just wanted to let you know that, uh, Kristina is starting her community service today.
Connie: Ooh. I hope it's not too harsh.
Sonny: She can handle it. Um, anyway, thank you for backing off, you know, the charges.
Connie: You're welcome. Hope I'm this lucky in my trial.
Sonny: Diane's the best. She's gonna find a new way to, you know...
Connie: Oh, yeah. She already decided on that. She wants to blame Kate for everything.
Sonny: You got a problem with that?
Connie: Yeah! I got a problem with that. If we tell the judge I have an alter, I'm going back to the funny farm, Sonny. And who's got time for that, huh? Want a cookie? Really good.
Sonny: Huh. One way to celebrate Valentine's Day.
Connie: Oh, yeah. Real romantic.
Sonny: [Laughs]
Connie: Well, let's see, I'm planning my defense in a diner, my husband's in the slammer, and I'm sitting here all alone.
Sonny: That makes two of us.
T.J.: What's going on? Why -- why is he here?
Alexis: He's leaving. You're staying.
T.J.: Are you okay?
Molly: Yes, I'm fine. Really.
T.J.: You know, I knew I should have came over as soon as I heard he escaped.
Molly: There was no need. I was never --
T.J.: But I knew he would come after you.
Molly: Rafe didn't try to hurt me.
T.J.: So, what? Did the guy break in for some milk and cookies?
Molly: He didn't break in. I let him in.
T.J.: Why would you do that? After I just called to warn you, you let him... did you let him before I called or -- or after?
Molly: When you called, Rafe was already here.
Sam: Oh, it's cold out here. I don't want you getting chilled.
Carly: I don't get it. I don't get why Todd would go anywhere near Danny again or why he would make up this crazy story about John McBain.
Sam: You know, I'm not sure how crazy it is.
Dante: You realize what you're asking me to do here, John?
McBain: Not asking you to walk me to my car. Just make yourself busy and look the other way.
Dante: [Chuckles]
McBain: What? You want this guy caught, don't you?
Dante: [Sighs]
McBain: It's time to pick a side, Dante. Do you believe me or not?
Dante: Let's go.
Todd: Well, for the first time in my life, somebody's gonna have to believe me.
McBain: Believe you about what?
Todd: I saw you, John. I saw you kill Heather, and I saw you try and take that baby.
Kristina: That day in court, Connie was different. I mean, on the stand, she still sounded the same, being borderline obnoxious, running her mouth, and giving the D.A. Plenty of attitude. But her motivation just did, like, a 180. Instead of her trying to bury me, she was trying to cover for me.
Johnny: So, something's changed.
Kristina: I think she did it for my father.
Johnny: [Chuckling] Come on.
Kristina: You don't believe it?
Johnny: And if you do, I've got a bridge to sell you. Why the hell would Connie ever help Sonny? She can't stand him. And the feeling's mutual. Ever since Connie emerged, Sonny's wanted her in treatment and therapized so that she can go away and Kate could resurface.
Kristina: I thought that, too.
Johnny: But you don't anymore?
Kristina: Things just seem to be changing between them.
Connie: I don't know why I'm complaining. It's not like I'd be buying Johnny candy hearts if he wasn't in the slammer. Hello? Earth to Sonny.
Sonny: What?
Connie: What are you thinking about? Thinking about Kate? It's okay. You can say it.
Sonny: I was... yeah, I was thinking about Kate, and I was thinking about you.
Connie: And how I ruined everything?
Sonny: I was putting things together, you know. It's like... and thinking back, it was, what? Valentine's Day last year you -- you were already in the picture. And I know -- I know that now. And you know what? I'm gonna be honest with you. I knew that then. I mean... Kate was different. And I...I was so happy to just be together. I-I didn't -- I didn't question it. I didn't care what excuses she made. It didn't matter to me 'cause I just... she was acting strange. And the whole thing, I just accepted it. And I was getting, you know, closer and closer to Kate... and you were part of it.
Connie: Yeah. I was. I was just sitting on the sidelines wondering what the hell she was doing with her life.
Sonny: You hated me.
Connie: What a difference a year makes, huh?
Molly: It's not how it sounds. Rafe was in trouble. He had nowhere else to go. He had just witnessed another murder.
T.J.: Or committed one.
Molly: No! Rafe swore to me it wasn't him.
T.J.: So, let me get this right. You believe him, but you lie to me.
Molly: Look, I know I should have told you what was going on, but I was afraid you would turn him in, and I --
T.J.: Yes, Molly! I would have turned him in! Just like your mother's doing right now! But you told her the truth.
Molly: Well, yeah, I didn't really have a choice.
T.J.: Oh, yeah, figures. 'Cause she noticed a fugitive spending the night. Which...he spent the night. He spent the night here, didn't he?
Molly: Yes, but not like that. He slept on the floor!
T.J.: He did?
Molly: Yeah. There is nothing going on with Rafe and me. How can you even think that? You know you can trust me.
T.J.: I'm really not so sure about that anymore.
Alexis: Oh, Diane, I need to speak to you.
Diane: Honey, I'm in a hurry. I just got a call from Todd Manning. Apparently they have apprehended him again.
Alexis: I have a client for you.
Diane: Never let it be said I didn't have time for a potential client. Who's the felon?
Alexis: Him.
McBain: What the hell are you talking about, Manning?
Anna: You know what? That's what I would like to know. Let's hear your story from the top, please. Can -- let's get him booked in.
Todd: It's not a story. I showed up at pier 52 expecting a boat that would take me to a country with no extradition, but what I saw was detective McBain with his hand around Heather Webber's throat. And before I could react, he tossed Heather into the water, and Heather never resurfaced.
Anna: He threw her in one-handed?
Todd: Well, yeah. You're a lot stronger than I gave you credit for.
McBain: What happened next?
Todd: Well, you know what happened next. We -- we struggled over the stroller, and then you said some incomprehensible garbage about keeping the kid, and -- and I don't know. Then the cops showed up, and you just disappeared.
McBain: What about Danny? Is Danny okay?
Todd: Yes! Danny is okay because I saved him -- from you!
McBain: I've been here the whole time. I've been here the whole time. You got, uh, you got a station full of cops, and you got video surveillance to prove it, all right? Do you believe me now? There's someone else out there you need to be looking for.
Sam: John was arrested last night. He was accused of killing a woman named Alison Barrington and a cop named Carlson.
Carly: Wow. Well, do you think he's innocent?
Sam: Yeah, of course I think he's innocent. He's not capable of murder.
Carly: Well, the police must have a reason --
Sam: A simple case of mistaken identity. Obviously it's someone who looks exactly like him.
Carly: Someone who looks exactly like him?
Sam: Yeah.
Carly: Okay, well, does John have any idea about this person who looks exactly like him?
Sam: Nothing that he can prove, but Todd's theory backs up what John says.
Carly: I'd like to believe Todd. But it doesn't matter because whatever happens to Todd has nothing to do with me. I need to go. I have a date with Josslyn tonight for Valentine's.
Sam: Oh, nice.
Carly: Yeah, we're gonna make heart-shaped pizzas and eat cupcakes.
Sam: Well, you two have a good time.
Carly: Yeah. Hey, happy Valentine's Day, Danny. Just as handsome as your daddy.
Sam: Isn't he?
Carly: Happy Valentine's Day, Sam.
Sam: You, too, Carly. [Groans] What do you say, big guy? I think you and I are gonna have a really nice Valentine's Day with ourselves. Yeah, I should probably get you home. John. You scared me.
Diane: This is my potential client? The penniless urchin who allegedly killed his mother then pinned the whole thing on John McBain?
Alexis: I see Rafe's reputation precedes him. I can't represent him. I'm representing John.
Diane: So naturally you thought of me.
Alexis: Pro bono work is an important element of every responsible law firm.
Diane: Yes, Alexis. And as much as I want to participate in helping the greater good, my plate's a little full right now.
Alexis: Do you want to know who his mother was?
Diane: Who?
Alexis: Alison Barrington.
Diane: Of the main-line Barringtons?
Alexis: Amanda Barrington was her grandmother, so you know there's a trust fund or 2 or 10. Whenever there's a trust fund, I always think to call you.
Diane: Well, my -- my ability to sniff out a retainer notwithstanding, why is it so important to you that this young man has representation?
Alexis: It's important to my daughter.
Molly: No, of course you me. I'm the same person I was when you met me.
T.J.: Oh, yeah. Back when you trusted me, even though you didn't have a reason to. Except, you see, that's faulty logic. You see, I do pay attention. Maybe you haven't noticed, but I'm not some loser that you have to take a chance on anymore, Molly.
Molly: I never said you were a loser.
T.J.: I'm your boyfriend! And you went behind my back. And I ain't talking about cutting class! You broke the law to cover for a potential murderer. And somehow you still make me out to be the bad guy.
Molly: I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry. I don't want to fight with you.
T.J.: Good. Neither do I. That's why I'm leaving. Happy Valentine's Day. [Sniffs]
Anna: I might be more inclined to believe this story if it was anyone other than Manning telling it.
Todd: Of course.
Anna: So, look, we have no evidence to support this.
Todd: Well, why don't you drag the harbor, okay? And then when you see that Heather's got a snapped neck, you'll know that I'm telling you the truth.
Anna: We have an APB out on Heather, and the coast guard's been alerted, so --
Todd: Well, I don't think the coast guard is gonna help you at all. It's not like the guy took off on a boat.
Dante: Well, then, how did he get away?
Todd: Well, that's the weird part. And by that, I mean that's the really weird part. You just kind of vanished.
Sam: John. What are you doing here?
Caleb: Good news. The cops let me out.
Sam: That is good news. What happened?
Caleb: Well, I guess they -- they saw the error of their ways. I heard that Manning tried to take off with the baby.
Sam: Yeah, he did try, all right? But Anna arrested him, and Danny and I are gonna go get home now.
Caleb: I was wondering if, uh, maybe I could take a look at Danny, you know. He's had a busy night. I want to make sure he's all right.
Sam: You need to stay away from me. I know who you really are... Caleb.
Johnny: So, thanks to Connie, you got community service instead of a prison sentence.
Kristina: Pretty lucky, huh?
Johnny: Yeah, but you'd think they would have found a better place for you to work than here.
Kristina: I mean, it isn't so bad here. You're here.
Johnny: I'm here because I deserve to be. I killed three people.
Kristina: You being punished won't bring Cole and hope back to Starr.
Johnny: I know. I'm aware of that. Nothing will. But I got to try to make amends where I can. I just hope that she's happy with the Haunted Star, so...
Kristina: What are you talking about?
Johnny: I gave Starr my share of the boat.
Kristina: You're kidding. Well, that's -- that's a really good thing for you to do.
Johnny: Yeah, well, what do you know? Sometimes the bad guys are capable of doing good things. Sometimes.
Connie: [Laughs]
Sonny: Something funny about that?
Connie: Nothing. All right. You remember when we were in high school and I made you those cookies for Valentine's Day? You said we were gonna get each other gifts, but I made you something homemade instead.
Sonny: Yeah. Thanks very much. It was very nice of you.
[Both laugh]
Connie: They were really bad, weren't they?
Sonny: They were the worst cookies that I think I've ever eaten in my whole life, yeah.
Connie: [Laughs] It's my fault, Sonny. My mom didn't label her canisters. Salt looks exactly like sugar, by the way.
Sonny: Mm-hmm. Yeah. I know that now.
Connie: [Laughs] Do you remember when we went to Patricia's afterwards and, uh, you didn't want to make me feel bad, so you made everybody eat them and pretend that they tasted good?
Sonny: Well, that -- you know, that was -- it doesn't really matter. That was a long time ago, you know.
Connie: Yeah, it was. Oh this is soft.
Sonny: I got to go. I got to go.
Connie: Yeah.
Sonny: All right.
Connie: See you. Sonny. Why don't you, uh, why don't you take one for the road, huh? Just in case thinking about all that salt left a bad taste in your mouth.
Sonny: Oh, that's very nice thinking.
Connie: [Laughs]
Sonny: Bye.
Connie: See you.
Sonny: Whoa.
Dante: Hey.
Sonny: Hey. You look good.
Dante: Uh, yes. For Lulu's valentine's party. I came by to pick up some of those cookies, actually, to leave around the loft for afterwards.
Sonny: Yeah, I'm sure she'll appreciate that.
Dante: What about you? What are you doing?
Sonny: You're looking at it.
Dante: Really? You all right?
Sonny: Yeah, I just, you know, a lot of hearts, you know, all over the place and flowers, it just reminds me of, uh... just reminds me of happy times.
Dante: With Kate?
Sonny: Not entirely.
Connie: Hey, hey. I need some good news. Tell me the check cleared. What?
Davis, time for that meeting with your supervisor.
Kristina: I was beginning to think you almost forgot about me.
Phillips left you in here with a dangerous criminal?
Kristina: It's all right. I was perfectly safe.
Johnny: You might want to talk to him about that.
Kristina: See you around.
Johnny: Seems like you will.
Kristina: Looks like my time here won't be so bad after all.
Johnny: Yeah. Looks like 500 hours for me over the next 20 years isn't gonna be so bad, either.
[Door closes]
Officer: Okay. Time to get you processed.
Diane: You will, of course, adhere to protocol when processing this detainee, paying scrupulous attention to his rights as a minor. There won't be any, oh, solicitation of information, no attempted coercion of a so-called confession --
Officer: If the kid wants to tell us something --
Diane: Yeah, see... [Clears throat] This department has a reputation for flagrant violations of the fifth amendment right to avoid self-incrimination. Now, should any of those violations occur in Mr. Kovich's case, anyone involved -- you -- will be named in a high-profile lawsuit, the punitive damages of which could wipe out this department's pension plan.
Officer: Look, I got it. No rights violations. Why do you care so much anyway?
Diane: Because this young man is my client.
Molly: "A great writer deserves great tools." [Sighs] "And some back-up. I've got your back. You've got my heart. Happy Valentine's Day. Love, T.J."
Alexis: Hi, there.
Shawn: Hey. Happy Valentine's Day, sweetheart.
Alexis: Happy Valentine's Day. [Chuckles]
Shawn: Hey, T.J., how was your -- what's with him?
Alexis: Actually, I have a pretty good idea.
Todd: What are you doing here?
Carly: I, um... I came to tell you that I believe you.
Todd: You do?
Carly: I believe that you were trying to rescue Danny.
Todd: After everything I put you through, you -- you feel like you can trust me?
Carly: I don't trust you, okay? I believe you about this one incident. That's all.
Todd: Okay. So, we're friends again?
Carly: No. We're not friends.
Todd: Hey. You stay here with me?
Carly: Spend valentine's in the PCPD?
Todd: Yeah. As a gesture of your -- not a gesture for friendship, but a gesture of how much you trust me.
Carly: Uh... good luck. Don't say anything without an attorney present.
Anna: [Sighs] I do not know what to make of any of this. Oh, my God.
McBain: For once, Manning isn't lying.
Anna: You think?
McBain: Which means there's somebody out there who looks like me who's doing these things. You know, according to Lucy, this Caleb --
Anna: Oh, Lucy. That bastion of sanity?
McBain: Let's say she's right. I mean, not about the vampires. There's a murderer. There's a serial killer named Caleb, and he's fixated on two people -- Rafe Kovich and a woman named Livvie who happens to look a lot like Sam. If that was Caleb that Manning saw out there and he was trying to steal Sam's baby, he's gonna do it again, Anna. Right now, Sam and Danny are in a world of danger, and you go to let me out of here to go help them.
Caleb: Of course you recognize me. We've known each other for centuries.
Sam: You're crazy. I don't know who you are.
Caleb: I'm not crazy. We've met before, and we meet again. We're always circling back to find each other... and always this moment when I see you and I know you... you know me.
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