GH Transcript Thursday 2/14/13

General Hospital Transcript Thursday 2/14/13


Provided By Suzanne

Quint: [Humming]

Todd: A lovely voice, pegleg Pete, but I think it's time for us to get a move on.

Quint: Well, we mariners have a saying -- there's a safe way to set sail, there's a fast way.

Todd: Why can't the safe way be the fast way? Come on. Chop-chop.

Quint: Well, you can't wait to get out of Port Charles, huh? What's the matter, squirt? Nobody gonna miss you when you're gone?

Carly: So, I guess the rumors are true. You traded in your microphone for a spreadsheet?

Starr: [Chuckles] Yeah, thanks to Johnny. He couldn't run the Haunted Star from prison, so he gave me half of the business. I honestly don't know what he was thinking.

Carly: Well, he was probably thinking he'd like to lessen his guilt. Typical of Johnny, right? Make some small gesture to make himself feel better?

Starr: Sounds about right.

Carly: Yeah.

Starr: What can I do for you?

Carly: I came to check on you...since your dad's out of the picture.

Todd: Boxer briefs.

Quint: Sorry.

Todd: No, you're gonna ask me personal questions, I will give you personal answers. I was 12 years old, I was at sleep-away camp, and I'm totally up for it, as long as I'm in a committed relationship with an open-minded, adventurous woman. Anything else you want to know?

Quint: I was just making a point. I'll leave you to your business. You leave me to mine.

Todd: Your business is to take me wherever I want to go, and right now, I want to go far away.

Quint: Well, give me your hands.

Todd: I'm already involved. I'm in a -- I met someone special.

Quint: You got city hands, Mr. Manning. You been counting money all your life.

Todd: I will have you know I once built a raft and sailed it all the way from an uncharted island in the pacific all the way to Guam.

Quint: Ooh, made it all the way to Guam, did you?

Todd: Yes, I did.

Quint: Did the raft make it?

Todd: I don't need this. Hey, barnacle bill, get the boat ready! I don't need this! I need to get the hell away from Port Charles and every last lunatic that lives here.

Anna: Let's just all remain calm, shall we?

Alexis: That's a good idea. In fact, why don't we separate my two adversarial clients and put them in separate rooms?

McBain: Yeah, I don't think that'll be necessary. I think Lucy and I will get along just fine.

Lucy: Of course we will -- once you're dead.

Anna: Okay, we tried.

Lucy: What did you do with him? What did you do with Rafe, Caleb?

[Door opens]

Heather: Good morning.

Rafe: Um, okay. Who are you?

Heather: I'm here for the baby.

Rafe: What do you mean you're here for the baby?

Heather: It was a brief sentence. Which part of it didn't you understand? I'm here, there's a baby -- I'm taking him.

Rafe: Well, you can't.

Heather: Of course, I can. He's mine.

Caleb: I regret that I had to do that. Your knowledge was impressive, but you gave me no choice.

[Knock on door]

Sam: Professor Mosser? Professor Mosser, I'm -- I'm sorry to disturb you. Do you have a minute? Professor Mosser? This is about a friend of mine -- John McBain.

Starr: I wouldn't exactly say that my dad is out of the picture. It's just that he is running from the law again, and the police will eventually catch up with him or he'll turn up sooner or later. I just don't think it'll be that long.

Carly: I just think Todd would be here if he could. But something tells me he's put a lot of miles between Port Charles and the rearview mirror.

Starr: What makes you say that?

Carly: That's what he told me he was gonna do when he came to say goodbye.

Todd: Are we ready?

Quint: Aye! We're ready. As long as you don't mind if we run out of supplies or if we get stranded and we haven't got the parts to fix the engine --

Todd: Oh, right, arr! I get it! This seafaring is dangerous stuff! Us landlubbers better step aside or we're gonna shiver all your timbers! And then you'll make me walk a plank.

Quint: All right, all right. A bit overly poetic, but at least you understand.

Todd: Do you understand? I need to get to St. Blaize's!

Quint: St. Blaize's! [Chuckles] Couldn't we go to Malakeva instead?

Todd: No, it's a tropical island, there's no extradition. It's St. Perfect.

Quint: Yeah, except that the woman in charge is crazy.

Todd: Yeah, but believe me, after where I'm coming from, Alex Olanov will be a welcome breath of fresh, overly perfumed air. We really need to shove off.

Quint: Well, soon enough. Once our, uh... other passenger arrives.

Rafe: Danny can't be yours.

Heather: Why? I'm too old?

Rafe: No, that's not what I meant.

Heather: What did you mean? What could a boy your age possibly know about the tango between emotions and biology?

Rafe: Nothing. I was just saying that Danny is Molly's nephew, which makes him Sam's son.

Heather: Of course he is. Don't you think I know that?

Rafe: You made it seem like you were Danny's mother.

Heather: That's ridiculous. I never said I was his mother, though I could be.

Rafe: Okay.

Heather: Who I am is... the nanny -- Susan -- Susan Moore.

Kristina: Breakfast? For me? How sweet, Molly.

Molly: No, it's not for you. It's for me.

Kristina: Huh. That's a -- that's a lot of food for one person.

Molly: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Kristina: Right. My God, Molly. Mmm! That smells so good! Mmm.

Molly: Have some.

Kristina: Oh. Then join me. What? Bacon? I didn't know you ate this. Mmm. It is so good. Oh. Oh. Okay, that's it. You're busted. I know what's going on.

Molly: Nothing's going on.

Kristina: Molly, you have someone in your room, don't you? And I know who it is.

Rafe: You're the nanny?

Heather: First I'm not the mother. Now I can't be the nanny. Gee, and to think, I used to be somebody.

Rafe: I don't know who you are.

Heather: Exactly.

Rafe: Okay, look -- all I know is that I'm in charge of the baby, okay? And Molly didn't tell me anything about a nanny.

Heather: Well, miss Molly didn't tell me anything about some oily, sullen teenage boy loitering around her bedroom, waiting for a little over-the-clothes action.

Rafe: That's not what was happening --

Heather: You know what I'm thinking? Perhaps I should call Molly's mother and inform her that hormones are running rampant in her very own home.

Rafe: No, you don't -- you don't have to call Molly's mom. It's -- it's okay.

Heather: You think so? Why not? Let's see -- perhaps it's because... yes, something more nefarious is going on here. Perhaps you've broken in. Perhaps you're trying to take our precious Danny away from us. And perhaps I should -- well, instead of calling Molly's mother, I should just call the police instead.

McBain: Hey, look, lady, I haven't done anything to Rafe.

Lucy: You're a liar! You have him buried or hidden away somewhere, don't you?

McBain: I don't have him at all! But you know what? I do believe he's in danger, and I think Anna and her people will find him a hell of a lot faster if you and I work together to help track him down.

Alexis: No, that is not a good idea. These two need to stay as far away from each other as possible. And do not speak to anyone that is not me.

Anna: Neither of you are in any position to contribute to an investigation -- neither of you.

McBain: 'Cause I ain't going anywhere until she believes that I am who I say I am.

Lucy: [Chuckles] Fat chance.

McBain: You're wrong, and I can prove it. I'm not Caleb. But I believe you -- Caleb exists. And the only way that we're gonna stop him and save Rafe is if you and I work together, whether you like it or not.

Sam: Professor Mosser? [Moans]

Caleb: So tenacious.

Sam: Professor Mosser, please, if you're in there, I really need to speak with you. It's very important, please.

Caleb: That's right. That's right. Come to me.

[Doorknob rattles]

Caleb: Or maybe I'll come to you.

Excuse me. Can I help you?

Sam: Yeah, I was just trying to reach professor Mosser.

Jennifer: I'm his T.A., Jennifer. Can I help you?

Sam: No, it's a... private matter.

Jennifer: These are his office hours, so he should be in there.

Sam: Well, I tried knocking. There's no answer.

Jennifer: Did you knock loudly?

Sam: I did, actually.

Jennifer: He's been known to conk out in there, even when he's expecting students. I'll open up and we'll see.

Sam: Thank you.

Jennifer: Professor Mosser? Aah!

Todd: I don't think we need any other passengers. I'm pretty sure that I'm paying for privacy. I paid for the whole boat. It's my charter.

Quint: Well, it may be your charter, but it's my vessel. I'm me -- master, pilot. And I'm the captain, and I'm not sailing all the way to St. Blaize's without, well, just you for company.

Todd: Whoa! Wait a minute. Hold on a second. I-I'm good company. I'm always a big hit at dinner parties. We don't need any other passengers.

Quint: Well, I don't think you have anything to worry about, because our fellow passenger and you are gonna get along swimmingly... since, uh... I think she's a friend of yours.

Heather: So, what'll it be, kid? Shall I call the police and tell them that we still have an intruder here holding the baby in his arms?

Rafe: Maybe -- maybe we can just call Molly up here and settle this whole thing, okay? She -- she should be up any second.

Heather: Really? All right, let's. Oh, it seems that Molly's talking to her sister downstairs. I've got an idea. Perhaps we can call them both up here and they can vouch for me. Or [Chuckles] I'm afraid I might've been right. You're not supposed to be here. Are you gonna let me have the baby? Or I'm calling the police. Have it your way.

Kristina: So, tell me -- has T.J. been here all night?

Molly: T.J.?

Kristina: Molly, this is the second time I've caught you sneaking around with vast quantities of food. Obviously T.J. was here last night. And you were lucky that I caught you and not Mom. You took a really big risk stashing T.J. here. And I hope that's the only risk you took.

Molly: What do you mean?

Kristina: Are you using protection?

Molly: We didn't have sex!

Kristina: Okay. I want to make sure that you know how important it is -- the first time.

Molly: Oh, my God!

Kristina: It needs to be with a boy who respects you, a boy you can trust. I'm serious, Molly. I know all too well how bad things can get when you're involved with the wrong guy.

Rafe: Don't, don't!

Heather: Don't what?

Rafe: Don't call the cops, please.

Heather: Do we have an understanding? Good. Hey, precious. How are you? My good boy! Yes! Did you miss me? 'Cause I sure did miss you.

Alexis: John, I trust you. I really do.

McBain: But?

Alexis: Until Lucy improves her mental condition, I'm a little concerned that this --

Lucy: I can hear you. I heard my name.

Alexis: That's because I'm talking about you, Lucy. Now zip it!

Lucy: Hey, you know what? I don't mean to seem ungrateful or indelicate, but don't you think this is sort of a conflict of interest in this matter?

Anna: I certainly hope not.

Lucy: What does that mean?!

Anna: What that means is that, despite your one-woman rampage, I have compassion for you, Lucy, and I believe that you deserve the kind of diligent legal representation that only someone like Alexis can give you. So just please do us all a favor and stop talking about conflict of inter-- no, you know what? Just stop talking altogether! Let her do her job!

Alexis: Any interaction between you and Lucy is bound to end badly.

McBain: Eh. Look, I'm more worried about the kid than I am about myself. You know, I saw that surveillance footage of the cells. Some guy who looks a hell of a lot like me, he walks into lockup, he gets an officer to walk Rafe out of his cell, then all three of them walk right out of the station. Now that cop is dead, and Rafe's in a hell of a lot of trouble and so is anyone who thinks this guy is me. Believe it or not, I... I think Lucy could be the key to stopping him. I just haven't figured out how.

Alexis: Okay. I'll try to slow down the arraignment. How I'm going to explain that to a judge, I have no idea.

McBain: No, no, you're smart. You'll think of something.

Alexis: I'll try to justify your faith in me, but you do me a favor. You're asking me to buy you time? Make it worth it.

Jennifer: Oh, my God. The professor. Is he...?

Sam: I'm sorry. He's dead. Does he always keep his window open like this in the winter?

Jennifer: I don't know. I don't think so. Can you tell what happened?

Sam: Let's see. Oh.

Jennifer: Oh, my God. What are those? Are they...? They look like bite marks.

Sam: I don't know, but the police will know, and I'm gonna call them right now. Hi. Yeah, this is Sam Morgan. Can you get Anna Devane for me, please?

Alexis: So, as it turns out, detective McBain is in no hurry to leave custody. In fact, he would like to stay and cooperate with the investigation.

McBain: Question is, will you?

Lucy: Oh. You want me to help him?

Alexis: Well, I think it would help your case if you aid the police, yes.

Anna: And I'll guarantee your safety.

Lucy: Oh, that's a good one. You'll guarantee my safety just like you did for Rafe? You couldn't even keep him safe in a cell.

Anna: He wasn't a vampire slayer, and you are.

Lucy: Oh. Right. I know you're patronizing me. But you are right.

Alexis: All right, Lucy, I need you to turn around and look at me and focus and really listen to what I'm saying to you.

Lucy: I am listening. I'm a slayer, not a child.

Alexis: Your escape has guaranteed you a long stay at Pentonville and a permanent one at Ferncliff. The only shot at mitigating this mess you've made is by helping the police.

Lucy: Okey-dokey. I will help you. I will help you destroy Caleb.

Alexis: Fine. Okay. First, you need to help us find Rafe. You may be able to get a clue from him. In fact, I think you may be the only one who can do it. [Sighs]

Anna: I have a situation. Um, I got to go.

McBain: No, what is it?

Anna: John, um... I just heard from Sam. She went over to the university to visit professor Mosser.

McBain: Yeah, that's -- that's my alibi.

Anna: He's been murdered.

Starr: You saw my dad?

Carly: Yes. I, uh... caught him in his office trying to get into his safe. It's pretty crazy that Todd would risk, you know, showing his face, but...

Starr: He needed his passport.

Carly: You already know all this, huh?

Starr: Yeah, I did. Sorry.

Carly: No, no. Trying to protect your dad. I get that.

Starr: Seems like you wanted to protect him, too.

Carly: Yeah, I came really close to ratting him out. I did.

Starr: And why didn't you?

Carly: Stupid, pushover, or it may have had something to do with the fact that he asked me to run away with him.

Starr: Oh, really? He just expected you to pick up your entire life and take off with him?

Carly: No, not my entire life. I mean, he said, I could bring Josslyn.

Starr: Oh, how generous of him.

Carly: Yeah.

Starr: I'm sure he made the deal sound very sweet.

Carly: Oh. He made a very impassioned case. Didn't work.

Starr: But you wish you said yes?

Todd: You know, if you had bothered to read this article, you would know what a wall-climbing whack job Heather Webber is.

Quint: Well, I think that, uh -- that ugly mug right there is you next to her and the vampire lady. So I'd say you're in good company. Besides, her green is, uh... is as good as yours.

Todd: I will pay both fares. But we need to rid ourselves of this albatross.

Quint: Wait. Did you just say "albatross"?

Todd: Aye, I did. She's a cursed, cursed albatross.

Quint: Really?

Todd: Really.

Quint: Well, it just so happens that the albatross happens to be my favorite bird.

Todd: She's a cuckoo, then. Truly, the woman's head is like a clown car.

Quint: Well, then, you'll just have to steer clear of her on our travels because she's coming with us. Made an agreement with that woman. And she's got sense and wit and beauty and... well, here's to swimming with bowlegged women.

Todd: But she's not really bowlegged, is she? I mean, she does -- she kind of waddles a little bit. But, really, she stays here.

Quint: What do you got against her?

Todd: What don't I have against her? And she's a murderer.

Quint: You've taken lives. I can tell.

Todd: How can you tell?! What -- I'll have you know, they deser-- well, three of them deserved it. And you know what? It's a great story. It's a long, convoluted, complex, interesting tale. It's like the tides. I'll tell you what -- we'll set sail --

Quint: Don't touch that gear, squirt! I'm not taking you.

Todd: How is that possible?! I paid you cash money!

Quint: Hey, no amount of green is worth this. You two escaped lunatics can figure out how to get out of the country on your own. 'Cause I'm done with you.

Todd: Wait! Hey! Hold on a second! Wait, wait, wait! Just wait one second! Can we talk -- oh! Eh! All right. I just got to find another boat.

Alexis: Hey. Oh, I thought you were doing your community-service thing, setting it up.

Kristina: Yeah, I did. It's all set.

Alexis: Pentonville?

Kristina: They want me to start today.

Alexis: Oh. All right. How much time do we have to shop for a Taser gun?

Kristina: I actually think I'll be okay. There's actually a lot of female volunteers working there.

Alexis: Oh, yay. You sure you don't want me to pull some strings to get you into a better jail? Never mind. Bad joke. It's just the thought of Pentonville -- honestly.

Kristina: If it gets too much, I'll let you know, but... I think I can handle it. I mean, if you really want to worry about someone, you should try Molly.

Alexis: Oh, God. What now? Why do I need to worry about Molly?

Molly: Sorry it took so long. I got held up with Kristina.

Rafe: Molly, I --

Molly: I hope these eggs aren't too cold, but you're probably starving. Where's Danny?

Rafe: The nanny took him.

Heather: Quint. Where are you, you old salt? We're on a schedule.

McBain: No need to worry. Dosky here is top flight. You'll be safe in here.

Lucy: I'd feel a whole lot safer if his gun was loaded with silver bullets.

McBain: Doesn't that only work on werewolves?

Lucy: Care to find out?

McBain: Not really. You know, you seem -- you seem to know a lot about all this, Lucy. Maybe you know something about Caleb's ring.

Lucy: What about it?

McBain: Rafe said he was wearing it when he killed his mother. Said it had kind of a strange crest on it.

Lucy: It has a bat.

McBain: So you do know it.

Lucy: I know it as much as you know it.

McBain: No, not really. That's why I was going to see professor Mosser. You know, I was hoping he could shed some light on the ring and on Caleb.

Lucy: Oh, but the poor professor, he could vouch for your whereabouts when Rafe disappeared, and now he's dead -- killed.

McBain: Yeah, he was killed while I was in lockup, unable to hurt anybody. I mean, do you -- do you still think I'm Caleb? I mean, really? Or do you think maybe -- just maybe -- there's another guy out there and he's trying to frame me?

Anna: Where's the body?

Sam: Uh, in there.

Anna: How is it that you were here?

Sam: I, um... I came here about a half-hour ago. Sorry. And I knocked on the door, and there was no answer, and then his T.A. -- that's the woman who's in the hall, there -- she let me in, and this is how we found him.

Anna: And you didn't move or touch anything else?

Sam: No, no, of course -- well, I -- just his -- his wrist for his pulse.

Anna: Right, right.

Sam: But, Anna, to me, it looks like he's been bitten.

Anna: By what?

Officer: A vampire?

Anna: No. It's... more likely these. Can you bag these for me? So, you saw no one?

Sam: No.

Anna: And why were you here in the first place?

Sam: John McBain. This was his alibi, Professor Mosser was. I was just trying to help him.

Officer: And now he's dead -- convenient for McBain that the professor can't contradict him.

Anna: Well, no. It looks like the professor was killed maybe within the last hour. McBain was in lockup, so he couldn't have possibly done this.

Sam: Then who did?

Heather: We can't afford to wait for Quint any longer. The cops are all over the place. We're gonna have to figure out another way to get out of town.

Caleb: Going somewhere?

McBain: Hey, look. Lucy... I don't know why I look so much like -- like this Caleb, and I can't explain why you and Alison think that Sam Morgan is actually this person, Livvie.

Lucy: That's because you are. Both of you are. You are Caleb Morley, and she is Livvie Locke, and somehow you've managed to mesmerize everybody to forget about that.

McBain: I mesmerized the whole town of Port Charles?

Lucy: Mm-hmm. Well within your powers.

McBain: And the town of Llanview, Pennsylvania? And a little-known organization called the federal bureau of investigation?

Lucy: Those close-minded rubes. You know, they just never quite take the threat of vampires very seriously.

McBain: [Scoffs] Hey, Lucy, you know, if I'm so powerful -- huh? -- And able to hypnotize people, what am I doing sitting in here? Huh? Shouldn't I be out there on some kind of rampage?

Lucy: Maybe -- just maybe -- you're buying yourself time for your big master plan.

McBain: Buying time for what? Huh? I mean, if I have all this power, why don't I just mesmerize Anna into letting me out of here? Just -- just letting me go? I mean, for that matter, what did I do getting caught in the first place?! This sounds like the worst plan ever.

Lucy: Oh, I just think it's a game. I think you like playing these games because you've lived for centuries this undeserving life, and now you're jaded. You like to play games with the living, torment them to think they can win or maybe they can outrun you, but this is all just a cruel, cruel game, and cruelty is your main event.

McBain: What game could I be playing in lockup? What do I have to gain being stuck in here trying to convince you, trying to win you over, when all the people that you say Caleb is after are all out there?!

Molly: What do you mean the nanny took him? He doesn't have a nanny.

Rafe: She was just here. I mean, she came in and said that she was here for the baby. I don't know. She seemed like she knew Danny.

Molly: Okay, "she" who, Rafe? What did she look like?

Rafe: Older. I don't know -- 50s, maybe. She was dressed like a nurse.

Molly: Did she say her name?

Rafe: Susan Moore?

Molly: Oh, my God! Heather!

Alexis: What now? Why do I have to pay attention to Molly?

Kristina: Just only the stuff that comes with a teenage girl dating a teenage boy.

Alexis: You think I have to have another talk with her? She already knows more than I do.

Kristina: I'm late, mom. I got to run.

Alexis: Oh, already?

Kristina: I know. I'm sorry, but I got to go to prison.

Alexis: Oh, honey, that's music to a mom's ears. Have a nice day.

Kristina: Love you.

Alexis: Love you.

Molly: Danny's gone! She took him, and he's gone!

Alexis: Who -- why?! Who took him?!

Molly: Heather! Heather Webber!

Heather: So... we meet again, detective.

Caleb: How did you come by that baby?

Heather: He's mine. That's how.

Caleb: No, he isn't. I know that boy.

Heather: Well, of course you do. He's the baby that you and commissioner "slim" tried to take away from me once before.

Caleb: Well, that's because he doesn't belong with you.

Heather: He most certainly does.

Caleb: No! He belongs with his mother.

Heather: Daniel's -- he's my baby, and I won't let you or anybody else take him away from me again! Unh! [Gasping]

Caleb: Oh, really?

Molly: I left Danny alone just for a minute to get something to eat, and then when I came back, Heather -- she -- she had taken him! And I don't even know how she knew he was here!

Alexis: All right, Molly, call the police. I'm calling Sam.

Anna: Thanks, guys.

Sam: So, what does this mean for John?

Anna: Well, he's not responsible for this homicide, but it doesn't clear him of anything else.

Sam: No, but John said he was with Mosser when Rafe escaped and Carlson was killed.

Anna: I know, but now Mosser's dead.

Sam: Okay. John was in lockup.

Anna: Yeah, but there's this PCPD surveillance footage depicting a man -- the image of John -- helping Rafe out of the cell. It doesn't make any sense.

Sam: Well, I think the best person to ask would be Rafe. I mean, maybe he knows what happened with Mosser or maybe he is what happened with Mosser.

[Cell phone rings]

Anna: Maybe.

Sam: Hold on. Sorry.

Anna: No, it's fine.

Sam: Hey, mom, what's going on?

Alexis: Sam, I have to tell you something. It's about Danny.

Heather: [Choking]

Caleb: Thank you, thank you, thank you for the baby. You've made it so much simpler for me to convince his mother to come with me now.

Heather: Y-you're killing me!

Caleb: Yeah. That's the idea.

Heather: [Choking]

Caleb: Hmm.

Heather: [Gasps]

Caleb: Ahh. What do you say, little man? Did you enjoy the show? Oh, you want to get out of here? Well, then, away we go.

Todd: Hey. You are not going anywhere with that kid.

Carly: Do I wish I would have uprooted my life to run away with your father? To never see or talk to Michael or Morgan again? For them to never see their little sister? To throw my business into complete chaos to duck and cover and in and out from dirty old motel rooms for the rest of my life? [Laughs]

Starr: You really gave that a lot of thought.

Carly: Oh, yeah, I pondered. I have. I never really considered it. I mean, as much as I care about your dad, and I really care about your dad, what the hell am I supposed to do?

Starr: You did the only reasonable thing that you could do, but a lot of people do unreasonable things for the right reason.

Carly: Oh, not me. I don't know if you know this or talked to people, but I never do unreasonable things.

Starr: [Laughs] I don't blame you for walking away. My mom had to do the same thing. She couldn't deal with all the things that my dad had done.

Carly: It's different with me, though. Todd's no angel, but neither am I.

Starr: Oh, neither is my mom. Actually, you two should spend more time together.

Carly: I just mean, with, uh... with me and your dad, you know, we've both done some horrible things, and we've hurt a lot of people, and we both have been outcasts. In a way, we still are, and... we get that about each other.

Starr: Why didn't you forgive him, then? Not that I'm saying you should have.

Carly: I could've forgiven everything. I could've -- switching the babies, lying to you about Johnny and your family -- if only Todd would've come clean.

Starr: So you wouldn't have cared as long as he told you the truth?

Carly: I would've cared, and I would've done my best to fix it all. But if Todd would've been honest with me, I would've been honest with him. I would've. I would've stood beside him through everything. But he wasn't. He lied to me. And after everything I went through with Johnny, I cannot be with another liar. I can't.

Starr: And now you won't have to.

Todd: Give me the baby, John.

Caleb: But I've already become rather fond of him -- too fond to give him up. But I assure you -- no harm will come to this boy.

Todd: Hasn't Sam been through enough?

Caleb: "Sam" -- I still haven't gotten used to that.

Todd: Okay, don't get me wrong -- I'm thrilled that you're a crackhead or you're hooked on angel dust or whatever the hell is going on with you, but seriously, dude?! You had to throw her in the drink?

Caleb: Oh, you saw that!

Todd: Yeah, I saw that! You of all people! You could've killed her! How could you do something like that?

Caleb: It was surprisingly easy.

Todd: There you have it, I guess. I've been right all along. Ladies and gentlemen, the real John McBain.

Lucy: I-I don't know what you have to gain by staying cooped up in here.

McBain: Not a damn thing. But you know who gains a lot by keeping us both in here? Caleb. So if you're telling the truth about him --

Lucy: I am.

McBain: Okay. And I'm telling the truth about me... then this has worked out exactly as Caleb had it planned. And he showed up on that surveillance footage so I'd be taken into custody. No one's looking for him. He's free to do whatever he wants, go after whoever he wants.

Lucy: How -- how do I know you're not casting a glamorous spell, just trying to confuse me?

McBain: To what end? If I'm Caleb, I don't need you for anything. Think about it, Lucy. While we're wasting time in here... there are people out there in real danger.

Lucy: People like Rafe and Livvie.

Molly: This is all my fault. No, I should've never let Danny out of my sight.

Alexis: Sit, sit. Now listen to me -- you've got to hold it together. You have got to keep it together for Danny and Sam, okay? The police are gonna be here any minute. I would like to hear it from you, in your own words, what happened.

Molly: [Stammers] I -- I don't know. It all happened so fast. I just --

Alexis: Honey, you got to calm down. You got to breathe, okay? Now think, because every little detail matters here. Every little piece of information is gonna help the police be able to track down Heather and bring Danny back. Now what did Heather say?

Molly: I-I don't know.

Alexis: What do you mean you don't know? You don't remember?

Molly: I don't know! I wasn't there!

Alexis: Well, Molly, if you weren't there, how do you know Heather took Danny at all?!

Sam: The woman is a psycho.

Anna: Calm down. Stay focused.

Sam: This is the second time she's tried to take my kid!

Anna: I have detectives and C.S.U. going over to your mother's house. We can meet her there, okay?

[Cell phone rings]

Anna: Yes? Wait! Oh, stop. Where? Any -- any mention of the baby? So, when was this? Okay, we can still catch her. I want all available units dispatched over to pier 52. Just a minute. Todd and Heather were seen trying to get a boat out of the country.

Sam: Great.

Anna: And contact the coast guard. Nothing leaves the harbor.

Caleb: So you saw what I was capable of and you still confronted me.

Todd: Yeah.

Caleb: I'm impressed. Hey, wait a minute. Aren't you one of the ones that they are looking for? Aren't you supposed to be on the run? A word of advice, buddy -- keep running.

Todd: Give me the kid. Then I'll run away.

Caleb: Don't play the fool.

Todd: Too late for that. Look, I've already seen that kid separated from his mother once. I'm not gonna let that happen again. Give me the kid.

Caleb: Last chance. Keep walking.

Todd: No, your last chance. You give me the kid. I'll give him back to his mother.

Caleb: You let me take care of his mother, all right? Now bye-bye.

Starr: I know that it's still morning and there's probably some sort of law of how early I'm allowed to serve alcohol, but I think we deserve this.

Carly: After what we've been through, we deserve more than this, but we're gonna start here.

Starr: Right. Let's start here.

Carly: Okay. I think we should make a toast.

Starr: To what?

Carly: Todd Manning -- the walking disaster.

Starr: I'll miss you, dad.

Carly: I will, too.

Starr: Try not to make too many mistakes.

Carly: Oh, and try not to make too many new enemies.

Starr: And try to keep the lies to a minimum.

Carly: And if you have to lie, keep it simple.

Starr: Yes, and please, please stay away from other people's babies!

Carly: Oh, that's terrible.

Starr: That's so terrible.

Todd: John, we both know I can't let you leave here with Sam's baby.

Caleb: Kindly release your grip on the baby buggy.

Todd: Or what?

Caleb: Or you'll no longer have hands to grip with.

Todd: I'll take my chance.

[Siren wails in distance]

Caleb: Okay. As you want it.

[Sirens approaching]

McBain: So, tell me about Caleb. Tell me where he'd go. Tell me who he's after.

Lucy: He's a-- you're -- you are after Rafe. You -- you want Rafe and Livvie. Always Livvie.

McBain: I don't know any Livvie. I know Sam. That's because I'm John McBain.

Lucy: Why should I trust you?

McBain: Because I'm trusting you. I'm listening to you. I'm not dismissing you, Lucy, like everybody else. I believe you. You know why I'm doing that? 'Cause time's running out. In case you haven't noticed, this guy, Caleb -- he's doing all the winning. So what do you say... we join forces before he claims his next victim.

Alexis: Molly, are you actually sure it was Heather that took Danny?

Molly: Yes.

Alexis: So you actually saw Heather take Danny.

Molly: Not in person, no, but I know it was her.

Alexis: Well, how do you know that, Molly, if you didn't see Heather take him?

Molly: I just do, okay? You have to trust me on this.

Rafe: Molly, it's okay. I don't -- I don't want you to get in trouble for covering for me, okay? Look, Molly had nothing to do with the kidnapping of Danny. Okay, it was all my fault this Heather woman just took him from me.

Todd: Your friends are here, John.

[Siren wails]

Todd: I can't wait to tell them what their favorite detective did to Heather Webber. So what's it gonna...

[Car doors closing]

Todd: Let's get you out of here. Come on, come on.

Sam: Danny?!

Anna: Don't move, Manning!

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