GH Transcript Wednesday 2/13/13

General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 2/13/13


Provided By Suzanne

Sabrina: I just don't understand. I checked the label three times. How did I give you the wrong medication? Officer Carlson's dead... and I killed him.

[Cell phone chimes]

Olivia: Hi.

Steve: Hey. How you doing?

Olivia: I'll be a lot better once they find your mother.

[Hurried footsteps approach]

Heather: [Gasps]

Molly: Rafe. Rafe, come on. Wake up.

Rafe: [Gasps]

Lucy: Uh, thank you. Thank you. Okay, look, I am so sorry for what I-I did to you. Holding you at gunpoint --

Anna: Knocking out my officer, taking his gun, holding me at gunpoint, yeah.

Lucy: Okay, right. I-I-I will apologize to him and to you. I am sorry. I'm just desperate --

Anna: Save it. You have a visitor.

Caleb: Going so soon?

McBain: Taylor! Can you let me know when Alexis Davis is in the building?

[Footsteps approach]

Sam: Hey. Officer Taylor's upstairs.

McBain: Hi.

Sam: Hi. And to answer your question, my mom's gonna be here soon, so we don't have much time.

McBain: For what?

Sam: To get you out of here.

Patrick: Even if you did make a mistake -- and I'm not convinced you did -- officer Carlson was bleeding out. He would have died anyway.

Sabrina: You said you thought you could save him.

Patrick: I always try and save everyone. Officer Carlson dying is not your fault, Sabrina.

Sabrina: Yes, it is!

Patrick: Look, I understand that you are new to this, but this is medicine. People die on your watch, and slowly you -- you learn to deal with it.

Sabrina: I just don't know what to do.

Patrick: Well, first things first. We better go talk to Dr. Webber.

Steve: The only update I have is the cops haven't found Heather.

Olivia: Well, you know what this means. I was right. The vision that I had about Heather getting out of the shower -- I should have trusted that. I should have gone right to the cops. I should have told them that Heather was out on the loose. Now she could be God knows where.

Heather: Let me go, detective. If you try to haul me in, you're gonna have to kill me.

Caleb: Ah! If you insist. [Smooches]

Molly: Rafe, it's me. It's Molly.

Rafe: Molly.

Molly: Yeah. Who'd you think it was.

Rafe: That McBain guy coming after me. I have nightmares about it every time I close my eyes.

Molly: I'm sorry.

Rafe: Him stabbing my mom. And then the cop yesterday. [Sighs]

Molly: I still don't think that John did any of that, but it's okay. You're safe here. No one can find you.

Alexis: Hey, mol?

[Knock on door]

Alexis: Honey? Molly, why is the door locked?

[Doorknob rattling]

Alexis: Molly?

Lucy: Oh, doc, are you all right? Are you okay?

Kevin: Do you care?

Lucy: Yes, I care. I-I-I suffered completely when you -- you took that blow. I think -- I think it hurt me more than it hurt you.

Kevin: I seriously doubt that, Lucy.

Lucy: But you came back. Doc, I can't tell you how much it meant to me that you came back and you wanted to help me and you swore that you were on my side.

Kevin: And look at the thanks I got. One of your co-escapees cracked me over the head. Do you know I had to go to the hospital?

Lucy: Oh, my God. I'm -- I'm so sorry. I had no idea they were gonna do that to you.

Anna: He thinks that Todd hit him. Is that right?

Kevin: A force like that -- no offense, ladies -- could only come from a man.

Lucy: Well, not necessarily so. Don't count that fruit loop Heather Webber out.

Heather: [Grunts]

Todd: What are you doing? I was here first.

Heather: Be quiet. He's out there.

Todd: Who's out there?

Heather: John McBain. Don't make a sound.

McBain: Should you even be down here? Don't want to get you in any trouble.

Sam: Let's focus on you. My mom said that she was up most of the night working on the case.

McBain: I have to remember to thank her.

Sam: From the looks of it, it doesn't look like you got too much sleep, either.

McBain: No.

Sam: Is it true -- what I read in the sun? Is there really that much evidence against you?

McBain: I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it with my own eyes.

Sam: So there's actual footage of someone that looks like you, or --

McBain: A guy that looks like me took the weapon that killed Alison Barrington right out of the evidence room.

Sam: Was it shot from the back?

McBain: No, no. You see his face. You see his face, and then you see him right over there, and he takes Rafe out of his cell and leads him right down that corridor.

Sam: What about the nurse from G.H.?

McBain: She identified me as the man she saw kneeling over bud Carlson as he bled out.

Sam: With the same weapon that killed Alison Barrington?

McBain: This guy -- he's -- he's a dead ringer for me -- you know, the way he dresses, the way he walks -- everything. He's got it down.

Sam: Yeah, but -- okay, but it's not you.

McBain: No. No, it's not me. This is funny. This is weird. I can't tell you how many times I've been on that side of the bars, listening to some perp go on and on about, "hey, man, I've been framed. It's not me. I'm being set up." I guess now it's my turn.

Sam: No, it's not. It's just that that's the theory. But you do have Alison, who thought it was you, and -- and Lucy, as well, thinking you are this vampire -- Caleb Morley. It doesn't make any sense.

McBain: Listen to me. You -- you forget the whole supernatural part of it, all right? This guy that looks like me -- he's real. He's real, and he was here in the PCPD impersonating me. That's the only way to explain this.

Sam: You know this looks really bad for you. They say the police commissioner tried to call you all night and you didn't pick up your phone. John, where were you?

Sabrina: Why do I have to talk to Dr. Webber?

Patrick: Because he's the head of E.R. When something like this happens -- a potential mistake -- there's an inquiry.

Sabrina: Oh, my God. Oh, my God! This is it. I'm fired.

Patrick: No, no, Sabrina. It's nothing like that. This is just protocol, all right? So come on. I'll go with you. Hey. You're gonna be okay. Come on. Hey, Steve's a good guy. He's not gonna judge you. Come on.

Steve: Sweetie, I'm going to keep you safe this time. I promise.

Olivia: It's not you that I don't trust.

Steve: I know. You have every right to be on guard.

Olivia: I'm not just talking about Heather, either. I-I'm sorry to say this. I know that this sounds crazy. We're getting married, for Pete's sake. I know that you love me.

Steve: Okay.

Olivia: Okay. But if I was right with the hallucination about Heather, what about the one about the nurse?

Steve: Sabrina?

Olivia: It was a very detailed hallucination. You were enjoying that shower just as much as she was.

Steve: Liv, come on.

Olivia: I know. I know. But I'm just saying, all of my visions have come true so far, or at least they've had some kind of meaning behind them. Why would this one be any different, huh?

Steve: [Sighs] Can we talk about this later?

Olivia: Of course. I'll just go back to worrying about the other woman in your life.

Heather: I don't know what kind of a game he's playing, but John McBain was right there.

Todd: You need to have your eyes checked. He's in a jail cell.

Heather: What for?

Todd: He killed a cop.

Heather: Well, he must have escaped. He was holding me close enough to kiss.

Todd: Ew.

Heather: Real close -- like this -- tight!

Todd: Okay. Not that this isn't every man's fantasy, but you need to let me go. I'm waiting for someone.

Heather: Who?

Todd: Okay, do you remember the last time we were together and you asked me where I was going? And I said, "like I'd ever tell you," or something like that. Do you remember that?

Heather: Yes.

Todd: Well, it's happening again.

Heather: I don't understand this. If it weren't for me, you'd be rotting in Ferncliff. Why won't you tell me what your plans are?

Todd: If I tell you, will you let go of me?

Heather: Sure.

Todd: I've chartered a boat. He's gonna take me anywhere I want, no questions asked.

Heather: "Just ask for Quint."

Todd: Yeah. Wait. How did you know that?

Heather: Because I read the same ad in the advocate.

Todd: Oh, no. Tough noogies. I hired him.

Heather: No, Todd. I hired him.

Todd: Oy vey. We're gonna need a bigger boat.

Kevin: Heather?

Anna: Yeah. Lucy could actually be right.

Lucy: Ah! Finally!

Anna: Heather's capable of anything, especially assault.

Lucy: Yes, and I was completely beyond upset with old Heather.

Kevin: And you still took off. You just left me lying there. For all you knew, I was dead.

Lucy: I wouldn't do that. I did check to see if you were breathing, and you were okay. Doc, please. Please try to understand. I knew that Todd and Heather would just ditch me, whether I was gonna go with them or not, so I couldn't stay there. I had to escape.

Kevin: Because of Caleb?

Lucy: Yeah, because of Caleb. Doc, you're my big, strong guy. I know you're perfectly capable of taking yourself, but Rafe is not. He's just a boy, and he was all alone. He had nobody protecting him. [Gasps] Oh, my God, Anna. He has nobody protecting him. Rafe is just out there, with Caleb on the loose.

Kevin: Oh, here we go.

Lucy: And Caleb is impersonating an officer of the law!

Anna: You don't have to worry about John McBain.

Lucy: "I don't have to worry." Yes, I do! We all have to worry! He could be out there right now murdering Rafe!

Anna: No, he's not! John McBain has been apprehended. He's currently in a cell. He is no threat to Rafe.

Alexis: Molly, open the door right now! Come on.

Molly: Sorry. I was just sleeping. [Sighs] Good morning.

Alexis: Good morning.

Molly: You know I don't have school today, right?

Alexis: Uh-huh. Yep, I know.

Molly: I was hoping to sleep in.

Alexis: Is T.J. In here?

Molly: What?! No!

Alexis: Well, I remember what happened last time you locked the door.

[Drawer opens, closes]

Molly: Mom, look at me. I swear to you, T.J. Is not in my room, okay?

Alexis: Okay. Why'd you lock the door?

Molly: I don't know. I must have accidentally pressed it. So, please, what is this big emergency that dragged me out of bed?

Alexis: Sam dropped Danny off this morning. Can you watch him?

Molly: Yeah, of course.

Alexis: I would have asked Kristina, but Kristina's doing community service.

Molly: Mom, it's okay. I'm happy to do it. I love babysitting Danny.

Alexis: Thank you.

Molly: You just go ahead. Do what you need to do.

Alexis: I'd rather just sit here and talk to you. I'm not very anxious to get to work, anyway. I got two people in lockup. You know, Lucy cuckoo held the commissioner at gunpoint. And then this John McBain -- he killed a police officer. And that was after he broke this Rafe Kovich out of jail -- you know, that kid that accused of killing of his mother.

Molly: Oh, yeah. Right.

Alexis: He's still on the loose.

McBain: I was at the university.

Sam: What were you doing there?

McBain: Meeting with a professor.

Sam: Okay. Why -- why would -- why would you go there and meet with a professor?

McBain: I had asked Rafe to give me some more details about the guy he saw murder his mom.

Sam: The guy he says is you.

McBain: I wanted to know if there was anything that really stood out about this guy. And it took him a while, but then he realized the guy's wearing a ring.

Sam: Okay. Well, a wedding ring?

McBain: No. It was more distinct than that. He was able to describe it.

Sam: So you went to the university to find out more about it?

McBain: Exactly, and I had to wait around a little while 'cause the guy was teaching a class, and I had to wait for him to finish.

Sam: Right. Did you talk to him?

McBain: Yeah, for quite a while.

Sam: What's his name?

McBain: Jay Mosser.

Dr. Mosser: Excellent timing. I was just about to call you. Come in, detective.

Caleb: Please, call me John.

Kevin: This is good news. Everyone's safe.

Lucy: Everyone is not safe. Doc, please, do you really believe that bars and a cell can hold Caleb? He can do anything he wants anytime he wants, and nobody can stop him.

Kevin: Except you.

Lucy: Except me. We don't even know. He could be out there right now, hunting Rafe down, wanting to claim him.

Kevin: But you just said that Caleb would kill Rafe.

Lucy: Yeah, he would. That would be his last resort. If Rafe refuses to be turned, then he will.

Kevin: Lucy, don't start...

Lucy: No. Listen to me. Alison was here. Doc, the last thing Alison did was come to this police station, and she was looking for me. She wanted help. She wanted an ally to try and hide Rafe from Caleb.

Kevin: Even if you are right, that just proves that Alison shared your delusion. That doesn't make it true.

Lucy: No, no, no! Listen. Caleb seduced Alison. Rafe is Caleb's son, and that is why he is going to try and get him and claim him. And that's why -- oh, my God. That is why he allowed himself to be captured.

Anna: No! McBain is the focus of a detailed investigation.

Lucy: He's not even using the alias anymore. Don't you see? He doesn't even care. He wants to take Rafe, and he will kill anybody that gets in his way.

Molly: So, um, what's gonna happen to John?

Alexis: I don't know.

Molly: Well, do you think he's guilty?

Alexis: No. Absolutely not.

Molly: So there's no hard evidence?

Alexis: Oh, yeah. There's a lot of evidence, most of which I hear is indisputable.

Molly: How are you gonna prove John didn't do it?

Alexis: Well, it would help if we could find that Rafe kid. An eyewitness said she saw him on the pier when John allegedly killed this police officer.

Molly: I can't even imagine. That must have been really traumatic for him -- Rafe, I mean.

Alexis: Right. I don't doubt that, and I'm sure that he's loathe to revisit it. However, as sole witness, he could shed some much-needed light.

Molly: Maybe he'll turn up.

Alexis: Well, I hope so. All right. Nice talking to you. I got to go. All right. When Danny wakes up, it's six ounces...

Molly: ...Of formula.

Alexis: Good girl. Oh, you're the best.

Molly: It's really no big deal.

Alexis: And I'm sorry that I didn't trust you. It's just that you girls give me so much reason to be paranoid.

Molly: It's okay, mom.

Alexis: I love you.

Molly: I love you, too.

Rafe: Look, I'm sorry you had to lie to your mom, okay, but she's wrong. John McBain is a killer.

Sam: What did Rafe say about the ring?

McBain: It had this kind of crest on it... along with a bat -- you know, the flying mammal kind.

Sam: The one often associated with vampires.

McBain: Yeah, the one and the same, yeah.

Sam: Well, when you mentioned this to the professor, he didn't laugh you out of the room?

McBain: Yeah, you would think, right? But it turns out this, uh, this jay Mosser -- he's kind of an expert on the occult.

Sam: Seriously?

McBain: Mm-hmm. He started showing me all these illustrations of rings that vampires wore through the ages, you know, in art and literature and all that crud.

Sam: Wow.

McBain: Yeah. He was able to work up a sketch based on Rafe's description.

Sam: Did you get any answers?

Dr. Mosser: Please excuse the mess.

Caleb: No problem. I love what you've done with the place.

Dr. Mosser: Oh, I was meaning to ask, uh, is your inquiry into the ring part of that case I was reading about?

Caleb: What case is that?

Dr. Mosser: Oh, what was her name? It's some deranged woman -- attacked someone she believed was a vampire.

Caleb: I'm afraid I'm not at liberty to say.

Dr. Mosser: Well, she was clearly mistaken. There hasn't been a vampire sighting here for years.

Caleb: Do tell.

Dr. Mosser: Oh, here it is. The bat on the ring is common, but the crest is rare.

Caleb: Hmm.

Dr. Mosser: Uh, yeah. It could be from a minor clan -- the Julii. They were descendents of Remus.

Caleb: The twin of Romulus? Let's see. If memory serves, their parents abandoned them, and they suckled from a wolf.

Dr. Mosser: The Julii were wiped out thousands of years ago during an inter-clanal war. But some vampire scholars believe a few survived, fleeing to a remote area of Transylvanian alps in what is now Romania.

Caleb: Fascinating. And no one's heard anything from them since?

Dr. Mosser: They've been living in seclusion for generations. The last vague record we have of them -- from the last century, mind you...

Caleb: That is pretty, pretty vague.

Dr. Mosser: ...Has them going by the prosaic name of Morley.

Caleb: No kidding.

Dr. Mosser: You think this is absurd, don't you?

Caleb: No, professor. Not at all.

Dr. Mosser: Well, then, I think you'll take me seriously when I tell you that the wearer of that ring embodies enormous power, and he wants revenge.

Todd: What have I done to deserve this?

Heather: You want a list? I'm sure I don't know the half of it.

Todd: I'm pretty sure your list is longer than my list.

Heather: Why don't you get over it? I've already hired captain Quint.

Todd: Why don't you get over it? I hired him first.

Heather: Well, we'll have to share.

Todd: Greedy bastard, letting us both hire him. Where the hell is he, anyway?

Heather: We're not supposed to set sail for another hour. There's something I need to take care of.

Todd: Oh, yeah, what? You're gonna see your son at the hospital?

Heather: As a matter of fact, I am gonna go see my son at the hospital.

Todd: Oh, good. I think that's a great idea. I hope it goes a lot better for you this time than it did the last time. [Whistling]

Heather: Todd...

Todd: Yes?

Heather: ...That was in very poor taste, even for you.

Todd: True, nonetheless, right? [Chuckles]

Heather: Okay, so I was planning on sneaking in and visiting Steven Lars, and now I -- I've considered the consequences.

Todd: Really? That's a first.

Heather: He's probably still upset with me.

Todd: Yeah, probably. You shot up his girlfriend, pushed her down a flight of stairs. Two things not on my list, by the way.

Heather: Yeah, well, if you're such a paragon, then why did you have to hire a boat to smuggle yourself out of the country, just like I did?

Todd: I've been asking myself that. I've been trying to figure out, how did I end up here in such a lonely, desperate situation? And the only answer I can come up with is it's all your fault.

Heather: Mine?

Todd: I was getting my life back, I was putting my relationship with my daughter back on track, I was about to launch a successful entertainment business. And then, tragically, one rainy night, I opened the door and saw you -- Heather Webber, lunatic baby switcher -- in a yellow slicker, and I was too traumatized to think straight. You took advantage of me.

Heather: I hope you didn't try to sell that story to the court.

Todd: Why not? It's the truth. Look, I've done a lot of bonehead things in my life -- but nothing dumber than letting tea think that that baby was hers. And I only did that because you told me that Sam didn't want that kid.

Heather: Have you finished whining yet?

Todd: I'm not gonna finish whining till I get on that boat and get away from this town!

Heather: Well, if you want a speedy departure, you best not delay my errand.

Todd: Why? Where are you going, anyway? What's so damn important?

Heather: Don't you ever listen? I'm going to see my son.

Sabrina: I was in a rush because we were losing officer Carlson.

Patrick: He was bleeding out in front of us.

Sabrina: Dr. Drake asked me to get phenylephrine and dopamine, and I checked the labels three times, just like nurse Johnson always says. "Check thrice for me to stay nice." And I vividly remember doing that.

Patrick: I'm sure she did.

Sabrina: Then I found that vial on the floor. I realized I gave you heparin. I gave an anti-clotting med to a patient who was losing blood.

Steve: Okay, let's -- let's not jump to conclusions. We're still waiting for the autopsy results. They should be here any minute.

Patrick: We'll know exactly what was in his system when he died.

Brad: Is Dr. Webber up here? I have the report he wanted. Told me to put a rush on it.

Britt: From the death in the E.R. last night? Are you new? I-I haven't seen you here before.

Brad: This is my first week.

Britt: Wow! I'm Dr. Westbourne. You can call me Britt.

Brad: Oh.

Britt: Welcome to G.H.

Brad: Thanks.

Britt: Do you have a name?

Brad: Sorry. I -- yeah. Uh, Brad -- Brad cooper.

Britt: Brad. Mm. You don't mind if I-I take a peek, do you, Brad?

Brad: Uh, uh, is that procedure?

Britt: [Chuckles] Do you want me to look it up?

Brad: No, that's not necessary. Go for it.

Britt: Thank you, Brad.

Brad: No problem.

Britt: You did a very thorough job. Oh, and -- and look. Dr. Webber's right over there. [Chuckles]

Patrick: The autopsy's gonna clear you.

Sabrina: You don't know that.

Patrick: I don't think you would confuse heparin with phenylephrine.

Sabrina: I could have been so flustered.

Brad: Dr. Webber.

Steve: Is this the Carlson report?

Brad: Yeah.

Steve: Great. Thanks. I'm sorry.

Sabrina: Oh, my God.

Steve: She gave him the wrong medicine.

Sabrina: [Crying]

Lucy: Please release me and let me go so I can get out there and stop any more loss of life. I need to save people --

Kevin: Do you have any idea how serious this is?! Lucy, this is not some misunderstanding or a petty infraction that you can tap-dance your way around! You have managed to dismantle your entire life.

Lucy: Don't say that.

Kevin: You were the most brilliant and inspiring woman I have ever met. And now you're reduced to ranting about the undead. Well, I'm sorry, Lucy. This breaks my heart, but you're a danger to yourself and to others, and you are not just going to walk out of here!

Lucy: Do you think I asked for this?! Do you think it was my choice?! "Hey, Lucy. Wake up one day, and you get to be a slayer!" Yay! "You get to be the only person in the room that sees evil standing right in front of everybody"! I didn't pick this, but I can't ignore it. I cannot ignore the danger, and I have got to get out of here, and someone, by God, has got to help me!

Molly: I know what you think you saw.

Rafe: Not "think."

Molly: [Sighs] I just find it really hard to believe that John killed your mother or that other cop.

Rafe: He's in jail, isn't he?

Molly: Yeah, and so were you, and you say you were innocent. Maybe you should turn yourself in.

Rafe: What?!

Molly: Well, guilty or not, John's under investigation. Maybe that means the police will believe you.

Rafe: Over one of their own? No. Cops, Molly, they stick together.

Molly: Not when they're accused of killing another cop. I doubt they're on John's side anymore. What?

Rafe: [Scoffs] It just hit me. I-I sound exactly like my mom -- paranoid and distrustful of everyone and everything. I used to hate that. Maybe you're right. I should just go down to the station.

Molly: Nothing needs to be decided right this second. No one's home, so why don't you take a shower? You can clear your head and figure out what to do next.

Rafe: That actually sounds really good. Thanks.

Molly: I'll go grab you a towel.

McBain: And Mosser told me he needed the night to research it.

Sam: And your phone was off the whole time you were at the university? Why couldn't anyone reach you?

McBain: Lousy cell reception, you know? I actually tried calling the station a couple times. Didn't think anything of it till I came out and had all those missed calls.

Sam: And by the time that happened, you already had all this evidence built up against you.

McBain: Yeah, pretty much.

Sam: Do you think the professor's gonna be able to help you?

McBain: I don't know. Mostly he went on and on about the -- about the existence of vampires.

Sam: Do you believe him?

McBain: No.

Sam: No?

McBain: No, but right now, I'll go with anything that helps clear this thing up.

Sam: What about Anna?

McBain: No. She's -- she's got her hands full right now with Webber and Manning on the loose.

Sam: And now that boy Rafe is missing.

McBain: Mm. After seeing someone he's convinced is me commit murder for the second time.

Caleb: This has all been very interesting, professor. Thank you.

Dr. Mosser: Well, don't think that's the end of the discussion. Somewhere around here, I have a dissertation written long before the age of computers that comes close to proving that one of the last members of the clan is actually --

Lucy: Oh, Alexis, thank God you're here to help me, right?

Alexis: Well, I'll -- I'll certainly try, Lucy, but I have to admit --

Kevin: She's in your hands now.

Lucy: What?! You're just leaving?

Kevin: You mean like you did? [Sighs] I have an appointment with a neurologist. He has to monitor me.

Lucy: What?! Why?

Kevin: Well, you know, to make sure that the blow that your friend delivered to my head hasn't caused a brain bleed.

Lucy: Doc, I -- I'm -- I'm sorry.

Kevin: I know. Thank you.

Alexis: Good luck. How's John?

Alexis: Yeah, well, you know, he's not thrilled about being in lockup, obviously.

Alexis: Yeah, well, I understand, but I-I do need to speak with him -- the sooner, the better.

Anna: I think you've got your hands full with all this.

Alexis: Lucy, Lucy, Lucy. What were you thinking?

Lucy: Well --

Alexis: That was a rhetorical question. You are in serious trouble -- serious trouble. I'll be lucky if I can even get you back into Ferncliff.

Lucy: Oh. Well, that's okay. Um, you know, I-I don't really want to go back to Ferncliff. You're right.

Alexis: I'm right?

Lucy: Yes, you are. I don't deserve to go back to Ferncliff. I am just a common criminal. I deserve to be treated as one, so you can just march me right back downstairs to my cell.

McBain: I never should have dismissed Lucy Coe the way I did.

Sam: Lucy Coe? She put a wooden stake through your chest. It doesn't exactly inspire trust.

McBain: No, I-I should have known it was more than just a paranoid delusion. I at least should have considered the fact that there's a guy out there named Caleb.

Sam: Who is a vampire that looks exactly like you?

McBain: No.

Sam: Come on.

McBain: He's a killer that looks like me.

Sam: Okay. Maybe this professor Mosser can help you out. I don't know. But at the very least, I think he can give you an alibi. I can go talk to him, and then I can go to the police station and let them know that you were at the university -- nowhere near pier 52 -- and they're gonna have to let you go.

McBain: Thank you.

Sam: Okay. I'll be back.

McBain: You know where to find me.

Sam: Not for long. Between me and my mom, we're gonna get you out of here soon.

McBain: Let's just hope it's before this guy kills again.

Caleb: Professor, you were saying?

Dr. Mosser: I'm such a scatterbrain. [Chuckles] That, uh, other research -- I must have left it at the copier. I'll go and get it.

Caleb: I'm afraid you won't be going anywhere.

Molly: Oh, my God! I am s-- I-I'm sorry.

Rafe: I-I was just -- just getting dressed.

Molly: Yeah, I can see that. I mean -- oh, my God. Um, uh, did you figure out what to do?

Rafe: Uh, yeah. I'm gonna take your advice.

Molly: Yeah? You're gonna turn yourself in?

Rafe: I'm not sure there's any alternative. I can't keep hiding here, even though it's hands down the nicest house I've ever slept in. And my mom -- she -- you know, she -- she deserves justice. Her -- her murderer needs to pay for what he did.

Molly: You deserve justice, too.

Rafe: I'm decent now.

Molly: Um... listen, if you ever want to talk about your mom or anything --

Rafe: Oh. How's little Danny boy doing?

Molly: He crushed his bottle.

Rafe: Sounds like someone was hungry.

Molly: Yeah. Are you? Hungry, I mean.

Rafe: How'd you know? Think I can score another sandwich?

Molly: I think I got something way better.

Rafe: Impossible.

Molly: Just wait until you try my peanut-butter toast. It's famous -- with my mom and sisters, at least.

Rafe: Well, sign me up.

Molly: Okay. Is it okay if I leave Danny for a minute?

Rafe: Are you kidding? Hand him over. Hi. Hi. Oh. Aw. Aw. My mom always said, no matter how rotten you feel or how -- how much the world may be against you, a baby's smile will always make it better. [Sighs] I miss her. I miss her so much.

Patrick: Sabrina. Sab-- come on. You got to give her a break here. Officer Carlson was almost dead by the time we got him the meds. She's a student nurse. You know what this is gonna do to her career.

Steve: I'm sorry. I got to write her up. You know how it goes.

[Footsteps approach]

Britt: Hey. I-I guess the rumor must be true. Sabrina killed your patient? That's horrible... for everyone involved. Horrible.

Steve: [Sighs]

Olivia: Hey.

Steve: Oh. Hey.

Olivia: Sabrina's having a bad day, huh?

Steve: It really is a shame. She's an excellent nurse.

Olivia: How excellent? I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself. I'm a jerk.

Steve: Listen to me. I'm gonna say this one more time, and you are going to listen.

Olivia: I'm listening.

Steve: You, Olivia Falconeri, soon to be Webber, are the only woman --

Olivia: She's here. Your mother is here.

Rafe: Even when she was terrified that Caleb was gonna get us, you know, a baby could stop my mom in her tracks. She'd do the -- do the whole baby-talkie thing, and then... she'd smile at the parents and...say, "God bless." [Sighs] That was when she was at her best, you know? Of course you don't know. Hey, do me a favor. Don't tell aunt Molly about this talk. Thanks, kid.

[Footsteps approach]

Sabrina: I'm sorry I ran off like that.

Patrick: I'm sorry this is happening to you. But getting written up at the beginning parts of your career -- it's kind of a rite of passage.

Sabrina: I was supposed to graduate soon.

Patrick: Mm.

Sabrina: With a fatality on my record, my career could be over before it even starts. And I can't believe that's what I'm worried about right now. A man's dead because of me.

Patrick: No, he died because somebody stabbed him fatally.

Sabrina: But if I had just done my job right, then he would still be here.

Patrick: You did everything you could do. You found him on the pier. He would have died there. You gave him a chance by bringing him to the E.R., Okay? You did everything you could for him.

Sabrina: Except give him the right medicine.

Patrick: I was the attending. He was bleeding out. No medication would have made any difference.

Sabrina: We don't know that. We never will.

Olivia: Steve, she's right there. She's right over there -- right out in the open.

Steve: That's not Heather. That's Dr. Westbourne. My mother's not here, okay?

Olivia: Okay.

Steve: Okay?

Olivia: Okay, maybe she's not here right now in the hospital right this minute, but she's here in Port Charles. Heather is here in Port Charles, and she's disguised as a nurse.

Heather: Good morning.

Rafe: Um...okay. Who are you?

Heather: I'm here for the baby.

Todd: All right, Manning. [Sighs] Think. Life's all about choices, right? Okay, as I see it, you've got option "A," option "B," or option "C." Option "A" -- you hop on a boat with a peg-leg captain. You take off for waters unknown with Heather Webber playing the role of an animated tiger. Or option "B" -- you go back to Port Charles, you stand trial, you do a stint in Pentonville, and...Carly and Starr never visit. Or -- or option "C." You get on this boat, and you leave Heather behind and never see her again. Well, what's a pirate's favorite letter of the alphabet? [As pirate] R? [Normal voice] You'd think. But it's the "C" they love.

Alexis: Yeah, hold her, hold her.

Anna: Stop.

Alexis: You got to stop this.

Lucy: What? This what?

Alexis: This vampire stuff. There aren't any vampires. And even if there were, John is not one of them.

Anna: And you're not going anywhere near him.

Caleb: [Sighs] I regret that I had to do that. Your knowledge was impressive, but you gave me no choice.

[Knock on door]

Sam: Professor Mosser? Hi, I'm -- I'm sorry to disturb you. Do you have a minute?

[Knock on door]

Sam: Professor Mosser?

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