General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 2/12/13
Provided By Suzanne
Anna: And now there's all this evidence against John. And I have known him for years. He's a good friend. And I've trusted him. And could he be a killer? Am I wrong about him, too? I don't even know who to count on anymore.
Luke: Me. You can count on me.
Mac: Johnny got off easy, you know. I mean, he fired from a moving vehicle, which carries a gang attachment. He killed two innocent bystanders while committing a felony. That makes it murder. I mean, he could have easily gotten consecutive life terms.
Lulu: Well, Johnny didn't mean to kill Starr's family. That was an accident. But I agree he deserves to be punished. I just...feel bad for him. Johnny was good to me, and now he's lost everything.
Johnny: Thanks for coming.
Starr: I was really hoping I didn't have to see you again.
Johnny: Being shipped off to Pentonville tonight. But before --
Starr: Okay, what do you want?
Johnny: There's something I got to say.
Starr: Didn't we say it all in court?
Johnny: Not this.
Lulu: I'm gonna miss him. He made a great partner. He had a lot of great ideas, and he held up his end. We were a team. Now I'm gonna have to run this whole place by myself.
Mac: Oh, I'm sure you'll pull it off. It's in your blood. You're a Spencer.
Lulu: Well, yeah. Come check back with me after the valentine's party.
Mac: The place looks great.
Lulu: Yeah? You like the decorations?
Mac: So much so, I'd like two tickets.
Lulu: Oh, well, that wouldn't be for you and Felicia, would it?
Mac: I plan to dazzle her with romance.
Lulu: [Chuckles] Sounds like things are going well, then.
Mac: They are. Or they were, before Frisco showed up.
Felicia: Oh! Thank you, Mac.
Frisco: Wrong husband.
Shawn: Easy, kid. It's just a game. Although, how could you miss a shot like that? That was easy! What -- come on, man. How could it be I gave you the perfect setup for some trash talk, and you're just -- you're silent. What's going on, man? Something on your mind?
T.J.: [Sighs] Yeah. Molly and her new boyfriend.
Rafe: Thank you.
Molly: Shh!
Rafe: I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't let me stay here.
Molly: [Sighs] Just keep it down, okay?
Rafe: Okay, I-I'll stay out of sight. Thank you for trusting me.
Molly: If the positions were reversed, I'd want someone to trust me, too.
Rafe: So you believe me? That I didn't murder anyone.
Molly: I don't really know what's going on. I mean, I can believe you're not a killer, but I'm still having a hard time thinking John McBain is.
Dante: Play it from there. I don't believe it.
McBain: Don't believe what? What's going on?
Dante: Where you been, John?
Anna: [Sighs] What is this?
Luke: Do you have to ask?
Anna: No, I mean, really, what -- what... what is this between us?
Luke: This is me loving you, slim.
Lulu: Frisco's back in town.
Mac: Showed up last night out of the blue.
Lulu: Maxie never said anything.
Mac: Yeah, well, supposedly he's back because Maxie needs him.
Lulu: For what? For the baby?
Mac: Felicia told him that Maxie was pregnant. And even though he's been conspicuously absent for most of Maxie's life, and even though this isn't his grandchild, he found it necessary to make an appearance.
Lulu: Saying his name, let alone going into detail about all the ways that he failed her as a father is gonna stress Maxie out. She's already high-strung enough as it is.
Mac: You know, I wouldn't worry too much. I mean, Frisco says he's here for Maxie. I have a feeling there's another relationship he has in mind.
Felicia: So, did you straighten things out with Maxie?
Frisco: She won't talk to me or return any of my calls.
Felicia: Maxie was very angry with me when I finally came back. Took her a long time to soften. But who can blame her? We were terrible parents.
Frisco: We certainly weren't around much.
Felicia: That's what makes us terrible parents. Admitting that might help your case.
Frisco: I'm all ears.
Felicia: Why would Maxie trust you? Why would this visit be any different than any other visit? You fall out of the sky, this wonderful, charming, adventure dad, promising to put the family together and bond, staying just long enough to get Maxie's hopes up, only to vanish again.
Frisco: I'm here now, aren't I?
Felicia: Well, if that's all you have to offer, I don't blame her for not talking to you.
Frisco: I know I've got a lot to clean up. More than anything, I finally realize what's really important.
Felicia: Well, you can't just say it. You have to show her that you are sincere by, you know, putting in the time and keep coming back. Even if she rejects you. You have to prove that you love her. And be there and be patient so that she'll believe you.
Frisco: Is that what you did?
Felicia: Oh, it didn't happen fast enough. But I think we did patch things up. We're closer now than we've ever been.
Frisco: Well... that's good to know.
Felicia: If you really are sincere and you want to support her and have a relationship with her, I think it's absolutely wonderful that you showed up for her.
Frisco: I didn't come back here just for Maxie. I came back for you, too.
Shawn: So you and Molly broke up, huh?
T.J.: No.
Shawn: You said she had another boyfriend.
T.J.: He's not really her boyfriend. She doesn't even know the guy. Just some guy she met that killed his own mother.
Shawn: You mean that kid, the one Molly met on the pier?
T.J.: Rafe Kovich. Yeah, that's the one. He's got Molly totally snowed, Shawn. Fortunately, cops got him locked up at PCPD.
Molly: Are you hungry? Um, my mother doesn't really cook, but the fridge is always loaded. I can make us some sandwiches.
Rafe: That'd be great.
Molly: All right. I'll be right back. And, Rafe, please, please be quiet. My sister's here, and if she finds you --
Rafe: Not a sound. I got it.
Molly: [Sighs]
[Knock on door]
Kristina: Molly? Are you up?
McBain: I was following a lead on Alison Barrington's murder.
Dante: So you took the suspect with you, her son?
McBain: No. Why?
Dante: Okay, you were down with the kid at his cell, right?
McBain: Yeah, I wanted to go over the kid's statement, see if he gave us any new details.
Dante: Okay, so what about when you came back?
McBain: When? What are you talking about?
Dante: I'm talking about when you went to his cell the second time.
McBain: What second time? I just told you, I talked to the kid once, and then I left. Hey, what the hell's going on?
Dante: I don't know, man. That's what I'm trying to find out.
Starr: I really don't want to go over this again, Johnny. I'm pretty sure I said it all at your sentencing hearing in my victim-impact statement. I don't want to hear about your remorse, because you spent the better part of the year lying and making other people take the blame. The court may be impressed that you turned yourself in. I'm not. I know that confessing doesn't change anything, okay. And me sitting in a cage for 20 years -- that's not gonna give you back the people you love.
Starr: Okay, then if you understand, why did you need to see me again? Apologizing is not going to help, Johnny. It's only gonna make it worse.
Johnny: I realize that there's nothing I can do for you, Starr. I'm happy, though, for you and Michael. You got a good thing going. You deserve to be happy.
Starr: Yes. Michael saved me. And I don't know if I would have survived without him. But I will... I will always think about what my life would have been like if... if I had spent it with my first great love.
Luke: We belong together.
Anna: God, I'm in the middle of an investigation, Luke. I'm not prepared for this. I'm not thinking straight.
Luke: No, you're not thinking. You're feeling. We're both just feeling.
Anna: What was that? Hello?
Luke: Looks like an alley cat or something tipped over a trash can.
Anna: Okay. Possibly. Mason? Hey, okay, it sounded like there was somebody back there. Can you go around there and have a look for me? Thanks. I have to get back to work now.
Luke: I know you do, and I'm gonna let you go. I just need to say something first.
Mac: You know, Frisco's been out of sight and out of mind for so long, it never occurred to me that he'd show up again. But I should have realized he's always had a hold over Felicia. He always manages to reel her in.
Lulu: [Scoffs] Well, maybe she's learned to recognize the difference between the trappings of a romance and the reality of making a life with someone, like what she has with you.
Mac: Oh, boring, stable bartender Mac?
Lulu: Mac, who's raised her daughters! Mac, who's made her happier than she's been in a long time! She gets to spend time with Maxie and work at the bar. She's got a life. Why would she give that up? For what? For a man who has let her down more ways than she can count? Frisco's a flame. Flames burn out. You're a rock. That's forever.
Mac: [Chuckles] Thanks for the reality check, Lulu. I'm sure there's nothing to worry about.
Felicia: What do you mean you came back for me?
Frisco: I love you. I always have. You know that.
Felicia: You love me.
Frisco: Since day one.
Felicia: All the time that I chased after you, and you'd dump me in these God-forsaken spots and just take off. I mean, is that love?
Frisco: I was an idiot. Felicia, I was lost, searching for something.
Felicia: You were doing your job. It's an important job. You save people's lives. But there's no room for that, for family. You know that. You know that, and I know that. So why are you trying to change the rules now?
Frisco: Because I realize... life's about more than just a job. Everything I ever wanted was right here. You.
Felicia: [Sighs] Do you realize all the other times you've said that to me, the other apologies and the other promises that things would be different?
Frisco: I made so many mistakes. I let you down. And I let the girls down. But I'm back, and I want to start over, and I want to start over with you. And something tells me... you feel the same way.
Lulu: You either send me my delivery by tomorrow morning, or I'm gonna cancel our beverage contract with you. Thank you. [Scoffs] Unbelievable.
Laura: Oh, I'm sorry.
Lulu: Mom! Oh, my God! Mom!
Laura: [Chuckles]
Lulu: [Gasps]
T.J.: Molly was with this guy Rafe right before it happened. She saw the weapon. I mean, he was caught kneeling over his mother's body. Molly still defended him. She even went to see him in jail.
Shawn: Oh, so that's what you two were arguing about when you showed up after Kristina's arraignment. I had a feeling you weren't going too crazy over some "Russian novel."
T.J.: You know, Molly's such a good person. And she doesn't have it in her to tell a convincing lie. I mean, at least, not up until now.
Kristina: Molls?
Molly: Kristina?
Kristina: Hey. I-I saw the light under your door and thought maybe we could talk.
Molly: Um, why don't we go to your room, and we can settle in there?
Kristina: Why? We're already here.
Molly: Okay, but I have to warn you, my room's a mess.
Kristina: Yeah, knowing you, that means you have, like, three whole paper clips left on your desk.
McBain: Hey, if there's something going on with the case, I'd like to know.
Dante: Well, good. That goes both ways.
McBain: When have I ever cut you out of an investigation?
Dante: Let's start with today.
McBain: Okay.
Dante: All right. The surveillance cameras outside the cell show you talking to the kid, right?
McBain: Yeah. I told you I wanted to go over his story.
Dante: Well, they also caught you when you came back and escorted him out of his cell.
McBain: I just told you I never went back down to the cell block!
Dante: The surveillance video shows you leaving with Rafe and officer Carlson.
McBain: Well, there's a mistake somewhere, 'cause that -- that wasn't me. Let -- look, let's just talk to Carlson.
Dante: Well, we can't do that.
McBain: Why's that?
Dante: Because he's dead.
Molly: I thought you were gonna take a nap.
Kristina: I couldn't sleep. How'd you know I was hungry?
Molly: Wishful thinking.
Kristina: Mm.
Molly: I mean, you've barely eaten in weeks.
Kristina: No. You know why. I keep thinking about Connie. What I did to her.
Molly: You had a bad moment.
Kristina: A bad moment? Molly, in that moment, I wanted her dead. You know, if I'm capable of strangling Connie Falconeri, maybe anyone is capable of murder if they're pushed hard enough.
Johnny: I can't change what I did, nor can I change how we met.
Starr: [Sighs]
Johnny: But I do care about you. You're an incredible person.
Starr: Johnny, no matter what you say to me, no matter how nice or sincere, it doesn't change how I feel or what I've lost. They are gone now.
Johnny: You're right, and I cannot bring them back. But I can give you this.
McBain: Carlson's dead. What the hell happened?
Dante: Oh, he was murdered down at pier 52.
McBain: Murdered?
Dante: Yeah.
McBain: You said he was with the kid. Where's the kid now?
Dante: Well, the kid's gone. He fled the scene.
McBain: You really think Rafe could kill a police officer?
Dante: Actually, no. We're pretty sure it was someone else.
T.J.: Okay, so, if Rafe's telling the truth that he didn't kill his mother, who did? Lieutenant McBain?
Shawn: What, McBain? No, no. McBain is committed to the badge. I don't see him killing anyone, least of all a defenseless woman.
T.J.: But Rafe swears up and down that he saw it happen, which means he's lying, which means he did kill his mother, which means he shouldn't be anywhere near Molly. And somehow she just doesn't see that.
Shawn: But didn't you say he was locked up where he can't do much harm?
T.J.: She's going down to the cells to talk to him.
Shawn: Right. Hey, you know our rules. No cell phones on pool night. Come on.
T.J.: I know. I know.
Shawn: Look, maybe we could break it just this once. Go ahead. Give the girl a call.
T.J.: What the hell?
Frisco: Admit it. You still love me.
Felicia: One thing hasn't changed -- your ego.
Frisco: That's not an answer.
Felicia: I'm with Mac.
Frisco: And that's an excuse.
Felicia: No, it's what is. I'm not available.
Frisco: So you're telling me that what you have with him is better than what you had with me?
Felicia: That's not a fair question.
Frisco: But it's the only question, and I know the answer. Mac's a decent guy. He loves you, and you have a decent life, but you're settling, Felicia. You know it, I know it, and Mac knows it. Because I wasn't around. And I don't blame you.
Felicia: Oh, my God! Some things never change with you!
Frisco: I'm not comparing myself to Mac. He's a good man. But, Felicia, what we have is something special, and you know it.
Felicia: Had -- past tense. And three-quarters of the time, it was an illusion, a romantic fantasy with no place in the real world.
Frisco: You don't believe that. We were meant to be together. And we always will be.
Felicia: Hello Mac.
Luke: I didn't plan on falling in love with you.
Anna: [Chuckles lightly]
Luke: You'd been through a terrible loss, and I just wanted to be a friend. I just wanted to be somebody you could count on, somebody you could confide in.
Anna: You were. You were that.
Luke: But then when you got on your feet, it became more than friendship, at least, for me. Look, we're both very independent people. We're both more than capable of going down this road on our own. But why should we? Why shouldn't we take the ride together?
Anna: This is what I'm trying to explain to you. I-I've lost faith in my own judgment. You know, I can't make these kind of decisions right now. I'm not in any kind of position to do that.
Luke: Look, I want to fight for us. But I need to know that there's something to fight for. So just be honest. Have I already lost this battle?
Lulu: I can't believe that you're back! Are you okay?
Laura: Yes! Yes, I'm fine. I saw the doctor before I left, and my levels are fine. I passed all my tests with flying colors. It's just when I heard that you were gonna make me a grandmother, I just went straight to the airport. And so here I am! [Laughs] And look at you, my beautiful girl, so happy!
Lulu: I am happy! I'm so happy! And Dante's happy. And Maxie's...showing a little.
Laura: Oh, really? It's so exciting. I know how much you wanted to have a family, sweetie.
Lulu: Does lucky know that you're here?
Laura: No, I don't think he does. Uh, you know, I get a postcard from him every month or so. But he never really got in the habit of checking in by phone.
Lulu: Oh, he didn't visit you in Paris?
Laura: Uh, no. I saw him last year in Ireland. Found him sitting in a churchyard, of all places.
Lulu: [Scoffs] How did you know where to find him?
Laura: It was part detective work and part sort of maternal instinct. Um, but, you know, it was a really, really nice, long visit, and we talked about everything under the sun. And we even went back to this little village that your dad and I lived in when lucky was a little boy.
Lulu: Wow. I'm very happy that he got that time with you.
Laura: Yeah. I'm happy I had that time with him. And now I get to have time with you, the little mother-to-be.
Lulu: [Chuckles] Oh, my gosh. I just -- I feel like I hit the lotto! Both of my parents in the same place at the same time.
Laura: I know.
Lulu: Does dad know that you're here?
Laura: No, he doesn't. Uh, I think it's gonna be a big surprise for him.
Anna: I don't want to talk
Anna: I don't want to talk about this right now.
Luke: That doesn't sound good. That sounds like you're breaking up with me.
Anna: Oh, we haven't been together for quite some time.
Luke: Is this because of Lavery?
Anna: Not the way you mean. Seeing him again has reminded me of what it was like when I was first with him, when we were in love -- the intensity, you know? God, I just used to look at him, and I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think. And... I just needed to be near him.
Luke: That was such a long time ago.
Anna: Of course it was! I know. And things might not even work out between him and me. But it just... it's made me feel the way I used to. I want that again. I want to feel that way again if I can. I want to feel that once-in-a-lifetime thing that I had with Duke. Well, that y-you had with Laura.
Laura: So, how's your dad?
Lulu: Exactly the same. Uh... he was shot in a Turkish prison. He's okay. But, uh, with stunts like that, I'm not sure I trust him to babysit.
Laura: You turned out all right.
Lulu: 'Cause of you.
Laura: Is he seeing anyone?
Lulu: Um... Anna Devane, sort of.
Laura: "Sort of"? What do you mean "sort of"?
Lulu: I-I don't know where they stand. Why?
Laura: [Chuckles]
Mac: I know I mix a mean martini, but somehow I doubt that's why you're here.
Frisco: Oh, don't sell yourself short, Mac. You're a good man. Felicia and I were just talking about --
Felicia: We were talking about Maxie and her attitude and how Frisco just seems to think that he can just show up and just forget about everything that happened in the past.
Mac: I don't know. I mean, I was the one who told Maxie and Georgie that your leaving was not a reflection on them. I was the one who told Maxie and Georgie that they were wonderful, special, and worthy of love. I told Maxie and Georgie about your important work and the lives you were saving. I don't know. Somehow... somehow there was always this hurt behind Maxie and Georgie's eyes the never completely went away. I think when you -- when you do that kind of damage, when you value someone's love so cheaply, they may not be inclined to forgive.
Starr: Johnny, why are you doing this?
Johnny: You deserve it.
Starr: You trying to buy my forgiveness?
Johnny: [Scoffs] That's not what this is about. I know it can't make up for anything. But I want you to have it. I want you to... I want you to do something good with it.
Molly: Feelings aren't facts. You can feel like murdering someone, but that doesn't make you a murderer. I mean, it's not like you're a hardened criminal like Johnny Zacchara.
Kristina: Johnny's always been pretty decent to me.
Molly: Yeah, I used to like Johnny, too. I mean, I knew he was supposed to be dangerous, but I always thought deep down he would never hurt someone. But I was wrong.
Kristina: Don't say that.
Molly: Well, I'm sorry, Kristina, but after what Johnny did to Starr's family, he deserves to be in Pentonville.
Kristina: Yeah, well, Johnny's not the only one heading to Pentonville. Looks like I am, too.
McBain: You got a suspect in Carlson's murder?
Dante: Well, there was a witness. A nurse from G.H., She saw someone standing over the body with a bloody murder weapon.
McBain: He wasn't shot?
Dante: No, he was stabbed with a strange metal weapon -- cross between a dagger and an arrow.
McBain: Just like Rafe's mother, Alison. Okay, so the nurse -- she was able to positively I.D. Someone. Who?
Dante: You, John.
McBain: The nurse claims she saw me kill a cop.
Dante: She says she saw you at the scene, standing over the body with the murder weapon.
McBain: You recover the weapon?
Dante: Yeah. Right here.
McBain: It's just like the weapon that was used --
Dante: No, that is the same weapon.
McBain: Dante, that's not possible. That weapon's down in the evidence room.
Dante: Well, someone removed it.
McBain: Someone removed it. Well, then you check the footage, all right? If someone signed out for it, they should be there.
Dante: Yeah, way ahead of you. So as you can see, it's a pretty clear picture.
Molly: How can you be going to Pentonville? I thought the whole point of pleading to a lesser charge was so that you wouldn't go to prison.
Kristina: I won't be an inmate, but I'll be working at Pentonville as part of my suspended sentence.
Molly: At Pentonville? Are they crazy? You don't belong there.
Kristina: Well, the judge said community service.
Molly: I thought they were gonna let you work on some adolescent hotline or something. I don't know, maybe pick up trash in the park.
Kristina: I guess the judge thought it'd be a good idea for me to see what prison life is really like.
Molly: No wonder you couldn't sleep.
Kristina: Actually... I'm starting to feel pretty sleepy after all. I think I'm gonna take that nap. Um... thanks. Talking... it really helped.
Molly: Yeah, anything I can do. You know that. Are you gonna eat that?
Molly: Yeah. I mean, I will later. Unless you want it.
Kristina: No, no. I was just gonna take the tray down to the kitchen.
Molly: No, I got it. You go get some sleep.
Kristina: Okay. Thanks, Molly.
Molly: Good night. Okay, she's gone. I'm really sorry about the sandwich, but you can start on this one, and I'll go make you another.
Rafe: Look, Molly, I can't stay here, okay? It's not fair. I can't cause problems for you and the people you care about.
Molly: You let me worry about the people I care about.
T.J.: I signed up for auto alerts from the sun. It says that Rafe's out of jail.
Shawn: Well, let's see what they've got on their home page. [Sighs] Well, it's not saying that he escaped.
T.J.: It's saying he's "at large," which doesn't make him sound exactly innocent.
Shawn: It's hard to tell what it's saying.
T.J.: Maybe it's enough to convince Molly she's putting her faith in the wrong guy.
Frisco: You make a good point about forgiveness. All I can do is ask. It's up to Felicia and Maxie if they want to give me another chance. I was thinking maybe tomorrow night we could have dinner, the three of us.
Mac: Felicia and I have plans.
Felicia: We do?
Mac: Yeah, well, I was, uh, gonna surprise you, but, uh... there's a Valentine's Day party at the Haunted Star.
Felicia: Thank you, Mac. I would love that.
Mac: [Chuckles]
Luke: No, no. Laura has her own life in Paris. We've been over for a long time.
Anna: Yeah, but have you ever felt what you felt with her with anyone else? No, you haven't.
Luke: It was a remarkable time in my life.
Anna: Right.
Luke: But it's over. And it's been over for years. The worst possible thing is to try to recapture the past. It poisons the present.
Anna: Right.
Luke: And it twists your memories so that you can't even recognize them anymore. Life moves in one direction, slim -- forward. I pride myself on appreciating my past and then letting it go and moving on.
Anna: I think maybe you and I -- we have... different expectations for our lives, you know. And isn't it better that we realize it now? You know, don't you think so?
Luke: So this is goodbye.
Anna: You helped get me back on my feet after I lost Robin, and I'll never forget that, and I'll always be grateful to you for that.
Luke: You don't have to be grateful. I was happy to do it. I was happy just to be near you. You are an amazing woman.
Anna: Oh, God! No, I'm not. Can we still be friends, anyway? Can we?
Luke: Sure. Yeah. We'll always have the Metro Court, won't we?
[Both laugh]
Anna: It's not quite Paris. [Sniffles]
Luke: [Sighs]
Laura: I just want our family to be happy. That's all. And if Anna makes your dad happy, we --
Starr: Lulu, we need to talk! I -- I'm sorry to interrupt. I...
Lulu: Um, can we do this later? My mother and I are catching up.
Starr: You're Laura?
Laura: Yes. Hi. And you are?
Starr: Hi. I'm -- I'm sorry. I'm Starr Manning. I know that that was very rude, but I -- my late fiancé read me this story about Port Charles -- something about a left-handed boy and freezing the town and Luke and Laura. You're a legend. You were star-crossed lovers.
Laura: Yes, we were. We still are.
Lulu: I'm sorry. Can we talk later?
Laura: You know what? Why don't you two talk now? Because I really need to unpack, and I need to get some sleep.
Lulu: Okay. You're staying at the --
Laura: Metro court. I will call you tomorrow.
Lulu: Okay.
Laura: Okay.
Lulu: Yay! I love you. I'm so happy to see you.
Laura: Oh, me too, honey. Me too. Nice to meet you.
Starr: Nice to meet you. Sorry about that.
Lulu: [Sighs] Uh, so what's up? What do want to talk about?
Starr: Johnny Zacchara.
Pretty good mood for someone with a 20-year bit.
Johnny: I'm not thinking about me. Thinking about somebody else.
Starr: Johnny is being transferred to Pentonville as we speak. But he asked me to come see him.
Lulu: He was tortured by what he did. And I know it's no excuse. But I know that he was very sorry.
Starr: And he said that this isn't about buying forgiveness, but I'm not sure if I believe him. Seemed very important to him, so I accepted.
Lulu: Accepted what?
Starr: Johnny gave me his half of the Haunted Star. I'm your new partner.
Lulu: [Gasps]
Mac: [Chuckles]
Frisco: Valentine's Day. Yeah, I never was much of a Valentine's Day guy. It's just a day to me. If you're really in love, what's one day compared to a lifetime?
Mac: How ironic coming from you. No, the idea is just to simply show appreciation for the one you love. Give them a special day, a special acknowledgment to let them know they come first with you.
Felicia: [Chuckles] And as a girl who loves champagne and chocolate, I am very grateful for the person who invented Valentine's Day. [Chuckles]
Frisco: Talk to Maxie, please. Pick a date. I'd like to have that dinner together. I'm not giving up on either one of you. Happy Valentine's.
Felicia: Promise me you'll ignore him.
Shawn: The police are asking for help finding Rafe. Anyone who's seen him is supposed to call in.
T.J.: Well, then I better warn Molly he's out there.
Shawn: Here.
T.J.: All right.
Rafe: This is great. [Clears throat]
Molly: I'm glad you like it.
Rafe: Look, as soon as I've eaten, I'll take off.
Molly: No, you won't.
Rafe: Technically, I'm a fugitive.
Molly: There's nothing technical about it. You walked out of police custody. You're definitely a fugitive.
Rafe: What I mean is I don't want to drag you down with me.
Molly: My mom's an attorney. She's not afraid of the cops. Neither am I.
[Cell phone rings]
Molly: T.J.?
T.J.: Molly. Molly. Uh, are you okay?
Molly: I'm fine. Why?
T.J.: Rafe is out of jail.
Molly: Yeah. I know.
T.J.: It's all over the news. The police are looking for him. They can't find him. Maybe I should come over and check on you.
Molly: No, no. Um... it's late, and my sister's supposed to be sleeping. I can't have people over. But thank you for calling. I'll see you tomorrow. [Sighs]
Rafe: And now I've got you lying to your boyfriend.
Molly: I didn't lie to him.
Rafe: But you will.
Molly: If I have to.
Rafe: Okay, look, you aren't the kind of girl who would do this, Molly. You don't lie.
Molly: How do you know?
Rafe: Your room. Your sister was right. You're neat. You're on time. You're nice.
Molly: These are bad things?
Rafe: No. They're perfect. I've never been neat or on time in my life.
Molly: You're nice.
Rafe: I don't know how nice I am. I'm putting you in danger.
Molly: How?
Rafe: Two people have been killed.
Molly: Even more reason for you to stay here.
Rafe: While you lie to everyone?
Molly: Maybe hiding you is wrong, but it feels right. So until we can figure out a way to keep you out of danger, you're staying.
Anna: So, what is the time line on this, exactly?
Dante: Right before John took Rafe out of his cell with Carlson.
McBain: Hey, look, I don't care what's on the surveillance camera, all right? I didn't take a weapon out of the evidence room, and I sure as hell didn't take Rafe out of his cell.
Dante: Except it kind of looks like you did.
McBain: Hey, I don't know what's going on, all right? I can't explain those images. But you know me. I didn't kill anyone!
Anna: I'm sorry, John. I... you know, with the footage and the eyewitness, I don't have any choice. You're under arrest.
Laura: Hey. It's me. Yeah. I'm in Port Charles. [Chuckles] Yeah. I did see Luke. And... I think we should go ahead with our plans.
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