GH Transcript Monday 2/11/13

General Hospital Transcript Monday 2/11/13


Provided By Suzanne

Duke: I may have lucked upon a solution for our problems.

Michael: What is that?

Duke: Gentlemen, I give you pickle-Lila.

A.J.: What does my grandmother's pickle relish have to do with our financial problems?

Duke: I think this relish could save ELQ.

Tracy: None of this would have happened if daddy had just trusted me to run the company. But no. He couldn't even leave me a couple of shares -- not one share! Instead, he leaves me a single, lousy jar of re -- relish. Oh, my God. The relish! The relish!

Luke: What's the matter with it? How old is that stuff? Has it gone off?

Tracy: No! There's nothing wrong with the relish! It's perfect! This is what's gonna save ELQ!

[Cell phone rings]

Maxie: [Sighs] Sorry, dad. Not right now.

[Elevator bell dings]

Britt: You finally decided to show up.

Maxie: It's not like you gave me a choice. What do you want?

Britt: You're awfully snippy, considering I know whose baby you're carrying. And contrary to popular opinion, it isn't a baby-Falconeri-to-be.

Dante: What's going on?

Anna: You tell me. Come take a look at this.

Dante: Is that McBain taking Rafe Kovich out of his cell?

Anna: Yeah.

[Knock on door]

Molly: T.J., this isn't really a good time.

T.J.: Molly, please, we got to talk about Rafe.

Anna: All right, I want you to go through all the surveillance footage that we have of the cells since we brought that Rafe Kovich in, and tell me if there's been any other unexpected visitors.

Sure thing.

Anna: John talk to you about the Alison Barrington murder?

Dante: No, he gave me an update, said he talked to the kid and he was gonna follow up on a lead.

Anna: Did he say he was planning on taking the kid out of his cell?

Dante: No, he never said a word about doing that. Where's John taking this kid?

Anna: That's what I'd like to know.

Caleb: [Sniffs]

Sabrina: Oh, my God.

Maxie: I get it. I screwed up, okay? But Dante and Lulu, they really want a baby, and they're gonna get one, as long as you keep your mouth shut.

Britt: Well, the agreement was I'd keep quiet about you being pregnant with the wrong baby only if you help me destroy Sabrina Santiago.

Patrick: Britt.

Sabrina: Detective McBain? What happened?

Caleb: What do you mean what happened? Somebody stabbed this man.

Sabrina: Who?

Caleb: "Who?" Indeed. With this flu season being the most severe in years,

T.J.: Molly, please.

Molly: [Sighs] Okay.

T.J.: We can't even talk inside?

Molly: Mom and I just brought Kristina home after her arraignment. She spent two nights in jail, she hasn't slept, and I don't want to wake her.

T.J.: Okay, fine. We'll stay outside, but we have to talk.

Molly: Why? You already made your feelings perfectly clear at the police station when you said that Rafe was conning me. And then you told commissioner Devane I snuck down to the cells to see him without permission.

T.J.: I was trying to protect you from hanging out with a murderer.

Molly: It doesn't matter how many times you say it, I'm still not convinced Rafe killed his mother.

Dante: So, Carlson was on guard duty.

Anna: Mm-hmm. Yeah. And he and John, they released the kid, and then they just escort him out of the cell block. Now, why would they do that? It's unorthodox under any circumstances. They haven't filed any paperwork, and -- I mean, technically, the kid is still in our custody.

Dante: Look, try to get ahold of McBain.

Anna: He's not picking up. McBain, Carlson, and the boy, they're all M.I.A.

Caleb: [Chuckles]

Sabrina: What? What's going on? Detective -- [Coughing]

Sabrina: Oh! He's alive! We have to help him! Detective McBain, I've got to try to stop the bleeding! Can you call 911, or have you already called an ambulance? Detective?! Detective McBain!

Britt: Patrick, I didn't expect to see you here tonight.

Patrick: Filling in for Dennison. What's going on?

Maxie: Patrick, it's actually kind of a long story.

Britt: Maxie is my patient. We were just discussing her case.

Maxie: Not that long of a story, I guess.

Patrick: So why are you talking about Sabrina?

Britt: I was looking for a nurse to run some labs. Sabrina's supposed to be working tonight, although, as usual, she's nowhere to be found. No doubt, she's off on Nurses' Ball business.

Patrick: Right. Because we know how you feel about Sabrina. Actually, we know how you feel about Emma, as well.

Maxie: Emma? What -- what did Dr. Westbourne do to Emma?

Patrick: Britt told Emma that -- you know what? I said I was gonna be professional, and I will. I'm not gonna talk about our personal life in front of patients, even though this is one of Emma's extended family members.

Britt: Thank you, Dr. Drake.

Patrick: Maxie, if you need another doctor for any reason, I'll be happy to give you a referral.

Maxie: Thanks. I -- I can't believe that. I've never seen Patrick act like that before.

Britt: Must be having a rough day.

Maxie: Please. You know, you've been making Sabrina out to be the bad guy in this situation, but I'm starting to think there's another side to this story.

Michael: I don't get it. ELQ's assets are frozen. We're being investigated by the S.E.C. For laundering mob money. How is, uh -- pickle-Lila going to save us?

Duke: Well, as I went through the past records of the company, I came across references to pickle-Lila. It was a very successful company that was started by Mrs. Quartermaine.

A.J.: You know, my grandmother was an amazing woman. She started this entire business out of the kitchen at Kelly's. But I'm not sure I understand why you're bringing it up now. ELQ eventually acquired it. It was phased out to even produce pickle-Lila in years.

Duke: Well, perhaps it's time for a relish renaissance.

A.J.: Take a lesson from the past, right?

Michael: You guys are talking about using a condiment to save ELQ. Are you both crazy?

Luke: Darling, look, I know you've had a rough time lately. But you are losing it. Relish is gonna save ELQ? You barely got enough here for a hot dog.

Tracy: I'm gonna start producing pickle-Lila again. America's best-loved relish is making a comeback.

Luke: And that's supposed to save ELQ?

Tracy: Why not? Did before.

Duke: Well, as A.J. said, maybe the key to preserving ELQ's future lies in its past.

Michael: I'm still not following you.

A.J.: ELQ was having a lot of problems in the '80s, okay? I mean, I was just a kid, so I didn't really understand what was going on, but there were a lot of machinations going on within the company, and, ultimately, ELQ went bust.

Michael: Machinations involving the Quartermaines. That's -- that's a surprise.

A.J.: [Laughs] We are consistent. I still -- I still don't remember exactly what happened, though.

Tracy: It was Monica's fault, of course. She bankrupted ELQ, threw the family out, and everyone had to live above Kelly's.

Luke: Oh, the horror.

Tracy: My mother started making this relish in the kitchen at Kelly's. She named it pickle-Lila.

Duke: Yes. So to make ends meet, Mrs. Quartermaine decided to sell the stuff.

A.J.: Actually, people loved it.

Duke: Yes, she increased production, and the family decided to market it, and it really caught on. Well, before long, supply couldn't keep up with demand.

Michael: Wow. Sounds like pickle-Lila was a monster hit.

Tracy: Thanks to the money mother made with pickle-Lila, ELQ was back in the black.

Luke: Tracy, that was the '80s. Everything's changed since then, especially the economy.

Tracy: A quality product is always in demand. Pickle-Lila saved ELQ once. It's gonna do it again.

Luke: You do realize that you'd have to start from scratch. You sure you want to do this?

Tracy: It's a way to repair the damage I've done to daddy's company. I have to do it. No, I want to do it. He wants me to do it.

Luke: "He"? "He" who?

Tracy: Daddy.

Duke: Now, even though I would not recommend it, the time that I spent in the Turkish prison gave me a very unique perspective on the way we live our lives now. This current culture and their obsession with electronic gadgetry, despite the fact, I think what they really want is something that reminds them more of a sense of home.

A.J.: Kind of like an old-time family recipe for delicious relish.

Duke: Yes, something simple and traditional -- two facts that actually put pickle-Lila out of favor. Everybody was so quick to move on to the next best thing. But times have changed now. People want things now that are familiar. They want things that are homemade. They want things that are fresh, like from farm to table. That has become fashionable. I think pickle-Lila could be the same.

A.J.: I think it could work. I mean, what do we have to lose?

Michael: Well, there's just one problem.

Duke: And what is that?

Michael: There's only one jar of pickle-Lila left, and Tracy's --

A.J.: Tracy has it. Yeah.

Tracy: My father was a canny businessman. He knew that this whole mess with ELQ was coming. He knew about the mob money, and he knew that it was gonna catch up to me, eventually.

Luke: Okay.

Tracy: He lived long enough to know that disaster is always waiting right around the corner, and no matter how successful you are, you can always end up living above Kelly's once again.

Luke: I've been there a couple of times myself.

Tracy: Exactly. Which is why he left me that jar as a reminder -- that if you are resourceful and hardworking, you can always rebuild. You can rise from the ashes. Thank you, daddy. Thank you, mother. That is exactly what I'm going to do.

Maxie: Okay, spill. Emma's the sweetest girl in the world, and if you did anything to hurt her --

Britt: I didn't do anything. I love Emma, and Emma loves me. But Sabrina used all those hours she spent babysitting to turn Emma against me, and then she moved on to Patrick and turned him against me, too.

Maxie: How did she do that?

Britt: She made it seem like I didn't like Emma, which is completely ridiculous. I love kids. I help bring them into the world, for heaven's sake.

Maxie: I'm still not hearing any details.

Britt: That is why you are going to help me pay Sabrina back.

Maxie: [Sighs] How? How do you expect me to do that? I want her gone, and you are the one who will make her disappear.

Sabrina: Just hold on, officer, okay? I called 911. An ambulance is on its way, okay? Just listen to the sound of my voice and breathe. We're gonna get you to the hospital. That's it -- stay with me, sir. [Coughing, groaning]

Sabrina: Can you speak? Sir? I'm a nurse. I'm gonna get you some help, okay? Can you tell me who did this to you? [Groaning]

Anna: John, this is Anna again. If you get this message, you need to call me back because I have a prisoner that is missing.

Detective, line two for you. They found Carlson.

Anna: All right, call me.

Dante: Yeah. Yeah, what do you got? Yeah, all right, I'll be right there.

Anna: What is it?

Dante: Well, they found Carlson down on pier 52. He's been stabbed.

Anna: Oh, my God. Is he alive?

Dante: Yeah, barely. They're taking him to G.H. Right now.

Anna: What about McBain and Rafe?

Dante: No sign of them.

T.J.: Look, I get that you're convinced that Rafe is not guilty, even though the cops were sure enough to arrest him. Look, Molly, it's freezing out here. Can we just go inside and talk? I promise I will not wake Kristina up.

Molly: What's the point? I know what you're gonna say.

T.J.: Molly, please. Look, I mean, I care about you so much. Can't you just hear me out?

Molly: [Sighs] Okay.

T.J.: Great. Thank you.

Molly: We can talk, but we stay out here. I don't want anyone to hear us.

Maxie: And how am I supposed to make Sabrina disappear? What do you want me to do? Kill her? I have my limits, you know.

Britt: Nothing that extreme, Maxie. I have my limits, too.

Maxie: Great. So you draw your line at murder, but blackmailing a patient -- a pregnant patient -- that's fine.

Britt: Lulu's my patient, too, and you're asking me to lie to her and pass off your baby as hers.

Maxie: Stop saying that like I'm trying to be mean, okay? I'm trying to make things right for everyone here, and you are holding it over my head as leverage.

Britt: Well, you can end this right now and tell Dante and Lulu the truth.

Maxie: [Scoffs] What exactly do you want me to do to Sabrina? How am I supposed to disappear her?

Britt: I want her fired -- for incompetence, negligence -- take your pick. I want you to ruin any chance she has of getting her R.N. Degree and getting another job.

Maxie: How am I supposed to do all that?

[Stretcher clattering]

Sabrina: Get him into cubicle two! We need to start a second line, and get four units of o-neg, stat. Page the on-call doctor. Patient is male, mid-30s, chest-wound bleeding heavily.

Britt: Here's your chance.

Anna: So get a C.S.U. Over to Pier 52 immediately to process the scene.

Officer: I'm on it.

Anna: Dante, can you get over to G.H., please? Talk to Carlson, see if he can give you some answers on what the hell is going on. I'm going to the pier.

Dante: You don't think McBain is really mixed up in this, do you?

Anna: No. But I've been wrong before.

Duke: Well, Tracy may have the last remaining jar of pickle-Lila, but that doesn't matter. All we have to do is find the original recipe.

A.J.: You know, I knew I made a good move hiring you. You're a genius.

Duke: Mm. Not so fast. But if we can revive pickle-Lila, then perhaps --

A.J.: Once Anna finds out that you're the guy that came up with the idea to save ELQ, she's gonna see what a great guy you are, and she's gonna want you back.

Duke: You know, I hope you're right.

Michael: Look, I don't want to sound negative, but finding that recipe might not be so easy.

Tracy: You know, this is the first time since daddy passed and the will was read that I feel remotely optimistic. I cannot fail, as long as I take daddy's final message to heart.

Luke: And his message was "follow the relish"?

Tracy: Absolutely! That's why it's even more important that you find Lauren Frank. As a great-grandchild, she's entitled to 6% of daddy's ELQ shares. I have to get her on my side so that I can take back control of the company and save it.

Luke: Baby, I love your enthusiasm, but we don't even know if she exists. Carly said it could've just been a mind game.

Tracy: Well, of course Carly would say that. She's protecting Michael's inheritance by denying the possibility of another heir.

Luke: Well, that could certainly be true.

Tracy: Lauren is real, and between her and pickle-Lila, I'm gonna be back on top, starting right now.

Luke: Oh, Tracy, sadly, "One Life to Live" isn't on anymore.

Tracy: No, actually, I'm tuning in the financial channel. I want to see if I can get a report on ELQ's stock price.

Some tense moments at the Port Charles police department earlier today. Commissioner Anna Devane was held at gunpoint by self-proclaimed vampire slayer Lucy Coe.

Tracy: Well, I'm glad they didn't mention ELQ in connection to Lucy Coe.

Luke: Turn the sound back on. I want to hear what happened to Anna.

Tracy: No, no, no, I'm sure she's fine.

Luke: If Lucy Coe can take down McBain with a chair, she can certainly take care of Anna.

Tracy: Anna is an ex-spy. She is more than a match for Lucy.

Luke: I'm sorry, Tracy. I got to find out if she's okay. Sorry.

[Police radio chatter]


Anna: Is everyone finished? I'm taking this, all right?

Looks like the weapon that killed Alison Barrington.

[Camera shutter clicks]

Anna: Yeah, it does.

T.J.: Look, I understand how you want to give this Rafe guy the benefit of the doubt. Okay, you have a big heart, and that's one of the many reasons why I like you. But just because you spent five minutes --

Molly: Can I say something? I gave you the benefit of the doubt, even when everyone else, including Shawn, said you were bad news. I knew there was more to you than met the eye. Isn't it possible the same is true about Rafe?

Maxie: My chance to do what? You know, Sabrina doesn't seem all that incompetent to me. Granted, I wouldn't employ her as a personal shopper. Those glasses are so unfortunate.

Britt: Okay, stop stalling. You are doing this, or I'm gonna tell Dante and Lulu you're having the wrong baby.

Patrick: What do we got?

Sabrina: Chest wound, heavy bleeding. Someone attacked him on the docks. It's a cop, Patrick. It's horrible, and I'm the one who found him.

Patrick: Hey, don't worry. We're gonna help this guy, all right? Come on.

Sabrina: Okay.

Anna: Okay, you take this. Did you guys see this?

Officer: What you got, commissioner? It's an evidence bag. That doesn't just resemble the weapon that killed Alison Barrington. It is the weapon that killed her. But only our guys have access to the evidence room.

Anna: Yeah, I know.

Tracy: Alice!

Alice: Is Mr. Luke still here?

Tracy: No, Alice, Mr. Luke is not still here.

Alice: Might as well just put away the snacks I put out --

Tracy: Stop moping. I have a question to ask you. I have just been enjoying this lovely relish, but the jar is almost empty.

Alice: Already? You really scarfed that down.

Tracy: Yeah, well, I'd like some more.

Alice: Well, I think that's the last jar.

Tracy: I'm aware. Do you know where mother kept the recipe?

Alice: Wow. That was way before my time. I've never even tried it. Maybe cook knew how to make it.

Tracy: Alice, that is hardly helpful, seeing as cook is no longer with us.

Alice: May she rest in peace.

Tracy: But -- since cook is no longer with us, there's nobody to stop me from going into the kitchen and looking for the recipe myself. Excuse me.

Duke: Ah, I think Michael has a point. I remember reading in the file that the recipe for pickle-Lila was a closely guarded family secret.

A.J.: I remember something about that, too.

Duke: Yeah, but I think that might have been part of its success. That might have been part of the mystique, you see -- that it was a recipe that was never to be known to anybody outside of the family. In fact, I don't even think the ingredients were listed on the label.

A.J.: Come on, guys, they have to be written down somewhere. I want you to go through the company archives. I want you to find any paperwork, any files that you can on pickle-Lila, and then use a search engine, find out anything about pickle-Lila that's online.

Duke: You know, I didn't have much access to technology in Turkish prison, so my computer skills are -- well, they're pretty basic.

Michael: I'll do it.

A.J.: No. No, no. Actually, I want you with me. There's somewhere else that we need to look. Duke, do whatever you have to do to find that recipe.

Anna: Okay. Get that to the PCPD and have it processed. Pull up all the surveillance footage from the evidence room. I need to find out how the hell that weapon got out of police custody.

Officer: Yes, commissioner.

Anna: Oh, and if anyone has heard from Detective McBain, I need to know about it.

Officer: You got it.

Luke: Anna.

Anna: Yeah. Oh, hey. Uh, yeah. What're you doing here?

Luke: Well, I called the station. They told me where you were. Are you okay?

Anna: I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?

Luke: Well, they said on the news that Lucy Coe pulled a gun on you.

Anna: How the hell does that get released to the press?

Luke: I guess somebody thought it was newsworthy.

Anna: Yeah, she did. She knocked out one of my officers, and she pulled a gun on me. But I'm fine.

Luke: All in a day's work.

Anna: Yeah, a little tense. She's in custody again. So, you didn't have to come down here and check up on me.

Luke: You're important to me, slim.

Anna: Thanks.

Luke: Look, I meant what I said. I'm ready to fight for you -- for us. But it's a little difficult when you don't return my calls.

Patrick: Give me 200 mikes of phenylephrine. Start the dopamine drip with a loading dose.

Sabrina: Yes, doctor.

Britt: Okay, there she is. Now do exactly what I say.

Maxie: Oh, my gosh! Look who just walked in.

Britt: Okay, okay, keep it together, Maxie.

Maxie: But, uh, Dante's a cop.

Britt: He's not looking at you, so don't do anything to draw his attention. Your focus is Sabrina.

Dante: Hey, I'm looking for officer Carlson. He came in with a stab wound.

Sabrina: He's in cubicle 2. Dr. Drake's working on him.

Dante: How's he doing?

Sabrina: Not good.

Maxie: Oh, well, I guess I'm gonna have to destroy Sabrina's life another day.

Britt: Heh. Wrong. This is the perfect opportunity.

Maxie: But I -- I can't do that when Dante is in there. If Lulu finds out, she's never gonna forgive me.

Britt: Will Lulu forgive you when she finds out you're lying about your pregnancy?

Maxie: She can't find out! Dante and Lulu want a baby more than anything, and I promised that I would give them one.

Britt: Then take care of Sabrina for me. You'll just have to be extra careful.

Patrick: Not a good time. I'm in the middle of something.

Dante: Yeah, well, I need to ask him some questions.

Patrick: I'm trying to save this guy's life.

Dante: Bud, bud, it's Dante. Can you hear me? [Groans]

Britt: I have a patient. You know what to do.

Maxie: Wait! [Sighs] It's not like I haven't already made a mess of everything. Dr. Evil had to go and make everything worse. I can't do what she says. I have to.

[Monitors beeping]

Sabrina: Here is the phenylephrine, doctor, and the dopamine for the infusion.

Patrick: Add it to the line.

Dante: You with me, bud? [Groans] Bud, you're gonna make it through this, okay? You hear me? All right, bud, you need to tell me -- who did this to you? Was it that kid, Rafe Kovich?

Bud: Not him.

Molly: When I first met you, I didn't let other people make up my mind for me. I got to know you. I gave you a chance, and I'm so, so glad I did, because you turned out to be wonderful.

T.J.: And you think Rafe will turn out wonderful?

Molly: No, I just think I should be fair to him like I was fair to you.

T.J.: The worst thing I did was some joyriding in a stolen car and maybe a party at your house that you didn't know about, not kill my mother.

Molly: Well, we don't know Rafe did, either. Look, I know things look bad for him, but the evidence against him is all circumstantial. And Rafe swore to me he was innocent. So until someone proves otherwise, I --

T.J.: Why do you care so much about this guy?! How do you think that makes me feel as your boyfriend, Molly?

Molly: This has nothing to do with you. When I met Rafe on the docks, he was so hungry, he wanted the stale bread that I was using to feed the ducks. And now his mother was just killed right in front of him. I'm just trying to show him a little compassion.

T.J.: Just because you feel sorry for him doesn't make him innocent. Come on, mol. He's saying John McBain murdered that woman. We know detective McBain. And we both know he's not that kind of guy.

Caleb: Officer, would you mind helping me for a second? Let's help young Rafe here figure out exactly what happened. If you stand in for his mother -- let's see -- so your mom is -- your mom is like this, Rafe, and her assailant is something like this?

Rafe: No, you were on the other side of her.

Caleb: The other side of her. Okay, please, turn around, Officer. So something here. Then what happened?

Rafe: I called out for her. She looked back at me, she told me to stay there, and then that's when you did it.

Caleb: Did what?

Rafe: Killed her.

Caleb: Killed her. You mean like --

Alison: Unh! Ohh! Unh!

Caleb: Like that?

T.J.: It just doesn't make any sense that McBain would murder anyone, especially a woman he doesn't even know.

Molly: Rafe must be confused.

T.J.: You need to get Rafe out of your head. [Sighs] At least see how this investigation goes. Can you at least think about that?

Molly: Okay. I'll think about it.

T.J.: Thank you.

[Cell phone beeps]

T.J.: Oh, it's Shawn. Uh -- have to go. Thanks for listening to me, mol.

Molly: Yeah, thanks for caring. I mean, I don't necessarily agree with you, but I know you just want me to stay safe.

T.J.: Of course. You're the best.

Molly: [Sighs] Rafe!

[Monitors beeping]

Dante: We know Rafe Kovich escaped. Is he the one who stabbed you?

Bud: It's not him.

Dante: Then who? Who, bud? Who did this to you?

[Monitor beeping loudly]

Patrick: He's going into defib. Charge the paddles to 150. Dante, move.

A.J.: Alice.

Alice: Oh! Mr. A.J. Um --

A.J.: Just the person we were looking for, right?

Alice: Sorry. You're not still mad at me, are you, about the vote? I mean, I wanted to vote for you -- I really did -- but Mr. Luke, he asked me to vote for miss Tracy, and you know how he is. I mean, how can anyone say no to him? I certainly can't. But, hey, you won anyway, didn't you? No harm, no foul.

A.J.: Relax. That's not why Michael and I are here. We were just wondering if you knew where grandmother kept her recipe for pickle-Lila.

Alice: That's so funny. Miss Tracy just asked me the same thing.

Michael: She did?

Alice: Yeah. I couldn't help her, though. I've never seen the recipe.

A.J.: Really? And where is aunty Tracy?

Alice: She's in the kitchen, looking for it.

A.J.: Okay.

Anna: Yeah. Sorry I haven't been returning your phone calls. I -- I am really busy. You know?

Luke: Yeah. So what's going on? Who did it?

Anna: Kind of afraid to find out.

Patrick: If I would have been able to stop the bleeding, we would've saved him.

Sabrina: No, there was so much blood on the ground, I thought he was already dead. By the time he made it to the hospital, it would have taken a miracle to save him.

Dante: Did he say anything before I got here?

Patrick: Not to me.

Sabrina: No, he opened his eyes once or twice, but he never spoke.

Patrick: Do you have any idea who did this?

Dante: No, he was about to say something, and then he stopped breathing.

Sabrina: Oh, my God. That poor man.

Dante: Ms. Santiago, I need to know exactly what you saw.

Sabrina: Okay. Well, um... so, I like to walk on the waterfront and feed the ducks on my way into work, and I turned onto pier 52, and that's when I saw Mr. Carlson on the ground with detective McBain beside him.

Dante: Was anyone else there?

Sabrina: Uh, no. I -- I didn't see anyone else. In fact, I thought he was already dead, but then --

Patrick: It's okay.

Sabrina: He started -- he started moaning, and, um -- and I tried to -- I tried to stop the bleeding with my scarf, and then I asked detective McBain if he had already called 911, and then I looked up, and he -- he was just gone.

Patrick: Who, McBain?

Sabrina: Yeah.

Dante: Well, could he have been chasing someone, maybe?

Sabrina: I don't know. I didn't hear anyone else. As a matter of fact, I didn't even hear detective McBain leave.

Dante: Okay, look, before you got to the scene, did you hear anything, shouting or anything, that sounded like it could've been a struggle?

Sabrina: No, I just turned the corner, and there they were.

Dante: So you were helping Carlson. What was McBain doing?

Patrick: She just told you -- he left.

Sabrina: Yeah, and, you know, I thought that was weird, too. He wasn't even trying to help officer Carlson. That's part of the reason why I thought he was already dead.

Dante: So what was he doing?

Sabrina: Well, he was standing there, holding, like, a -- it was like a strangely shaped object. I think it was metal. It was like a cross between a knife and an arrow. And there was blood on it.

Dante: Ms. Santiago, you've been a big help. Someone will be by to take your official statement. I got to go, Patrick.

Patrick: Hey.

Michael: Oh, my God. What am I doing?

Luke: "Afraid to find out" doesn't sound like you.

Anna: I know. Well -- I mean, it's my job to ask the questions, but I kind of dread finding out the answer.

[Cell phone rings]

Anna: Hold on. I have to take this.

Luke: Yeah, no problem.

Anna: Yeah. How's Carlson?

Dante: Sorry, commissioner. He didn't make it.

Anna: So I'll talk to his family. Did you manage to speak to him?

Dante: Only enough for him to tell me that Rafe Kovich isn't the one who stabbed him.

Molly: Rafe, why aren't you still in jail? Did the police let you go?

Rafe: No, McBain and another cop took me out of my cell and back to the pier where --

Molly: Why?

Rafe: McBain said that going back there might help me remember some things and then -- he had me stand in the exact spot I was standing before and tell him everything that happened, and then -- he killed the other cop. He just killed him right in front of me.

Molly: What? That's cra -- I'm sorry.

Rafe: Molly, I'm telling you the truth, okay? You have to believe me. McBain is -- he's a psycho. The cop was just standing there, Molly -- just standing there -- and he killed him! And he said all this insane stuff. He told me he was my dad.

Molly: That's impossible.

Rafe: He said that we were going somewhere, we were going home. I managed to get away, and I ran, and -- I came here. I have nowhere that's safe, Molly, nowhere to hide. I don't know anyone. Except you.

Anna: So, when ms. Santiago said that McBain ran off, did she not think he was going for help? Okay. All right, you get back to the station and you stay on top of this. I'll meet you there. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll call Carlson's wife. I know her.

Luke: Not a good day to be the commissioner, huh?

Anna: No, it's not. I lost an officer, and my good friend and colleague seems to be implicated in the murder.

Luke: McBain?

Anna: Yeah. I mean -- you know, I have to believe that there's an explanation for it, but, yeah. John is a suspect.

Tracy: I literally tore that kitchen apart. I could not find the recipe anywhere.

A.J.: Here. Hi, trace.

Tracy: Step away from the relish.

Patrick: This shouldn't have happened. Should have been able to get the bleeding under control.

Sabrina: You fought so hard for him. He just lost too much blood.

Britt: Ooh. What are you still doing here? Did you do what I said?

Maxie: Yes, I did it.

Patrick: This is a senseless death. What is it?

Sabrina: Oh, my God.

Patrick: Sabrina.

Sabrina: This -- this is the medicine that I gave you. I -- I -- I must have dropped it after you injected officer Carlson.

Patrick: You used the wrong medication.

Dante: Is there anything, uh -- anything new happening with this case?

The commissioner found the murder weapon at the scene next to an evidence bag. Looks like it's the same one that killed Alison Barrington.

Dante: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a second. Are you telling me somebody took the murder weapon out of the evidence room and then used that to kill bud Carlson?

Officer: Apparently.

Dante: Oh. Okay. Uh, who -- who did that?

Officer: I'm accessing the surveillance footage now.

Molly: Is that why you're here? You want me to hide you?

Rafe: I heard what your boyfriend said, okay? He tried to make you doubt me, but -- I don't think you want to do that.

Molly: How can you know --

Rafe: Molly, please. Everything I've been telling you is the truth. I mean, and even if you can't believe me, it's like you said -- I'm innocent until proven guilty.

Molly: Yeah, it's true -- you are.

Rafe: Isn't there someplace I can hide in this big house of yours?

Molly: My family's here.

Rafe: Molly, please. I have nowhere else to go.

[Door opens]

Molly: Come on in.

Rafe: Thank you, Molly. Thank you.

Molly: Yeah, be quiet. Do not make me regret this.

Rafe: You won't be sorry. I swear.

Officer: This is the corridor outside the evidence room earlier today.

Dante: Whoa, whoa, wait, wait. Go back. I saw something. Yeah, stop. Play it. I don't believe it.

McBain: Don't believe what? What's going on?

Anna: I know John isn't a murderer -- I know that -- but there's all these inexplicable things that keep happening, and I can't simply ignore them.

[Cell phone rings]

Anna: Hang on.

Luke: The station?

Anna: Wait. It's Duke.

Luke: Don't answer it. Please, let's -- let's talk this through first.

[Ringing continues, stops]

Anna: This is Anna Devane. Sorry to have missed you. Leave a message and I'll get back to you. If this is a police emergency, please call 911.


Duke: Anna, it's Duke. I just saw the story about Lucy Coe assaulting you. I was wondering how you were doing. Would you please call me? I'm thinking about you. [Sighs]

Anna: Am I losing it, Luke?

Luke: No.

Anna: No, I mean, I keep trusting the wrong people. You know, when Duke came back, after 20 years, I thought he was dead, and I wouldn't have a word said against him -- not even what you and Robert were saying. I wouldn't believe you. And then it, you know, turned out to be Faison. I just -- are my instincts that off?

Luke: Anna, you've been through so much since losing Robin.

Anna: I know. And now there's all this evidence against John, and I -- and I have known him for years. He's a good friend. And I've trusted him. Could he be a killer? Am I wrong about him, too? I don't even know who to count on anymore.

Luke: Me. You can count on me.

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