General Hospital Transcript Friday 2/8/13
Provided By Suzanne
Todd: I lie all the time, I screw everything up, I'm every horrible thing that I ever warned you about. If you want to be with somebody you trust -- you can trust me.
[Knock on door]
Luke: Caroline, you in there?
[Knocking continues]
Luke: Come on, baby, it's uncle Luke. Come on, I know you're in there. You're assistant gave you up.
Carly: I've got to get a new assistant.
Todd: We need to get out of here.
Carly: "We"? I never agreed to go anywhere with you.
Todd: Yeah, we can go out the window.
Carly: Are you crazy?
Todd: I just said I was. But we can go out the window.
Carly: I am not risking life and limb for you.
Todd: Yeah, well, you can't open the door because nobody can find me.
Luke: Caroline, this is important. Abre la puerta. Open the door, or I'll huff and puff and blow your door down.
Agent: Tracy angelica Quartermaine.
Tracy: Yes? What is this about?
Agent: You're under arrest.
Tracy: Arrest for what?
Agent: Do you want your charges in alphabetical order or descending order or maximum sentence?
Tracy: And what would these charges be?
Agent: Fraud, racketeering, and multiple S.E.C. violations.
Agent: It's a lot of years for turning ELQ into one giant money-laundering operation.
A.J.: Look, we just need a one-time cash infusion. You'll get everything back as soon as we get this business cleared up. Come on, you know us. We -- no. No, I understand. Thank you. Damn it.
Michael: That didn't sound good.
A.J.: Hey, Michael. I didn't think you were coming back after Kristina's arraignment.
Michael: Well, I thought I'd see if my good luck would carry over and, uh -- Kristina's free.
A.J.: That's great. That's great news.
Michael: You don't seem too happy about it.
A.J.: No! No, I am. I'm sorry. Just, I -- I thought it was an airtight case with the D.A. Did -- did Connie testify against her?
Michael: Connie recanted, and then she kept on recanting.
A.J.: What do you mean?
Michael: She said that Sonny didn't leak the information about ELQ.
Shawn: The shipment is secure.
Sonny: Thanks for taking care this, filling in.
Shawn: Yeah, no problem. Now and then, it's good to do a job that plays into my skill set.
Sonny: I'll make sure to remember that.
Shawn: Yeah, I know you will. [Both chuckle] So, you know, has to be good to have Kristina out of trouble, huh?
Sonny: Well, she's still got to do community service, but it could've been a hell of a lot worse. Thank God Connie, you know, had a change of heart.
Shawn: Oh, God had nothing to do with it. I mean, Connie obviously did it for you.
Tracy: You uncuff me now or I'm gonna have your heads mounted on my trophy wall in between the yak and the wild boar!
Agent: Did she just threaten a federal agent?
Agent: I think she just threatened two federal agents.
Tracy: I am not a money-launder.
Agent: Whatever you say. We still have grounds to detain you.
Connie: Hey, hey, hey! What the hell's going on here?! Get your hand off my friend before I break it.
Anna: Lucy, what are you doing?
Lucy: Whatever it takes to save a young boy's life.
Rafe: Thought you had work to do.
Caleb: Mm. I came back -- for you.
A.J.: So, now Connie's saying that Sonny wasn't her source, right?
Michael: That's what she said, yeah.
A.J.: Curious. Was he there?
Michael: Yes.
A.J.: Did he have a gun on her?
Michael: In a courthouse?
A.J.: Hey, he must have had some kind of leverage, right? I mean, that's the only explanation.
Michael: Or she's telling the truth.
A.J.: Why should we believe her now and not believe her the other time when she voluntarily gave Sonny's name?
Michael: Last time, she was really pissed at him. This time, she was -- she was different.
A.J.: Okay. Uh -- did she say where she got the information from?
Michael: She didn't say who gave her the story, just that it wasn't Sonny.
A.J.: Look, Connie contradicts herself left and right. I mean, everybody knows her relationship with Sonny is all kinds of twisted. Why would she recant her statement against Kristina, huh?
Michael: She realized that Kristina was grieving for Trey just as much as she was.
A.J.: Ah. Well, she kept Kristina out of prison so that Sonny could keep his daughter. Maybe -- and I'm just saying -- maybe she's lying to you so that he can keep his son.
Michael: I'm not so sure about that.
Sonny: The one who got through to Connie was Olivia.
Shawn: Not from what I saw.
Sonny: Well, you know, what's important is that Connie got Kristina off the hook, and she also helped me with Michael, too.
Shawn: Michael? How?
Sonny: She told Michael the truth that I had nothing to do with leaking that story about ELQ to the sun.
Shawn: Well, that's great.
Sonny: Yeah, yeah, but Michael's not convinced. What's funny to me -- you know, it's like, Connie gets on the stand, she lies about everything, and the court lets Kristina go. Right?
Shawn: Mm-hmm.
Sonny: Connie tells Michael the truth about me -- he don't believe it.
Shawn: Michael will come around.
Sonny: Yeah, he'll come around a lot faster if we can I.D. The real source.
Shawn: Okay, let's figure it out. Okay. Who had a motive to take down ELQ?
Sonny: What about Tracy?
Connie: You keep harassing my friend, I'm gonna show you just how unladylike I can be.
Agent: And who are you?
Connie: I am Connie Falconeri Zacchara, the publisher of the Port Charles sun. Perhaps you've heard of it?
Agent: The paper that broke the ELQ story?
Connie: That's right. And you dolts wouldn't know anything about ms. Quartermaine's alleged wrongdoings without my paper.
Agent: So, if she's your friend, why would you screw her over by publishing all the evidence against her?
Connie: Yeah. About that so-called evidence -- the fact is, gentlemen, you don't got any.
Agent: Actually, we got plenty, thanks to you.
Connie: No, what you got is a story. What you need is the original primary source material. Without that, you got bubkes.
Agent: Well, you're gonna voluntarily hand over the evidence referenced in the article, or we'll serve you with a subpoena.
Agent: Either way, you're gonna give us the evidence, unless you want to join your friend Tracy in prison.
[Knock on door]
Luke: Come on, niece, open the door, or I'm gonna break it down.
Carly: That I'd love to see.
Luke: Finally. May I?
Carly: Please.
Luke: What took you so long?
Carly: Oh, uh, I was naked.
Luke: Oh.
Carly: What do you want?
Luke: Just to lay eyes on your lovely visage.
Carly: Oh, really? You were gonna break my door down so you could see my face?
Luke: And then I'd find you here, pretend naked, in Todd Manning's old digs -- pining over your latest disastrous judgment call.
Carly: I'm not pining. I'm not pining. The cops wanted me to make sure I'd let them know if I saw Todd, so I was just checking it out.
Luke: Has he crossed your path?
Carly: He was right here. Why do you think I was naked?
Luke: Is that a joke?
Carly: [Chuckles] Relax, uncle. Todd isn't stupid enough to show up here, and as you can see, I am totally fine. So unless you want to lose your free suite, elevator's this way.
Luke: Yeah, no, hang on. There's something we need to talk about.
Carly: Right. Of course. You're not here to see if I'm okay. You want something. Spit it out.
Luke: It's a Quartermaine-related subject.
Carly: Really? Still on Tracy's leash?
Luke: Woof. There's another Quartermaine heir. You know it. I know it. The question is, how do I get ahold of him?
Anna: You need to put the gun down before someone gets hurt. Okay? Just put the gun down, please.
Lucy: The sooner you cooperate, the sooner this whole thing can be over.
Anna: You're in the middle of a police station, Lucy, holding a gun on me. If someone sees you, you could end up dead.
Lucy: A lot of people could end up dead if I don't stop Caleb!
Anna: Okay, Caleb. Why don't we talk about Caleb? So, you're in grave danger from him. Is that --
Lucy: He's very dangerous. He is the embodiment of evil. And now I know why he's here.
Anna: You do.
Lucy: Yeah, I do. He's here for Rafe.
Anna: Rafe? The boy we found on the pier? The one who killed his mother?
Lucy: No, no, no, no, no! Rafe did not kill Alison. Caleb did, to get to Rafe. Well, I cannot let that happen, so I am here to take Rafe away, someplace I can protect him!
Anna: You were protecting him here.
Lucy: Oh, really? Really? If you believe that the police can stop Caleb, then you have a lot of hard lessons coming.
Anna: He's perfectly safe in lockup. He is. And no one can down there and open the door.
Lucy: You're right -- no one can. Except you. You can.
Rafe: You came back for me? Why?
Caleb: Mm. Police business.
Rafe: What kind of police business?
Caleb: Well, aren't you a curious boy?
Rafe: I just want to know what you want with me.
Caleb: Okay. Perhaps I want to get you the hell out of here.
Rafe: Why would you want to do that?
Caleb: So you and I can take a little trip together.
Sonny: Tracy Quartermaine has spent her whole life trying to take control of ELQ. All of a sudden, A.J. Comes back from the dead -- whatever -- you know, and swipes it from under her. There's no way she's not upset about that.
Shawn: Meaning if she can't have the company, no one can?
Sonny: Yeah, I mean, I've done the same thing -- somebody wants what I have, and I burn it down instead of giving it to them. But I'm not really sure if she's involved in this ELQ thing.
Shawn: Only one way to find out.
Sonny: Let's move.
Agent: You want to interfere with an arrest by federal agents, no problem. We got another pair of cuffs right here.
Connie: Slap 'em on.
Tracy: What are you doing, Connie?
Connie: Turning myself in to the feds. Come on, boys. What are you waiting for? Would you allow me to give you a heads-up first?
Agent: By all means.
Connie: Okay. See, what you're gonna do is you're gonna waste a lot of precious time and end up with two big frittatas on your faces. Your case against my friend here isn't going anywhere 'cause you're not getting any documents from me.
Agent: But you can't withhold evidence from a criminal investigation.
Connie: You're right. I can't. Because I have nothing to withhold.
Agent: Maybe you need a primer in obstruction of justice.
Connie: Okay, let me give you a hypothetical. Can I? All right, let's just say my business partner, who hates me -- I know. It's hard to believe -- and the toadies on his staff who also hate and fear me, they want to make me look bad, right? So they run a story, publishing references to some incriminating documents which may or may not be authentic.
Agent: So you expect us to believe that --
Connie: Oh, I'm not finished yet. Let's just say, hypothetically, because they are spineless, spiteful insects, they go and they shred a boatload of papers, which I may or may not need for -- I don't know -- a libel suit, and let's just say that in these documents that were shredded are the damning documents that you so badly want? I mean, I don't know. It's just hypothetically speaking, if that happened. Would that be obstruction? Because I'm unclear. Yeah. You can go ahead and uncuff her now.
A.J.: I don't want to argue with you, all right? We've got way more pressing things that we have to worry about. For starters, we need to figure out a way to jump-start ELQ's cash flow. Now I sent Lavery out on a -- oh, great. Good. He's here. Duke, this is my son, Michael. Duke Lavery.
Duke: Oh, my pleasure, Mr. Quartermaine.
Michael: Actually, it's Corinthos.
Duke: Oh, as in Sonny Corinthos?
Michael: Yeah, he's my adopted father. It's kind of a long story.
A.J.: And not a real happy one. Listen, do me a favor -- give me some goods news, please. Tell me that you found a way to save ELQ.
Carly: Why would I know anything about a Quartermaine heir?
Luke: Heather Webber told A.J. That --
Carly: Okay, "Heather Webber told A.J." -- Why should I listen to anything after that?
Luke: Heather Webber told A.J. That there's an Easter egg in Edward's will, something that could upend the balance of power at ELQ. Now, A.J., Not being the sharpest or the most discreet man on the planet, told you.
Carly: I don't talk to A.J.
Luke: Ned Ashton overheard the conversation.
Carly: Okay, it sounds like you're in a really bad game of telephone.
Luke: You know something, niece, and I want to know what it is.
Carly: Okay, let's say I know something. Why the hell would I tell you?
Luke: Because the same grimy blood pumps through our veins.
Carly: The family card. You only use the family card when you want something. Like the suite. How's that suite treating you?
Luke: The water pressure's low, and the room service is scarce. Answer the question.
Carly: Why do you care? Why should I care? Oh, okay. You're trying to find out some information that'll help you worm your way back into Tracy's bank account, which is crazy 'cause you screwed her over for Anna Devane. How's that working for you?
Luke: Yes, I am trying to help Tracy.
Carly: Good to know. 'Cause I'm not gonna lift one finger to help that battle axe.
Luke: Even if it screws a.J. Over?
Carly: [Breathes deeply] I can't. I cannot get involved with the Quartermaines. It's gonna hurt Michael. I can't do it.
Luke: Damn it, Caroline! Oh. Why, what have we here?
Todd: Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!
Carly: Luke!
Todd: I'm coming, I'm coming!
Carly: Luke!
Todd: All right. Ow!
Lucy: Okay, here's what we're gonna do. You are gonna walk me downstairs, and then you are gonna release Rafe to my custody, and then I promise you -- I promise you, Anna -- we will be out of your hair -- which, by the way, I really like. It looks good on you.
Anna: Thank you. But, you see, me and every police officer in Port Charles will be hunting you down if that happens.
Lucy: Well, that's fine. I have been hunted by a lot worse.
Anna: I am not gonna do this, Lucy. I can't. It puts you and the boy in jeopardy.
Lucy: You have to. Listen to me. I have no choice. You have to do this. And I promise, I don't want to, but, Anna, if I have to hurt you, I will. To protect Rafe, I will have to do it, so please -- pretty please -- just march.
Anna: Where is everybody? Officer?
Lucy: Come on. Please! Pretty please, Anna, just march!
Anna: I'm going, I'm going. I got it.
Rafe: Where do you want to take me?
Caleb: Down to the docks.
Rafe: Back to where you murdered my mother?
Caleb: No, back to the crime scene.
Rafe: Why would I want to go there?
Caleb: I'm sure you don't want to go there. But I need to get your accounting of what happened.
Rafe: I already told you everything I know, okay?
Caleb: Listen, there are certain details of this investigation that will only become clear if you're at the scene. You might think of something, remember something, that may clear you of all these charges. Unless, of course, you don't want that.
Rafe: I don't want to go anywhere with you.
Caleb: Okay. I, uh... I understand. You still think that I killed your mother. So of course you're gonna be a little nervous.
Rafe: Nervous? You got this understatement thing down.
Caleb: [Chuckles] I'll tell you what -- I know something that'll put your mind at ease, all right? Hey, Carlson, you here?
Officer: Yeah.
Caleb: Hey, man, do me a favor -- the commissioner wants me to take the kid back down to the crime scene and go over a few details. You got a minute?
Officer: Sure. No problem.
Caleb: Okay?
Officer: Don't worry, kid. I'll be with you the whole time. There's nothing to worry about.
Caleb: Nothing to worry about. Let's go, Rafe. With this flu season being the most severe in years,
Todd: You can let go of my ear.
Luke: How I've longed for this moment. Too bad there isn't a filthy shack around here to tie you up in. You, my friend, have a date with the slammer. And I'm just the guy to make the call.
Todd: You know, you don't have to do that.
Luke: I know I don't have to. I want to -- not only for payback but for the points that I'm gonna score with the lovely police commissioner.
Todd: You never heard of flowers and chocolate?
Luke: And the glory, of course. It's been way too long since this town gave me a parade. You're going down, too, niece.
Carly: Me? What did I do?
Luke: You're harboring a fugitive.
Carly: I'm not harboring anyone. He got here right before you did.
Luke: Tell it to the judge. Unless you want to tell me what I want to know.
[Glasses clink]
Tracy: That was amazing.
Connie: Oh, come on.
Tracy: No, seriously, you saved my life. I can't believe you did that.
Connie: Yeah, I can't believe I did it, either.
Tracy: Thank you, I think?
Connie: No. Well -- I'm sorry. That came out wrong. I'm just not used to doing things for other people. I've never done that before.
Tracy: Really? Why now?
Connie: I have no idea. I'm just trying something out -- being nice, doing good deeds.
Tracy: How did it feel?
Connie: Weird.
Tracy: I can imagine. Are you okay?
Connie: Where did you get this relish?
Tracy: My mother made it.
Connie: Is she like a gourmet chef or something?
Tracy: No, she's a beautiful, resourceful woman.
Connie: Yeah, with a serious knack for pickles.
Tracy: You like it?
Connie: Oh, my God! I love it!
Tracy: [Laughs] Well, I'm glad you like it because it's the only thing my father saw fit to leave me in his will.
Connie: What? You're kidding.
Tracy: No, I wish I was. But you didn't stop by for a chance rescue and some relish.
Connie: Yeah. Okay. Tracy, I came here to give you a heads-up. I told Michael that Sonny didn't give me the ELQ story.
Tracy: You did what?
Connie: No, but it's okay.
Tracy: Oh, no. You should've let the feds take me to prison. They'll be nicer to me than my family.
[Door opens, closes]
Connie: I just told Sonny and Michael that Sonny had nothing to do with it.
Tracy: But you didn't tell them that I was the one that leaked the information.
Sonny: No, she didn't but you just did.
Duke: I've spent most of the day with your lawyers and representatives from the S.E.C. And the justice department.
A.J.: Yeah.
Duke: Trying to secure a deal to unfreeze the company's assets. Unfortunately, I didn't get anywhere.
A.J.: We knew it was gonna be a long shot. How'd you do with the creditors? Were you able to make any progress with them?
Duke: No. They refuse to issue an extension.
Michael: What does that mean?
A.J.: Means we can't pay our bills. And we can't fund our payroll. We're operating on fumes here.
Duke: I'm very sorry. I really thought that I could come through for you.
A.J.: It's not your fault, Duke. You know, it's not your fault that we're in this mess. But now we stand to lose ELQ altogether. So much for the, uh -- second shot that I was gonna give you, huh?
Duke: Yeah. Well, my hope was that I could make something of myself for Anna, but --
Anna: Carlson, it's just me.
Lucy: Where's Rafe? Where is he?
Anna: He's in this cell here.
Lucy: What cell? Which cell? Which cell?!
Anna: This one. He's gone.
Caleb: [Breathes deeply] Oh! That's refreshing. Well, here we are. Hey, look, if at any time this becomes a little too difficult, you let one of us know, all right?
Rafe: Fine.
Caleb: Yeah? Great. Let's see if we, uh -- we can't help you remember a little more clearly what happened?
Officer: You, uh, sure about this detective? I mean, isn't it against procedure to handle a piece of evidence like that?
Caleb: Oh, no, it's already been processed by the lab. The commissioner signed off on it. You can check with her, if you like.
Officer: No, I'm good.
Caleb: Okay. Rafe, let's you and I go over this series of events one time.
Rafe: You know what happened. You were there.
Rafe: I want to hear your side of it, all right? From the beginning. Tell me where you were.
Rafe: I'd just gotten back from Kelly's.
Caleb: You'd just gotten back from Kelly's. You were over here. Is that it? Okay. Then what?
Rafe: I saw you killing my mom.
Caleb: No, no, no. Where? How?
Rafe: Right there, behind you, okay? You were fighting over that.
Caleb: Here? Right here? Officer, would you mind helping me for a second? Let's help young Rafe here figure out exactly what happened. If you stand in for his mother -- let's see -- so your mom is -- your mom is like this, Rafe, and her assailant is something like this?
Rafe: No, you were on the other side of her.
Caleb: The other side of her. Okay, please, turn around, officer. So something here. Then what happened?
Rafe: I called out for her. She looked back at me, she told me to stay there, and then that's when you did it.
Caleb: Did what?
Rafe: Killed her.
Caleb: Killed her. You mean like --
Alison: Unh! Ohh! Unh!
Caleb: Like that?
Alison: [Groaning, coughing]
Caleb: Shh!
Michael: ELQ is a multinational conglomerate. Okay, this one thing can't sink us.
A.J.: It only took one iceberg to sink the titanic, and that was supposed to be unsinkable.
Michael: Wait. Look. I won't accept that. Okay, there has to be some way to save this company.
A.J.: Michael, I wish it was that simple, but either we find some more credit or another revenue source or we're not gonna have any choice -- we're gonna have to shutter the place.
Michael: Okay, what about the people who work for us? What's gonna happen to them?
A.J.: Unfortunately, we're gonna have to cut them loose. Duke, I'm sorry that I brought you on only to let you go.
Duke: I'm sorry, too.
A.J.: So much to reinventing ourselves, huh?
Duke: Well, at least we gave it a noble effort.
A.J.: I hope Anna sees it that way.
Duke: So do I. Right now, when she looks at me, she can't help but see someone else. I'll just have to find another way to reinvent myself.
A.J.: Yeah.
Michael: Too bad we can't find a way to reinvent the company.
A.J.: What do you mean? How so?
Michael: Look, everybody's focused on our shady dealings.
A.J.: Right.
Michael: Okay. But this company has done a lot of good. The people need to be reminded that it's worth fighting for, right? And then maybe they'll start investing again.
A.J.: I mean, this isn't the first time that ELQ's been in trouble. Maybe what we do is we start there -- we see how we got out of it last time.
Duke: Pull the records and investigate past strategies for a recovery. I'm on that.
A.J.: All right. Hey, good thinking.
Michael: Yeah?
A.J.: Yeah, I mean, you saw what was right there, staring us all right in the face. I mean, look, ELQ's biggest asset is ELQ itself. Maybe the way that we secure ELQ's future is somewhere in its past.
Tracy: You're trespassing. Get out.
Sonny: No problem. Now that I got proof that you're the one who leaked that story to Connie, I --
Tracy: Wait, Sonny. You can't tell anyone it was me, okay? Because Ned will hate me.
Sonny: That's your problem. Thanks for what you did for me today.
Tracy: That's it. I'm finished.
Connie: No, you're not finished. Listen --
Tracy: When my family finds out that I'm the turncoat, they're gonna wish I was in federal prison.
Connie: Tracy, slow your roll. I'm gonna deal with it, okay?
Tracy: Really?
Connie: Yeah.
Tracy: Connie -- thanks.
Tracy: Oh!
Connie: Sonny, wait!
Carly: Are you blackmailing me?
Luke: That is a cherished Spencer family tradition.
Carly: I don't know anything about a Quartermaine heir.
Luke: Oh, baby, the girls in cell block six are gonna love you.
Carly: Okay, fine! All right, it -- if I tell you what I know, will you promise, give me your word, you won't call the cops on me?
Todd: Your word? What's that worth?
Luke: It's better than yours when it comes to family.
Carly: Your word that you won't turn me in.
Luke: Done.
Carly: Or Todd. Luke, come on.
Luke: All right, spill it. Who is the missing q, and how do I get in touch with him.
Carly: All I know is that Jason's brother may have a kid running around out there somewhere.
Luke: A.J.?
Carly: Franco.
Luke: Franco has a kid?
Carly: Talked about some daughter named Lauren.
Luke: Where is this Lauren?
Carly: I don't know. He said her bitch of a mother kept her from him -- can't imagine why.
Luke: Heather knew the woman that raised Franco. She probably knows this Lauren, too. That's why she said there was something in the will that was going to upend ELQ. What else do you know about this Franco kid?
Carly: Nothing! I was at a Christmas-tree lot with Josslyn, this man came up and was admiring her, he seemed really nice at the time -- I didn't know it was Franco -- and he talked about how much he missed his daughter. But it all could have been a mind game so he could get close to Josslyn.
Luke: Well, why didn't he just say, "you have a beautiful kid"? Why give you all that unless it was true?
Carly: I hadn't even thought about it, but A.J. Started babbling about some Quartermaine heir, and then I remembered.
Luke: Okay. Thanks, niece. You've been very helpful. You -- Uruguay -- very nice this time of year.
Carly: [Sighs]
[Door closes]
Carly: What?
Todd: You saved me.
Carly: Don't mention it.
Todd: You still have feelings for me.
Carly: Yeah -- anger, betrayal, hatred.
Todd: Yeah, hatred. It's a strong word. What about the other things? What about the warm, cozy-wozzily, snuggly-wuggly feelings?
Carly: You don't know how I feel about you.
Todd: [Breathes deeply] I'm leaving town, and I want you to come with me.
Lucy: Rafe has got to be somewhere! Maybe your people -- your people took him.
Anna: My people didn't take him out of here and leave the gate open.
Lucy: Well, then maybe he escaped. Oh, that's great. So now he's out there, all by himself, unprotected!
Anna: He's not by himself, Lucy. A teenage boy cannot escape police custody. Someone must have come in here and helped him.
Lucy: Oh, my God.
Anna: What?
Lucy: No one helped Rafe. He was abducted. Caleb got to him!
Rafe: You just killed him.
Caleb: That's very observant, Rafe.
Rafe: Why?
Caleb: Who gives a crap?! On your feet. He means nothing. I have waited a lifetime to see you. I've waited your whole life to see you. I wasn't about to share it with somebody else.
Rafe: So what? Y-you're gonna kill me like you killed my mother?
Rafe: How could you say that to me?! I wouldn't harm a hair on your pretty little head. You're my son. You're my son. Notice breaking, fallingstrands?
Carly: I didn't want Luke to turn you in. That doesn't mean I want to spend the rest of my life on the run with you.
Todd: Wouldn't be like that. There'd be other stuff, too.
Carly: What other stuff?
Todd: Carly, how do you feel when you look at me? How do you feel when we talk? How do you feel when we kiss? That stuff.
Carly: Doesn't matter, 'cause I'm not going anywhere with you.
Todd: Then I need to ask you to leave my office.
Carly: Fine.
Todd: Give me my money.
Carly: Your money?
Todd: I need my passport.
Carly: No. Goodbye, Todd.
Todd: Where are you going? Where are you going? What are you doing?
Carly: I'm done aiding and abetting and harboring, okay?!
Todd: All you did was protect me!
Carly: So what?
Todd: "So what?"
Carly: Doesn't mean I want to be with you?
Todd: Well, then what does it mean, Carly?
Carly: It means that I wish that you wouldn't have lied to me! And made me look like a fool!
Todd: I wish I hadn't, also.
Carly: You can't give me what I deserve.
Todd: Tell me what you deserve.
Carly: I'm done settling. If I can't have the life and the man I want, then I will do without.
Todd: Then this is goodbye.
Luke: Are you aware you've got visitors?
Tracy: Never mind that. What do you have for me? Did you have any luck with Carly?
Luke: I sure as hell did.
Connie: Sonny, we got to talk.
Sonny: I'm listening.
Connie: Well, not with the kidnapper standing here.
Shawn: [Chuckles] I'll go pull the car around.
Sonny: What is it? You okay?
Connie: Yeah. I'm great. I need you to do something for me.
Sonny: Name it.
Connie: I need you to not tell Michael that Tracy was the one that leaked the information.
Sonny: If I don't tell Michael the truth, that means I'm gonna lose my son.
Connie: I know that. She'll lose her son, too.
Sonny: Oh, Ned will get over it.
Connie: No, he won't. She messed up, Sonny. She's trying to fix it.
Sonny: You mean she's trying to cover her tracks.
Connie: Yeah.
Sonny: Ah.
Connie: You know what? She doesn't want her son to think ill of her, just the same as you don't want Michael feeling ill of you. You might not have anything in common like her, but you both love your sons.
Sonny: So you want me to back off for Tracy's sake?
Connie: Yes, please.
Sonny: Let me think about that. Okay.
Connie: What are you doing? Don't do that to me.
Sonny: Don't do what?
Connie: You're playing me right now.
Sonny: I swear to you, I'm not playing.
Connie: You're gonna tell Michael that Tracy didn't do it.
Sonny: I'm gonna try to convince him that I wasn't the leak. I got to figure out another way.
Connie: Okay. I believe you. And I appreciate that. Why are you doing that for me?
Sonny: Because, like I said before, what you did for me today, you know -- just think of this as I'm returning the favor.
Tracy: Franco had a daughter?!
Luke: Maybe. According to Carly.
Tracy: So, if this maybe-daughter maybe-exists, she is entitled to a cut of daddy's inheritance.
Luke: Mm-hmm. And maybe she could side with you now that Lucy Coe is out of the game.
Lucy: Where would Caleb take Rafe?
Anna: I wonder. Maybe there's a clue or something in the cell.
Lucy: A clue -- right. In an empty cell. Sure.
Anna: Let me be the judge of that. I'm the detective. Just -- I'm just looking. Aha.
Lucy: "Aha-ha" what? What?
Anna: I don't know. You're the Caleb expert. Come and have a look at this. What do you think?
Lucy: "This"?
Anna: Right here.
Lucy: I -- I don't see a "this." Where? Ah! Anna! No! No! Anna, don't do this!
Anna: Fine. Welcome back, Lucy.
Lucy: Please don't do this! Anna, don't!
Anna: Enjoy your stay.
Lucy: Anna! No! Don't leave me like this! Anna! Anna!
Rafe: What are you talking about? You are not my father.
Caleb: Look at yourself in the mirror, then look at me. You'll see what I'm talking about. You're a Morley, through and through.
Rafe: No, no, that's a lie. My father is Rafe Kovich, okay? I was named after him.
Caleb: We'll have to do something about that. And while we're at it, we'll fix all the other mistakes your mother made with you. We're already taking a few steps in that direction.
Rafe: You killed her.
Caleb: No. She's at peace now. Rafe, that's what she deserves. And now -- hey, look at me. Now I have a chance to raise you the way you were meant to be raised. By the time I'm done with you, you're gonna be the spitting image of your old man -- me! With depression, simple pleasures can simply hurt.
Luke: This could solve all your problems. Locate that Lauren Frank and ELQ is in the bag.
Tracy: Provided she's not a psychopath like her father. Or have some weird Electra complex and fall for A.J.'s oily charms. Or use this as leverage for something for herself. Or if she even exists at all!
Luke: One step at a time, darling.
Tracy: Okay. Well, you know what? This is really only half a fix. It puts me in charge of a company that's in ruins. I need more. I need to repair the damage I've caused.
Duke: I may have locked on a solution for our problems.
Michael: What is that?
Duke: Gentlemen, I give you pickle-Lila.
Tracy: How am I gonna undo the damage?
Luke: Darling, if I had that solution, I'd give it to you.
Tracy: No, you wouldn't. You'd charge me.
Luke: Only a percentage.
Tracy: None of this would've happened if daddy had just trusted me to run the company, but no! He couldn't even leave me a couple of shares -- not one share! All he did was leave me one jar -- of relish.
Connie: Thank you, Sonny. My new B.F.F.'S gonna be very relieved.
Sonny: Yeah, you and Tracy -- I don't know if I like that too much.
Connie: What? What's wrong with us? We're harmless.
Sonny: [Breathes deeply] Yeah. Um -- I got to hit the road.
Connie: Well, me too.
Sonny: You want me to walk you to your car?
Connie: Eh. Sure.
Sonny: All right.
Carly: You're really gonna leave?
Todd: I have to go. I'm in a lot of trouble, Carly.
Carly: Then this is goodbye.
Todd: I had a great time with you. We had some good times, right?
Carly: Yeah. Yeah, a few.
Todd: You stood there, you told me what you deserved. I think you deserve to know how I feel about you. That didn't feel like hatred to me, Carly.
Lucy: Anna! Anna, you've got to let me out of here! Rafe's life depends on it! All of our lives depend on it! Anna! Let me out!
Anna: Okay, what have you got?
Okay, so here's the surveillance footage from the cells downstairs.
Anna: Okay, so here it is. What in God's name?
Officer: Looks like McBain took the kid someplace with -- with Carlson.
Anna: Where did he take him?
Caleb: You see that boat over there? That one over there? That boat is gonna take us far away from this Godforsaken place. That's right. We're going home, son. Come on.
Rafe: I'm not going anywhere with you!
Caleb: What did I do?!
Lucy: Anna! [Grunting] Lot of good this is doing me. I'm getting all sweaty! Oh! Okay, Lucy, think. You're on your own again. Alone again, naturally. Okay, think. [Breathes deeply] You've gotten out of worse scrapes than this. This time, you just have to do it really fast, before Caleb makes Rafe his victim, just like poor Alison.
Caleb: Don't know why you're running. I'll always find you. [Sighs] [Grunts]
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