GH Transcript Thursday 2/7/13

General Hospital Transcript Thursday 2/7/13


Provided By Suzanne

Judge Shepperd: Kristina Corinthos-Davis, you stand accused of trespassing, felony assault, assault with a deadly weapon, and the attempted murder of Constanza Louise Falconeri Zacchara. How do you plead?

Connie: She pleads not guilty, your honor! She's not guilty of anything, so you can just -- let her go.

Judge Shepperd: Ma'am, this is a court of law. Only the accused has been asked to speak.

Connie: What about the victim? Sorry -- the alleged victim -- that would be me. Judge Shepperd, you remember me, don't you? Constanza Louise Falconeri Zacchara. Remember, I was sitting right at that desk a couple months ago.

Judge Shepperd: Mm. How can I forget?

Connie: So you have to listen to what I want to say right now, because that girl definitely did not try to kill me.

Tracy: How lovely to see you.

Luke: Thanks.

Tracy: Thank you for coming over. Can I get you anything? A cup of tea, some cucumber sandwiches, perhaps?

Luke: Oh, how sweet. I think a nice caviar sandwich with a little glass of --

Tracy: Enough stalling. What did you find out from Carly about the lost Quartermaine heir?

Luke: Nothing.

Tracy: [Laughs] What do you mean nothing?

Luke: Nothing. I'm sorry. I've left voice mails, e-mails, I've asked for her at the front desk, I've knocked on her door. She just completely eludes me. She must be busy.

Todd: Mm. Where'd my stuff go?

[Door opens]

Carly: Looking for this?

T.J.: Look, you can tell me the truth, Molly. You went to see that Rafe guy, didn't you? Even though you barely know him, even though he stabbed his own mother.

Molly: Yes. I did.

T.J.: You don't get it, do you. Rafe is obviously trouble. Why would you want to visit him anyplace, let alone sneak down to the cells?

Anna: Oh, Linsey, have you seen McBain anywhere?

Probably halfway to Canada by now.

Anna: What, is that some kind of joke?

I guess you haven't read the full report yet. McBain's print was on the murder weapon.

Rafe: Stay away from me. You killed my mom.

McBain: Look at me, kid. I said look at me! I didn't kill her.

Rafe: Neither did I.

McBain: Okay. Let's put our heads together and figure out who did. Need you to take me through everything that happened that night, all right? Tell me, what was the last thing your mom said to you? What was the last thing you remember seeing? Any little detail could help us figure out what really happened.

Caleb: Lucy, I'm home.

Lucy: Caleb.

Caleb: It's been a long, long time.

Molly: When I first met Rafe on the pier, he was cold and hungry, and now he's all alone.

T.J.: He's not some lost puppy, Molly. He stabbed his own mother to death.

Molly: Nothing has been proven! Rafe could be innocent!

Anna: So they recovered three prints from the weapon -- the victim, her son, and a partial, which is consistent with McBain's but not an identical match. Okay, so -- it could mean that it's, uh -- the print could be a relative of his or it could have been manipulated in some way. There are explanations for this.

With all due respect, Commissioner, the kid accused McBain of being the killer.

McBain: You meet Molly on the pier, you guys go get something to eat at Kelly's, you talk for a little while, and then you left. That's your story, right? Molly said you were going back to the pier to be with your mom. What happened then?

Rafe: You know what happened then. You were there.

McBain: I want to hear your side of it.

Rafe: Well, then ask that lady cop. I already told her everything.

McBain: So tell me. Sometimes you go over it again and again, new details come out.

Rafe: Look, I don't owe you anything, okay? Not after what you did to my mother. If I had just listened to her, just stayed there like she asked me to. She was so scared -- scared that you'd find us -- that you would find us. That's why we're always running.

McBain: How long?

Rafe: What?

McBain: How long were you and your mom on the run for?

Rafe: Forever.

Lucy: It hasn't really been that long, has it? Didn't I just run into you at Kelly's the other night?

Caleb: Oh, days, weeks, eternity -- what's the difference?

Lucy: Well, you seem to be feeling a lot better, there, Caleb. Too bad my aim was off. You didn't correct me.

Caleb: Correct you?

Lucy: I thought you were going by the name "John McBain" these days.

Caleb: Doesn't matter what you call me, just as long as you call. It's nice -- just the two of us -- the vampire and the slayer -- together at last.

Carly: This is interesting. Guess you've been planning this trip for a while -- or should I say getaway.

Todd: It's not what it looks like.

Carly: Looks like a passport, yeah. Who's David Vickers?

Todd: It doesn't matter. Give it back to me.

Carly: Think I'm gonna give you the passport so you can leave the country, let alone the money I took from you?

Todd: You broke into my safe?

Carly: Yep. I confess. Call the cops. It'll save me the trouble, 'cause they said I should call them if I saw you hanging around the building.

Todd: You could just pretend you didn't see me.

Carly: Can't do that. I'm a law-abiding citizen. Make the call. Go ahead. See who the cops want more -- me for opening your safe or you.

Tracy: I need results, Luke. My father's company is in shambles, and I have lost any power to dig it out of the rubble.

Luke: Yeah, I know ELQ has exploded, but nobody knows that you lit the fuse by sending that stuff to the sun.

Tracy: Hmm. Not seeing the bright side.

Luke: Okay, listen. Apart from the collapse of ELQ, your main concern is the family, particularly Ned and Dillon, finding out that you're the traitor in the house. But Michael tells us that the main suspect is Sonny.

Tracy: That was a shock. Not only did Connie keep me out of it, she implicated Sonny.

Luke: I wouldn't have put a lot of faith in the promise of a schizoid, but Connie is full of surprises.

Judge Shepperd: Ms. Falconeri, if you'd please take a seat, the court is ready to take your statement.

Connie: [Clucks tongue]

Judge Shepperd: And just so we're clear, you'll be offering this testimony under oath.

Do you swear the testimony you're about to give will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?

Connie: Oh, I do. With depression, simple pleasures can simply hurt.

Campbell: MS. Falconeri, you just claimed that the defendant, Kristina Corinthos-davis, is innocent.

Connie: Yeah, that's right. It was a misunderstanding.

Campbell: I'm sorry. What was there to misunderstand? Did you or did you not report that the defendant not only destroyed your property but threatened to bludgeon you with a baseball bat?

Connie: "Bludgeon" me. Look, she caused some damage to the office, but I told you it was an accident.

Campbell: An accident.

Connie: You know how your mother always told you not to swing a bat in the house? Hmm? Boy, was she right. You see, I'm putting together a little corporate softball team, and Kristina was trying out in my office.

Campbell: You expect us to believe that your office was all but destroyed because Kristina Davis was holding indoor batting practice?

Connie: Yeah. And with that arm, I'm telling you, we're gonna make the finals this year.

Campbell: Softball finals. In February.

Alexis: Objection, your honor. He's badgering the witness.

Judge Shepperd: Overruled. I'm eager to hear this. But, uh, Mr. Campbell, would advise you to change your tone or the next objection will be upheld.

Campbell: Understood, your honor. Ms. Falconeri, how did you come to have Kristina Davis's handprints around your neck?

Connie: Oh. It was my necklace.

Campbell: I'm sorry. Did you say your necklace?

Connie: Yeah. Well, it's not mine, technically. It was my son's necklace, but he's passed away from a senseless accident. He wore it all the time. It meant a lot to him. And now it means even more to his girlfriend, Kristina. So I asked her if I could try it on, and she generously agreed, and -- see, I put it on, and I tried to take it off, but the clasp got stuck in my hair, so I was yanking on it, and she got upset because she didn't want me to break it, so she was yanking on it, and I was being choked, and we were pretty emotional at the time. I'm sure you can understand that. I guess I chose the wrong way to show how I felt about my son.

Tracy: Even if everyone believes that Sonny is the whistle-blower, it is now public knowledge that I used mob money to keep ELQ afloat. I'm surprised there aren't federal agents banging down my door.

Luke: Well, they did freeze your assets, right?

Tracy: Luke, I have to save my father's legacy, and until I find that heir, I have no leverage. I can't force A.J. out.

Luke: What about Lucy? Isn't her 1% still up for grabs?

Tracy: If I call for another vote, Lucy, who is not only non compos mentis but a fugitive from justice, will not be allowed to vote, which means that A.J. And I are still deadlocked.

Luke: Wait. Hold on. Back up. Lucy's a fugitive?

Tracy: You really ought to read the newspaper. Lucy escaped from Ferncliff, along with your two close personal friends Todd Manning and Heather Webber.

Todd: You're not gonna call the cops.

Carly: Just one. Just one I know that's interested in seeing you get exactly what you deserve.

Todd: John McBain is smug and hypocritical. You said so yourself.

Carly: I don't like John McBain. This is gonna hurt -- not nearly as much as it's gonna hurt you.

Anna: Commissioner Devane.

Carly: Anna. Hi. Uh, it's Carly Jacks.

Todd: That's a nice color on you.

Carly: I was trying to talk to John McBain.

Anna: He's not here right now. Is there something I can help you with?

Carly: It's about Todd Manning.

Todd: Okay, look -- I know I screwed up.

Anna: Have you seen Mr. Manning?

Todd: If you ever cared about me at all -- just hear me out, okay? And then if you want afterwards, you can call her.

Anna: Carly? Are you there? Have you seen Todd Manning?

Carly: No. I was just, um -- checking to see if you guys had found him, but I -- I got my answer.

Todd: Thank you.

Carly: I don't want you to thank me. I want you to make me believe you. And don't lie to me, because I'll know.

T.J.: All I'm saying is that you don't know anything about this guy except that he was found kneeling by his mother's body with the murder weapon in his hand.

Molly: That doesn't mean anything.

T.J.: Okay, fine. I know, I know -- innocent until proven guilty, right?

Molly: Well, yeah. They put that clause in the constitution for a reason, T.J. -- So that people could not be punished without the due process of law.

T.J.: I do not need some kind of civics lecture.

Molly: Maybe you do, because Rafe swears he didn't do this.

T.J.: Oh, really? Why didn't you just say so? I mean, it's not like he's a complete stranger or something. Oh, wait. He is.

Molly: Have I ever told you how much I hate sarcasm? Because if I haven't, I'm telling you now. I realize I don't know Rafe very well -- or at all -- but he seems sincere.

T.J.: Okay, fine. If Rafe is innocent, then I guess John McBain is guilty.

Lucy: You murdered Alison!

Caleb: Mm. In all fairness to me, she tried to murder me first.

Lucy: She was just trying to protect her son! [Gasps]

Caleb: I would never -- hurt Rafe. I'm in a position to show him things he could never imagine, open him up to a whole new existence.

Lucy: No. You stay away from that boy.

Caleb: He's my boy! He's my son.

McBain: Forever's a long time, kid. Did your mom ever talk about the threat? She ever -- say what she thought might happen?

Rafe: I thought it was all in her head. But she was right -- there was someone after us.

McBain: She ever talk about the guy that was after you? She ever give you a name? Tell you what he wanted?

Campbell: I just have one more question.

Connie: Can't wait.

Campbell: If everything that happened in your office had such a completely innocent explanation, why call the police at all?

Connie: I was --

Campbell: Why make a statement that the defendant tried to kill you?

Connie: Because I was upset.

Campbell: Upset.

Connie: Yeah. Because I was grieving, I was hurt, and I was angry, and instead of dealing with my feelings of loss and regret and behaving like an adult, I lashed out. Makes sense, doesn't it? When you don't know what to do with your own pain, you try and hurt someone else. You know what that's like.

Molly: That's faulty logic. I don't think John McBain is a murderer, either.

T.J.: Well, someone killed Alison Barrington, and if it wasn't your little boyfriend --

Molly: Okay, hold on! "Boyfriend"? T.J., You're my boyfriend.

T.J.: Really? You sure?

Molly: Yeah, I am sure, just like I'm sure you're acting jealous and immature.

T.J.: Well, at least I'm not getting played. All right? 'Cause he's scamming you and you're just falling for it.

Molly: I'm just trying to show compassion. You should try it sometime. Just consider the possibility that Rafe is innocent. That means that his mother was just murdered right in front of him. Now he's all alone, and worst of all, he has people just like you rushing to judgment against him without knowing all the facts!

Anna: Could you just -- is everything all right out here?

Molly: Yeah, it's fine.

T.J.: No, it's not, actually. You need to tell her to stay away from the prisoners.

McBain: Come on, Rafe. Your mom was worried about this guy. She must have talked about him. Did she ever give you a name?

Rafe: Caleb.

McBain: The same thing she called me when she walked into the police station. Same as Lucy Coe. Anyway, that's not my name. It's John McBain. Here, have a look. It doesn't get much more official than that.

Rafe: What is that supposed to prove? For all I know, you changed your name.

McBain: If I did, how does it explain the rest of my life, you know? I was in the FBI for eight years. I was a cop in Llanview, Pennsylvania, for eight more years and now in Port Charles. I got records that can prove everything that I'm saying to you.

Rafe: I don't care what you say. I know what I saw.

McBain: Okay, so tell me. Tell me exactly how it happened.

Rafe: I got to the pier, and she was fighting you. Okay, I called for her, she -- she looked back -- so did you. She was terrified, but -- you were smiling. Just smiling. And that's when you killed her.

McBain: Thing is, I wasn't there. I didn't get to the pier till after your mom was on the ground. So if you're telling the truth, kid, then your mom was murdered by somebody that looks just like me.

Lucy: Rafe is my cousin's son. He is not yours!

Caleb: Ha ha! That's a cute story, isn't it? That's the story Alison wanted everyone to believe. But you and I both know better. [Chuckles] Your cousin couldn't father a child! He sure as hell didn't stick around long enough to claim him for his own!

Lucy: He left to find you! He wanted to protect Alison and her child! But now Rafe's an orphan.

Caleb: No! Wrong answer again! Rafe has a father -- and I think it's time he gets to know him again. In fact, I think it's time he learns the whole truth about who he really is -- about how a stolen wish brought him into existence. Not my wish, not my doing! But he is mine, and I will claim him as my own!

Lucy: You are not going anywhere near that boy!

Caleb: Who's gonna stop me?

McBain: So start with that. There's a guy out there and he looks like me.

Rafe: Exactly like you?

McBain: How does he dress?

Rafe: In black, like you.

McBain: What does that mean, huh? Black jacket, black shirt, black pants? Think.

Rafe: I don't know. It happened so fast. I don't remember.

McBain: Think, kid! Just spit it out! If you can remember something, just shout it out!

Rafe: Mom!

Alison: No, no, Rafe! No, please stay back there! Don't -- no! Aah!

Rafe: The ring. You're not wearing the ring.

Tracy: As you can see, Lucy will not be turning over her 1% anytime soon.

Luke: Well, don't count ms. Coe out. She's a very determined woman.

Tracy: I consider her a determined lunatic. Even if she isn't gonna stake any more police detectives, she's done irreparable harm to my position at ELQ.

Luke: Well, if I were you, I'd be more concerned about the two other stooges. Todd Manning was Heather's henchman when she had me locked in that shed. We should be concerned that he's not gonna show up again in his hockey mask with a machete -- or that Heather isn't going to make a move on Anna.

Tracy: Anna was a spy. She's the current police commissioner. She's fully capable of taking care of herself.

Luke: Mm.

Anna: Commissioner Devane.

Luke: Anna, hi. It's Luke. Uh, listen, I just heard about Heather.

Anna: You checking up on me?

Luke: Well, I know that you're gonna tell me you've got it all handled.

Anna: Oh, yeah, well, thanks for the concern, but we are conducting a thorough search. As you know, Heather is unpredictable, so you need to be careful.

Luke: Well, you, too, slim. [Sighs] Just tell me that you're okay. That's all.

Anna: I'm fine.

Luke: That's what I need to hear. I'll talk to you later.

Tracy: So, can I assume that slim -- "bony" in my book -- is safe and sound?

Luke: Yeah, all is quiet on the port chuckles front.

Tracy: Gee, that's good to know. Now can we get back to the business at hand -- namely me and saving what's left of my father's company?

Luke: Look, with Lucy Coe's 1% out of play, that leaves you and A.J. Deadlocked. He's got the upper hand, and you're out in the cold.

Tracy: Unless Ned is right and there is another Quartermaine heir. And Carly holds that secret.

Carly: Look, I don't have a lot of time.

Todd: I don't have a lot of time, either. I got a lot of things to figure out. I got to figure out how to get back to my family. Hey. I'm really glad that you caught me.

Carly: Really?

Todd: Yeah. To talk to you. There's something I need to ask you.

Carly: You need to ask me. What, do you want your passport back, all the money I took from you? You want me to give you a head start before Anna catches up with you?

Todd: Carly.

Carly: What?

Todd: I want you to run away with me. That's good!

McBain: What ring?

Rafe: The gold one you were wearing when you stabbed my mother. You figured I'd recognize it, so you took it off.

McBain: What was it like? Like a wedding band?

Rafe: No, it wasn't on the left hand. It -- it was weird-looking, like -- why am I even telling you this? Look, you know what it looks like. Why do you keep asking these questions that you know the answers to?

McBain: No, Rafe, I don't have the answers. The only thing I know is I didn't kill your mother, but somebody did, and he's still out there. You want to find him, every detail you can think of would help us. So what do you say we do that? Why don't you help me? That means you stop jerking me around and you start telling me about that ring.

Lucy: I will keep you from Rafe.

Caleb: You can't stop me. Look at yourself, your little cross shaking. It's -- it's pathetic, really.

Lucy: I have friends. I have friends. They know I'm here.

Caleb: There's nowhere to run. And these friends you speak of -- Lucy, they -- they pretend to believe you. They do. And then they laugh behind your back and they talk behind your back. They humor the crazy lady. But, me -- I believe you. Because I know I'm real, and I know my power is endless.

Lucy: No. You can be stopped. You can be stopped.

Caleb: Not by you. I admire your persistence. I -- I do. I admire your courage, but -- but I always knew this was a losing battle. And now the time has come.

Lucy: [Whimpers]

Caleb: Your only choice -- is to surrender.

Anna: Hi.

Molly: Hi. Uh, you're obviously busy, so --

Anna: No, no, I'm not too busy. I want to hear what this young man was talking about earlier. Did you slip past a guard to go down and visit a prisoner?

Molly: I didn't realize that wasn't allowed. My mother visits her clients all the time.

Anna: Oh, come on. I don't need to explain the difference to you, do I? Though maybe your mother would like to cover that subject in greater detail. We could call her if you like --

Molly: No, that's okay. I -- it won't happen again.

Anna: No, it cannot happen again. You put yourself in serious danger going down to that holding cell.

Molly: I apologize, commissioner Devane. I know what I did was foolish, but I -- I promise, nothing bad happened. I'm not in trouble, am I?

Anna: No, but one of my guards will be. All right. Out of here.

Molly: Thank you. I --

Anna: No, you're going with a warning. Don't you ever do anything like that again, young lady.

T.J.: Don't worry. She won't.

Molly: I really appreciate you being so understanding.

Anna: This is not an understanding face.

Molly: Uh, if you'll excuse me, I'm late for my sister's arraignment.

Judge Shepperd: Ms. Davis, do you have any questions for ms. Falconeri?

Alexis: Uh, no, your honor. I think ms. Falconeri has made her position very clear. We'd like to move that the charges be dropped against my dau -- defendant.

Campbell: Objection. May we speak in chambers?

Judge Shepperd: I don't think that's going to be necessary. Ms. Falconeri may step down. Thank you.

Alexis: Ms. Falconeri, by her own testimony, has not been coerced. She voluntarily recanted her statement. I think the district attorney is just unwilling to concede defeat.

Campbell: The people fully intend to prove this case, your honor. We have sufficient evidence to go to trial.

Alexis: But without cooperation from the complaining witness, that's going to be a little difficult, isn't it?

Campbell: So now we just all go home? A crime was committed, your honor. The perpetrator does not simply get to walk away.

Judge Shepperd: Mr. Campbell, I'm inclined to agree. I can't speak to what motivated the victim to so -- radically alter her story, but the evidence strongly supports the victim's original statement. The case could move forward to trial, but with your agreement, Mr. Campbell, the court would consider a guilty plea to a second-degree-assault charge, with community service and a suspended sentence -- say 500 hours. Would that be acceptable to the district attorney's office?

Campbell: Certainly not, your honor. But I'm clearly outnumbered.

Judge Shepperd: Ms. Corinthos-Davis. The charge of second-degree assault -- how do you plead?

Alexis: Go ahead.

Kristina: Guilty, your honor.

Judge Shepperd: Then we're done. You'll be notified as to the terms of your community service. Until that time, ms. Corinthos-Davis, you are free to go. We're adjourned. [Bangs gavel]

Bailiff: All rise.

Kristina: Oh, God.

Tracy: We need leverage, Luke. If Ned's suspicion is correct and there is another Quartermaine heir out there somewhere, they are entitled to between 6% and 12% of daddy's share. We need to find that person and get them to vote with me.

Luke: But maybe Ned is wrong. What would Carly know about a missing Quartermaine heir? She can't stand you people.

Tracy: Carly's son is a Quartermaine. Maybe she's keeping the heir secret because she wants to make sure that Michael gets a bigger slice of the inheritance.

Luke: What slice? There is no inheritance. You bankrupted the company.

Tracy: Would you stop stalling and put the screws to your niece?! Carly knows the truth! All you got to do is find out what it is!

Carly: You want me to run away with you?

Todd: Yeah. Come on. Run away with me. Start a whole new life far, far away from here.

Carly: Why would I do that?

Todd: Because you and I have a -- we've had a connection since the moment we saw one another. That's why.

Carly: Every time that I think we have something real and that you're different from Johnny, you lie to me over and over again.

Todd: Johnny --

Carly: Yeah, Johnny. Remember him?

Todd: Yeah. Did he ever ask you to run away with him?

Carly: Yeah. The night before that horrible wedding, he wanted me to run away with him so I wouldn't find out that he betrayed me by marrying Connie. So what the hell is your reason, Todd?

Todd: Of course he did. It's a preemptive strike to avoid bad behavior. You know every rotten thing that I've ever done, and you still know that what you and I have is real. That proves that what you and I have is completely different from whatever you used to have with Johnny.

Carly: You and Johnny are weasels.

Todd: [Laughing]

Carly: What are you doing?

Todd: It's a funny word -- "weasel" is a funny word. You don't love that weasel. You love this weasel. Are you working at the wrong end of hair?

Todd: And I love you.

Carly: Todd --

Todd: No, hold on a second. No, no, no, no. Because I'm not -- you don't know me that well. It's not something that I say -- I wouldn't say that to you if I didn't mean it.

Carly: What? Supposed to change everything? [Chuckles] Yeah.

Todd: Carly, we both made a lot of mistakes. We both screwed up every relationship we've ever had. All that -- it gives us experience, right? So you and I know -- when we're in something real. We could start a whole -- a whole new life. There's nothing that you and I couldn't deal with if we were together. Hey.

Carly: Todd --

Todd: You want this as much as I want this.

Kristina: Why did you do that for me?

Connie: 'Cause it was the right thing to do. I know that you cared about my son, and -- losing him, I figured you'd been punished enough already.

Alexis: Honey, we have to get some paperwork signed, and then we're gonna go home, okay?

Kristina: Okay.

Connie: What?

Olivia: Proud of you, cuz.

Connie: Thanks.

Sonny: Guess it's my turn. Thank you. What you did -- means a lot to me.

Connie: It was the right thing to do.

Sonny: Maybe now you can go all-in and -- make it right for my other kid, too. Just tell the truth, you know? Tell Michael that I had nothing to do with that information that brought down ELQ.

Molly: I can't believe you turned me in to the police commissioner.

T.J.: What else was I supposed to do when you snuck down to the cells to visit a murderer?

Molly: He's not a murderer. He's a murder suspect. Hey, Shawn.

Shawn: Hey, yourselves. What's going on with you two?

Lucy: No. Caleb, no. [Echoing] No! No!

[Wind blowing]

Lucy: [Sighs] [Gasps]

McBain: So you think it was gold.

Rafe: Yeah, I saw it when you were struggling with my mother. I guess I was in shock or something. I don't know. But all I could focus on was the shape of the ring.

McBain: Can you describe it?

Rafe: It was a crest.

McBain: Uh-huh. Like a signet ring.

Rafe: Right. I don't know, but I think it -- I think it had a bat on it. Where you going?

McBain: I'm gonna follow up. Thanks for the help.

Rafe: Just so you know, this doesn't mean that I think you're innocent.

McBain: For the record, the feeling's mutual, kid. We should both hope I get the truth. You score little victories every day.

Todd: When we first met -- you helped me sneak into the hospital to see my daughter. Do you remember that? Do you?

Carly: Yeah. That was a long time ago.

Todd: Do you regret making that choice?

Carly: I don't regret it.

Todd: Okay. You won't regret making this choice, either.

Carly: I gave you a choice in the courtroom. You -- you made a choice --

Todd: I told you in the courtroom I'm a crazy person. I told you that. I lie all the time. I screw everything up. I am every horrible thing that I ever warned you that I was. You want someone that you can trust. I'm someone you can trust.

[Knock on door]

Luke: Caroline, you in there?

[Doorbell rings]

Tracy: Can I help you?

Officer: Tracy angelica Quartermaine?

Tracy: Yes. What is this about?

Officer: You're under arrest.

Connie: Okay. I lied to you, Michael. Your father didn't give me any information about Tracy using mob money to finance ELQ. He didn't know anything about the article.

Michael: You just lied under oath to save my sister. Why would I believe you now?

Connie: Because when I lied before, it was out of spite. I wanted to hurt your father, and I was using you to do it. Your father didn't wreck ELQ.

Michael: Okay, then -- who gave you the records?

Connie: I'm not gonna tell you that. But it wasn't him. I swear.

Sonny: Okay, you know what? I'm not gonna pretend that I understand her motives or why she all of a sudden grew a conscience -- but she's telling the truth. And, you know, I've been telling you. I promise you -- I had nothing to do with what went down at ELQ. I just hope that we can get through this -- and you believe -- you believe me.

Molly: Um, we were just discussing a school assignment. We're reading "crime and punishment."

Shawn: It sounded pretty tense for talking about books.

T.J.: Well, you know how Molly is. She thinks everybody's a character out of a story, secretly noble or misunderstood.

Shawn: Mm.

T.J.: Sometimes people are just plain bad.

Molly: Why don't we discuss our project later. I want to know what happened in the hearing. Did you plead not guilty?

Kristina: Guilty, actually.

Molly: What? Why would you do that?

Kristina: To a lesser charge. I'm not going to prison.

Molly: Oh, my God! That's awesome! I'm so happy for you!

Alexis: Molly, you missed the entire hearing. Where were you?

Shawn: Yeah, well, knowing Molly, she probably stopped to help a stray.

Rafe: Why did you ask me to come to lunch with you?

Molly: I don't know. You were hungry.

Rafe: No, you had Danny-boy with you. Okay, you wouldn't have wanted me around if you thought I was dangerous.

Molly: Well, I didn't think you were at the time.

Rafe: But so now you think I am dangerous?

Molly: I don't know!

Rafe: I think you do know. Okay? That's why you came here -- because you know I couldn't have done it.

Molly: Look, I'm -- I'm really sorry for everything that's happened, but --

Rafe: Molly, I'm innocent. You believe me, right? Someone has to believe me.

[Horn honks in distance]

[Indistinct conversations]

Can I help you, ma'am?

Lucy: Uh, no, no. I'm -- I'm -- I'm expected.

Hey, you're one of the escapees from Ferncliff.

Lucy: Uh -- oh! Look! There's the other two!

[Muffled shouting]

[Body thuds]

Anna: What is going on out here? Lucy?


Rafe: Back already?

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