GH Transcript Wednesday 2/6/13

General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 2/6/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele

Michael: Oh.

Starr: How was your shower?

Michael: Necessary. I had whipped cream everywhere.

Starr: I can't believe it. How do you like my dreads?

Michael: Very hot.

Starr: You're a liar.

Michael: Seriously, though. When is the last time you had a legit food fight?

Starr: It was pretty fun, right?

Michael: During, yeah, but especially after.

Starr: Especially after. You even helped me forget about my dad for a little while, who is probably being moved to a holding cell right now.

Michael: Or not.

Lucy: Are you absolutely, positively sure this place is empty?

Heather: We've been staking it out for hours. It's empty.

Todd: Thought you said you had a plan.

Heather: I'm sorry. Did we escape from Ferncliff or not?

Todd: We did.

Heather: Okay.

Todd: To come here?

Heather: Well, why not? We had to come someplace to regroup.

Todd: But isn't "Windymay" kind of famous for stashing criminals?

Lucy: Actually, it's "Wyn-de-mere."

Todd: Yeah, that's what I said -- "Winy-mar."

Lucy: No, "Wyn-de-mere."

Heather: That's why I chose it -- because it is very obvious -- so obvious, in fact, that the police will think we're too smart to hide out here.

Lucy: Let's just hope Caleb thinks the same thing.

McBain: As you know, teams have been searching all night. This is the vehicle we're looking for. Plate information's in front of you. It's a rental. It was being used by Dr. Kevin Collins. He's also Lucy Coe's husband. If it's been dumped, neighboring jurisdictions have been notified. If you happen to come across the escapees, don't be a hero. Call it in, get backup, proceed with caution. Escapee number 1 -- Todd Manning. He has the resources to potentially leave the country. Escapee number 2 -- Heather Webber. She has a son in Port Charles. He has been notified. Escapee number 3 -- Lucy Coe. According to her doctors, she still believes she's a vampire slayer. Stop laughing. It is believed that when she finds out Alison Barrington has been murdered, she will do whatever it takes to get to Alison's son, Rafe, who's locked up downstairs.

Johnny: Heard you killed your mom.

Rafe: You heard wrong. That cop did it.

Johnny: Which one?

Rafe: John McBain.

McBain: Want you to take note -- Heather Webber, Todd Manning -- considered extremely dangerous. The last time they got together, they kidnapped Sam Morgan's baby.

Alexis: She's coming. There she is. Oh, baby, you have no idea how glad I am to see you.

Molly: Oh, my God. Was it awful? I mean, two nights in jail?

Kristina: They could use new bedding, I'll tell you that much.

Sam: Hey. How was it really?

Kristina: I'm hanging in.

Alexis: All right, I spent hours on the phone trying to find out why the judge canceled the arraignment yesterday.

Kristina: Well, that's a good thing, right? I mean, it gave Dad an extra day to convince Connie to drop the charges. Did it work?

Connie: Come on. This is gold. [Gasps] Hey, Cuz! You see the front-page headline today? "Inspired" is an understatement. Okay. I thought this one was pretty good, too.

Olivia: Connie, that's horrible.

Connie: I know. Horrible sells papers. I still think I made the right call, though.

Olivia: You do realize that Heather tried to kill me, right? Now she's out there, running around, planning God-knows-what.

Connie: The cops will find her and throw her butt in jail, just like they're doing to Sonny's daughter.

Sonny: This whole thing has been a nightmare for Kristina.

Shawn: For you, too, I bet.

Sonny: I just do not like seeing my little girl in lockup. You know, when I walked into Connie's office, Kristina had a baseball bat. She was in a mess, grieving over her boyfriend. I mean, she was just --

Shawn: You try to talk to Connie?

Sonny: She ain't backing away. I think I know why. Connie and I, we got a little close, right?

Shawn: Hmm.

Sonny: So I think she's pressing charges to drive me away.

Shawn: Well, as I understand it, uh... Connie is the only witness to Kristina's assault.

Sonny: Right.

Shawn: So, um... you want me to make her disappear?

Sonny: What are you suggesting?

Shawn: Look, a couple of months ago, you asked me to deliver Connie.

Sonny: Mm-hmm.

Shawn: I could do it again, maybe keep her under wraps till she decides to back off. You can't prosecute Kristina without the only witness.

Sonny: Can't do that.

Shawn: Even with your daughter's freedom on the line?

Sonny: I know what -- look, I -- I cannot have Connie grabbed twice.

Shawn: Yeah. You're probably right, but... want to tell me why?

Olivia: Hey. So, uh, since you brought up Kristina --

Connie: You know what I did? I leaked the first chapter of my novel today.

Olivia: No, I did not see that.

Connie: Oh, it's so good, Liv. It's called "Love in Maine," by Connie Falconeri. I'm debuting Chapter 2 next week and a third one the week after, just to give the audience a little taste of what's to come. And then it hits the stores March 12th. I tell you, people are gonna get in line to buy this.

Olivia: I have no doubt the book is something great.

Connie: It's not great. It's amazing!

Olivia: Then I'll be sure and congratulate Molly Davis.

Connie: Nice, Liv. Thank you so much for your support.

Olivia: I'm not here to argue and talk about what you leaked and what you write or didn't write --

Connie: Then what are you here to talk about?

Olivia: What you're doing to Kristina.

Alexis: I'm sorry, sweetheart. Your father tried -- he did. He really did. He just wasn't able to convince Connie to let up on you.

Kristina: But I won't be in lockup indefinitely. You still think I can get bail, right?

Sam: Of course.

Alexis: I am going to do everything I can to convince the judge that you are clearly not a violent person. You lost your boyfriend. You were distraught, and you snapped.

Sam: Yes. It's gonna be okay.

Alexis: We'll make sure of it.

Johnny: I ain't judging, Kid. I killed my grandfather. [Sighs] And two other people. Believe me when I say... holding it in, keeping it from everybody, is worse punishment than prison.

Rafe: I didn't kill anyone.

Johnny: If that's true, I hope you're exonerated. In the case that it's not, and you don't have a history of past violence, then maybe you can find yourself a lawyer to work some sort of plea bargain. And, again, trust me --

Officer: Hey, Zacchara.

Johnny: It's better if you face what you did.

Officer: Sentencing time.

Johnny: Can't wait.

Officer: This guy's gonna die in prison. So are you.

Johnny: Go easy on him. Give him my food.

[Door closes]

Molly: Good luck.

Kristina: Thanks.

McBain: Hi.

Sam: Hey.

McBain: How are you?

Sam: I've, uh -- I've been better.

McBain: Where's Danny?

Sam: He's up at the Quartermaines'. Monica's watching him. They put extra security there, and they've got Alice. I mean, she's tackled Heather before. I'm sure she could do it again.

McBain: Oh, yeah, that's good. That's good.

Sam: Forget about me. How are you?

McBain: [Scoffs] What is wrong with that place?

Sam: Ferncliff?

McBain: Yeah, Ferncliff. How many times is that now that Heather Webber's escaped? And then crazy Manning -- I was gonna transfer him out of there yesterday, and I got -- I got caught up in this case.

Sam: It's not just any case, John. It's a boy accusing you of murdering his mother.

Heather: You know, if it weren't for me, you two would still be sitting at Ferncliff. I think a little gratitude is in order.

Lucy: I tell you what I would be really grateful for is something to snack on. I am so very hungry! You know, even those high-high-fructose, starchy, sugary meals at Ferncliff sound really yummy right now.

[Wrapper crinkling]

Lucy: Hey! Hey, hey, hey! Where'd you get that? Where did you get it?!

Todd: I found it on the dock.

Lucy: Well, give me that. Can I have it? Thank you.

Lucy: Oh, yum.

Todd: Along with this.

Lucy: Mmm. Wait a minute. Do you think this is gluten-free?

Heather: I want half.

Lucy: No! No, it's mine! Get your own!

Heather: Todd, tell her to give me half.

Todd: Give her half.

Lucy: No. I want to see the paper, though, please. I -- I just want to find out if Kevin's okay. Could I just look at it for --

Todd: Look at this. This is libel, this is slander, and this is a horrible photograph! Connie Falconeri calls me a stooge in my own newspaper!

Heather: It's not your newspaper since Johnny ratted you out. You lost the paper and everything else, Todd. Remember?

Starr: My dad escaped Ferncliff with Heather Webber.

Michael: I'm sorry you had to find out like this.

Starr: What is wrong with him?! I know I shouldn't be surprised that he would do anything to get out of going back to prison, but...

Michael: I doubt your dad has the resources to get very far.

Starr: Yeah, I guess.

Michael: Unless...

Starr: Unless what?

Michael: Well, do you want him to get away?

Starr: I'm the reason my dad was being sent back to prison. Remember? Because I wouldn't let him fake D.I.D.?

Michael: I know.

Starr: So why do you think I would want him to be free?

Michael: Last night, before sundae-bar sex, you said you were feeling guilty about your dad being in lockup.

Starr: Let's look on the bright side.

Michael: There's a bright side?

Starr: At least ELQ's problems aren't on the front page anymore.

Michael: Well, I guess that is kind of good news. But the damage is already done. Wonder if I need to wear a tie to the arraignment.

Starr: Wait. I thought you were going to meet up with A.J., try to salvage the company.

Michael: Well, Krissy needs me more.

Starr: I don't think you need a tie. The shirt looks great. So, you're gonna see Sonny, huh?

Michael: Yeah, and I am dreading it. My dad keeps saying that he had nothing to do with the information about ELQ getting leaked, but the motive was there. He had a meeting with Tracy. He was with Connie in her office when she told us he was guilty.

Sonny: When I had you pick up Connie to take her to the warehouse, you know, I was desperate. I would do anything to get through to Kate.

Shawn: So what changed?

Sonny: Well, I mean, Connie's not this out-of-control symptom of mental illness. She's a human being. She's got feelings.

Shawn: Feelings.

Sonny: Confused and the whole thing. I don't want to prey on that.

Shawn: You've gone soft on her, man.

T.J.: Hey.

Alexis: Hi, T.J.

T.J.: Molly's not with you?

Alexis: No, she's at the station, waiting for Sam.

T.J.: Well, I'll grab her, and we'll head back. Good luck, Kris.

Kristina: Thanks.

Alexis: All right, look -- I got to get my arguments in order. You gonna be okay waiting here?

Kristina: Yeah, I'm not in a cell. I'll be perfect.

Alexis: All right, I'll be right back.

Johnny: Kristina.

Kristina: What're you doing here?

Johnny: You first. Why the cuffs?

Kristina: I'm being arraigned for attempted murder.

Johnny: Who are they saying you tried to kill?

Kristina: Your wife.

Connie: Oh, no, no, no, no. Not you, too, Liv. Did Sonny put you up to this?

Olivia: Sonny doesn't even know I'm here. He just happened to mention you being a bit of a hard-ass about Kristina.

Connie: Oh, I'm sorry. The girl came at me with a baseball bat. What do you want me to do? Bake her cookies and take her shopping?

Olivia: She's hurting over Trey, just like you.

Connie: I didn't take a baseball bat to someone's head.

Olivia: Neither did Kristina.

Connie: Not for lack of trying. She came in here intending to kill me!

Olivia: Can we cut the crap and talk about what's really going on here? You're not trying to get back at Kristina. You're trying to get back at Sonny, because he's in love with Kate and not you.

Todd: Check it out. Found me a disguise.

Heather: Where'd you get all that stuff?

Todd: The wardrobe upstairs. Full of clothes.

Lucy: Oh, that would be Nikolas Cassadine, the owner. He's so rich, I bet he has a separate wardrobe for every continent.

Todd: Ta-ta, Gov. Off to sell some papes.

Heather: Where do you think you're going?

Todd: Like I'd tell you.

Heather: Well, if you must know, I'm going to see my son.

Todd: Oh, good. I'm sure he'd love that. Good luck slaying McBain.

Lucy: Thanks.

McBain: So I talked to Lucy's husband. He told me that Lucy, Heather, and Manning, all dressed as guards, were making their way out of the main entrance of Ferncliff when he spotted Lucy. Apparently, at this point, he gets assaulted trying to talk her out of escaping when either Heather or Manning hit him over the head from behind.

Sam: And Lucy just left him like that?

McBain: I guess that's how bad she wants to get to Caleb.

Sam: But they're saying that this Caleb is the one who killed Alison, but that doesn't make any sense. I mean, her son did. That's what makes sense.

McBain: Yeah. I mean, I -- I found him kneeling over her body with the murder weapon in his hand.

Sam: And he's still saying that he thinks that you did it?

McBain: As far as I know.

Sam: But why? Why would he say that? Why would Rafe accuse you?

Rafe: Are you allowed down here?

Molly: No. Uh, I snuck in. I needed to see you.

Rafe: Why?

Molly: To make sure you're okay.

Rafe: My mom's dead.

Molly: I know. I'm so sorry.

Rafe: But...?

Molly: Did you do it?

McBain: Thank you.

Sam: What's that?

McBain: Yeah, print analysis from the murder weapon.

Sam: Okay. I assume it has Alison and Rafe's fingerprints on it. Anyone else?

McBain: A partial.

Sam: Enough to get a hit from the database?

McBain: Possible one.

Sam: Well? Who is it?

McBain: That would be me.

Lucy: Oh, my God! Alison, I'm sorry. I am so sorry. I told Livvie -- I warned Livvie! I told her Caleb would kill Alison to get to his son.

Heather: What? Whose son?

Lucy: Caleb. Caleb seduced Alison.

Heather: Well, I hate to get technical with you, but if Caleb's a vampire, I don't see how he could have fathered a child.

Lucy: He wasn't -- he wasn't wearing the ring.

Heather: Now you've lost me.

Lucy: The ring! Caleb's ring! When he doesn't wear -- it doesn't matter! It doesn't -- it doesn't matter at all. All you need to know is that Alison slept with Caleb, Caleb fathered her child, and all Alison wanted to do was protect Rafe -- to keep him away from Caleb! Caleb must have found him. He must have found him.

Heather: It seems to me that... well, it says right here that... Alison was killed by the kid.

Lucy: Caleb murdered Alison, and he's a monster who's gonna keep getting away with murder, because he's convinced the police that he's one of them!

Sam: It's a coincidence. That's all.

McBain: Yeah, but Lucy was convinced -- right? That I was this Caleb, and she was afraid that Caleb was gonna hurt Alison. Now Alison's dead, and her son swears she saw me kill her.

Sam: Her son is lying, obviously.

McBain: Add to that the print that might be mine.

Sam: What are you saying?

McBain: Maybe Rafe's telling the truth.

Rafe: I did not kill my mom.

Molly: But what about what you said at lunch, how life might be better if she wasn't around?

Rafe: And so, from there, you just jumped to me stabbing her?

Molly: Well, they're saying they caught you holding the weapon.

Rafe: Yeah, not because I stabbed my own mom with it. I mean, yeah, I hated being dragged all over the place, but I loved her. Okay? I would never do that to her.

Molly: Neither would John McBain.

Rafe: I saw him do it. Yeah, maybe you don't know me like you know him. I'm just this stranger you decided to be nice to. Okay, I get that. I do. But I swear, I would've never hurt her like that. You have to believe me.

Connie: Grab your coat. Here's the door.

Olivia: Lis-- listen to me. Okay? Whatever set of circumstances got us to this place right now, you are still my cousin, and I really do care what happens to you. That's why I came to see you after Trey -- that is why I'm here talking to you right now. Okay? I just feel like if you could take a step back from the situation, you could see a much bigger picture. Okay?

Connie: What is the bigger picture?

Olivia: Kristina really did love Trey.

Connie: And I didn't?

Olivia: No, no! Just the opposite. Honey, that is -- that is my point. You're both hurting. You're both lashing out.

Connie: Because I'm angry!

Olivia: But not at Kristina! You're angry at yourself! Now you think about it, Connie. Think about it. If you put Kristina in jail, is that gonna change anything? Is it gonna make it so that you love Trey any better when he was alive? Is it gonna make it so that you didn't leave him to die when --

Connie: Shut up, Liv!

Olivia: Is it gonna solve anything? Is it gonna make the pain go away? Honey... putting Kristina in jail will ruin her life, and it'll make Sonny hate you for the rest of yours.

Connie: What am I supposed to do?

Olivia: Honor your son. Be a bigger person than the one that I'm seeing right now, okay? Please. Deal with your feelings for Sonny. Let that poor girl go.

Sonny: What're you talking about I've gone soft on Connie? I don't want to see Kate get hurt. That's all.

Shawn: I get it, I get it. But, um... she's not Kate. She's Connie. And I'm starting to see your feelings change. Do you have a thing for her or something, man? What's going on?

Alexis: Any word from Connie?

Shawn: We were just talking about her.

Sonny: No word yet.

Alexis: Well, let's pray for something good, because from the look of the way the paperwork's going, it's not going great for our daughter.

Johnny: I don't blame you for going after Connie. To be honest, I've dreamt of doing it myself many times.

Kristina: Yeah.

Johnny: You're a good kid, Kristina.

Kristina: I'm not. I wanted to kill Connie. I wanted her dead with all my heart. But you -- you never meant to kill Starr's family.

Michael: I'm gonna take off. Maybe I'll see you at the courthouse?

Starr: Yeah.

Michael: Johnny's sentencing is today, right?

Starr: [Breathes deeply] Yeah, um... I'm just gonna take a long shower, and then I'll be over.

Michael: I wish I could be there with you. I know it's not gonna be easy for a lot of reasons.

Starr: I hope Johnny gets life.

Michael: And I hope Kristina gets her life back.

Starr: Maybe we'll both get lucky. I'll look for you after?

Michael: Okay.

Starr: Okay.

Michael: Bye.

Starr: Bye. [Sighs]

[Knock on door]

Starr: Michael? Don't have your key with you? Dad?

Todd: Don't call the cops. Just need to talk to you one last time.

Lucy: I was right. Everybody was writing me off as being absolutely crazy, but everything I have predicted has come true! Alison is dead. And Rafe's in a cell, accused of murder. He's vulnerable to whatever Caleb has planned for him, which I have no idea. He's probably gonna come and... steal him away.

Heather: But if Caleb is Rafe's father, then he probably wouldn't do anything to hurt him. Rafe is in no danger.

Lucy: No -- no danger? His soul is in danger! I don't know what Caleb wants to do with him!

Heather: Right. Who knows? Caleb might want to turn him into a vampire or something.

Lucy: I don't care if you believe me or not, okay? Just shut up! Because this threat happens to be real. And now Rafe is in there, and he doesn't even know who his father is. He has absolutely no idea, and it would destroy him. He can't ever know. This is a disaster.

Heather: But you think McBain is really Caleb the vampire.

Lucy: Yes! Yes, he is! He is!

Heather: Well, then he's probably very busy doing vampirish things. You know, he's distracted. He's got a lot on his mind. Too busy to come and look for us. That's good.

Lucy: Nothing about this is good. I got to go to Rafe.

Heather: No, no, no! You're not going anywhere.

Sam: How could you think that Alison's son was telling the truth?

McBain: Think about it, Sam. Lucy was convinced that I'm this guy Caleb and so was Alison.

Sam: Yeah, they also think you're a vampire.

McBain: Forget about the whole vampire thing for now, all right? Alison tried to warn you this guy Caleb was dangerous. Now Rafe swears he saw me or someone that looks like me kill his mother.

Sam: Okay. So, what? You think there really is a Caleb?

McBain: It's beginning to look more and more like it.

Sam: Yeah? Okay. Well, what about the fingerprints?

[Cell phone rings]

Sam: I think I'll have a cup of coffee.

McBain: All right. McBain.

T.J.: Uh, Sam.

Sam: Hey.

T.J.: Where's Molly?

Sam: Oh, she went to the courthouse with Kristina and my mom. Why?

T.J.: No. Your mom said she was here, waiting for you.

Molly: Look, I'm really sorry for everything that's happened, but --

Rafe: Molly, I'm innocent.

[Door opens, closes]

Rafe: You believe me, right?

Officer: Hey! You're not supposed to be down here.

Molly: I'm sorry! I was just trying to find my sister, Kristina Davis.

Officer: She left for court. Stay away from this kid. He's bad news.

Rafe: Molly, I didn't -- Molly, I didn't kill my mom!

Olivia: Honey, what are you so afraid of? Is it your feelings for Sonny, or are you afraid of turning back into Kate? What?

Connie: Both. I guess.

Olivia: You can do this. I promise, you can be that brave, strong girl that I grew up with in Bensonhurst before that bastard Joe Jr. turned you into somebody else.

Connie: I don't know how.

Olivia: I'll tell you how. Don't throw Kristina to the wolves, okay? Be better than that. Be you. Be my fierce, courageous cousin. Okay?

Alexis: Honey, come on. They're ready.

Johnny: Good luck, kiddo.

Kristina: You too.

Johnny: Thanks.

Alexis: Let's go.

Johnny: [Sighs] Hey. Your sister just went in.

Michael: Thanks.

Johnny: Yeah. Hey, look, can I ask you something?

Johnny: I got nothing else to hide.

Michael: That information you gave me about Tracy and ELQ... did you give it to anybody else?

Johnny: Like who?

Michael: Like my dad.

Johnny: Do you honestly think I would give Sonny leverage, ever? Okay, I told you -- A.J.'s up on Sonny in the father department. I wouldn't help Sonny take anybody down.

Michael: Okay.

Kristina: I hate that I can't hug you back right now.

Starr: You really think you're gonna get away with not doing any time?

Todd: Starr, you know what being locked up does to me. I can't go back there.

Starr: And this is happening because of me. You would still be at Ferncliff if I hadn't shown up.

Todd: I'm not somebody who cares a whole lot -- okay, I'm not somebody who cares at all -- what people think about me.

Starr: [Scoffs]

Todd: But I don't get that, okay? I don't get to duck the charges and just go back to my life, not after what I've done to you.

Starr: Which I still don't understand why? Why didn't you just tell me what you knew about Cole and Hope?

Todd: Because Johnny would have told everybody about me switching the babies, and then I'd be in a jail cell.

Starr: So it was more important for you to protect yourself than to protect me.

Todd: I don't think you were in any real danger.

Starr: I was in danger! My heart was in danger -- my dignity, my self-respect!

Todd: Sorry.

Starr: So, what're you gonna do now?

Todd: Now I disappear.

Starr: Okay. You're just never gonna see any of us again.

Todd: Come on. You're the one who's always telling me you want me to get lost, so...

Starr: Yes, I've said that a million times, but it doesn't mean that I... that I mean it. You're my father, and I need you.

Todd: And I need you. When my mother locked me out for eight years, the only thing that kept me alive was a wish -- this hope that I would see you again -- you and your mom and Jack -- and, incredibly, that's happened. But, Starr, I made a mess. I don't -- I don't get any more wishes. This is goodbye.

Starr: So I'm never gonna see you again.

Todd: No, I wouldn't put it like that.

Starr: Well, you're the one that said it was goodbye.

Todd: Okay, I take it back. I take it -- I'll see you later. How about that? That better for you? I love you, Shorty.

Starr: [Crying] I love you, Dad.

Lucy: I'm going to get out of here now.

Heather: Oh, no, no, no! You are not calling the police. For one thing, you'd get caught before you even had a chance to see that kid. And you know what that means -- hello, Ferncliff.

Lucy: Oh, and why do you even care if I end up back in Ferncliff?

Heather: Well, I can't trust you to keep your mouth shut. You could inadvertently give me up, and I can't have that -- certainly not before I see my son.

Lucy: Your -- your son. You -- you love him. Love him a lot, right?

Heather: More than life itself.

Lucy: And -- and you would do absolutely anything at all to protect him, right?

Heather: Yes. Of course, I would.

Lucy: Heather, that's all I'm doing. That's all I'm trying to do is protect everybody, especially the people that I care about so much.

Heather: Even the ones that don't believe you. Like Doc. If it was up to him, you'd have a permanent place at Ferncliff.

Lucy: It's okay. He just doesn't understand that right now, but he will. One day, he will. In the meantime, it's my job. I have to keep everybody safe.

Heather: That's gonna be pretty hard to do from a padded cell. You and I have to work together, whether you like it or not.

Lucy: Okay. Okay. Okay. Then we just need to come up with a plan before Caleb is able to strike again.

McBain: We found the escape vehicle. It was abandoned on Vista Drive.

Sam: That's near the Quartermaines'.

McBain: Yeah, I know, and we already got people on the way over there.

Sam: No, no, no. I got to go there.

McBain: You're not going on your own, all right? Hey, Hurley, you escort Sam to the Quartermaine estate, all right? And do not let her or her son, Danny, out of your sight until you get an okay from me.

Hurley: Yes, sir.

McBain: Thank you.

Sam: Thank you.

McBain: Watch your back.

Sam: I will.

T.J.: Molly! Molly.

Molly: Hey.

T.J.: Where have you been? I've been looking for you. I -- I was, uh, waiting for Sam. Yeah, your mom told me, but Sam didn't know anything about that. Never saw you here. Where were you, really?

Michael: You nervous?

Kristina: A little. Okay, make that a lot.

Michael: Okay, look -- just do whatever your mom says. Okay, one thing I've learned -- never go against your attorney's advice.

Kristina: Yeah, my mom seems like she's got everything under control, but there is one thing I need to ask her.

Michael: Okay. Go ahead. I'll meet with you later, okay?

Kristina: Thanks for being here, Michael.

Michael: Yeah, sure thing.

Sonny: I'm glad you came by.

Michael: Well, she's my sister. Family's important to me.

Sonny: Well, I figured you knew that I'd be here, and you wanted to avoid me.

Michael: Because of ELQ? The company's in big trouble. We're still hemorrhaging money.

Sonny: I'm sorry to hear that, Michael.

Michael: Are you?

Sonny: I don't know how many times I got to say this -- I didn't leak that story, and I hope you realize someday that I'm telling the truth.

Alexis: Where's Molly?

Shawn: You want me to go look for her?

Alexis: No. T.J.'s on it.

Molly: I was, uh, around. Sam and I must've just missed each other.

T.J.: No way.

Molly: What?

T.J.: Did you go see that guy in the jail?

Molly: [Sighs]

McBain: You got a minute?

Lucy: I cannot even think straight.

Heather: Any plan we would come up with would be full of holes, anyway, so why don't we just get some rest, regroup... and try to figure out how we're gonna see who we're gonna see?

Lucy: Hmm. Without anybody seeing us, right? And this is gonna be very hard, isn't it? Now that everybody's probably read this, they are going to be on the lookout for us.

Heather: In my case, there is one person in particular.

Olivia: Hey.

Sonny: Hey.

Olivia: Hey. Am I interrupting something?

Sonny: Uh, what -- what's up?

Olivia: Well, I went to see Connie to see if maybe I could get her to back off. I don't know if it did any good.

Sonny: Look, the fact that you tried, I thank you for that.

Olivia: How's Kristina?

Sonny: She's --

Bailiff: All rise! Court is now in session, the honorable judge Colin Shepperd presiding. Be seated.

Judge Shepperd: Call the case.

Bailiff: Case number 03-1267 B -- State of New York vs. Kristina Adela Corinthos-Davis. Will council please note their appearance for the record?

Alexis: Alexis Davis for the defendant, your honor.

D.A.: Joseph Campbell for the state, your honor.

Judge Shepperd: Will the defendant please rise? Kristina Corinthos-Davis, you stand accused of trespassing, felony assault, assault with a deadly weapon, and the attempted murder of Constanza Louise Falconeri Zacchara. How do you plead?

Connie: She pleads not guilty, your honor!

Officer: Sentencing's about to start.

Johnny: Where's my lawyer?

Officer: Inside.

Starr: I was afraid I missed it.

Johnny: Just getting started. Please, just --

Starr: Johnny, look, I... you don't need to say anything. Please, whatever you say, is not going to bring Cole and Hope back. But when I see you get led off to prison, that will finally bring them justice, and that'll just have to be enough.

[Lock clicks]

Todd: Where the hell's all my stuff?

Lucy: I can't say too much about the decor of this place, but at least they had the good sense to keep some crosses around. Maybe that'll give me some sort of protection against Caleb if he shows up.

Heather: Oh, we could both use a nap. Why don't you take the bedroom where you found those clothes?

Lucy: You know, I think these must have been Emily's. I bet Nikolas didn't have the heart to give them away.

Heather: Lucky for you. They're a perfect fit, right down to the boots.

Lucy: We will find you something to wear that fits you. I just think you were right, though. Right now, we need to just rest, take a little nap. I'm gonna stretch out on this couch, and it'll be a lot better to keep an eye out in case Caleb shows up.

T.J.: You can tell me the truth. You went to see that Rafe guy, didn't you? Even though you barely know him, even though he stabbed his own mother.

Molly: Yes. I did.

Rafe: Stay away from me.

McBain: Look at me, kid.

Rafe: You killed my mother.

McBain: I said look at me! I didn't kill her.

Rafe: Okay, well, neither did I.

McBain: Okay. Let's put our heads together and figure out who did.

Lucy: I really could just close my eyes for a few minutes, and then -- [Breathes deeply] -- I'm gonna help Rafe destroy that bloodsucker.

Caleb: [Whispers] Shhh.

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