General Hospital Transcript Monday 2/4/13
Provided By Suzanne
Patrick: Elizabeth tried to warn me. Both you and Emma tried to warn me.
Sabrina: Well, Emma's got really good instincts about people.
Patrick: She was right about you. So, what's all this Britt accusing you of wanting me for yourself? I mean, that's -- that's crazy, right? I mean, everybody knows that's not true.
Britt: Unh! Unh!
Maxie: Dr. Westbourne, I'm, uh, here to get my blood drawn.
Lulu: Maybe we should come back another time.
Britt: Why? Now's perfect. There's something you should know about that baby, Lulu. Your friend Maxie here has been lying to you.
Lucy: Oh, Rafe, I sure hope you can hear me because -- I need you to be my angel now and watch over me. I need you to help me. [Chuckles] You need to help all of us, especially that -- poor innocent boy.
Todd: Let me guess. That poor innocent boy you're praying for is gonna be eaten by a vampire.
Sam: I went to Ferncliff, I saw Lucy Coe. She admitted that she knew Alison Barrington but she hasn't seen her in years, but she did say that she was in terrible danger.
McBain: And she was right.
Anna: You were found kneeling over the body, holding the murder weapon. That is going to look like very damning evidence to a jury. I think you know who killed your mother. You have to tell me what happened so that I can help you. You didn't do it, Rafe. Who did?
Rafe: Him.
Sam: Wait a minute. I'm -- I'm confused. What're you -- what're you talking about? What do you mean?
McBain: Alison Barrington is dead.
Sam: That's impossible. She was just right here. Are you sure? What happened?
McBain: She was murdered on Pier 52.
T.J.: Wow! What happened?
Officer: Some kid killed his mother.
T.J.: Seriously?
Molly: Do you know who he was?
Anna: I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. Are you saying that that man, detective John McBain -- killed your mother?
Rafe: Yes.
Anna: Why would you even say that?
Rafe: Because I saw him do it.
Patrick: I mean, Britt's completely out of line, right? I mean -- you can back me up on this here.
Sabrina: I-I, uh --
Elizabeth: Hey, guys.
Sabrina: Elizabeth, hi!
Elizabeth: Hi.
Sabrina: Hi.
Elizabeth: Hi.
Sabrina: Any luck on our check from Tracy Quartermaine?
Elizabeth: Unfortunately, no. ELQ's assets are frozen.
Patrick: Which means our plans for the Nurses' Ball are frozen?
Elizabeth: I was kind of hoping the three of us could strategize.
Sabrina: Now? It's not really a good time for pat -- for Dr. Drake.
Sabrina: Why? What happened?
Lulu: What is she talking about?
Britt: New year's -- Maxie slept with someone. He had a really strange name --
Maxie: Spinelli! But Lulu knows about that.
Britt: You do?
Lulu: I mean, it wasn't the best news in the world --
Maxie: But we discussed it, and there's no reason to dwell on it.
Britt: And what exactly did Maxie tell you?
Felicia: What do you think she's going to look like? I wonder if her face will fill out like mine did when I was pregnant.
Mac: Guess we'll find out.
Felicia: [Laughs] God.
Mac: What?
Felicia: I remember Frisco used to call me an overripe peach.
Mac: Oh, mm. Spare me the details, will you?
Felicia: Oh. Are you jealous?
Mac: I'm not jealous. I just don't need to hear the pet names used to call you -- unoriginal ones, at that.
Felicia: Well, you had nothing to worry about. 'Cause you're the only man in my life.
Mac: I know.
Felicia: So should we kiss and make that official?
Mac: That's a really good idea. I'd like that.
Felicia: I'm coming in. Official.
Kevin: Would you get a room already?
Felicia: Oh! Hey!
Mac: Kevin Collins?!
Felicia: Oh, my God. How long has it been?
Kevin: Let's not count.
Mac: Wow! It's great to see you.
Kevin: Great to see you.
Felicia: So, I have to say, I'm surprised. Alexis said she tried to reach you but you wouldn't return her calls.
Kevin: I was weighing my options. I wasn't sure involving myself in Lucy's situation was the best idea -- for either one of us.
Felicia: Well, you obviously changed your mind. You want to help Lucy, and that's a good thing, because she really needs you now.
Lucy: Okay, I realize you're making fun of me. That's just fine. You don't believe that there's a real threat from a very real vampire. But we have something in common.
Todd: Right. Besides wanting to impale John McBain?
Lucy: Yeah. We both want to get out of Ferncliff. Hey, you know, it's not really any of my business, but how'd that evaluation of yours go?
Todd: Terrible. They think I'm sane.
Lucy: Oh, my God. That's awful.
Todd: I know, right? I couldn't do anything, not with my daughter boring into me with her honest eyes. It was going right into my conscience, if I had a conscience. If I had a conscience -- pkew!
Lucy: Right. Well, obviously, then you couldn't use that D.I.D. Thing, that course of action you were thinking of.
Todd: No, not with little miss whistle-blower at the ready.
Lucy: Starr, right? Starr. What is her deal? She is so obsessed with not allowing to escape prison by acting crazy.
Todd: I don't know. Believe me, all this integrity and fixated on doing the right thing and telling the truth -- she didn't get it from. She certainly didn't get it from her mother.
Lucy: Okay. Then, uh -- tell me this. What do you think's gonna happen?
Todd: Well, I go back to PCPD and have the joy of awaiting trial.
Lucy: Oh. Well, hey -- buck up. Maybe you can beat those charges.
Todd: Come on. My lawyer's good. She's not a miracle-worker. No. Without this insanity defense, I'm screwed.
Lucy: All right, well, that makes two of us. We're both screwed, because every minute I am stuck in this place is every minute Caleb is out there doing God knows what to the poor people of this town.
Todd: Right.
Molly: You said it was a kid. Did he tell you his name?
Officer: Never said a word.
Molly: What happened to him?
Officer: They took him to the station.
Molly: Okay. Do you know why the officers running the investigation believe he killed his mom?
Officer: Found him by the victim, murder weapon in his hand.
T.J.: What kind of kid offs his own mom? Hey. You okay?
Molly: Yeah, I just --
T.J.: It's kind of cold out here. We should get home, get the baby out of the cold.
Molly: Well, I mean, yeah, it's a horrible story, but -- that guy I was telling you about, Rafe?
T.J.: Mm-hmm.
Molly: This is where I met him, and he was coming back here after lunch to meet his mom.
T.J.: You mean the guy you felt sorry for so you bought him chili? The guy who gave you the flower? He killed his mom?
McBain: I found Alison's son kneeling over her with the murder weapon in his hand.
Sam: Oh, my God. Rafe.
McBain: Yeah. How did you know his name?
Sam: Lucy said that Alison had a son named Rafe.
McBain: Guess he must have been named after his father.
McBain: No, Lucy also said that Alison's husband was not Rafe's biological father.
McBain: So who was?
Sam: You.
Anna: Look, Rafe, I understand. Really, I do. This has got to be an unimaginable situation for you. You have to be terrified. But pinning a murder on a law-enforcement officer --
Rafe: I am not pinning this on anyone. He did it.
Anna: Maybe things got out of hand between you and your mother. You didn't mean to do what you did.
Rafe: No, I would never hurt her. I love her. Loved her.
Anna: I'm trying to help you, Rafe.
Rafe: Well, then help me. Arrest him.
Anna: You were found at the crime scene, holding the murder weapon. It was covered in blood. How do you explain that to me?
McBain: When Lucy says that I'm Rafe's father, I think what she means is --
Sam: I think what she means is you're Caleb.
Lucy: You are not taking this seriously at all. None of us are safe! None of us! We are not safe! Nobody is safe!
Todd: Look, I'm not a vampire, okay? So just take it easy.
Lucy: Okay, sorry. It's just that a lot of people are in very serious danger.
Heather: What'd I miss?
Sabrina: Don't worry about the money for the Nurses' Ball. We will find it somehow.
Elizabeth: You really think so?
Sabrina: I do. Where there's a will, there's a way.
Patrick: And when there's no way, there's Sabrina Santiago.
Elizabeth: [Chuckles]
Sabrina: Well, I don't know about that.
Elizabeth: He's right. I don't see you giving up without a fight. And for the record, I'm right there with you.
[Pager beeping]
Patrick: Me too. I'm gonna have to take this. Elizabeth, thank you so much for trying.
Elizabeth: Yeah, of course.
Patrick: And, Sabrina, we will figure this out, okay? Dr. Drake. Yes.
Sabrina: What?
Elizabeth: What do you mean "what?" I obviously interrupted something. Are you gonna tell me?
Sabrina: They broke up.
Elizabeth: Patrick and Britt?
Sabrina: He totally dumped her!
Elizabeth: Hallelujah!
[Both laugh]
Lulu: Maxie told me everything.
Britt: Really?
Lulu: That she slept with Spinelli against your instructions, and I was really upset at first because it was so soon after implementation, I was afraid it could have affected the baby.
Britt: I had my concerns, as well.
Maxie: Which we discussed. And that's what you and Dante overheard us talking about.
Lulu: Can I be honest?
Britt: Yes, please. I mean, isn't that why we're here?
Lulu: You know, I was pretty upset with her, no doubt, but I'm actually still very upset with you, Dr. Westbourne.
Todd: No, no. Oh, no! Never again. Never again! Never again!
Lucy: Obviously, she's a good friend of yours.
Todd: If you mean somebody that nuked my life, yeah! She's, like, my best friend.
Heather: Now, now, Todd, "nuked" is an awfully strong word.
Todd: Okay, demolished, obliterated, choked till its last gasping breath. You take your pick.
Heather: Hey, I didn't force you to switch those babies. I merely made a suggestion.
Todd: A suggestion. Are you listening to this?
Todd: C-can I ask you something? Why are you here? And by "here," I mean, why are you here among the lowlife, perfectly normal disturbed people? Shouldn't you be somewhere, locked up in a straightjacket with the stupendously unstable people? Go! Please! Just go get your electric shock on!
Heather: Good to see you, too, Todd.
Todd: Don't call me that. I don't like the way she says my name.
Heather: Don't you think it's fitting now that we're both here? I mean, after all we've been through -- destiny.
Todd: No. It's hell. I've died and gone to hell. Welcome to hell.
Kevin: I went to visit Lucy in Ferncliff today.
Felicia: How'd it go?
Kevin: Bad as I expected.
Kevin: She just won't loosen her grip on this vampire fixation.
Mac: How long have you been dealing with this?
Kevin: Seems like ages. I mean, that's the reason we separated in the first place. You know, Lucy's always had a bent for the supernatural.
Mac: [Chuckles] Madam Maya, anyone?
Kevin: Yeah, I thought it was a harmless eccentricity, but then she became obsessed with this idea that she's a slayer. When we separated, that seemed to recede for a while. She focused on her cosmetics company, and if she ever mentioned Caleb the vampire king, it was because he was vanished, and she was afraid he'd make a return.
Mac: Do you think the collapse of her company triggered the relapse?
Kevin: It's possible. That and coming back here, bringing up all those old memories, emotions -- when she saw detective McBain, she projected all of her fears onto him. She transformed him into a physical, tangible manifestation of all of her psychological demons.
Mac: Did you try explaining that to Lucy?
Kevin: I told her I loved her. And I begged her to believe the vampires aren't real.
Mac: And, uh -- she didn't back down, huh?
Kevin: She's convinced that all these fantasies are real.
Felicia: Well, maybe they are.
Sam: According to Lucy, Caleb had seduced Alison, got Alison pregnant, she had Rafe, and when Rafe sr. Found out, he was a little bit concerned.
McBain: Understandable.
Sam: No, not out of a jealousy sort of way. He thought that Caleb was this vampire, as well, and he posed a threat to Alison and her child, so -- he wanted to go after him.
McBain: Okay, I'm guessing that didn't end well.
Sam: Well, it's the last that anyone has ever heard or seen from Alison's husband.
McBain: Right. Now we got to figure out what happened today -- if Rafe killed his mother and why.
Anna: Rafe, you were holding the murder weapon. It had blood all over it.
Rafe: I was holding it because I pulled it out. Don't you understand? I was trying to help her.
Anna: All right.
Rafe: After your officer stabbed her.
Anna: Okay. Can I get you some water or something? I want to calm down. I want to -- let's go back to the beginning. Take a seat. So, you live here in Port Charles?
Rafe: No.
Anna: Where were you from?
Rafe: We're from all over the place. My mom and I came here to find someone named Lucy Coe.
Anna: Lucy? Why?
Rafe: My mom said she could help us, that she was the only one.
Anna: Help you with what? With money or something?
Rafe: I don't know. I -- I'm not sure. My mom had all these strange ideas, and she believed Lucy was the only answer. So she went to find her and told me to stay at the pier. That's when she gave me that thing.
Anna: The weapon?
Rafe: For protection.
Anna: Protection against what, Rafe? All right. So you stay at the pier.
Rafe: No. I left.
Anna: Even though your mother asked you to stay?
Rafe: I met this girl.
T.J.: Maybe we should go to the police station and talk to the cops.
Molly: But I don't know anything.
T.J.: I think you might know more than you think. And it's not cool to keep quiet about something so huge, Molly.
Molly: Okay. Yeah, you're right. I should come forward with any information I have.
T.J.: Come on.
Rafe: Molly offered to buy me lunch, okay? She felt bad for me or something. I don't know. Anyway, when we were done, I left the diner, went to the pier -- and that's when I saw it.
Anna: What did you see?
Alison: No!
Alison: No! Get off! Get off me!
Rafe: Mom!
Alison: No, Rafe! No, please stay back there! Don't! No! Aah!
Alison: Oh!
Rafe: He killed her. He killed my mother.
Elizabeth: Did Patrick actually witness Britt being Britt?
Sabrina: She was laying into me about making her look bad, right?
Elizabeth: As if she needs you for that.
Sabrina: Yeah, well, she said something like, "I'm gonna tell you what I told that little brat Emma. I'm gonna be in Patrick's life, and there's nothing you can do about it" -- you know, something like that.
Elizabeth: And he heard everything? So there was no way she could get out of it?
Sabrina: Mnh-mnH. He said that they were over and that he couldn't be with someone who didn't care for his child.
Elizabeth: Oh, I am so glad that woman is out of their lives.
Sabrina: But she did not go down quietly.
Elizabeth: What do you mean?
Sabrina: Westbourne told Patrick that I want him for myself.
Lulu: I understand that Maxie is your patient, so anything that she tells you is confidential. I really get that. But I am your patient, too. And most importantly, so is my baby. So if something were to happen that could even remotely affect our child, Dante and I have a right to know.
Britt: I completely agree.
Mac: Felicia, vampires with fangs who combust when you put a stake in their heart? Come on.
Felicia: I know that the premise is outrageous, but Lucy believes it to be real. Mac, you saw her at the arraignment when detective McBain walked in.
Kevin: I realize it's not detective McBain's fault that Lucy projected her delusions onto him, but why would he think it was a good idea to show up at her arraignment?
Mac: Well, he was there for another case. I mean, I don't even think he knew Lucy was in the courtroom. But when Lucy saw him, she went berserk. It's the only way to describe it. Attacked him in front of a room full of witnesses.
Felicia: She was terrified. I could see it. I could feel it. I just don't understand how something so real could be all in her head.
Heather: Where do you think you're going?
Todd: Oh, I'm going to prison -- that's where I'm going -- thanks to you. And I got to say, honestly, it's starting to be really appealing to me, given the alternative.
Lucy: You really, really don't like her.
Todd: Yeah, I really, really don't like her.
Heather: Todd's just overreacting. We used to be a great team.
Todd: No, we were not ever anything, and we never will be. I don't want anything to do with you.
Heather: Suit yourself. But don't go crying when you missed out.
Todd: On what?
Heather: My plan.
Todd: Right. 'Cause your plans have worked out so well in the past.
Heather: You want to hear about it. I know you do.
Todd: No, I don't.
Heather: Yes, you do.
Todd: No, I don't. I don't. I don't. Not now, not ever. Ever.
Heather: Okay, then. I guess it's just you and me.
Lucy: Uh, no. No. You know, actually, you can count me out on that, too. I don't think I ever want to be ever, ever involved with you, either, especially after what you did to Edward.
Heather: But I loved Edward.
Lucy: You loved his money. You married him for his money.
Heather: Oh, will you get over it? Come on. He and Lila are reunited in the next world, and we should start focusing on this one -- you know, the one that's in imminent danger from those vampires.
Lucy: Oh, okay, fine. I'll bite. What does your plan have to do with that?
Heather: Well, you said you want to stop the evil forces? I can help you do that.
Lucy: From in here.
Heather: No. From out there.
Sam: What're you guys doing here? Hi! I thought you would be in bed by now.
Molly: Um, we got a little sidetracked. We heard a woman was killed on the pier. The police said her son did it.
Sam: Well, that's the theory. Why?
Molly: I think I know him.
Sam: How?
Molly: Is his name Rafe?
McBain: Yes. His name is Rafe.
Molly: Can't believe this is happening.
McBain: Yeah.
Here you go.
McBain: Thank you.
Molly: Oh, my God.
McBain: What? You've seen this before?
Molly: Rafe had it.
Anna: So, this man that you say is detective McBain, he struggled with your mother, and he grabs the weapon, and stabs her.
Rafe: Yes.
Anna: What happened next?
Rafe: She went down. She was really hurt. Blood was everywhere, and -- I didn't know what to do, and the thing was still in her, so I -- pulled it out.
Anna: And the man, the murderer? I don't know. I was too focused on my mom. Mom! Hold on. Just hold on, okay? I'm&-- I'm gonna get you help.
Alison: No, it's too late, Rafe.
Rafe: No, mom! Mom, you can't die!
Alison: You got to save yourself, okay, Rafe? I love you so much.
Rafe: I love you, too. Just&-- somebody help me! No! No!
Alison: [&Gasps&]
Anna: Then what?
Rafe: I just sat there, numb. When I finally looked up, I saw the man who stabbed her. Only then, he was -- he was holding a gun.
McBain: Police -- put the weapon down. Step away from the body.
Anna: Why didn't you defend yourself, Rafe?
Rafe: My mom was dead. I was looking at the man who stabbed her. I was scared. Look, I swear to God, that's exactly what happened. Say you believe me.
Britt: All my patients deserve full disclosure. You and Dante are no exception.
Lulu: Thank you.
Britt: I apologize, Lulu, if you felt like you were out of the loop.
Lulu: I realize that surrogacy isn't the most typical thing.
Britt: Well, it won't happen again.
Lulu: That's all I needed to hear.
Britt: And so we are all on the same page. The fetus Maxie is carrying appears to be 100% healthy.
Lulu: That is all I needed to hear. Yay!
Maxie: Yay!
[Cell phone beeps]
Lulu: There's a crisis at the Haunted Star. I wanted to be here for your appointment but --
Maxie: Go, it's okay. I'll be fine. Just go.
Lulu: You'll let me know how the exam goes?
Britt: Absolutely.
Lulu: Okay. I'll call you.
Maxie: Okay.
Lulu: Thanks.
Maxie: So much for doctor-patient confidentiality.
Britt: Okay, I didn't say anything, did I?
Maxie: Yeah, but you almost did. Why would you tell Lulu that I'm not carrying her baby?
Britt: 'Cause it's her fault.
Maxie: Whose?
Britt: The simpering little bitch of a nurse, Sabrina.
Maxie: Santiago? Emma's babysitter?
Britt: Yes. She turned Patrick against me, and now I've lost him.
Elizabeth: How excited are you?
Sabrina: About what?
Elizabeth: Patrick being done with Britt.
Sabrina: Um, hello? Did you not just hear the part about Britt outing me?
Elizabeth: [Scoffs]
Sabrina: Thank God Patrick thought she was lying.
Elizabeth: Why?
Sabrina: I don't know. Because she lied about everything else.
Elizabeth: No, why the "thank God" part? What's so bad about Patrick knowing how you feel?
Sabrina: Aside from complete and utter embarrassment?
Elizabeth: Okay, nothing -- no one is standing in your way. I say you go for it.
Sabrina: Ah! No. It's impossible. He's not interested.
Elizabeth: Only one way to find out. Come on. You were strong enough to stand up to Britt, right? And she is way worse than he could ever be.
Sabrina: True.
Elizabeth: Come on, Sabrina! You can do this. Just say the words and see what happens.
Maxie: So, you were about to implode not only my life, but Lulu's over a guy. I am really sorry Patrick dumped you, but there is no reason that you need to take it out on us.
Britt: It's gonna come out, Maxie. Secrets always do. You might as well get it over with now and tell Lulu.
Maxie: I can't.
Britt: Well, then I guess it's on me.
Maxie: You can't tell, Dr. Westbourne. I'm your patient, remember?
Britt: You just heard what we talked about in here. Lulu and Dante are my patients, too. I owe it to them to be honest.
Maxie: No, no, no! No, no, no, no! Okay. I will do whatever you want. Just please keep quiet about this.
Lucy: Yeah, right. You really have a plan to get all of us out of here.
Heather: Yes, I do.
Lucy: Okay. Why would you risk it? I mean, I have to get out of here because lives depend on it. But you? Aren't you better off being here in Ferncliff than in prison?
Heather: Let's just say I have a little unfinished business.
Todd: [Scoffs] Hair ball. Hair.
Lucy: Hey. Whoa. Hey. Focus, focus. Hey, you, here -- with me. Okay. What is your plan?
Todd: Missing piece.
Heather: I got an idea. Why don't we go back to my room?
Heather: You see, the details of my plan are to be disseminated on a need-to-know basis, and some people don't need to know.
Todd: [Mocking] "Some people don't need to know."
Heather: Let's go. I'll show you my latest macramé project!
Lucy: [Chuckles] Yay.
Todd: [Giggles mockingly] Have fun macraméing.
Lucy: Oh, shut up. You probably think I'm making a big, fat mistake.
Todd: Yeah, I think you're making a big, fat mistake.
Lucy: Well, I can't help it. I have no choice. I am the only one that can kill the vampire.
Todd: Well, you better stock up on garlic and wooden stakes, then.
Lucy: Thank you for that tip. Look, I just wanted to say something that I am sorry you might go to prison because I get the feeling that maybe that whole baby-switching thing -- well, just maybe your intentions were actually good.
Todd: Wait.
Heather: Yes, Todd?
Todd: [Sighs] I'm in.
Kevin: I don't doubt that you saw real terror from Lucy. I mean, she really believes that vampires and angels are real.
Mac: Angels?
Kevin: Oh, did I neglect to mention her cousin, Rafe Kovich? He was an angel sent from heaven to battle the forces of darkness on earth. He disappeared years ago. I don't know. Maybe he flew back to heaven.
Felicia: I'm sorry, Kevin. I can see how much this is hurting you.
Kevin: I'm not an easy person, and neither is Lucy, but we complemented each other.
Felicia: Yeah.
Kevin: She was intuitive. I was intellectual. She would operate on instinct, and I would overanalyze. But all the give-and-take, the mutual compromise, it made us better. We were greater than the sum of our flaws. And let's be honest -- I'm the one with the questionable mental history. At least until this vampire delusion took hold.
Felicia: Even if Lucy is delusional -- no, scratch that. Especially if she is, don't you think you need to be there by her side, now more than ever?
Kevin: You've been talking to Alexis.
Mac: She say the same thing?
Kevin: It's what convinced me to go out to Ferncliff -- that and the fact that Lucy is still my wife -- and I love her.
Mac: Then why are you giving up on her so easily?
Molly: I was just feeding the ducks with Danny, and I -- I ran into Rafe at the pier. We started talking. He asked if he could have my stale bread.
Sam: What? To eat?
Molly: Yeah, he was hungry, so I decided to buy him some food at Kelly's.
McBain: Did he mention his mother at any time?
Molly: Said they'd traveled a lot.
McBain: Traveled a lot. Did -- did he say anything that would suggest that he wanted to hurt her?
Molly: No. Not really.
T.J.: You have to tell them everything, Molly.
McBain: Anything Rafe said about his mother would help us.
Molly: He did say one thing.
McBain: What's that?
Molly: Well -- Rafe said that sometimes he wishes he could be free of his mom.
Rafe: I did not kill my mother. Why would I do that?
Anna: That's what we're trying to figure out.
Rafe: You want answers? Ask him. Tell her what you did.
McBain: What now?
Anna: Rafe thinks that you killed his mother.
McBain: Hey, kid, I don't know what you think you saw out there --
Rafe: Just admit it, you bastard!
McBain: Admit what?
Rafe: My mom was right the whole time. She said someone was after us. And it was you! It was you!
Anna: Hey! Hey! Stop!
Molly: I know how it sounds, but I really don't think Rafe meant he wanted to hurt his mom.
T.J.: Come on. They --
Molly: No, he's just tired of being dragged around all the time.
T.J.: They found the guy with the murder weapon, Molly.
Molly: But that's not proof of anything. Maybe he was in shock and picked it up without thinking, or maybe he was even trying to help her.
T.J.: Why are you so bent on defending him?
Molly: Why are you attacking him?
Sam: Look, I think what T.J.'S trying to say is that we don't know anything about Rafe.
T.J.: Yeah. I mean, it's kind of tough, considering you just met him 2 seconds ago.
Molly: You're right. I don't know that he's innocent. But you also don't know that he's guilty. We don't know what happened on that pier. We haven't heard the whole story.
Rafe: Molly. Molly, I didn't do it.
Anna: I'm taking him to booking.
McBain: Want me to go with you?
Anna: No, no, you stay here. Where's Caruso?
Rafe: I swear I didn't do it, Molly.
Anna: Come on.
Felicia: This is Lucy we're talking about.
Kevin: I'm aware.
Felicia: Your Lucy. The two of you belong together.
Kevin: I used to believe that, Felicia. I did. But -- things change.
Felicia: Well, yeah, of course they change. Life throws us all kinds of curve balls. But, you know, love is love. And it defies all odds. It perseveres through anything.
Kevin: Well, that's how it's worked out for you and Mac, and I commend you both for it.
Felicia: Mac and I have been apart a lot, and that's my fault. But I know -- well, I've always known that, deep down, if I really needed him and I got into trouble, he would be there for me.
Mac: I would. I would. Just like I know Felicia would show up for me.
Kevin: And I'm happy for both of you. But this situation is a little different, don't you think? You don't have a vampire between you.
Mac: We had Frisco. Does that count?
Felicia: [Chuckles] The point is, is that we got past it. I put Frisco behind me. And Lucy can put her vampire behind her. You just have to stick by her.
Heather: But I thought you wanted nothing to do with me ever again.
Todd: I don't even like breathing because I know that sometimes, maybe, you breath.
Heather: Stop with the sweet talk. I can't take it.
Todd: But I'm not going back to prison. So -- count me in on your little plan to get out of here.
Lucy: Wait a minute. Didn't you just mention that all her plans are doomed?
Todd: No, I didn't -- I --
Lucy: No, you did. You strongly implied it. You strongly implied it.
Todd: No, what I said was she's a complete lunatic, but she's managed to break out of this snake pit twice.
Heather: That you know of.
Todd: So what's the word?
Heather: Okay. You can come. Just remember that I'm the boss of this operation. Got it?
Lucy: Okay. I got it.
Todd: All right.
Heather: I'm sorry. What did you say?
Todd: I said "unh huh huh unh."
Heather: All right, listen up. I've made it my business to befriend the most influential people in the staff at this place. I'm talking about the attendants, the nurses, the cooks, the janitors.
Todd: Janitors are influential.
Heather: I've convinced them that they are overworked and they are underpaid. And they believe me. And I've told them that their only hope is to stand together as a united force, so that's what they're gonna do. I've started a revolution. You know, like those restaurant people in the fast-food place in New York?
Todd: Okay, Che Guevara, where does this action take us? What does it get us?
Heather: There's gonna be a massive walkout tonight.
Lucy: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Right here, with all this staff?
Heather: Yeah. They're gonna walk out, and we're gonna walk out right behind them.
Sabrina: No, I can't.
Elizabeth: Why not?
Sabrina: Because what am I supposed to do? Just walk right up to him and say, "hey, excuse me, Patrick. I'm sorry for interrupting your phone call, but I just wanted to let you know that I have been madly in love with you from the first moment I laid eyes on you"?
Elizabeth: Eh, you might want to dial that down just a notch, but that's the general idea. Come on. All you have to say is, "Dr. Westbourne was right. I do have feelings for you."
Sabrina: Just like that.
Elizabeth: Just like that.
Sabrina: And then?
Elizabeth: And then see what he says.
Sabrina: No! This is crazy.
Elizabeth: [Sighs]
Sabrina: Look, just because Patrick and Dr. Westbourne are over doesn't mean that he's gonna magically want me.
Elizabeth: Maybe not. But you'll never know unless you put yourself out there.
Maxie: I can help you get Patrick back.
Britt: How?
Maxie: I haven't gotten that far yet, but we're close. I was married to his brother, and -- Robin was family.
Britt: No. Forget it. My dreams of riding off into the sunset are trashed, thanks to --
Maxie: Oh, God. I think you're getting an idea, and that makes me kind of scared.
Britt: Yeah, on second thought, maybe there is something you can do for me.
Maxie: No! No, no, no! Wait, wait, wait! Why did you run out like that?
Britt: Well, when you didn't respond, I assumed you changed your mind. You know, it's probably for the best. I can call Lulu, and I will make a full disclosure. I'll explain that you're having Spinelli's baby and not hers.
Maxie: No, no! Okay. Whatever you want, I'll do it. I'm in.
Britt: Glad to hear it.
Maxie: So, what are we talking about here? You want a makeover?
Britt: [Chuckles]
Maxie: Not that you need one. Um -- some personal shopping, I'm hoping?
Britt: You're gonna help me destroy Sabrina Santiago.
Sabrina: It's just that I -- I'm not the type of person to just -- I can't tell Patrick about my feelings for him, okay?
Elizabeth: Where is Felix when you need him?
Sabrina: Why?
Elizabeth: I don't know. 'Cause he's really good at pep talk.
Sabrina: No. Thank God Felix is not here, because if Felix were here, he would march right up and tell Patrick about it himself.
Elizabeth: Yes. And maybe that's exactly what needs to happen.
Sabrina: No, no! Elizabeth, please, please, please.
Elizabeth: I'm kidding, I'm kidding, I'm kidding. But, seriously, you need to talk to Patrick, and the sooner, the better.
Patrick: Sorry about that.
Sabrina: No problem.
Patrick: All right, well, I'm gonna assume that you filled Elizabeth in.
Elizabeth: Sabrina wasn't gossiping. I just noticed it was a little tense.
Patrick: Tomorrow afternoon, everybody's gonna know that Britt and I broke up.
Elizabeth: Yeah. Sorry about that.
Patrick: No, don't say sorry, because you're not. In fact, this is probably the time where you say that you told me so.
Elizabeth: Actually, Sabrina has something to tell you.
[Muffled shouting]
Heather: Follow my lead .
Mac: So, what do you think Kevin's gonna do about Lucy?
Felicia: I don't know. Obviously, he loves her so much.
Mac: Well, hopefully that'll be enough.
Felicia: Well, it was for us.
Mac: [Chuckles]
Felicia: Are we lucky or what?
Mac: Finally, after all this time. Nothing to get in our way.
Felicia: Mnh-mnh.
Mac: I got to go in the stock room. It's gonna take a while. It's a mess.
Felicia: Okay.
[Door opens, closes]
Felicia: Oh, I'm sorry. We're closed -- Frisco?
Frisco: [Sighs]
[Indistinct shouting]
Heather: It's now or never. Let's go. Are we ready?
Todd: No, no! Stop, stop! Wait a second! Can I just be the voice of reason here? And bear with me, 'cause this is kind of new territory, but this is a labor action, right? There's bound to be a lot of cops out there, maybe even your pal John McBain.
Lucy: That's good! Then all the more reason to go!
Todd: See? This is what I mean. Someone could see us. We need to be careful.
Lucy: Well, then let's be careful.
Todd: Oh, great, that's an awesome idea. I didn't think of that. Thanks.
Heather: Enough with the blah-blah-blah. Let's go!
Lucy: [Gasps]
Sam: This doesn't make any sense.
McBain: That kid says he saw me kill his mother.
Sam: Okay. I -- I get it. He's scared, maybe even guilty. He would say anything to protect himself. I mean, come on. That is one hell of a lie.
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