General Hospital Transcript Friday 2/1/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele
McBain: Police. Put the weapon down. Step away from the body.
Molly: So, are you into Tennessee Williams?
Rafe: I found a copy of "Streetcar" on the bus last year, picked it up, and I couldn't put it down.
Molly: I know that feeling.
T.J.: Hey. What's going on?
Molly: T.J.
T.J.: You were expecting someone else?
Michael: Hey.
Starr: What are you doing here? You're playing hooky from ELQ on your first day?
Michael: Yeah. And, uh, my last.
Starr: What do you mean?
Michael: You didn't hear? There, uh -- there is no ELQ anymore.
Elizabeth: A.J., what's going on?
A.J.: [Gasping]
Elizabeth: What?
A.J.: [Gasping] I think -- I'm having a heart attack.
Elizabeth: Okay. It's okay. It's okay. I'm here. You're gonna be fine.
Britt: Listen to me, you pathetic little interloper. I'm gonna tell you what I told Emma yesterday. I am not going anywhere. Patrick and I are gonna be together, and there is nothing that you or his spoiled brat of a daughter can do about it. Patrick. I didn't -- um, how long have you been standing here?
Patrick: Long enough.
Lulu: I told Dante he didn't have to join us since the doctors are just checking your levels.
Maxie: Well, why don't you just skip the appointment, too? You have better things to do than sit around a doctor's waiting room reading old issues of parenting magazines.
Lulu: We have been over this. You're carrying my baby. I'm gonna be involved every step of the way.
Spinelli: Okay.
Maxie: Ellie, I'm happy that you're home and that you're gonna be okay.
Ellie: Are you really?
Lucy: Livvie, what are you doing here? You just missed your father.
Sam: No, Lu. I need to ask you a question. What do you know about a woman named Alison Barrington?
Lucy: Why? Has something happened to Alison?
McBain: Drop the weapon, kid. Do it. Okay. On your feet. Nice and easy. Take two steps back. She's dead.
Maxie: Of course, I'm happy that you're going to be all right. I'm sorry I didn't come to visit. Things were kind of crazy.
Spinelli: Oh, no doubt you're tired, this being your first time out of the hospital in nearly a month, so why don't I see you to your room so you can get some --
Ellie: Thank you, Damian. But I need to speak with Maxie first.
Maxie: Actually, I was just on my way out the door to a doctor's --
Ellie: Actually, this won't take long.
Maxie: [Chuckling] If this is about me commandeering all the space in the hall linen closet, as it turns out, we weren't using a cupboard in the kitchen --
Ellie: This isn't about the linen closet. It's about you sleeping with my boyfriend.
Maxie: [Scoffs]
Britt: I-I don't know what you -- you think you overheard, but I'm sure --
Patrick: You think my daughter's a spoiled brat. You warned Sabrina and Emma that you're gonna be with me and there's nothing they could do about it. Is that about right?
Britt: Well, Sabrina and I were in the middle of, um, a private conversation, and -- and, all right, I was being a little defensive, but I'm sure you misunderstood what I was --
Patrick: No. Actually, I think you were very clear.
Sabrina: Excuse me. I'm just gonna move this to --
Patrick: Sabrina, don't go. I want you to hear this.
Lucy: Why are you asking about Alison? Has something happened to her? Did Caleb find her? I've got to go warn her!
Sam: No, no, no, no. Wait. No. Come here. No. Nothing -- nothing happened to her.
Lucy: Why are you here? Why are you asking about her? Did you hear -- did you hear from her? Do you know where she is?
Sam: I don't know where she is at the moment.
Lucy: Did you actually see her?
Sam: Yes. Yes, yes, yes. I saw her. I saw her at the police station.
Lucy: What was she doing at the police station?
Sam: Actually, I don't know. As soon as she saw John McBain, she flipped out and ran.
Lucy: As she should. She actually really knows who John McBain is.
McBain: It's McBain. Yeah, I'm at Pier 52. I need CSU, and I need paramedics. We got a probable homicide -- and a suspect.
Molly: Who else would I be expecting?
T.J.: Relax. I was just kidding. What has you so jumpy?
Molly: I'm not.
T.J.: Okay. If you say so.
Molly: I was just concentrating on what I was reading.
T.J.: "A streetcar Named Desire." Wait, didn't you read that last summer?
Molly: I often re-read things. It doesn't mean anything.
T.J.: And the flower? What does that mean?
Molly: This? Someone gave it to me.
T.J.: Someone? Like some guy or something? [Chuckles]
Molly: As a matter of fact, yes.
T.J.: So, some guy gave you a flower that he stole from the restaurant?
Molly: Yeah. So what?
T.J.: Who is he?
Starr: Why would Connie want to take down ELQ?
Michael: I don't know. Why does Connie do a lot of things that she does?
Starr: I'm so sorry. I know how much this meant to you.
Michael: I just wanted this for A.J., you know? It was more than just a company to him. It was a chance for him to finally prove himself.
Starr: How's he doing?
Michael: He says that he's doing okay, but I know that he's hurting. I just -- [Sighs] I'm really worried about him.
Elizabeth: When did the pain start?
A.J.: [Strained] Um -- it just -- it just started all of a sudden. It's -- it's getting worse. It feels like my whole body is tingling.
Elizabeth: Is the pain crushing?
A.J.: No. It's, um -- it's like it's stabbing right here.
Elizabeth: Is the pain moving around inside your chest, running down your arms?
A.J.: No. No, it's like it's coming and going. What's happening to me? My God, my head feels like it's in a vise. Elizabeth, what's happening? Am I gonna die?
Michael: It's just A.J. was so proud of himself for outmaneuvering Tracy and taking over as C.E.O. I mean, he had all these plans, and now, if ELQ goes under, I don't know how he's gonna handle it.
Starr: Is there anything you can do to help?
Michael: He has a team of lawyers working on it, but my dad's pretty thorough.
Starr: You mean Sonny? Why does he have anything to do with it?
Michael: My dad gave Connie the story to publish.
Starr: Why would he do that?
Michael: Because when he couldn't stop me from working at ELQ, he decided to go after the company and try to take it down to keep me away from A.J. and now ELQ is paying the price, and so is A.J.
A.J.: Please. I don't want to die.
Elizabeth: Stay calm, okay? You just need to focus on your breathing.
A.J.: I can't. You know, I'm finally starting to have a relationship with my son.
Elizabeth: You really need to stop talking.
A.J.: I can't leave him anytime --
Elizabeth: A.J., listen to me. You are not gonna die, okay? But I really need you to breathe through your nose.
A.J.: I can't. I can't.
Elizabeth: Yes, you can. In through your nose, out through your mouth. There you go. Slowly. Come on. A couple more breaths. There you go. Nice and easy. How's the pain?
A.J.: It's -- it's starting to ease off now.
Elizabeth: See? It's working. Just focus on breathing in through your nose.
A.J.: Okay.
Elizabeth: You're gonna be fine.
A.J.: Are you sure?
Elizabeth: I don't think it was your heart.
A.J.: What the hell was it?
Elizabeth: I think it was a panic attack.
A.J.: A -- [Gasps]
Patrick: I don't want there to be any confusion or misunderstanding. Emma is the most important thing in the world to me, and I will never doubt her for any reason whatsoever.
Britt: Patrick, I-I think you're overreacting. I understand. Emma is very important to you. So, if you would just listen to me for a minute, I can explain myself.
Patrick: Oh, no, no. I did listen to you. We just had a conversation right over there about how our relationship is probably confusing for Emma.
Britt: It is confusing. She's a child.
Patrick: It's confusing because she can't understand why I would be with a woman who doesn't like her.
Britt: Okay, I never said that.
Patrick: God, now you're just -- you're just lying to me. Look, you don't have to like my daughter, but you better treat her with respect and kindness.
Britt: I did. You saw me. I made every overture to Emma that I possibly could.
Patrick: I understand that Emma might not have been as open to you, and some of that is my fault, but she is a child. You are supposed to be an adult, yet you make her feel so unwanted that she runs away.
Britt: Okay. Why are you determined to make this my fault?
Patrick: You have any idea what could have happened to her if Sabrina didn't find her? She was on the pier by herself in the middle of winter, freezing cold, and it was slippery. Jason Morgan was murdered down there.
Britt: I didn't tell Emma to run to the pier. In fact, I think it was Sabrina who frequently took her there. As for why Emma went, as painful as this might be for you to accept, Patrick, it's possible that your little darling was just simply acting out.
Patrick: You gave her good reason, didn't you? I defended you. I took your word over Sabrina's, and I took your word over my daughter's. And they were both right about you.
Ellie: I just told you I know you slept with my boyfriend! Are you gonna say anything, or are you just gonna ignore the situation completely?
Maxie: [Sighs] What happened with me and Spinelli -- it wasn't -- it wasn't planned. It just --
Ellie: You knew I was on my way to meet Damian! I even told you the location of our proposed rendezvous.
Maxie: Uh, hello! I was the one that encouraged you to go meet him, remember?
Ellie: Oh, um, I remember that I went to get ready, leaving you alone for at least 20 minutes, which is more than enough time to tamper with my car.
Maxie: Hey! I would never do something like that!
Ellie: Never lie? You would never lie, Maxie, or resort to subterfuge or sabotage?
Maxie: Okay, look, I know that I have messed up in the past, but I swear on anything -- on this baby that I'm carrying -- that I did not sabotage your car, and I-I was happy when you changed your mind and decided to go meet Spinelli.
Ellie: Obviously not, or you wouldn't have gone to the hospital to meet him yourself.
Spinelli: Ellie, remember how you --
Maxie: No. I did not go to that roof looking for Spinelli. At that point, I completely forgot about your little rendezvous. I was looking for a place to think, but when I found Spinelli, and he told me that you never showed, I just assumed you changed your mind.
Ellie: Okay. And then you thought, hey, why not take advantage of the situation and jump his bones yourself without a second thought for your best friend's baby?
Sam: Alison did seem to recognize Detective McBain. She thought he was Caleb and I was Livvie.
Lucy: That's because you are Livvie. That's your name.
Sam: Okay, listen. Can we please just stick to the story right now? How do you know her?
Lucy: You know this. She married my cousin, Rafe Kovich. Livvie, if you try, you can remember this. Try to remember!
Sam: Okay, okay, okay. Were the two of you close?
Lucy: Yes! Yes, we were close! I mean, I haven't seen her in years, but we were very close at the time, yes.
Sam: Okay. Were you close enough to where she would lie for you?
Lucy: What is that supposed to mean?
Sam: Would Alison try and help you by backing up your story about vampires?
McBain: Is this yours? You mind if I take a look? Did you know the woman? Her name is Alison Barrington. She showed up at the police station about an hour ago talking about her son. You her son? Hey, look, kid, I don't know if you can't talk or you just don't want to, but you're in a world of trouble right now, and you may want to start helping yourself. No I.D. -- that's cute. Mom and Rafe. So, she's your mom, and you have a name. So, what happened, Rafe? How'd she die?
Britt: Okay, I get it. You're angry.
Patrick: [Chuckles]
Britt: Hell, so am I, you know? But that's no reason to overreact and throw away everything that we have.
Patrick: No, no, no. We -- we don't have anything.
Britt: What are you talking about? We care about each other.
Patrick: I could never care about somebody that doesn't care about my daughter. Emma is my life. Whatever we had is over.
Spinelli: Ellie, you can't hold Maxie responsible. I was completely inebriated, and she just brought me back here to sober up.
Ellie: You've explained yourself, Damian, and I've forgiven you. And now I want to hear from Maxie. What's your excuse?
Maxie: Oh, I don't have one.
Ellie: Oh. That's it?
Maxie: Well, what would you like me to say, Ellie?
Ellie: I don't know, Maxie. You might try apologizing if you feel any regret, any remorse. And you know what? If you don't, then I'd rather just have silence than listen to another one of your lies.
Maxie: [Clears throat] I am sorry, Ellie, that I hurt you, because you didn't deserve that. And I'm sorry that I slept with Spinelli, but I'm not sorry about what happened as a result of it.
A.J.: A panic attack?
Elizabeth: Shh. Shh, shh, shh. Sounds good.
A.J.: Okay.
Elizabeth: Panic attacks and heart attacks have very similar symptoms, but the hyperventilation, the localization of the pain, tell me that it wasn't a heart attack.
A.J.: Oh, I'm feeling better. I just -- I -- [Groans] I mean, a panic attack? Come on. That would be embarrassing. I mean, you know, it was probably something I-I ate earlier.
Elizabeth: Something [Chuckles] Something you ate? Why? Real men don't panic?
A.J.: No, I just -- I don't want to have panic attacks.
Elizabeth: Would you rather have a coronary?
A.J.: No, of course not. But, I mean, it's just like --
Elizabeth: It's a perfectly natural response to an extreme situation.
A.J.: Well, it didn't feel natural. It felt like somebody was sticking a -- ice pick in my chest.
Elizabeth: I know. I know, but it's not gonna kill you. However, it's not something you should take lightly, either. You really need to deal with whatever is causing this stress.
A.J.: You mean like the fact that everything that I've worked and dreamed about for as long as I can remember just went up in smoke?
Michael: My dad destroyed ELQ to keep me away from A.J. That makes this whole thing my fault.
Starr: Michael, it is not your fault. You are not responsible, even if it was Sonny who leaked that information.
Michael: Connie said that he gave her the information yesterday.
Starr: And Connie is not trustworthy. Did you talk to Sonny yourself?
Michael: He was in Connie's office -- I'm sorry, your dad's office -- when A.J. and I walked in. It was obvious something was going on. It turns out he was there to thank Connie for running the story.
Starr: So, Sonny admitted it?
Michael: No. He denied the whole thing. Connie told me.
Starr: [Chuckles]
Michael: You're cold. Let's get inside.
Starr: Your dad could be telling the truth. Come on. Who -- who are you more likely to believe -- Connie or your dad?
Michael: You think I want it to be my dad? I don't. It's just -- it's the only logical explanation.
Starr: Well, sometimes the logical explanation isn't always right.
Molly: There's no reason to be jealous. The flower was just a thank you.
T.J.: For what?
Molly: Lunch.
T.J.: You took some guy to lunch?
Molly: Yeah, on the spur of the moment. I felt bad for him. Look, I took Danny to Pier 52 to feed the ducks, and this guy there was so hungry, he was gonna eat the leftover stale bread, so I brought him back here and bought him a bowl of chili.
T.J.: Well, it's nice that you wanted to help.
Molly: Yeah. I hope I'm never in a situation like that, but if I was, I would want someone to help me, too.
T.J.: You have to remember that everybody doesn't think the same way that you do, Molly. You have to be careful. You don't know anything about this guy.
Molly: Don't worry. He was harmless.
McBain: I want you to bag it. Get it back to the lab. Besides prints, I want to know where the hell it came from.
Anna: Okay. What do we got?
McBain: What do we got? Well, when I arrived, I found the kid kneeling beside the victim, and he had this in his hand.
Anna: What is that thing?
McBain: At this point, it's the murder weapon.
Lucy: I haven't seen Alison in years -- not since she had the baby.
Sam: She mentioned she had a son.
Lucy: Yeah -- Rafe. She named him after her husband and my cousin, Rafe Kovich. He was an angel.
Sam: Okay. So, Rafe and Alison had a son. What -- what happened?
Lucy: Nothing. I mean, I don't think anything happened. It's just, at the time, Alison was really worried. She -- she had reason to believe that Rafe wasn't the father of her son. And, in the end, she turned out to be right. The -- the baby -- oh, my God, the baby that would be a teenager now -- was not her husband's child.
McBain: He was just kneeling there beside her. He didn't even try to run.
Anna: Has he said anything?
McBain: No.
Anna: No?
McBain: Nothing. No. Not even a word.
Anna: Really?
McBain: I think he's the victim's son.
Anna: He murdered his mother?
McBain: I don't know. I didn't see the crime in progress. I just found him by the body.
Anna: Any sign of another assailant?
McBain: No, not yet.
Anna: Oh, my goodness. What makes a boy kill his own mother?
Sam: If Kovich isn't Rafe's father, then who is?
Lucy: The boy's father is Caleb Morley -- the man you call "John McBain."
Sam: Alison mentioned that she had a son, but he wasn't with her at the police station. Neither was her husband.
Lucy: Rafe Kovich is long gone. He took off as soon as he found out the boy was Caleb's.
Sam: Wait. So, Alison had an affair with Caleb?
Lucy: No. No. No. No. I wouldn't call it an affair. Caleb used his powers of seduction. Alison didn't even really realize that the baby was Caleb's until after he was born, and, even then, she was in denial. She insisted on calling that baby "Rafe."
Sam: After her husband.
Lucy: Yeah.
Sam: Yeah.
Lucy: Except Alison is so fair, and Rafe had blond hair and green eyes, and that baby was born with black hair. You took one look at that baby, and you knew he was Caleb's because he looked exactly like him.
McBain: Anyone you want us to call -- a relative? Your father? Okay. We'll be in to see him in a minute.
Anna: Hey, John, how come you were first on the scene?
McBain: The victim called me and asked me to meet her on the pier.
Anna: You knew his mother?
McBain: No. But she thought she knew me. I don't know. She showed up in the police station a few hours ago, and she took one look at me and just freaked out.
Sam: You said that Rafe took off when he realized the boy wasn't his?
Lucy: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Don't get me wrong. It's not like that. It's not that he abandoned them. He loved both of them very much. He was just so determined to protect them.
Sam: Protect them? By leaving?
Lucy: By leaving to find Caleb. Rafe wanted to find Caleb and stop him. He knew that Caleb might come after that baby, and he never wanted Caleb to be able to hurt Alison or her son.
Sam: Did he ever find Caleb?
Lucy: We never knew. They just -- they just vanished. And always, in my heart of hearts, I knew that Caleb was the one that survived, because Rafe would be here is he could. He would be here, and so -- anyway, time went by, nobody heard a word, and no one has heard or seen either one of them until now.
Molly: It would have been selfish to just hand him a bag of stale bread and walk away. The least I could do was bring Rafe someplace warm.
T.J.: Rafe? So, you exchanged names?
Molly: Well, I couldn't very well treat him to lunch without knowing his name.
T.J.: See, my thing is, if you felt so bad for the guy, how come you couldn't just leave him some cash and he could get his own lunch?
Molly: Well, I don't think he would have accepted it.
T.J.: So, he accepts stale bread but not money?
Molly: You're way overthinking this. I am never gonna see him again. His mother drags him all over the place. I mean, they're probably on a bus out of town right now.
T.J.: Mother? How old is this guy?
Molly: I don't know. Our age, I guess.
T.J.: You left that part out. You seemed to cover a lot over one bowl of chili.
Molly: Just so you know, you're definitely starting to sound jealous.
T.J.: [Scoffs] Why would I be jealous of a guy who can't even buy a girl flowers? He has to steal them from a diner table.
Elizabeth: I saw the article about ELQ.
A.J.: Investors are already pulling out.
Elizabeth: [Chuckles] That's not your fault. You've been in charge for like five minutes.
A.J.: I'm the C.E.O. I mean, it's my job to salvage the company, to handle the crisis.
Elizabeth: I spent a lot of time with your family -- enough to understand what ELQ means to them -- but nothing's more important than your health.
A.J.: [Chuckling] I think my grandfather might disagree with you. I could actually hear him now saying, "What? Are you gonna let a couple of -- a couple of chest pains keep you from finishing your work?"
Elizabeth: I know you loved Edward and you wanted his respect.
A.J.: Yeah, well, I think it might be too late for that. I mean, I finally got my shot to run his company. What do I do? I put the place in absolute ruins.
Elizabeth: I also know how it feels to be disappointed in yourself. And if you give in to it, it's only gonna get worse. You need to rebuild a little at a time.
A.J.: I don't know if you know this, but I've been in recovery for a really long time, and that's what gave me the confidence to come back to Port Charles, and it was going so great. I mean, you know, I'd gotten the charges dropped, and I'm finally running ELQ, and I'm right on the brink of having something really good with my son. I should have known it. I should have known that Sonny would never let that happen.
Elizabeth: Sonny?
A.J.: Yes, Sonny -- because he's the one who leaked this to the press, because he wants to ruin my relationship with Michael.
Michael: My dad had a meeting with Tracy. He admitted that it was about how to keep A.J. from taking over ELQ. He said that he turned her down.
Starr: Okay. Maybe he did.
Michael: Here's a different scenario -- what if my dad found proof that Tracy was laundering money through ELQ and he brought that to Connie, knowing it would destroy the company, keeping me away from A.J.? And he knows that Connie's running the paper, so, I mean -- he wants her to feel grateful and maybe even trust him.
Starr: That all sounds very complicated. What if it's just Connie lying? Look at what she did to Molly. Look at how she lied about shooting out Anthony's tires. She lies about everything.
Michael: Why -- why are you, uh, defending my dad so much?
Starr: I don't know. Maybe I'm just hoping he's not as vindictive and irredeemable as my dad.
Michael: Anyway, it doesn't really matter. The damage is done. ELQ is on the ropes.
Starr: I'm sorry. On the bright side, there will be other ways to get to know A.J. other than working with him at ELQ.
Michael: Yeah, I know. Thanks for reminding me. I should probably get over there. I think we're gonna be in for a very long night.
Starr: I'm sorry. Good luck.
Britt: Over? Like, you're breaking up with me over one disagreement?
Patrick: I'm not the right guy for you. We're in different places in our lives, and we have different priorities. Trust me. This is for the best.
Britt: Patrick, I -- you're upset. I get it. But this is normal. We're just getting to know one another. This is -- this is gonna happen. There's gonna be bumps along the way, but that's --
Patrick: No, Britt, this is bigger, because I have to end this before it gets too serious.
Britt: It already is serious. Patrick, we've had sex because we both wanted to, because I thought that we both had feelings for each other!
Patrick: Well, I am sorry if I mislead you, okay, but this is the way it's going to be.
Britt: And I have no say in that?
Patrick: I'm making the best decisions that I can make for my family -- for Emma and me. We will still work together, we'll still have a professional relationship, but that is the only relationship that we're gonna have, so I hope you understand.
Britt: Oh, I-I -- yeah. I-I understand. This is your fault, you little bitch.
Maxie: [Clears throat] You were right that, in the past, I have gone after guys in other relationships. But the funny thing is that that's never really worked out the way I wanted. I mean, I would lie and scheme and then it would blow up in my face, and I would end up being miserable. Um, but that's not what happened on New Year's Eve. There was no planning. There was no sabotage. And as sorry as I am for what happened and how everyone feels, there's one thing that I'm not sorry about.
Ellie: What do you mean?
Britt: Let me get this clear. You're planning to pass off the baby you created with Damian Spinelli as Dante and Lulu's child?
Maxie: Did you know that before surrogacy, Dante and Lulu were gonna try adoption? They don't care about genetics. They want a healthy baby.
Britt: But they still deserve to know the truth.
Maxie: This is for the best.
Britt: Are you sure?
Maxie: Look, Spinelli doesn't want me or this baby, and Dante and Lulu do, so it's all gonna work out, provided you keep your mouth shut.
Maxie: Uh, when Spinelli and I had sex, it gave us closure. We stopped wondering, "What if?" He was able to make the decision that you were the person he wanted to be with, and I could finally accept that decision. So, in a way, it was a good thing we slept together.
Ellie: Your argument has a certain syllogistic logic.
Maxie: I don't know what that means.
Spinelli: I think Ellie is saying that you've explained how an unfortunate lapse could produce unforeseen benefits or that a dark cloud of thoughtless infidelity could manifest a silver lining -- so, a good thing.
Lulu: And it's -- uh, selfless, but there is nothing more selfless than you carrying my baby. [Chuckles]
Sabrina: How is this my fault?
Britt: Don't play innocent with me. We both know who you really are, Sabrina.
Patrick: Britt, stop. You can't talk to people like that.
Britt: Are you seriously gonna defend her? Sabrina has been jumping through hoops to try to come between us.
Sabrina: That's not true.
Britt: You are such a little liar. Little Miss Perfect didn't want us to be together. You did everything you could to try to make me look bad -- coach Emma, poison her against me so you could play the angel.
Patrick: All right. That's enough.
Sabrina: Are you kidding me?
Britt: Are you serious right now? Do you think it's an accident that all the time Sabrina spent with Emma, that Emma decides she doesn't like me? Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't tell Emma to ditch me.
Sabrina: That is ridiculous. I would never tell Emma to run away.
Britt: Sabrina has been using Emma, working that child every chance she gets, so she can get closer to you.
Sabrina: No. I love Emma. I would never use her.
Britt: You want to know the truth, Patrick? Here it is. Sabrina wanted me out of the picture because she wants you all for herself.
A.J.: You never told me why you actually stopped by.
Elizabeth: Yeah. You know, you've got enough on your mind. It's okay.
A.J.: Okay. Well, wait a second. Excuse me. Do I not look like a guy that can multitask? I'll have you know I'm a corporate titan. I do not succumb to -- to the pressure and panic and -- trying to make you laugh here.
Elizabeth: [Laughs] Okay. Uh, well -- all right. You know that Tracy wrote a check to fund the Nurses' Ball.
A.J.: [Sighs]
Elizabeth: The bank stopped payment.
A.J.: Yeah. Um, I'm sorry about that, Elizabeth. Um... ELQ's funds have been frozen by the S.E.C. Uh, we don't have -- we don't have the money to -- to fund the Nurses' Ball. [Sighs]
Elizabeth: Okay. Well, thank you for being honest with me.
A.J.: You know, I think the Nurses' Ball is a really important tradition.
Elizabeth: Yeah.
A.J.: And it deserves to be revived. It does a lot of good work. I really hope that you're not gonna give up on it.
Elizabeth: Well, I won't if you won't.
McBain: I don't know what's going on. I don't know why the victim was killed. This kid knows something. I just -- I wish I could get him to talk to me.
Anna: Why don't you check with Forensics -- see if they've turned up anything on that weapon -- and I'll talk to the boy?
McBain: Okay.
Lucy: Livvie, Alison corroborated everything I said, so even if Caleb erased all your memories, you know now -- I am telling the truth.
Sam: No, I-I-I believe that you believe you're telling the truth. I-I-I think you think that there's a Caleb and I'm a Livvie and --
Lucy: There is a Ca -- there is a Caleb! He's ancient and he's evil and he's a ruthless killer and he has to be stopped. That's why you have to help me get out of here!
Sam: [Chuckling] There's nothing I can do to help you get out of here.
Lucy: Are you listening? You're not listening. Alison and her son are in danger!
Sam: I am listening. You sound crazy. You're gonna have to convince your doctors to get you out of here.
Lucy: Oh, right, right, right. I have a doctor that believes in vampires -- is that it? You know, if I did have one, what -- he's gonna go to the licensing board and say, "Yeah"? His license would be jerked so fast -- listen to me, please. Everybody, including you, apparently, believe I'm -- I'm under some sort of paranoid delusion, but that delusion is gonna start racking up a body count, and Alison and her son are gonna be the first victims! It's true!
Sam: Don't say that. I hope you're wrong.
Lucy: I -- hope? It's gonna take a lot more than hope. What I need you to do is realize the plan's changed. I am stuck in here, and I need your help. You are gonna go help Alison before it is too late for all of us.
Anna: Kind of late in the day. This is all I could rustle up. I was gonna bring you some milk, but we've only got that powdered stuff, and I don't think that's milk at all. Come on. Scoot. This is a police station. We know doughnuts. Are you all right? You're not hurt? I mean, physically. I can't even imagine what it's like to lose your mom. I'm a mother. And I-I-I understand, obviously, sometimes parents and kids -- they don't get along. Still -- I know my child loved me. I'm sure you loved your mom, too. Is there someone we should call, like your dad, maybe, or a friend of the family? So... [Gasps]
Spinelli: Chamomile.
Ellie: Where's yours?
Spinelli: I'm fine. Can I -- can I get you another pillow or something? [Sighs]
Ellie: Thank you for bringing me home.
Spinelli: Thank you for giving me the chance and for accepting my apology.
Ellie: You know, I'm glad I had it out with Maxie, and I know it was uncomfortable for you. Trust me -- it was uncomfortable for me, too. You probably don't believe this, but I'm actually not confrontational by nature.
Spinelli: It was the right thing to do. And Maxie was surprisingly rational. You know, I think -- I think she finally accepts that we're together.
Ellie: Yeah, it would appear so.
Spinelli: I'm just glad that we can put New Year's Eve behind us and move on with our lives.
Ellie: There won't be any reason to speak of the night you and Maxie spent together -- or even think of it again.
Maxie: You know, I can handle it from here. You have better things to do than wait in the exam room while Dr. Westbourne draws blood.
Lulu: Um -- I know that you think that I'm obnoxious, but I will be better today. I swear.
Maxie: Lulu, you don't have to prove anything to me.
Lulu: I'm not trying to prove anything to you. I'm so grateful that you're my surrogate, and I want to be totally involved, and so I need to know firsthand everything that goes on with the baby.
Britt: [Crying] [Sighs] [Sniffles] [Breathing shakily]
Maxie: Dr. Westbourne, I'm here for my blood tests.
Lulu: Uh, we could come back another time.
Britt: Why? Now's a perfect time. It's about time you know something about that baby, Lulu.
Sabrina: You okay?
Patrick: I'm fine. I'm sorry to drag you into the middle of all this.
Sabrina: [Chuckles] No, that's -- that's okay. I'm used to it.
Patrick: What does that mean?
Sabrina: Well, Dr. Westbourne can be -- a little demanding to work with. [Chuckles]
Patrick: Elizabeth warned me. You and Emma were on to her.
Sabrina: Well, Emma's got really good instincts about people. [Chuckles]
Patrick: She does, especially about you. So, what's this thing about Britt accusing you of wanting me for yourself?
Michael: Everything okay?
Elizabeth: Yeah. Everything's fine.
A.J.: Hey, uh...thank you again for everything.
Elizabeth: You're very welcome.
A.J.: Okay.
Elizabeth: Hi, Michael.
Michael: Hi.
A.J.: So, you got my lunch there?
Michael: Yeah. Sorry it took so long. Um -- what was that -- was that about?
A.J.: Um -- [Sighs] The check that Tracy wrote to fund the Nurses' Ball -- it bounced, and I was telling Elizabeth about it, who could not have been nicer. And I just -- I don't know, I just wish we could -- we could make that commitment happen.
Michael: Okay, but how about we focus on saving the company first, huh?
A.J.: You know, I don't know if this is good or bad, but damn if you didn't just sound like Grandfather right there.
Michael: [Chuckles] Well, I guess I got more Quartermaine in me than I thought I did.
A.J.: Okay, then. [Raps desk] Let's get to work. Let's see what we can do. I just hope it isn't too late.
Molly: You didn't have to do this.
T.J.: You like the flowers?
Molly: [Laughing] Yes! Of course, I like the flowers.
T.J.: Well, good. Enjoy them. You deserve beautiful things, Molly, and as long as I'm your boyfriend -- your one and only boyfriend -- I'm gonna make sure you have them.
Molly: [Chuckles]
[Both gasp]
T.J.: Wow. Um -- what happened?
Officer: Some kid killed his mother.
Anna: I know your name is Rafe. And your mother was Alison Barrington. Is that your last name, too -- Barrington? So, where did you and your mom come from? Hmm? How long have you been here in Port Charles? Was your mother expecting to meet someone? Look, Rafe -- I know this is difficult, but I have to ask you -- did you kill your mother?
Rafe: No.
Sam: John.
McBain: Hey. How'd it go?
Sam: Okay. So, I, um -- I went to Ferncliff, and I saw Lucy Coe, and she admitted to knowing Alison Barrington, but she says that she hasn't seen her in quite a few years, but she did think that she was in danger.
McBain: And she was right.
Lucy: Oh, Rafe. I sure hope you can hear me. I need you to be my angel now. I need your help. I need you to help me. [Chuckles] I need you to help all of us -- especially that poor, innocent boy.
[Police radio chatter]
Anna: You were found kneeling over your mother's body, holding the weapon. Now, that is going to be very damning evidence for a jury. I think you know what happened to your mother. I think you know who killed her, so you have to tell me so I can help you. If you didn't do this, who did?
Rafe: Him.
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