GH Transcript Thursday 1/31/13

General Hospital Transcript Thursday 1/31/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele

Tracy: So, was the weather in Turkey as lovely as they say this time of year?

Luke: I hope you know that being incarcerated is the only thing that could have kept me away from you at a time like this. I'm so sorry to hear about Edward.

Tracy: I'd convinced myself I'd have him forever.

Luke: He lived a full life, with more wins than losses. Not many people could say that.

Tracy: Well, he'd probably like to say that his legacy endured.

Luke: What are you talking about? Your "recently back from the dead" nephew's takeover?

Tracy: [Scoffs] No. It's much worse than that. Daddy's business joined him in the afterlife.

Michael: Dad?

Connie: What do you want?

A.J.: Answers. Where did you get this story?

Connie: Him. Yeah, that's right, Mikey. Looks like the only family business Sonny wants you in is his.

Elizabeth: Oh, my goodness. Let me help you!

Sabrina: Thanks.

Elizabeth: What are you doing with all of these? They're, like, from 50 years ago.

Sabrina: Yeah. I'm supposed to enter them into the G.H. database.

Elizabeth: Why? Who asked you to do this?

Sabrina: One guess.

Britt: Patrick, hey. I was hoping that we could talk. So, if you could give me a call back, that'd be awesome. Hi. I was just leaving you a message...or five or six.

Patrick: Yeah, I got them.

Britt: How's -- how's Emma doing?

Patrick: Do you really care?

Lucy: Oh, Doc!

Sam: Hi. Sorry to keep you waiting, but there was a problem with Kristina's arraignment.

Molly: What happened? Is Kristina okay?

Sam: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, she's fine. Mom will handle everything. You know that. How's Danny?

Molly: Perfect, as usual. We're at the pier right now. I thought he might want to feed the ducks.

Sam: Okay. Just remember what I told you.

Molly: I know, I know. Keep him warm, keep him fed, and keep him away from strangers.

Sam: Yes. And give him a really big kiss for me, okay?

Molly: You got it. Your mommy's a little overprotective, you know that? Not that I blame her, considering everything that's gone wrong -- [Gasps]

Alison: Excuse me, Detective. They said that maybe you could help me.

McBain: What can I do for you?

Alison: Oh, my God, Caleb.

McBain: No, I'm John McBain.

Alison: No, no, no. No, you stay away from me.

Britt: Emma running off yesterday was one of the worst experiences of my life. I would never do anything to make Emma unhappy. You know that, don't you?

Patrick: I don't know if I know that.

Britt: You think that I would be petty enough to tell a little girl that I don't like her?

Patrick: So you think she's making it up?

Britt: Maybe. Maybe she wanted to get attention, or she wanted to get out of trouble for wandering off. I'm sorry. I'm not trying to upset you. But, I mean, are you really gonna put that much faith in the word of a little girl?

Patrick: It's not only Emma's word. It's Sabrina's, too.

Luke: I thought that secret died with Anthony. How the hell did The Sun get ahold of it?

Tracy: Don't know.

Luke: You wound me, Tracy, trying to snow me after all this time.

Tracy: What is that supposed to mean?

Luke: Oh, come on, ex-wife. I know the way you think. Tell me the truth. Did you break this story to The Sun?

Michael: Dad, did you really do this?

Connie: Why else do you think he showed up, Michael? He's thanking me for a job well done.

Sonny: It's not why I'm here.

Connie: Oh, no? Here, you know what? You take this back, Sonny, and thank you so much for the headline. You've launched me as the new editor in chief. Todd Manning must be envying me from his padded cell in Ferncliff.

Lucy: So, how did you know where I was?

Kevin: Alexis called me. She told me what happened.

Lucy: Okay, I need you to understand something. It's not exactly like you think. I just saw him, and I had to react.

Kevin: What I think is you attacked a police detective named John McBain and tried to stake him with a chair leg.

Lucy: Okay, maybe it's a little bit like what you think, but, Doc, I really had no choice. He's not a police detective. He is not John McBain. It's Caleb -- Caleb Morley, king of the vampires.

John: No, ma'am. Please. My name is not --

Sam: I'm so sorry.

Alison: Livvie. Oh, my God. We have to get out of here. He's after me and my son. We got to get out of here!

Molly: You need to stay back, okay? I'm calling 911.

Rafe: Take it easy. I'm not trying to hurt you.

Molly: Then what's that for?!

Rafe: I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry. I forgot I had it. Look, my mom made me take it. I'm not trying to scare you, okay? I just really need to ask you something.

Molly: What?

Rafe: Do you know this woman -- Lucy Coe?

Molly: I've never met her, but I know who she is. She attacked my sister's friend, John McBain. She thought he was a vampire.

Alison: I have to get back to my son!

Sam: What are you talking about?

Alison: Don't let him follow us. I'm telling you, he can never find out about my son.

Sam: Hold on a second. Listen, I am not Livvie.

Alison: Yes, you are! You were my best friend. I know we haven't talked in a really long time, but you cannot leave me here to die.

Sam: I don't know you.

Alison: Yes, you do! I am your best friend.

Sam: What are you talking about?

Alison: I am Alison Barrington, and somehow, he's got --

Sam: Who are you so afraid of?

Alison: Him!

Britt: I feel terrible for what happened yesterday. I take full responsibility for leaving Emma alone at the table. But I had no idea that she was gonna run away.

Patrick: Well, she wouldn't, unless somebody gave her a reason to.

Britt: Okay, maybe I did.

Michael: You hate A.J. so much that you'd try to destroy ELQ, my family's business, Jason's family business?

Sonny: No, never.

Connie: Please. Michael, Sonny thinks you're his property. He wants to be with you. And he doesn't care who he has to trample over to get you.

Sonny: She's lying, all right?

Connie: Well, you grew up with him. You know him better than anyone. Is anything I'm saying ringing false, Michael?

Sonny: How could I get access to these records?

A.J.: I saw you at your meeting with Tracy. No, and then Michael and I were both there when you called back to check in.

Sonny: Yeah, I had a meeting with Tracy, and I'm sure you couldn't wait to blame me.

A.J.: Who else would want to destroy my first day as C.E.O. at ELQ, Sonny? And tell me this. Why would Connie lie and say it was you if it wasn't?

Sonny: Same reason I can't get her to drop the charges against my daughter -- because she wants to prove that she's not Kate, and she never will be.

Tracy: Why on earth would I hand over incriminating financial records to a rag like The Sun -- to any newspaper? I married Anthony Zacchara because I was so desperate to keep those records private.

Luke: Times change, Tracy.

Tracy: Luke, you know how much I hated Anthony Zacchara. Why would I endure all that and then suddenly sabotage myself?

Luke: You didn't sabotage yourself so much as you sabotaged ELQ, your father's legacy. You couldn't watch it die a slow, painful death, so you gave it all the glory he deserved. You let it go out with a bang and not a whimper.

Tracy: How do you see through me?

McBain: Ma'am, I promise you, my name is not Caleb.

Sam: No, this is John McBain. He is a detective here at the PCPD. He can help you.

Alison: No, this is the man that Lucy attacked because he is a vampire.

McBain: Okay, well, then you can wave around all the crosses you want, but it's not gonna do any good, all right? But if it makes you feel better, you knock yourself out.

Alison: I know what you're trying to do. You are trying to deceive me, and you can't. And when Lucy saw you, she knew you had to die.

Lucy: I am so sorry, Doc. I know how much you hate to hear this, but Caleb's deceived you. He's deceived everyone. He even has Livvie believing him.

Kevin: There's no one named Livvie. That's Alexis' daughter. Her name is Sam Morgan.

Lucy: Doc, it's all the same lie. Don't you see? He's masquerading as John McBain. It makes it easy 'cause no one will question him. He really has convinced Livvie that she's Sam, and she's forgotten everything he put her through.

Kevin: Alexis introduced her to me as Sam. Why would she lie about her own daughter?

Lucy: Please, would you just please trust me? Believe me on this. I am the slayer. I'm the one that knows the truth. Livvie thinks she is Sam. She has no idea she's in real danger.

Sam: I know you want to help me, but I want to help you, too. Look, you can talk to another cop...

Alison: Where's Lucy? Where is she? Is she in one of these cells? Is she?

Sam: No, she's not.

Alison: We need to go find her. She's the only one that can -- get your hands off me! You will never touch me or my son! Livvie, leave him alone!

Sam: I am not Livvie! I am not in any danger.

Alison: Fine. If you're not gonna come with me, you're on your own. Forget it.

Molly: Why are you asking about Lucy Coe?

Rafe: My mother -- she seems to think she's the only one that can help us.

Molly: With what? Are you in trouble?

Rafe: We're broke. It's the middle of winter. We have no place to live and nothing to eat, so, yeah, we're in trouble.

Molly: There's a shelter over on Van Ness. I can show you where it is.

Rafe: Not a good idea. My mom just gets more paranoid at shelters.

Molly: Sorry. She sounds kind of...

Rafe: Nuts?

Molly: Well, I was gonna say eccentric. I really need to get the baby out of the cold.

Rafe: Are you gonna eat that?

Molly: No. I mean, it's stale. We were using it to feed the ducks. Oh, my God, did you want to eat it?

Rafe: It doesn't look so bad.

Molly: Why don't I buy you lunch instead?

Rafe: You don't have to do that.

Molly: I know, but I want to. Come on.

Rafe: I -- I have to wait for my mom.

Molly: Well, call her. You can use my phone.

Rafe: Thanks, but she doesn't have a cell phone either.

Molly: We won't go far. I promise you'll be back here before you know it. Come on. It's chili day at Kelly's, with your choice of corn bread or baguette.

Rafe: Sold. Just give me a minute.

Molly: You don't mind sharing your lunch with a new friend, do you, Danny?

Lucy: Caleb is real, and now he's even more dangerous because he's hiding behind that police badge.

Kevin: All right, if Caleb is a vampire masquerading as a police detective, wouldn't that put him at even greater risk? I mean, the more people he comes in contact with, the greater the chance that he'll be discovered. So, what could be worth taking that chance?

Lucy: You know the answer to this. It's what he's always wanted, what he always wants to have -- your daughter, Livvie.

Kevin: I don't have a daughter named Livvie.

Lucy: Yes, you do. You do. He's just made you forget.

Kevin: So, he's managed to hypnotize everyone except you? Lucy, that is the definition of a paranoid delusion.

Lucy: You are an absolutely brilliant psychiatrist. Don't you see what he's doing? Caleb's using that. He's using it. He's tricking you into twisting the truth, so you'll just ignore it completely.

Kevin: So he managed to hypnotize me somehow long-distance in Seattle?

Lucy: I don't know. Okay, I have no idea the extent of his power. All I do know is that he is Caleb, he's a vampire, and Livvie is in danger, and she's not the only one. So is Alison, and so is her son.

Rafe: Kid got a name?

Molly: Daniel. Danny.

Rafe: O Danny boy, the pipes are calling.

Molly: I don't think I've ever sang that to him.

Danny: [Babbling]

Rafe: Just as well. It's a pretty sad song. He seems like a happy kid, though.

Molly: Definitely. My name's Molly, by the way. Sometimes it's a nickname for Mary or Mary Margaret, but in my case, it's just Molly.

Rafe: Nice to meet you, Molly, not Mary or Mary Margaret.

McBain: There it is. Alison Barrington. She was -- she grew up in Port Charles. She was raised by her grandmother, Amanda Barrington, a wealthy socialite that died a few years ago.

Sam: Is that a picture of Amanda at the Nurses' Ball?

McBain: Yeah. Yeah, look, there's something else here. There's a wedding announcement here in the Port Charles Press. Alison was gonna marry some guy named Rafe Kovich.

Rafe: I'm Rafe.

Molly: Rafe -- is that short for Raphael, like the painter or the angel?

Rafe: Do I look like I was named after an angel?

Molly: I don't know. Are you? As far as I know, I'm just you're just Molly.

Alison: Rafe! Rafe! Oh, God, where are you?

Patrick: So, you admit that you told Emma that you don't like her?

Britt: No, of course not. No, I've been doing a lot of thinking, and yesterday was the first time that you, Emma, and I have ever gone out in public as a family. I mean, Emma hasn't done anything like that since Robin died.

Patrick: So Emma took off because she misses her mom?

Britt: Maybe she thought that I was trying to replace her. She just wanted to get rid of me. Patrick, I would never hurt Emma. But if we want to fix this, we have to present a united front. It has to be clear to Emma that I am not trying to replace her mom, but that you and I are gonna be together.

Tracy: There's a chance I could get out of this. Connie agreed to keep her source secret.

Luke: Connie? The schizoid with the alternate personality Connie?

Tracy: Strange as this may sound, when I went over to her office to give her the incriminating evidence, we had a bonding moment. Now, don't ask me to explain. I just have a feeling she might honor her word.

Sonny: The reason I came here is, you know, to get her to back down from your sister to have her drop the charges.

Connie: He was so grateful that I printed the story, he stuck his tongue down my throat.

Sonny: Why would you even bring that up?

Connie: Truth hurts, Sonny, doesn't it? So, why don't you tell them. Why did you kiss me?

Sonny: It had nothing to do with ELQ.

Michael: Okay, then, why were you with Tracy yesterday?

Sonny: She wanted my help. She wanted me to track down those financial records before A.J. did -- any means necessary.

Connie: You know what that means. Any means necessary -- crack a few skulls, bust a few kneecaps.

Sonny: Okay, this...I turned her down, because if that's what you want, that's what you should get.

Michael: Even if I'm working with A.J.?

Sonny: My feelings about A.J. -- they don't matter, because I respect Edward Quartermaine, and I respect you. I would not tear down your great-grandfather's company so you can stay away from A.J. You have to believe me. Do not believe her. I didn't do it!

Rafe: So, you babysit Danny boy a lot?

Molly: Not as much as I want to. I got lucky today. Yes, I did. My mom and my sister are helping my other sister with some trouble.

Rafe: So I'm not the only one with a problem relative.

Molly: Oh, God, not even close. I mean, don't get me wrong. I love my family. It just seems like all we do is move from one crisis to the next.

Rafe: Sounds like me and my mom. I mean, I love her, but she's completely dysfunctional.

Molly: That bad, huh?

Rafe: Sometimes when she's dragging me to a new town, I start to imagine, you know, what it would be like being free of my mom and able to take care of myself instead of depending on the kindness of strangers.

Alison: Rafe! Oh, God, where did he go? His backpack. Where is it? No. Oh, you don't have any way to defend yourself. Oh, God.

McBain: So, Alison married this guy Kovich. Then what?

Sam: Did she say she had a son?

McBain: Yeah. There's nothing here about a kid. The last entry is the wedding announcement.

Sam: And there's nothing about anyone named Caleb, either.

McBain: Hmm. Or Livvie.

Sam: Or why anyone would think that we were them.

McBain: Maybe she didn't. Maybe Lucy put her up to it.

Sam: What are you saying, that Lucy used her as a plant?

McBain: I don't know what I'm saying. That doesn't make a lot of sense. If Lucy's found sane, then she's guilty of assaulting a police officer.

Sam: Maybe Lucy is too delusional to realize that. Maybe she thinks that if Alison can back up her story, they'll let her out of Ferncliff.

McBain: Only one way to find out -- ask the party in question.

Kevin: Alison Barrington? Your cousin Rafe's wife? What does she have to do with this?

Lucy: Everything, and so does her son. They are both in grave danger.

Kevin: From Caleb?

Lucy: Yes, of course, from Caleb! Please, you have got to help me.

Kevin: I will. I will help you.

Lucy: Okay. Okay. Finally. Thank God. Listen to me. The first thing you have to do is you have to get out there. Doc, listen carefully. You've got to go warn everybody about Caleb.

Kevin: I'm not going to do that, Lucy.

Lucy: I don't understand. You just said you wanted to help me -- you would.

Kevin: And I getting you the medical treatment you need.

Patrick: It's been a complicated time, and I'm sure Emma is confused, and her running away is probably much deeper than --

Britt: Yes, you're right. It's easier to assume that I insulted her.

Patrick: Look, whatever was said between you two, I don't think you would purposely try and hurt my daughter.

Britt: Thank you. Thank you. I can't tell you how much that means to me.

Sabrina: You know, I knew that Patrick would take Britt's word over mine, but I was hoping he'd at least believe his own daughter. Oh, God, they're coming over here.

Elizabeth: I can't deal with -- Sabrina!

Patrick: Hey.

Elizabeth: Hey. Hey, Patrick.

Patrick: What's up with the files?

Britt: Uh, Epiphany assigned Sabrina a filing project. If you ask me, it's a waste of her talents.

Sabrina: Okay. Thank you.

Patrick: Sabrina, you all right?

Sabrina: That was the bank. They put a stop payment on our check from Tracy Quartermaine.

Luke: Well, look on the bright side. So you brought ELQ down. You were never gonna get to run it anyway.

Tracy: I might have had a chance at getting it back.

Luke: Tracy, if this is a build-up to another murder attempt, you're on your own. I've had enough of prison for now.

Tracy: I'm not gonna kill A.J. Daddy might have had another heir. And if I could get them on my side, then I could oust A.J. and Michael forever.

Luke: Are you talking about that Jimmy Lee what's-his-name?

Tracy: No, that yokel. No, Daddy disinherited him years ago. There was a codicil in the will saying he was not to get a dime.

Luke: So there's another ELQ possible heir? There's another Quartermaine out there? Do you have any location on this person?

Tracy: Not at the moment. That's where you come in.

Michael: I don't know what to believe right now.

Connie: Mikey, open your eyes, all right? Your father's a control freak. He always has been. He wanted to take down ELQ before you and A.J. could work together.

Sonny: She's lying.

Connie: Why would I lie, Sonny? What do I have to gain for that? Why would I want your father as my enemy?

Sonny: I'm not your enemy.

Connie: You kidnapped me, Sonny. You held me captive for days. You were there. You saw what he did.

Sonny: He knows why I did it. I did it to get through to Kate.

Connie: My point exactly. You don't like me. You wanted to get Kate back, so you tied me to a chair, and you bullied me to retreat.

A.J.: Wait a second. That's what Michael saw that had him so upset? Oh, man, you really are an incredible son of a bitch, aren't you? You kidnapped Connie, and then you tried to make Michael lie about it?

Sonny: Shut up.

Connie: You know what, A.J.? You have my sympathies. And these are the same tactics that your father used to take down ELQ. Face it, Michael. Your father is a control freak, and he wants what he wants, and he wants A.J. to fail, and he's not gonna stop no matter if he hurts you or not.

Michael: You did it, didn't you?

Sonny: No, I did not.

Michael: You gave Connie that information -- Connie, Dad, the same person who's trying to put Kristina behind bars.

Sonny: I'll tell you again, Michael. She's lying because she's trying to get to me. You understand? I swear to you I did not do this.

Michael: A.J. didn't even provoke you.

Sonny: You know how many ways I can hurt him? The only reason I haven't touched him is because of you. I don't want you to get in the middle.

Michael: You have only yourself to blame for this, Dad. Come on, let's get the hell out of here.

Sonny: You know damn well I didn't give you those records! Why'd you do it? Why'd you lie to my son?

Connie: You want answers, Sonny? Why don't you give me one first, huh? Why did you kiss me?

Sonny: Did you feel a connection? Don't deny it. Tell me, did you feel a connection?

Connie: That's what you wanted, huh? You wanted me to get all weak in the knees so I would forget about what your daughter did to me, that I would back off of her, isn't that right?

Sonny: You think I'm manipulating you?

Connie: Hell, yes, I do! So why shouldn't I stab you in the back? You don't give a damn about me.

Sonny: That's not true. You know that I care about you.

Connie: You care about me? No, no, because I'm just filling in while your one true love is on a permanent vacation. You told me, Sonny. You said that you wanted me gone so Kate would come back.

Sonny: It's true. I love Kate, and I do want her to come back, but guess what. She's not here. You are. And you know what? When your son died, I saw how much it hurt you. And all I wanted to do was support you. So, hey, no hidden agenda. You know? I just felt compassion for you. And how do you repay me? By putting my daughter in prison and turning my own son against me?

Connie: I don't owe you a damn thing, Sonny.

Sonny: Well, then, you should ask yourself why you're working so hard to drive me away. I think I know the answer.

A.J.: Great! I can see my efforts of damage control didn't work out so well.

Michael: I'm really sorry about this.

A.J.: No, it's not your fault, Michael, all right? I can't believe I let Sonny blindside me like that. I feel like an idiot.

Michael: Look, we don't know for sure that it was him. Connie could have been lying about this whole thing.

A.J.: Michael, come on. I mean, we both know how Sonny feels about me, right -- the lengths he's willing to go to? Hey, listen, I'm just sorry he screwed you over, too.

Michael: Just forget about my dad, okay? It's done.

A.J.: You're right. Listen, we got to move forward, right -- do whatever we can to salvage Grandfather's legacy.

Michael: Look, I just want you to know I'm in this with you, okay? No matter what happens, we're gonna figure this out together, okay?

A.J.: Okay. I can't thank you enough. You know what that means to me. Okay. I'm just gonna sit down for a second.

Michael: You okay?

A.J.: Yeah, I just -- I don't know, I just feel like my blood sugar dropped or something.

Michael: Well, why don't I order some take-out? We can roll up our sleeves and strategize about how to save ELQ.

A.J.: Okay. Sounds like plan.

Michael: All right.

A.J.: [Sighs] [Breathing heavily] Ooh.

Luke: And how the hell am I supposed to find this mysterious missing Quartermaine?

Tracy: Ned thinks that your niece knows something about it.

Luke: What would Caroline know about a Q. heir?

Tracy: Apparently, that's for her to know and you to find out, Uncle Luke.

Luke: Well, I can't just knock on the door and ask. She's a Spencer. You got to have leverage.

Tracy: Look, I may have destroyed my father's company and myself along with it, but the very least I can do is salvage what's left of that company.

Luke: Could be very tricky if you're up to your hips in an S.E.C. investigation.

Tracy: Could we deal with one disaster at a time? I need to gain control of my company, and that heir is my only chance.

Patrick: Why wouldn't Tracy Quartermaine's check clear?

Elizabeth: Maybe because of this.

Britt: Yeah, I saw this. Apparently ELQ is involved in a serious scandal. I mean, as soon as the S.E.C. closes in, it's only a matter of time.

Sabrina: So, that's it? The check is just -- it's worthless now?

Britt: It looks like the Nurses' Ball is over before it even started.

Elizabeth: You know what, Dr. Westbourne? The patient in 1023 has been asking for you.

Britt: Hmm, surprise, surprise.

Sabrina: What are we supposed to do now? How are we supposed to get the money now?

Patrick: We'll get the money, okay? There's got to be something that we can do.

Elizabeth: Yeah, maybe there is. I'm overdue for my break. Can you guys hold down the fort?

Sabrina: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Where are you going?

Elizabeth: A quick errand, but I'll be back, hopefully with good news.

Sabrina: How's Emma doing?

Patrick: She's fine, thank you.

Sabrina: Good. I'm glad.

Patrick: The only problem is I think she might have lied to you about what happened with Britt.

Sabrina: You think so?

Patrick: Yeah, I do.

Lucy: Doc, you can't just leave me in here. You have to believe me.

Kevin: Lucy, I love you more than anything in this world, and I want you present in my life. I want your energy and your sparkle and your fabulous convoluted antilogic. I want to be so dazzled by you again that I leave my tie in the freezer and put the ice cream in my pocket.

Lucy: Well, see, that's crazy behavior, some people would say. It is.

Kevin: You helped me through the darkest time of my life, and more than anything, I want to be there for you now. But I'm not helping. I'm only making you worse.

Lucy: No, don't say that. That's not true. It's not your fault. It's Caleb's fault.

Kevin: Lucy, Lucy, Lucy. These delusions of yours have destroyed everything we had. I couldn't help you, and I couldn't sit there and watch you get worse, so I -- I had to walk away.

Lucy: No!

Kevin: Lucy, Lucy.

Lucy: [Sobbing]

Kevin: I'm so sorry. I can't -- I can't go through this again. I would give anything -- anything -- to be with you. But I can't. I'm so sorry.

Lucy: No. No, no, no, no, no, no. Doc!

Molly: So, are you into Tennessee Williams? What you said about, you know, the kindness of strangers.

Rafe: I found a copy of "Streetcar" on the bus last year. Picked it up, and I couldn't put it down.

Molly: I know that feeling.

Rafe: It kind of resonated. My mom's got a little Blanche DuBois in her.

Danny: [Coos]

Rafe: She'll start freaking out if I'm not on the pier when she gets back.

Molly: Are you sure? We could get another bowl of chili.

Rafe: It was really nice meeting you, and I wish I could give you some money for the meal, but...maybe I can repay your generosity in some other way. Flores por los muertos.

Molly: Flowers for the dead? Isn't that kind of, I don't know, macabre?

Rafe: Maybe, but I'm kind of macabre.

Molly: Hi, Danny.

McBain: I can't guarantee she'll give us any sort of coherent answer, but I think talking to Lucy is worth a try.

Sam: But there's one problem there. I don't think you should go talk to Lucy, 'cause you've already set her off twice.

McBain: I'll make sure there aren't any wooden stakes in the room.

Sam: I've got a better idea. I'll go.

McBain: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Have you -- have you thought about who else is on that Ferncliff roster right now? You got your Todd Manning batting lead-off. You got your Heather Webber hitting clean-up.

Sam: Yes, and I don't think you should worry about it. I'll stay far away from all of them. I promise. And besides, I think that Lucy thinks I'm this Livvie, and she wants to protect her, so maybe I can use it to work in our advantage.

McBain: So, what, you're going in there as some sort of civilian consultant?

Sam: I'll let you know what I find out.

McBain: Hey, Sam? Please be careful.

Sam: I'll see you later.

[Telephone rings]

McBain: McBain.

Alison: This is Alison Barrington. I'm at Pier 52, and I think we should meet. So ready for you, Caleb.


Alison: You... you bring it on, you bastard.

Patrick: Yesterday was the first time that Britt and I took Emma out as a family since Robin died, and I think that it was confusing to her, and I think for a minute that Emma thought maybe that -- I have to take this. Do you mind if we talk about this later?

Sabrina: Sure. [Sighs]

Britt: Where's Patrick?

Sabrina: He just got paged.

Britt: Good. Then we can talk -- alone.

Sabrina: Yeah, you know what? Actually, I should probably delve into these.

Britt: Oh, don't scurry away, Sabrina. We need to settle this. That was a nice try yesterday, blaming me for Emma's disappearing act.

Sabrina: I only repeated what Emma told me to Patrick.

Britt: Justify it all you want, Sabrina. Patrick knows the truth now. His perfect little girl isn't so perfect after all.

Sabrina: Yeah, well, kids act out. That's what they do.

Britt: Listen to me, you pathetic interloper. I'm gonna tell you what I told Emma yesterday. I am not going anywhere, and Patrick and I are gonna be together, and there is nothing that you or his spoiled brat of a daughter can do about it.

Elizabeth: A.J.? It's Elizabeth.

A.J.: [Panting]

Elizabeth: A.J.? Oh, my God! What's happening?

A.J.: I think I'm having a heart attack.

Tracy: How many times have you said you owe me?

Luke: I've lost count.

Tracy: And I'm not talking about the millions you've embezzled, the blatant lies, the infidelity. I'm talking about the number of times I put myself on the line for you. Get your gold-digging niece to cough up the name and whereabouts of the missing Quartermaine heir, okay?

Michael: Tracy, looks like you heard the news.

Tracy: Yes, I did. It's horrifying. I can't imagine who would do this to our family.

Michael: I know exactly who did it.

Tracy: You do?

Michael: Yeah. Connie told me who leaked the story to The Sun.

Tracy: Don't keep us in suspense.

Michael: It was my dad.

Tracy: Sonny?

Michael: Yeah. I didn't want to believe it either, but Connie told me herself.

Connie: I'm not afraid of you, Sonny. Or how I feel about you.

Sonny: Then why are you having such a hard time meeting my eyes? I'm gonna get Michael back. He's confused. He's -- you know, he's hurt. But he knows who I am and that I'm telling the truth. And I'm gonna get my daughter out of those charges. I'm gonna get my family back. And what's gonna happen to you, Connie?

Connie: Nothing. I'm not going anywhere.

Sonny: Well, you're only out on bail. You did cause the accident. You could spend 20 years in prison, Connie.

Connie: You're saying that like you're trying to scare me, Sonny.

Sonny: No, I'm just telling you the truth. I mean, you can keep acting the opposite of, you know, Kate and all that, like you don't need anyone, but sooner or later, no one's gonna be there for you. You'll get exactly what you want, but your life will be a living hell.

Lucy: Doc! Doc, wait, wait. Please, just wait.

Kevin: What is it, Lucy?

Lucy: When people start showing up dead, and they will, maybe then you'll be ready to believe me.

Sam: Excuse --

Lucy: [Gasps] Livvie. What are you doing here? You just missed your father.

Sam: Um, I need to ask you a question. What do you know about a woman named Alison Barrington?

Molly: Yeah, they're pretty. What do you think, Danny? Flores por los muertos. Flowers for the dead.

Rafe: Mom.

[John approaches and startles Rafe who kneels beside his mother's bleeding body holding a large metal arrow.]

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