GH Transcript Wednesday 1/30/13

General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 1/30/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele

[Police radio chatter]

McBain: Gallagher, did the paper come today? I had enough of Manning yesterday.

Officer Gallagher: Don't think it was delivered this morning.

McBain: Thanks.

Sam: Kristina's gonna be okay.

Alexis: Yeah, better than her mom.

Sam: Hey, we're gonna get her out of this. Oh, no, you didn't pop a stitch or anything, did you?

McBain: No, no. I'm -- I'm fine.

Sam: Okay, because if you go back to General Hospital, you know, Epiphany might strap you to the bed.

Alexis: Epiphany is not someone to be trifled with.

McBain: I will not be trifling with Epiphany. But in my defense, it was supposed to be a simple trip to the courthouse.

Sam: Not so simple, considering Lucy attacked you, and...Todd is absolutely crazy.

Alexis: Do you think it's gonna work?

Sam: [Sighs] I don't know. What do you think? Do you think he's gonna get away with this insanity thing?

[Telephone rings]

Connie: Connie Falconeri, Editrix in Chief.

Todd: You're answering my phone.

Connie: Todd, how's the nut hatch?

Todd: You don't get to answer my phone.

Connie: Well, it's my phone, my desk, my chair, my lamp, my office, my paper.

Todd: No, not your paper. Not today. The Sun didn't come out today. Don't -- don't even say it. But, tell me, is there a problem?

Connie: Yeah, I did run into a little snag putting my first issue to bed. Your lousy excuse of a staff tried to stonewall me.

Todd: Oh. It's good they showed me some loyalty for all I've given them.

Connie: And a little is all you got, because when I threatened them to outsource their jobs to Bangalore, they all got in line. It's tough being loyal in this economy, don't you think?

Todd: So, what, no paper?

Connie: Hot off the presses. And it's got a hell of a lead.

Starr: [Exhales deeply] You know, I've never really been much of a corporate type, but seeing you in this suit makes me want to find the nearest supply closet.

Michael: Well, that sounds good to me.

Starr: Yeah? Well, if my memory is correct, I think that there's one right around the corner.

Michael: Oh, you are very, very tempting.

Starr: [Laughs]

Michael: But I promised I'd talk to Connie, try and convince her to drop the charges against Kristina.

Starr: I don't mean to disappoint you, but I don't think Connie's going to budge.

Michael: Well, she's my sister. I got to do something. You know, besides, you never know what could happen. If you were to tell me six months ago that I'd have a relationship with my biological father and that A.J. and I would be running ELQ, I would say you're crazy. But he's there now, and it's his first full day as C.E.O.

A.J.: Call my assistant next week and set up a meeting.

[Knock on door]

A.J.: Come in. Yeah, no, no, I want to hear the rest of it, okay? Talk soon. Bye.

Monica: Does the C.E.O. have a moment?

A.J.: I can always spare a few for my beautiful mother.

Monica: [Laughs] Oh, so, how is it going on the first day?

A.J.: Um, hectic, but good. I woke up early 'cause I wanted to get in here before the Asian markets opened up and just, I don't know, let the business community know I can be trusted to run ELQ.

Monica: [Laughs]

A.J.: Mom?

Monica: Hmm?

A.J.: Trust me. I can do this.

Monica: Oh, I do. Oh, I do. I trust you, A.J. It's Tracy I don't trust.

Sonny: Tracy, I'm sorry. I know you're having a bad day. I know what it's like to deal with A.J. I know you want to take him down. I really do.

Tracy: But not enough to help.

Sonny: Like I said before, if I get involved with you to do this with A.J., then it's gonna cause more problems with Michael. I can't do that, you know.

Tracy: Well, unfortunately, I have more pressing concerns than your relationship with Michael.

Sonny: You got to give A.J. some time. Let him destroy himself. Because that's what he does. That's his nature.

Tracy: My nature's impatience.

Sonny: What does that mean?

Tracy: It means you're welcome.

Connie: So, I'm thinking our paper needs a little more visual impact. I'm thinking of changing the font to Zapf Dingbat.

Todd: I think you're a dingbat. And I think if you change so much as the size of the text, I will --

Connie: You'll what? Talk about your feelings? There's not much you can do to me from group therapy, Todd.

Todd: I'm not gonna be here for long. I'm getting out of here real soon.

Lucy: Are you really getting out of here? And how, may I ask, are you planning to make that happen?

Sonny: I should thank you?

Tracy: Well, you wouldn't act, so I did. A.J. will not be in the C.E.O.'s chair for long.

Sonny: Okay, so, if you're going after A.J. through ELQ, that means Michael's involved. I don't want my son caught in the cross fire.

Tracy: Oh, Sonny, I'm so sorry. But I don't care what you want. You wouldn't lift a finger to help me.

Sonny: My son's too important to me.

Tracy: You know what, Sonny? If Michael is old enough to hitch his star to A.J.'s wagon, then he's old enough to suffer the consequences when I fix that wagon.

Connie: Starfish, got a bone to pick with you about your no-good father.

Star: Well, I'm not here to talk about my father.

Michael: This is for Kristina. Look, Connie, please. Please drop the charges against her.

Connie: Why would I do that? She came in here and almost killed me. I got to protect myself.

Starr: Of course, you have to protect yourself, Connie, but not against Kristina. You're facing some serious charges of your own. If you withdraw your complaint against Kristina, it might actually help you out in the long run.

Connie: Honey, I'm not worried about my charges. I'll just claim cuckoo-cuckoo like your dad.

Starr: Like my what?

Connie: Oh, sorry. We're not here to talk about Todd.

Starr: No, no, no, no, no. What were you going to say about my dad?

Connie: Don't you read the papers, kid? [Laughs] Todd's in Ferncliff.

Starr: [Sighs]

Todd: Lucy Coe. Fancy meeting you here. I got to tell you, I'm a huge fan. The whole stick a chair leg into the cop/vampire's chest -- that was truly inspired.

Lucy: Thank you. And you are?

Todd: I'm Todd Manning, but I'm thinking of changing my name to Peaceful Warrior. But, hey, you don't need to worry about me, okay? I don't have any fangs.

Lucy: Okay, okay, wait, wait, wait, wait. Are -- sorry. Are you -- are you really, uh, busting out?

Todd: Okay, look, I don't know what it is that you think that you heard, but --

Lucy: I heard what you said to the person on the phone -- that you're getting out of here soon. But do not worry. I will not rat you out.

Todd: Why not?

Lucy: I want in on the plan.

Alice: Miss Tracy, I have a message for you.

Tracy: What are you doing here? Where's Ned?

Alice: Well, he isn't coming.

Tracy: Well, that's ridiculous. He told me he wanted me to meet him here, that it was important.

Alice: Well, I know that it is, but something came up, so he sent me instead.

Tracy: He sent the maid to do a business meeting.

Alice: It was an emergency. Miss Lois called and said Brook Lynn hurt herself doing some kind of stage diving in "Ibitha."

Tracy: Ibiza.

Alice: Ibiza.

Tracy: What's stage diving?

Alice: You know, where a performer stands on the edge of the stage and they dive --

Tracy: Never mind. Is she all right?

Alice: Well, it's just a broken leg, but Mr. Ned wanted to fly out there anyway right away, so he sent me with a message for you.

Tracy: Where's the message?

Alice: Oh. [Laughs] It's right here. Let's see.

Olivia: Hey. Fancy meeting you here.

Sonny: I'm on my way to the police station to meet with Alexis.

Olivia: Oh, God, Sonny, what did you do now?

Sonny: I didn't do anything. Kristina's in trouble.

Olivia: What happened?

Sonny: She tried to kill your cousin.

McBain: Manning is scheduled for his psych evaluation later today.

Alexis: Well, we'll see if his bid to play crazy is good enough to fool the professionals.

McBain: He's done it before. I mean, Manning's a complete sociopath. Other than that, he's perfectly sane.

Sam: How do we prove it?

McBain: He was already laying the groundwork when I dropped him off at Ferncliff yesterday, pretending to share Lucy Coe's delusions about vampires.

Sam: Well, here's hoping we've seen the last of that crackpot, too.

Kevin: I'll have you know that crackpot is my wife. Well, to be fair, she's really more screwball than crackpot.

Tracy: That's the message from Ned that was so important it couldn't wait?

Alice: Let's see what it says. Oh, no. I think I brought the wrong note. This doesn't make any sense at all.

Tracy: Check your prescription. You're looking at it upside down. Oh, no. [Sighs] Ned's handwriting is terrible. I can't read it. You read it.

Alice: "Don't give up on ELQ yet. A.J. told Carly that Heather Webber told him Grandfather's mill contains the key to controlling ELQ." Huh, I didn't know Mr. Q. had a mill.

Tracy: He doesn't have a mill. Are you reading that right?

Alice: Well, yeah. I know how to read. Oh. [Laughs] It's -- it's "will," not -- not "mill." "Heather Webber said Grandfather's will contains the key to controlling ELQ." I wonder what --

Tracy: You're torturing me. Give it to me. [Sighs] "Carly had an interesting... reaction when A.J. said Heather must think there was another Quartermaine heir. If a grandchild, the heir would get 12%, and if a great-grandchild, 6%."

Alice: So, there's another Quartermaine.

Tracy: "Carly denied knowing anything, but I think she's lying, and this is the ammo we need to take back ELQ." He is right. This is huge. If there is another shareholder, I could convince... Oh, no.

Alice: What do you mean, "Oh, no"? I mean, you just said huge, like in --

Tracy: The Sun. The Sun. The story could destroy everything. I have to make sure it doesn't go to press.

A.J.: Tracy has nothing on me. ELQ is safe. I'm the C.E.O., and I plan on staying here for a long time.

Monica: I'm sorry. I did not want to put a damper on your first day.

A.J.: Oh, Mom, no, stop, please. Listen, I have definitely given you lots of reasons to expect the worst. It's different this time. I'm different.

Monica: I know you are, A.J. I do.

A.J.: You know, it's not like the bad old days. I don't want this job for attention. I want it because I honestly -- I know I can be a good C.E.O. I want to honor Grandfather's legacy while building my own and doing it with my son by my side. I just hope that I can, uh, keep Carly and Sonny out of my way.

Olivia: Kristina tried to kill Connie? How? Why?!

Sonny: Trey. You know how distraught Kristina was over losing him?

Olivia: Yeah.

Sonny: Well, because they were chasing Connie the night of the accident, you know, now Kristina blames Connie for Trey.

Olivia: You got to admit, the kid's got a point. I mean, Connie put the whole thing in motion, so...

Sonny: Kristina's retaliating, and I walk into Connie's office. She's got a baseball bat in her hands.

Olivia: God. Is Connie okay?

Sonny: She's fine. But she's pressing charges against Kristina.

Olivia: That's ridiculous! Sonny, she of all people should understand that Kristina was so upset over Trey. The kid wasn't thinking straight.

Sonny: When Connie lashes out, she -- you know, that's what she does when she's in pain, right? She covers her pain. I know a little bit of what that's about.

Olivia: Connie and I are not close anymore, but we had a nice conversation the other day. She seemed more like the cousin that I love. Maybe I could go talk to her, talk her down, maybe get her to drop the charges.

Sonny: Hope you have better luck than I had.

Olivia: What are you saying, you already tried?

Sonny: I did my best. Look, Connie is set on moving forward, and I think most of that is to punish me.

Michael: Connie.

Connie: Yes?

Michael: I give you my word that Kristina won't bother you again.

Connie: Michael, I may be willing to trust you, but your sister's another story. She is for one, a spoiled brat. And she has a temper worse than Sonny. She came after me once. How do I know she's not gonna do it again?

Starr: Great, so my father is in Ferncliff.

Connie: We still on that?

Starr: Yeah, we are. I have to go, Michael.

Michael: I'll drive. I'll drive.

Starr: No, no, no, no, no. Today is your big day. It's your first day at ELQ.

Connie: Yeah, you obviously have places to go. Don't let me hold you back. Bye-bye, now.

Starr: I'll be fine. I want you to enjoy your first day with your dad.

Connie: You better hurry, Michael. 'Cause your first day is probably gonna be your last.

Officer: Detective.

McBain: Hmm? Yeah.

Alexis: It is good to see you, Kevin.

Kevin: You, too, Alexis. So, from what I hear, seems I'm back in Port Charles none too soon.

Alexis: I wasn't sure I was gonna hear from you at all. I had left you tons of messages. You didn't get back to me.

Kevin: I'm sorry it took me so long to get in touch. Couldn't have been easy dealing with Lucy on your own.

Alexis: You think? In any case, I'm really glad you're here, because she's had a rough couple of days. She could use your support.

Kevin: Is it true she stabbed a police officer?

Alexis: Uh-huh. Him.

McBain: How are you doing? Detective John McBain.

Kevin: Dr. Kevin Collins. And I am so very sorry. I hope Lucy didn't cause any permanent damage.

McBain: I'll live.

Alexis: Yeah, well, Lucy got it in her head that John is not John, that he's a vampire.

Kevin: Named Caleb.

Rafe: So, looked around, and we're in luck. There's a diner close by, and maybe we can rest, get something to eat.

Alison: Soon. But there's something that I got to do first.

Rafe: And then? Will this finally be finished? Can we stop running?

Alison: Look, I know this is just another town, another city to you, but to me, it's much more. To me, Port Charles is home.

Lucy: Come on. Are you really, really getting out of here? If you are, you can take me with you.

Todd: Yeah, I don't know about that. There's only one seat left on the freedom bus, and I kind of got dibs on it. So you're gonna have to figure out another way out of here.

Lucy: Oh, no, no, no. Please, don't be so hasty. I can be a real ass...set. And obviously, you are an extremely resourceful guy.

Todd: Well, I don't know about that. I mean, I'm rich, if that's what you mean.

Lucy: Well, whatever. I can be resourceful, too. And if we work together, we could both get out of here.

Todd: I don't think that's a good idea. I'm in a little bit of trouble here. It's probably not such a great idea for me to team up with such a committed slayer.

Lucy: Oh, go ahead. You can say it. I'm a nutjob. You can call me that. I should have probably recanted what I said about Caleb and blamed it on overeating or stress or exhaustion or something like eating expired ding dongs.

Todd: Ding dongs expire?

Lucy: Yeah.

Todd: That's worrisome.

Lucy: Listen to me. I need someone to vouch for me, to insist that I'm sane. 'Cause nobody in the courtroom that saw me go after Caleb again is gonna do that. Why did I miss his heart? I don't know what happened. I guess you got to practice. You know, when you have a really good skill, you should keep up your practice, and I didn't.

Todd: Okay, you know what? You can stop now. Actually I do need someone to back me up.

Lucy: You do?

Todd: Yeah. You should dial back the stake talk a little bit, and then I'll be more than happy to tell everyone I know that you're sane, providing you tell everyone you know that I'm crazy.

McBain: So, you know about this Caleb, too?

Kevin: Unfortunately, I've been subject to Lucy's ravings for longer than I care to remember. She would go on and on about Caleb Morley, the king of the vampires, who had the power to mesmerize the whole town, but only she could see the truth. And he was supposedly obsessed with a daughter that I don't have named Livvie.

Sam: I'm your daughter?

Kevin: Excuse me?

Alexis: She's my daughter. Sam, Kevin. Kevin, Sam.

Sam: Hi.

Kevin: It's nice to meet you.

Sam: Very nice to meet you.

McBain: Lucy saw Sam, and she decided she was Livvie.

Alexis: We didn't have some torrid affair that I've forgotten about, did we?

Kevin: Only if I've forgotten about it, too.

Alexis: Oh.

McBain: Look, just so I understand, you do not have a daughter named Livvie?

Kevin: No.

McBain: You don't recognize Sam?

Kevin: I've never seen you before in my life.

Sam: Lucy seemed so sure. I thought she had me confused with someone else.

Kevin: Confused with someone in her imaginations. I'm a psychiatrist, and no amount of therapy or drugs have been able to diminish Lucy's commitment to her narrative or hallucinations. Finally, it got so bad, I had to leave before her behavior caused permanent damage to the children.

Alexis: Kevin, I'm sorry. I always knew Lucy was eccentric. I just didn't know that it had gotten that bad.

Kevin: You wouldn't believe how convoluted and detailed her madness became. She was living in a fantasy world of seers and demons. There was even an angel named Rafe.

Rafe: Just leave it.

Alison: No, it's cold out here, and this coat isn't very warm. Look, I'm sorry that I'm being such a mom, but I worry about you, okay?

Rafe: I promise I won't get sick and slow you down, okay? Just give it a rest.

Alison: That's not what I meant. Listen, I know that being on the run has been really hard on you, okay? And constantly looking over your shoulder. This is definitely not the life that I wanted to give you. But that's all gonna change now. Okay? Now that we're back here in Port Charles, it's all gonna change. By the time I am done here, you and I will finally be safe.

Rafe: Really?

Alison: I promise you, Rafe.

Lucy: Okay, correct me -- ha -- if I'm wrong, but didn't you just say you want to get out of this place? But now you want me to say that you are crazy?

Todd: Well, isn't everybody a little crazy? Let's face it. How else do you explain all the insane things that I've done in my life?

Lucy: Okay. And we're gonna call this disease what?

Todd: No, well, I'm gonna say that I have D.I.D. -- Dissociative Identity Disorder -- 'cause I'm not going to Pentonville.

Lucy: No, you do not want to go to that -- I'm going! Five. Dreadful place. Listen, I had a friend that went there, and I'm not gonna give you the details, but avoid Pentonville at all costs.

Todd: Which is why it might be a really good idea to have somebody corroborate that I'm completely out of my board -- gourd -- I'm out of my gourd.

Lucy: Okay. Here. Go ahead. No, no, I mean, go ahead.

Todd: Go ahead what?

Lucy: Well, you got to corroborate that you're out of your board -- out of your gourd. You got to do something. Corroborate. Come on, Todd.

Todd: Todd? [Speaking Italian]

Lucy: Wow, is that it? Okay, I'm talking to one of your alters -- Rod?

Todd: [Speaking Italian] [Italian accent] I am a lover. I am a lover.

Starr: Uh, no, no. No, what you are is full of it.

Monica: So, tell me, what have you and Michael accomplished so far?

A.J.: Um, actually, nothing. I was expecting him. He hasn't shown up yet.

Monica: Well, you have to give him a little time to adjust to the 9:00-to-5:00 corporate life, you know.

A.J.: Well, I know I've only been back in Port Charles for a short time, but I do know how responsible my son is. I just, um -- you don't think that Sonny and Carly got to him or anything, do you -- that, you know, maybe they convinced him to turn his back on me or...

Michael: Hey, sorry I'm late. Reporting for duty, Boss.

Monica: Well...

Olivia: I'm kind of surprised.

Sonny: Yeah.

Olivia: I thought things had thawed out between the two of you.

Sonny: Didn't last very long, did it?

Olivia: What happened? I mean, she was genuinely touched that you took such good care of her after Trey died.

Sonny: I know. She thanked me.

Olivia: Yeah, so?

Sonny: We connected. I mean, for once. We weren't at each other's throats like we usually are, and it felt good. It felt...felt real good. But not as good as it would have been with Kate.

Olivia: Well, I'm surprised you're still comparing the two of them. I mean, why would you -- oh, God. Sonny, you kissed Connie!

Sonny: No, I did-- no, no. Look, I'm not gonna lie to you. I -- I wanted to. But then I told her that I miss Kate.

Olivia: Oh, boy.

Sonny: And telling her that is like telling her to cease to exist, you know?

Olivia: Yeah.

Sonny: I'm not gonna deny it, okay? I care about Connie in a kind of way... but Kate is the woman that I love.

Tracy: Connie!

Connie: Okay, okay. Okay, okay, before you start, hear me out.

Tracy: The paper.

Connie: I'm sorry. I know you wanted to wake up this morning and read about ELQ's demise first thing, but I ran into a little road block.

Tracy: You did?

Connie: Yeah. My staff -- they staged a mutiny against me on Todd's behalf. They wouldn't run the paper, because I'm not the one in charge, if that makes any sense, 'cause Todd's a crappy boss.

Tracy: Oh, thank God.

Connie: You sound relieved.

Tracy: I am so relieved. I changed my mind. I don't want you to print it.

Connie: Ah.

Tracy: Ah?

Connie: Tracy, I don't take no for an answer. I had them run the paper anyway with the big ELQ headline and all.

Michael: Sorry. It won't happen again.

A.J.: You don't have to punch a clock, Michael.

Monica: Did anything happen?

Michael: I just got held up in some family business.

A.J.: Is everything all right?

Michael: No. But I've done everything I can for now.

A.J.: Well, I --

[Telephone ringing]

A.J.: Excuse me. A.J. Quartermaine. Wait, wait, what paper? I'll call you back. Toby! Toby, get me today's issue of The Sun right now!

Michael: What's going on?

A.J.: Just give me a sec. Is that The Sun?

Toby: It just arrived. It was late today.

Monica: A.J., for heaven sakes, what's wrong? [Gasps] Oh, my...

Tracy: It's over. My father's company, my company, it's ruined. My father was right to only leave me a jar of relish. Why didn't I wait?

Connie: Maybe it's not so bad, huh?

Tracy: It's worse. I sacrificed my family legacy for the sake of my hurt pride. When Ned and Dillon find out, I'm gonna lose my sons, as well.

Connie: Well, hey, who says anyone's gonna find out, right? I mean, you're not gonna say anything. I'm not gonna say anything.

Tracy: You're not? Why not?

Connie: Because we're simpatico, Tracy. We've got to work together.

Tracy: Yeah, but you're gonna be under a lot of pressure. I mean, the Feds will sue you to reveal your source, not to mention what A.J.'s gonna do.

Connie: Oh, please -- A.J. You think I'm afraid of him? [Scoffs] Come on, I'm a newswoman, and newswomen protect their sources. I mean, I don't know if it's gonna solve your legal problems, but I don't think your reputation's gonna take such a big hit if they don't know who spilled the beans.

Tracy: Would you really do that for me?

Connie: Yeah, I would. We're friends, right, Trace?

Monica: I knew this was gonna happen. Tracy, that vindictive harpy, leaked the story to the papers.

A.J.: This doesn't make sense. I mean, why would Tracy do that? She knows she could go to prison for this. This is why she stepped aside in the first place. I mean, I can't believe that she would do this just to let everything blow up today.

Michael: So, if it wasn't Tracy, then who was it?

A.J.: Sonny.

[Indistinct conversations]

Alexis: Excuse me.

Sonny: Did you see Kristina?

Alexis: Yeah.

Sonny: Okay, what happened?

Alexis: Yeah, they arranged for Sam and me to visit her in her cell, and she's putting up a brave front. She's a mess. So am I. So you got to do something, because she can't take the stress of a trial, and she can't take the stress of a prison sentence for sure. So, you need to talk to Connie.

Sonny: I tried. She shot me down.

Alexis: Well, try again, okay? She's had time to cool down.

Sonny: Don't bet on it.

Alexis: You're the only one who can get through to Connie, Kate, whatever the hell her name is.

Sonny: How many times do I -- I tried. I can't do it.

Alexis: Okay, let me just say to you, you get through to her or our daughter is gonna end up in prison just like Michael.

Rafe: If being here was gonna fix everything, why didn't we come sooner?

Alison: Because I didn't know if it was gonna be safe here or not, and I'm still not sure that it is. But at least I know now we actually have an ally.

Kevin: Detective, I want to apologize for all the trouble my wife put you through.

Main: Forget about it. I needed a day off.

Sam: John is a total workaholic.

Kevin: You're both very kind.

Sam: You can help him by stop thanking him. He doesn't do well with gratitude.

Kevin: Well, then I'm relieved that you're on your feet already and that Lucy is institutionalized. Maybe now she can get the help that I wasn't able to give her.

Alexis: And I'm sure you'll be an integral part of her recovery.

Kevin: Oh, I'm not staying. I'm afraid Lucy's going to have to get better on her own.

Todd: Oh-la-la! [Speaking French]

Starr: Okay. One, gross. Two, that's French, not Italian. And three, give it up, Rod. You don't have D.I.D.

Todd: Maybe I do.

Starr: Uh, no, you're just pretending, just like you pretended when I was a kid in order to get out of another felony that you committed.

Todd: You remember that?

Starr: Oh, yeah. It was quite memorable, because I had it on tape -- you admitting that all of it was a big lie, and everything blew up in your face. Right, when I played that tape? And guess what.

Todd: What?

Starr: I still have that tape.

Todd: A cassette tape? Really?

Starr: Yeah.

Todd: Who keeps a cassette tape? What are you gonna play it on? You know, I think it's great that we get to talk here, you know, in the looney bin, because I feel we should talk about hoarding.

Starr: Would you just give it up, Dad, please? Please!

Todd: Maybe I spent eight years in a windowless cell, tortured. Maybe my only friends were Tom and Rod and Mrs. Perkins.

Starr: Would you just stop it? For once, take responsibility for the horrible things that you have done, like protecting the killer that killed your own granddaughter. You don't have D.I.D., Dad. You didn't have it before, and you don't have it now. And if you for one second try to convince those doctors that you are crazy, I will go so fast to the police with that tape that your head will spin.

Todd: You wouldn't do that.

Starr: Did you or did you not spit on Cole and Hope's grave when you let their killer go free? And you let him pretend that he was my friend. Oh, yeah, I would.

Rafe: We came here because of this woman -- Lucy Coe? She sounds crazy. She got arrested for stabbing a cop.

Alison: Listen, Lucy can help us. You have to trust me, Rafe.

Rafe: Don't I always? On the run from place to place with no explanation.

Alison: I am trying to keep you safe from a man that is trying to take you away from me.

Rafe: Right.

Alison: Hey, we both know what he's capable of if he finds us. This is the only way. Okay?

Rafe: Okay.

Alison: I have to go find out about Lucy, and I cannot risk exposing you to anyone, so I really need you to stay here.

Rafe: Can I at least --

Alison: No, no, you can't. I need you to stay out of sight. If anybody gives you any trouble, I want you to use this. It will defend you. I promise. I will be back as soon as I can. Okay?

Rafe: careful.

Alison: I will. I love you, kiddo. It's gonna be okay.

Alexis: Wait, you can't just leave. You just got here.

Kevin: I only came to apologize to Lucy's victims and to consult with her doctors, give them the background on her case.

Alexis: And then what?

Kevin: I go home.

Alexis: You're just giving up?

Kevin: No, I'm stepping aside so that she can get the help that she needs.

Alexis: Really? So, what if Lucy had stepped aside when you needed the help, when she convinced the best attorney in Port Charles, which happens to be me, to keep you out of Ferncliff?

Kevin: I will always be grateful that you defended me.

Alexis: I don't need you to be grateful to me. You need to be grateful to Lucy. She needs your gratitude and your loyalty.

Kevin: You're not hearing me. There's nothing left for me to do.

Alexis: What would you have done without Lucy's unwavering love? And more importantly, what is she gonna do if you don't return the favor?

Michael: You think my dad leaked this to The Sun?

A.J.: It makes sense.

Michael: How? My dad has enough problems with Connie and Kristina, and he gave me his word he wasn't gonna interfere in ELQ.

A.J.: Sonny's never lied to you before? I saw Sonny coming out of this office yesterday while Tracy was still in charge. And I asked him, "What are you doing?" And he said, "Business." Sonny Corinthos does not do business with the Quartermaines.

Michael: That doesn't automatically mean that he's guilty.

A.J.: Michael, you were here when Sonny called Tracy.

Michael: If he wanted to bring ELQ down, why would he warn Tracy?

A.J.: Because he wants to do it while I'm in charge. She stepped down, because she knew this disaster was gonna happen.

Michael: It still doesn't add up. Okay, somebody else has to be behind this.

A.J.: Okay, fine. There's only one way to find out then. We're going to the source.

Connie: Connie Falconeri, Publisher. It's got a good ring to it.

[Knock on door]

Connie: Yep? What do you want?

Sonny: Can I come in?

Connie: Well, that depends, Sonny. 'Cause if you're here to talk about Kristina, I'm gonna tell you what I told Michael this morning and what I told you last night. Kristina tried to kill me, and she has to pay for it.

Sonny: You saw Michael?

Connie: Yeah. He came by this morning on his way to work. He was all ready to start his fresh, new life as a Quartermaine.

Sonny: Michael's my son. He's never gonna be a Quartermaine.

Connie: Well, I don't know, Sonny. He looked the part, for sure, all corporate in his suit and tie. You better watch out, 'cause you could lose him, too.

Sonny: You know what? Sooner or later, Michael's gonna figure out what a waste of time A.J. is. But I'm not worried about that. I'm worried about my daughter.

Connie: I knew it. Don't let the door hit you on the way out, Sonny.

Sonny: How about -- how about if I give you something in exchange for you dropping the charges?

Connie: Like what?

[Sonny kisses Connie]

[Cell phone rings]

Tracy: [Sighs] Hi, Ned. Uh, what's the word on Brook Lynn? Oh. That's a relief. Yes. Yes, I got your message from Alice. Yes, that is good news. We can still save ELQ.

Connie: What the hell are you doing to me?

Sonny: What does it feel like I'm doing?

Connie: I thought you wanted me snuffed out like Kristina does.

Sonny: Kristina doesn't want to hurt you. I don't want to hurt you.

Connie: What do you want?

Sonny: Well, you say we both have, you know, this connection, right? I don't want to deny it anymore, do you? Maybe we can coexist. Maybe we can even, you know, have a little more, you know what I mean? But we can't do that with these charges against Kristina hanging between us.

Connie: So that's why you're here, huh? You think you can play me, Sonny?

Sonny: Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Connie: You think you can just kiss all your troubles goodbye?

Sonny: Come on. Hey, wait, wait. Don't get all crazy.

Michael: Dad?

Connie: What do you want?

A.J.: Answers. Where did you get this story?

Connie: Him.

Todd: Starr, please.

Starr: No, I'm done lying for you. And I'm not going to keep my mouth shut if you try to lie to anyone else. Just do the right thing.

Orderly: The doctors are waiting for you, Mr. Manning. It's time for your evaluation.

Starr: Hi. I'm Mr. Manning's daughter. I would actually like to meet all of his doctors, and I would like to sit in on his evaluation. I want to see for myself just how crazy my father is.

Rafe: Lady, you better be able to help my mom, 'cause I can't take this much longer.

Alison: Hi. Excuse me, Officer. I'm trying to find some information about a woman who was recently arrested. Her name is Lucy Coe.

Officer: The vampire lady? You want Detective John McBain. He's right in there.

Alison: Oh. Oh, thanks.

Lucy: What am I going to do without Todd? He was my only hope of getting out of here.

Kevin: Oh, ye of little faith.

Lucy: [Sighs]

[Knock on door]

McBain: Hmm?

Alison: Hi, Detective. They said that maybe you could help me?

McBain: Sure. What can I do for you?

Alison: Oh, my God, Caleb!

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