General Hospital Transcript Monday 1/28/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele
Connie: [Humming] "Change title back to 'Love in Maine.'" Aw! All right, I thought "lust" was edgier. "Delete paragraph three." All righty then. Bye-bye. Crap. Whoa! Kristina, what the hell?!
Kristina: It's payback time.
Lulu: You're not gonna finish that?
Maxie: I'm full. Lulu, seriously, I am eating for two, but this meal was for four.
Dante: She's got a point. That was a ton of food.
Lulu: I know that you're taking care of yourself and the baby, especially after what happened -- that accident with the wolf puppy on New Year's Eve.
Max: This is just what you need, my friend.
Milo: A night on the town with the Giambetti brothers.
Max: We'll have you cheered up in no time.
Milo: Or too drunk to remember how miserable your life truly is.
Spinelli: Well, you know, I appreciate the efforts, gents, but I fear the immediate future will be unquestionably without mirth.
Max: Don't worry, Spinelli. You want mirth? We can hook you up. We got connections.
Spinelli: Yeah. Um, well, alas, the connection that matters most, I have lost. The woman I love refuses to see me.
Milo: After you wooed her on the houseboat roof New Year's Eve?
Spinelli: Yeah, that didn't quite go exactly as planned. Ellie was involved in a car accident, and I was involved in something else.
Ellie: So, three sets of exercises twice a day.
Therapist: Yeah, and don't forget you'll need an exercise partner. Don't try those by yourself.
Ellie: No worries. I'll find a home healthcare aide. Thank you.
Therapist: Okay. Doctor.
Steve: Thanks. A home healthcare aide?
Ellie: Yeah, my insurance should cover it, at least for awhile.
Steve: Still, isn't there someone closer who could help you out?
Ellie: Not since Damian decided to be with someone else.
Sabrina: No, you're right. Even though I'll never feel about anyone the way I feel about Dr. Drake...
Elizabeth: You don't know that.
Sabrina: ...I can't spend my life pining over him.
Elizabeth: Right.
Felix: Ah, seems like I arrived just in time. Your new life begins... now. It's officially single nurses' night out.
Elizabeth: Well, you guys have fun.
Felix: Uh, excuse me, Nurse Webber, but are you currently encumbered by the bonds of matrimony?
Elizabeth: I'm not going with you.
Felix: And you know what the best part about that is?
Elizabeth: The very large glass of wine I'm gonna have after I put my boys to bed?
Felix: No, the best part is you're wrong. You're coming with us. Isn't that right, 'Brina?
Sabrina: Oh, no, I'm not sure I want to go out tonight.
Felix: Instead of doing what? Sitting at home, doing needlepoint while Dr. Dreamboat has the night of his life?
Patrick: Where's Emma?
Britt: What do you mean?
Patrick: Well, she's not here. Is she with you?
Britt: No, I left her at the table to color. Oh, my God. She's gone.
Patrick: What do you mean, "gone"? Where the hell is my daughter?
A.J.: I'm not really surprised that you're working with the mob again. I mean, after all, you'd done it before. I guess, what, the temptation was just too great? You've managed to appropriate that dirty money from the Soleitos, and you wanted to impress Grandfather, so you dumped the funds into ELQ. Naughty, naughty.
Tracy: Don't be absurd. I would never put tainted mob money in ELQ.
Michael: Never? Well, I have evidence right here that says otherwise.
Tracy: Let me see that.
Michael: The records were originally on a flash drive. They were printed out and the flash drive was destroyed, and what you're looking at right now is a copy, and I stashed the originals in a secure location.
A.J.: That's my boy. Read it and weep.
Connie: What the hell is wrong with you? Payback for what?
Kristina: For killing Trey.
Maxie: I can't believe Spinelli. Why doesn't he just go to the Floating Rib? He knows that I'm here.
Dante: How could he know that you're here? You didn't even know you were coming here.
Maxie: Okay, well, he saw me when he walked in, and he's still standing here. Why does the universe hate me?
Lulu: I know that things have been a little strained with you and Spinelli since --
Maxie: Since he chose Ellie over me again?
Lulu: Is that why you're avoiding him, or did something else happen?
Britt: Well, I'd have to run a more in-depth test to get specific information about the time frame, but your HCG levels found in your blood are a positive indicator of pregnancy.
Maxie: How is that possible?
Britt: It must have happened the old-fashioned way.
Maxie: I don't know, Lulu. I don't want to talk about it.
Lulu: Okay, I'll drop it.
Maxie: And [Scoffs] Why is Spinelli out partying when Ellie's in the hospital?
Max: Let's get in the game. Come on.
Milo: First round's on me.
Spinelli: All right.
Steve: Well, we've all noticed how Spinelli's been here pretty much 'round the clock since he found out about your accident.
Ellie: Yeah, that's true.
Steve: I saw how excited he was when we realized you'd be able to walk again. I also heard the nurses mention the flowers he's been sending you pretty much hourly.
Ellie: Yeah, the nurses should keep the flowers or give them away. I don't need any additional reminders of Damian when [Sighs] he's all I think about already. [Chuckles]
Spinelli: Must we sit at the bar? I mean, table service is much more "guys' night out."
Milo: It's overrated.
Max: We drink at the bar like men. Lulu, tres beers.
Milo: Please.
Lulu: Sure. Coming right up.
Spinelli: Greetings, all.
Lulu: How's Ellie doing?
Spinelli: She's expected to make a full recovery. Thank you for asking.
Dante: Is that why you're out celebrating tonight?
Spinelli: Um, no. Not -- not exactly.
Felix: Yes, now, this is just what we need. Your boys are at home with your grandma, and you haven't had any action since your last boy went psycho.
Elizabeth: Okay. You really are a stickler for details.
Felix: Facts.
Elizabeth: So you think you're gonna be able to walk in here and find us three eligible bachelors? Good luck.
Felix: I don't need luck. Voila.
Together: Salute!
[Bottles clink]
Milo: [Laughs]
Felix: Ladies, start your engines.
Spinelli: So, as I was saying, Ellie and I --
Maxie: Excuse me. I'm gonna go use the restroom.
Dante: Uh, do you want to go chase after her, make sure everything's okay?
Lulu: No, because that's what a controlling person would do, and that's not how I roll.
Dante: [Chuckles]
Felix: Excuse me, Magic Milo.
Milo: It's, uh, just Milo.
Felix: I don't know if you remember me. I spotted for you at the gym.
Milo: Oh, right, yeah. Thanks.
Felix: Uh, do you want to get a table? I'll buy you a drink.
Milo: Sure. Why not another? [Laughs]
Felix: One second. Uh, you know Elizabeth, right?
Max: Yeah, yeah. We go way back.
Elizabeth: Hey.
Felix: Wonderful.'re still single right?
Spinelli: Uh, ostensively, perhaps, but I'm not sure --
Felix: We work with Ellie Trout. We know your relationship status. Hmm -- awkward and nerdy. It's a match made in heaven. Now, if you'll excuse me, Magic Milo awaits. Mm.
Max: Did he just --
Elizabeth: [Chuckles] Hi, Max. How you doing?
Max: Good. How you doing?
Spinelli: I'm sorry.
Sabrina: For what?
Spinelli: I'm not very good company tonight. Despite my newly single status, my thoughts are with another.
Sabrina: Oh, that's okay. So are mine.
Patrick: Emma! Come on, if you're hiding, get out now!
Britt: Okay, I don't understand --
Patrick: Excuse me, guys. Did you see my daughter? She was sitting with us right here?
Waitress: Oh, I didn't see her leave.
Britt: I was in the ladies' room for one minute.
Patrick: Why would you leave her alone?
Britt: You were outside. She couldn't have gone past you.
Patrick: Emma! Emma, come here!
Anna: Hi.
Britt: Hello.
Patrick: Emma -- Emma's missing. I don't know where she is.
Anna: What do you mean she's missing? Since when?
Britt: Less than 10 minutes.
Anna: 10?! God.
Patrick: Emma!
Anna: It's Commissioner Devane. I need a unit outside Kelly's immediately.
Connie: Okay, we both decided to pull the plug, remember? That's what Trey would want.
Kristina: That's not what I meant! The only reason he was on the road that night was because of you!
Connie: Oh, my God! I never asked you to follow me.
Kristina: You had Johnny tied up in your trunk. We had to follow you on a winding road in bad weather!
Connie: It wasn't my fault! That girl jumped in front of my car.
Kristina: Oh, that girl you paralyzed?
Connie: I didn't want her to be there. I didn't any of you to be there.
Kristina: We had to be there. We thought you were gonna kill Johnny, but instead... you killed the man that I loved. You killed Trey. And I'm not gonna let you get away with it.
Connie: Aah!
Tracy: Where'd you get this?
Michael: Johnny Zacchara. He inherited it from Anthony.
[Cell phone rings]
Tracy: Sonny?
Sonny: I just want to make myself clear. Whatever you do to force A.J. out of ELQ, I -- I can't be part of it.
Tracy: I'm well aware of that. I'll be in touch. Well, I hate to tell you, but this, uh, paper's meaningless.
A.J.: How do you figure that?
Tracy: Well, it's a work of fiction created by a diseased mind, namely Anthony Zacchara's. It has absolutely no basis in fact.
A.J.: Why'd you marry him, then? Maybe you're right. Maybe Anthony did fabricate all this, but then again, maybe he didn't. Hey, I tell you what. Let's call the SEC and see what they have to say about it, huh?
Connie: You got my phone. You got my computer. There's nothing else left for you to destroy, Kristina.
Kristina: I think I can find something.
Sonny: Kristina, what are you doing?
Kristina: Aah!
Sonny: Kristina, what are you doing?
Kristina: Go away, Dad.
Connie: Your daughter's trying to kill me. That's what's going on.
Kristina: Connie killed Trey. She doesn't deserve to live her life like nothing happened!
Sonny: Put the bat down. You don't want to do this right now.
Kristina: You're wrong. There's nothing more that I ever wanted to do.
Sonny: You want to blame somebody. I get that. But you don't have to blame her.
Kristina: Whether or not I blame Connie, Connie killed Trey!
Connie: Stop saying that! I did not mean to kill him. I did not mean to harm my son.
Sonny: You lost Trey. I understand. But she lost her son, too.
Kristina: The son that she left to die in a drawer when he was born? The son that she wished she had aborted? Connie didn't lose her son. She killed him. And now I'm gonna kill her.
Tracy: You wouldn't.
A.J.: Hello. Yes, I'd like to speak with someone in the organized crimes division. Yeah. I'll hold.
Tracy: Michael, make him stop.
Michael: Look, you used illegally gained money to finance the company. That's a crime.
Tracy: I can't go to prison for this. I-I can't go to prison, period!
A.J.: And yet you will unless...
Tracy: Unless what?
A.J.: Yeah, no, I'm still holding.
Tracy: Unless what, damn it?!
A.J.: Unless you step down as C.E.O.
Patrick: Emma, come on. Emma!
Britt: It's gonna be okay, Patrick. Anna's here and we're gonna find --
Patrick: Emma! Anna.
Anna: The officers are canvassing the area. So, you didn't see her leave out the front door?
Patrick: No. No.
Anna: Nobody saw the little girl leave out the front door? All right. So that means she must have slipped out the back, but the kitchen staff said they didn't see her.
Patrick: She didn't just slip out. She didn't just slip out. You know her. She's not gonna voluntarily just walk out of here.
Anna: Well, then, we need to think about...
Patrick: [Sighs] Somebody took her?
Anna: I'm gonna issue an Amber Alert, all right?
Spinelli: So, you, too, know the uncertainty of a romance that may no longer be?
Sabrina: Uh, actually, my romance never even started. Do you want to know what's really ridiculous? [Chuckles] We never kissed. He's out with someone else, and I still -- I don't want anyone else. Anyway [Chuckles] At least my friends are having a good time tonight.
Felix: How much can you bench?
Milo: Sometimes how much you're pumping isn't nearly as important as how long you can keep it going. Am I right?
Felix: [Chuckles] I could not agree more.
Max: I'm sorry. I just -- I haven't been on a date since Diane dumped me.
Elizabeth: It's not a date, Max.
Max: Oh. No? Uh, I mean, yeah. Of course not. I mean...
Elizabeth: It's just you and me -- a bodyguard and a nurse having a drink.
Max: Yeah. Yeah. Um... can I -- can I ask you a personal question?
Sabrina: Can I ask you a personal question?
Spinelli: Certainly. My life is an open book.
Sabrina: Well, you don't have to answer, but... you and Ellie seemed really good together. What happened?
Spinelli: I made a terrible mistake. I told Ellie the truth.
Steve: Look, I don't know exactly what happened between you and Spinelli, but you should know, on top of the flowers, he's been calling every hour to check on your condition.
Ellie: Well, that information is confidential, so I hope -- wait. Every hour?
Steve: So you do still care for him.
Ellie: Yeah. Yeah, I care about Damian. And I know that it was just a big misunderstanding. You know, he thought I was through with him when he turned to a woman from his past. But it still hurts, and I just can't forgive him.
Steve: If you don't mind me sharing something personal.
Ellie: Please.
Steve: I made a mistake with a woman from my past once.
Ellie: You did?
Steve: Mm-hmm. And I am grateful every day that Olivia was able to forgive me. Because if she hadn't, we'd be missing out on the best thing that ever happened to either one of us.
Spinelli: There's a reason a myriad of romantic movies turn on the plot device of two lovers meeting at a predetermined time and place and one fails to show.
Lulu: Spinelli seems sad.
Dante: I guess so. It's hard to tell. He's got one of those faces.
Lulu: Well, Maxie got upset when she saw him.
Dante: Well, she'll get over it in time. He's moved on.
Lulu: Yeah, but the stress isn't good for her, and it's not good for the baby. I think I should talk to Spinelli.
Spinelli: And then the upset was only exacerbated when...I unwisely decided to tell her the truth.
Sabrina: But how can telling the truth be a bad thing?
Spinelli: Well, when the truth is that I slept with Maxie on New Year's Eve.
Lulu: You did what? Maxie, how could you? You had sex with Spinelli?
Maxie: You told?!
Elizabeth: After that, I don't think any of us should be asking personal questions.
Max: But you're a nurse and I have this weird mole on my neck. Do you think you could take a look at it for me? Just...
Milo: Things really heated up fast.
Felix: I'll say. But enough about them. Where were we?
Milo: Huh? Oh. Sorry. I just feel a little protective about my man Spinelli.
Felix: He's your man?
Milo: Yeah. I've known him a long time, but we got a lot closer since we ended up stripping on the roof on New Year's Eve.
Felix: Oh. Huh. I see.
Dante: Why don't we, uh... take this to the office?
Lulu: H-how could you?
Maxie: How could you?
Spinelli: I was just --
Maxie: That was between us.
Lulu: Between you? What about me and Dante? What about the baby? We barely found out that we were just pregnant.
Maxie: I know, Lulu. That whole night was a complete mess.
Lulu: Is this what Dr. Westbourne wanted you to tell us?
Maxie: Oh, no, it wasn't that.
Lulu: So you're saying that there's something else that you need to tell us.
Waitress: Hey. What can I get you?
Sabrina: The number to a cab. I don't want to bother my friends.
Waitress: There you go.
Sabrina: Thanks.
Patrick: I took this today. That's what she's wearing, minus the jacket.
Anna: So, I need this photograph and her description out to all TV outlets, any online media, any news outlets, airport security.
Officer: All right. We've got the photo.
Patrick: Thank you.
Anna: Thanks.
Officer: Commissioner.
Anna: Yes.
Officer: I canvassed everybody here.
Anna: Yeah.
Officer: Nobody saw the girl leave.
Anna: All right, so, I need bus and train stations covered, and I want a roadblock set up.
Patrick: And she doesn't know where she's going, okay? She doesn't have a phone. She doesn't even have her jacket. She's gonna be scared. She's gonna be -- she's gonna be cold.
Anna: I need updates constantly -- every five minutes -- every two minutes.
Patrick: Who would take her? Honestly, I mean, Lisa Niles is dead. Jerry Jax is dead.
Anna: So, you need to think about the fact that we've now covered the worst-possible scenario, but what if it isn't that? What if she just wandered off on her own?
Patrick: I already told you. I don't think she would just walk out of here.
Anna: She's just a child. She's been through a lot. Has anything bothered her recently? Anything more? Has she been upset about anything?
Patrick: No, I don't -- I mean, she's a little bit -- she's a little bit taken back with a new woman in her life that's not her mother.
Britt: But that -- that's normal for situations like this, right?
Anna: Has she threatened to run away at all?
Patrick: No. No. I mean, you guys were getting along fine, from what I saw.
Britt: I ask you if you want your dad to be happy, and you say you want Sabrina.
Emma: I do.
Britt: Well, too bad. Sabrina's history, okay? Get over it.
Emma: I won't get over it. I want Sabrina.
Britt: You know what, Emma? I'm gonna go to the ladies' room. And while I'm gone, I want you to try to work your tiny little mind around the fact that Sabrina is no longer in the picture, okay? I am.
Anna: Well, Dr. Westbourne. Have you and Emma been getting along?
Tracy: You want me to step down as C.E.O.
A.J.: It's either that or prison.
Tracy: And then what? I step down and I do your laundry, scrub your floors? I'm not gonna be your flying monkey.
A.J.: I got to tell you, that is pretty tempting, but no. I'll give you the originals. You can destroy them yourself.
Tracy: And if I do resign, you know you don't automatically take over. You have to be voted in.
A.J.: Yeah, I realize that.
Tracy: Do you also realize that, with Lucy Coe's mental status still pending, her vote is up in the air? We're deadlocked at 50/50. You only have half the company behind you.
A.J.: And that is why I expect you to throw your support behind me by signing this resolution right here, instating me as ELQ's new C.E.O.
Tracy: Et tu, Michael?
Sonny: Connie's gonna pay for what she did, Kristina.
Kristina: Yes, she will.
Sonny: She's been charged with kidnapping Johnny, assaulting Starr, and causing the crash.
Kristina: How could you do it, Dad? How could you side with Connie after everything that she's done?
Sonny: This is not about choosing sides. This is about throwing away your life. Do you understand me?
Kristina: [Crying] Life? What life? The life I was supposed to have with Trey? It's over because of Connie!
Sonny: Okay. It's okay. Come here. Give me the bat. Give me the bat.
Kristina: [Sniffles]
Sonny: Come on. Listen to me. We're gonna take you home, okay? Hmm?
Kristina: [Crying]
Sonny: Okay? We're gonna go home. It's gonna be fine. Come on.
Connie: Trey dodged a bullet with that annulment. At least now that he's dead, he can't see what a psycho you are!
Kristina: Aah!
Connie: Aah!
Kristina: I'll kill you, you miserable bitch!
Sonny: Stop it! Come on!
Kristina: [Crying] No! No! No! She should be dead! Not Trey!
Sonny: It's over. Come on.
Kristina: Not Trey!
Sonny: It's over.
Connie: [Coughs] The hell it's over!
Kristina: [Crying]
Sonny: Come on. Come on.
Connie: I'm calling the cops.
Spinelli: It was all my fault. Maxie is blameless. I was drunk, and I thought that I'd been spurned by the woman that I l-- the woman I'd been seeing, and, as you know, it was New Year's Eve, which made the circumstances all the more depressing.
Lulu: Look, I am so sorry about what happened to you. You know what? I'm interested in the part where Maxie isn't responsible for any of her actions.
Spinelli: What I'm saying is that when Maxie and I found each other, we were both in a bad state. We were both vulnerable, in addition to which, I was quite inebriated -- make that "polluted."
Lulu: Okay, so, you were too drunk to know better.
Spinelli: Yes, I should have known better. But my despair was of a romantic nature, and instead of just comforting Maxie platonically as I had done many times before... I took advantage of the situation. I was wrong. But, gratefully... nothing happened to Maxie's pregnancy.
Dante: Okay. All right. So, the doctor gave Maxie and the baby a clean bill of health, right, so we're... worried about nothing, okay?
[Cell phone rings]
Dante: Sorry. Excuse me. Falconeri.
Maxie: Lulu, I'm sorry.
Lulu: Maxie, I don't know. I mean... ever since we started this thing, you've been making a mistake after mistake, and I'm tired of having this --
Dante: Listen, listen. I'm sorry. I got to go to work.
Lulu: That's fine. I'm handling this.
Dante: No, there's nothing to handle, right? Everything's good. The baby's okay. Maxie's still carrying our baby. What happened with Spinelli doesn't change anything, okay? Bye. [Smooches]
Ellie: So, you were unfaithful to your fiancée and she forgave you?
Steve: [Chuckles] Olivia wasn't my fiancée at the time, and all I did was kiss Maggie, but I think you could see the parallel. I was just trying to be supportive of my ex.
Ellie: As Damian is supportive of his...whatever she is.
Steve: In the process, I wound up hurting the woman I was committed to, the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with and make a future with.
Ellie: So, what finally made Olivia forgive you?
Steve: I made it my mission to prove that I loved her. I would have -- I would have sent her a billion flowers. I would have called her every hour if I needed to. And now Olivia and I are stronger than ever.
Ellie: Well, I'm happy for you. Truly. It's just too bad not every relationship has such a positive outcome.
Steve: You know, sometimes you have to go through the tough times to make the great ones.
Ellie: [Sighs]
Spinelli: Lulu, I deeply regret what happened that night.
Maxie: Hey. So do I.
Spinelli: I would have never been able to forgive myself if I had caused harm to your unborn child, so condemn me if you must, but please forgive Maxie. Honestly, all she could talk about that night was your baby.
Maxie: Spinelli, go. Lulu, I'm sorry. I -- I so bad just wanted to do something nice for someone without screwing it up, and I'm the worst friend ever.
Lulu: Stop talking. You're my best friend.
Maxie: No, I'm not.
Lulu: [Sighs] Yes, you are. I understand. You... look for comfort with Spinelli because I'm constantly picking at you, and I'm giving you a hard time, and you're giving me the greatest gift in the world.
Britt: Emma and I, we were getting along fine. When Patrick went outside to make a phone call, we got to talking, and she seemed to be opening up to me finally.
Anna: Did she say anything at all about running away or mention it or...
Britt: No. Nothing.
Anna: Okay. All right, I'm going outside to check on everything, okay? Thank you.
Patrick: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. She's got to be okay.
Britt: Of course, she is.
Patrick: Please don't. [Sighs] I'm sorry. I'm just -- [Sniffles] I know. You're right. We have to think positive. I'm sorry. I know this -- I know it's not your fault.
Michael: You've always made it clear that you have no use for me. Even at the reading of Great-grandfather's will, you said that there was no way I counted.
Tracy: That's some memory you've got.
Michael: Yeah, well, people remember hurtful things, which makes you very quotable. Look, the point is, you don't think I belong here.
Tracy: I hate to bring this up, but do you remember when you came to me when you thought Abby was in danger and I helped you? Now, truthfully, it...ended tragically, but I did the best I could.
Michael: Yes, you did.
Tracy: Okay, I want to ask you a question. And it may sound like I'm manipulating you, because I guess maybe I am manipulating you, but I want you to answer the question truthfully and not just for me, but for yourself.
A.J.: Will you just ask the question, for God's sake?
Michael: What is it?
Tracy: If Abby could see you, would she be proud of you, what you're doing?
Michael: Look, I think that A.J. and I could do big things for this company. And as much as I hate how everything went down, I think it'd be best for everybody if you just sign the resolution.
A.J.: Well said, son.
Tracy: Wow. Congratulations. You molded Michael in your image.
A.J.: I'm gonna make him proud.
Tracy: You gonna be proud of him when he destroys the company, Michael?
A.J.: Come on, Tracy. You're just mad because you got outmaneuvered.
Tracy: And, by the way, the only problem I ever had with you was that you were your father's son. Except then Sonny was your father. Now you have become wHolly and totally A.J.'s, and it's worse. Take it. It's all yours.
A.J.: Thank you, Tracy. Okay, Michael.
Michael: Uh... these are the original documents.
Tracy: The ones you put in a secure location?
Michael: Yeah, look, as far as we know, it's the only proof that you invested mob money into ELQ.
Tracy: That's comforting.
A.J.: Mm. Hey, what do you say we get to work? First order of business -- Tracy, get the hell out of our office.
Tracy: So you know, A.J., it's not over.
A.J.: Congratulations. We did it.
Michael: [Sighs]
Steve: Your recovery is progressing well enough. I can release you as early as tomorrow.
Ellie: Really? Oh, my gosh! Thank you. That is the best news you could have given me.
Steve: I'm sure you're aware hospital policy requires you to have someone here to pick you up. I have a few prescriptions I need to write for you. I'll be right back.
Ellie: [Sighs]
[Door closes]
Milo: That, my friend, is why they call it a 12-pack.
Felix: [Chuckles] Lord, I love math. As a matter of fact, I'd like to learn more. Why don't we get out of here?
Milo: Ah, gym's closed now.
Felix: I'm not talking about the gym. I'm talking about a different kind of workout.
Milo: You mean like MMA or something?
Felix: No, S-E-X.
Milo: [Spits]
Max: I've had this thing for awhile now. I think it's pretty much the same size and color. It's just hard to tell, 'cause I got to wrench my neck all the way around to get a good look at it. What do you think I should do about it?
Elizabeth: See a doctor.
Lulu: The baby's fine, so what's the point of me staying mad? I know that this has to be hard for you with Spinelli and with the baby, and I know that New Year's was probably very lonely. And I'm trying so hard to relax. I need to do that.
Maxie: Lulu, you're being really nice to me, and I-I don't deserve it.
Patrick: Please tell me you found her.
Anna: No, no, no. Nothing. She didn't go home, and she's not at Mac's, and she didn't walk to the hospital. But she hasn't been taken in as a patient, either, all right? So she's gonna be all right, Patrick. Look, I need you to concentrate and focus. Can you do that? Just for a minute, please.
Patrick: Yeah. What?
Anna: Is there some place that she would go? Is there anyone that she would turn to if she were this upset?
Patrick: [Sighs] Sabrina.
Sabrina: I-I'm sorry. This connection is terrible. Did you say you don't have another cab for another hour? No, no, that's okay. I'll -- I'll just figure something else out. Thanks anyway.
Milo: I'm not gay.
Felix: You're not?
Milo: No.
Felix: But you're so ripped.
Milo: Yeah, well, that's true.
Felix: You sure you're not gay?
Milo: Uh, yeah. Not that I'm aware of.
Felix: Wow. Then my gaydar needs a serious tune-up. Milo.
Milo: Felix.
Max: "See a doctor"? Huh. Thanks. I'll do that.
Elizabeth: Glad I could help.
Max: You're the best, Elizabeth. Always so sweet and caring.
Elizabeth: [Chuckles]
Max: I'll let you know what he says -- the doctor.
Elizabeth: You better.
Max: Bye for now. [Chuckles]
Elizabeth: [Laughs]
Felix: I guess we both struck out.
Elizabeth: [Laughs] Honey, I was never up at bat.
Felix: Really? I thought you guys were --
Elizabeth: Max -- he was the bodyguard for a man I used to be involved with.
Felix: So?
Elizabeth: So? He's a supersweet guy, but there's no romantic involvement.
Felix: [Sighs] My bad. I'll make it up to you. I don't know, bedpan duty or something.
Elizabeth: That's okay. 'Cause no matter how bad our night was, his was worse.
Maxie: Excuse me.
Lulu: Sure.
Maxie: What were you thinking? Blabbing that we had sex?
Spinelli: Actually, I wasn't blabbing. I was trying to explain why Ellie threw me out.
Maxie: You told Ellie?! She threw you out? Does that mean you guys are over?
Spinelli: It's hard to have a relationship with someone who refuses to speak to you.
Maxie: Spinelli... if you're not with Ellie anymore...
[Cell phone rings]
Maxie: ...I have something to tell you about this baby.
Spinelli: Ellie?
Ellie: Damian.
Spinelli: Yeah, I'll be right there. Sorry.
Maxie: This baby is yours. [Sighs]
Sonny: Connie, call the cops back.
Connie: I'm not calling the cops back, Sonny!
Sonny: She was emotional. She didn't know what she was doing. I'll pay for the damages. Come on!
Dante: Hey, hey. What are you guys doing here? Someone called in an assault?
Connie: More like attempted murder. That crazy bitch over there tried to kill me.
Sonny: Dante, it was just a misunderstanding.
Connie: A misunderstanding, Sonny? Like you kidnapping me was a misunderstanding? You told me that nobody would believe me because there were no witnesses. You're gonna deny that this happened?
Sonny: No one tried to kill anybody.
Kristina: I did! If you let me go, I won't stop until that bitch is dead!
Connie: Well, there you go. You got a confession. So, you gonna do the right thing, Dante? You gonna do your job and arrest your sister or not?
Ellie: Thank you so much, Dr. Webber, for the talk.
Steve: Oh, it was my pleasure. I'll get someone to take you back to your room, okay?
Ellie: Okay. Thanks.
Spinelli: Ellie. I'm so glad that you called. Those -- those were the flowers I sent you. I see you haven't been accepting them.
Ellie: I'm still angry with you over your indiscretion with Maxie.
Spinelli: As you have every right to be. And, again, if I could --
Ellie: But... I understand that these things do happen.
Spinelli: You do? They do?
Ellie: Yeah, and the incident probably wouldn't have happened at all if you had known that I was en route to our rendezvous when I was...detained.
Spinelli: Yes, it most certainly would have not.
Ellie: So, if I could be convinced that this would never happen again --
Spinelli: You can. It won't. And I assure you, I will spend every minute of every day making it up to you.
Ellie: And I look forward to your endeavors.
Spinelli: Does this mean --
Ellie: Damian, I never responded to your declaration of love before, and I wish to do so now.
Spinelli: By all means, please do.
Ellie: Damian Spinelli... I love you, too.
Spinelli: Do you think some day that you could forgive as well as love me?
Ellie: Yeah. I do. A wise man told me that sometimes you have to go through the tough times to make the great ones. And...I want to see where this can go.
Lulu: Take it hooking up with Spinelli on New Year's Eve didn't give you what you wanted.
Maxie: Yeah, you can say that. It was an all-around mistake.
Lulu: Look, I will try to take the worry and hysteria down a notch.
Maxie: Thank you.
Lulu: It's just --
Maxie: You said you would take it down a notch.
Lulu: I am. I swear. I know that you know how much this baby means to me. This baby is everything. I was just gonna say that if I thought for a second that you wouldn't be able to have a healthy baby I never would have asked.
Maxie: I can. I can. And I will. Lulu, I promise you that what happened between me and Spinelli, it's not gonna keep me from giving you and Dante a healthy baby.
Felix: I'm sorry I dragged you out, only to try to hook up with a straight guy and so you could put in unpaid overtime with the mob.
Elizabeth: That's okay. It was fun in a strange kind of way.
Felix: I'm hoping Sabrina had better luck.
Elizabeth: Yeah, where is that girl?
Anna: Sabrina? The woman who babysits for you? Is that who?
Patrick: She doesn't babysit for me anymore, 'cause she -- she had to quit because she was too busy, and Emma was really disappointed because they'd become really close.
Anna: Okay, would she go somewhere looking for her?
Patrick: We ran into her here a couple days ago, so maybe she went to go find her.
Anna: Call her.
[Cell phone vibrating]
Sabrina: Emma?!
Dante: I'm sorry, Kristina. I don't have a choice.
Sonny: Of course, you have a choice.
Connie: Do what you have to do, Dante.
Sonny: Do you really have -- Dante. Do you really have to do this?
Dante: Sorry, it's routine procedure. You got to call Alexis.
Sonny: You want to do this?
Connie: She did this.
Dante: Let's go.
Connie: [Sighs]
Sonny: Come on. I thought we had something going, didn't we?
Connie: You thought --
Sonny: No, no, no. No.
Michael: Well, congratulations. I know you're gonna do great things with ELQ.
A.J.: No, no, no. We -- we are gonna do great things.
Michael: Getting comfortable?
A.J.: I just wanted to see what it felt like.
Connie: Oh, boy.
Tracy: I --
Connie: Oh!
Tracy: Well, excuse me! I'm looking for Todd Manning.
Connie: Why?
Tracy: I have a scoop for The Sun, thank you for asking.
Connie: What is it?
Tracy: I need to speak to the editor-in-chief.
Connie: Well, the editor-in-chief is behind bars, so I'm in charge. What's your big scoop?
A.J.: A.J. Quartermaine and son are in charge now. And there's not a damn thing that Tracy can do about it.
Tracy: I want you to publish it.
Connie: You sure you want me to print this?
Tracy: I am.
Connie: But if I do, then...
Tracy: I know. But for lack of a less melodramatic phrase, if I can't have ELQ... no one can.
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