GH Transcript Friday 1/25/13

General Hospital Transcript Friday 1/25/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele

Patrick: Hey, what are you gonna eat?

Emma: I don't know.

Britt: Hey, Emma, are you excited to go skating after lunch? You know, I bet you're gonna be so good.

Emma: Why?

Britt: Well... because. [Chuckles] Hey, you know what? I got something for you.

Patrick: Wow. What's it gonna be?

Britt: Ta-da!

Emma: "Sugar Rush"?

Britt: Yeah, it's this really cool driving game where the racers are girls.

Patrick: Doesn't that sound cool? What do you say?

Emma: Thank you.

Britt: So, you like it?

Emma: Yeah. I already have it. Sabrina gave it to me.

Sabrina: So, the good news is Carly Jacks signed the paperwork. We booked the Metro Court for the Nurses’ Ball.

Elizabeth: Awesome. What's the bad news?

Sabrina: Patrick is taking Emma and Britt ice skating.

Elizabeth: Oh. Great. Well... makes you feel any better, he almost turned her down.

Sabrina: He did? Why?

Elizabeth: Because I told him that Britt treats you like the evil stepmother treated Cinderella.

Molly: Hi.

Starr: Hey. I came to see how Kristina's doing.

Molly: Not good.

Starr: Hey, Kristina.

Kristina: Hey.

Starr: What you doing?

Kristina: Watching "Mob Princess." It's all I have left of Trey, thanks to Connie Falconeri.

Connie: That doesn't stop from me feeling it ooh, ooh the girls -- [Gasps] [Sighs] What are you doing here?

T.J.: I wanted to -- to tell you sorry about your son.

Connie: Okay. You did it. Now go away.

Tracy: It shouldn't be difficult to track A.J. down.

Ned: Knowing Junior, he's either faking his way through an A.A. meeting or already at a bar.

Sonny: Hi, Tracy.

Tracy: Thank you for coming.

Sonny: Well, usually the only time I hear from you is when you call me "hoodlum" or, uh, you know, threaten me with, uh, legal action.

Tracy: [Laughs] Well, all that's changed.

Sonny: Since when?

Tracy: Since we have a common enemy.

Carly: I own this hotel, so if you have to be here, stay away from me, okay?

A.J.: I see that you recovered nicely from your dark night of the scissors.

Carly: Goodbye.

A.J.: Hey, look, I just came by to offer you a friendly warning about Michael, okay?

Michael: I need your help.

Johnny: Is that right?

Michael: If I could get what I needed from anybody else, I would. Believe me, you're the last person that I want to ask.

Tracy: Should we go into my office? And if it's any consolation, you are the last person I want to ask for assistance.

Sonny: Oh, so this is a favor.

Tracy: No. It is quid pro quo. I think we can help each other.

Sonny: With what?

Tracy: A.J. Quartermaine. Together, I think we can get rid of him once and for all.

Molly: Connie is awful, and she deserves to be punished, but hating her won't fix anything.

Kristina: He wouldn't be gone if it wasn't for her, Molly.

Starr: Right, and I know that you're angry, but Connie will pay for what she did.

Kristina: Oh, when? Because she's walking around free.

Molly: No, she's just out on bail. Connie's charged with kidnapping Johnny, assault on Starr, and she could get vehicular manslaughter for what she did to Trey.

Kristina: [Scoffs] My father doesn't even care. He's the one who paid her bail.

Starr: That was only so that Connie could go to the hospital to sign the papers so that Trey would be taken off life support.

Kristina: She could have signed those forms in her cell. She didn't need to come to the hospital and cry by his bedside. She didn't need to pretend to care about the son she never loved. She's the reason he's dead, Starr.

Starr: And she will get punished for that.

Kristina: No, Connie needs to be charged with murder. Connie killed her own son.

Connie: Look, I told you to go away.

T.J.: Actually, I-I need to talk to you.

Connie: Oh, yeah. That's right. I knew there was something. Go ahead. Lay it on me.

T.J.: I was just hoping, uh, after -- after everything that happened, you might reconsider and give Molly her novel back.

Connie: Oh, you think my kid dying would make me a little kinder, gentler?

T.J.: I just assumed that maybe you'd feel bad --

Connie: Well, you know what you can do with those assumptions, T? You can stick them where the sun don't shine. You and Sonny both.

Sonny: There was a time that I would love nothing more than to put a hurting on A.J., but Michael seems to think there's some good in him, so he's gonna have to figure out for himself that A.J.'s a user and a liar. If I go after A.J., then I look like the bad guy and he looks like the victim.

Tracy: If A.J. takes my place at ELQ, he will convince Michael that he walks on water.

Sonny: You know that you're exaggerating a little bit?

Tracy: No way. Come on, Sonny. You gonna help me?

Sonny: What is it you need me to do?

Johnny: Michael, you have to know how sorry I am for what I did to Starr.

Michael: You mean killing her boyfriend and little girl, lying to her about it, and then pretending to be her friend?

Johnny: I know you think all those months that I was free, okay, but I was nowhere near it.

Michael: Close enough.

Johnny: The guilt that I had, that I have over this whole thing consumed me. It turned me into a different person, a person that I didn't know, a person I didn't like. So I had to confess. I had to take responsibility and accept my punishment. No matter what that punishment would be, it wouldn't be enough.

Michael: Yeah, you're right. It wouldn't be.

Johnny: [Sighs] I could spend the rest of my life behind bars, and it would not make up for what I did to Starr and her family. And no punishment is worse than losing the woman I love. Your mother.

Carly: If you have something to say about Michael, say it. If not, I want you to leave me alone.

A.J.: I'm hurt. That's how you talk to me after I rescue you?

Carly: Rescued me? I was a blacked-out drunk, and you took advantage of the situation.

A.J.: No, what I did was I took your keys, and I brought you to safety.

Carly: You sat there while I chopped all my hair off.

A.J.: You know what? You really have a little selective memory going on. You see, you came up to me at the Floating Rib, remember? I was disappointed because Tracy maneuvered me out of ELQ.

Carly: Good for Tracy.

A.J.: Okay, you know, um, I didn't know it at the time, but Michael was worried about me, that I was gonna have a setback, that I was gonna --

Carly: Oh, he seems to know you a lot better than you think.

A.J.: Okay, well, the last thing I would want is for my son to worry about me, so I thought it was important that I tell him what really happened, how, you know, you tried to get me drunk, but, you know, I resisted.

Carly: You son of a bitch.

A.J.: Hey, I wouldn't have said anything at all, but, I mean, you know, I just think it's important that Michael knows I'm stronger than that.

Carly: Bull. You wanted me to look bad in front of Michael.

Sabrina: You told Patrick that Dr. Westbourne was mean to me?

Elizabeth: Well, someone had to clue Patrick in about that witch. And I thought I'd gotten through to him, but I guess he decided to go ice skating anyway.

Sabrina: You know, maybe you shouldn't be so hard on Dr. Westbourne.

Elizabeth: Are you kidding me right now?

Sabrina: No. Look, at the very least, she was honest enough to tell me that my crush was making things uncomfortable for Dr. Drake, okay?

Elizabeth: Then why is Patrick concerned that you're avoiding him?

Sabrina: What? He said that?

Elizabeth: He thinks that he's done something to make things awkward between the two of you and that's why you don't want to babysit anymore. Now, does that sound like a man who's uncomfortable to be around you?

Patrick: Hey, just because you have the game, it doesn't mean you don't appreciate it, okay? Britt was nice enough to bring you that.

Britt: It's okay. I can take it back. Is there another game that you want?

Emma: I don't know. I have to go to the bathroom.

Britt: Well, do you want me to take you?

Patrick: Come on. I'll take you.

Emma: No, Daddy. I can go by myself.

Patrick: Really? Okay. Be quick, all right? I'm gonna watch you from here.

Britt: Whoa. That went well.

Patrick: I'm sorry.

Britt: No, I, uh, I should have asked you what games Emma has.

Patrick: I don't think it's about the game. I think she's still upset that Sabrina's not babysitting her.

Britt: Oh, well, I'm sure she'll get over it.

Patrick: She will. I just -- I don't want you to take it personal, okay?

Britt: No. Kids are moody sometimes. And it's not like she told you that she doesn't like me specifically. Did she?

Patrick: She actually did say that.

Britt: So, Emma doesn't like me.

Patrick: No, I'm sorry. I-I shouldn't have said anything.

Britt: No, I'm glad you did.

Patrick: You are?

Britt: It makes sense. Emma barely knows me, and suddenly I'm around all the time?

Patrick: It's all on me, and I think you guys just need to hang out a little bit more and get to know each other.

Britt: I mean, don't worry. I'm not one to back down from a challenge. [Chuckles]

Patrick: No?

Britt: No. 'Cause if I was, we would not be sitting here together right now and we definitely wouldn't have gone on a second date and for sure wouldn't have had that amazing shower.

Patrick: That's for sure. Hmm. Hey. I got you chocolate milk, and I got you macaroni and cheese, okay?

Britt: Ooh, yum. I wish I could eat stuff like that. Then I wouldn't be able to fit in my clothes.

Emma: Why?

Patrick: Don't listen to her. She doesn't have to worry about that.

[Cell phone beeps]

Patrick: That's Dr. Nance. I called him about a consult. Can you give me a second? Okay? I'll be back in a second. Hey.

Britt: So, um, this looks fun. Can you teach me how to play?

Emma: No.

Molly: We've talked about this. Blaming Connie won't bring Trey back.

Starr: No, Molly's right. Anger is only a way of hiding. Trust me. I know. Eventually you will have to move on with your life.

Kristina: [Scoffs] I was supposed to have a life with Trey. We were gonna go to California. We were gonna get an apartment with a backyard, maybe even a puppy. We were supposed to be so happy.

Starr: I know, Kristina, but he would want you to keep going, right? Trey would want you to pick up the pieces.

Kristina: [Sighs] How can I pick up the pieces when there aren't any pieces left?

Connie: What are you still doing here? Get out!

T.J.: I don't think you mean that.

Connie: Don't tell me what I mean.

T.J.: Look, I get how this works, all right? The more a person tries to help you, the angrier you get. All it does it just fill up an empty space where the person you lost used to be.

Connie: Thank you, Dr. Freud. But you might want to try that on a different audience, one that would appreciate your pearls of adolescent wisdom.

T.J.: [Sighs]

Connie: Me? I'm still the same old bitch I ever was, which means "Love in Maine" is still my book. My son's death doesn't change that. Doesn't change anything, especially me.

Tracy: This is a delicate situation. It could...put me in prison for a long time.

Sonny: If you want to save your company as much as I want to save my son, you're gonna have to come clean.

Tracy: I, uh... [Stammers] You remember that I was married to Anthony Zacchara for a brief while.

Sonny: Yeah, I almost shot him in front of you, remember?

Tracy: Yes, and I don't know why I stopped you. But I digress. I married Anthony because he was blackmailing me.

Sonny: With what?

Tracy: A few years back, I resorted to...unconventional means to keep ELQ afloat. I used Soleito money.

Sonny: Mob money? You realize that Soleitos are dirtier than I-I ever dream to be.

Tracy: I didn't know what the details were, and I don't want to know what the details are. Suffice to say, I used dirty money, uh, and I put it to good use. And nobody would have been any the wiser except that Anthony... found proof.

Sonny: And he got you to marry him.

Tracy: I need you to help me understand the mind of a mobster. Sonny, is it possible that Anthony destroyed that proof before he died?

Sonny: Not a chance.

Johnny: Michael, I hate that I hurt your mother. If I could take it all back, I would, believe me. How's she doing, by the way?

Michael: She's dealing with a lot.

Johnny: Sure. You know, she always used to lean on Jason, and now that he's gone, it leaves you.

Michael: I want to help my mom, but I also want to help A.J. He's trying to put his life back together. He wants to work for ELQ, but Tracy won't let him. That's where you come in.

Johnny: How the hell would I have any influence on corporate politics?

Michael: You might have something that A.J. needs.

A.J.: Carly, look, our differences aside, I just thought you should know that Michael's really upset. I wouldn't be surprised if he finds you and, you know, gives you hell for trying to get me to drink.

Carly: You would love that, wouldn't you? Never mind that you were in a bar with a drink in your hand before I even showed up. You didn't tell Michael that part, did you? Did you tell Michael you were making out with Sonny's crazy girlfriend, that you were kissing all over Connie, the mentally ill woman? No. Because you're still a selfish pig.

A.J.: You know, see, this is exactly why I came to you. I didn't want you going off on Michael like this and pushing him further away.

Carly: You don't give a damn. Not only are you trying to manipulate my son, you're now trying to manipulate me.

A.J.: I'm not gonna let you bring me down. I am building a relationship with my son, which Frankly is something I never thought I'd have a chance to do. It's weird, but I'm -- I'm kind of getting everything I wanted.

Carly: Except ELQ. Tracy's still C.E.O.

A.J.: Hmm. Not for long.

Carly: You think that you can play Tracy? You truly are delusional.

A.J.: I'm not the one who's hiding something. Tracy is. And I don't know why, but I have this little feeling that Tracy is gonna wind up in hot water with the S.E.C. very soon.

Tracy: So, you think that the proof that I invested Soleito money in ELQ is out there somewhere?

Sonny: Locked in a bank vault, encrypted into a computer where everybody can see it.

Tracy: Which means A.J. can find it?

Sonny: He didn't know about it.

Tracy: Well, he doesn't know the details, but he has been dropping less than subtle hints that I could run afoul of the S.E.C.

Sonny: Doesn't mean a damn thing if he don't have any proof.

[Cell phone rings]

Tracy: Excuse me. I have a text. Oh, damn him. Why couldn't he stay dead?

Sonny: Let me guess. A.J.?

Tracy: Yeah. Ned just overheard him say that he knows about the Soleito money. What am I going to do, Sonny?

Molly: Kristina, I know how much you loved Trey, but you had a future before you met him. Don't let Connie take that away from you.

Kristina: No. If Connie hadn't kidnapped Johnny and stuffed him in the -- in her trunk, we wouldn't have been driving after her. That's why Trey's dead!

Starr: No, Trey was in the wrong place at the wrong time, just like Cole and Hope were.

Kristina: [Voice breaking] No, and -- and Connie wouldn't let Johnny confess! She wouldn't let him tell the world that he was the one who killed your boyfriend and your little girl! Don't you hate her for that?

Starr: Yes, but that's the terrible thing about death. It doesn't make sense, and none of the reasons really matter.

Kristina: No, Connie is the reason! She doesn't even care about Trey! She's too busy stealing Molly's novel to care!

Molly: Hey, forget about my book. It's not important.

Kristina: Oh, okay. So, what? You're just gonna let Connie take credit for it? Just one more hateful thing that she gets away with?

Molly: No, Mom's filing a lawsuit to try and stop publication.

Kristina: You're kidding, right? Mom's legal tactics aren't gonna work with Connie. She's gonna get away with stealing your book. She's gonna get away with what she did to Johnny. And she's definitely gonna get away with what she did to Trey. Connie will never be punished for killing him -- unless I do it myself.

T.J.: Okay, fine. Fine. Deal with your son's death how you want, even if it means not dealing with it.

Connie: Oh, well, thank you for your permission. Now get lost.

T.J.: You know, but first, I have a question about the book.

Connie: My book. And don't waste your breath. I'm not giving it back. Besides, the publishers want to change the name of the heroine to Maddie. Go figure.

T.J.: You know, if you publish Molly's book under your name, people are gonna have questions that you won't be able to answer.

Connie: What people?

T.J.: The readers. The publishers. Someone sometime is gonna ask a question about a line of dialogue or a description that you won't remember because you didn't write it.

Connie: Okay, you know what? Enough! I got enough crap to do around here, thanks to Johnny taking Todd down with him. Why are you bothering me with this?

T.J.: Because of Molly. I care about her, all right? I mean, damn, isn't there anybody -- isn't there anybody out there that you care about?

Sonny: I have lost too many people in the last year. I'm not gonna lose Michael. So, if that means shutting down A.J. at ELQ, then I want to see it happen for good.

Tracy: Sonny, that's easier said than done. If A.J. gets his hands on the proof that I put Soleito money into ELQ, I go to prison, which means A.J. gets carte blanche to ruin the company and your son.

Sonny: Okay, we got to calm down, take it easy here, because A.J. doesn't have the proof yet.

Tracy: As you so helpfully pointed out, it's still out there.

Sonny: Johnny. Johnny must have it.

Tracy: Then you get it and destroy it.

Sonny: And how do you suggest I might do that?

Tracy: [Chuckles] Sonny, this is your field of expertise. Break a kneecap. Make him an offer he can't refuse. Threaten a loved one. Just get the proof.

Sonny: I can't. Michael would never forgive me.

Michael: Skye had proof that Tracy put Soleito money into ELQ and that she gave the records to Anthony.

Johnny: Yeah. Skye came to me looking for those records when she was in town for your great-grandfather's funeral. She thinks I somehow ended up with them.

Michael: Did you?

Carly: Feel free to prove that Tracy is a crook. I hope she does the same thing with you. You leave Michael out of it or I'm gonna go upstairs into Todd's room, and I'm gonna grab those scissors out of his suite, and I'm gonna cut your heart out, and I'm not kidding.

A.J.: Okay, listen to me --

Carly: You don't do anything to derail Michael's life, okay? That kid has been through enough.

A.J.: All right. Listen, calm down, okay? I think there may be a way that we can unseat Tracy without anybody getting their hands dirty.

Carly: Okay, I'll bite. How?

A.J.: We can vote her out.

Carly: What are you talking about? You already tried that. Lucy Coe broke the deadlock when she sided with Tracy. There are no votes left.

A.J.: Well, according to Heather Webber, there are.

Carly: [Laughs] Oh, my God. You're actually taking advice from Heather Webber? Of course, you are.

A.J.: Listen to me, okay? I ran into her at Ferncliff, okay? Don't ask. Anyway, she seems to think that there's something in my grandfather's will that could affect the voting.

Carly: Like what?

A.J.: I don't know. That's just it. I've read that thing inside out, upside down, and it's very clear. All the outstanding ELQ shares go to the living grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Carly: Okay, so what the hell is Heather Webber talking about?

A.J.: I don't know. I mean, it's not like there's any other grandchildren or great-grandchildren that we don't know about, right?

Carly: No. All the Quartermaine heirs are... accounted for.

A.J.: What?

Michael: Look, I don't feel comfortable coming to you after what you did to Starr. And this isn't a shot at redemption. Doesn't make a difference to my mom or Starr if you tell me where the records are, but I will consider it a favor and I'll owe you.

Johnny: You hate that, don't you? The thought of owing me.

Michael: Yeah, pretty much.

Johnny: Then why do it, Michael? Why do you care about ELQ?

Michael: A.J. cares. He waited his whole life for a chance to run ELQ. I want to give him that chance. Do you have proof that Tracy used dirty money to fund ELQ?

Johnny: Yeah. I do.

Elizabeth: Dr. Westbourne is wrong. Patrick is not uncomfortable around you.

Sabrina: Look, it doesn't matter, okay? The truth is, I have a crush on him, and no matter what I do, I can't make it go away, so it's just -- it's best for me to keep my distance.

Elizabeth: No. No. Patrick is upset that you've stopped babysitting. He said that you have been the most consistent female presence in Emma's life since Robin died.

Sabrina: He said that?

Elizabeth: Yes, he did. Now, listen to me. Emma is going to miss that connection, and she's gonna miss you.

Sabrina: [Voice breaking] My God, I'm gonna miss her, too, so much.

Elizabeth: Then how can you let Britt take your place?

Sabrina: [Sighs]

Britt: So, what other toys do you like?

Emma: Different kinds.

Britt: Do you like dolls?

Emma: Yes.

Britt: What kinds?

Emma: Different kinds.

Britt: Could you just tell me what your problem is? Because I am really trying to be friends with you.

Emma: I don't want to be friends with you.

Britt: Why not? What did I ever do to you?

Emma: Nothing.

Britt: So why don't you want to be my friend?

Emma: [Sighs] Because I don't like you.

Britt: Well, guess what, Sister? I don't like you, either.

Sabrina: It kills me that out of all the people involved, she's the one that's getting hurt, okay? But what am I supposed to do? It's not like I can keep hanging around Dr. Drake when I'm clearly infatuated.

Elizabeth: Why not? I mean, just because you have feelings for him doesn't mean you have to act on them.

Sabrina: No, it's just -- it's -- it's better for me to make a clean break.

Elizabeth: Well, it's not better for Emma.

Sabrina: Emma needs someone to care about her, okay? She needs someone who's warm and compassionate, someone who understands that they'll never take Robin's place in Emma's life but -- but they can make their own place, someone to give her the love and support that she needs, and... I can't be that person. So all I can do is pray that Dr. Westbourne will learn to respect that amazing little girl.

Britt: Did you hear me?

Emma: Yeah. You don't like me.

Britt: No. I don't. But I guess that makes us even because you don't like me, either.

Emma: No, I don't.

Britt: Well, you're gonna have to start getting used to me, honey, because I'm not going anywhere. Your daddy and I are gonna be together for a very long time. I don't mean to be so harsh, okay? It's just that we're stuck with each other, so we might as well try to get along. I mean, we both want the same thing, Emma -- your dad to be happy. I want that. Don't you?

Emma: I want Sabrina.

T.J.: Come on, there's got to be somebody out there that you care about.

Connie: You're right. There is. Me. Now, what do I got to do to get you to get out of here?

T.J.: What do I have to do to get you to give Molly her novel back?

Connie: Ask me in a few years.

T.J.: Excuse me?

Connie: I don't do jailbait. Now, look, son, hit the road, okay? I got a bunch of edits I got to do. But listen to me. You can't be ashamed of yourself. You gave it your best shot, all right? Molly would be very proud of you. Okay?

T.J.: Okay. All right. Fine.

Connie: See you later.

T.J.: I'll go, all right? But Miss Falconeri?

Connie: What?!

T.J.: I just want to tell you that I-I really am sorry about Trey.

Kristina: I just want Connie to pay for all the hateful things she's done to Trey, not just the accident. The way she's treated him his entire life.

Molly: But Trey wouldn't want you to try to get revenge.

Kristina: Trey wouldn't want to be dead, Molly. But he is. Because of Connie.

Molly: Don't do this, Kristina, please! I'm afraid you're gonna do something crazy, something you can't take back. Please! You're scaring me!

Starr: I know how you feel, okay? I lose Cole almost a year ago, and I still live with that grief every day. And when I lost them, I felt the only thing that would make me feel better was to punish the person that took my family away from me.

Kristina: You went after my father with a gun.

Starr: Yes, and I almost killed him! He was an innocent man!

Kristina: This is different, Starr! I know that Connie's responsible for what happened to Trey!

Starr: Yes, and I know that Johnny killed Cole and Hope, right? But going after him isn't going to make me feel better.

Kristina: How do you know?

Starr: Because it won't bring Cole and Hope back. Nothing will.

Kristina: [Sobs]

Starr: I could have taken your father away from you, Kristina. I would have taken myself away from my family and my friends and everyone who loved me, because I would have spent the rest of my life in prison. Cole and Hope wouldn't want that for me, and Trey wouldn't want that for you.

Molly: No, Trey would want you to find something you care about, something or someone you love.

Kristina: [Voice breaking] I can't. Connie left me with nothing!

Starr: Kristina. Kristina, listen to me. I thought that I didn't have any pieces left, either, okay? But I found them. Michael gave me what I needed to live again.

Michael: Can you give me proof that Tracy put mob money into ELQ?

Johnny: Why? So you can give it to A.J., he can blackmail Tracy?

Michael: I can't say.

Johnny: Come on. Michael, why else would A.J. send you here?

Michael: I came here on my own, okay? He didn't tell me to come here.

Johnny: You're compromising yourself. You're dealing with somebody you despise to get leverage for a corporate takeover that you probably don't give a damn about. So, is A.J. worth it?

Michael: A.J. deserves a chance.

Johnny: Oh. I bet Carly would disagree.

Michael: I'm too old for my mom to protect me. Okay, it's up to me to decide who I want in my life. And, you know, if I am making a mistake with A.J., then it's my mistake to make.

Johnny: All right, well, forget about you and A.J. for a minute. Why would I give Carly another reason to hate me more than she already does?

A.J.: You know something, don't you? You know about another heir to my grandfather's estate.

Carly: [Laughs] That's ridiculous.

A.J.: You know, honey, you're not as good a liar as you think you are.

Carly: How would I know anything about some long-lost Quartermaine heir? And if I did, I would not tell you.

A.J.: Carly, I am doing this as much for Michael as for me.

Carly: No, you're not, okay? We're done here. I wouldn't spit on you if you were on fire, and I'm sure as hell not gonna help you steal ELQ.

A.J.: He wants to work there. Don't you get it? I'm trying to make him happy. I thought you'd like that.

Ned: Carly. Hey.

Carly: Ned. Hey. Eavesdropping, huh?

Ned: I have to admit, I have been keeping an eye on my good-for-nothing cousin.

Carly: While you're at it, why don't you squash him like the worm he is?

Ned: Well, maybe you can help me with that. I happened to catch the look on your face when he mentioned another Quartermaine heir. So, tell me... what are you keeping from him?

Sonny: The thing is, I-I gave A.J. a beatdown, almost cost my relationship with Michael. If I do something like that again, I'm gonna lose my son forever. I can't do that.

Tracy: Sonny, I'm not asking you to do the job in person. Don't you have employees for that sort of thing? To -- to work Johnny over?

Sonny: It's not that simple.

Tracy: Okay, how's this for simple? [Sighs] If A.J. gets ahold of that proof, he will have all the leverage he needs to take over my company with Michael at his right hand.

Sonny: Maybe Michael needs to witness A.J.'s incompetence up close. How do you like that?

Tracy: Well, that's very mature and philosophical of you, Sonny, but there's one problem. Have you ever seen A.J. take the blame for anything?

Sonny: Never. Why?

Tracy: I may have had some questionable dealings with the Soleitos. A.J. will wallow in corporate criminality, and when he does, he will have no problem making Michael take the fall for it.

Starr: Kristina, I know you think that you'll never get through this. I couldn't even think after I lost the two most important people in my life. But I... I did. I got through it. And you will, too.

Kristina: I don't even know where to start.

Starr: [Sighs] Why don't you start by taking a shower and getting changed? And then maybe if you're up for it, we'll go to PCU.

Kristina: PCU? [Sniffles]

Starr: There's still time to register for classes this semester, and I know it's not exactly what you thought you would be doing. But it'll give you a place to go and a goal to reach.

Kristina: A goal. I like that.

Starr: Okay. So, do you need help getting ready?

Kristina: [Chuckles] I think I can manage.

Starr: [Chuckles] I thought you could.

Kristina: Thank you, both of you, for trying to help me.

Starr: Of course. [Sighs]

Molly: Thank you. I know it can't be easy bringing all that up again.

Starr: Oh, I don't really have to bring it up. It's just always there.

Molly: I'm so sorry about everything that happened to you. But I'm really glad you got through it.

Starr: I didn't think that I would. And without Michael, I would have never had the strength.

Michael: Look, you can give me the proof or not. My mom's gonna hate you regardless.

Johnny: Don't you think that maybe she would forgive me if she found out I tried to protect you?

Michael: You betrayed her with Connie. You humiliated her at what was supposed to be my father's wedding. But that's not why she can't forgive you, Johnny.

Johnny: What I did to Cole and Hope.

Michael: It's all the months you lied about it, shifting blame to make it somebody else's fault. Look, just...face it, Johnny. You and my mom are done. You got nothing to lose anymore.

Carly: Why would I tell you?

Ned: So Michael will understand once and for all the loser his father really is.

Carly: Hmm. I've always appreciated the way you consistently despise A.J.

Ned: Junior will be out in the cold if you tell me who this possible heir is. It's a win-win for both of us and for Michael. Who is it, Carly? Who else is out there with ELQ shares?

Michael: A.J. had everything, and he lost it. I think you would understand that.

Johnny: I do.

Michael: He needs help, okay? And who knows? Maybe someday maybe you'll need help, too. Maybe you'll want to climb out of this hole you put yourself into.

Johnny: Michael, you think I belong here.

Michael: Wouldn't you want the chance for somebody to help you right your wrongs? That's all A.J. wants -- a chance.

Johnny: Well, I-I don't know A.J. from Adam, but something tells me anybody would be a better father to you than Sonny.

Michael: Okay, so you're saying you're gonna give me what I need to take Tracy down?

Sonny: You make a really good point.

Tracy: Does that mean you'll do something?

Sonny: I'm sorry. I can't. I can't do it.

Tracy: What do you mean? You said you understood.

Sonny: No, I understand perfectly, and I hope you -- you succeed in taking A.J. down. But...I can't be any part of this.

Tracy: Oh, come on, Sonny. Let's discuss it. Don't go. Just wait. Wait.

A.J.: Oh, actually, this is a big surprise.

Sonny: I'll see you later.

A.J.: I don't suppose you want to tell me what that was about.

Tracy: Business. None of yours.

A.J.: Uh, you know, Tracy, I-I guess I'm really not surprised that you were going with the mob again, since we both know you've done it before.

Elizabeth: You got to trust Patrick. If he thinks Britt isn't treating Emma right, he'll dump her.

Sabrina: I hope so.

Elizabeth: I know so. And by then, you might be over your crush, and you can go back to babysitting.

Sabrina: I don't think I'll ever be over Patrick.

Elizabeth: Oh.

Sabrina: What I feel for him, it goes way beyond a crush.

Elizabeth: It's that bad, huh?

Sabrina: Look, obviously I know it's ridiculous. It's never gonna go anywhere, you know? I'm not the type to dangle my hotel-room key in front of his face or step into the shower with him.

Elizabeth: Okay, stop. Listen. Maybe it's time you try to get over him.

Sabrina: You know, that's what Felix said. But I can't.

Britt: I ask you if you want your dad to be happy, and you say you want Sabrina.

Emma: I do.

Britt: Well, too bad. Sabrina's history, okay? Get over it.

Emma: I won't get over it. I want Sabrina.

Britt: You know what, Emma? I'm gonna go to the ladies room. And while I'm gone, I want you to try to work your tiny, little mind around the fact that Sabrina is no longer in the picture, okay? I am.

Starr: So, you and T.J. are good?

Molly: Yeah.

[Knock on door]

Molly: Oh, I should get that.

Starr: You know, I'll go check on Kristina.

Molly: Oh, yeah. She might not be up to choosing outfits yet.

T.J.: Hey.

Molly: Hey. What are you doing here?

T.J.: You're not happy to see me?

Molly: Yes, I'm very happy to see you. It's just a surprise.

T.J.: Well, I was hoping it'd be a better one.

Molly: Why? What's going on?

T.J.: I went to see Connie. Uh, thought it might be a good time to appeal to her better nature, try to get your book back.

Molly: Did it work?

T.J.: No. [Chuckles] She's meaner now than she was before. She just flat out refuses to give your book up.

Molly: T.J., you're the best.

T.J.: Oh, if I was the best, it'd be your name on "Love in Maine," not Connie Falconeri's.

Molly: But you tried, and that's all that counts.

T.J.: Yeah, I guess.

Starr: Guys, I can't find Kristina. I think she took off.

Connie: [Humming] Change the title back to "Love in Maine." I don't know why. "Lust" was so much edgier. [Humming] Delete paragraph three. All righty then. Paragraph three deleted. Oh, crap. [Screams]

A.J.: Guess it was just too tempting, wasn't it? You manage to appropriate some of the Soleitos' dirty money and you wanted to impress Grandfather, so what did you do? You dump the funds into ELQ. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Naughty, naughty.

Tracy: Don't be absurd. I would never put tainted mob money in ELQ.

Michael: Never? Well, I have evidence here that says otherwise.

Ned: A.J. is poison. You've always known that. You have put yourself through a world of grief keeping him away from Michael.

Carly: I would do it again.

Ned: But you don't need to drug anyone. You just point me in the right direction, and I'll do the rest.

Carly: I would do just about anything to keep Michael away from A.J. except telling you about another Quartermaine heir. And I'm not saying there is one.

Ned: When A.J. gets closer to taking over ELQ, you'll change your mind. And when you do, give me a call.

Sabrina: I can't move on. Look, my feelings won't change, so all I can do is keep my distance from -- from Dr. Drake. And if Britt makes him happy, then maybe that'll make Emma happy, too.

Elizabeth: You think Britt is gonna make Emma happy?

Sabrina: Emma deserves to have a family again. So, I'll keep my distance, but I'll never stop loving Patrick.

Elizabeth: You really gonna spend the rest of your life loving a man you can't have?

Patrick: Okay, great. Thanks for your help. Bye.

Britt: Did you get everything squared away with Nance?

Patrick: Yeah, yeah. It's all good. Where's Emma?

Britt: What do you mean?

Patrick: She's not here. She with you?

Britt: Uh, no. I left her here at the table to color. Oh, my God. She's gone.

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