GH Transcript Thursday 1/24/13

General Hospital Transcript Thursday 1/24/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele

[Indistinct conversations]

Carly: Todd. You showed.

Todd: As if I could stay away. I...I thought you didn't want to ever see me again.

Carly: That's what I thought. Then I started thinking and... I made a decision.

Todd: What decision?

Carly: The decision to forgive you.

Todd: For real?

Carly: [Laughs] No.

Todd: Carly!

Johnny: Carly's not here. She's not gonna be where you're going, either.

Todd: What are you talking about?

Johnny: Today's the day of your big transfer. You're off to Pentonville.

Elizabeth: Something you need?

Patrick: Yeah. Um...I was just seeing who was on today.

Elizabeth: Looking for anyone in particular?

Patrick: Sabrina. She's scheduled, but I haven't seen her.

Elizabeth: No, Kim's filling in for her. I'm sorry. I thought we updated this already.

Patrick: Is everything all right?

Elizabeth: I think so. I know Sabrina and Felix had some things to do with the Nurses’ Ball.

Patrick: But she's gonna be back later, right?

Elizabeth: Why? What's it to you?

Sabrina: If I never have to see Patrick with Dr. Westbourne again, it'll be too soon.

Felix: I still can't believe that Dr. Dreamboat and the britch would dare sully the locker-room showers with their tawdry animal coupling. Aah!

Sabrina: Don't remind me. At least you didn't see it. The image is seared into my brain.

Felix: Hmm. You should confront him on it. Just walk up to him and say, "This is a hospital, man. It is not -- it is not a no-tell motel."

Sabrina: No, thanks. I already make Patrick uncomfortable. I'm not gonna make things worse by...scolding him for having semi-public sex, okay? No, it's just better for me to steer clear, even if that means lying to Emma that I'm too busy to babysit.

Britt: And how did --

McBain: [Groans]

Britt: And how did you pop your stitch?

Epiphany: The patient did not heed medical advice to stay in bed, that's how.

McBain: I'll never make that mistake again!

Epiphany: See that you don't. I just can't fathom why patients think it's okay to just ignore what I tell them.

McBain: You can't fathom? I had something to do. It's not about you. I had something to do.

Epiphany: Well, maybe you guys don't take me seriously because I take myself too seriously. I'm just not fun.

McBain: No, it's nothing about being fun. I had to get Todd Manning to -- ow! -- The courthouse.

Epiphany: Just following doctor's orders -- not fun. Staying in bed -- not fun. Running all over creation and playing cops and robbers, well, now, that's fun.

McBain: Cops? I-I-I -- I actually am a cop!

Epiphany: Well, you listen here, Mr. Detective "I just want to have fun." You will not get by me again.

Sam: I don't think that's gonna be a problem. Epiphany. Even if he gets by you, there's no way he's getting by me.

A.J.: Hey.

Michael: Hey.

A.J.: What did you order?

Michael: I just got here, actually.

A.J.: Okay.

Michael: Look, breakfast is on me.

A.J.: [Laughing] Oh? Really? What's the occasion, big time?

Michael: For you not getting arrested for going to Ferncliff last night to see Lucy Coe.

A.J.: Well, actually, I got to tell you, it's not that big a deal. You see, when Jason and I were in prep school, I was kind of a master at sneaking out past curfew, and, uh...I'm afraid some of those skills have stayed with me. So the hardest thing was just not getting caught by Tracy.

Michael: We, uh, kind of did. Tracy, uh, found out you went to Ferncliff.

A.J.: Michael, come on.

Michael: I told you I am the world's worst liar, okay? She knew you were going to make a play to get Lucy to support you at ELQ.

A.J.: Well, Tracy is definitely gonna make a play of her own now.

Ned: Good morning, Mother. You call and I answer. Caught the first plane. No "hello" for your firstborn? What do you say? Give me a smile. Good Lord.

Patrick: I think I did something to offend Sabrina.

Elizabeth: Well, that's unlike you.

Patrick: There's been tension between us, and I just want to try and --

Elizabeth: Clear the air?

Patrick: Right, it's like she's been avoiding me and Emma, and I don't really understand that, because those two get along so well. All of a sudden, she -- she can't babysit for me, and I don't understand why.

Elizabeth: Well, I think on top of her demanding job here and studying for the nursing exam, she's organizing the Nurses’ Ball. Considering everything Sabrina's doing, I think she's a saint.

Patrick: Okay, so, am I just misreading this whole thing? Is she just plainly busy or is there something else? Is there a reason why she's avoiding me?

Elizabeth: Like what?

Patrick: Well, I don't know, but you guys are friends, so I'm hoping that you can tell me that.

Felix: You do realize that Dr. Dreamboat is on the planning committee. You're gonna be seeing a lot more of him as ball looms ever closer.

Sabrina: Okay, well, let's just make sure the ball is actually happening. We haven't even secured a venue yet.

Felix: No, no, no. Carly already said that she would gift us the ballroom.

Carly: Thank you. Thank you. Hey. I'm so sorry I'm late.

Sabrina: Hi.

Felix: Well... look who decided not to crawl into a hole and die after Todd Manning did her wrong.

Johnny: Oh, hey. I forgot to ask you. How was your, uh, little vacation at the E.R.?

Todd: It was a little short. Why? You want to send me back?

Johnny: As much as I enjoyed it beating the crap out of you, I really don't want to help you make another half-ass escape attempt.

Todd: It almost worked.

Johnny: Almost.

Todd: Hey, what did you think of Carly's haircut?

Johnny: What are you talking about?

Todd: Oh, that's right. You didn't get a chance to see it. Let me tell you, man, she looks great. It's short, awesome. You probably won't see it till it's long again, you know, like, down-to-the-floor long, oh, and you'll probably have cataracts by then.

Johnny: What, did the paddy wagon stop by the beauty shop?

Todd: No, she came to see me at my arraignment.

Johnny: Hmm.

Todd: Yeah, after everything we've been through, she still can't shake me.

Johnny: How'd she look? I mean, did she look okay?

Todd: [Laughs] She! Never looked better -- never!

Johnny: You know, Todd, something tells me she didn't show up to show her support for you. She wants you to see what you're missing.

Todd: She came to see me. Did she come to see you? No, she didn't, Johnny. She's already forgotten all about you, Jimmy.

Johnny: Well, whatever it is she may have felt for you, it's gonna wither away and die while you're rotting in Pentonville for the next 10 to 20.

Todd: That's funny. That's cute. You think I'm going to Pentonville. [Laughs]

Sam: I am grateful that you went after Manning, although I am not happy that you re-injured yourself. What happened, though? Did he try to escape again?

McBain: [Sighs] Manning didn't do this.

Sam: Who?

McBain: [Sighs] Lucy Coe -- vampire hunter.

Tracy: Give us a kiss.

Ned: [Laughs] All these years that I never realized you were one of the undead.

Tracy: These fangs were a business ploy.

Ned: Ah. Is it any wonder ELQ is thriving under your leadership?

Tracy: ELQ is doing just fine, and it will continue to do so as long as I am in charge.

Ned: And how long do you think that'll last once this new Goth persona gets out?

Tracy: [Sighs] The fangs are part of my plan to cement my hold on ELQ.

Ned: Oh, this I got to hear.

Tracy: I'm going to Ferncliff.

Ned: And not a moment too soon.

Tracy: To visit Lucy Coe. Now that she's seeing vampires everywhere, I'm gonna make sure she sees just one more.

Ned: And you contributing to the mental decline of an already unstable woman will cement your role at

Tracy: Get off your high horse. Keeping Lucy batty is the only thing keeping A.J. at bay.

Michael: Well, does it really matter what Tracy's planning since we have Lucy on our side?

A.J.: Yeah, about that. Lucy isn't exactly on board yet.

Michael: Well, didn't you tell her that Tracy was planning to cut her out of ELQ?

A.J.: Oh, I did better than that. I told her that I actually believed her crazy story about the vampires taking over Port Charles. But then she gets hauled out for a psych evaluation before I can get her to sign over her 1%.

Michael: Well, that's probably best. I mean, you don't want to take advantage of her mental illness, right?

A.J.: Right. But I did actually manage to meet another patient there who seems to think that ELQ is mine for the taking.

Michael: Who?

Tracy: My spies at Ferncliff said that A.J. was unsuccessful, which means he's gonna try again today, so we need to neutralize him by keeping Lucy non compos mentis.

Ned: Thereby rendering her vote worthless, thus the fangs.

Tracy: Thus the fangs. I greatly appreciate you having my back.

Ned: Well, I'm glad you called.

Tracy: Wow. I don't think I've ever heard a son of mine say those words.

Ned: Because if this is the best plan you've got, ELQ's chances of survival are nonexistent.

Tracy: It may not be elegant, Ned, but it will prevent the family legacy from crumbling to dust in A.J.'s grubby little paws.

Ned: Mother, you're overreacting. Lucy may be crazy, but she's not stupid. Even she knows A.J. is a born incompetent. He can't run a toaster oven, let alone an international conglomerate.

Tracy: I don't know what happened to A.J. when he was gone, but there is a possibility that he returned not the same screw-up he was when he left.

Ned: Relax. Whenever A.J. appears to be succeeding... it's sure sign he's about ready to crash and burn.

Tracy: We can't afford to dismiss him. ELQ is vulnerable and so am I.

Michael: Heather Webber? Are you serious?

A.J.: I get it. She's a character.

Michael: Out of a horror film. You saw her holding a knife to Skye's throat on Thanksgiving, didn't you?

A.J.: Yes, okay, I get it. She's a potentially lethal wack job, but these are extraordinary circumstances.

Michael: No circumstances are worth trusting Heather.

A.J.: Now, wait a second. Wait a second. You don't know that. Heather seemed to have the inside track on ELQ, and since Lucy Coe has become a less-than-reliable co-conspirator, I just think it's smart business sense to hear what she has to say.

Michael: I'm gonna regret asking this, but how in the world could Heather help you gain control of ELQ?

Felix: Ms. Jacks, may I just say you look fabulous.

Sabrina: You really do.

Carly: Wow. Okay. Thank you.

Felix: A far cry from the hot mess I saw the other day.

Sabrina: Felix.

Felix: What? What I say?

Carly: You know what? You caught me at a bad time, but now I'm back on my feet.

Felix: That's an understatement, and I am so happy to find that my brilliant advice did not fall on deaf ears. Others aren't so receptive.

Sabrina: [Chuckles] I'm Sabrina Santiago.

Carly: Hi. Carly Jacks. It's nice to meet you.

Sabrina: So nice meeting you, too. I'm sorry about Felix. He can be a little blunt.

Felix: What? I just tell the truth, and the truth is you look fabulous. That weasel Todd Manning, he should get a look at you.

Carly: Oh, he already did. When I went to his arraignment, I gave him an eyeful, and I let him know what he was missing out on.

Felix: That's exactly the power move that you should do on Dr. Patrick Drake.

Patrick: Do you know if there's a reason why Sabrina is distancing herself from Emma and me?

Elizabeth: Patrick.

Patrick: I want to -- did I do something to make her feel uncomfortable? Did I hurt her feelings? If I did, I want to address it. I want to try and correct it.

Elizabeth: I'm not gonna break Sabrina's confidence.

Patrick: So she did say something to you, then.

Elizabeth: [Sighs]

Patrick: I'm sorry. Elizabeth, I don't mean to put you on the spot.

Elizabeth: It's okay.

Patrick: Elizabeth, Emma... she loves Sabrina. I really like Sabrina. She clicked with Sabrina in a way that she hasn't clicked with Britt.

Elizabeth: Oh, so she and Britt haven't hit their stride yet?

Patrick: They're never gonna hit their stride. She flat out told me that she doesn't like her.

Elizabeth: [Laughs] Smart girl.

Patrick: What does that mean?

Elizabeth: Nothing. Nothing.

Patrick: Do you have a problem with Britt, too?

Britt: [Sighs] Well, you're all stitched up again.

McBain: Thanks, Doc.

Britt: Nurse Johnson will be back to bandage you up.

Epiphany: [Scoffs]

Sam: Thank you.

Epiphany: Mm-hmm.

McBain: Yeah, thanks. That's one tough nurse. I didn't know Lucy Coe was being arraigned in the courtroom when I walked into it. I wanted to see how long it was gonna take to put Manning before a judge. Next thing I know, she spotted me, and I was trying to get out of there. She took a dash for me. Grabbed at my stitches, tore a few out.

Sam: What? Well, I'm assuming she got thrown into Ferncliff then, yeah?

McBain: Yeah, she did. That's where Manning's gonna be joining her.

Todd: Pentonville is just not on my to-do list.

Johnny: Since when? I don't think I have enough time to list all the reasons you should be locked up.

Todd: It doesn't matter. I'm not going.

Johnny: Wow. You know what? I thought Anthony was the king of denial.

Todd: Reality is just so inconvenient.

Johnny: You're not gonna be able to sleaze your way out of this, Todd. The D.A. knows that my guys are ready to testify --

Todd: Yeah, I know. I hate to disappoint your thug friends that all of a sudden want to be good citizens and come forward to testify. They're not gonna get the chance, 'cause there's not even gonna be a trial, Johnny. I confessed.

Johnny: What, did you plead guilty?

Todd: [Laughing] No. Only an idiot would plead guilt-- oh, that's right. You pled guilty, 'cause you're an idiot, idiot.

Johnny: You and me are going to Pentonville together. And if we're lucky, maybe we'll be cell mates, and I'll get to beat the crap out of you on, like, a daily basis.

Todd: You know what? I hate to disappoint you, but you're gonna have to find yourself another companion, because I'm not going to Pentonville. I'm going to Ferncliff, and shortly thereafter, I'm going home.

Tracy: Okay, if you hate the fang idea, come up with something better. I'm open to alternatives.

Ned: Actually, I do have one.

Tracy: Enlighten me.

Ned: It's a little outside the box.

Tracy: I can't wait.

Ned: You may hate it.

Tracy: I can't hate it if I can't hear it. Spit it out.

Ned: Okay. My idea is... [Sighs] ...Step aside. Just give up ELQ. Let A.J. take over.

Tracy: Have you lost your mind?

Michael: What strategic knowledge could Heather possibly have about ELQ?

A.J.: Hey, look, I was ready to blow her off and fly the cuckoo's nest, but then she started talking about Grandfather's will.

Michael: And, again, how could she possibly know anything about that?

A.J.: Well, she claims that when she crashed Thanksgiving that she actually read it, and she says that there's something in that will that will give me some serious leverage over Tracy.

Michael: What kind of leverage?

A.J.: I don't know. I've read that thing backwards and forwards, and there doesn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary to me.

Michael: You mean she didn't give you anything else to go on?

A.J.: No, she said she wouldn't do that unless I gave her a little incentive.

Michael: She'd give you the keys to ELQ in exchange to the keys for Ferncliff.

A.J.: I don't know, you know? It's, like, I think she just wants a friend, you know? Somebody to be her advocate on the outside.

Michael: You're not gonna be Heather's friend on the outside. Come on.

A.J.: Michael, I might not have any choice.

Michael: You have the sane choice. You need to stay far, far away from this woman.

Sam: Did I hear you right?

McBain: You heard me right. Manning's going to Ferncliff.

Johnny: No way.

Todd: Yes way. You're looking at a bona fide lunatic. Who knew?

McBain: Pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity.

Sam: That son of a bitch.

McBain: He got the idea seeing Lucy Coe carted off by the guys in the white coats.

Sam: No. The judge isn't gonna buy that he's crazy, is he?

Todd: Judge totally bought I was a crazy person, 'cause, let's face it, I'm kind of a crazy person. And let me tell you something. The crazy bar is set really high in this town. Any other part of the world, a baby switch automatically gets you a one-way ticket to the funny farm.

Sam: This can't happen.

McBain: Hey, Sam, where you going?

Sam: I'm gonna meet with the judge. I want to make sure that he sees Todd for the kidnapper that he is.

McBain: It's too late. Manning's scheduled for transfer today.

Todd: I can't wait to see what the loony bin is like in New York State. In Pennsylvania, they're run by, like, these kindly, old nuns and they take a very relaxed view of security.

Johnny: Yeah, well, something tells me there's not gonna be any nuns in Ferncliff. It's a high-security mental institution used to house the criminally insane. Probably not gonna be able to escape. Don't get your hopes up.

Todd: Who said anything about escaping?

Sam: If they toss Todd into Ferncliff, they can toss him right back into Pentonville, where he belongs.

McBain: Slow down. Manning's only being sent there for a psych evaluation. It's only a matter of time before they determine him fit to stand trial.

Sam: What if he isn't?

Todd: Why would I escape, live the rest of my life on the run, when I can just walk out the front door a free man, innocent in the eyes of the law?

Johnny: You think you can pull a fast one on those shrinks?

Todd: Why not? Heather Webber did it.

Sam: The Ferncliff doctors approved Heather's original release. They're gonna do the same for him, and they're gonna give him a free pass.

McBain: [Sighs] They'll have all of Mannings previous psych evaluations.

Sam: No, the doctors are gonna see that Manning is mentally disturbed, but he's not gonna be a danger to society. He's gonna fake like he's crazy, and he's gonna get off without having to pay for his crimes.

McBain: Wouldn't be the first time Manning's done it.

Todd: Posttraumatic stress disorder got me out of trouble when I killed my brother. Why wouldn't it get me out of trouble again?

Johnny: I don't know, maybe because you lied for months and jeopardized the life of a child?

Todd: You wouldn't know anything about that, would you, Johnny? Hey, look, if PTSD doesn't work, I can always just have one of my alters emerge.

Johnny: Alters? You have D.I.D.?

Todd: I d-I-d have D.I.D. once in Llanview. He took the whole town hostage and got me out of it. And maybe I'll get D.I.D. again here in Port Charles, right? I just have to figure out who's gonna come out first -- Rod or Tom or Miss Perkins.

Johnny: Rod or Tom or Miss who?

Todd: Miss Perkins. She's the gatekeeper. Yeah. I don't have to decide right now. I can just kind of wing it. I like to wing it, you know? Just kind of make it up as I go along. Ad-lib. I hope there's props. I act better with props.

McBain: When it comes to working the system, Manning's in a class by himself.

Sam: He's gonna walk, isn't he?

Todd: I can just turn on the waterworks and then magically reintegrate all of my alters, and then...I'll be free.

Johnny: You got it all figured out, don't you?

Todd: Yeah. I think I do.

Johnny: There's only one problem. You're not gonna have Carly.

Carly: I didn't realize Patrick was dating.

Sabrina: He's not. Well, I -- well, he's not -- he's not dating me.

Felix: He should be. What you need is a Carly Jacks-style makeover -- new dress, new do. Give Dr. Dreamboat something to look at, then you'll be more than a match for the britch.

Carly: The britch?

Felix: Dr. Drake is dating/doing named Westbourne, first name Britt, hence...

Carly: Oh, the britch. Yeah. Got it. Right.

Felix: We need to prep you for battle. Here. Let this -- hold that -- let this down, lose these. Ooh. There you go. And show these more. Prop these suckers up.

Sabrina: No! [Chuckles] No, thank you. I -- I like the way I look. I have no intention of changing anything about myself, not that it's gonna matter, anyway. Patrick wants the britch.

Carly: How do you know?

Sabrina: Huh?

Carly: I mean, how do you know? Maybe the britch is the first one who put herself out there. And just because Patrick didn't turn her down doesn't mean he's in for a lifelong commitment. You need to show him that there are other alternatives.

Felix: Exactly. Wait, how do you know so much about other people's lives and yet you fall prey to Todd Manning?

Carly: Okay, you know what? Maybe I saw some things in Todd that weren't really there, and to Todd's defense, he told me over and over again he was a horrible person. I just chose not to believe him.

Felix: [Sighs] Forget Todd Manning. You need to find a man that will value and respect you and treat you as divinely as you deserve to be treated. Look, y'all need to find some new men.

McBain: The Llanview District Attorney is sending over all of Manning's records to the Port Charles D.A. Between him and me, we're gonna make sure the staff at Ferncliff knows exactly who they're dealing with.

Sam: I appreciate that. I really do. But it's not enough. I need a guarantee that Todd is gonna pay, and if the courts aren't gonna do it, I'm gonna have to handle it myself.

Carly: I have no desire to be with a man or find someone. No, matter of fact, I am just gonna take a break -- total break from men altogether.

Felix: A break from men? I don't understand. If you chicken out, what hope is there for Sabrina?

Sabrina: Me? [Chuckles] When did I become part of this?

Carly: If Sabrina wants to go after Patrick, hey, go for it. He's great.

Felix: What about you?

Carly: My faith in my own judgment has been shot to hell, and the one person that I could bounce everything off of and I could figure myself out is gone, so I am going to stay alone for awhile. Happy and alone.

Felix: Wait, what about that guy you told me about the other day?

Carly: What guy?

Felix: The one who, uh, dragged your fine inebriated ass up to this hotel, remember?

Carly: A.J.?

A.J.: I appreciate your concern, but doing business with Heather Webber, that might be a necessary evil.

Michael: Did you know that all of last year, Heather tortured Sam and Jason?

A.J.: Okay, come on. That's got to be a little dramatic, right?

Michael: Did you know that Jason had a twin brother?

A.J.: Yeah, Mom told me. Some artist guy named Franco.

Michael: Yeah, and did you know what he did to Sam?

A.J.: I read about it. What does that have to do with me doing anything with Heather Webber.

Michael: When Jason and Sam were trying to figure out who Danny's biological father was, Heather tampered with the DNA results and made it look like Franco was Danny's father.

A.J.: So they tried to make Sam believe that she was carrying her rapist's baby?

Michael: Yeah. The night Danny was born, Heather helped Starr's dad switch Danny for another baby that died.

A.J.: Why would she single Sam out like that?

Michael: Because she forgot to deliver a letter.

A.J.: What? She what? She forgot to --

Michael: Heather was afraid she'd get caught, so she was gonna jump off the roof of the hospital with Danny in her arms. Look, I can go on and on about all the crimes this woman committed.

A.J.: I get it. I get it. Being involved with Heather Webber isn't easy. It's risky.

Michael: It's not gonna happen, because, no, if you go into business with Heather Webber, I can't be a part of it. I can't do that to Danny or Sam.

A.J.: Okay. I hear you.

Michael: Good. And, look, we'll find another way to make you part of ELQ. We don't need to work with a murderer.

A.J.: What about another murderer? What do you know about Johnny Zacchara?

Todd: It's gonna be kind of a challenge to win Carly back.

Johnny: Please. Putting the freaking rover on Mars, that was a challenge. Learning Swahili, that's a challenge. You winning Carly back, that's impossible.

Todd: It would be considerably easier for me out free in the world than for someone like you, who's behind bars for a triple murder.

Johnny: Not gonna happen.

Todd: Of course, it's gonna happen, Johnny. You confessed.

Johnny: I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about you and Carly. You know what will happen, though?

Todd: Carly and I have a June wedding?

Johnny: You're gonna spend the rest of your life either in Ferncliff or Pentonville, and even if you do happen to beat that whole thing, Carly's through with you.

Todd: Oh, you know how many people are through with me? Everybody's through with me. Starr's through with me, Blair. My sister is always through with me. People being through with me is kind of my specialty. It's kind of what I do. They all forgive me sooner or later, and so will Carly.

Johnny: Really? How many of those women still talk to you?

Todd: Well, today, none, but tomorrow, who knows?

Johnny: I know. And I know that Carly -- I know how she works. I know that there is one person in this world that she would stick with no matter what. Neither of us his him.

Todd: Oh, please spare me. I don't want to hear another sermon about Jason. The guy's dead.

Johnny: Yeah, but not forgotten. He never failed her, Todd. You did. Face it -- you tore your ticket with her. So did I.

Carly: Okay, if I said anything to imply that I am even remotely fond of A.J., I take it all back.

Felix: Okay, you don't care for the man.

Carly: He fills me with murderous rage.

Felix: Well, excuse me for asking, but if you don't like him, how come you spent the night with him?

Carly: I didn't spend the night with him. I endured a night with him. I got drunk because of Todd, and then I got goaded into this frenzy by A.J., and then I ended up cutting all my hair off, and then A.J. stuck around so he could laugh and smile about it.

Felix: Okay, maybe A.J. was the wrong suggestion, but you can't fault me for trying to hook up a friend. Right, Sabrina?

Sabrina: Don't look at me. I'm not on the market.

Carly: This has been great. Why don't we sit down and get down to business?

Sabrina: Oh, yes, actually, thank you. Thank you again so much for letting us have the Metro Court ballroom free of charge. You are a major reason why we're able to hold the first Nurses’ Ball in over a decade.

Carly: Oh, Robin would be rolling over in her grave right about now.

Sabrina: I'm sorry. Did you say something about Dr. Scorpio-Drake?

Carly: We just weren't close. But a lot of my good friends were close with her, and it's a great cause. It's great. It's fine.

Sabrina: Okay.

Carly: Happy to help.

Sabrina: I'm sure Patrick will be thrilled to hear of your generosity.

Carly: Patrick's a good guy. Maybe worth hanging in there for.

Patrick: Do you not like Britt, either?

Elizabeth: We're just not friendly.

Patrick: Why? Why not?

Elizabeth: Have you noticed how Dr. Westbourne tends to be officious with us nurses? Especially Sabrina?

Patrick: Are you telling me that she singles Sabrina out?

Elizabeth: [Sighs]

Patrick: Why would she do that? Everybody loves Sabrina. Everybody gets along with Sabrina. Why would she go after her?

Elizabeth: Oh, for God's sake, Patrick. Just open your eyes. Why do you think?

McBain: Look. I know where you're coming from, Sam. I understand the need to avenge someone you love. Thank you.

Sam: You're welcome. Good, then you're not gonna try and stop me.

McBain: I also know how that need for vengeance can make you lose your grip on what really matters...when it starts to consume you. And you forget about what's really important in life, like Danny.

Sam: What are you talking about? Danny is the whole reason why I need to do this. Todd kept my son away from me. He made me think that my son was dead.

McBain: I understand. So, don't you want to spend all your time with him, not let Manning take away another minute?

Sam: Manning has to pay!

McBain: Yeah. How about I make you a deal. For the time being, you let me take care of Todd Manning. You take care of Danny and you take care of yourself, all right? That's what's important -- family. Not pay back, not revenge, and not Todd Manning.

Patrick: Are you telling me that Sabrina is avoiding me because Britt comes down too hard on her?

Elizabeth: Wow. So close and yet so far.

Patrick: Okay, Elizabeth. Hey, will you just tell me what is going on?

Britt: Hey, am I interrupting?

Patrick: Um...

Elizabeth: Not at all. I have a lot of work to do.

Britt: Hey. Is it just me or are the nurses around here wound a little tight.

Patrick: What?

Britt: I wanted to run something by you. I thought that I could take you and Emma ice skating today.

Patrick: No kidding.

Britt: I figure it'll give us girls a little bonding time, get to know each other better like you said.

Patrick: I don't know if that's such a good idea.

Britt: But I thought you wanted me and Emma to get closer. Is that no longer the case?

Carly: Okay, it's official. The Metro Court is the home of the 2013 Nurses’ Ball.

Sabrina: [Laughing] Oh, my God!

Carly: There you go.

Sabrina: Thank you. Thank you so much. You are not gonna regret this.

Felix: I mean, you might, if you're the only guest there without a date.

Carly: Wow. I am capable of showing up to the ball without a man on my arm, thank you very much.

Felix: Well, just in case, if I were you, I would just keep this A.J. in my back pocket.

Carly: Okay. If you were me, you'd already have a kid with this A.J., who then later tried to kidnap that kid, and then fake his own death so he could avoid prosecution. Okay?

Felix: Okay, you have plenty of reasons to hate the man, but just keep in mind, there's a blotting-paper-thin line between love and hate. I'm just saying.

Michael: Johnny Zacchara. Are you serious?

A.J.: I know Johnny caused the accident which killed Starr's family.

Michael: Yeah, how am I supposed to explain to Starr that I'm going into business with Johnny?

Michael: I know this isn't great, but the longer this battle goes on with Tracy, the fewer options we have, and if I can't work with Heather -- if I can't work with Heather Webber, I may have to work with Johnny.

Michael: Why Johnny?

A.J.: A while back, Skye gave me some information that linked Tracy to the Soleito crime family.

Michael: Tracy was married to Gino Soleito for, like, five minutes. What does that have to do with anything?

A.J.: Because she managed to figure out a way to funnel some dirty money into ELQ to keep it afloat. I mean, she would be in a world of hurt if the S.E.C. ever found out about that.

Michael: Okay, then why don't you just go to Skye and get the information?

A.J.: Skye gave the information to Anthony Zacchara, who then used it to blackmail Tracy into marrying him.

Michael: And she thinks that Johnny got the evidence when Anthony died.

A.J.: And if I can figure out a way to get it out of him, then...

Michael: You'll have enough leverage to get Tracy out of ELQ.

A.J.: Exactly. I just need to figure out the best way to approach Johnny.

Michael: I'll do it. I know what buttons to push.

A.J.: No. Michael, listen to me. I don't want you getting your hands dirty in this.

Michael: We don't have that much of a choice now, do we? Besides, I know who to handle myself.

A.J.: Okay. Thank you.

Michael: Yeah, well, you can thank me when I get results.

A.J.: Okay, Partner.

Ned: I'm not out of my mind at all. I think it's a perfectly reasonable plan.

Tracy: Traipsing around Europe managing cut-rate cover bands has ruined you. You are disloyal, muddled, and, worst of all, soft.

Ned: If I wasn't such a softy, I wouldn't care so much about the toll this worthless war for ELQ is taking on you.

Tracy: Worthless? ELQ was my father's heart and soul.

Ned: And Grandfather is gone. He can no longer give or withhold his approval anymore. There's nobody left to prove anything to. You can finally unshackle yourself from ELQ and start over. On your own footing. Why fight for a company that's given you nothing but grief over the years?

Tracy: Because I worked my entire life for it. It is my birthright. And I deserve a hell of a lot more than a jar of pickled Lila relish that my father left me. He may not have thought I was capable of taking the reins by myself, but I have the reins by myself, and I'll be damned if I will relinquish them to my incompetent, treacherous nephew. I need my son on my side. So, if you're with me, get on board. If not, step aside. ELQ is mine to run, and woe be to anybody who gets in my way!

Britt: Have you changed your mind about wanting me to get to know Emma better?

Patrick: No, no. I mean, I would really like you guys to get along.

Britt: So, then, why the hesitation?

Patrick: You know what? I'm sorry. Forget it. Don't worry about it. I think a day together, the three of us, is exactly --

Britt: Exactly what the doctor ordered.

Patrick: [Laughs] Right.

Britt: [Laughs]

Patrick: You know what? I was just about to go pick her up. She's got a half-day of school, so you up for a little triple-salchow action?

Britt: I don't know what that is, but it sounds exciting.

Patrick: Okay.

Britt: [Laughs]

Patrick: I'll see you.

Britt: I need you to file this. Nurse Webber. I'm giving you a file.

Elizabeth: The magic word, Dr. Westbourne?

Britt: Please.

Elizabeth: As you wish.

Felix: We have a venue for the Nurses’ Ball, and who would get the credit? Hmm. [Chuckles] That would be --

Epiphany: Nurse Dubois.

Felix: Hey. [Clears throat]

Epiphany: Did I or did I not assign you to bedpan duty?

Felix: Yeah, but --

Epiphany: "But" what? It wasn't fun enough for you? Would you like me to find more fun things for you to do? No running. And don't think I can't find you and make things much, much more fun.

[Elevator bell dings]

Sabrina: Dr. Westbourne, what's on the agenda for today?

Britt: I'm taking the rest of the day off so I can spend it with Patrick and Emma.

Sabrina: How nice.

Britt: Yeah, we're going ice skating.

Sabrina: Well, be sure to bring Emma's pink mittens. She always insists she's not gonna be cold, then asks for her mittens 10 minutes after leaving the house, so it's just --

Britt: Leave it, Sabrina. Emma's not your problem anymore. She's mine.

Sam: Hey. Uh, I found this. I'll make sure John gets it back.

Epiphany: He's lucky to have a friend like you looking out for him.

Sam: Yeah, but he, um... he's done a lot for me.

Epiphany: He seems like he's a good guy.

Sam: Yes. He is, actually.

Epiphany: Mm-hmm. And he's not too hard on the eyes, either.

Todd: As much as I enjoyed our little chat, Johnny, I got to go. My ride's here.

Guard: I'm not taking you anywhere. This guy is.

Todd: Caleb Morley, king of the vampires. Please, stay back. My blood will not nourish you tonight.

McBain: You know, I think you're hilarious. You know, we should take this act on the road. Oh, I realize we are taking this act on the road. The doctors at Ferncliff await us.

Todd: Us?

McBain: Yeah.

Todd: You're crazy, too?

McBain: Yeah. I'm gonna ride along, you know? I'm really concerned about your mental well-being, and I want to make sure you get all the care and attention you truly deserve. Let's go.

Todd: I guess it's not true what they say about the whole garlic thing, right?

Johnny: Have fun in Pentonville, Manning.

Tracy: What's it gonna be, Ned? You with me or against me?

Ned: Of course, I'm with you. You're my mother.

Tracy: So, why do you keep telling me to step aside?

Ned: Because even if you managed to put A.J. back in his place, you could still get hurt, and I just don't want to see that.

Tracy: Don't you know by now I don't get hurt?

Ned: Okay. All right. Let's get down to business, then. First, we need to identify where you might be vulnerable. And then we come up with a strategy to beat A.J. Back into the ground.

Tracy: At the moment, my only weakness is Lucy. All the other votes are locked up.

Ned: Are you sure? Are you sure there's nothing else out there that could hurt you?

Guard: Zacchara. You got a visitor.

Johnny: Michael. What are you doing here?

Michael: I need your help.

Tracy: I'm only susceptible via a shareholder coup.

Ned: Then we have to make sure your spies at Ferncliff keep A.J. away from Lucy.

Tracy: I'll get them on it.

Ned: Great. Okay, that will give us a few extra days...until Lucy's legal status is determined. Now, if she's found to have diminished capacity, then her vote belongs to you. But if she isn't, then we ne to go on the offensive. We need to attack A.J. and Michael. Divide and conquer.

Tracy: Forget about Michael. He's nothing without A.J.

Tracy: Find A.J. See if you can figure out what tricks he has up his sleeve. Meanwhile, I will let the dogs out.

Ned: Do I want to know what you've got planned?

Tracy: A little subcontracting. As much as I would like to crush A.J. myself, there is somebody better qualified for the job. Hello! It's Tracy Quartermaine. [Laughs] Yeah, it's lovely to talk to you, too, Sonny.

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