General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 1/23/13
Provided By Suzanne
Patrick: Hey, that was pretty cool of your teacher to come up with a play about recycling, wasn't it?
Emma: Yeah. I'm good for the environment.
Patrick: Yeah, you are.
Emma: Sabrina!
Sabrina: Hey, Emma!
Emma: I miss you. When are you gonna babysit me again?
Sonny: Well, you've been having a rough time, and I sympathize, that's all.
Connie: Really? No angle? Nothing?
Sonny: From one parent to another. I was a little nervous leaving you alone with Olivia. I thought there might be some bloodshed.
Connie: No, we had a decent time. Talked about a few things.
Sonny: Yeah? What things?
Connie: You.
Sonny: What about me?
Connie: Not just you. You and me.
Spinelli: It happened on New Year's Eve.
Ellie: Okay. Well, you already told me you spent the night with Maxie.
Spinelli: Yes. But what I didn't tell you -- is that I slept with her.
Ellie: You slept with Maxie?
Spinelli: I did.
Ellie: No.
Spinelli: Yes.
Ellie: No.
Britt: My suggestion -- start with what you're gonna tell Dante and Lulu.
Lulu: Hey. Hi. Uh, tell Dante and Lulu what?
Maxie: You're back!
Lulu: Yeah. We came straight from the airport here.
Maxie: Well, how's your dad? Did you find him?
Lulu: Uh, leave it to him to get shot in a prison riot.
Maxie: Oh, my God. Is he okay?
Lulu: He was shot in the arm, but he's fine. I was trying to bring him here to get checked out, but he insisted on going straight to see Anna.
Anna: I didn't want to tell you over the phone, but, uh, Robert's in a coma.
Luke: A coma?
Anna: Yeah. Yeah. Holly's with him.
Luke: How did it happen?
Anna: It was that woman at the clinic -- Dr. Obrecht. Do you remember her? She injured him.
Luke: Oh, God, yes. You don't forget a character like that.
Anna: Exactly.
Luke: What were you doing back there?
Anna: Well --
Duke: Rescuing me.
Luke: Faison, you son of a bitch. You stay away from her!
Anna: Let him go!
Duke: I'm not Faison!
Luke: Halloween's over. Get the mask off.
Anna: It's not a mask.
Luke: But you said Faison was using a Lavery mask.
Anna: Yes. Well, how else could he do it without Duke?
Luke: Duke? What? You're saying Lavery is still alive?
Anna: Yes. This is Duke Lavery.
Maxie: Well, you must be relieved that you found Luke and that he's home.
Lulu: We're very relieved.
Steven: Hey.
Dante: Hey.
Maxie: So, a-a prison riot? How'd Luke get messed up in something like that?
Lulu: This is a really long story, and it's not important. How are you?
Maxie: Obviously, I'm great. I'm standing here. So, Luke got shot? Is it bad?
Lulu: Dr. Westbourne, you said that Maxie needed to tell us something about the baby.
Maxie: The baby is fine.
Lulu: I'm sensing a "but" in there.
Maxie: Don't be silly. "But" what? What could be wrong?
Lulu: I don't know. You're acting really weird right now, and you were acting really weird on the phone.
Maxie: You called me from a Turkish prison, and you think I was acting weird?
Dante: All righty. So, it's good to be back. Maxie, we're really happy everything's going well with you.
Lulu: Is she telling the truth?
Dante: Okay, we just talked. We were gonna try and back off a little bit.
Maxie: Oh, my God. Are you seriously subjecting me to one of Olivia's psychic screenings? 'Cause that's rude.
Olivia: Don't worry, honey. I got nothing.
Steven: As perceptive as Olivia can be, if you want accurate medical information, you've got your doctor right here.
Lulu: Is everything okay with the baby?
Spinelli: As painful as it is for you to hear it and -- as painful as it is for me to say it -- I-I-I slept with Maxie on New Year's Eve.
Ellie: But why?
Spinelli: Well -- y-you and I agreed that if -- if you didn't show up on the hospital roof at the appointed time, it would be a signal that you didn't want to be with me, and so when you didn't appear, I came to the lamentable and erroneous conclusion that we were over, and I-I was somewhat inebriated because I'd imbibed peppermint schnapps in an attempt to keep warm. And then in my despair, I finished the bottle and became thoroughly pixilated.
Ellie: And then what? You thought, "oh, here's my chance! I'm just gonna go have sex with Maxie"?!
Spinelli: No. No. No. No. I-I only wanted you. But -- but you weren't there.
Ellie: So, instead of trying to look for me, you just scamper off to Maxie?
Spinelli: No, Ellie. There was no scampering. I-I-I tried to call you, as your phone records will attest, but then I -- I-I took you -- I took you at your word. And in my admittedly fuzzy state, I -- I felt my only recourse was to respect your decision and consider our coupledom done.
Ellie: And then what? How did you wind up in bed with Maxie?! You want to be honest?! Out with it! I want the entire story -- every gory detail!
Sonny: You gonna tell me what you and Liv were saying about you and me, or --
Connie: No, it's nothing. It's just girl talk.
Sonny: Okay.
Connie: No, I was just saying that, you know, you're a hard man to figure out.
Sonny: I'm a -- I'm a hard man to figure out?
Connie: Yeah. Because I treat you like dirt and you're here.
Sonny: Oh.
Connie: Ever since the accident, you've been nothing but good to me. You paid my bail. You helped me with my son, convinced me to let him go. You even made sure I had a few minutes with him at the end to say goodbye. Why? Why are you suddenly here in my corner?
Sonny: Are you giving me a hard time because I'm treating you like a human being?
Connie: No. [Sighs] I'm trying to tell you that -- I owe you.
Sabrina: You haven't told her.
Emma: Told me what?
Patrick: I was waiting for the right time.
Sabrina: I think it needs to be now so there are no unrealistic expectations and no one gets disappointed.
Patrick: Right. Um, hey, listen. Uh, Sabrina's not gonna be able to babysit you anymore.
Emma: Why?
Sabrina: Okay, okay. Dr. Drake said that I-I tried to kiss him?
Britt: It was highly inappropriate. I mean, how can you expect him to keep that to himself?
Sabrina: But that's not at all what happened.
Britt: Well, it's how Patrick saw it. Bottom line, Sabrina -- you're making Patrick very uncomfortable.
Emma: Don't you like us anymore? What's today's dare?
Sabrina: Emma, of course I like you. I love you.
Emma: Then why can't you come over anymore?
Patrick: Emma, Sabrina's really busy. She's working at the hospital and she's studying for her nurse's exam, so she just doesn't have enough time to babysit right now.
Emma: But what about the Nurses' Ball? You said we would all be in it together. Are you too busy for that now, too?
Britt: The baby Maxie's carrying is doing fine. There's absolutely nothing wrong with this baby.
Maxie: See? So, could you please just relax a little -- please, please? I mean, you're my best friend and I love you, but you're taking hovering to a whole new level.
Lulu: I am so sorry. I just worry. I just w -- I just want everything to be okay.
Dante: Okay. Maybe it would help Maxie's stress level if we didn't interrogate her --
Lulu: Okay, you don't have to say, "we." We know it's me. I'm trying to relax.
Olivia: How 'bout if we just rely on Dr. Westbourne for all of our pregnancy updates? 'Cause I'm thinking she's probably a lot more reliable than my visions, so --
Steven: Can I quote you on that?
Olivia: [Chuckles]
Dante: So, you guys were talking about something. You said Maxie had something to tell us.
Spinelli: I-I was on the hospital roof, a-alone, in despair, clutching my near empty bottle of peppermint schnapps, my life in shambles, a --
Ellie: Okay, cut to the chase. When did Maxie show up?
Spinelli: Well, midnight had come and gone. I was -- again, alone on the roof, um, contemplating the uncaring stars.
Ellie: [Sighs]
Spinelli: And I heard footsteps, and I leapt up because I thought -- I thought it was you. But it turned out to be Maxie.
Ellie: [Sighs] I knew it. I knew it. Maxie came looking for you.
Spinelli: No. In fact, she was quite surprised to see me.
Ellie: No, she wasn't! She knew that you and I had planned a rendezvous on the roof! She knew that I was on my way to see you! Oh, my God. [Gasps] I went to my room to get ready, and I left Maxie on the couch, and while I was showering and drying my hair, she knew that I couldn't hear what she was up to.
Spinelli: Okay. I'm sorry. I don't understand how that relates to my encounter with her hours later on the roof.
Ellie: Oh, my God. Maxie obviously tampered with my car. She arranged to come in my place so that while I was getting mowed down by Connie Falconeri's car, she was having sex with you!
Spinelli: Ellie, that's -- that's -- that's not true. I mean, first, Maxie doesn't know the difference between a spark plug and a radiator hose, but more importantly, look -- no, she would not -- she would not sabotage you or me in such a manner.
Ellie: You know Maxie better than I do. Can you honestly look me in the eye and promise me that she wouldn't do anything underhanded to get her own way?
Sonny: Forget it, Connie. You don't owe me anything.
Connie: I-I do. I owe you a very big thank you for what you did for me. Okay, maybe you didn't do it for me. Maybe you were being nice because you thought Kate was gonna come back. I don't care. Whatever. But I was falling down, and you helped me up.
Sonny: I can be ruthless, right? But I'm capable of compassion. You were hurting, and I wanted to help.
Connie: And I owe you a thank you.
Sonny: No, you don't owe me anything.
Connie: Sonny, let me tell you that I want to thank you, please! I don't say, "thank you" that often.
Sonny: Okay.
Connie: Thank you!
Sonny: Okay. I-I --
Connie: Geez. That's not how I meant to say it. Thank you, Sonny.
Anna: No, Faison is in a cell in Geneva, and if you don't believe me, then call Interpol. Oh, better yet, go online, because his capture made all the European papers.
Luke: And there's no chance that this could be another mind game?
Anna: No, no. There isn't, really. I mean, I can understand why you would doubt me, 'cause I have plenty of reasons to doubt myself, but this -- this is Duke.
Duke: I-I apologize for the confusion.
Anna: It's not your fault. It's nobody's fault. We've all just been Faison's puppets. It's going to take us a while to adjust.
Luke: Well, how did this happen, and how do you know that this is the real guy?
Anna: Well, because Faison said that Duke was in a prison in turkey, and, remember, that story checked out. That's because he was. He was there.
Duke: Yeah. For two decades. I was supposed to have entered the witness protection program, but it was a trap, so I was left to rot in jail.
Anna: But Faison found him first.
Duke: Well, he did, and, as a matter of fact, I was grateful when he first took me to Switzerland because I was in pretty bad shape. I-I-I needed medical attention, and I also needed physical therapy, but then when Faison introduced himself to me, I realized that my salvation had come at a very -- at a very high price.
Anna: And, you see, then Faison -- he made a mold of his face, and they duplicated his fingerprints. Faison studied his mannerisms, the way he talked, and he got all these personal details about our life together, and --
Duke: I also fed him some false memories. I wanted to send clues to Anna. But, uh -- he was pretty determined. He was obsessed, and he was convinced that his plan was gonna work. He was convinced that Anna would accept him as me and he would take his place in my life -- assume my place beside Anna.
Anna: And I was -- I was vulnerable. And he knew that. And he fed me a lie that I wanted to believe.
Luke: There's no way you could have seen this coming.
Anna: Well, you did.
Duke: Anna told me that you were the first to suspect that Faison was an imposter. It's thanks to you that I'm here.
Luke: I just wish I could have been in Switzerland for the takedown. I would have loved to have been the one to rip the mask off that maniac's head and expose him for what he is.
Duke: It's because of you that I'm here and, more importantly, that Anna is free and safe. I thank you for that. I thank you most sincerely.
Sabrina: Of course you're gonna be in the Nurses' Ball. It's to honor your mommy. We couldn't think of having a ball without Dr. Robin Scorpio-Drake's little girl.
Emma: Will you and me and daddy all be in it together?
Patrick: [Chuckling] Hey.
Sabrina: [Chuckles] I-I, um -- I don't -- I don't know if we're gonna be performing as a group. I'm gonna have to be running around, making sure everything's going the way it's supposed to go. But -- but you and your daddy are definitely gonna be our guests of honor, okay?
Patrick: Yes. We will see Sabrina at the Nurses' Ball, I promise. We just have to figure out all the details first, okay?
Emma: Okay.
Patrick: Okay.
Sabrina: Okay. So, right now, I have to go get my food, but it was really great seeing you. I miss you.
Patrick: Okay. Come on. Come and finish your hot chocolate. It's gonna get cold.
Emma: I want Sabrina to be my babysitter.
Patrick: I understand. I like Sabrina, too. But she needs time to study, all right? You can't ask her to take care of us and forget about nursing, can we?
Emma: She could study while she babysits. I'll be really, really quiet.
Patrick: [Chuckles] You're so sweet. We'll find somebody great to babysit you, I promise. But maybe -- maybe we won't need a babysitter as much. Maybe next time I go out with Britt, you can come with us and we can do something fun. Like, we can go ice skating or maybe we can go to the ballet.
Emma: I don't like Britt.
Patrick: Why would you say that? Baby, I think you just need to spend more time together.
Emma: No, we don't.
Patrick: Emma, what's going on? Why don't you like Britt?
Emma: 'Cause she's mean.
Britt: Maxie and I were discussing some bloodwork that just came back. I want to up her dosage of folic acid.
Lulu: Oh. Is something wrong?
Britt: Oh, it's pretty standard.
Maxie: Dr Westbourne's taking great care of me. She knows how much this baby means to all of us.
Lulu: But you were gonna notify us that you were changing her dose.
Dante: I think we just need to take a step back, baby. That's all.
Maxie: Yeah. Dante's right. It's not rocket science. It's just green vegetables and orange juice.
Britt: And Maxie doesn't want to worry you. And as I reminded her, you and Dante are also my patients, and you're entitled to all information pertinent to this pregnancy.
Olivia: Mother of God. Not you again!
Spinelli: It's true that Maxie has a history of being somewhat calculating, even a schemer at times, but I assure you she did not come to the hospital roof in a deliberate attempt to subvert you -- on the contrary. Look, Maxie was terrified. She was afraid that a tangle with a dog had inadvertently caused harm to the baby, but, I mean, everything was fine. She just came to the roof to calm down.
Ellie: And have sex with you?! That is so disgusting!
Spinelli: It was a grievous error in judgment, and it -- it wouldn't have happened if she hadn't been so emotional and I hadn't been so drunk that I couldn't see straight.
Ellie: Ugh! Just give me a break! Maxie had only recently been implanted with Dante and Lulu's embryo, okay? She just found out she was pregnant on Christmas Eve! She knew that having sex was contraindicated. You're supposed to refrain from that so that you don't interfere with the procedure.
Spinelli: Well, fortunately, I mean, the baby's fine, and so is Maxie.
Ellie: That's great. You should just go be with her, because you obviously want to.
Spinelli: No, Ellie. I-I want -- I want you.
Ellie: Stop -- lying to me. Stop telling me what you think I should hear, because it's not making anything better! It's just making everything worse! You still want Maxie -- so much so that you didn't even hesitate to have intercourse with her!
Spinelli: Tell me what I can do to make it better.
Ellie: You want to know what you can do? Get out.
Spinelli: Come on. We have to talk about this.
Ellie: No. You know what? If you won't leave, then I'm going to.
Spinelli: Ellie, stop. Stop.
Sonny: I'm gonna go check on Kristina, so if you need anything, I'll be back.
Connie: All right, Sonny. Just walk away. Just -- walk away from me like I'm poison.
Sonny: That's not what I'm doing.
Connie: No, you are looking for Kate. But you didn't find Kate.
Sonny: [Sighs]
Connie: You found me.
Luke: I'm sorry. I've never been one to shake hands and be a gentleman.
Duke: Well, at the very least, you can accept my thanks for saving my life.
Luke: It never entered my mind. You were never part of my equation.
Anna: What are you doing? What are you doing? He hasn't done anything wrong.
Luke: No? Are you still in love with her?
Duke: I most certainly am still in love with her. The thought of Anna kept me alive.
Anna: [Sighs]
Luke: Well, you're not the only one. All that time over there, I did a lot of thinking. You and I haven't exactly lived blameless lives, and I think that's why we understand each other. That's why this works. But it's more than companionship and understanding. I've realized, Anna -- I'm in love with you. Which makes us adversaries until the lady decides which one she wants, if she hasn't already decided. It seems our angels have been busy building a new,
Anna: Well, thank you. That's great. I'm allowed to decide. Why don't we just do pistols at dawn?
Luke: Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to put you on the spot.
Anna: Yes, you are. You're putting me on the spot.
Luke: Well, let's -- why don't we just go home alone and talk this thing out?
Anna: No. I moved out.
Luke: What? Why?
Anna: Well, I moved out because you went to dig up dirt on him, and I told you -- I explicitly said don't, and then you got caught and you sent Robert, and I just was done with the whole thing.
Luke: But I was right!
Duke: Actually, he was right.
Luke: When I need your backup, I'll ask for it. We were working things out, Anna. Look, I -- Robert forgave me for sending him off on that wild goose chase after a kid that wasn't his own, and I came back and I wanted to work it out with you, and we would have, I think, except that Faison showed up with this guy's face and a bunch of memories of your long-ago romance.
Anna: Are you sure that you don't resent me for just ignoring you and getting caught up in the whole thing?
Luke: I don't resent you. I'm in love with you. I just want us to get back to where we were.
Anna: So much has happened, I don't even know what might have been at this point. I really don't.
Luke: Come on. We were on the brink of something important, something real. You can't tell me that that doesn't count for something.
Anna: [Sighs]
Connie: Admit it. You don't see me. When you look at me, you want to see Kate looking back.
Sonny: I see you, Connie. You've been through so much facing what no parent should have to face. I'm just trying to help you. That's all.
Connie: Maybe you are, but you still want to see Kate looking back at you.
Sonny: I miss Kate. I'm not gonna pretend I don't. Why are you bringing it up?
Connie: Because I don't know what -- what are we doing? What do you want from me? What do you expect?
Sonny: You're hurting, right? I don't want to see you hurt anymore.
Connie: Well, then, tell me the truth.
Sonny: When you love someone and they disappear, you don't stop loving them. Yes, when I look at you -- I want to see Kate, and she's not there. And it hurts.
Spinelli: Ellie, come on. You could hurt yourself and undermine all the --
Ellie: I'm already hurt! My body and my heart are both shattered into a million pieces!
Spinelli: Look, you can't let me upset you like this. You -- you -- you could undo all the --
Ellie: Damian, you promised me this wouldn't happen. I put my faith in you, and you lied to my face about your feelings for Maxie and then you slept with her behind my back!
Spinelli: You're angry. I understand.
Ellie: I'm furious!
Spinelli: Yes, and I understand, and I-I won't try to reason with you.
Ellie: Oh, excuse me! I'm being unreasonable now?! Damian, I got hit by a car while you were cheating on me!
Spinelli: You have every right to be upset and angry. I made a mistake. And I wish I could take it back, but that doesn't change the way I feel about you.
Ellie: Spinelli, please -- leave me alone.
Spinelli: Your request is unambiguous and understandable, given the unfortunate circumstances. The jackal knows when he's not wanted. But, Ellie, please know this. I love you. And I am -- deeply sorry that I hurt you.
Olivia: I thought I'd seen the last of you, you filthy little mongrel. You stay away from Maxie!
Dante: What, is this the dog thing again? Really?
Steven: Liv, are you seeing the dog again?
Olivia: You don't see it? It's right there! Okay, now it's gone.
Lulu: And you wonder why I worry.
Olivia: I'm sorry, everyone. I saw it. I saw Maxie's baby as a dog.
Patrick: I think you need to give Britt a chance, 'cause she's smart, she's very funny, and she's very nice, and I think once you get to know her, I think you'll like her.
Emma: I don't want to get to know Britt.
Patrick: Hey, we talked about this, right -- about judging people before you know them, like the new kid at school. You didn't think you were gonna be friends, and then you guys became friends once you got to know her.
Emma: Britt's not a kid. She's a lady. And I do not want her to be my new mommy.
Patrick: Okay. Emma, nobody said anything about a new mommy, okay? I didn't say that.
Emma: My real mommy's in heaven.
Patrick: Come here. I know you miss your mommy. I miss her, too. But that doesn't mean that we can't get to know people or let them get to know us, all right? Britt's just a friend, okay?
Emma: Okay.
Patrick: Okay. You finish your hot chocolate, and we'll go home.
Emma: If I have to have a new mommy, I want it to be Sabrina.
Patrick: Emma.
Sabrina: [Gasps]
Dante: Whatever -- okay? This vision means, it's not literal.
Lulu: I know! If I was carrying this child, it would be different. I would feel the child inside of me, and I would know that everything is okay, but I am outside of this process, and I have to ask questions to be a part of it and I have to take everyone's word for it -- Maxie's and Olivia's and Dr. Westbourne's.
Dante: Hey, hang on. Hang on. Stop. You don't need to buy in to it, though, okay? It's not like this baby is gonna be a dog.
Britt: Okay, that can't be a serious question.
Lulu: I know Maxie is not going to give birth to a dog. It's just -- my mother-in-law is a very grounded, very smart woman, and she had a medical thing where she has these premonitions and they come true.
Olivia: But, as Dante pointed out, my premonitions are subject to interpretation, so --
Lulu: Look, when Maxie chased after the dog and tripped, I thought that's what your vision was, but you're still seeing the dog, so it's got me a little freaked out.
Steven: Liv, was it the same dog?
Britt: Okay, you can't be serious.
Olivia: Well, it was a little puppy -- very cute and very little, fluffy, like a little wolf.
Lulu: It's a wolf?
Olivia: Well, not like a wolf exactly but like a little -- something wild, you know? Like, I'm not a big fan of the nature programs, but like a little cub of some kind. I'm not exactly sure what kind.
Maxie: A jackal.
[Washer and dryer sounds]
Maxie: A jackal. That explains it.
Steven: Explains what?
Maxie: Nothing. Um, you know, you guys just got back from liberating your dad from a Turkish prison, which I'm not complaining about. This is your dad, and this is always the way he's acted. But you can tell that it's stressing you out, and, in turn, that's stressing me out, and I know intellectually you don't mean to come off as a paranoid control freak who's questioning my every move, but you are, and I don't think that's healthy for any of us, so maybe we should just take a little break, right, Dante?
Dante: Okay. Yeah. I think a break would be good. We can all decompress a little bit, right?
Lulu: I get it. I'm being borderline ridiculous. I would just like to know what this wolf-puppy stuff is.
Maxie: Lulu, drop it with the wolf puppy, okay? I'm not giving birth to a dog.
Dante: Okay. She doesn't think that. We're sorry, okay? Let's stop.
Maxie: Let's just focus on the good stuff, okay? Your dad's home. I'm fine. It's all good.
Dante: Okay. I'm tired. I know you're tired, so why don't we get out of here?
Lulu: Yes. Okay. I'm sorry. I'll try to be more rational.
Maxie: It's okay.
Patrick: Okay. Come on. Let go of Sabrina.
Emma: No.
Sabrina: Emma, honey, you have to listen to your daddy, okay?
Patrick: Honey, you want a time-out?
Emma: I don't care. If I have to have a new mommy, I want it to be Sabrina.
Sabrina: [Chuckles]
Patrick: Emma --
Sabrina: Honey, I miss you, too, okay? But I'm not going anywhere. Maybe Elizabeth can bring you by the nurses' station and we can have a visit or something. Does that sound good?
Emma: But why can't you come to my house?
Patrick: Okay, come on. Let Sabrina go. Go sit down and finish your hot chocolate.
Emma: No.
Patrick: Emma, go sit down. Come on -- now.
Sabrina: [Chuckles softly]
Patrick: I'm sorry. That was --
Sabrina: No, it's okay. Don't worry about it.
Patrick: I want her to have her feelings, but I think this is really confusing for her.
Sabrina: Every kid has meltdowns, even one as awesome as Emma.
Patrick: I know she's gonna miss seeing you, but that thing that she was saying about the new mommy -- it's just --
Sabrina: Don't worry about it. Kids say things.
Patrick: Yeah, they do.
Anna: You've given me a lot to think about -- yeah, certainly.
Luke: Oh, there's a dodge if ever I've heard one.
Anna: I don't know what I feel. I'm still grieving Robin. And I'm incredibly humiliated and angry by what happened with Faison. But I'm so grateful that you stand by me. And -- and I'm incredibly relieved that Duke's alive. So, I don't know what I'm feeling. I'm -- I'm all over the place.
Duke: I think we both need to back off.
Anna: Yes, you do.
Luke: Speak for yourself, friend.
Duke: Should I be grateful also now you've upgraded me from adversary to friend?
Anna: I would love it if you could be friends.
Luke: Well, that's not gonna happen until you give me an answer.
Anna: I'm in no condition to make a commitment to anyone.
Luke: Okay. You know where I stand. The ball's in your court.
Anna: [Sighs]
Connie: Wow, isn't that a kick in the teeth, huh? Here I thought we were getting somewhere.
Sonny: We are.
Connie: Yeah. A couple days ago, I couldn't stand the sight of you, and then I kill my kid.
Sonny: Okay, you didn't kill Trey. You took him off life support. There's a difference.
Connie: It was my fault, Sonny. I caused the accident that put him on life support. And I couldn't face that fact, let alone take him off the machines, and then you -- you showed up and you took my hand and you helped me through it. And you say you'd do that for anyone, but I don't think that's true. I think you did that for me. You didn't do that for Kate. You did that for me!
Sonny: Maybe I did.
Connie: See? We got something, Sonny. Don't you feel it?
Sonny: Yeah. I mean, we -- I don't -- there's something.
Connie: There's something -- something I could get used to. And there you go, pulling away again, 'cause it can't go anywhere because you're still in love with Kate.
Sonny: I am, yes.
Connie: But the bottom line is you wish I didn't exist --
Sonny: That's not true.
Connie: -- Because if I went and disappeared, then you could have Kate back. Isn't that true? Of course every girl has secrets.
Connie: Admit it. You want me gone.
Sonny: I'm sorry.
Connie: Don't you ever wonder who you really love, Sonny? Kate, with her made-up life? That's not how you loved in high school. That's not how we were at all. We wanted things. We thought we'd be together forever. Don't you miss that? Don't you miss me? Just get out of here.
Sonny: Why don't you let me help you --
Connie: What, integrate me out of existence?
Sonny: It's not like that.
Connie: Then how is it?!
Sonny: Screwed up!
Connie: Yeah, I hear that!
Sonny: And I hear you, too, so why can't we at least be --
Connie: What, be friends? Friends that want other friends to disappear? Well, who needs enemies, then, Sonny? I think you should go now. [Crying]
Patrick: You're not gonna finish your hot chocolate?
Emma: It's cold.
Patrick: Do you want me to get them to heat it up?
Emma: No.
Patrick: I know you miss Sabrina. And I think it's good that you like her so much.
Emma: I do. I love her.
Patrick: Baby, Sabrina's got her own life. She's got her own friends, and as important as she is to us, you just have to let go a little bit.
Emma: But why?
Patrick: Because she's not -- she's not part of our family.
Olivia: I'm sorry, honey. I didn't mean to spook you with all my visions, but, like Dante said, they're not all literal, and this one might just be plain wrong.
Maxie: It's okay. You just want what's best for Dante and Lulu, and so do I.
Olivia: Okay. But do me a favor. Next time you see any dogs, just let someone else go chase after it, okay?
Maxie: I will. I promise.
Olivia: Thank you, honey. Thanks for indulging a nervous grandma. And thank you, too, doc. I can see that Maxie's in excellent hands. Thank you.
Maxie: I got to go.
Britt: Ah-ha-ha-ha. No, no, no, no, no, no. Before you rush off, let me get this clear. You're planning to pass off the baby you created with Damian Spinelli as Dante and Lulu's child?
Maxie: Did you know that before surrogacy, Dante and Lulu were gonna try adoption? They don't care about genetics. They want a healthy baby.
Britt: But they still deserve to know the truth.
Maxie: This is for the best.
Britt: Are you sure?
Maxie: Look, Spinelli doesn't want me or this baby, and Dante and Lulu do, so it's all gonna work out, provided you keep your mouth shut.
Dante: All right.
Lulu: Okay, on a scale of 1 to 10, how obnoxious was I?
Dante: What are you feeling like -- a salad, burger, something like that? What do you want?
Lulu: Was I that bad?
Dante: [Sighs] Look, I know you're nervous about everything, and so am I, but we made the decision to have Maxie as our surrogate because we trust her, right?
Lulu: Yes.
Dante: So, we made the decision to have Maxie as our surrogate because we trust her. So, I think now we have to start showing that we actually do.
Lulu: I wish that I could be like you and be very kind and supportive. I don't know why I flip into crazy when I think about the baby. That's not true. I know why I flip into crazy -- because I want a child so badly. And I already love our son or daughter, and I just don't want anything bad to happen.
Dante: If you think of all the bad that might happen, you miss out on the joy that's right in front of you. Look, two months ago -- okay? We didn't even think that we would have a child of our own, but now our son or daughter is on their way. So, let's just try and enjoy that miracle.
Lulu: Say that again.
Dante: Um -- which part? There was -- there was a lot.
Lulu: That our son or daughter is on their way.
Anna: Well, are you gonna remind me of the love we shared and tell me why I should choose you?
Duke: No. I'm not going to do that. Are you disappointed?
Anna: What do you mean?
Duke: Well, I love you. Make no mistake -- I want you back, but, I mean, I'm operating at a bit of a disadvantage. You've already had a reunion with Faison. It's gonna take you a while to trust me.
Anna: But I will. I just need some time.
Duke: Oh, okay. But, I mean, even if there was no Faison, I can't expect to just reappear in your life and things not to have changed. You've had relationships. I mean, obviously, you have a relationship with Spencer.
Anna: I don't know what we mean to each other, really, and I seriously doubt that Luke would know, either.
Duke: Well, I'm not gonna pressure you into giving me an explanation, Anna, and I'm not gonna force you into making a choice. I'm not gonna press myself on you -- not the way that Faison did. I mean, with all my faults, the one thing I always was with you -- I was fair.
Anna: Yeah, you were.
Duke: So -- I'm not gonna press you. However -- I will always love you.
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