General Hospital Transcript Friday 1/18/13
Provided By Suzanne
Maxie: I'm fine.
Lulu: Are you sure? How's the baby? Can you feel any kicking?
Maxie: I think it's a little too soon for that. How's your dad? Have you found him?
Lulu: The American consulate finally got us permission to visit the prison, but people here aren't saying anything. It's like my dad's disappeared.
Maxie: Well, stop worrying about me and concentrate on finding your dad. I'll see you when you get back.
Lulu: But it could be a few more days. Are you sure that you're gonna be okay?
Maxie: Yes. I've barely moved off the couch.
Lulu: I just feel bad being so far away from you and the baby.
Maxie: I got to go. My mom's on the other line.
Lulu: Okay. I'm gonna call you later.
Dante: [Sighs]
Lulu: Hey. Did you talk to the warden?
Dante: Yeah Lulu: So, what did they say? Do they know where my dad is?
Britt: How did Dante and Lulu take the news about the miscarriage?
Maxie: They don't know. I couldn't tell them that I'm not carrying their baby anymore.
Patrick: Hey, you two.
Spinelli: Hi.
Ellie: Hi.
Patrick: Ellie, how you feeling?
Ellie: Actually, I'm a little bit worried. I know you told me that if I hadn't regained any feeling or functionality within a week --
Patrick: Mm-hmm.
Ellie: -- That I probably never would. It's been 6 1/2 days, and I can't feel anything.
Tracy: Ned, I'll call you back.
A.J.: You just sharing the news that your new co-C.E.O. Is cuckoo?
Tracy: [Sighs]
Lucy: Ohh! I don't need a doctor! I am not crazy! I just wish someone would believe me.
Heather: I believe you.
Lucy: You do? You believe me?
Heather: Of course. You're every bit as sane as I am.
Judge Horowitz: How do you plead, Mr. Manning?
Todd: I am not guilty.
Diane: Come on. Your honor, at this time, I would like to request bail. I do not believe --
Todd: The person who did those things is not me.
Carly: He's gonna blame it all on Heather Webber.
Heather: I'm sure this is all a misunderstanding.
Lucy: How -- how do you know that?
Heather: Just a feeling.
Lucy: Well, thank you. Finally, someone gets it. Although I wonder if you'd feel the same way if I told you that Port Charles is in grave danger from a vampire named Caleb Morley.
Diane: You have me on a very generous retainer to speak for you. That's what I need you to let me do now, all right? I need you to let me do my job. Don't say anything. Just sit there. I'm gonna do damage control.
Judge Horowitz: Mr. Manning, you're saying that someone else committed these crimes?
Campbell: If I may, your honor? Mr. Manning has maintained all along that the blame lies with his accomplice, Heather Webber. And while ms. Webber may have helped him to switch the babies, she certainly didn't help to bribe a police officer or to try and escape.
Todd: I'm not blaming Heather, although it's all completely her fault.
Judge Horowitz: And who are you blaming, Mr. Manning?
Dante: I got the warden to admit there was some kind of incident, an uprising, like your father said, but they said everything's under control.
Lulu: And the gunshot that I heard?
Dante: Well, there were shots fired. I knew it.
Dante: This whole place is on lockdown. They're trying to gather information.
Lulu: That's what they told us yesterday.
Dante: I know, so I told the warden you got to throw me something today, now. Otherwise, I'm gonna go to the embassy.
Lulu: Ahh. After all the times my dad's been in prison for crimes he's committed, what if the one time he's innocent, he can't get out?
Dante: Look, who's the one that's telling me your father's indestructible? We will find him.
Lulu: [Sighs] It's not just my dad I'm worried about. I'm worried about Maxie, too.
Maxie: I tried to tell them that I had a miscarriage. I even invited them over to my apartment and sat them down.
Britt: What stopped you?
Maxie: Fate. I'm not kidding. It's like the cosmos were saying, "Maxie, shut up," so I took it as a sign.
Britt: Of what?
Maxie: That I shouldn't tell them. Then Dante and Lulu got a call, and now they're out of the country, looking for her dad.
Britt: Well, you're gonna have to tell them about the miscarriage as soon as they get back.
Maxie: Maybe not.
Patrick: Ellie, just relax. Close your eyes. Let me know if you feel anything, okay?
Ellie: [Gasps] I felt that!
A.J.: You know, Tracy, I just can't help but wonder what Lucy's little psychotic break does to your agreement. I mean, I know I'm no attorney or anything, but -- I don't know -- I think maybe her vote would be null and void.
Tracy: A.J. in front of your son? What kind of an example are you setting, taking advantage of this poor woman's condition? Oh, wait. I think the judge ordered a psych evaluation, and if I'm not mistaken, in ELQ's charter, there is a non compos mentis rider.
A.J.: So, this is my aunt not taking advantage of that poor woman's condition. Nice.
Tracy: I am right about this. Daddy put a insanity clause in the ELQ by-laws, which means I have the right to fire Lucy. She cannot be co-C.E.O. Can't have a wacko running the company.
A.J.: No? What's your excuse?
Tracy: Now that she has proven unfit, I remain in control of the company.
A.J.: Unless there's a new vote.
Lucy: So, I tried to slay the vampire, but I don't know if Caleb was too strong. I don't know what happened. But he just vanished, and I searched for years to try and find him, and, lo and behold, he ends up back in Port Charles at Kelly's diner. [Sighs]
Heather: Wow. I miss their BLTs.
Lucy: Yeah. Really good, right?
Heather: Yeah.
Lucy: I mean, anyway, I tried to stab him in the chest. I got him, but I must have missed his heart because he did not combust and he somehow survived the whole thing.
Heather: Well, that must have been disappointing.
Lucy: Yeah, very -- not to mention the fact that everybody is telling me, "no, you're mistaken. He's not Caleb Morley. He's human, he's a cop, and his name is John McBain."
Heather: Wait. You think John McBain is a vampire?
Lucy: You know John McBain?
Heather: What you're saying makes perfect sense. I've always found him to be very cold and remote.
Lucy: Well, duh! He's undead. You know what? You are very, very lucky that he did not drink your blood.
Heather: Well, maybe not literally, but once he sunk his teeth into my case, he wouldn't let go.
Campbell: Your honor, we have eyewitnesses. We have a documented recording. So, if Mr. Manning isn't blaming Heather Webber --
Todd: Heather Webber is guilty as hell --
Diane: Todd, sit down!
Todd: -- Because Heather Webber is crazy as hell! Only a crazy person would take somebody's baby and give it to somebody else. Only a crazy person would try and bribe a police officer or -- or try and run away from a hospital when there was a guard less than 10 feet away!
Judge Horowitz: Get to the point, Mr. Manning!
Todd: That is my point! If you do crazy things, you're a crazy person. I'm pleading not guilty because I'm insane.
Diane: Your honor, I request at this time that my client be allowed to take the stand in his own defense.
Campbell: Objection. Your honor, this is an arraignment, not a trial.
Diane: These are very unique circumstances, your honor, and notwithstanding the DA's attempt to spit-polish his own career and railroad my client, we could save the taxpayers a great deal of time and expense. We wouldn't even need a trial if my client could simply be allowed to explain.
Campbell: Why didn't he explain to the police?
Diane: He tried, but neither of the arresting officers -- neither detective Dante Falconeri nor detective John McBain, who happens to be present today in court -- were interested in listening to my client. They weren't interested in getting to the truth. That's why we're here today. May my client please be allowed to simply speak?
Judge Horowitz: Very well. Mr. Manning, you may take the stand, but I caution you not to waste the court's time.
Tracy: You don't have the authority to call for a new vote. Lucy sided with me -- before her breakdown -- so it's a done deal.
A.J.: I think the other shareholders might disagree with that.
Tracy: Anybody who voted for me is not deluded enough to believe in you.
A.J.: Well, I think Lucy's the one who's delusional.
Tracy: Now that I can legally fire her, I remain in control of the company. It's all mine. I don't have to run around like a crazed Chihuahua, trying to please her. Michael, I am so sorry. I tried to make it clear to you that A.J. Was gonna fail at this like he fails at everything.
Michael: Okay, look -- if you were willing to make Lucy your co-C.E.O., why not give A.J. a chance?
Tracy: Well, "a," because he's incompetent, and, "b," because I want to run the company by myself. I'm gonna go call the lawyers now and tell them the sad news that our co-C.E.O. Is insane.
A.J.: Okay, that evaluation is pending.
Tracy: Well, actually, the judge remanded Lucy to Ferncliff after she tried to kill a man she claimed was a vampire in a courtroom full of witnesses. Don't hold your breath.
Michael: So, what are you thinking?
A.J.: [Sighs heavily] I'm thinking I need to get to Lucy Coe right now.
Heather: You really put a wooden stake in John McBain's chest?
Lucy: Yeah. Yeah, I did. I just still can't figure out how I missed his heart. I-I-I got to be out of practice or something.
Heather: Well, you still get an "a" for effort.
Lucy: Well, thank you. Do you really actually believe me?
Heather: Of course. You have honest eyes.
Lucy: Oh. Well, made all the more honest by my use of CoeCoe's truth-in-beauty eye collection.
Heather: I love CoeCoe cosmetics. Of course, they don't sell them here. I am in desperate need of blush. You know what the blush is that I love the most? Whipped innocence.
Lucy: That's it! That whipped innocence is your perfect shade. I tell you what -- I will get you some at cost.
Heather: Really? You have an in at the company?
Lucy: Oh, yeah. You could say that. I just happen to be Lucy Coe, founder and president of CoeCoe cosmetics.
Heather: You are my hero! You not only invented my favorite makeup, you saved Alan Quartermaine from that harpy Monica.
Lucy: How do you know that?
Heather: I was married to a "q" once. We're practically sisters.
Lucy: Who are you?
Heather: Heather Webber.
Lucy: Eww! You're Heather Webber?! You're the one who took advantage of poor Edward after mother Quartermaine passed?! You tried to seduce him and then kill him to take his money!
Heather: At least I waited till his wife died. You went after Alan while Monica still had a pulse.
Lucy: Yeah?! Well, that's 'cause I -- loved him, sort of. I-I did. Look, we stayed friends, and we had a slightly contentious divorce, but you -- you are a psycho.
Heather: Takes one to know one.
Lucy: [Sighs heavily]
Diane: Your honor, my client, Todd Manning, suffers from severe P.T.S.D., And, yes, there is precedent. When he was charged with the death of his brother -- his twin brother -- he was found not guilty by reason of insanity due to severe post-traumatic stress disorder, and this was sustained during eight years of imprisonment by his mother in a cell where he was systematically tortured --
Todd: Stop. Diane, stop. Stop. Cut it out. Look, I killed my mother. I killed my brother. I've done terrible things. They're all a matter of public record. That's not what we're here to talk about. When I do something terrible -- I always feel like it's not -- really me who does the terrible things. It's very hard for me to describe. I always have this voice in my head that tells me that I shouldn't do it, and isn't that the definition of insanity -- right -- having a voice inside my head? I was in the woods -- in the middle of a storm with my ex-wife, and she's having a baby -- my brother's baby, my brother, who I killed -- and the baby dies in my arms.
Diane: It's okay. Just -- just take a moment. Your honor, when -- when tea Delgado's baby died, my client was so traumatized that his stress disorder resurfaced. He did not want to cause tea Delgado, his ex-wife, any further pain and suffering. Tea Delgado claimed the wrong baby from the start. There was no malicious intent on the part of Todd Manning to baby-switch.
Campbell: Excuse me. Am I hearing this correctly? Are you saying the switch happened by accident?
Diane: Your honor, if I may be allowed to continue?
Judge Horowitz: Mr. Campbell, I'm granting ms. Miller and her client a little leeway. That doesn't mean we have a free-for-all. Ms. Miller?
Diane: Thank you, your honor. It was Heather Webber who took full, deliberate advantage of my client's fragile mental condition, Heather Webber -- in order to pursue an aggressive agenda against Samantha Morgan, Heather Webber, who coerced my client into participating in switching the babies.
Campbell: Your honor, Heather Webber is not being arraigned here.
Judge Horowitz: Yes, Mr. Campbell. We're all aware of that fact. Move it along, ms. Miller.
Diane: Your honor, when my client found himself imprisoned for a kidnapping he did not commit, trapped again in a jail cell as he had been for those eight long years by his mother, he snapped. His stress disorder resurfaced again. That is why he attempted to bribe detective McBain. That is why he attempted to flee the hospital after being beaten half to death by his cellmate. He is in the grip of severe P.T.S.D., Your honor. He does not need more prison time. He needs psychiatric help.
Carly: I object!
Ellie: Whatever you just did, I felt it!
Patrick: Actually, Ellie, I wasn't touching you in that moment.
Ellie: You weren't?
Patrick: No.
Spinelli: Maybe it was a delayed reaction?
Patrick: No.
Ellie: [Sighs] I guess I just imagined it, then, or hoped I felt something.
Patrick: Look, there's still reason to be optimistic. Sometimes it takes longer than a week to regain sensation. Of course, we'll keep an eye on you. We just got to continue to be patient.
[Pager beeps]
Patrick: And if there's any other questions that you have, we'll get a prognosis as soon as we can, okay?
Ellie: Okay.
Patrick: Okay.
Spinelli: Dr. Drake is an excellent surgeon.
Ellie: I know.
Spinelli: He wouldn't give you false hope.
Ellie: [Sighs] Don't worry. I'm not gonna -- I'm not gonna cry. [Sighs] I mean, I'm just lucky to be alive, right? And I have you. And I'm not -- not -- gonna feel sorry for myself. [Crying]
Maxie: Ellie Trout told me there are still two embryos left.
Britt: Yes. That's standard practice, just in case the couple wants to try again.
Maxie: Okay. So, couldn't you just, like, slip me another one and then by the time Dante and Lulu are back, I'm pregnant again and they never know I lost the first baby?
Dante: What's wrong with Maxie? What did she say on the phone?
Lulu: What she always says -- that she's fine. But I know her. She's my best friend, and I feel like she's keeping something from me.
Dante: Well, we are both really nervous about the baby.
Lulu: I'm the one that's nervous, and I know that I have a tendency to overreact, but she keeps finding excuses to get off the phone with me.
Dante: Great! That's good! You're calling long-distance from turkey. She's saving us some money.
Lulu: What about what happened before we left? She called us over, and she was gonna tell us something.
Dante: Yeah, well, she also said that it wasn't urgent.
Lulu: But that's because my dad called from here and we heard a gunshot and then the line went dead. She knew that we were gonna go after him, and she's not gonna hold us up, but I'm starting to get the feeling that she was gonna tell us something big.
Maxie: [Sighs] Dante and Lulu have already been through so much trying to have a family. Why tell them that I lost the baby if we don't have to?
Britt: Maxie, I can't withhold that kind of information.
Maxie: Okay, but they can still have the baby that they want and they don't have to blame me for the first miscarriage.
Britt: I told you there's no way to pinpoint a cause. The embryo may not have been viable.
Maxie: Or it's because I fell chasing their dog.
Britt: It's very unlikely.
Maxie: If Dante and Lulu find out, it could ruin our friendship, and they might not trust me enough to try again. Please, Dr. Westbourne? Having a child means everything to them, and I don't want to let them down. Just make me pregnant again. Need a good reason to change shampoo?
Dante: Maybe she wants to move -- she doesn't like living with Ellie anymore.
Lulu: Yeah, I guess I could see that, because she's in love with Spinelli and living with his girlfriend would be hard, but if that was the problem, why would she have wanted you there?
Dante: Maybe 'cause she likes me and she values my opinions.
Lulu: Mm.
Dante: Look -- whatever it was, clearly, Maxie thought it could keep.
[Men shouting in distance]
Spinelli: Maxie?
Maxie: Spinelli, h-hi.
Spinelli: What are you doing here? Are you okay?
Maxie: Me? Yes, fine.
Spinelli: And the baby?
Maxie: I'm just here for some check-ups. It's normal with the surrogacy. How's Ellie?
Spinelli: Still hasn't regained any feeling in her legs.
Maxie: It's been almost a week. Does that mean she's paralyzed?
Spinelli: Too soon to say, but we're hopeful.
Maxie: Yeah, yeah. You have to be. I would go see her if it wasn't so awkward. I mean -- that's why I haven't heard from you, right -- because we slept together?
Spinelli: I've been a bit preoccupied.
Maxie: Well, 'cause you said that it was fate and we were supposed to be together, and I'm just wondering if that's why you haven't called me -- because of Ellie's condition.
Spinelli: No, Maxie. It's not.
Michael: Why do you need to see Lucy Coe?
A.J.: If Tracy's gonna boot Lucy out of ELQ, this might be just the incentive that we need for her to come over to my side. Now, look -- I have to get to her before she's declared incompetent -- get her to sign her shares over to me while she still can.
Michael: Okay. Well, aren't you basically doing the same thing Tracy was doing -- taking advantage of Lucy's mental state?
A.J.: No, no, no. I'm giving her options. Listen, once she's declared sane, I promise I'll treat her fairly. Look, Michael, I'm gonna need you to cover for me on this, okay?
Michael: [Sighing] How?
A.J.: Tracy can't know what I'm doing, all right? She can't know where I'm going. So, if she says anything, you need to make something up, all right?
Michael: Whoa. Hold on a second, A.J. I'm the world's worst liar. Ask anybody. Tracy's gonna see right through me.
A.J.: Michael, between your mother and me, it's in your DNA. Trust me, kid -- you can handle this.
Tracy: Ned, the lawyers are on it, and before you say anything, yes, Lucy's vote for me as C.E.O. still stands, even after she's -- where's A.J.?
Lucy: Apart from a great appreciation for quality cosmetics, you and I have nothing in common.
Heather: Yeah, Monica always said you were a pretentious little climber. Well, that doesn't work in here. You see, Ferncliff is the greatest equalizer. Everybody's criminally insane. They're just trying to make the most of it.
Lucy: Well, just speak for yourself, 'cause those doctors are gonna tell that judge that he made a huge mistake in my case.
Heather: Yeah. When you tell them how you tried to stab detective McVampire with a wooden stake, you're gonna be stuck in a cell with me. Oh, we'll be sharing some anti-aging cream from CoeCoe cosmetics when we're 80!
Lucy: Wow! You are really even meaner than everybody said!
Heather: Oh, I'm not mean. Just honest. You're gonna be committed, and when you realize you're stuck here, you're gonna need a friend. That would be me.
Carly: Your honor, I know that Mr. Manning is not suffering from P.T.S.D.
Diane: Your honor, this woman is not a psychiatrist.
Judge Horowitz: I want to hear this. Are you a psychiatrist?
Carly: No, but I've spent a good deal of time with Mr. Manning over the last few months. I've had a chance to observe, and I know that he is in his right mind.
Todd: I'm not.
Carly: So, you're saying that nothing we had was real -- that the P.T.S.D. Is the reason you said and did everything?
Todd: No. That's not what I'm saying at all.
Carly: So, it just comes and goes?
Todd: Yeah.
Carly: You can't have it both ways, Todd. You have to take responsibility for your choices, good or bad, right or wrong, or you have to deny it all, including me.
Todd: I, uh -- no, I-I know that what we had was real. I know that. I know that I was never more together than when I was with you. I fell in love with you, Carly. I know that.
Carly: Todd, you have to admit to what you did. And you have to trust me to stand by you. Everyone lies. Everyone makes mistakes. But you got to own what you did.
Dante: You're gonna make yourself crazy with that.
Lulu: I just want to text Maxie.
Dante: What are you gonna tell her?
Lulu: I don't know -- that I'm worried?
Dante: Really? 'Cause she's at home on a couch. You're halfway around the world in a prison. You see the irony in that, right?
Lulu: I know. At least it keeps my mind off my dad. Is that blood?
Spinelli: I allowed myself to fall into bed with you b-because I thought that Ellie had rejected me, that we were over. But I was wrong. She had every intention of honoring our rendezvous on the roof, and until she was hit by a car --
Maxie: But what happened to Ellie is not your fault.
Spinelli: She was lying in agony on the side of the road while -- I was drinking myself into a stupor, convinced that her absence could only mean that -- you and I were meant to be together.
Maxie: Well, right, 'cause that's what you said -- that when things got their worst, we always found each other because we're meant to be together.
Spinelli: But I was mistaken. Ellie does want to be with me. And that's why I'm -- I'm back with her.
Maxie: Just until she's better, right? I mean, like, just until she can walk again?
Spinelli: I mean, of course I could never leave her in this condition -- that's true -- but -- I'm staying with her because I want to be with her.
Maxie: And not me? You're choosing her -- again. Just say that.
Spinelli: I love you, Maxie. I always will. But that is correct.
Tracy: Where's A.J.?
Michael: Who?
Tracy: [Chuckles softly] A.J., your biological father, the curse of the Quartermaines. He was just here. Where'd he go?
Michael: Uh, yeah. No, he, uh -- he was just -- um --
Tracy: Is this a hard question?
Michael: No, it's not a hard question. He's -- we thought you'd gone, so --
Tracy: He left?
Michael: Yeah, he left.
Tracy: Where'd he go?
Michael: I -- he went to an A.A. meeting.
Tracy: An A.A. meeting?
Michael: Yeah. He wants to stay sober and everything, so, you know --
Tracy: Right.
Michael: And it's supposed to be anonymous, so I didn't think I should say anything.
Tracy: Well, you're right about that, but I do know about A.J. and his recovery. In fact, did he go to that meeting over, um, on spruce street -- that church on spruce street?
Michael: Yeah. Yeah, he's at that beautiful church down there.
Tracy: There is no church on spruce street.
Michael: Spruce? No, I thought you said, "spring." He's at spring street.
Tracy: Wow. Wow. For a guy with Quartermaine genes, you are an appalling liar -- appalling! He went to see Lucy, didn't he?
Michael: [Scoffs] No.
Lucy: Oh, hi. Could you tell me why the doctor has --
A.J.: Shh. Shh. Listen, we don't have much time.
Lucy: A.J.!
A.J.: I came here to warn you.
Lucy: What are you doing here?
A.J.: Tracy is trying to stab me in the back because she does not believe in vampires.
Lucy: Oh, and you do?
A.J.: Yeah. Yeah, I do.
Carly: I want to believe in you. I want to believe in us. Say you weren't crazy.
Todd: Isn't it a little crazy -- to be with you, keep myself from you? Isn't it a little crazy to -- not be able to trust you? [Voice breaking] Not be able to tell you my truth? That's crazy, right? I'm guilty of that.
Judge Horowitz: Mr. Manning, are you changing your plea?
Todd: No. I'm a crazy person. I'd like to plead not guilty by reason of insanity. That's good!
Spinelli: I didn't mean for this to happen.
Maxie: But it did, and I understand.
Spinelli: Maxie, I --
Maxie: Please, Spinelli. Can you just -- go?
Britt: Maxie? Meet me in the exam room in five minutes. I'm going to get your test results.
Lulu: That's blood, right?
Dante: Uh, yup.
Lulu: And the warden confirmed that my dad was in this room when the riot broke out.
Dante: Yes, yes. Okay, yes. This was the last place there was a record of him being.
Lulu: So, could that be his blood and that's why they're not telling us anything?
Dante: I don't know, baby, okay? I will go to the warden again, and I will squeeze the information out of him if I have to.
Warden: Mr. Falconeri?
Dante: Yeah, that's right, and this is Luke Spencer's daughter, my wife.
Warden: I apologize for the delay. We have had difficulty.
Lulu: Do you know where my father is?
Warden: Yes, I do.
Tracy: I wish my father was alive to set you straight. He would explain to you that A.J. is fundamentally incompetent. That's why my father never promoted him beyond V.P. in charge of paper clips.
Michael: Okay, you know, but maybe if he did, A.J. could have proven himself. If somebody would have believed in him, maybe he wouldn't have screwed up as bad as he did.
Tracy: You know, you sound like Jason before the accident. Jason was A.J.'s biggest champion, and look where that got him. Anyway, it's moot. Even if he gets in to see Lucy, it's not gonna change a thing.
Michael: Are you sure?
Tracy: [Laughs] Yeah. I was in the courtroom. Lucy is seeing vampires. She is one episode away from a straitjacket.
Michael: Okay, and all you can do is cheat her out of everything that you promised her?
Tracy: And you think A.J.'s gonna treat her any different?
A.J.: Tracy is taking advantage of you, Lucy. She has got a whole fleet of attorneys that are working on ousting you from ELQ.
Lucy: She can't do that!
A.J.: Well, actually, she can do that because there's a sanity clause in the charter.
Lucy: Oh, my God. I am not insane. I am just trying to prevent Port Charles from being taken over by Caleb and his coven!
A.J.: Lucy, I'll do whatever I can to help you.
Lucy: Okay. What's the catch?
A.J.: It's simple. The catch is that you have to -- you have to convince Tracy that you're not this feeble-minded, weak, crazy person.
Lucy: Oh, my God. I am not! These doctors here will vouch for me.
A.J.: I know. I know. But listen to me. Time is not on your side. You need to take back your share of ELQ and sign it over to me before she -- she strips you of your salary and your title, and she'll do that before a doctor can even issue an opinion. Look, I got it right here, right? All you got to do is sign this right here and you and I will be partners. We'll run ELQ, and we'll stamp out Caleb and his posse of bloodsuckers. Go ahead. Sign it.
Judge Horowitz: Step down, Mr. Manning. [Bangs gavel] Sit down, Mr. Manning!
Todd: I'm sorry.
Carly: I'm sorry, too. I'm sorry you're not the man I thought you were.
McBain: [Inhales deeply] Mmmmmmm. Oh, boy. You want to know the best part? You did this to yourself.
Diane: You sure you're doing the right thing?
Todd: No. But, you know, the right thing has always -- has always been just outside my reach. You score little victories every day.
Warden: We have had difficulty confirming the information on Mr. Spencer.
Dante: Okay. Well, please just tell us what you do know. Luke was in this room when the riot started, and then what?
Lulu: Is that his blood?
Warden: I am very sorry. Your father was shot.
Lulu: Oh, my God. Are you gonna tell me that my father's dead?
Britt: [Sighs]
Maxie: So? Will you do it? Will you pop another one of Dante and Lulu's little embryos in me?
Britt: Maxie, I-I'm sorry. I can't.
Maxie: I thought you understood. I am trying to spare my best friend. Why make her suffer when I can be pregnant before she even gets back?
Britt: It's not that I'm unwilling to do the procedure.
Maxie: Then what is your problem?
Britt: Maxie, you're already pregnant.
Spinelli: [Sighs] Are you ready for the perfect gift?
Ellie: Is it champagne?
Spinelli: No, no. It's a special collector's edition of "2001: A space odyssey." Why -- I'm sorry. Is there a reason you wanted champagne?
Ellie: Mm-hmm! Because of this!
Spinelli: Oh, my --
Ellie: Look!
Carly: Thanks. Well, congratulations on the win.
McBain: No one wins these things.
Carly: Well -- Todd lied in court. I've done it myself quite a few times. You think it's gonna work?
McBain: Even if he walks, he lost you. All the suffering he caused other people -- now it's his turn.
Campbell: Your honor, Mr. Manning is clearly lying to the court.
Diane: Your honor, I object. My client has a document --
Judge Horowitz: Overruled.
Diane: Your honor, my client has given you his full cooperation --
Judge Horowitz: I've made my decision, ms. Miller. Given the defendant's history, I'm remanding Mr. Manning to the Ferncliff institute for the criminally insane for a full psychiatric evaluation. We'll reconvene when the doctors present their findings. [Bangs gavel]
Diane: Congratulations. You got what you wanted.
Todd: I didn't get anything I want. At least I'm not going to prison.
Diane: Not for the time being. Of course, it will depend on the doctors.
Todd: Please. [Chuckles] I could fool a doctor in my sleep.
Diane: I don't know where you were treated before, but I got to warn you, Ferncliff's no picnic.
Lucy: [Sighs]
A.J.: Lucy, please sign the document. We need to work on ELQ and the vampire king. Once you break the deadlock in my favor, I can get Tracy out of there and I can put all of ELQ's resources behind you and help you.
Ms. Coe, the doctor and your attorney are ready for you.
Lucy: Thank you. Okay. Just a second. I can't. I can't do it right now. I've got to get released out of here. I can't deal with this right now, A.J. Thank you.
A.J.: Lucy, I can help you, but you got to help me! [Sighs]
Tracy: A.J. will promise Lucy the moon to get her to back him, but it won't work. She's too far gone.
Michael: You can't be sure. Maybe she's only crazy on the subject of vampires.
Tracy: I have a judge as a witness. Anything Lucy signs will get thrown out of court. A.J. is wasting his time. No one in that madhouse can help him.
A.J.: Damn it. Lucy was my last hope for ELQ.
Heather: Not necessarily.
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