General Hospital Transcript Thursday 1/17/13
Provided By Suzanne
Britt: Sabrina, have you seen Patrick?
Sabrina: Uh, Dr. Drake just got out of surgery. I think he was headed towards the locker room.
Britt: Ooh. Maybe he's in the shower. Thank you!
Sabrina: Oh! Oh! I'm sorry.
Epiphany: Someone's gonna be sorry. Have you seen your friend Felix?
Felix: I'm here to talk about booking the Metro Court ballroom.
Carly: This isn't a good time.
Felix: No time like the present. Oh, um, girlfriend, what happened to your hair?
Carly: I don't know you. I don't want to discuss my hair or anything with you.
Felix: I-I was just trying to empathize. I mean, whoever did -- that to your hair should be shot.
Carly: I did this to me!
Todd: I'm paying you a fortune to defend me. Defend me.
Diane: You are about to witness my technique firsthand. Outside, I have two guards waiting to escort you to court.
Todd: No. I'm -- I'm seriously injured.
Diane: The doctors seem to think it's nothing more than superficial bruising.
Todd: I want a second opinion.
Diane: Weren't you the one who pushed for a quick court date?
Todd: Well, I changed my mind.
Diane: Well, too bad. The judge wants to see you today. Now, you're gonna walk into that court --
Todd: No, I'm not going anywhere near a court.
Diane: How, pray tell, do you plan on avoiding it?
Todd: Oh, come on. How long do you think it would really take for me to shake off two courthouse uniforms?
McBain: About 10 minutes -- tops. That's why I'm going with you.
Michael: Hey.
A.J.: Hey, Michael. How you doing?
Michael: I'm okay. I'm sorry I've been out of touch.
A.J.: That's all right. Um, how's your friend doing?
Michael: Um, well, they took Trey off life support last night.
A.J.: Oh, man. I'm really sorry. How's your sister doing?
Michael: Well, she was hit pretty hard by it. So was Starr. But, uh, Trey was an organ donor. They were able to save some kid's life who was in a bus crash, so --
Michael: That's something, right?
Michael: Yeah. That's why I've been out of touch.
A.J.: That's okay.
Michael: So, how are you? Everything okay?
A.J.: You mean after Tracy's triumph with ELQ?
Michael: Yeah. Look, I'm really sorry about that. I know you had big plans for ELQ.
A.J.: I still do. They haven't forced us out yet.
Lucy: Oh, Mac, thank you so much for showing up for me. Thanks.
Felicia: Lucy really needs our support right now.
Alexis: So we understand -- this is an arraignment, which means I do all the talking and you --
Lucy: Great. Alexis, I know you're gonna be just perfect, and thank you so much for volunteering to represent me.
Alexis: Let me again just stress how important it is that you do what I say.
Lucy: Listen to me. I really do appreciate you showing up, but there is something I need you to do for me.
Mac: Lucy, whatever Felicia and I can do to help.
Lucy: Okay. Wonderful. I need you to get out there and kill Caleb before his evil spreads any further.
Alexis: Oh, for God's sake, Lucy, he's not a vampire.
Lucy: He's also weakened. He's very weakened, so this is the perfect opportunity to strike, okay?
Alexis: Lucy -- Lucy, look at me here. Okay. Let -- let's talk about the arraignment, okay? Again, I talk. You -- shh! All right? Until the judge says to you, "how do you plead?" And then you say, "I plead not guilty by reason of insanity."
Tracy: Oh, on the contrary. That's the last thing you're gonna say. Before the sneeze, help protect with a spray.
Britt: Oh, shoot. I missed my chance.
Patrick: [Chuckles] It was lonely in there without you.
Britt: Oh.
Patrick: But now I have to get dressed.
Britt: Oh, not on my account.
Sabrina: Felix?
Epiphany: Felix Dubois -- your fellow student nurse, the one who's supposed to be working this shift with you?
Sabrina: Uh, oh, well, he said that we were running low on latex gloves, so he went to the central supply closet.
Epiphany: Huh. Well, that's funny. I was just down there. I didn't see him.
Sabrina: Oh. Really?
Epiphany: I really, really do hope that he is not skipping out on the shift, because if he is, I'm going to have a word with that young man.
Carly: It's been so long since I've done something like this to myself.
Felix: Oh, so you've attacked your hair before?
Carly: No, the hair is symbolic.
Felix: Of what? Your desire to look like a hedgehog?
Carly: You know, all things considered, a drunken, self-inflicted haircut is pretty minor, compared to some of the stunts I've pulled.
Felix: Not so minor from where I'm standing.
Carly: How is this any of your business?
Felix: It's not. Still, I have to wonder what would make you turn the scissors on yourself.
Carly: It's a long story.
Felix: I got time.
A.J.: So apparently Tracy's new co-C.E.O., Who she announced with such fanfare via her social networks, um, has managed to get herself arrested for assaulting a cop.
Michael: With a wooden stake?
A.J.: Yeah. Just when I thought I wasn't gonna be able to run ELQ, this happens. Tracy crashes and burns.
Michael: So -- so Lucy Coe accused McBain of being the vampire king?
A.J.: Yeah, in front of half a dozen witnesses.
Michael: This is kind of sad.
A.J.: Well, it's sad for her. It's good for us. If we play this the right way, ELQ's ours for the taking.
Tracy: I just went public on social media, telling everybody who follows me, on every available platform, that you are my new co-C.E.O. and now you attack a police detective.
Lucy: Mm. A vampire.
Alexis: Thus the insanity plea.
Tracy: I cannot have my new co-C.E.O. using the "I" word in court.
Lucy: I couldn't agree more, because I am not insane. I am simply trying to keep this town safe from Caleb feeding on all the innocents here in town unchecked.
Alexis: And I have a duty to get my client professional help.
Tracy: Stuff your duty. Stuff your client. A.J. is about to pounce. I can't have you giving him any more ammunition.
Mac: Tracy, your concerns are not the priority at the moment.
Felicia: Lucy might be ill.
Tracy: A.J. is trying to undermine me at ELQ. If she tells the world that she's insane, what does it say about me?
Alexis: May I? Lucy is very --
Lucy: Hey, people, people, people! Can we focus here?! Once we get through all this legal rigmarole, I can get out there and track down Caleb and kill him.
Mac: See what we mean?
Tracy: I don't need to tell you what a complete disaster it would be if A.J. took over ELQ. He is a total incompetent.
Alexis: Well, I totally agree with your assessment of A.J., and I'm so terribly sorry for your --
Tracy: Isn't there another plea? No, no, no. Another plea. Some kind of legal maneuvering that would make it all go away so I could buy some time to fend off A.J.
A.J.: Hey, I'm glad McBain survived, and I really do hope that Lucy gets all the help that she needs. But right now, we've got an opportunity here.
Michael: I get that this whole Lucy thing is bad for ELQ's public image, but it doesn't affect the people with voting rights. I mean, you and Tracy are still deadlocked, right?
A.J.: Maybe not. Look, if we can prove that Lucy had a psychotic break at the same time that she was supporting Tracy, that's grounds for a re-vote. And the way this thing's been splashed all over the media, you know, I think that we've got a pretty good shot at getting one of Tracy's supporters to come over to our side.
Michael: How could anyone expect Tracy to know in advance that Lucy was crazy?
A.J.: Come on, Michael. There's a lot of ways to spin things to our advantage. Tracy will be out. You and I will be running ELQ as father and son.
Tracy: Just make sure Lucy keeps her mouth shut. No talk about vampires.
Alexis: Okay. What motive do you suggest I use to explain why she stabbed a man in the heart with a stake?
Tracy: I don't know, Alexis. She was drunk. It was an accident. Just don't call her insane.
Lucy: I don't care what people think about me, you know? I care about there is a vampire -- the undead Caleb Morley! He's tried to hypnotize everybody. Do you realize he made you all forget that he tried to kill everybody in town?!
Tracy: And yet here we all are, with the world at our fingertips, if you can just stop talking about vampires.
Lucy: Stop talking about vampires while the creatures are invading our town and insidiously going through darkness to get to us and hurt us at every move?!
Tracy: Lucy -- think, Lucy. You are the new co-C.E.O. of ELQ. That means a corner office, private jets, a six-figure income.
Lucy: Oh, how about a mid-six-figure income?
Tracy: You can have anything if you can just stop this obsession with vampires.
Lucy: I have an obligation to everyone --
Tracy: You have an obligation to shut down CoeCoe Cosmetics before the S.E.C. buries you in paperwork.
Lucy: Whatever. I'll do it. I will survive. I always do.
Tracy: Yeah, but the Nurses' Ball won't survive, because if you keep this up, I'm gonna be forced to, uh, withdraw my check.
Lucy: You wouldn't dare do that.
Tracy: I think you need to think about all those people. They're depending on you for your support -- the doctors, the patients, the families. You really want to turn your back on them?
Lucy: Wow, you really can be manipulative, can't you?
Tracy: I think I'm just being honest. Is stopping this Caleb person really more important than helping people with H.I.V. and AIDS? Your decision.
A.J.: Michael, if we can force a second vote, we're on our way.
Michael: I'm just surprised how you're handling this.
A.J.: Did you really think that I wasn't gonna find a way to get back at Tracy?
Michael: I was a little worried when I found out she beat you out as C.E.O. I was kind of scared you might do something crazy last night.
A.J.: Yeah, well, uh, I did.
Carly: I did something self-destructive. It wasn't the first time, and it probably won't be the last.
Felix: But why cut off all your hair?
Carly: Why not?
Felix: Hmm. Well, obviously, you're trying to make a statement. Probably something to do with a man.
Todd: Lieutenant McBain, I thought you'd be in bed after some discerning woman stabbed you in the -- [Chuckling] heart with a stake.
McBain: You know, I said I'd live long enough to see you behind bars, and it looks like I will. Can we have a nice set of bracelets for Mr. Manning?
Officer: Yes, sir.
Diane: With -- with all due respect, detective, I think that's going to be up to a jury.
McBain: So, let's get him to the courthouse.
Diane: Isn't that gonna be a little problematic for you? You can barely walk.
Todd: You know what? If you're not feeling well, why don't you lie down right there, McBain? I'd hate for anything bad to happen to you. Ow!
McBain: But I knew you'd miss me if I wasn't there, so I'm gonna personally supervise your transfer to the courthouse.
Your call, detective.
McBain: Thank you. Let's get going.
Epiphany: Detective McBain. Where do you think you're going?
McBain: Uh -- to court.
Epiphany: They are going to court. You are getting your ass back in bed -- now.
Carly: Who cares why I cut my hair? It's gone. It's done. I've got to live with it. Oh, God.
Felix: Everything okay?
Carly: Yep. The room's spinning right now, but I'll be fine. I just got to sit for a second.
Felix: Have you had breakfast?
Carly: No, I can't even think of eating food right now.
Felix: Don't worry. I'll do it for you.
Carly: [Groans]
Felix: Y-yes. Hi. Uh, we need, uh, some coffee, scrambled eggs, bananas --
Carly: Gross!
Felix: -- And orange juice.
Carly: Mnh-mnh.
Felix: This for miss Jacks, so get on it. That means stat.
Carly: No way. No way I can eat that food.
Felix: Amino acids, potassium, and fructose -- and plenty of water. You'll feel better in no time.
Carly: Who are you?
Felix: I'm Felix Dubois. I'm in my final year of nursing.
Carly: I went to nursing school. They never taught me a course on hangover remedies. [Sighs]
Felix: Well, the clubs which I've been known to frequent and, uh, occasionally over-imbibe -- you know, I have a lot of experience in it, trust me.
Carly: Fresh out of that.
Felix: Trust?
Carly: Yep, and I really want to change the subject right now.
Felix: Well, considering the state you're in, you don't think I've already figured this out?
Carly: What do you want me to tell you -- that I butchered my hair because of Todd Manning?
Felix: [Chuckles] We like the bad boys, don't we?
Todd: You know, John, she is the boss around here. Maybe you should hop up on this bed right here and, uh, epiphany can give you a sponge bath.
Epiphany: Are you representing this fool?
Diane: I am.
Epiphany: If you don't shut him up, I will. And as for you, detective, I'm gonna have an orderly take you back to your room.
McBain: With all due respect, ma'am, you -- you can't keep me here against my will, so I'm gonna leave. I'm gonna go to court and --
Epiphany: Not against doctor's orders, you won't.
McBain: Well, I'll -- I'll take my chances.
Epiphany: Counselor, could you please explain to him what happens if he leaves against doctor's orders?
Diane: The hospital won't be liable when you collapse.
McBain: Understood. Now, ma'am, if -- if you don't mind stepping out of the way, we don't want Mr. Manning to be late for his arraignment.
Epiphany: It's your funeral, detective.
Todd: Oh, wouldn't that be great? [Chuckles] Hey, from your lips.
Lucy: [Inhales, exhales deeply] Okay. I will not mention -- Caleb.
Tracy: Thank you. A simple "not guilty" plea will suffice.
Mac: Do what Alexis tells you. She's the best.
Felicia: We'll be right here for you, Lucy. Oh, this is awful. I didn't realize how fragile she is.
Mac: I knew she was into psychics and the supernatural, but, I mean, I never thought she'd believe in vampires.
Felicia: I just hope she can get the help that she needs.
Alexis: So, when the judge asks you, "how do you plead?" You will say --
Lucy: Not guilty, your honor.
Alexis: Good, Lucy. I'll get the bail and figure out a strategy later.
Tracy: So ix-nay on the ampires-vay.
Lucy: I am still going to slay Caleb. But...for the good of the Nurses' Ball and ELQ -- I will keep quiet -- for now.
Tracy: Thank God.
Michael: Look, if you did something illegal, we should probably call Diane and come up with some kind of a strategy.
A.J.: [Chuckles] You really are conditioned to think the worst, aren't you? It's not a surprise, I mean, given how you grew up.
Michael: A.J., just tell me what you did.
A.J.: It's nothing you need to worry about.
Michael: You sure?
A.J.: Yeah. Michael, I didn't drink, even though your mother tried to get me to.
Carly: How do you know Todd Manning?
Felix: We spent the night together -- in a professional capacity. I was his nurse.
Carly: Todd's in the hospital?
Felix: Yeah.
Carly: What happened?
Felix: They brought him over lockup. He was worked over.
Carly: Well, how bad was he hurt?
Felix: Not bad. It all turned out to be just a ploy.
Carly: You're telling me Todd got himself beat up so he could have to go to the hospital so he could escape?
Felix: Yeah. He almost got out the door when this lady jumped on his back and started screaming. [Chuckles]
Carly: Yeah, I guess that's typical of Todd, huh? Make a mess, don't stick around to clean it up. I don't know why I expected anything different from him.
Felix: Moral of the story -- don't be cutting your hair off for no man.
Carly: Too late.
Felix: Well, I can't fix your heart, but -- I can fix your hair. B.B.
Britt: Nice shirt -- though I like you better without it.
Patrick: Emma picked it out.
Britt: I don't know how to ask, but are we okay? Was I too aggressive, jumping in the shower with you the other day?
Patrick: Just the opposite, actually.
Britt: Oh, not aggressive enough?
Patrick: Listen, Britt, I've been thinking a lot about -- about it, about you, and, Frankly, I think I was over thinking it. You jumping in the shower like that -- it was -- it was great.
Britt: Mm. My sentiments exactly. So -- what now? Can we take this party to a nice, big bed?
Patrick: That would be great, too, but I have a babysitting problem now that Sabrina quit.
Britt: I took the liberty.
Patrick: What's that?
Britt: I got the name of a reputable babysitting agency.
Patrick: Thank you. Um [Clears throat] That's -- that's nice of you, but, you know, Sabrina's great with Emma. She's gonna be hard to replace.
Epiphany: Miss Santiago. Where's Felix? And tell me the truth this time.
Sabrina: Felix went to secure a venue for the Nurses' Ball.
Epiphany: What Nurses' Ball? There isn't gonna be any Nurses' Ball.
Carly: You want to cut my hair? I thought you were a nursing student.
Felix: Girl, beauty is my sideline. I apprenticed for weeks at this place called "Foxy Roxy's." [Chuckles] Now, Roxy didn't have much going on upstairs, but the girl could handle some scissors.
Carly: Right. I'm gonna pass.
Felix: Are you sure? Because, I mean, I could --
Carly: No, no, no. My guy's downstairs in the salon, off the lobby, and, you know, he can help me out. Plus, I'm not letting those scissors touch my hair again. I also used them to cut up Todd's clothes.
Felix: [Laughs] So you used these not only on your hair, but you cut the man's clothes up, too?
Carly: Mm-hmm. And that wasn't the worst mistake I made last night.
A.J.: Look, I shouldn't have said anything, all right. I'm really not trying to trash Carly.
Michael: Just tell me what she did.
A.J.: Look, um, I was disappointed, and I, uh, had that run-in with Tracy, and I found myself in a bar. And I guess -- bad habits die hard.
Michael: You thought about having a drink?
A.J.: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I was just -- I was really broken up about the whole thing. I wanted to work with you at ELQ, and -- and I felt that maybe you were gonna slip away. And then there I was, and I'm staring at the pretty, shiny bottles, and I'm deciding whether or not I'm gonna crack one open and climb inside. Who shows up? Carly. She sees me struggling with the urge. What does she do? She offers to buy me a drink. You know? She was just -- just hoping -- just hoping that I'd pick up, so that it would wreck any chance of you and me working things out.
Michael: I can't believe she'd do that to you.
A.J.: Well, I hate to disappoint you, but, uh, it's not the first time that she's taken advantage of a weak moment. Listen -- listen, she was drunk, and she was upset, and -- and, Frankly, I don't even think she knew what she was doing.
Michael: Well, look, at least -- at least you didn't drink.
A.J.: No. But I did spend the night with your mother.
Carly: I, uh, had a fight with Todd. Well, I mean, it wasn't really a fight. I just found out he had been lying to me for a long time. And so I wanted to go to Jake's, which is now the Floating Rib.
Felix: To drown your sorrows.
Carly: I used to go there with, um -- with a good friend and -- and play pool and -- and he was -- he was a friend, and he wouldn't lie to me, and he was someone I could always trust.
Felix: Does this paragon have a name?
Carly: It doesn't matter. Thank you. It doesn't matter because he's gone, and I miss him, and I did exactly what he always told me not to do. I was reckless, and I was out of control, and I got drunk, and I let some man I despise bring me home.
Felix: Uh-oh.
Carly: I didn't sleep with him.
Felix: Good, 'cause any man that would let you handle scissors in your condition doesn't deserve you.
Carly: I'm the one that got out the scissors, and I'm the one that cut up Todd's clothes.
Felix: It could have been worse. You could have cut him up.
Carly: Yeah.
[Both chuckle]
Felix: Look at you. Your smile lights up a room.
Todd: Pathogen scare, right? We're sitting at the hospital. We're on the steps. Do you remember that? And you looked at me? All sweaty, looked ghastly. You were so beautiful. You were so beautiful to me. And you smiled. And I thought, "wow. I don't want to die, 'cause I like that smile. I wanted more time with you.
Felix: Hey, it's not all bad.
Carly: Yeah -- it's pretty awful.
Todd: Oh, look, court's in session. Maybe we should come back some other time.
Diane: [Clears throat]
Todd: Or not.
Campbell: Your honor, the defendant attacked a Port Charles police detective and repeatedly stated that her intention was to kill him. We are charging Miss Coe with attempted murder and ask that special circumstances attach to the charges.
McBain: I'm gonna see where we're at with the case ahead of us. If he moves -- I don't know -- shoot him.
Campbell: The people will offer testimony that Miss Coe deliberately smashed a chair to provide herself with her weapon of choice -- a wooden stake.
Alexis: Your honor, this is an arraignment, not a trial.
Judge Horowitz: State the charges, Mr. Campbell. Save the grandstanding for later.
Campbell: The people ask that Miss Coe separately be charged with the additional offense of aggravated assault against a human being with intent to inflict bodily injury.
Judge Horowitz: How do you plead, Miss Coe?
Lucy: Not guilty, your honor.
Tracy: Oh, thank God!
Lucy: Because that man is not a human being!
Alexis: [Sighs]
Britt: Yeah, Sabrina was -- was great with -- with Emma, but I was thinking that --
Patrick: Emma loves Sabrina.
Britt: Well, I was thinking -- instead of rushing Emma into a babysitter, why don't we take this time to get to know each other? We can go to the aquarium, to a ballet -- whatever Emma likes.
Patrick: You mean that?
Britt: Of course. Emma's adorable. And she needs to get to know me so it's not a surprise when I stay the night. I will even break my no-carb rule and make pancakes.
Patrick: [Chuckles] Um, we need to talk about that.
Sabrina: Although it's true that Lucy is temporarily in police custody, we still have funding from Tracy Quartermaine. So there is absolutely going to be a Nurses' Ball.
Epiphany: I'm not talking about Lucy Coe's shenanigans or Tracy Quartermaine's money. Who am I? The head nurse! So, how come I don't know anything about this Nurses' Ball?
Sabrina: Oh, well, uh, you know, I'm -- I'm really not the person to ask. I think you should probably ask --
Epiphany: Clearly, you have had meetings, you've raised money. You seem to have booked a venue for this event. Why don't I know anything about this Nurses' Ball? Sabrina -- stalling is not going to do you any favors. Why did you tell me about this Nurses' Ball?
Sabrina: Felix told me not to tell you.
Felix: You look like you're feeling a lot better.
Carly: Oh. I don't know about that, but the room's not spinning. [Chuckles] I just want to go home and shower and burn these clothes and -- I don't know -- hide my head underneath a blanket for about 100 hours.
Felix: Tell me you don't mean that.
Carly: Okay. Maybe not 100. At least 24. I just want to forget that last night even happened.
Michael: You slept with my mother knowing she was drunk?
A.J.: No, no, no.
Michael: You said you spent the night with her.
A.J.: Wait a second. Hang on. I'm not trying to give you the wrong impression here. I was trying to help Carly.
Michael: Help her? Help her how exactly?
A.J.: She was drunk -- okay? -- And she couldn't drive. And so she insisted on going back to the hotel, so I followed her to some guy's room. I don't know. This guy apparently hurt her somehow. I'm not clear.
Michael: Todd Manning -- Starr's father.
A.J.: Okay. Well, I don't know what the details are, but she grabbed a pair of scissors, and she shredded every single suit that that guy had in his closet.
Michael: You stood there and watched?
A.J.: What was I gonna do? She was drunk. We both know how she feels about me. Something bad could have happened.
Michael: You could have called me or something.
A.J.: Come on, Michael. I didn't want you to see her that way, you know? I just -- I-I decided to stay over. I wanted to watch out for her. I-I did what I could do.
Michael: After everything she's done to you?
A.J.: Michael, I did it for you. I mean, no matter how I feel about Carly, she's your mother.
Carly: I have a tendency to deal with one disaster by making an even bigger one. A perfect example was last night. I was angry, I went out, and I made everything worse. Now I just need to take a step back and regroup.
Felix: Really? 'Cause it sounds to me like you're just hiding out.
Carly: No. Nothing wrong with counting to 10.
Felix: You lost me.
Carly: It doesn't matter. Look, there's no hope for my hair or for Todd's wardrobe. But -- I need to stop and think for a minute. I need to think about what I did to get myself here and to stop it from happening again.
Felix: That's one way of looking at it.
Carly: You have a better idea?
Felix: Well, if I were in your shoes -- and, by the way, those shoes are fabulous -- I would walk downstairs, get my hair fixed, put on my best dress, find that buster, and parade in front of him and let him know he didn't ruin my life.
Todd: You remember when you told me that Carly would forgive me?
Diane: Well, Carly is a difficult woman to predict. She can be volatile, and that's putting it mildly. You know, Jason used to pay me triple to handle Carly.
Todd: H-hold on. If Carly was married to Jax, why would Jason be paying you to represent Carly at all?
Diane: Jason and Carly were friends. That's the only story I ever got.
Todd: Carly said she was my friend. She told me she would have stood by me if I had just told her the truth.
Diane: She probably would have.
Todd: Hold on. You flat-out told me that I should never tell Carly anything about me hurting Jason.
Diane: Carly was in the first throes of grief. It is also never legally advisable for you to confide in someone who may be later called to testify against you. Now, having said all of that, I think I may have misread Carly, because for all of her faults, she's a remarkably loyal woman. So, yes, I think she might have stood by you if you had just told her the truth.
Todd: Now -- she tells me this now. You're telling me this now? There's nothing I can do to fix it.
Diane: Well, as long as we are telling truths, if I had set aside my professional concerns and said, "fine, Todd, tell Carly everything, bare your soul," would you have done it? Didn't think so.
Lucy: He can say he's a cop and he can pretend he's a human being, but he is king of the vampires.
Tracy: Good grief.
Alexis: What are you doing here?
McBain: I'm leaving.
Lucy: No, you're not! Don't you move, Caleb!
Alexis: His name isn't Caleb!
Lucy: I don't care what he calls himself now. What did you call yourself before? Father Michael Morley -- a priest. And then it was Stephen Clay -- a rock star. Same ma -- no, excuse me. Same vampire.
Tracy: Can't you shut her up?!
Lucy: He is a shape-shifter! No, you don't.
Judge Horowitz: Control your client.
Alexis: Easier said than done, your honor.
Lucy: Bloodsucker!
Mac: Lucy! What are you doing?! Lucy!
Lucy: I swear, Mac, I have to help --
[Indistinct shouting]
Alexis: I am recommending that my client get a full psychiatric evaluation, and I am changing my plea to not guilty by reason of insanity!
Tracy: No, no, no, no!
Britt: What did I say?
Patrick: No. Nothing -- nothing bad. I just -- I want to make sure there's no misunderstandings between us, okay? Like, I think you're great. I-I really -- I really like you. I think you're smart, you're sexy, you're -- you're beautiful, and -- and I really want to keep seeing you. It's just --
Britt: Okay. [Chuckles] So far, so good.
Patrick: This is all new for me. I'm trying to navigate dating and -- and doing what's best for Emma, and -- and I -- it's hard for me to kind of look into long-range plans. And if that doesn't fit into your schedule or if that's something you don't want, I understand that.
Britt: No, no, no. I-I-I get it. I've never been a long-range kind of girl, so whatever you need.
Patrick: You sure? Great. So we can -- we can do this? We can have fun one -- one day at a time?
Britt: Yeah, it works for me.
Epiphany: Why would Felix tell you not to discuss the Nurses' Ball with me?
Sabrina: Oh, you know Felix. He loves to create --
Epiphany: Yes, Sabrina. And I know you, too. You are one of the worst liars I have ever met.
Sabrina: Oh. Well -- [Sighs]
Epiphany: I am your supervisor. You tell me the truth right now. Why didn't you tell me about the Nurses' Ball?
Sabrina: Well, Felix said -- "she has no sense of fun."
Epiphany: I have n -- no sense of fun? I'm one of the most fun people that I know.
Sabrina: Oh, you're so fun.
Epiphany: Wait until I get my hands on him. I'm gonna show that boy who's fun.
Sabrina: [Gasps] Ow. [Exhales sharply]
Felix: Honey, a woman like you should never show her hand, especially to some undeserving man.
Carly: You make a good point. Thank you.
Felix: Anytime.
Carly: How much do I owe you?
Felix: Sorry?
Carly: You saved me from a horrible hangover. You gave me great advice. You deserve to be compensated. What do you want?
Felix: A discount for the ballroom for the Nurses' Ball?
Carly: I can do better than that. I'll donate it. You -- you can have it -- for nothing.
Felix: Seriously?
Carly: Yeah, seriously. It's yours. Your earned it.
Felix: [Chuckles] Uh, can I get that in writing, you know, for the committee?
Carly: Yes, yes, yes. Write whatever you want, and I'll sign it.
Felix: You are a Goddess. Todd Manning is a fool.
Carly: He is -- 'cause I was gonna be his best friend. But he blew it. And now is not the time for me to curl up and bury my head, as scraggly as it may be.
Michael: Thank you for looking after my mother.
A.J.: Well, it gave me a chance to prove myself to you.
Michael: I knew she was hurting over this whole thing with Starr's dad and she can be reckless and act out, but she should have never pushed you to drink.
A.J.: Hey, look, you know, she wasn't exactly her best self last night, and, uh, I think what we ought to do is just forget all about it, put our heads together, and figure out how we're gonna get rid of Tracy.
Lucy: You cannot let him just get away, Mac! Listen to me! He's a bloodsucker! You can't just turn him loose on the town!
Todd: Is that who staked McBain? Hey! Hey! Nice job!
Diane: Stop that.
Tracy: You promised me you wouldn't use that word. You know what's gonna happen to me at ELQ?
Alexis: She's nuts. I had to use the insanity plea.
Tracy: So, what am I, collateral damage?
Alexis: Look at it this way -- at least she's not going to jail.
Todd: Package delivered, McBain. You're free to go.
McBain: And miss all the fun? I ain't going anywhere.
Todd: Okay, well, try not to suck anybody's blood during the arraignment.
Diane: All right. Boys, boys, play nice. Come on.
McBain: Oh, allow me.
Diane: Thank you.
Patrick: I know I sound like a broken record, but thank you, again, for listening to me and -- and understanding --
Britt: You're right. Why -- why ruin a good thing?
Sabrina: Oh.
Patrick: Hey, um, I was looking for you.
Sabrina: You were?
Patrick: Yeah, you, uh, you left your case at my house.
Sabrina: Oh. Thank you.
Britt: Let's go get some coffee.
Patrick: Okay.
Diane: Carly, you look, uh, different.
Todd: You look amazing.
Carly: Thank you.
Todd: I'm so happy you came.
Carly: Don't be. I only came to see you charged.
Diane: Okay. Time to focus.
Todd: I am focused.
Diane: [Sighs] Now, you listen to me. When the judge asks you how you plead, you say -- you say, "not guilty." You don't say anything else. I'm going to handle all of the arguments. Now, I'm going to ask for bail, but, of course, they will not grant bail [Clears throat] Because --
Bailiff: All rise. Court is now in session. The Honorable Judge Adam Horowitz presiding.
Judge Horowitz: You may be seated. Who's before us?
Campbell: Todd Manning, your honor.
Diane: Diane Miller defending, your honor.
Judge Horowitz: I see you, ms. Miller. And your client -- oh, yes. Mr. Manning. Let's see. Fraud, bribery, kidnapping. Attempted escape from custody. Spoliation of evidence. How do you plead, Mr. Manning?
Todd: I am not guilty.
Diane: Your honor, at this time, I would like to request bail --
Todd: The person who did those not me.
Michael: Look, Tracy's smart. She's gonna find a way to distance herself from Lucy.
A.J.: Well, she can try, but she's not gonna convince the other shareholders.
Michael: I just don't want you to be disappointed, okay? You almost drank last night. If this thing falls through --
A.J.: I know. I know. I didn't, and I won't.
Tracy: That infernal vampire woman is ruining everything. Ned, I begged her to keep her mouth shut, but, no, she shot it off, and now I have a certifiable co-C.E.O., giving A.J. and his mini-me exactly what they need to force me -- out.
A.J.: Don't stop on our account.
Lucy: [Sighs] I thought the idea was to get me out on bail!
Alexis: You're way past bail.
Lucy: [Sighs]
Felicia: Alexis has arranged for you to see a doctor.
Lucy: I don't -- I don't need a doctor. Just let me go, find Caleb, and get rid of him. And then I'll be fine.
Felicia: We'll see you soon.
Mac: Time to go.
Lucy: No! No! I don't want you to. Please. Why are you going?! This is ridiculous! Alexis, this is absolutely ridiculous. I don't have the problem. Caleb is the problem!
Alexis: I know, and you can tell the doctor all about that. I'm gonna go find one.
Lucy: Oh, my God! Really?! Wait a minute! I don't need a doctor! I'm not crazy! [Sighs] I just wish someone would believe me.
Heather: I believe you.
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