General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 1/15/13
Provided By Suzanne
Felix: I know. I'm late. I swear it couldn't be helped. There was an emergency at the gym.
Sabrina: What happened? Is everyone okay?
Felix: It was magic Milo. Poor thing. He was just laying there.
Sabrina: Oh, my God.
Felix: Oh, at the bench press. He needed a spotter.
Sabrina: That's your emergency?
Felix: What was I supposed to do? Leave him to lift that heavy weight up and down by himself? It's no wonder I lost track of time. So, anything fabulous happen here?
Sabrina: Well, not in ICU. They took a 25-year-old patient off life support.
Shawn: Is it over?
Alexis: Well, I got a court order. Turns out, they didn't really need it because Connie showed up and gave her consent.
Shawn: Hey, I'm sorry.
Alexis: I'm fine. I'm just worried about my daughter.
Connie: Sonny, you can go. Thank you for taking me home.
Sonny: Hey, hey. Let -- let me help you. Let me help you. Here. Let -- let me help you.
[Keys jingle]
Felix: I did not release a torrent of endorphins to have you only bring me down. Can we talk about something more upbeat?
Sabrina: Sure. Like what?
Felix: Like how did the meeting go for the Nurses' Ball? Did, uh, the Quartermaines cough up the cash?
Sabrina: Actually, I am pleased to report that the Nurses' Ball is officially a go, thanks to ms. Lucy Coe.
Lucy: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Caleb.
McBain: Uh --
Lucy: You -- you just stay there. You stay away from me.
McBain: Okay, lady. I'll, uh, I'll stay away from you. No problem.
Lucy: Don't play games with me. I know who you are! Caleb Morley, king of the vampires.
Felix: Did I not say that the divine Miss Coe is a beacon of sanity and justice in a cruel world?
Sabrina: Not quite in those words.
Felix: Ah. Spill, spill. Okay, so, from which one of those tight-fisted Quartermaines did my beloved Lucy get that money?
Sabrina: Tracy.
Felix: Oh, man. That's bad news for A.J.
A.J.: You -- you need a little help with that?
Carly: I got it.
A.J.: Okay. So, you're living in a hotel these days, huh? Too good for the old double-wide?
Carly: [Chuckles] I own a house on harbor view road. Right down the street from your parents.
A.J.: Then why are we here?
Carly: Because Todd Manning lives here.
Do you have a room prepped? Dispatch was supposed to call ahead.
Felix: What happened?
Guy got himself beat up.
Todd: Well, I don't know about that. You should see the other guy.
Felix: [Chuckles] Don't you worry, handsome. We'll get you fixed right up. Just tell me who would mar a mug like yours?
Johnny: Guard! I got to make a phone call! Guard!
Diane: Whoa. There's no need for that. I came as soon as I was notified.
Johnny: Finally. I got to tell you what happened.
Diane: I know exactly what happened. You weren't satisfied with your three counts of murder, so you decided to attack Todd Manning.
Todd: Are you my doctor?
Felix: Doctor? No. Oh, you are sweet. [Chuckles] No, I'm just a lowly nurse, but I will do everything in my capable hands to ensure your comfort.
Todd: You're a pleaser? I get it. Well, I do hope that you have someone at home that takes as good of care of you as you take care of everybody else.
Felix: As a matter of fact, I don't actually --
Sabrina: Let's get him into a cubicle.
Felix: No, this is mine.
E.M.T.: Actually, he's mine.
Felix: I like bad boys.
Sabrina: Listen, this isn't just any bad boy. This is Todd Manning. He's the one who refused to underwrite the Nurses' Ball.
Felix: All right. I don't like them that bad. You need to take handsome to another hospital.
Unh-unh. He's not going anywhere.
McBain: I'm sorry. Did I -- did I hear you correctly? Did you say "vampire"?
Lucy: Yeah.
McBain: Whoa.
Lucy: Vampire, strigoi, fanger. Take your pick.
McBain: All right. All right. Just take it easy. There are no vampires here.
Lucy: [Chuckles] You don't have to lie to me, Caleb. I am just am impervious to you as I was the day you arrived in Port Charles with that stupid band of yours, thinking you could hypnotize everybody with a glamour. Well, you can't glamour me.
McBain: Okay. I can't glamour you. I get that. Let's have a little talk. But we can't talk until you put that knife down.
Lucy: You're right. A puny knife's not gonna do me any good, is it? Not against the king of vampires. Well, you know what? I have some other stuff, maybe, that just might work.
McBain: That's great.
Lucy: Hey.
McBain: Whoa.
Lucy: Leave the baby alone. Get away from the baby.
McBain: You leave the baby alone! You get away from the baby, all right?! I would never hurt a baby!
Lucy: You're damn straight you're not gonna hurt the baby, 'cause I'm gonna give him back to his mother!
McBain: His mother is right here.
Sam: Hi.
McBain: Relax.
Lucy: Livvie? Livvie?
Sam: Who?
Alexis: Oh, baby. How you doing?
Kristina: [Sniffles] I'm okay, mom. I'm just --
Michael: Kristina, just, why don't you sit down for a while?
Starr: Yeah. Come on. We'll go right over here.
Alexis: Go ahead. [Sighs] All right, I'm gonna take her home and put her to bed. How's Molly doing?
Shawn: T.J.'s keeping her company at my place.
Alexis: Okay. Good. I'll pick her up on the way home.
Michael: Alexis?
Alexis: Yeah?
Michael: Why don't you go get Molly? I can take --
Alexis: No, no, no. Michael. Michael. You've already done enough.
Michael: It's okay. It's okay. I want to. Really.
Steven: Hey. I really hate to bother you guys, but is Connie still here?
Starr: No. Sonny took Connie home. Why?
Steven: I, uh, have Trey's personal effects.
Diane: What am I going to do with you?
Johnny: He manipulated me into attacking him.
Diane: I am out there busting my elegant, expensive, personally trained ass for you, and for reasons beyond my comprehension, you are systematically destroying your defense at every turn. And now that you've tied my hands by confessing -- you won't let me go to trial -- you pile on an assault charge.
Johnny: He wanted me to assault him.
Diane: "He wanted me to attack him, so I did." Why, pray tell?
Johnny: So he could get taken out of here, taken to the hospital, and escape. That's why.
Sabrina: One, two, three.
Todd: My God. Hospitals make you worse. I think you just broke my ribs.
Sabrina: Good to go, guys. Thank you.
E.M.T.: Thanks. Good luck with him.
Todd: Oh, no.
Officer: I'll be right outside if you need any help.
Sabrina: Thanks.
Todd: Why would she need help? I'm the one that's in pain.
Sabrina: We're gonna help you, Mr. Manning, even though you turned me down.
Todd: I've never seen you before in my life.
Sabrina: What? I came to your office to ask if you could help with the Nurses' Ball. Remember? An event to help raise money for charities like H.I.V. And aids. You shot me down.
Todd: Well, they should just go get jobs.
Sabrina: What?
Todd: I don't remember you.
Felix: 'Brina, please page Dr. Webber. I don't get paid enough to suffer these fools.
[Elevator bell dings]
Sabrina: Excuse me. Aren't you Todd Manning's daughter?
Starr: Yeah.
Sabrina: If you're looking for your father, he's in cubicle one.
Felix: What have you got against the Nurses' Ball?
Todd: Nothing. I love balls.
Felix: [Chuckles] No sense in trying to sweet-talk me. No matter how cute your banged-up face might be.
Todd: You keep talking like that, you're gonna make me swell up.
Felix: [Sighs] Dr. Webber will be with you in a moment.
A.J.: You know, when you insisted on coming to the hotel, I didn't think we'd be breaking in to some guy's room.
Carly: I own the hotel. They're all my rooms.
A.J.: Yeah, but that doesn't give you the right to come waltzing in whenever you want and just make yourself at home. Come on.
Carly: You -- you just walked away from three counts of kidnapping and manslaughter. You're really afraid you're gonna go down for trespassing?
A.J.: Um, isn't this guy, Todd Manning, the guy that you have it in for. You know, the one you say betrayed you?
Carly: Yep. The one and only.
A.J.: And now we're waiting for him to come home. Which, I got to hand it to you, that's actually a record even for you.
Carly: I'm not waiting for him. He's in jail, and we're done.
A.J.: Well, then, why are you here?
Carly: Revenge. B.B.
Lucy: Livvie. Livvie Locke. Livvie!
Sam: No, my name is Sam Morgan, actually.
Lucy: My God. You worked your voodoo on her again, didn't you, Caleb Morley?
Sam: Who's Caleb?
McBain: He's the king of the vampires.
Lucy: Livvie, please listen to me. You need to move away from him. Get away. Don't listen to him. He's evil.
Sam: Him? Him? This is not Caleb. His name is John, and he is my friend. You -- you, I don't know.
Lucy: Yes, you do! You know me. Think. Think, Livvie. I'm Lucy. I'm Lucy. Think about doc. Remember doc? Your father and I tried to protect you from Caleb from turning you into a vampire!
Sam: I am not a vampire. This is not Caleb. This is -- this is John, and he's not a vampire, either. He's a cop. A cop.
Lucy: Oh, great. Just perfect. So now you've infiltrated the police, too.
McBain: No, actually, it was a pretty standard hire.
Lucy: Shut up, prince of darkness.
McBain: A minute ago I was the king. I've been demoted already.
Sam: I'm sorry.
Lucy: Listen to me, Livvie. Please listen. I know you can feel this. I know you can sense that this is very wrong. Don't you see? He has now turned the police department into his own personal coven.
Sonny: Found some pizza in the fridge. I could heat it up if you want.
Connie: No, thanks.
Sonny: It's no trouble --
Connie: I don't want any food, Sonny. I just want to drink. You want one?
Sonny: No, thanks.
Connie: Come on, Sonny. Johnny's got a fully stocked bar over here. We want for nothing at chez Zacchara. We got a, uh, 24-hour doorman, 10,000 channels, personal shopper. I got money, status, big-time job. Hit the jackpot, right, Sonny? [Sniffles] Come on. Let's drink to that, huh? To a Brooklyn girl who made good.
[Glasses clink]
Sonny: Cheers.
Connie: Cheers. All I had to do was marry a lout, take the rap for killing two kids, Sonny. [Sniffles] But hey, truth is out. I ditched the lout. So, I got everything I want, right? Everything but my son.
Diane: So, you really expect me to believe that Todd Manning goaded you into beating him so badly that he had to be taken to the hospital but not badly enough that he couldn't escape? Sounds a bit byzantine to me.
Johnny: Have you met Todd?
Diane: Yes. That's very true. But he's not likely to get far with that face.
Johnny: Got the means.
Diane: All his means have been frozen.
Johnny: Sure about that?
Diane: As sure as I am that you are systematically destroying any chance you ever had of avoiding a life sentence.
Johnny: Hmm. You know what else you can be sure about? Is you're gonna lose two cases, mine and his, unless you stop him from escaping.
Starr: Obviously I know that he's in custody, but I'm his daughter, and you're gonna let me in to talk to him. Thank you. Dad?
Todd: Hi. What are you doing here?
Starr: They told me you were brought in.
Todd: You came here to see me?
Starr: What happened?
Todd: Johnny. Idiots put us in the same cell. He just, I'm sleeping, and -- he's psychotic. He just started beating me.
Starr: Of course. And you did absolutely nothing to provoke him, right?
Todd: Of course not.
Starr: Okay.
Todd: Why would you even ask me that?
Starr: Because this is exactly what you say every time you're lying to me. Whatever Johnny did, you deserved all of it.
Todd: Ow. Have a heart, kid.
Starr: A heart? What? So you can break it? Like you did when you let the man who killed Cole and hope just go free instead of turning yourself in for stealing Sam Morgan's baby and giving it to tea?
Todd: If you lump it all together like that, it --
Starr: Yeah, you betrayed my trust! Again.
Todd: I'm sorry.
Starr: Not as sorry as I am. I came to make sure that you were breathing, and that's it.
Todd: Wait.
Starr: Wait, what?
Todd: If you're never gonna talk to me again, I just want to make sure that I tell you that I love you.
A.J.: Revenge, huh? What are you gonna do? Uh, book a frat party next door? Skip on the mints on the pillow?
Carly: [Chuckles]
A.J.: Hey.
Carly: You know I can do better than that.
A.J.: Okay, um --
Carly: Much better.
A.J.: Listen to me. Be careful with those, all right? Take it easy.
Carly: What's wrong?
A.J.: Uh, you. You're all drunk and stabby.
Carly: I know exactly what I'm doing.
A.J.: Okay, listen, I thought you wanted revenge on -- on Todd Manning, not on me.
Carly: Just be careful. This won't hurt a bit.
Sonny: You really should eat something.
Connie: Should I?
Sonny: If you don't want pizza, I can make something.
Connie: I don't want any food! Do you hear me?
Sonny: How about a sandwich? Remember aunt Theresa used to make those tomatoes and peanut butter sandwiches that you used to love so much, right?
Connie: You son of a bitch. I know what you're doing.
Sonny: I'm just trying to get some food in you.
Connie: You think by wining and dining me, you're gonna make Kate come out, beg for you to save her?
Sonny: I'm just trying hard to keep you from falling apart.
Connie: But you'd like that, wouldn't you? Because now if there's any time for her to come out of me, right now.
Kristina: [Sighs] I thought opening my letter to Yale was hard. Next to this, it's nothing. [Sighs] Such a -- small thing to do. I don't know if I can. [Sniffles]
Michael: You can put it away. Or you can give it to me. I'll -- I'll hold on to it until you're ready. Keep it sealed as long as you want.
Kristina: And say goodbye to him again all over someday? [Sighs] [Sighs]
Steven: How's our prisoner?
Officer: Same old, same old.
Steven: Good news. Your attacker didn't do any lasting damage.
Todd: Really? It's not how it feels at the moment.
Steven: We'll patch you up and you'll be free to go back to jail.
Todd: Oh. I can't thank you enough, Dr. Drake.
Steven: Mr. Manning, who is the president?
Todd: You kidding?
Steven: No.
Todd: It's easy. It's Dorian lord Vickers. No, I'm sorry. Dorian lord Vickers Buchanan.
Steven: You just stay put. Um -- I'll -- I'll be back in a minute to take you down for a ct. And we'll find out if you're disoriented or just lying.
Diane: [Gasps] [Whispers] What do you think you're doing?!
A.J.: You having fun?
Carly: I'm having a blast.
A.J.: Really? Really? 'Cause the Carly I know, she wouldn't really be enjoying herself unless the intended victim was here to witness --
Carly: Well, you don't know me, okay? You don't know me at all. Thought this would make me feel better. It just doesn't.
A.J.: Well, you thought Sonny was a good father, too, so you're 0 for two.
Carly: Why are you here?
A.J.: What? Miss the show? Come on.
Carly: [Chuckles] Get out.
A.J.: Whoa, whoa. Just take it easy, all right?
Carly: Get the hell out! Get out!
A.J.: Give me this. Huh? Now what?
Carly: What do you want?
A.J.: What do I want?
Carly: What do you want?
A.J.: I am with the woman that I hate more than anything in the world. Now, what do you think I want?
Lucy: Okay, Livvie, listen to me. Please listen. We're gonna just stay calm here. This should -- should hold him at bay, but I got to find something I can kill him with to get rid --
Sam: Whoa, what are you talking about? Did she just say kill?
McBain: Sure. That's it. Let's wrap it up. I want to put -- I want to put some distance between you and Danny from Buffy.
Lucy: Livvie, listen to me!
McBain: Buffy, I'll be right back, all right?
Lucy: Listen to me! You are in mortal danger! Livvie! Please!
McBain: I'll be right back. Oh, goodness.
Sam: Have you ever seen her before?
McBain: No, no. Clearly she missed her medication and she thinks she's seen me before.
Lucy: Okay, think. Think. Think, Lucy. You're not prepared for this. You've got to think! Something to kill -- kill him with. Aah!
Sam: What was that?
McBain: Okay. All right. That's it. Let's get -- let's get you and Danny out of here, all right?
Sam: Whoa. Wait a minute. What about you?
McBain: Me? I'll be fine.
Sam: Fine? Really? You're the one she's threatening.
McBain: No. I got a lot of experience dealing with drug addicts, okay? Let's get you guys out of here, all right?
Sam: Okay.
McBain: All right. I'll see you later.
Sam: Be careful. Please.
McBain: Yeah, I'll be careful.
Lucy: Aaaaaah!
Sam: John! People don't realize that taxes and health care are connected.
Kristina: Trey used to talk about how much he meant to him. He kept it even after he found out what kind of man his father really was.
Michael: Yeah, when you have a father that does things that are wrong, things that you despise, it just -- it doesn't cancel out the love. Just -- makes it a lot more complicated.
Kristina: I could have told Trey every day that he would never be like Joe, that he was a good person. But now I'll never get to. What -- what if I didn't tell him enough? [Voice breaking] Michael, what if he never knew? [Sobs]
Connie: See, I know what you're thinking, Sonny. I can see it in your eyes. You're thinking that now that everybody knows that I didn't kill those kids, just a matter of time that Kate -- till Kate comes back.
Sonny: That's not what I was thinking at all.
Connie: Or better yet, the son that I never knew died, so there's no conflict. There's no living reminder of the rape that made Kate fragment in the first place, so you're just gonna wait around and be nice to me, wait for Kate to come back for good.
Sonny: One thing good that came out of this --
Connie: What the hell was good that came out of my son's death?
Sonny: In my heart, I know you or Kate were not responsible for Starr's family dying. You don't have it in you.
Connie: Oh, I'm a saint. Never mind the kidnapping charges against me. My son's an organ donor. And I'm sure they're gonna try to put me away for that, too. As your daughter keeps reminding everyone. Because I caused the crash that left my son brain dead.
Sonny: You don't have to think about that. You worry about that tomorrow.
Connie: What if I'm not here tomorrow, Sonny? What if I skip town? There goes all your bail money.
Sonny: You're not gonna jump bail.
Connie: How do you know that?
Sonny: Because your son just died. There's no running away from that. And no matter what happens, I'm gonna see you through this.
Connie: Yeah. Yeah. Another chance to get back to Kate.
Sonny: Whether Kate comes back or not --
Connie: She's not coming back!!
Sonny: Kate's not here right now. You are, right? You're the one who lost Trey. You're the one who needs help. And I will do that for you. If you'll let me.
Carly: What are you gonna do? Kill me?
A.J.: I got to tell you, that is real tempting.
Carly: [Chuckles] You don't have the guts. Maybe if I turn around. I mean, you shot your dad in the back, so stabbing me should be a piece of cake, right?
A.J.: Really? For all the times that you've messed with me and for all the people that you've messed with all these years, hell, they'd probably call it justifiable homicide.
Carly: Then take your best shot. Go for it.
A.J.: You'd like that, wouldn't you, huh? Wouldn't you? Be able to prove to Michael that I'm every bit the monster that you say I am.
Carly: You are a monster, and that started long before you met me.
A.J.: You could have helped me. You could have pulled me up instead of pushing me down.
Carly: Well, now's your time for payback. [Chuckles]
A.J.: You know what? Somebody's gonna do it one of these days, Carly. But not today. And it's not gonna be me. 'Cause Frankly, I'm having too much damn fun watching you suffer to end it now.
Carly: Because you never change. You're still a coward, and you're still a loser.
A.J.: You go ahead. You bitch and moan and call me names and insult me. It doesn't matter. You know why? Because you did this to yourself! Not Johnny! Not Todd! Honey, you did this all to yourself!
Diane: [Normal voice] You're trying to escape.
Todd: Whatever gave you that idea?
Diane: Raise your hand. Raise your other hand. Right. And I'm gonna assume that cop took the cuffs off you.
Todd: What are you even doing here?
Diane: Johnny ratted you out.
Todd: Johnny. Why can't Johnny just leave me alone?
Diane: Because he thinks if he has to pay for his transgressions, you should pay for yours.
Todd: I will pay for my transgressions, thanks to "stick in the mud" detective McBain. What happened to the days when a good, old-fashioned cop would take a good, old-fashioned bribe?
Diane: Not hearing this. Not hearing this.
Todd: I am leaving. I'm running away. I will send you your last payment from an undisclosed location.
Diane: Not if I have anything to say about it.
Lucy: Give my regards to the devil, vampire!
Sam: Come here. Come here. I got you. I got you. Stay with me. Stay with me, John.
Alexis: What the hell hap-- Lucy?!
Lucy: I am trying to keep Port Charles safe from the forces of darkness! Combust! You're supposed to combust, vampire! I slayed you! Combust! What is wrong with you?! Maybe you've gotten stronger. I need something else. I got to get another chair.
Shawn: I think you've done enough staking for one night.
Lucy: No, let me kill him while he's down! Let me finish him off! Let me go! Let me go!
Alexis: Give me the phone! I got it.
Sam: Call 911, please.
Alexis: Hi.
Sam: How you doing? You with me, okay? You stay with me, John. Don't leave me. Please, I can't have you leave me, too. Come on. There we go. Come on.
Diane: You realize, of course, if you do this, you're not just running from the law. You're also running from Carly.
Todd: Carly hates my guts.
Diane: She'll get over it.
Todd: [Scoffs] You think?
Diane: I know. She's gotten over much worse. Listen, you stay and I will run down the highlights of Sonny's transgressions.
Todd: Sonny and Carly have a kid together. All Carly and I have is -- well, had -- is a friendship.
Diane: All right, well, what about your daughter? I'm given to understand that she's really the only other person who will even speak to you, so if you do this, you'll -- you'll be running not only from Carly, but from Starr. Are you prepared to spend the rest of your life away from them?
Todd: If I go to prison, I won't see either of them anyway.
Diane: Fine. You escape, you're on your own. You take your chances on the lam, you're gonna do it without me.
Lucy: Let me go!
Shawn: Sam?
Alexis: No. Not yet. I was just upstairs with T.J. And Molly. She's babysitting Danny, which is keeping her distracted from this.
Shawn: Did you tell them what happened?
Alexis: Well, I said there was a fuss down here. I left out the part about bloodlust and the undead. [Sighs] Let me go check on -- on Lucy.
Shawn: Okay.
Alexis: I'll be right back.
Lucy: Doesn't anybody remember this 10 years ago? The town was overrun by vampires! Don't you remember this? Let me go! I've got to get him! Please let me go!
Alexis: I got it. I got it.
Lucy: Alexis, thank -- let me go!
Alexis: Yeah, let her go. Just let her go.
Lucy: Thank you. Someone with reason. You got to listen to me, please.
Alexis: All right, Lucy. Calm down.
Lucy: Okay.
Alexis: Okay. Deep breath, everyone. [Exhales deeply] Now, number one, hello, Lucy.
Lucy: Oh, good grief.
Alexis: Nice to see you. Secondly, why did you stab McBain?
Lucy: Because it's not McBain. His name is not McBain. He has mesmerized everybody to think so. His name is Caleb Morley. He is a skilled and remorseless killer. I caught him about to kill that little baby in there!
Alexis: He's not gonna kill the baby, Lucy. He knows the baby. I know the baby. That's my grandson, and Sam, that's my daughter.
Lucy: Oh, my God. He's gotten to all of you, hasn't he? Listen to me, Alexis. Pay attention. That girl, her name is Livvie. That's not your daughter. Her biological mother is grace Reese, and her father is Kevin!
Alexis: Kev -- Kevin?
Lucy: Yes!
Alexis: Collins?
Lucy: Kevin. Kevin Collins. As in my Kevin. We have got to act right away. We have got to get Livvie and her baby away from Caleb before it's too late! Please!
E.M.T.: Male. His vitals are stable.
Sabrina: Oh, my God.
E.M.T.: Ma'am, come with me. Let's get him registered.
Sam: Okay.
Felix: How's our patient?
Officer: Doc's checking on a concussion.
Sabrina: Felix, I need a hand! This guy just got stabbed!
Felix: Uh, check his vitals. I'll page Dr. Webber.
Sabrina: Oh, doctor, I'm so glad you're here. I need your help.
Todd: [British accent] No, I-I-I-I can't. I'm due in the O.R. I-I've, uh, it's BYOB.
Sabrina: I'm sorry, but there's no other doctor around. This -- this patient desperately needs you right now.
Todd: Hmm. It's just your average staking. Probably hurts much worse than it looks. Perhaps I should leave.
McBain: Manning --
[Door opens]
Starr: Hi.
Michael: Hey.
Starr: Where's Kristina?
Michael: Uh, taking a shower.
Starr: How's she doing?
Michael: Not good. I can tell her that grief gets better with time, but she won't believe me.
Starr: No, of course. Not yet. But in time, she'll get there. Until then, she has you, and she has me, too.
Michael: I'm glad I have you.
Starr: Oh.
Michael: So, how did everything go with your dad?
Starr: Oh, gosh. Well, he got into a fight with Johnny, and then he -- okay, that's not important right now. How -- how is your dad? A.J., I mean.
Michael: Yeah, I called him. He didn't call me back. I don't know. I'm starting to get a little worried about him.
Starr: Why? Because the vote went against him?
Michael: Running ELQ was really important to A.J. I just hope this one setback doesn't make him do something nuts.
A.J.: I'm just curious, Carly. How many times did those losers take you for a ride? I bet it was more than a couple, huh?
Carly: [Chuckles] You are running your mouth about something you weren't even around the whole time for.
A.J.: Yeah, but see, I don't have to be. See, I know how you think. I bet there were people lining up at the door to warn you away from them. But you said, "no, no. You don't know Johnny-slash-Todd the way that I do. No, they're -- they're really good guys." I'm just curious. Did they tell you they loved you? Did they -- they say that they cared about you? Because I bet you just ate that up.
Carly: Shut up!
A.J.: When did you become such a soft touch? 'Cause I got to tell you, I remember when you first came to town. Man, there was nobody that could lie like you. Do you remember when you -- when you skanked your own mother's husband right out from under her? I got to tell you, I bet tony is just lying in his grave laughing his ass off. It's unbelievable. I mean, you have spent your entire life using people. You have. And now Johnny and Todd have used you, and I just, I got -- I got to ask you. How does it feel now that the whole damn thing has come full circle right back to you?
Carly: How do you think it feels? I feel sick, and I can't stand the sight of myself. But I can change. I can change. Because I can be different. And I don't need to trust anybody anymore. And I don't need anybody anymore.
A.J.: Carly, come on.
Carly: And I don't want to feel anything anymore!
A.J.: Stop, stop, stop! Carly, stop it! Stop. Just stop, okay?
Carly: [Voice breaking] I don't want to feel anything anymore.
A.J.: I know. It's okay. Let go. Let go. Shh.
Carly: [Sobs]
A.J.: [Sighs] Okay, come on. It's okay. Stop. Septic disasters are disgusting and costly, but avoidable.
Michael: I'd go over to the house to check on A.J., But there's no way I'm leaving Kristina like this.
Starr: I'm sure he's fine and he knows that we just lost a friend.
Michael: Kristina and Trey were planning their futures, you know? They were gonna move to the west coast, start over. What's she gonna do without him?
Connie: You want to help me, Sonny? You tried to have my son commit me. You kept me captive in a warehouse to try to get Kate back. Why the hell am I gonna trust you?
Sonny: I was not there to protect you from Joe Jr. Or anything else before. I just -- I want to make it up to you.
Connie: No, you want to make it up to Kate.
Sonny: I'm not talking to Kate. I'm talking to you, Connie. You're the one who needs support. All right, you know what? I'm gonna -- I'm gonna leave you alone 'cause I know you need your space. But if you need anybody to talk to or yell at -- I'm there for you.
Connie: Would sitting here -- mean "anything at all"? 'Cause I might be okay with that.
Sonny: That's fine.
Connie: [Voice breaking] Yeah? [Sniffles] I don't want to talk about anything. I just want to sit here.
Sonny: We'll just sit down, you know? [Sighs] But if you need anything --
Connie: I don't want to talk.
Carly: [Sobs]
A.J.: Damn it, Carly. I swear, only you could take all the joy out of a revenge rant. Come on. Come on. Come on. I got you. Okay. [Sighs] [Sighs]
Sam: How's Kristina?
Alexis: Michael took her home. How's John?
Sam: They're still working on -- mom, I got -- I got to go. Can I call you back when I know something?
Johnny: Did you find him?
Diane: Find who?
Johnny: Who? Manning.
Diane: Eli or Peyton? You know, they say his comeback is going to be one of the greatest in sports. Oh, you mean Todd Manning. Yes, I ran into him at the hospital.
Johnny: And were you able to stop him from escaping?
Diane: Todd Manning is resourceful, but he is not fooling anyone.
Todd: [Normal voice] More morphine! Morphine!
Sabrina: Morphine?
Todd: Morphine!
Sabrina: But in his state, couldn't morphine kill him?
Todd: He needs morphine! Stat!
McBain: He's trying to escape.
Todd: Stat, stat, stat, stat!
McBain: Escape --
Todd: Okay, I know you're not gonna believe this, but I actually feel bad about what I'm about to do. I'm really sorry.
McBain: [Groans]
Todd: Okay, I'm not that sorry.
McBain: [Groans]
Steven: Sabrina?
Sam: Wait, wait, wait! Hey! Hey! Going somewhere?
Sabrina: I'm back. I had to get the morphine.
Steven: Morphine? Mor -- morphine could kill him. And what the hell are you doing leaving a patient alone like this?
Sabrina: I-I didn't. I left him with that other doctor, the one who ordered the morphine.
Steven: What other doctor? Forget it. Let's -- let's get to work. John, can you hear me? This is Dr. Steve Webber. Can you tell me what happened? Who did this?
McBain: [Groans] Manning.
Steven: Todd Manning drove a stake through you?
Felix: Like a vampire?
Sabrina: Why would Mr. Manning do that?
McBain: Lucy. Lucy Coe.
Shawn: So, you actually know the crazy lady who impaled McBain?
Alexis: Oh, I do. Lucy Coe. She's the reason I originally came to Port Charles. I was defending her significant other, who stalked and kidnapped Felicia.
Shawn: And did the guy walk?
Alexis: Nope. She dropped the charges. She wasn't happy about it, but it turns out that Kevin wasn't responsible. He was yet another person from Port Charles that had a little break with reality.
Shawn: Yeah, well, it looks like your friend Lucy caught the bug.
Johnny: So, did Manning give up? Are the cops on to his plan or what?
Lucy: You have to believe me! Please believe me! The entire town is at risk! You cannot let Caleb marshal his strength! You have to act! Please!
Johnny: Who the hell's Caleb?
Diane: I have no idea, but this sounds like a potential client.
Lucy: Listen to me. Caleb Morley is a vampire! He is a vampire, and he's going to kill all of us! Please listen to me! Ow!
Todd: I, uh, I should go. I-I have to go perform an LMFAO.
Sam: What was that? I can't really hear you. Son of a bitch.
Todd: I really should go.
Sam: No. Hey! Get over here! Police! I need your help! Got your prisoner! Stop it!
Todd: [Groans]
Sam: We've got some unfinished business. Looks like we're about to finish it.
Todd: [Sighs]
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