GH Transcript Monday 1/14/13

General Hospital Transcript Monday 1/14/13


Provided By Suzanne

Sam: Can you believe we only have three pictures of you and daddy? I was so sure there was gonna be some time for more. [Chuckles] But look at you two. Look at that. You are so handsome -- both of you. You are just so handsome.

McBain: Hi.

Sam: Hi.

McBain: How are you?

Sam: Oh, you know, I'm hanging in there. It's kind of tough to curl up [Chuckles] In a ball when you got this little guy to look after.

McBain: Yeah, I know how that goes.

Sam: I am so sorry it took me so long -- to f -- figure out the truth. I mean, Jason deserves a memorial to be celebrated by his friends and -- and family. [Sighs] Yeah, I have to put my husband to rest.

[Door opens]

Monica: Hmm. You don't even bother using the front door anymore.

Lucy: Oh, um, well, the driver actually dropped all my bags at the front door so that your housekeeper could carry them all up.

Monica: Carry them?

Lucy: Yeah, to my room, of course. You know, I'm really thinking I want that room that is the east-facing, that overlooks mother Quartermaine's beautiful rose garden.

Monica: I don't like the sound of this.

Lucy: Oh, well, that's not very welcoming, considering I am moving in.

Monica: Well, try this for welcoming -- over my dead body.

Lucy: Well, if you don't like it, I suggest you take it up with our sister-in-law.

Tracy: Michael.

Michael: Tracy, I really don't have the time to --

Tracy: I'm sorry.

Starr: [Sighs]

Michael: For what? What are you talking about?

Tracy: You haven't heard? I won. More aptly put, A.J. Lost.

No regrets, no plain outfits

Kristina: Did dad find Connie? Is Connie gonna come and let Trey pass in peace?

Alexis: No, honey, it's -- it's not about Connie.

Kristina: Then what?

Alexis: [Sighs] Just stay focused on Trey.

Kristina: [Sighs]

Olivia: [Sighs] Connie is volatile on a good day.

Steve: And this is not a good day.

Olivia: If I was right, and Connie actually is at the Floating Rib, God knows what Sonny's walking into.

Because I got what you want

Sonny: Okay. Come on. Get off of her.

Connie: What's the matter, Sonny -- you jealous?

Sonny: Son of a bitch, A.J.

Connie: Thought so.

Sonny: I knew you would do something like this, wouldn't you?

A.J.: What are you gonna do about it?

Carly: Do you keep up your property-damage insurance on this place?

Coleman: Yeah. Why?

Carly: [Chuckles] I think you're gonna need it.

Todd: [Breathing heavily] [Groans] [Inhales deeply] All right. [Breathing deeply] Come on, Manning. It's nothing you haven't done before. [Groans] Oh, come on. Now, the end result is worth it. The end result is worth it. [Strained] End result is worth it.

Johnny: What -- are you praying now, Manning?

Todd: Mnh-mnh.

Johnny: Hate to break it to you -- God ain't listening.

McBain: How's the little guy doing?

Sam: He's doing pretty good.

McBain: Yeah?

Sam: He's being very patient right now, and we're waiting for my mother-in-law to come. I want to get her in on the memorial plans. [Sighs] Oh, I can't believe I'm saying that -- a memorial for Jason. Just --

McBain: I'm sorry for everything you're going through, Sam. Well, you know, look, if it's any consolation, I, um -- just came from Manning's cell.

Sam: Oh, yeah?

McBain: Hmm.

Sam: Was he miserable?

McBain: Yeah, you could say that.

Sam: Good.

McBain: Hmm.

Sam: Yeah, that's some sort of consolation.

McBain: Hmm.

Sam: Wait, uh, w-why exactly did you go?

McBain: Just wanted to make sure he doesn't walk on the charges, not after what he did to you and tea.

Sam: Okay, how'd that go?

McBain: Pretty good, I think. I mean -- offered me a bribe on tape.

Sam: Seriously?

McBain: Mm. Might be the insurance that we need to keep him behind bars.

Todd: You can't put him in that cell over there?

Shut up.

Todd: You shut up.

Johnny: [Sighs]

Todd: What are you doing here, Johnny? Why aren't you in Pentonville?

Johnny: I'm not going till after my sentencing.

Todd: [Exhales sharply]

Johnny: It's gonna be fun, isn't it -- you and me wasting away in prison together?

Todd: Well, you'll be there all on your own. But don't worry -- I'll teach you all the gang signs.

Johnny: How do you figure?

Todd: It's not hard. It's all in the wrists.

Johnny: No, how do you figure you're not going to prison?

Todd: Oh, well, I've been to prison. I'm not going back there.

Coleman: So, who's the guy?

Carly: Ahh.

[Pool balls clacking]

Carly What?

Coleman: You always drink beer, and now you're downing vodka like there's no tomorrow, so it's got to be a guy problem. So spill. What did the S.O.B. do to you?

Carly: Which one?

Connie: Get out of here, Sonny -- leave me alone.

Sonny: Not with him. Not with him.

Carly: What? Who are you -- my father now?

Sonny: You've got to get back to the hospital. Trey needs you. Come on.

A.J.: Hey, she said get lost.

Sonny: Get your hands off me, or I will put you back in the hospital again, A.J.!

Michael: I thought A.J. was going to convince Lucy to side with him.

Tracy: A.J. exaggerates. I'm sure he said that ELQ was in the bag, but, unfortunately, the bag had a big, fat hole in it.

Michael: [Sighs] [Clears throat] What did you give her?

Tracy: Beg your pardon?

Michael: You had to have done something to win her over. What did you do?

Tracy: [Sighs] [Clears throat] Michael, the important thing is that Lucy broke the tie and I remain in control of my father's company and your father gets nowhere near it.

Monica: First of all, do not refer to Tracy as your sister-in-law.

Lucy: Which she was.

Monica: Two seconds!

Lucy: Okay, fine, my -- your sister-in-law won me over fair and square.

Monica: How?

Lucy: Well, she's letting me live her, she invited me, and she appointed me -- C.E.O. -- Co-C.E.O. get what I'm doing?

Monica: Oh, my God.

Lucy: C.E.O. -- Co-C.E.O.

Monica: No. No. I don't. [Chuckling] I don't get this. I don't get this at all.

Lucy: Okay, I'll explain it to you. I am helping to run ELQ alongside Tracy. Isn't it fabulous?

Monica: [Sighing] Oh, my God. A.J. is gonna be devastated.

Lucy: Oh, pooh. There are plenty of other jobs out there.

Monica: Not like this one. A.J. wasn't just planning for his future. He was planning for Michael's.

Tracy: There you have it. I am sorry.

Michael: Yeah, you seem like it.

Starr: We should really get back to Trey.

Tracy: Trey Mitchell? Joe's son? What's wrong with him?

Michael: [Sighs] He was in a bad wreck on New Year's Eve.

Starr: Yeah, we all were.

Tracy: I'm sorry to hear that. Uh, and Trey -- is he all right? Did he break a bone or something?

Michael: No, it's a lot worse than that.

Tracy: How much worse? Is he gonna be all right?

Starr: No, he isn't.

Michael: Trey's gonna die as soon as his mother takes him off life support.

Steve: Have you heard anything on Connie?

Alexis: No, just an update, uh, from Olivia.

Olivia: Why? Why? What's -- what's going on? What's wrong?

Steve: Trey is an organ donor.

Olivia: And?

Steve: And there's been a big bus accident up in Rochester.

Olivia: Oh, God. No.

Steve: Someone whose blood type matches Trey's needs a liver and a kidney.

Kristina: Trey would want to help. I know he would.

Olivia: I'm -- I'm sure you're right, honey. Obviously, you're right if -- if he's got himself listed as an organ donor, but we -- we still need Connie's permission, right?

Steve: [Sighs] And, unfortunately, by then it might be too late.

Kristina: Mom, please, this is a way for Trey's death to mean something. Isn't there anything we can do?

Alexis: Maybe there is.

Monica: You give A.J. ELQ, and I will guarantee you that room right overlooking the rose garden.

Lucy: Well, thank you. That's very gracious, except for the fact that I already have that room overlooking the rose garden, and now I would just like to settle in.

Monica: You be out of my house by the time I get back.

Lucy: [Sighs] Very rude. Very, very...rude.

Sam: [Chuckling] Nice work. I mean, there's -- there's no way Todd can weasel his way out of that one.

McBain: Yeah, couldn't happen to a nicer weasel.

Sam: Well -- I really appreciate you doing that for me and for -- for us.

McBain: Hey, a little bit for me, too.

Sam: [Chuckles] Implicit. Can I ask you something?

McBain: Maybe.

Sam: [Sighs] I mean, when -- when Todd offered to help you find Liam and Natalie, were you tempted to take him up on the offer?

Todd: I've got better things to do with my time than go to jail.

Johnny: Even if Diane could get you acquitted of the baby-switching charges -- which, by the way, is far-fetched -- you really screwed yourself over by trying to bribe that McBain guy.

Todd: You -- how do you know about that?

Johnny: I was just upstairs. They're celebrating it like you wouldn't believe.

Todd: You know, of all the people that could have followed me from Llanview, why'd it have to be him?

Johnny: [Chuckles] Because he's a cop and you skipped bail. [Sighs] Maybe you should start praying again, although it's probably not gonna help.

Todd: No, I don't need prayers.

Johnny: Oh, you've accepted your fate?

Todd: Hell no. I'm gonna escape.

Carly: I let myself get played by someone -- two someones. You know, the first was, um -- I don't know. I was delusional. I needed a distraction, whatever. But the -- the second was, uh -- let myself believe in him, you know? I would have gone to the wall for him [Sighs] And we was lying to me the whole time.

A.J.: Do you want to take this outside? Fine by me.

Sonny: I don't have time for you right now, A.J. I'm not here for you. I'm here for Connie. Let's go.

A.J.: Well, that's too bad because, you know, Connie and I, we were just getting to know each other, weren't we?

Connie: That's right.

Tracy: Trey's gonna die?

Michael: Yeah.

Starr: Wait, I-I didn't know that you were close with Trey.

Tracy: I-I wasn't. I was with him -- when his father passed. It was, uh -- it was terrible. I tried to let him know that, despite everything, his father really loved him.

Starr: I think that Trey knew that.

Tracy: I hope so. I'm very sorry for your loss. And I am very sorry for going on about ELQ. I didn't know.

Michael: It's -- it's okay.

Starr: [Sighs]

Tracy: Well -- please accept my condolences.

Michael: [Sighs]

Starr: That was weird.

Michael: Yeah. Yeah, Tracy can surprise you. I mean, she's usually pretty awful, especially to her family, but then she can turn around and be somewhat decent.

Starr: Are you bummed about the A.J. Thing?

Michael: I don't know. If there's a silver lining, at least my mom won't feel obligated to rescue me from ELQ anymore.

Starr: Oh, I know, but weren't you excited to work with your dad?

Michael: That doesn't really matter to me, but it's different for A.J. I mean, running ELQ was a big deal for him, a chance for him to finally prove himself. Now what is he gonna do? [Sighs]

Sonny: Feel like a man? Real winner, A.J.?

A.J.: I've felt worse.

Sonny: Yeah, I can believe that.

Connie: Will you just let it go, Sonny?

Sonny: Did she tell that, uh, her son's dying? That she -- she can't deal with it?

Connie: I'm not pulling the plug on my kid.

Sonny: You know what needs to happen, Connie. Right? You just can't do it, right?

Connie: Right. I changed my mind, okay? Sue me.

Sonny: What happened?

Connie: Nothing happened.

Sonny: You saw Trey, right?

Connie: Yeah. I saw Trey.

Sonny: Okay, you walked into the room -- you saw your son dying -- you said goodbye -- and you just could not do it.

Connie: [Sighs]

Alexis: A couple of hours ago, when I saw the way that things were going, I applied for a court order to have Trey's life support removed.

Kristina: But you said that could take forever.

Alexis: And it could.

Steve: Like I said, time is of the essence.

Alexis: I understand. But that young man does have a mother, and, technically, she should be the one to remove.

Kristina: No, not -- not when she's the reason that Trey's -- brain-dead in the first place.

Olivia: Honey, I am not defending anything that Connie's done, by any means, but she is still his mother. She carried him inside her. They share DNA. She's got to be part of this.

Kristina: [Voice breaking] So we -- we -- what? We ju -- we just pray that dad gets through to Connie?

Olivia: That's assuming that he even found her.

Sonny: If it were my kid, I'd -- I'd -- I'd be praying for a miracle, too.

Connie: Well --

Sonny: But Trey is not with us anymore. If you don't go to the hospital, he's gonna die anyway.

Connie: Everybody dies eventually, Sonny, right?

Sonny: I'm not talking about eventually, Connie. I'm talking about right now!

Connie: What do you mean, right now?

Sonny: Alexis is getting a court order as we speak. They are taking Trey off the ventilator.

Connie: They can't do that! See, because I'm the mother, and I get to choose when that happens!

Sonny: That's right. You are the mother. Do you really want your son to die -- and you not be there?

Connie: [Sighs] With depression, simple pleasures can simply hurt.

McBain: I would do just about anything to see my son, but throwing in with Manning is not an option.

Monica: Oh! [Chuckling] Hi.

Sam: Hi.

Monica: Look at you! Oh, I think you have grown inches since I've seen you.

Sam: It's possible. This little [Chuckles] Guy eats like nobody's business, don't you?

Monica: Oh, he looks absolutely gorgeous. Don't you, handsome fellow? You've obviously been taking very good care of him. [Chuckles]

Sam: Yeah, I'm trying.

McBain: Well, listen, I'm gonna give you two some time, okay?

[Daniel cries]

Sam: Actually, I was hoping maybe you could stay and help me tell Monica what happened in Switzerland.

Monica: Is this about Jason? [Chuckling] Are you right? Is he still alive?

Sam: I'm so sorry.

Monica: So they have recovered his body?

Sam: No. No, they haven't.

Monica: But they're -- they're going to, right?

Sam: Even if they don't, Monica, I have to accept that my husband is dead.

Tracy: Well, I see you've made yourself at home.

Lucy: Oh. Well, I am attempting to, but Monica is making it a little bit difficult.

Tracy: Don't worry about Monica. She's all bluster. I will, uh, see that she alters her attitude.

Lucy: Thank you. That's excellent.

Tracy: Is there anything else you need?

Lucy: Oh. Well, now that you've asked, all this bickering and moving and bickering has left me rather famished. I would kill for some of cook's salmon Florentine.

Tracy: Cook's gone.

Lucy: Cook's gone? You mean cook quit?

Tracy: No. Cook died.

Lucy: Oh. Well, that's horrible. Well [Sighs] I guess that salmon isn't gonna cook itself, now, is it?

Tracy: What? Me? No. Pbht! Ha! I don't cook.

Lucy: Come on. Please. Think of it as a little tribute to cook your faithful, long-lost servant.

Tracy: [Sighs]

Lucy: Oh, oh, oh. Tracy.

Tracy: Yes?

Lucy: Uh, listen, um, remember this about fish. If you overcook it, then that poor, dear creature died for nothing.

Alexis: We got it.

Starr: Does that have something to do with Trey?

Alexis: A court order allowing us to have [Sighs] The life support removed from Trey. The court is faxing it over right now.

Kristina: So that's it, then? Before long, Trey's gonna be gone.

Olivia: You sure got shortchanged, didn't you, honey? Only family you ever knew was your dad. [Voice breaking] I wish I could have got to know you, Trey -- from the very beginning. If your ma would have just stuck around, would have had you home like I did with Dante -- [Sniffles] -- God, honey, you wouldn't have been able to get rid of us. We would have been there with you embarrassing you at every graduation -- dancing with you at every wedding. We would have loved you -- so much. And I hope you can feel that right now. And I hope you can take that with you. I just don't want you to suffer, honey, any more than you already have, okay? And we're doing everything in our power to make sure that doesn't happen. [Sniffles]

Trey: Okay. Everything's gonna be okay.

Olivia: [Gasps]

Connie: There's no court order. You're lying.

Sonny: Alexis filed the petition. The judge just granted it. I know this is hard, probably the hardest thing you'll ever go through.

Connie: No, the hardest thing I ever go through, Sonny, is leaving my son there to die.

Sonny: Then don't let it happen again. If you're not there when they take Trey off the machines and you let him go through this alone --

Connie: [Sighs]

Sonny: This is your chance to be a mother. You've got to take it.

Where are we?

Sonny: Come on.

Connie: All right. I will go see my son.

Sonny: Stay the hell away from her, A.J.

Carly: [Sighs]

A.J.: [Sighs]

Carly: I was hoping to have a ringside seat while Sonny beat the crap out of you.

[Glass thuds]

Carly: Ahh.

Johnny: You can't be serious.

Todd: As a heart attack... which is something I considered, you know, faking a heart attack to get out of here. It was too easy to prove that I was faking.

Johnny: So that's your plan? You want to end up in the hospital.

Todd: Well, it's easier to bust out of a hospital than it is to bust out of here, man. I was just getting started when you interrupted me.

Johnny: Interrupted you doing what?

Todd: Banging my head against the wall until it bleeds. I'll need medical attention.

Johnny: Well, you want to bash your brains in, have at it. Just don't get any blood on my cot.

Todd: Right.

Johnny: [Sighs]

Todd: Wouldn't want any blood on your cot, Johnny.

Johnny: What are you waiting for? Do it.

Todd: [Giggles] I don't have to.

Johnny: No? Why? You scared of a little pain?

Todd: Got a better idea. I'm gonna get you to do it.

McBain: Faison swore that's the last he saw of him.

Monica: Sinking to the bottom of the harbor.

McBain: I'm sorry.

Monica: What a monster. Treating my son like a piece of garbage. [Sighs] How does Faison get to stay breathing while Jason --

Sam: I know it's -- it's so wrong.

McBain: For what it's worth, they tell me Faison will spend the rest of his miserable life in prison.

Sam: [Sighs]

Monica: Good.

McBain: If you need me, I'll be over here.

Sam: God, I'm so sorry. I should have handled this better, or told you some other way.

Monica: No, listen. Sam, no. I -- [Sighs] I knew -- I knew that -- that Jason was gone.

Sam: And you just didn't want to believe it.

Monica: Well, the fact that you thought [Sighs] That maybe he was all right, that -- that kind of gave me a sliver of hope.

Sam: And that's just been taken away.

Monica: For you, too.

Sam: It's just -- the thought of letting go.

Monica: You know, I remember -- I remember that last morning with you and Danny and Jason. Jason was just watching you and he was smiling.

Sam: [Sniffles] I loved him so much. More than -- anything.

Monica: And he loved you the same way. You have to hang on to that.

Sam: [Sighs]

Olivia: Trey? Honey? Are you awake? [Sighing] [Sniffles] No. You're not. [Sighs] But you're gonna be okay. Thank you. Thank you for telling me.

Lucy: Mmm! Mmm-mmm-mmm! That smells wonderful.

Tracy: [Sighs]

Lucy: It doesn't really smell like salmon.

Tracy: No salmon -- I just defrosted the first thing I could find.

Lucy: Well, thank you. It looks absolutely wonderful. Mm-hmm. [Sighs] Wow. And you said you couldn't cook.

Tracy: Oh, I'm really glad you like it.

Lucy: Oh, I do. This is like [Smacks lips] Five-star cuisine.

Tracy: Oh, would you like some of my mother's relish? It goes with everything.

Lucy: Oh, I love that -- pickled Lila. [Gasps] Thank you.

Tracy: That is the last jar of my mother's famous condiment. My father left it to me in his will.

Lucy: Mmm-mmm-mmm. Whoop. Mmm. Mmm. This I recognize. I love that relish. But, you know, I don't really recognize that flavor. What did you say it was?

Tracy: something.

Lucy: Did you s-- did you say duck?

Tracy: Yes.

Lucy: [Gags, coughs] [Gasps] How could you?

Tracy: You -- I didn't think you were a vegetarian. You said you ate fish!

Lucy: I'm not a vegetarian! How could you serve me [Gasps] Duck, when you know about my beloved Sigmund. [Sighs]

[Monitor beeping]

Kristina: How do we know?

Olivia: How do we know what?

Kristina: If what we're doing is the right thing. That he's gonna be okay.

Olivia: We know.

Kristina: But how?

Olivia: Because he told me. Trey told me. [Sniffles] [Sighs, sniffles]

Alexis: I've checked it twice. The papers are all in order.

Connie: Tell me you haven't done it yet. [Sighs] Is he gone?

Kristina: No, but -- but we need to do this now so his organs -- they can save someone else's life.

Olivia: It's what he would want, Connie.

Connie: How do you know that, Liv? Did you ever talk to him, other than the Christmas party? Because I never saw you talk to him.

Kristina: I talked to him, Connie. I know he'd want this.

Connie: Well, I don't know that!

Kristina: [Voice breaking] When they turn off those machines, when Trey stops breathing, a piece of me is gonna die, too, okay? But this is the right thing. It's the only thing. And despite how I feel about you, you're his mother, and -- and you should be a part of this.

Connie: [Sighs] You knew and loved him more than I ever did, Kristina. So if this is what you say we have to do --

Kristina: We'll do it together.

Connie: I'm ready.

Carly: Coleman! When I said keep them coming, I meant keep them coming, okay?

Coleman: Yes, ma'am. [Sighs]

A.J.: So why are you getting so wasted?

Carly: Why do you care?

A.J.: Actually, I don't.

Carly: Are you hoping to have another one-night stand with me?

A.J.: Ha!

Carly: Huh? Hey, I bet you'd actually remember this time.

A.J.: Um, not a plus. Trust me.

Carly: [Laughs] Well -- I bet you Connie is willing to sleep with you.

A.J.: Hey, well, take it easy, all right? I just met the woman.

Carly: So what? Johnny didn't know her, and he had no problem hopping right into bed with her.

Coleman: Small sips -- please.

Carly: Yes.

A.J.: All right. Fine, Carly. I'll bite. Who's Johnny?

Carly: My ex.

A.J.: Mm. The list just keeps on going, don't it?

Carly: [Chuckles] [Sighs] Yeah, he turned out to be a waste of space, just like you.

A.J.: Mm.

Carly: And just like Todd.

Johnny: You want me to beat you to a pulp?

Todd: Come on, Johnny. [Breathing heavily] Break my nose. Put a scar on the other side of my face. Knock yourself out, knocking me out.

Johnny: Wouldn't be as much fun knowing you want it.

Todd: It will still be fun for you. Come on. I know you want to do it.

Johnny: What am I -- eight? Huh? You think you can goad me into beating you up?

Todd: What if I told you -- that on New Year's Eve, and well into New Year's day, I was banging the hell out of Carly?

Johnny: [Screams]

Monica: Are you gonna have a memorial?

Sam: I am. I was hoping you could help me with that.

Monica: Oh, I'd love to. I would.

Sam: Good. I, um -- I've already picked out some music that I know Jason loved, and so did I. And I went through some -- some pictures. I mean, we didn't have many.

Monica: [Chuckling] Oh.

Sam: If you could pick out --

Monica: You have some with Jason in them?

Sam: Yeah.

Monica: I think it's a good idea -- laying him to rest. It's good for you. It's good for him. And I know that he would want you to find peace, the kind of peace that will be able to have you start living your life again.

Sam: Yeah. I mean, is that -- is that what you did with Alan?

Monica: I have my -- my days with Alan, but I get through them. And you will, too. [Sniffles]

Sam: Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you for being here.

Monica: This is between me and you and your family. Find a way to work through this and move on.

Sam: We will. Okay.

Monica: Okay.

Sam: I love you.

Monica: I love you, too.

Kristina: So, what happens? When they shut off the machines, how long will he stay alive?

Steve: It's different for everyone. I mean, it could be a few minutes. It could be several hours. And based on the severity of Trey's injuries, I-I don't expect it to be too long. It's good that you're here. I'll let you know when you can come in.

Tracy: Where are you going?

Lucy: Did you not hear what I said? I'm completely famished, and so I need to find myself a decent meal.

Tracy: Lucy, please don't let this jeopardize our new relationship at ELQ.

Lucy: [Chuckles] We -- shall see.

Tracy: Mother -- you have to help me.

Todd: [Grunts]

Johnny: [Breathing heavily] You wanted this? You got it.

[Both grunt]

Todd: [Groans]

Johnny: Only you're not gonna escape, Manning.

Todd: [Groans] [Gasps]

Johnny: I'm gonna kill you first. You son of a bitch! [Grunting]

Officer: Hey, get off of him! Get off of him. Hey!

Carly: I hate you.

A.J.: Shocker.

Carly: [Laughing] I mean -- you rise from the ashes, and you try and turn my son against me. And you paint yourself as the victim, and Michael's buying it. And now you want to drag him to that hell-hole, ELQ? What the hell?

A.J.: I wouldn't worry about that. That's not gonna happen.

Carly: Michael not gonna support you, huh?

A.J.: Lucy Coe has signed with Tracy. Looks like auntie's gonna be running the family company.

Carly: [Laughing] Oh. Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't laugh. No, I should laugh. You are still the same loser you always were. You are. You should drink. You should. You should drink until you feel like a winner. 'Cause I've got to tell you -- it's working for me.

A.J.: [Chuckles] You'd like that, wouldn't you?

Carly: Mm.

A.J.: I slip up, and Michael writes me off for good. I tell you what. If you want your son back, you're gonna have to work a lot harder than that.

[Monitor beeping]

Kristina: Trey, it's me. You're not alone, okay? [Crying] I love you so much.

Connie: I'm here, too, Trey. Took me long enough, huh? But I made it. [Crying] I love you, Trey. You can go now. Your mother's here.

[Monitors beeping]

Starr: We're all here, Trey. Everyone that loves you is surrounding you.

Michael: Center of attention. Just the way you like it.

Starr: [Chuckles] We're not going to leave you. Not till you leave us. [Crying]

Monica: Where's Lucy?

Tracy: [Sighs] She's gone.

Monica: Really? Well, this is something to smile about. So, you told the bottom-feeder that she had to find lodgings elsewhere.

Tracy: Not in so many words.

Monica: How many words?

Tracy: None.

Monica: So she still thinks she's staying?

Tracy: I guess so. Monica, please don't ruin this for me. If you see her in the morning, dressed in tacky lingerie, grin and bear it like the rest of us.

Sam: I think I'm gonna go splash some water on my face. Do you mind watching him for a second?

McBain: Oh, no. Go. We'll -- we'll be fine.

Sam: Mommy will be right back, okay? You be good.

McBain: Hi. How you doing, buddy? You know, Liam, he had one just like this when he was your age. Yeah. What? No. I'm -- well, I'm not really sure what he's into right now. What? Really? Well, maybe I'll get him one of those. What color would be good?

Lucy: I have got to get something to get the taste of duck out of my mouth, like a B.L. -- oh, my God. Oh, my God! Caleb.

A.J.: Classy.

Carly: [Sighs] You know what? This has been a blast, but I'm out of here.

A.J.: What are you doing?

[Keys jingle]

Carly: I'm leaving.

A.J.: Give me these! You're not driving.

Carly: Give me my keys back!

A.J.: I'm not gonna let you wrap yourself around a tree.

Carly: Oh, yeah, you care. Like you did to Jason? Give me my keys!

A.J.: God knows I wouldn't miss you, but our son probably would.

Carly: He's not your son! He's Sonny's son.

A.J.: I've had enough of this -- I'm taking you home.

Carly: No, you're not taking me anywhere! I'm gonna get my coat out of my car, and I'm gonna walk to the hotel, and they're gonna send a car for me.

A.J.: They're gonna send a car -- and if you fall, you're gonna freeze.

Carly: You would love that.

A.J.: Probably. Let's go.

Carly: Put me down! Put me down!

Johnny: Keep an eye on him. He's gonna make a run for it.

E.M.T.: Prisoner's in no condition to run anywhere.

[Monitor beeping]


Steve: He's passing now.

Kristina: [Crying] What are you seeing?

Olivia: He's at peace.

Kristina: [Sobbing]

Olivia: It's okay.

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