GH Transcript Thursday 1/10/13

General Hospital Transcript Thursday 1/10/13


Provided By Suzanne

Patrick: [Sighs]

Britt: Hello.

Patrick: Hey.

Britt: That was a rough night, all those emergencies.

Patrick: Yeah. The two-car pileup on 11 involving people you know doesn't help.

Britt: You must be exhausted.

Patrick: I'm all right.

Britt: Then why the frown, hmm? Is -- is something bothering you?

Patrick: Actually, there is.

Elizabeth: Sabrina, you okay?

Sabrina: [Voice breaking] Yeah, I'm fine. I just, um -- actually, you know what? No, I'm not. I'm not fine.

Elizabeth: What is it?

Sabrina: Patrick.

Britt: You can tell me. What's got you so distracted? [Chuckles]

Patrick: Sabrina.

Lucy: Excuse me. What is the address of this place? I'm supposed to meet somebody --

Mac: Be still, my heart. If it isn't the one and only Lucy Coe. Are you kidding me?

Lucy: Oh, my -- oh, Mac! Mac, it's you! It's been way, way too long.

Mac: It's been way too long. Look at you. You haven't changed a bit.

Lucy: Well, thank -- wait a minute. Are you working undercover?

Mac: No. I left the department. I'm just tending bar.

Lucy: What? How can that be? You were a brilliant police commissioner.

Mac: Well, thank you, but, uh, my sister-in-law's got the job now. Anna's back.

Lucy: Anna stole your job?!

Mac: I left the department. You know, I needed a change.

Lucy: Really? And so, now you're tending bar at Jake's or --

Mac: Place has more atmosphere than the outback ever did.

Lucy: Wait a minute. So, it's the Floating Rib now. But the -- the outback, I loved the outback. You bite your tongue. I have a lot of fond memories of that place, not to mention I still miss living in that little apartment upstairs.

Mac: [Chuckles] Not so little.

Lucy: Admit it. I was your very favorite tenant ever. Admit it.

Mac: I admit it. No question.

Lucy: Okay. Look at us. Wow. Look at us. Here we are again. I guess some things never change, huh? And you're tending bar.

Mac: And you're still causing trouble.

Lucy: [Sighs]

Alexis: Where do you think you're going?

Michael: Look, I sent Starr home for a hot shower, a change, maybe even some rest. You can try it. I'll stay with Trey.

Kristina: I'm not leaving him.

Michael: Krissy, you haven't been home since the accident.

Kristina: I can't leave until --

[Monitor beeping]

Kristina: I don't know what. How long can he last like this?

Michael: That's up to his mother.

Connie: Somebody let me out of here! My son's in the hospital, and I'm not letting anybody pull the plug, and I got to be there to make sure nobody does that! Will somebody let me out of here?! Eat good fats.

Mac: Still like chardonnay?

Lucy: I love chardonnay, but only if you still have the good stuff.

Mac: We keep a couple of cases in the back. Felicia likes it.

Lucy: Oh, Felicia. You and Felicia? It's so wonderful when the right people end up together.

Mac: Yeah, well, not without a few twists and turns.

Lucy: Hey, that's what makes life interesting, don't you think?

Mac: Mm-hmm. Speaking of which, you never said why you're back.

Lucy: Oh, um, for the Nurses' Ball, among other things. Um, this lovely, lovely girl asked me to help her reinstate the tradition of the Nurses' Ball.

Mac: Well, that's great. I'm so glad to hear it. Robin would love to know that you and the Nurses' Ball are making a return.

Lucy: Boy, she was an incredible person, your Robin. You know what? I -- when I heard, um -- anyway, I-I am so sorry I couldn't be here for the funeral. You know, I just couldn't.

Mac: I know. I understand. It's, uh, it's been almost a year now. I still can't believe she's gone.

Lucy: I know. Well, the best way to preserve her memory, I think, is by reviving the tradition of the Nurses' Ball, right?

Mac: I think you're right. But the hospital doesn't have the money.

Lucy: Well, luckily the Quartermaines have agreed to underwrite the ball.

Mac: That's very generous of them.

Lucy: Uh, yeah. Well, it's not -- it's not exactly a "them." It's sort of -- look, I'm not really clear which one of them is going to actually write the check.

A.J.: Hey, Alexis. You're looking good.

Alexis: What do you want, A.J.?

A.J.: Uh, I was looking for my son. I understood he was here.

Alexis: Your son's in there with my daughter. You go near my daughter, you won't live to see tomorrow.

Kristina: Connie told Trey that she hated him, wish he'd never been born, and she's supposed to know what he'd want?

Michael: Legally, she's his next of kin. It's up to her to decide.

Kristina: I never should have signed that annulment. Then I'd be the one making the decisions.

Michael: Maybe it matters that you and Trey were married, okay? You could file a petition with the court to try and be his guardian.

[Monitor beeping]

Kristina: I need to talk to my mother. She'd know.

A.J.: Alexis, I'm sorry for the pain that I caused you. I really am.

Alexis: Me, too.

A.J.: But I've changed.

Alexis: I'm sorry, too, A.J. I don't care about the alcohol, A.J. That's just a symptom.

A.J.: [Sighs]

Alexis: You are the problem. You're vindictive. You're spiteful. You don't take responsibility for anything that you've done. You wreak havoc everywhere you go, and then you expect your mommy to pick up the pieces.

A.J.: Okay, you know what? Stop right there. Don't bring my mother into this. This was my choice to come back here. I came back to have a chance with my son.

Alexis: Poor Michael. What has it been? A week before you set out to work on dismantling his life?

A.J.: Dismantling because I told him the truth? Because Carly and Sonny have lied to him for years?

Alexis: You set up Sonny to make him look bad in front of his kid.

A.J.: Wait a minute. He did that all by himself.

Alexis: You alienated him against his own son.

A.J.: Sonny stole Michael.

Alexis: He's a better man than you.

[Door opens]

Alexis: He's a better father than you. You have not changed, A.J. You are still vindictive and as petty as you ever were.

Elizabeth: What happened?

Sabrina: I -- I guess I totally misread what happened between Patrick and me on New Year's.

Elizabeth: You mean the almost-kiss at midnight?

Sabrina: There was no almost-kiss. At least, not one Patrick wanted.

Elizabeth: What do you mean?

Sabrina: I mean, I-I guess I must have just gotten carried away with my own fantasies because -- Patrick thinks I was throwing myself at him.

Elizabeth: Wait a minute. You are so not a thrower.

Sabrina: Yeah, well, Patrick thinks that it was all one-sided and that I tried to kiss him. And it made him horribly uncomfortable.

Elizabeth: Wait. Why would Patrick think it was all one-sided? Did he say something?

Sabrina: No. No, of course not.

Elizabeth: Then where is all of this coming from?

Sabrina: Dr. Westbourne. [Scoffs] She says that he was really embarrassed.

Britt: You have a problem with your babysitter?

Patrick: Ex-babysitter. She quit.

Britt: Really? I'm so surprised. Did she say why?

Patrick: She didn't have time in her schedule. She, uh, had other priorities and that she didn't want me and Emma to count on her.

Britt: Wow. I have to give her credit for admitting she was stretched too thin.

Patrick: Emma really liked her. I don't -- I don't know how I'm gonna tell her.

Britt: Well, I'll help you.

Patrick: Thank you, but, you know, I got to -- I got to talk to her and try and find someway to compromise.

Britt: That's -- that's the worst thing that you could do.

Patrick: Why would you say that?

Britt: Well, 'cause then Sabrina will feel obligated to keep babysitting, and you don't want her to compromise her studies, do you?

Connie: What are you doing here?

Sonny: Just wanted to see you.

Connie: Why, Sonny? You gonna gloat? Why don't you make yourself useful and find Diane miller for me?

Sonny: Diane's busy at the moment. Todd Manning's been charged with kidnapping and fraud, and your husband is looking at about, uh, three counts of murder.

Connie: You're loving this, aren't you?

Sonny: Johnny made his own bed. You, that's another story.

Connie: I don't care what they charge me with, Sonny. I got to make bail so I can go see my kid.

Sonny: I'd be happy to pay your bail.

Connie: What's the catch?

Alexis: You're a coward. You faked your own death rather than face what you've done. You're not fooling anyone, A.J. Certainly not me. And I see right through you, and Michael will soon see right through you, as well. He'll see --

A.J.: Where the hell do you get off judging me, lady? Huh? After the crap that you pulled to keep --

Michael: This is not the time or the place.

A.J.: I'm sorry.

Michael: Look, Kristy needs you.

[Monitor beeping]

Kristina: This isn't Trey. This isn't the person I knew. This is just a body, a shell.

Alexis: Honey, the doctors were very clear. There's no brain activity.

Kristina: He needs to be able to die with dignity, mom. But Connie is so selfish. She's not gonna let that happen.

Alexis: Well, let's hope someone will be able to get through to her.

Sonny: There's no catch. I just think that, at this point, you should see your son.

Connie: Don't pretend to me that you care about Trey. He's always been a problem for her. He married your precious, little daughter. His father wanted to steal your business. You want him dead. And that's why you want me out of here, Sonny, to do your little dirty work.

Sonny: I learned to respect Trey, especially after he stepped up and helped me try to get you committed.

Connie: Oh, great. Is that supposed to make me trust you now?

Sonny: Trey wanted to help you. And I -- and I think at some level, that matters to you. Now it's your chance to help him.

Connie: By turning off the machines? I'm not doing that, Sonny. I ain't pulling the plug, so you can take your bail money and get the hell out of here.

Elizabeth: So, Britt told you how Patrick felt.

Sabrina: Yeah. Well, Patrick and I were just starting to talk when Britt shows up with the test results for one of his patients, and --

Elizabeth: Oh, she was actually working? Well, that's a first.

Sabrina: Well, he'd been waiting for them. Anyway, so, he went to talk to his patient, and then Dr. Westbourne asks me what we'd just been talking about, and I just said New Year's Eve. You know, I didn't want to get into it or anything.

Elizabeth: It's none of her business.

Sabrina: Well, apparently she said that Dr. Drake told her all about it and that he'd been mortified when I tried to kiss him.

Elizabeth: So, Britt said that Patrick said he was mortified?

Sabrina: He now thinks that I have a crush on him and that the whole hospital knows and I put him in a terrible position.

Elizabeth: What? How?

Sabrina: Well, he could be brought up on sexual-harassment charges or he could lose his career, lose his reputation all because I tried to kiss him.

Elizabeth: I don't think that would happen.

Sabrina: How long would it take to arrange a transfer to another hospital?

Patrick: I don't think it's a bad thing that I talk to Sabrina grateful. But look, the workload got too much for her, and Sabrina's trying to bow out gracefully. The nicest thing you can do is let her.

Patrick: I get that, but I feel bad for Emma.

Britt: Well, she'll get over it. You just can't make a big deal about it.

Patrick: All right. Well, maybe you're right.

Britt: Mm-hmm. That's not all I'm right about.

Patrick: Yeah? What's that?

Britt: You really need a shower.

Patrick: [Chuckles] I agree.

Michael: So, what'd you want to talk about? [Clears throat]

A.J.: Michael, listen. I've asked the shareholders who are supporting me to sign a corporate resolution that would remove Tracy as the C.E.O. Now, since Carly is allowing you to vote your shares, your signature effectively -- it puts us in a tie. I mean, we're deadlocked. Which means that Lucy Coe, who is the outside shareholder, she's got the deciding vote.

Michael: And Lucy Coe agreed to give you her support?

A.J.: Not officially, but I got to tell you, I think I got through to her.

Michael: [Sighs] Okay. Where's the form?

A.J.: Right here. Um -- Michael, I -- I can't tell you what this means to me that you're going along with me on this, that you believe in me. I -- hey, we're gonna run this company. You and I are gonna run ELQ, father and son.

Michael: I hope it works.

A.J.: Yeah. You know, I want more than anything to be C.E.O. Of ELQ and to make this work. But even more than that, I really want a chance to be your father.

Tracy: I'm sorry I'm late.

Lucy: Hmm. No worries. I am just so surprised that Tracy Quartermaine would grace the presence of a roadhouse. No offense, Mac. You know I love this place. I really, really do.

Tracy: It has a certain charm. Um, and a perfect martini. And the ribs, well, they are the best I've ever had. Would you bring us both, please, a "Floating Rib" special?

Mac: And a perfect martini.

Lucy: Hmm. You know, I do love ribs and martinis as much as the next girl, but if you want my vote and my 1% of ELQ, you're gonna have to do a lot better than pork and vodka.

Tracy: Will this do? Before the sneeze, help protect with a spray.

A.J.: You know, Michael, all those years when I was away, I-I would dream of having a chance like this. You just made this a reality for me, and I want you to know you're not gonna regret going in with me.

Michael: I'm glad you're finally getting your chance.

A.J.: See you.

Elizabeth: Listen, I know you're embarrassed that Britt barged into your conversation --

Sabrina: Elizabeth, I'm humiliated.

Elizabeth: Think about it. None of this came from Patrick. It all came from her.

Sabrina: Yeah, but he told her.

Elizabeth: Oh, eh, not necessarily.

Sabrina: What are you saying? That she would lie to me?

Elizabeth: Come on. We all know how Britt can manipulate the truth. We saw with the first Nurses' Ball meeting when she "accidentally" told the world about your -- your fake crush on my brother. And besides, she's dating Patrick. Oh, trying to, at least. So she can't really be objective.

Sabrina: Well, I guess it's possible that she overheard Patrick and me talking about our almost-kiss.

Elizabeth: Okay, you know what I think? I think that you should forget about Britt, forget about her motives and what she knows or does not know, and if you really want to know what Patrick is feeling, ask him.

Sabrina: What? You want me to ask him? I couldn't -- I can't ask him.

Elizabeth: You guys are friends, right? And you -- you built a relationship with Emma. Don't you owe it to yourself to just figure out what's going on?

Sabrina: Well, I guess I can't make it any worse than it already is.

Elizabeth: Anything's better than letting Britt maneuver this.

Sabrina: Wait a minute. You really don't like her, do you?

Elizabeth: All I'm going to say is that my favorite DVD copy, "Christina comes home for Christmas," went missing after Britt Westbourne left the hospital one night. So, if she can steal a Christmas movie, she's capable of anything. Now go. Go talk to him.

Sabrina: You're right. I need to settle this with Patrick.

A.J.: Excuse me. Is this where the, uh, meeting for the nurses' -- hi.

Elizabeth: You're here for the Nurses' Ball?

A.J.: I get it, all right? How can a reprobate like A.J. Quartermaine possibly want to do anything that would help the --

Elizabeth: Slow down. Slow down. I'm in the middle of making packets. If you're here for the meeting, I was just going to hand you one. There you go.

A.J.: Sorry. Um -- it just kind of seems like everyone I'm running in to these days has a major attitude with me.

Elizabeth: Oh.

A.J.: Sorry.

Elizabeth: Well, not everyone. Monica believes in you.

A.J.: She kind of has to. She's my mom.

[Both laugh] So, uh, you were talking to her?

Elizabeth: She just wanted to say thank you for patching you up for that little, uh, incident, that boxing incident you had with Sonny. And she kind of suggested that, well --

A.J.: She suggested what? No, no. Wait, wait. You were talking to her and she suggested something. What did she say?

Elizabeth: She suggested that I could be your friend.

A.J.: I mean, no, that would be -- look, uh, in true Quartermaine fashion, I assume my mother has decided to, uh, round me up a social life. I'm embarrassed.

Elizabeth: I think she just wants to make sure that you have someone to talk to, like all moms want for their sons.

A.J.: In any event, I'm sorry. I mean, she, you know, she had no right to impose on you.

Elizabeth: It's okay. The truth is, I could always use a friend.

Tracy: It's really very simple. ELQ is prepared to buy out CoeCoe cosmetics and underwrite the Nurses' Ball. Deal?

Lucy: [Clears throat] Sorry. You see, the conditions at CoeCoe cosmetics have deteriorated even further. Not only am I being investigated by the S.E.C., The F.D.A. Apparently thinks that I might be using, shall we say, something a little off in my red lipstick with the dye.

Tracy: You're selling toxic lipstick?

Lucy: No. Nothing's been proven. And the color really is to die for.

Tracy: Apparently.

Lucy: Beg your pardon?

Tracy: It must be terrible to be the focus of such a malicious investigation.

Lucy: Well, thank you. The truth of the matter, it really is breaking my heart 'cause I'm gonna have to liquidate CoeCoe cosmetics, which means I don't need a bailout. But, however, there is something that I do need.

Tracy: Yes?

Lucy: I need a job, and I was thinking I could work at ELQ.

Tracy: Absolutely. Done. I will call H.R. We'll find you something in promotions, public relations, marketing.

Lucy: No, no, no, no. I want to be C.E.O.

Tracy: [Laughs]

Lucy: [Laughs]

Tracy: I'm C.E.O.

Lucy: I know. I know you are. I want to be coe-C.E.O. See what I'm doing with this? C-o-E. C-e-O. Coe-C.E.O.

Tracy: Oh, that is so clever and so impossible. We won't be working together.

Lucy: Well, then, I guess I'm just gonna have to give my vote to A.J. And you'll be out.

Tracy: You wouldn't dare.

Lucy: Yes, I would. And it's your call. Coe-C.E.O. Or no C.E.O.

Britt: Do you want me to leave?

Sabrina: Dr. Drake, are you in here?

[Water running]

Sabrina: Dr. Drake?

Kristina: I love you, Trey. [Voice breaking] And I never got to tell you how much.

[Monitor beeping]

Kristina: And now you're -- you'll never know. [Sobs]

Connie: [Whistles] You're still here.

Sonny: I told you I'm not going anywhere.

Connie: No, you told Kate. I'm not Kate.

Sonny: Yeah, you're Connie, and, you know, that's for sure. And for a long time, I thought that was a problem because I thought I had to get through Connie to get to Kate.

Connie: You had a change of heart?

Sonny: Well, I saw the way you were at the hospital, how badly you felt for Trey.

Connie: Here we go.

Sonny: The mother in you coming out. Um, how guilty you felt for leaving him at the boarding house, the regret you must have felt because you haven't been able to, you know, get to know --

Connie: Is this supposed to be a pep talk, Sonny?

Sonny: You felt helpless and scared and angry at the doctors for not giving you more of a choice.

Connie: What would that be, exactly?

Sonny: This is your choice. You can leave Trey as he is -- without any brain function, hooked up to those machines, watching his body waste away, or you can let him go.

Connie: Why the hell am I supposed to listen to you, huh? You hate him.

Sonny: I don't hate Trey. You can ask my daughter. They were about to go to California to live together. I gave them my blessing.

Connie: Well, what can I say? You're a saint.

Sonny: No. I'm just a father.

Connie: All right. Okay. Tell me this, Sonny, as one parent to another, if that was Michael laying there in that bed, would you end his life? Um, hello.

Sonny: Do you share all of Kate's memories?

Connie: You're unbelievable, Sonny. My kid is on life support, and now you're picking this as a time to get through to Kate?

Sonny: She was with me, standing right there when someone tried to kill me. I grabbed her, pushed her out of the way, but my son took the bullet in the head.

Connie: Yeah, I know that. I was there.

Sonny: He was in a coma, and he wasn't expected to live.

Connie: Like Trey, right? Michael made a full recovery. Trey will, too.

Sonny: He had experimental surgery. He had about a 50% chance that he wasn't gonna make it. But Michael would have wanted me to take that chance because, uh, you know, if he can't be fully alive, he wouldn't want to live like that, trapped in his own body.

Connie: Like Trey.

Sonny: Come here. Just listen. Trey, he's brain-dead. Okay. And they can keep his body going on machines and everything indefinitely. But he's not like Michael, okay? He's not like Michael. Do you understand?

Connie: Why are you telling me this?

Sonny: Because you asked me, as a parent, what I would do if Michael was in his place, if I -- if I knew that -- that my son would be living with machines keeping him alive for the rest of his life. That's no -- that's no way to live for him.

Connie: Sonny, he's my kid. I haven't done a damn thing for him his whole life, and now you're telling me that I have to be the one to end it.

Sonny: You got the power to set him free. I know it's not gonna be easy. But you know what? You're not gonna be alone 'cause I'll be with you every step of the way.

Sabrina: Dr. Drake? Patrick?

[Water running]

Elizabeth: So, how are you involved in the Nurses' Ball?

A.J.: ELQ's gonna pick up the tab. Once I can get Lucy Coe to sign on to my coalition --

Lucy: Hello, every -- body. Hi, Elizabeth. Hi, A.J. Where are the rest of the volunteers? We're gonna need all hands on deck for this undertaking.

A.J.: We're a little bit early, so maybe you and I can finish our little business together. Now, listen, I have this, uh, resolution of no confidence. It's gonna allow me to remove Tracy as C.E.O. Please just sign this and we'll be done with this.

Tracy: Hmm. Too late. Lucy and I just signed our agreement.

Kristina: Where is everybody?

Alexis: They -- they're in the chapel. They're saying a prayer for Trey.

Kristina: Where's dad?

Sonny: I'm right here.

Michael: Why is Connie here? I thought she was in lockup.

Sonny: I posted bail, Michael.

Kristina: Why? This all happened because of Connie. If she didn't kidnap Johnny and try to get away, she would have never would have caused the accident and Trey and I would be on a plane to L.A. Right now.

Alexis: Kristina. As hard as it is, you have to try not to be angry right now, and let's just focus on what's best for Trey.

Kristina: She doesn't give a damn of what's best for Trey.

Connie: What if you're wrong? What if I do?

Kristina: Trey can't breathe right now. A machine is breathing for him. He's trapped in a body he can never use, and you just want to leave him like that, because you feel guilty?!

Sonny: Kristina, I talked to Connie --

Connie: I'll do it. It's the right thing to do. And I know that now.

Kristina: What is?

Connie: I'll take Trey off life support. I'll let him go. May I please see him first?

[Monitor beeping]

Britt: Sorry. [Sighs] That was -- more amazing than I expected.

Patrick: It's a lot wetter, too.

Britt: [Laughs] Yes. Next time, dry land.

Patrick: It's a date. Just got to figure out my babysitting issue now.

Sabrina: [Sniffles]

A.J.: Lucy, you're making a huge mistake here. When the S.E.C. Comes down on Tracy, you're gonna go down with her.

Lucy: Well, Tracy assures me that that is impossible.

Tracy: Yes, because there's not gonna be an S.E.C. Investigation because there's no evidence of wrongdoing. My record is flawless. Yours is not.

Lucy: Okay, that is true. I am a firm believer in second chances and third and fourth, but in this case, the charges against you were just dropped. It's not quite the same as being acquitted. I'm sorry.

Tracy: Besides, what about all the other crimes on your rap sheet, not to mention the fact that you're an abysmal businessman? Remember when you ran the Charles street foundation?

A.J.: I was barely out of college! Besides, I was being --

Tracy: Your skill set qualifies you for one thing. Well, actually, two. You're a trust-fund deadbeat. You play a decent game of tennis, and you know how to hold up a bar stool.

A.J.: Lucy, that's not true. She is running this company into the ground! But with your help, I can turn everything around!

Lucy: Look, I am so sorry. I'm sorry. I know you're disappointed. But look, I am sort of at this extreme crossroads in my career, too. And I'm looking for new opportunities, and Tracy offered me a very attractive package.

A.J.: Okay. I'll double it. Whatever it is, I'll double it.

Tracy: Don't grovel, A.J. It's very unappealing.

Lucy: [Sighs] I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. But really, a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do, you know?

A.J.: And what? The hell with ELQ? She's gonna destroy this company!

Sabrina: [Gasps]

A.J.: I'm sorry.

Sabrina: No, it's okay.

A.J.: Always crashing into something.

Sabrina: It's okay. [Sniffles]

Patrick: Sabrina. Do you have a second? Can we -- can we, uh, just talk for a second?

Sabrina: I think we've said all we need to say.

Kristina: So, what happens now?

Alexis: Well, I go talk to the hospital administrator to get the forms that Connie needs to sign so the hospital can take Trey off life support.

Kristina: I'll go with you. Thank you, dad.

Sonny: Hey. It's gonna be all right, okay?

Kristina: Yeah.

Sonny: All right?

Kristina: Mm-hmm.

Sonny: Okay.

Kristina: [Sighs]

Alexis: Let's go, honey.

Michael: How did you get Connie to change her mind?

Sonny: You know, I just did something different. I talked to her like she was a real person. And then she asked me how I would feel if it were you in Trey's place and got me thinking about when you got shot, you know, when you were in a coma.

Michael: I'm fine now.

Sonny: Your mom and I, we got a miracle, you know, when you woke up. And I know, you know, I know how Connie feels. She's scared. She's desperate. She's got a lot guilt 'cause there's nothing worse in the world -- than feeling like you -- you failed your kid.

Michael: Dad, you never failed me -- or anyone. Just the opposite, actually. I mean, you went to Connie for Kristina.

Sonny: It kills me how much pain that my daughter's in. But if Connie signs those papers and Trey dies, what am I gonna tell Kate when she comes back? Trey's gone, and she never got a chance to know him?

Michael: I'm here for you, dad, okay?

Sonny: I know. I know, son.

Connie: I never knew you, Trey. We might as well have been strangers. But we're not. Okay, let's be honest. I was a lousy mother. I was no mother at all, really, because when you were born, I put you in a drawer and I ran away. I gave you life, and now I got to be the one to end it?

[Monitor beeping]

Connie: It's, like, we -- we had a start and an end and -- and nothing in between. And I'll tell you what, kid -- Trey -- I didn't know what to do with you, a kid. And all those things that I said to you about wishing you were never born and wishing you were dead -- I'm sorry that I said that. I didn't mean that. Okay? [Sighs] You're handsome. I'll give you that. And I hear you're pretty smart, too. I hope you had a good life up till now. I should have taken the time to get to know you, and I did not do that, and that is on me. You know, I was -- I was really surprised when you came and said goodbye to me. Why did you do that? Huh? I'm nothing to you, Trey. But you did. You said goodbye. I guess it's my turn, huh? [Sighs] [Voice breaking] Oh, my God. Your hands are warm. [Sniffles] [Sighs] Oh, God. I can't do this. I don't want to let you die. Check out my new treadmill app.

Lucy: I do think I hurt A.J.'s feelings.

Elizabeth: Hey. Okay, so, what happened? Did you talk to Patrick?

Sabrina: No.

Elizabeth: Oh.

Sabrina: He was busy taking a shower with Dr. Westbourne.

Elizabeth: Oh.

Britt: Hey. Shall we sit? I think it's about to start.

Patrick: Yeah.

Lucy: [Sighs] Okay. Thank you. All right. Hi, everybody. Welcome. And let's get started, shall we? I think everybody here, uh, knows who I am, but I will introduce myself again. I am Lucy Coe, and I'm very, very excited. Now, remember, we're gonna have to work very hard and very, very close together, because it's official. The Nurses' Ball is a go.

Elizabeth: Yay!

Lucy: Yay. And that is thanks to our dear friends at ELQ. Um, excuse me. Uh, Tracy, the check, um, from ELQ is not signed.

Tracy: Oh, sorry. Oversight. Pen?

Lucy: Okay. And thank you, Tracy.

Tracy: Don't mention it. Really. Ever again.

Elizabeth: Well, congratulations. You did it.

Sabrina: Excuse me.

[Door opens]

Lucy: Well, you know, I do feel bad for A.J. I think he was very, very disappointed.

Tracy: He'll find a way to drown his sorrows.

A.J.: [Sighs]

Mac: I'm gonna go home and check on Felicia. Will you hold down the fort until Coleman gets here?

Sure thing, Mac.

Mac: Great.

So, what's your pleasure? Why don't you give me a holler when you decide?

Sonny: I appreciate you being here. It means a lot to me.

Michael: Yeah. Where else would I be, dad?

Sonny: You got -- you got to take care of your sister now, okay? You got to be a big brother, and you go to do -- whatever she needs, you give it to her.

Michael: Yeah. She can count on me. And so can you.

Sonny: All right.

Michael: How'd it go?

Alexis: The legal team is sending over the papers that Connie needs to sign.

Sonny: All right. I'll go get her.

Michael: Hey. How you holding up?

Kristina: I'm okay, I think. Kind of just gone numb. I just try to focus on setting Trey free. Dad? Where's Connie?

Sonny: She's gone.

Connie: A double vodka.

Sure thing.

Connie: Keep 'em coming. [Sniffs]

Connie: I'm sorry. I know I'm your mother. I can't do this. I can't pull the plug.

Michael: Seeing Trey like that makes you realize how lucky I am -- that I recovered and that I have a life. But I know if it was different, if I was brain-dead with no hope -- I'd want you to let me go.

Connie: [Sniffles] I'll have another one.

You got it.

Connie: [Sniffles] Hey. Yeah, you. I'll buy you a drink?

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