GH Transcript Wednesday 1/9/13

General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 1/9/13


Provided By Suzanne

[Cell phone rings]

Anna: Luke? Where are you?

Luke: Still a guest of the Turkish authorities.

Anna: My God. We've been so worried about you. We haven't heard from you.

Luke: Well, I finally greased the right palm. My friend here allowed me the use of my phone. So, how's everything in the chuckles?

Anna: I don't know. I'm in Switzerland.

Luke: Switzerland? What, are you still looking for Robin?

Anna: No, not Robin.

Luke: What? Are you okay?

Anna: You were right about everything... about Duke. I fell for the whole thing. He was an imposter.

Sabrina: Dr. Drake!

Patrick: Hi.

Sabrina: Hi. I-it's good that I ran into you.

Patrick: Yeah, it is.

Both: Listen, I just --

Sabrina: [Laughs]

Patrick: We need to talk about New Year's Eve.

Sabrina: New Year's Eve? Yeah, I -- I think that's a good idea.

Ellie: I can't stand the thought of you alone, on that roof, waiting in vain for my arrival, assuming the worst -- that I turned my --

Spinelli: I did assume the worst... but -- but I... I -- I wasn't alone.

Ellie: You weren't alone?

Spinelli: I had a companion.

Ellie: I don't understand. Who were you with last night?

Maxie: "Lulu and Dante, I'm so sorry I have to tell you this..."

[Keys clacking]

[Knock on door]

Maxie: Dante, wow. That was fast.

Dante: Yeah, I had someone to cover me at the hospital. Lulu's on her way.

Maxie: Good.

Dante: Yeah. So, I know you said it wasn't an emergency, but, uh... the way your voice sounded, I don't know if I believe you. What's up?

Sam: Just give me a sign, Jason, please. [Breathes deeply]

[Knock on door]

Sam: Jason.

Carly: You traded Sam and Jason's healthy little boy for tea's dead son. And then you lied to me about it. You swore on your daughter's life that you didn't do it. What kind of parent does that?

Todd: The kind of parent that loses his child. I lost Starr. Tell me I haven't lost you, too.

Carly: I went to Sam's apartment this morning to admit that I was wrong about you. I would've rather crawled on glass. But I had to be honest -- with her and myself -- that this friendship I thought we had was never real.

Todd: It was real for me. Never had a friend before --

Carly: Shut up. Shut up. I do not want to hear excuses from you. I want to know why you did it... and why you couldn't tell me the truth and why you couldn't be honest with me.

Todd: I-I was. I did it.

Carly: No.

Todd: Carly... the story of what happened that night is so convoluted, I'm not sure I even know what the truth is at this point.

Carly: Try me. Come on. Just -- just try me. I want every detail of why you gave Jason's son away.

Sam: John, hi.

McBain: How are you, Sam?

Sam: Just a little surprised to see you.

McBain: Why's that?

Sam: Oh, I don't know. You -- you told me that you were gonna go work for the PCPD and help me find my husband, and disappeared. I haven't really heard from you.

McBain: Yeah, I'm sorry about that. May I?

Sam: Yeah.

McBain: Something, uh... kind of came up. I had to go to Switzerland.

Sam: Switzerland?

McBain: Yeah, investigating Duke Lavery. Turns out he wasn't Duke Lavery after all.

Luke: It was Faison... wearing a Duke Lavery mask?

Anna: Yeah, I know. Isn't it unbelievable?

Luke: It's incredible. What did he do to you, Anna?

Anna: Nothing... other than destroy my faith in my own judgment... and turn every memory I have of Duke against me. Other than that, I'm fine... thanks to Robert.

Luke: Well, I guess I made the right call in sending him your way.

Anna: Robert got hurt.

Luke: Well, he's gonna pull through, right?

Anna: The doctor's with him right now. Holly's here. She's in Switzerland.

Luke: Then it's serious.

[Door opens]

Anna: Um, I've got to go, okay? The doctor's here.

Luke: You take care of yourself. And, uh... keep an eye on that old bastard for me, will you?

Anna: I promise I will, yeah. He's all right? He's gonna be all right, isn't he?

Patrick: Britt said that she paid you for babysitting Emma.

Sabrina: Yeah, yeah, she did. That's right.

Patrick: Yeah, you left without saying goodbye.

Sabrina: I-I didn't want to get in the way. You know, Dr. Westbourne's the one you planned on kissing at midnight, not me.

Spinelli: When you didn't arrive at our appointed location... I took the regrettable course of drinking myself to oblivion. And, uh... so, I was... I was quite intoxicated and wallowing in a considerable amount of self-pity. One thing led to another and... I ended up with Maxie.

Lulu: Knock-knock. Is everything okay?

Dante: Yeah, everything's fine.

Lulu: Oh. Thank God. You have no idea how hard I was trying not to have a panic attack on the way over here. I kept telling myself, if something was wrong, you would have told me over the phone.

Maxie: I just wanted to explain in more detail.

Lulu: Of course nothing could be wrong, because if it had, you would have called me like you promised you would on the way to the hospital on New Year's Eve. So, now that I can stop having a heart attack, why did you want to see us?

Maxie: Okay. I asked both of you here because I need to tell you something... about the baby.

Todd: From the minute I saw tea's child, I knew that there was a problem, and tea begged me to go get help, and so I did. But the only help that I could find was Heather, and Heather said that she knew what to do. But it was too late. Tea's child was already dead.

Carly: Was Heather there when Sam showed up?

Todd: No, she was off burying Anthony. And the next thing I know, the door opens, and some woman stumbles in and passes out on the floor.

Carly: Sam.

Todd: Yes, Sam. I go to Sam, and I try and help her. There's nothing I can do. I hear a baby crying outside. I go out onto the porch, and there in the planter... a perfectly healthy baby boy. So I picked the child up... and I hold him in my arms. And tea stumbles out of the woods, and she takes the child from my arms.

Carly: [Sighs]

Todd: Carly, I -- I didn't know what to do. And then Heather shows up again.

Carly: She saw everything that was going on, and she told you not to tell.

Todd: Worse than that. She told me that Sam didn't even want this child, that Sam was bringing this baby to an abandoned shack in the woods to leave him there. She told me that this child would have a better life if he was raised by Téa.

Carly: You took the easy way out, Todd.

Todd: There was nothing easy about what I did! I -- I -- I went outside! I'm trying to talk to tea! I-I'm gonna tell her everything! And then... and then the cell service returns, and so I call an ambulance.

Carly: And you leave Sam, unconscious, with a dead baby and Heather Webber.

Todd: Yes.

Carly: Yes.

Todd: And like every stupid choice I've ever made before, this one spiral's right out of control. And there's nothing I can do about it. But, Carly, please tell me you understand why I gave Sam's kid to tea.

Carly: I do understand. I'm Jennifer Hudson.

Lulu: Maxie, what about the baby?

Maxie: The thing is, um... it's kind of complicated, but, um... what I need to tell you is...

[Cell phone rings]

Lulu: I'm so sorry. I just -- I have to make sure it's not... oh, my God, it's my dad. I'm so sorry. I have to take this.

Maxie: No, you should -- you should definitely answer that.

Lulu: Dad, is that you?

Luke: Far as I can tell.

Lulu: Thank God! I've been so worried.

Luke: Yeah, well, I'm sorry about the radio silence. I...wasn't allowed my telephone privileges until now.

Lulu: Uh, all that Robert told me is that you're in turkey?

Luke: Yes, I am, indeed.

Lulu: And you haven't had access to a phone because...?

Luke: Oh, it's a little matter of incarceration.

Lulu: You've been in a Turkish prison this whole time?

Dante: Let me get his information.

Luke: Yeah, but don't worry. I've had a couple of conversations with the American consulate, and they'll get me out. Just, uh... takes a little time.

Lulu: Please, dad, don't break out on your own. It will only make everything worse.

Luke: Right. How are you?

Lulu: I'm...fine. I'm better than fine. Um... you're not gonna believe what's happened.

Luke: The bills are in the playoffs?

Lulu: Maxie's pregnant.

Luke: Well, whatever makes you happy, cupcake.

Lulu: No, you don't understand. Maxie has agreed to be our surrogate, and the baby that she's carrying is ours -- mine and Dante's. You're gonna be a grandfather. Again.

Spinelli: I wish I had a better explanation than I was drunk, but...

Ellie: Why would you need an explanation? I mean, obviously, you went back to my apartment to look for me, right? And when you saw that Maxie was alone, you just decided to keep her company.

Spinelli: Well, I'm not sure "keep company" is the phrase I would use.

Ellie: I'm relieved.

Spinelli: You're relieved?

Britt: Sorry to interrupt. I was picking up some lab reports, and I saw the results had come in for one of your patients. Ellie Trout?

Patrick: Right, miss Trout. I was looking for this.

Sabrina: Is everything okay, Dr. Drake?

Patrick: I need to talk to miss Trout.

Spinelli: I'm sure your mind is more than a little clouded by the opiates, but I need to tell you --

Ellie: Yeah, they have dulled my synapses a bit.

Spinelli: Okay, well, then I'm asking you to concentrate, because I really need to clarify exactly what --

[Knock on door]

Patrick: Miss Trout.

Ellie: Dr. Drake.

[Door closes]

Ellie: I've seen you in the hall so often, but I don't think we've actually met. Please, call me Ellie.

Patrick: Nice to meet you, Ellie. I have the results of your C.T. and your MRI. Oh, well, I'm glad to know my colleagues haven't been slacking off for the holidays. A technician's job is never done. So, tell me -- what does the report say?

Doctor: Mr. Scorpio remains comatose, with limited brain activity.

Anna: Yeah, but he's not gonna be like that forever, is he?

Doctor: The sedative compromised his lung function. It is possible the brain was deprived of oxygen. There's no predicting when or if he will recover.

Duke: I'm sure there must be something that you could do to help him.

Doctor: I'm sorry. We have no way to treat this. All we can do is make him as comfortable as possible.

Anna: [Sniffles] Gosh. Well, he's not gonna die. You know, I mean, he can't. He's Robert. He's insufferable. He's too mean to die. [Sniffles] You know, I can't stand the sight of him half the time. But I really need him in my life.

McBain: Faison was in custody. Anna realized he might be holding the real Lavery prisoner.

Sam: Did you find him?

McBain: Yeah. Faison was holding Lavery in a clinic. Anna's with him now.

Sam: Okay, well, at least you found out the truth before Faison could hurt more people.

McBain: Yeah.

McBain: Why is it you don't seem entirely happy about that?

Sam: John, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's just that... I thought maybe you would have more information about Jason's shooting, but, you know, I guess you were pretty busy in Switzerland.

McBain: No. Actually, I made some progress.

Sam: What do you mean? You have information?

McBain: I do. I know who shot Jason.

Carly: I believed in you. I did. And every time you told me you were a horrible person, it made me think that you weren't at all. And I let myself be vulnerable with you. And I slept with you. And you humiliated me. Why?

Todd: Because of Jason.

Lulu: So, when the American consulate gets you released, which will hopefully be soon, you will have even more family to come home to.

Luke: Hey, biff, I'm gonna be a grandfather. He's as thrilled as I am.

[Muffled shouting]


Luke: Hey, what's going on? What, are you throwing me a surprise party, here? [Chuckles]

Lulu: Dad, is something wrong?

Luke: Uh, no, no. It's just, uh... so, it's time for the early shift of exercise. I'm on the late shift, so we get plenty of time. Tell me more about this prospective grandkid.

Lulu: I mean, there's not much to tell. Maxie's been fantastic, and --

[Pounding on door]

[Cell phone clatters]

Lulu: Dad? What was that?

Patrick: Before we discuss them, I'd just like to verify the results. Is that all right?

Ellie: Empirical evidence is the best.

Patrick: That's right. So I'm just gonna do a little test on your feet here, and you're gonna let me know when you feel something, okay?

Ellie: Sure.

Patrick: Ellie? You gonna let me know when you feel something?

Ellie: Of course, yeah. Just let me know when you've started.

Patrick: Did you feel that?

Ellie: No.

Patrick: No.

Ellie: They gave me morphine. I can barely feel anything.

Patrick: Okay. What about this?

Ellie: Nothing.

Spinelli: Is it possible that her numbness is narcotically induced?

Patrick: Not to this degree, no.

Ellie: Then why can't I feel what you're doing? Is there something wrong with my legs?

Britt: I saw you and Patrick with your heads together just now. What were you talking about?

Sabrina: Oh, uh, nothing. Nothing much. Just New Year's Eve.

Britt: Right, right. He had mentioned something happened between you that night.

Sabrina: He did? When?

Britt: After you left. I think his exact words were that he was mortified.

Sabrina: Mortified? By what?

Britt: Something that happened at midnight?

Sabrina: What exactly did he say?

Britt: That you tried to kiss him.

Anna: He'd hate this. You know, being in there. Rotting away on a bed. People seeing him so helpless. You know, in all the years I've known him, he's never been scared of death. This would terrify him. [Breathes deeply] It all could have been avoided if I'd listened to him sooner. Ohh! Don't!

Sam: I don't understand. I thought you were working on the Faison case.

McBain: His case is connected to Jason's.

Sam: How?

McBain: Faison needed to fund his activities here in Port Charles. He arranged to loot Sonny's bank accounts with the help of Joe Scully.

Sam: They were working together.

McBain: Scully was acting on Faison's orders when he went after your sister. I guess the plan was they'd have Sonny's accountant sign over all the money to Kristina, Kristina dies, Trey inherits. At that point, Trey signs over the money to Lavery, A.K.A. Faison.

Sam: Yeah, that's why Bernie needed to see Jason that night.

McBain: When Jason showed up at the pier... Faison shot him.

Sam: You saw Faison. What did he say? John, what did he tell you? What did he say about my husband? Where's my husband?

Todd: When I figured out that... he was Sam's husband and that it was his kid that I accidentally switched... well, I thought that might be something that would come between us. I didn't think you were gonna forgive me for something like that.

Carly: Did it ever occur to you that I might be able to fix things?

Todd: No. How? Please tell me -- how could you fix things?

Carly: I would have gone to Jason, and I would have talked to him. And I would have explained to him the whole story just like you explained it to me. And I would have told him he could help Sam get her baby back, but he had to stay away from you, and Jason would have done that, no questions asked.

Todd: No, I -- I didn't think of that. Mm. It's all your fault.

Carly: Yeah, it's my fault.

Todd: It is. It's your fault.

Carly: My fault that you lied to me. That's great.

Todd: Do you remember -- hey, pathogen scare, right? We're sitting at the hospital. We're on the steps. Do you remember that? And you looked at me? All sweaty, looked ghastly. You were so beautiful. You were so beautiful to me. And you smiled. And I thought, "wow. I don't want to die, 'cause I like that smile. I wanted more time with you.

Carly: The truth always comes out. You have to know that.

Todd: I didn't care. I just didn't want to lose you. Please forgive me, Carly. E announcer]

Rocky had no idea why dawn

was gone for so long...

Sabrina: Okay. Dr. Drake said that I tried to kiss him?

Britt: It was highly inappropriate. I mean, how can you expect him to keep that to himself?

Sabrina: But that's not at all what happened.

Britt: Well, it's how Patrick saw it. Bottom line, Sabrina -- you're making Patrick very uncomfortable.

Patrick: The car accident you were involved in caused a spinal injury.

Ellie: Lumbar sacral?

Patrick: Yes, which is why you don't have any feeling below your waist.

Ellie: Well, I was really hoping that it was just the drugs.

Patrick: I'm sorry, but the MRI and the C.T.... confirm the diagnosis.

Spinelli: Paralysis? Is Ellie a -- a paraplegic?

Luke: Hey, honey, you still there? Lulu?

Lulu: Dad! What was that? What happened?

Luke: Oh, it's nothing, baby. It's just some of the boys in cellblock 6 complaining about room service.

Lulu: You mean like a riot?

Luke: Oh, no, it's nothing like that.

Lulu: Are you there?


Lulu: Dad!

Duke: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to -- I only wanted to comfort you.

Anna: I didn't mean to do that. I'm really sorry.

Duke: Well, it's all right. Obviously, everything you've been through and now there's this situation with Robert.

Anna: Yeah, the situation with Robert. This is gonna... this is gonna take a little.

Duke: I understand. I understand. Every time you look at me, you're gonna...see Faison.

Anna: [Shuddered breathing]

McBain: When Faison showed up at pier 52, he found Jason kneeling over Bernie's body. Look at me, please. I need to tell you this. I know you want to hear it. At that point, Faison took out his gun... and he shot Jason in the back at point-blank range. Jason staggered a few feet... and then he collapsed. At that point, Faison kicked him into the water.

Sam: No. No, Jason -- Jason -- he's a -- he's a strong swimmer, John. He could --

McBain: Faison watched him sink. He watched him sink. If the bullet didn't kill him, the water did.

Sam: How can you be so sure? Here's why I'm so sure. Faison is gonna spend the rest of his life in a cage. If he had any cards to play, he would have played those cards. He never tried to bargain with Jason. He never offered up information as to where he might be. You know why he did that? Because he's got nothing to trade.

Sam: You said that Jason never made it out of the harbor. Then where is his body?

McBain: Maybe the current pulled him out into the channel or he was pinned to the bottom. The only thing I do know is, he did not swim ashore. And he is not waiting for you somewhere, Sam. I'm sorry. Jason's gone.

Carly: You talk... a good game.

Todd: No, it's not a game. Hey. First time in my life I'm not playing games. You're really important to me.

Carly: You're important to me, too.

Todd: Okay. Fix this.

Carly: Don't you think I want to? Don't you think I want to be back... in your room, like we were last night? You made a fool of me. Yes, you did.

Todd: I didn't. I just didn't want to lose you.

Carly: You're not the only one who lost something here. Jason lost months with his son.

Carly: [Sighs]

Todd: I was locked up... in a cell. For eight years, I didn't see my children. I know what that's like. Look, at that point, I didn't even know that Jason was the kid's father. At that point, I still thought Franco was the baby's father.

Carly: What do you mean "at that point"?

Todd: What do you mean?

Carly: You just said, at that point, you didn't know that Danny was Jason's. Did you know that Jason was the father before Sam?

Dante: Yeah, you do that. They're gonna call me back when they know something.

Lulu: Well, I just -- I can't stand around here and do nothing. I have to do something.

Dante: So we go find your father.

Lulu: Both of us, right now?

Dante: Yeah. We go to turkey. It's the only way we can find him.

Lulu: Okay. All right, I'm in.

Dante: Okay.

Lulu: Wait. Wait, wait, wait. What about Maxie?

Patrick: It's possible this is a temporary condition brought on the by the swelling.

Spinelli: Well, how long would that take to resolve?

Patrick: The swelling should recede in about a week. If you do regain feeling in your legs, then you'll regain use of your legs within about six months.

Ellie: And if I don't start to regain any feeling within a week?

Patrick: We'll re-evaluate then.

Patrick: Is there any other questions?

Ellie: This is a lot to process.

Patrick: It is, and I'm sorry. I wish I had better news, but it's very important that you just try and be patient right now, okay?

Ellie: I'm not gonna lie. I'm so scared. [Sniffles] But it's gonna be better because I have you.

Sabrina: I make Dr. Drake uncomfortable?

Britt: The problem is, Sabrina, it's -- it's not just about you and Patrick anymore. Other people are starting to see your feelings, and I'm not just talking about Felix or Elizabeth Webber.

Sabrina: Who else?

Britt: Don't you think Dr. Quartermaine knows when the staff is fraternizing? I mean, she has been asking about you, which is a shame, because if anything were to ever come of your crush, Patrick would be the one to get in trouble.

Sabrina: I had no idea.

Britt: Look, unless you're trying to destroy his career... you need to distance yourself from Patrick as soon as possible.

Sam: You don't really know Jason... and how much he's survived and how... he's got so much to live for. From Patrick as soon as possible.

Sam: You don't really know Jason... and how much he's survived and how... he's got so much to live for.

McBain: I know, Sam.

Sam: No, you don't. I mean, Carly was just here, and she was trying to tell me that I had to face the truth. And I thought that she was just hurting... and that she wanted someone to be hurting with her.

McBain: That's understandable.

Sam: And then she left, and... I asked Jason to send me a sign. And you showed up.

McBain: I wanted to tell you the truth.

Carly: Did you know the truth before everybody else did? Don't lie to me.

Todd: I knew the truth before everybody else did.

Carly: When?

Todd: July. Heather got called down to the police station. She left her handbag in my office. I went through it. There was a DNA test, said that Jason was the father.

Carly: And you never said a word.

Todd: No. I couldn't say anything. What was I gonna say? I say something and then everything else comes out.

Carly: You let Jason die never knowing that Danny was his son.

Sam: I mean, Jason was gonna come me and to Danny. We were gonna be a family. Oh, I believed that with every fiber in my body. But I can't -- I can't do that anymore.

McBain: I'm sorry, Sam.

Sam: No. No, don't be. I finally know the truth. People don't realize that taxes and health care are connected.

Lulu: We can't just leave you here, alone.

Maxie: I can call Mac anytime.

Lulu: But wasn't there something that you wanted to tell us?

Maxie: It can wait.

Lulu: Are you sure?

Maxie: You guys need to make sure that Luke is okay.

Lulu: He will be. Now that he knows he has a grandchild, he will go through hell and high water to meet him.

Dante: Or her.

Maxie: You guys just focus on finding Luke.

Lulu: Okay. You take care of yourself, okay? Be careful.

Dante: And the little one.

Lulu: Yeah.

Maxie: And one more thing. On New Year's Eve, I had a miscarriage. And I lost your baby.

Spinelli: We don't know what's gonna happen.

Ellie: I know statistics, Damian! What if I'm not one of the lucky few?! What if I never walk again? [Crying]

Spinelli: That -- that would be a significant but... not insurmountable obstacle.

Ellie: What do you mean?

Spinelli: No matter what the outcome... we'll deal with it, okay? Together.

Ellie: Together.

Spinelli: I promise. I'll be with you through all of this.

Ellie: Thank you so much. I don't know what I would do without you.

Sabrina: How's -- how's Ellie?

Patrick: She's got a lot to deal with right now. Fortunately, Spinelli's with her.

Sabrina: It's good that she's got such a supportive boyfriend.

Patrick: Listen, Emma had a really good time with you last night, and I was --

Sabrina: Speaking -- speaking of Emma, I've been doing a lot of thinking, and my schedule's just gotten crazy busy, so I'm not gonna be able to babysit anymore.

Patrick: Um, why?

Sabrina: I -- I just don't want you and Emma counting on me if I have other priorities.

Patrick: Do you mind me asking what your priorities are?

Sabrina: I just -- my studies and -- and work here at the hospital, so --

Patrick: If it's too much of a workload, then maybe we can just --

Sabrina: Can you just tell Emma that I am going to miss her a lot. But, um -- but I think that this is the best thing for all of us. So, um, if you'll excuse me, I have a lot of do. Goodbye, Dr. Drake.

Anna: God, I just want to be happy that you're back in my life. And I will be. I promise. If you can just... be patient.

Duke: What's a little more time? You'll learn to trust me. You'll trust that I'm the man you knew... that I'm the man that... You love. Oh. I better go and see Robert, make sure that he's okay.

Duke: Okay.

Anna: Relieve Holly. I'm sure she's tired.

Duke: Of course. I'll be right here.

Anna: [Chuckles]

[Door opens, closes]

Carly: You lost me.

Todd: No, don't say that.

Carly: I can't do this. I don't have the energy to keep trusting you and have it blow up in my face.

Todd: I don't want to keep anything from you.

Carly: You're not my friend. You have no idea what it means to be a friend.

Todd: No. I have no idea.

Carly: Well, you were right about one thing, though. You're a horrible person.

[Door opens]

Sam: Jason's never -- he's never coming back. [Crying] He's never coming back. He's gone.

McBain: I'm sorry, Sam.

Sam: [Crying] He's gone!

McBain: I'm sorry.

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