General Hospital Transcript Tuesday 1/8/13
Provided By Suzanne
Patrick: I know this is difficult to absorb. Dr. Webber gave me a full briefing. He explained to me that Trey collapsed shortly after the car accident.
Connie: Yeah, when he got out, he was fine, and then suddenly, he wasn't.
Patrick: That's normal for a person with that type of injury.
Connie: That's good, then, right? And you can fix it.
Patrick: I know that Trey outwardly looks like he's fine, but, internally, his condition is catastrophic.
Connie: Well, people survive catastrophes all the time, doctor.
Patrick: I'm sorry but not this time. It's too late. Trey's gone.
Kristina: [Crying]
Sabrina: Ellie? Ellie, can you hear me?
Ellie: Damian?
Maxie: I need to tell you something. I can't hold it in. I tried to say it last night. 12 hours ago, I was pregnant, and now I'm not anymore. [Sighs] I lost the baby.
[Cell phone ringing]
Sam: Spinelli, it's me. Listen, I cut you some slack because this is the holidays, but the holidays are over, so I need your help, okay? I still need to find Jason, and you need to call me as soon as you get this. Thank you.
[Knock on door]
Sam: Oh. Maybe that's you. What're you doing here?
Carly: I came to tell you, you were right.
Sam: Right about what?
Carly: About Todd.
Ellie: What happened? Where's Damian?
Sabrina: You've had quite the night. How -- how are you feeling?
Ellie: Numb.
Sabrina: That's just the morphine. You got pretty banged up out there. Do you remember anything that happened?
Ellie: Yeah, there was a car. And it came out of the fog, and it hit me. And there were other people. What happened to them?
Sabrina: Well, I don't know, but I will find out as soon as I get a doctor to check on you, okay?
Ellie: Wait. Wait. Where's Damian?
Sabrina: I tried calling him, and he didn't answer, so I left a message.
Ellie: Okay. Is he here, then? Did he come?
Sabrina: I haven't seen him.
Ellie: What could've happened to him?
Maxie: Don't mind him. Could you just say something? Like, anything?
It's five even for the coffee and doughnuts.
Maxie: Hang on.
Listen, about your baby --
Maxie: No, no, no, it's fine. You don't have to say anything. I really just wanted to practice. Here.
This is a $20.
Maxie: Yeah. Thanks for listening.
Sorry about your loss.
[Cell phone rings]
Spinelli. Spinelli, come on! Your phone is ringing.
[Ringing continues]
Spinelli: Maxie?
Maxie: Here -- drink this.
Spinelli: Oh, thank you. Mmm. How did -- how did you sleep?
Maxie: Horrible. I tossed and turned all night. You?
Spinelli: Oh. Well, I could've done without the alcohol, but -- you know, it's funny -- I don't remember nodding off or passing out, as it were.
Maxie: What exactly do you remember?
Spinelli: Hmm. I remember drinking an untoward amount of peppermint schnapps, and, um -- I -- I remember -- I remember us kissing and -- and -- and then, afterward, we were talking, and -- and you wanted to tell me something about the baby.
Maxie: Yeah, I did last night, and -- and then you dropped off.
Spinelli: Well, I'm awake now. What's going on?
Carly: I thought that, since I gave you a hard time the other day in Todd's office, I owed it to you to tell you in person.
Sam: Mm.
Carly: What's all this?
Sam: It's confidential.
Carly: Oh. Jason.
Sam: Okay, yeah, Carly, fine. You caught me. I'm looking for my husband.
Carly: Todd was in on it. He was in on it with Heather switching the babies.
Sam: Wait a minute. I thought you said that you thought Todd was innocent.
Carly: I was wrong.
Sam: What changed your mind?
Carly: It all came out last night when Johnny got arrested.
Sam: Johnny?
Carly: Yeah, Johnny. Johnny is the one who shot out Anthony's tires and caused the accident that killed Starr's little girl and her boyfriend.
Sam: Wait a minute. I thought it was Connie.
Carly: Connie was the cover, okay? It's a long story. The point is, when Johnny realized he was going down, he decided to take Todd down with him.
Sam: How did Johnny know that Todd was in the woods with tea and the baby and --
Carly: Because Johnny had two guys following Heather the night of the storm.
Sam: I knew it. I knew it.
Carly: What're you doing?
Sam: Can you do me a favor and watch the baby?
Carly: No. Why?
Sam: Because I'm gonna find Todd, and I'm gonna break his neck.
[Door opens]
Dante: Oh.
Johnny: [Coughing]
Dante: How are the roomies doing?
Todd: [Clears throat] He snores.
Dante: Yeah. What're you doing with the pillow, Todd?
Todd: Fluffing it.
Dante: Yeah. Bet you were. You know, a good, honest newspaperman like yourself, do you really want to add attempted-murder charges to your already long list of pending charges?
Todd: Are they, in fact, still pending?
Dante: Absolutely. I'm gonna go take care of some police business, and then I'm gonna come back and check on your arraignments.
Johnny: [Coughing]
Dante: You two play nice.
[Door opens]
Johnny: [Coughing] Oh.
Todd: You sure you don't want to get some more sleep, Johnny? It's been a really stressful few days, right?
Johnny: You really got to stop trying to smother me in my sleep.
Todd: Twice. I've tried twice. It's not like it's a habit. What, you have two drinks, are you an alcoholic?
Johnny: Killing me's not gonna save you. You're still going to prison.
Todd: No, I'm not. No, I can't do that. You're gonna make sure that I don't.
Connie: No, he's not gone, all right? Will someone please get me Steven Webber?!
Patrick: Everyone did everything they could. But in addition to internal bleeding, there was another complication.
Connie: What?
Patrick: Trey had an aneurysm.
Connie: Because of the crash?
Kristina: Yes, because of the crash. If it wasn't for the wreck that you caused, Trey would be fine, and we'd be together right now!
Patrick: There is no way to tell if the crash caused the aneurysm to rupture. Though there may have been increased intracranial pressure, due to cerebral edema, once the aneurysm ruptured, there was nothing Dr. Webber could do.
Connie: He's not a brain surgeon. You are, right? And you're the best? Right? So fix my son.
Patrick: I'm sorry. It's too late. Trey is brain-dead.
Connie: So what you're telling me is that there's nothing you can do to wake up my kid. There's not a damn thing you can do.
Patrick: Trey's condition is irreversible.
Connie: No. There has to be a cure.
Patrick: There isn't. I am sorry, but there's nothing that I or anyone else can do to bring him back.
Connie: We'll see about that.
Sonny: Let's go get --
Connie: I didn't want any coffee, Sonny! I don't want any air! I don't want any support! What I want is for you, Dr. Drake, to get your ass in there and fix him! And if you can't do it, then you find someone who will!
Kristina: Patrick?
Patrick: Yes.
Kristina: Can I see Trey?
Patrick: Yes.
Kristina: Thank you.
Patrick: I'm sorry.
Sonny: Michael?
Michael: Yeah.
Sonny: Keep an eye on your sister. There's something I need to do.
Kristina: Oh, Trey. Why did this happen?
Sonny: Connie.
Connie: What do you want?
Sonny: I was worried about you?
Connie: Why are you worried about me? I don't have feelings. Only Kate does, remember?
Sonny: Okay, you know what? I was wrong about that. You don't have to keep bringing that up.
Connie: Right.
Sonny: Listen --
Connie: Sonny, can you leave me alone?
Sonny: Just give me that.
Dante: I'm sorry to break this up, but I need Connie to come with me.
Sonny: Why?
Dante: Did she forget to mention she's under arrest?
Sabrina: I'm sorry, but Mr. Spinelli didn't pick up.
Ellie: I don't understand. You left a message, right?
Sabrina: Yeah, several.
Ellie: That's really unlike him to just not respond.
Sabrina: Well, your phone indicates that there's an unheard message waiting, and I wanted to respect your privacy.
Ellie: Do you have my phone with you?
Sabrina: Yeah, it's right here. Here.
Spinelli: You did want to tell me something about the baby, right?
Maxie: I did -- last night.
Spinelli: Not -- not in the light of day?
Maxie: I just don't think that now's the time.
Spinelli: Why not? Is -- is Ellie here? Did -- oh, my God. Tell me she did not walk in --
Maxie: Will you please just stop thinking about Ellie for like two seconds?
Spinelli: Did you tell her that we had our --
Maxie: Will you chill? I didn't tell Ellie anything. She's not even here.
Spinelli: Okay. Then where is she?
Maxie: I don't know. The last I saw her, she was heading --
Spinelli: Heading where?
Maxie: Out. She didn't come home last night.
Spinelli: She -- she didn't come home?
Maxie: No, but, I mean, it was New Year's Eve, so maybe she's still out partying.
Spinelli: Come on. Ellie partying? Where would she party? Who would she party with?
Michael: I don't know, Spinelli. Maybe she gathered some of her geek friends to memorize constellations or they're out looking for birds that only appear on New Year's. I am not my roommate's keeper.
Spinelli: Okay, you don't -- you don't think she would have gone out and --
Maxie: And what?
Spinelli: Slept with someone?
Maxie: Like we did?
Sam: I should be back soon. I just got to find Todd and Johnny and make them pay.
Carly: They're both in lockup.
Sam: Great. Convenient. Shouldn't take too long, then.
Carly: Johnny -- Johnny spent months covering his tracks -- getting Connie to lie for him. And Todd -- who should have wanted to destroy the man, let's himself get blackmailed into protecting Johnny, the guy who killed his granddaughter. I mean, my God! And then -- after all that, months and months of lies comes out only hours after I make the worst mistake of my life.
Sam: What kind of mistake, Carly?
Carly: What do you think?
Sam: Oh. No. No. Don't tell me you did.
Carly: Yeah, I slept with him. I slept with Todd.
Sam: Hey, I can't say I didn't warn you.
Carly: That's the funny thing is, Todd warned me, too! Over and over again, he told me what a horrible person he was. And I thought, "what the hell, man? If he's being honest about that, he's gonna be honest about everything else." I thought -- I thought we had an understanding. I thought that we could be together and not judge each other and trust each other. But you were right. You told me Todd was gonna make a fool out of me, and -- he did.
Johnny: You're incredible. One minute, you're trying to kill me, and the next, you turn around and you're asking favors?
Todd: I wasn't trying to kill you. It was more like a wake-up call.
Johnny: Oh. Now you expect me to keep you out of prison.
Todd: Yeah.
Johnny: What's in it for me?
Todd: What do you want?
Johnny: One thing.
Todd: Okay. Name it.
Johnny: Carly.
Spinelli: It's after midnight! And I am -- hoo-hoo-hoo! I am alone! I waited for you, Ellie. I'm here. Where are you? Our coupledom is gone, much like 2012. So happy new rest of your life.
Ellie: It's a disaster.
Sabrina: Oh, Ellie, please try not to get too upset. You're still in very serious condition.
Ellie: He thinks I didn't meet up with him last night because I don't want to be with him. He has no idea how wrong he is.
Spinelli: You're right. I am in -- I am in no place to judge Ellie.
Maxie: We don't even know if she did anything judgeable. This is Ellie we're talking about. I mean, she probably just talked someone to death about mitochondria, whatever the hell that is.
Spinelli: Yeah, but even if she did bed some stranger, whether it was some -- you know, washed-up mathlete or goateed hipster academic, I couldn't say a word because I did the exact same thing. Not to say that you are or were a mathlete or had a goatee, but... I am so hung over.
Maxie: It's okay, Spinelli. It was just sex -- sex I've been waiting for months to have, but now it's a total mess.
Spinelli: Wait, I'm sorry. What's that?
Maxie: You don't have to pretend that last night was anything but a drunken one-night stand.
Spinelli: No, Maxie, I -- I took advantage of you.
Maxie: Spinelli, please. You couldn't take advantage of anyone.
Spinelli: No, I think I could, and under the right or wrong circumstances --
Maxie: No, you are the kindest, nicest, most considerate person that's ever lived, even when you've had slightly too much peppermint schnapps.
Spinelli: Still, I feel like I have to apologize. I mean, you were not in a good place.
Maxie: Neither were you.
Spinelli: Oh, that's true. I was not. It's funny. It seems that whenever you are not in a good place and I am not in a good place, we end up in the same place. Together. Which makes me wonder -- are these ostensibly random -- confluences really an accident or -- is it kismet?
Maxie: What do you mean?
Spinelli: Well, I -- I chose to be with Ellie, right? But at every turn, I -- I gravitated back to you. And, God, last night, I had this whole huge production on the G.H. Roof planned for Ellie, but she didn't show up. You did. And here we are -- alone -- together.
Maxie: What are you saying?
Spinelli: What if this is the way it's meant to be?
Sonny: Under arrest for what?
Connie: None of your business. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some phone calls to make. Hey, Liv? Hey, it's me.
Sonny: Do we have to do this now?
Dante: Sonny, she's wanted for assaulting Starr, abducting her husband, reckless driving, vehicular assault -- she hit a pedestrian, Sonny. This all stuff she did before she fled police custody.
Sonny: She fled to see her son because he may not make it.
Dante: Really?
Sonny: Yes.
Dante: Because if Trey dies because of an accident that Connie caused during an abduction, she's going away for felony murder.
Sonny: Come on, Dante. Be honest with yourself.
Dante: What are you talking about? All I can see that Connie has done is left a trail of broken bodies and ruined lives in her wake. She can tell her sad story to a judge, for all I care.
Sonny: All that can wait. Her son is in I.C.U. He's brain-dead. She needs to be with him.
Dante: So now all of a sudden she gives a damn about him? What if this is all an act?
Sonny: It was before. It's not now.
[Monitors beeping]
Michael: Hey, Krissy. Let's go for a walk, okay?
Kristina: I don't want to leave him alone.
Starr: No, no, he won't be alone, Kristina. He won't.
Kristina: Take good care of him, okay?
Starr: I promise. I promise.
Kristina: Okay.
Todd: You want Carly?
Johnny: You want freedom. I want Carly.
Todd: Carly's not mine to give.
Johnny: Then it's my responsibility to tell you that cellblock "d" has the best view of the yard.
Todd: And even if I could give you Carly, why would I? Carly and I have a connection. That's not something that you would understand.
Johnny: Yeah, I think you mean "had a connection."
Todd: We'll get it back.
Johnny: In 10 to 20?
Todd: So, you're okay -- with destroying my life?
Johnny: Yeah, I am.
Todd: What about Starr's? You killed her boyfriend. You killed her daughter. You really want her to lose her father, too?
Carly: I know I have no one to blame but myself. I caught Johnny in bed with Connie, and that should have been it.
Sam: Yeah, but you forgave him.
Carly: Yeah. [Chuckles] All so he could humiliate me all over again with Connie but this time in front of a lot of people at a wedding.
Sam: Well, at least you -- you didn't take him back after that.
Carly: Oh, I didn't need to take him back because I had my good friend Todd, yeah. And, I mean, people were lined up for blocks warning me not to spend any time with Todd, but I knew better because we were kindred spirits. We were two misunderstood troublemakers.
Sam: It sounds like you saw yourself in Todd. Yeah, you should have known that was a huge -- huge mistake, Carly.
Carly: You know, you can be a real bitch sometimes.
Sam: You know it takes one to know one.
Carly: [Chuckles] You know, who knows? Maybe I can use this for good. I could get people -- women to line up their boyfriends in front of me, and if I'm attracted to them, they know they should run -- run -- for their life.
Sam: Oh, come on. What about Jax?
Carly: Jax was wonderful -- and I loved him, but Jax just couldn't handle my life and the choices I made. There was only one person who could -- one man -- who would never fail me, and -- I guess that's why I'm here, you know? Because this is where I always came when my life would fall apart. And Jason never judged me. He was always there for me. Now he's gone.
Sam: Jason is not gone, Carly. He may not be here, but he's not gone.
Carly: Sam -- I know that it's hard to hear. It's hard for me to say it. It's hard for me to feel it. But we got to face the truth -- we both do. Jason's dead.
Carly: Sam, you got to stop this.
Sam: Stop what, Carly?! Looking for my husband? My son's father? I am trying to bring Jason home -- to you, to his friends, to his family.
Carly: There's nothing I want more than to see Jason again, but it can't happen because he can't come back.
Sam: Don't say that. You say that again, I will rip every hair out of your head.
Carly: Jason was shot.
Sam: He's been shot before.
Carly: He fell into the water.
Sam: It doesn't mean that he didn't come out.
Carly: Then why hasn't he come back?
Sam: I don't know, Carly! I don't know. Maybe the guy who shot him still has him.
Carly: Maybe he drowned.
Sam: Why are you doing this? How come? How come, out of all people, you stop believing in him? How come?
Carly: Jason was the strongest person I knew, okay? But he's not immortal. He was shot, and he fell into the harbor, and he's dead, Sam.
Sam: No! That is a lie!
Carly: No, it's not! I'm sorry, but I am sick and tired of burying my head in the sand and not facing the truth when it's staring me right in the face. I did it with Johnny, and I did it with Todd, but I will not do it with Jason. I'm not gonna dishonor what he meant to me, because he would want me to stand up and move on. He would want me to face this loss.
Sam: No.
Carly: Yes, he would. Look at me!
Sam: No! There is no body, Carly! If there's no body, he can't be dead! You have to have a body!
Carly: Jason died, Sam.
Sam: No.
Carly: Yes, he did, and I'm sorry. Because I know it hurts -- it hurts me, too -- but you're just gonna have to face the truth. Jason is dead.
Todd: You don't really care about Carly. You don't want her to be happy. You're willing to destroy whatever she's enjoying with me just out of some kind of petty revenge.
Johnny: This is really not the way to convince me to do a favor for you.
Todd: Carly is a strong woman, okay? She can handle whatever life throws at her. But Starr -- Starr's just a child. And you killed her entire family. This would be a way for you to demonstrate -- well, to make up for all of the suffering that you've caused. You really want Starr to lose me, too?
Johnny: You're gonna lose her when she finds out that you gave Sam's baby to your ex-wife.
Todd: She already knows. She knows. And she could have turned me in, but she didn't -- 'cause she loves me. Because I'm her father. [Breathes deeply] And she understands that sometimes I do bad things to protect the people that I love.
Johnny: And sometimes to protect yourself.
Todd: I've never pretended to be anything other than what I am. That's something you do. Johnny, call a few goons. Come on. Don't you want to show Starr that you actually are as compassionate as you say you are?
[Door opens, closes]
Todd: Don't you want to prove to her that one day, you might be worthy of her forgiveness?
[Footsteps approaching]
Diane: Well, well, well. What have we here? Two clients, one cell. Mama smells a shopping spree.
Todd: You got it. Whatever your retainer is, double it. Just get me out of here.
Diane: Mm-hmm. I'm gonna take you up on that. Later. Right now, I'm here for Johnny.
Sonny: I know Connie can't go free, but can you just give her a little time?
Dante: Sonny, just because Johnny's the one who shot out Anthony's tires and caused that accident does not dismiss everything that she's done.
Sonny: Johnny confessed?
Dante: Yeah, we arrested him last night. He admitted to causing the accident that killed the little girl and her father.
Sonny: You said you did it. You made Kate believe that you did it, that she held herself responsible.
Connie: I needed Johnny's help, Sonny. That's how I blackmailed him into marrying me.
Dante: This is the woman you want to help?
Sonny: Okay, Kate is innocent, and someday, she's gonna know she's innocent.
Connie: Oh, Kate? Is that the reason why you're stepping up, Sonny? So you can help Kate? No, thanks. I can take care of myself.
Dante: Sonny, Sonny, look at me. She doesn't even want your help. Why are you standing by her?
Sonny: Because I know what she's going through. I understand it. With Connie, it's not just anger and games. This thing with Trey, it's hurting her, Dante.
Dante: [Scoffs] I'll give her till the end of the day. That is it. And then she has to come in and face the music.
Connie: I don't care if he's in prison, all right? If this doctor can do it, then get him a day pass! Do it! Where'd your son, the detective, go?
Sonny: He has other priorities.
Connie: I don't need your help, Sonny.
Sonny: Dante knows you're in a tough situation.
Connie: Dante doesn't give a crap about my situation, and I don't care, either. Trey is hurting, and it's my fault.
Starr: I know that we were not, um -- great pals at first -- but you were a great friend. Even though -- [Chuckles] Even though you ate like a pig. What I wouldn't give to have my friend back.
Ellie: Oh, Damian was so hurt and so angry in his message. I left him alone and in despair.
Sabrina: Ellie, it's fine. It's gonna be fine, okay?
Ellie: No. Damian thinks I stood him up -- on New Year's, no less. How is that fine?
Sabrina: We're gonna track him down, and we're gonna get him in here, okay? And then you're gonna be able to explain everything. How could he possibly stay upset when he realizes that the reason why you didn't meet him on New Year's is because you got mowed down by a car?
Ellie: I suppose you're right.
Sabrina: So I'm gonna go try calling him again, this time from the nurse's station.
Ellie: But I can't wait, though. I have to explain to him that --
Sabrina: I'm gonna need you to lay back, okay? You're still in a very serious condition.
Ellie: No, I have to find him now because I have to tell him!
Maxie: Are you saying that we might have a future as a couple?
Spinelli: Remember when you were telling me that you had feelings for me and wanted me back? A part of me very badly wanted to say yes.
Maxie: So you didn't because of Ellie.
Spinelli: Right. But as it turns out, Ellie's given up on me, which -- was probably a wise choice. And, you know, maybe she was right. Maybe the reason why I couldn't adequately distance myself from you is because... I didn't want to. Maybe I've been in denial, and all along, the woman that I'm destined to be with is you. What do you think?
Maxie: I -- I think --
Spinelli: You think what?
Maxie: I think my mascara might start running.
Spinelli: [Sighs]
Sabrina: This is Sabrina Santiago. I am a student nurse at General Hospital. I understand you're close with Ellie Trout. I hate to leave this over a message, but Ellie's been in an accident. Hey sis,
Maxie: You can do this. Just --tell him. It'll be okay.
[Footsteps approaching]
Maxie: What's going on?
Spinelli: I have to go to the hospital.
Maxie: Do you still not feel good?
Spinelli: No, it's not me. It's Ellie.
Maxie: What about her?
Spinelli: She got hit by a car last night.
Maxie: Oh, my God.
Spinelli: She was on her way to see me -- and she got hit by a car. I am so sorry. I -- I -- I have to go. I have to go see her.
Maxie: But what about --
Todd: I'm the one that has you on retainer.
Johnny: So do I. Wait your turn.
Diane: Oh, boys, boys, fight over me another day. Right now, Mr. Zacchara and I have an arraignment to attend.
Todd: Well, what about me? When's my arraignment?
Diane: Oh, I don't know. The judge seemed to want to prioritize the alleged triple-murderer over the alleged baby-switcher. Go figure. Mr. Zacchara, as your lawyer, I am now going to advise you to keep your trap shut. Trap -- shut. The less you say, the less horrible your chances of ever seeing the sky again.
Todd: What are my chances?
Diane: Off the top of my head, I'd say about equal to "Vickerman 2" being a hit.
Sam: Yeah, Carly, it sucks that Todd and Johnny screwed you over, but that doesn't give you the right to come over here and take it out on me or on Jason.
Carly: You know that's not what I'm doing.
Sam: Really? Well, what did you come over here for? You came over here for me to say "I told you so," right?
Carly: I'm the poster child for ignoring reality, Sam. Jason used to call me on it all the time. He knew when I was lying to myself. You're lying to yourself. Jason's gone, and you need to accept that for you and for that little boy up there.
Sam: Get out of my home.
Sonny: You did not hurt Trey on purpose.
Connie: So what, Sonny?! He still got hurt. It was a foggy night and a slick, winding road in the middle of winter. I couldn't see where I was going. I shouldn't have even been driving. But I'm saving my own ass, trying to get out of Port Charles no matter who got in my way -- no matter who! Not even my own son, Trey!
Sonny: You heard Patrick. It was an aneurysm. You know what? The rupture could have been caused by the accident or not --
Connie: No, but it wasn't, Sonny! It was my fault!
Sonny: Come -- listen.
Patrick: I was looking for some family. I wanted to give them time to absorb the reality of Trey's condition before discussing the next steps.
Michael: Which are?
Patrick: Um -- well, we need to determine if Trey had a living will. People his age usually don't, but if he does, we'll know his wishes when it comes to life support, organ donation, among other things.
Michael: And once you find out what Trey wanted -- what then?
Patrick: Well, that's the family's call.
Michael: He doesn't have any family. His father died.
Patrick: What about Connie?
Michael: Technically, she is his mother, but, I mean --
Patrick: Well, then it would be her decision, whether she decides to turn off the machines and let Trey go.
Sonny: Why don't we go outside? 'Cause you need to take --
Connie: Sonny, when Trey was a baby, I left him for dead, and then I forgot about him. I have to step up now. Are you coming?
Sabrina: Ellie, I'm gonna need you to lie back. You've suffered a trauma.
Ellie: I have to find him.
Spinelli: I'm here! I'm here!
Ellie: Oh, Damian. You came.
Spinelli: Yeah, I came as soon as I got ms. Santiago's message. Thank you, by the way.
Sabrina: I'll leave you two alone.
Spinelli: Oh, my God. Look at you. I -- has the doctor said anything about your injuries?
Ellie: Mnh-mnh, not yet. I'm just -- I've just been asleep. You know what? It's actually really fascinating what morphine can do to one's dreams.
Spinelli: [Chuckles]
Ellie: You know, I think that's probably why they call it "morphine" -- named after Morpheus, the God of slumber.
Spinelli: Right. I'm gonna go get your physician --
Ellie: No, please don't. Please -- please don't leave me. The attending will be here soon, and I can guess what they'll say -- moderate internal hemorrhaging, broken femur, fractured tibia, a severe concussion, probably other --
Spinelli: That's awful.
Ellie: It's somehow more bearable knowing that you're here.
Spinelli: I would have come sooner, had I known, okay?
Ellie: I know. No, that's okay. I didn't get your message till this morning, either.
Spinelli: Oh. Right. About that, I am really sorry.
Ellie: No, no, don't even explain. I completely understand why you leapt to that conclusion. But I just want you to know that, I swear, I was on my way to see you when my car broke down. My carburetor is just -- it's bad, and especially when it's damp, and I just --
Spinelli: Ellie, you don't need to explain.
Ellie: I just need you to believe me. 'Cause I wanted to be with you on New Year's Eve. And I want to be with you right now.
Spinelli: You do?
Ellie: So much.
Sabrina: Oh, Dr. Drake.
Patrick: Hi.
Sabrina: Hi. Um, it's good that I ran into you.
Patrick: Yeah, it is. Listen, I wanted --
Sabrina: Listen, I just want -- [Laughs]
Patrick: We need to talk about -- New Year's Eve.
Kristina: She's never wanted anything to do with him in the first place. She doesn't get to decide.
Sonny: What's going on?
Kristina: Patrick said there's only one thing left to do. Since Trey doesn't have a living will --
Michael: Trey's next of kin has to consent to turning off the ventilator and let him go.
Connie: Well, I say no! I'm his mother. I left him to die once. I'm not doing it again.
Spinelli: I did think that you stood me up, and -- and that you made up your mind and decided that we were no longer meant to be.
Ellie: I'm so sorry I made you feel that way.
Spinelli: No, no, please, please don't -- don't apologize. Uh -- my misguided feelings of rejection are meaningless, especially in light of -- everything you're going through.
Ellie: I just can't stand the thought of you up on the roof, alone -- awaiting for my arrival in vain, just assuming the worst.
Spinelli: I was assuming the worst -- but I wasn't alone.
Maxie: I need to see you and Lulu. Can you guys come over?
Dante: Um -- you know what? Right now, I'm a little busy. Is it an emergency?
Maxie: No, it can wait.
[Elevator bell dings]
Dante: Hang on a second. Hey, hey, listen -- Connie Falconeri is here in I.C.U. Visiting her son. As soon as that visit is over, I want you to pick her up, take her down to the station for processing. Oh. And she was mirandized on New Year's when she was arrested. Make sure you read her rights again, just to make sure. Maxie. Yeah, hey, uh, I'll be there as soon as I'm finished up here. All right.
Todd: My name is Todd. I have a daughter. Her name is Starr. I have a son. His name is jack.
[Buzzer, door opens]
Todd: God. A friend. Her name is Carly.
[Footsteps approaching]
Todd: Oh, please tell me, Diane. Please tell me you're getting me out of here.
Carly: Not quite.
Sam: Is Carly right? Am I kidding myself? Are you never coming back? Oh, please, Jason, just give me a sign.
[Knock on door]
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