General Hospital Transcript Monday 1/7/13
Provided By Suzanne
Alexis: Shawn.
Shawn: Mm. Alexis?
Alexis: I'm sorry.
Shawn: Everything okay?
Alexis: Did I wake you?
Shawn: Yes, from a very pleasant dream. May I ask why?
Sonny: [Grunting] [Breathing heavily] [Exhales sharply] [Sniffs] Ahh. [Exhales sharply] Bang. [Breathing heavily]
[Footsteps approaching]
[Footsteps stop]
Sonny: I thought I made it clear! Leave me alone!
Kate: I guess I didn't get the memo.
Elizabeth: Bp's dropping. He's going into v-tach.
Kristina: You said you'd be right back.
Steven: He's crashing.
Kristina: Come back!
Steven: I'm losing him!
Connie: You're not losing him! Do something, you idiots! Save that kid!
Starr: How could I be so stupid? Connie didn't kill Cole and Hope. Johnny did!
Michael: I'm so sorry, Starr.
Starr: They've been lying to me for months and months, Michael! I had no idea!
Carly: I'm so glad the truth came out, because now Starr has some closure. I sure as hell have closure. I regret every second I spent with you, and I am so glad to be moving on with Todd.
Johnny: So, you're just gonna move from one criminal to another?
Carly: At least Todd's honest about who he is.
Johnny: I doubt that. Did you bare your soul, Todd? Didn't think so.
Carly: What is he talking about?
Johnny: Do you want to tell her, or should I?
Todd: He's on his way to jail. Are you gonna believe anything he has to say?
Carly: I know. Why is it you're all about honesty now? You killed a little girl and her father, and you covered it up for months and you let someone else take the fall.
Johnny: I'm not trying to excuse what I did.
Carly: No! You're standing here, acting all noble, like we should all be grateful that you're telling us this. You're nothing but a hypocrite and a liar!
Johnny: I'm not the only one who's been lying to you, Carly. Todd's just as guilty as I am.
Alexis: What were you dreaming about?
Shawn: I was actually dreaming about you.
Alexis: Really?
Shawn: Mm-hmm.
Alexis: Oh. What was I doing?
Shawn: Well, we were just getting to the good part. So, tell me, why am I awake again?
Alexis: I have a proposition.
Shawn: I'm listening.
Alexis: You know how I'm a woman of...certain appetites?
Shawn: Mm-hmm. And you know I'm happy to indulge them.
Alexis: Yeah, I know.
Shawn: All you have to do is let me know what you want, and I'll be more than happy to give it to you.
Alexis: Even if it involves strenuous activity?
Shawn: Alexis, you know I'd do anything for you.
Alexis: Anything?
Shawn: Anything.
Alexis: You know that sandwich that you make with the meatloaf and then the cranberry sauce and it's got melted cheddar cheese on top?
Shawn: Uh...yeah.
Alexis: Yeah, well, I want it, and I want it bad. Do you think that you could go downstairs and make me that sandwich?
Shawn: [Laughing] What? I was dreaming you -- wait, wait, wait. Is this what you want -- a sandwich?
Alexis: For now.
Shawn: [Laughs] Okay. Only for you.
Alexis: Bless you. Hurry.
Shawn: [Chuckles]
Alexis: No, really. Hurry.
Shawn: You better stop. You're not gonna get that sandwich if you don't stop.
Alexis: Go!
Sonny: You're late. The photo shoot was scheduled for hours ago.
Kate: What photo shoot?
Sonny: Boxing. Cover of a magazine. You were gonna take my picture. You never showed up. Yeah, well, I'm not surprised, because that's what you do -- 'cause you play these twisted games with me, Connie.
Kate: Sonny, look at me.
Sonny: Why -- so you can have a good laugh?
Kate: I'm not Connie, Sonny. I'm Kate. It's me. I'm back.
Connie: What the hell are you doing? He is pale, and he is sweating.
Elizabeth: We're very aware of his symptoms.
Connie: Yeah? Well, then, why don't you do something about it?
Kristina: Just back off, Connie. You're not helping the situation.
Connie: No, he's not helping the situation, so why don't you go and get a doctor, Kristina?
Kristina: Get out, Connie! Please!
Steven: Elizabeth, help me out here.
Elizabeth: He's suffering from internal injuries.
Connie: Do not touch me!
Elizabeth: This is very serious!
Connie: I can see that!
Elizabeth: Okay, what you need to do is just leave.
Connie: No, I'm not going anywhere -- all right? -- Because that is my kid!
[Monitor beeping]
Starr: I worked with Johnny day in and day out. I leaned on him and confided in him.
Michael: And you thought he cared about you.
Starr: Yeah, and then he ends up killing my family!
Michael: He's a liar, okay? That's what Johnny does, and he's very good at it.
Starr: Then why did I ever trust him? Why didn't I just question him when he was being shady all those times?
Michael: What Johnny did to Cole and Hope was disgusting, okay? It was worse than disgusting.
Starr: And I started to feel sorry for Johnny because in his eyes, there was pain, Michael. There was pain like he was haunted.
Michael: Guilt can do a real number on a man.
Starr: He makes me sick because he bought out my -- my music contract, and --
Michael: You always thought that was weird, remember? You kept questioning him about that.
Starr: Yeah, but it didn't stop me one second from taking it, right? I took it, and I worked side by side with Johnny. Every day we would laugh and joke around, and I-I called him a friend. The person that took my family from me -- I called him a friend.
Michael: Starr, you didn't know. You had no idea.
Starr: Yeah, but my dad knew. And he kept trying to tell me that Johnny was an untrustworthy person, and I didn't listen to him. I stuck up for Johnny every step of the way. I said that Johnny was a good person because look at all the things he did for me. Like buying out my music contract would help pay for what he did to my family.
Michael: Johnny's a coward, okay? He couldn't face what he did, so he tried to be nice to you to ease his guilt.
Starr: My dad was so, so right about Johnny. It I should have listened to him.
Carly: Like I would believe one word out of your lying mouth.
Johnny: It's the truth. Todd's in this up to his eyeballs.
Carly: In what, Johnny? He wasn't on the road that night, and he didn't kill a little girl and her father. That was on you. You did that.
Todd: You need to do your job. You need to put him behind bars.
Dante: Actually, I kind of want to hear what he has to say.
Johnny: You had a nice run, Manning, but it's all over.
Todd: You're lucky to be alive after what you did to my granddaughter.
Johnny: Oh, yeah? Oh, yeah? What is that I smell, huh? Desperation, fear, shock?!
Carly: Why would Todd be afraid of you?!
Johnny: Because I'm about to blow his cover, that's why! You want to do the honors, or should I?!
Carly: Come on. We don't have to put up with this. Let's go.
Johnny: He knew, Carly.
Carly: He knew what?
Johnny: He knew the entire time that I'm the one who shot out Anthony's tires, that I'm the one who took his granddaughter and Starr's boyfriend from her. He knew all along!
Carly: That's absurd. If Todd knew that you killed his granddaughter, you'd be in the ravine with her. At the very least, he would have called the cops on you.
Johnny: Yeah, well, he couldn't do either of those things.
Carly: And why is that?
Johnny: Because blackmail, that's why.
Todd: Let's just go. Come on.
Carly: No, no. I want to hear all about this supposed blackmail.
Johnny: There's nothing "supposed" about it.
Carly: Then fill me in. Or do you need time to come up with your next lie?
Johnny: Todd switched those babies.
Carly: What did you say?
Johnny: He took Sam and Jason's live baby and gave it to that tea Delgado lady in place of her dead one.
Dante: Wait. Wait. Is this legit?
Johnny: Oh, yeah. Ask him. You gonna deny it?
Starr: Thank you.
Michael: You're welcome. Go on. Take a sip.
Starr: [Sighs]
Michael: Better?
Starr: [Chuckles] Yeah, I may be... sad and angry, but at least I'm not thirsty.
Michael: Well, sad and angry, definitely, but you have nothing to be embarrassed about.
Starr: My dad couldn't be worse at judging character, and even he knew that Johnny was untrustworthy. Before he married Connie, and -- oh, my God.
Michael: What?
Starr: I-I-I could have let Connie fall tonight. She could have died, Michael.
Michael: But Connie's fine.
Starr: No! She wouldn't have been. If Johnny didn't show up and tell me the truth...
Michael: Look, look.
Starr: ...I would have killed Connie!
Michael: Starr, what matters is you didn't.
Starr: But I could have, Michael.
Michael: But you didn't. No one got hurt. Okay? And we both know that Connie is far from innocent.
Starr: [Sighs]
Kristina: Are you for real? Trey's your kid now? Since when?
Connie: Since I gave birth to him.
Kristina: Yeah, and then you stuffed him in a drawer.
Connie: Oh, shut the hell up.
Kristina: You weren't there from the day he was born, and you certainly weren't there when he was growing! Why don't you get the hell out of here?!
Steven: Enough! I can't have this noise in here, please!
Elizabeth: You both need to leave now.
Connie: I'm not going anywhere.
Kristina: No! Trey would want me to be with him!
Steven: You're endangering your son if you don't get out of here. You understand that? You too. So, if you want him to have a chance at all, you got to leave.
Elizabeth: Let's go. Come on.
Kristina: Ahh!
Elizabeth: Come on. Let's go.
Kristina: [Crying]
Elizabeth: Let's go.
Sonny: Is it really you? Huh?
Kate: It's really me.
Sonny: Oh, I missed you so damn much.
Kate: I missed you, too. Ohh. The wedding. I wasn't there, was I? Ohh. Oh, Sonny, what that must have been like for you.
Sonny: I've had better days.
Kate: Don't joke. Oh, I can see it on your face. You've been so alone.
Sonny: I mean, I just -- I've been through a lot of losses lately, you know? Jason's gone, and Michael's slipping away. Kristina's leaving. And you know I don't trust very many people. I don't let myself need. One, most of all, you know?
Kate: Me? Sonny, I know it seems like I abandoned you.
Sonny: No, no.
Kate: I didn't mean to.
Sonny: I know you didn't.
Kate: I know, but still, I wasn't there. You needed me.
Sonny: It's okay.
Kate: I am so sorry.
Sonny: No, hey. You know what? You're here now.
Kristina: I still don't understand why you're even here.
Connie: Trey is my son! Do you get it?!
Kristina: No, I meant, "why aren't you in jail?" You assaulted Starr. You kidnapped Johnny. You caused the accident to hurt your son.
Connie: I'm not gonna explain myself to you.
Kristina: Fine. Fine! You know what? Don't. Don't even talk at all.
Connie: Yeah, that's fine.
Kristina: And don't you dare go back into that cubicle.
Connie: Don't you dare go back, either.
Alexis: Oh, my God. Mmm! Do I have sauce on my face?
Shawn: [Chuckles] No.
Alexis: Cheese? Meatloaf?
Shawn: You look beautiful.
Alexis: Mmm.
Shawn: And crazy sexy.
Alexis: Mmm.
Shawn: You know, those sounds you were making reminds me of my dream, only without the sandwich.
Alexis: Mmm. I can't help it.
Shawn: Uh-huh.
Alexis: It's just so good.
Shawn: Uh-huh.
Alexis: It's the best I've ever had.
Shawn: You are so bad, and I like it. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Truth time. Truth. Are you with me for my cooking?
Alexis: Yes. Yes, I am. I'm using you solely because you know how to work around the kitchen.
Shawn: [Chuckles]
Alexis: And you can take bread and fill it with meat and condiments like no man has ever done before. Mmm.
Shawn: You were really hungry, weren't you?
Alexis: In my defense, I have worked up an appetite.
Shawn: Well, with Molly over at Sam's and T.J. over at his friend's house, we have to take advantage of this privacy.
Alexis: Do you... hear me complaining?
Shawn: Mnh-mnh.
Alexis: Mnh-mnh.
Shawn: Good. I just hope that little snack... rejuvenated your energy. You're gonna need it.
Alexis: Oh, I love it when you talk dirty.
Shawn: [Chuckles]
Alexis: Mmm. Ohh. Ohh. I'm liking 2013 a lot so far.
Shawn: Mm-hmm, and it's just getting started.
[Cell phone rings]
Shawn: Oh, that can't be good. What time is it? Oh, it's Kristina. Honey?
Kristina: Mom, I'm in the hospital.
Alexis: What happened? Are you all right?
Kristina: I'm okay.
Alexis: Oh, God. Thank God. What's going on?
Kristina: [Voice breaking] It's Trey. He's hurt. It's really bad.
Alexis: I'll be right there.
Starr: Why am I sitting here feeling sorry for myself? I need to check on Trey.
Michael: Look, Starr, the doctors are doing everything they can. And, look -- for the record, you're not feeling sorry for yourself. You're feeling sorry for Connie when you shouldn't.
Starr: I can't regret almost killing someone, Michael?
Michael: Okay, you know what? Maybe that part, you can. But what about the rest of it? Look, we were only on that road tonight because Connie knocked you out, kidnapped Johnny, hit Ellie with her car. I mean, that's not even the worst of it. She helped Johnny get away with what he did to Cole and Hope. She lied for him. She basically used her D.I.D. Diagnosis as a "get out of jail free" card. She may not be as guilty as Johnny, but she's close.
Starr: You're right. Knowing Johnny was responsible and covering it up -- it's almost just as unforgivable.
Carly: You know what, Johnny? You brought "pathetic" to a whole new level.
Johnny: Carly, I understand you don't want to hear this, but it's the truth.
Carly: No, you confessed, and you're going down. And why do you have to act like a baby, trying to take Todd down with you?
Johnny: I'm not trying to take Todd anywhere. He made his bed.
Carly: Oh, my God. This is pathetic. Let's get out of here. We don't have to put up with this.
Johnny: I bet detective Falconeri would disagree.
Dante: Johnny, you got something to say, you better say it.
Johnny: Yeah. I know for a fact Todd switched those babies.
Carly: Well, so do the police, and they arrested Todd, and then they released him and they dropped all charges because he didn't do it.
Johnny: Oh, but he did do it, and I have proof.
Kate: What are you doing all by yourself on New Year's Eve, huh?
Sonny: You're the only one I wanted to be with.
Kate: Good answer.
[Both chuckle]
Sonny: I didn't think it was possible.
Kate: Anything's possible. Happy new year, Sonny.
Sonny: It is now.
Kate: [Chuckles] You want to dance with me?
Sonny: Yeah.
Kate: [Chuckles]
[Slow music plays]
Sonny: Hey.
Kate: Huh?
Sonny: I love you so much.
Kate: I love you so much. Don't let go, okay?
Sonny: Never again.
[Cell phone ringing]
Sonny: What the -- [Grunts]
[Ringing continues]
Sonny: Kate?
Alexis: No. It's -- it's Alexis.
Sonny: Well, she was just here. That's why I s--
Alexis: Sonny, listen to me. Meet me at the hospital right now. Kristina needs us.
Connie: All right, that's it.
Kristina: What are you doing?
Connie: I'm not gonna wait around for my son to die.
Kristina: Don't say that. Don't think that.
Connie: Can you move, please?
Kristina: They told us to wait in here. You can make things worse.
Connie: Don't touch me, Kristina. They can't get any worse. Look, mob princess, I know you and Trey had a little romance or whatever. I'm s mother.
Kristina: Then where the hell have you been?! Seriously! You know, and say what you want about my dad -- you know, about Trey's dad, even.
Connie: Oh, the rapist?
Kristina: At least they showed up for their children.
Connie: I couldn't remember. Kate was in control! She blocked it out!
Kristina: Okay, fine. So, what about recently? Since you've known, since you've been living in the same town as Trey, have you even made an effort to get to know him?
Connie: Yeah. I went to his apartment once.
Kristina: Yeah, to save your own ass.
Connie: He was gonna commit me!
Kristina: Because you're sick! You know, and despite how you've treated him his entire life, he still wants the best for you... which you've done nothing to earn.
Connie: You know nothing about me or what I've been through.
Kristina: I know enough.
Connie: You know enough?
Kristina: Trey's father died, Connie. He was all alone.
Connie: I'm supposed to give a damn about that piece of crap?!
Kristina: No, you're supposed to care about Trey, your son -- the one you keep reminding us about. So, just stop. Stop pretending like you give a damn.
Connie: I do give a damn. And you have no clue... how I feel about my son!
Elizabeth: Systolic BP is stable but still very low. He's taching at 135 bpm.
Steven: Trey. Trey. Open your eyes if you can hear me.
Starr: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Michael: Why?
Starr: It's like every time I try to get a grip, I just feel like I'm losing them all over again. [Breathing heavily]
Michael: Well, Starr, you just got some horrible news. It's gonna take a while to sink in. You know, my uncle Jason once told me that bad things happen fast but you live through them slow. Now, the grief, the loss -- it comes at you in waves, and then you think you got a handle on it, and then another wave comes, and it knocks you down. And you want to fight, but if you do, you'll drown, so you just... you got to feel what you feel.
Starr: Being there again was one of -- was one of the hardest things. Just remembering it was right where they, uh --
Michael: It brought it all back.
Starr: Yeah. You have no idea, Michael. I-I thought that I heard her, like, calling out for me -- Hope -- that she needed help, begging me to help her.
Michael: Starr, there was nothing you could have done that night. Please tell me you know that.
Starr: In my head, yeah.
Michael: Starr, and your heart is gonna catch up. Okay? I promise.
Starr: I just feel like I'm losing them all over again.
Michael: Look, you can have justice now. Connie wasn't able to be convicted, right? Johnny will. No more lies, no more cover-ups. Everything is out in the open now.
Starr: [Sighs heavily]
Carly: What kind of proof?
Dante: Yeah. Start talking, Johnny.
Johnny: Two of my guys were following Heather Webber the night --
Todd: Two of his goons is more like it. That's cool. We should take the word of two of his goons.
Johnny: They know what they saw, Todd.
Dante: Which was what?
Johnny: As I was saying, two of my guys were following Heather Webber the night of the storm.
Dante: Why?
Johnny: Because they were moving and burying Anthony's body.
Dante: On your orders?
Johnny: No. But when they reported back, they said they saw Todd in the woods --
Todd: I was in the woods because I was looking after tea's infant son. I was trying to get him help, and I've been over this with the cops. They already know that I had nothing to do with Heather switching those babies.
Johnny: Yeah, see, but that's -- that's where I get a little lost, because my guys distinctly remember seeing you take Sam's live baby out of the planter on the porch and put it in tea's arms.
Carly: Todd? Todd. Oh, my God.
Todd: Carly. Carly.
Carly: You swore on our daughters.
Johnny: Yeah, Todd doesn't have much of a conscience anyway.
Carly: Shut up. How could you do this to me?
Johnny: Makes sense now, doesn't it? Hmm? How Todd knew the whole time that I was the one who took his granddaughter from him? But he couldn't say a word about it. Self-preservation's a bitch, isn't it?
Carly: Don't touch me.
Connie: I'm sorry. When was it you gave birth to a child?
Kristina: Just because I haven't given birth doesn't mean I don't understand.
Connie: No, you shut up, because you're just a little spoiled brat who only cares about pissing off daddy.
Kristina: That's not true.
Connie: I gave birth to Trey. And no matter what happens between now and then, to watch him struggle like that... you don't know.
Kristina: Maybe not. But I love him, Connie, and that's more than I can say for you.
Steven: Trey, you got to give me some kind of sign, buddy. [Breathes deeply] Looks like hypovolemic shock. Run that blood in. Let's run another two units of fresh frozen plasma followed by two units of packed red blood cells. Let's start him on an epi drip with loading dose per protocol.
Starr: Okay, yeah. Now I really do need to go check on Trey and that poor girl, Ellie.
Michael: Yeah. Let's find Kristina. She's probably in contact with the doctors as far as Trey is concerned.
Starr: Okay. Yeah, you know what? She must be freaking out. She could really use her brother. Come on.
Michael: Do you think we should contact, uh... Trey's family?
Starr: Well, all he has is Kristina and us.
Michael: I guess technically he does have a mother.
Starr: That's one word for it.
Connie: You love him?
Kristina: Yes.
Connie: Oh, God. This is the biggest crock I've ever heard. Five minutes after you "married" him, you dumped his ass!
Kristina: That was a special situation.
Connie: Oh, a special situation? Meaning when the going got rough, you got going.
Kristina: You don't even know! And that was forever ago, and me and Trey have spent a lot of time rebuilding since then.
Connie: Oh, a whole month. I hope he can get wise, Kristina, so he can dump your ass and rebuild with someone else.
Kristina: Why are you such a bitch?!
Connie: I'm just being real, babe.
Kristina: Oh, real? How 'bout you try this on for reality? You caused the car crash tonight! You're the reason Trey is even hurt! All his pain, all his injuries, everything --
[Both shouting]
Connie: Sonny, let me go!
Sonny: What the hell's going on?!
Kristina: It's her fault!
Alexis: Stop!
Michael: Hey, look, don't be mad.
Starr: What?
Michael: Just... are you sure you don't want to go home?
Starr: No. Why?
Michael: Because there's such a thing as pushing yourself too far. Okay, look -- what good are you gonna do Trey or anyone if you collapse?
Starr: Do I look like I'm about to collapse? Don't answer that.
Michael: Look, I can stay here, and I'll call you if something happens.
Starr: Michael, thank you. Thank you for trying to take care of me -- well, for taking care of me. But Trey is my roommate and he's your sister's husband, and we're the closest thing to family he's got. I would hate myself if I left him.
Michael: Okay, I'll make you a deal. If you feel like you're about to collapse... lean on me.
Starr: Deal. I feel so sorry for Trey. My dad may be crazy, but at least he always put me first. [Sighs]
Todd: Carly. Carly.
Carly: Please stop.
Todd: Carly.
Carly: [Sighs] The crazy thing is I would have forgiven you. I mean, I would have been really mad about the whole Jason part, but I would have listened to you explain and I would have forgiven you. Hell, I would have gone to my grave defending you. But you didn't trust me enough...
Todd: I did.
Carly: ...To give me that choice.
Todd: I trusted you.
Carly: No, you didn't! You weren't honest with me, Todd!
Todd: I was completely honest with you. I told you over and over, "I'm not a good person."
Carly: I never asked you to be a good person! Not once did I ask you to be a good person! I was married to a mobster. My best friend killed people for a living. I'm a lot of things, but I'm not a hypocrite. I know people do stupid things and they make stupid mistakes. Hell, I've made plenty. [Sighs]
Todd: Carly --
Carly: You lied to my face. I know the first time John McBain was in the room, but over and over again, I asked you, and over and over again, you lied, Todd. And I feel like such an idiot. God, I feel like an idiot.
Todd: I don't think you're an idiot.
Carly: I believed in you. I believed in you and I poured my heart out to you and I slept with you. What a joke! You must have gotten a great laugh. "Poor, stupid Carly here, thinking we're friends here."
Todd: You're the first friend that I ever had.
Carly: And I'm the last.
Todd: What can I do?
Carly: Nothing.
Todd: No, there's got to be something that I can do to make this right.
Carly: Let me tell you something -- there's nothing, because... I gave you every opportunity to tell me the truth -- every opportunity -- and you lied to my face. How do we come back from that?
Todd: [Sighs]
Carly: And what about your daughter, Todd? Have you thought about Starr at all in this?
Todd: Um, yeah.
Carly: Yeah?
Todd: Every day. Every day.
Carly: She's gonna be devastated when she finds out... that not only did you know who killed your daughter, you didn't do anything about it.
Starr: Dad? Is that true? Did you know?
Todd: Starr.
Starr: It's a pretty simple question. Stop! Did you know that Johnny was the one that took my family from me? While I worked with him, while I became friends with him?
Todd: I can explain.
Starr: You're more messed up than I ever thought possible. No, don't. I can't deal with this right now. I have to go check on my friend.
Michael: What the hell is wrong with you?
Todd: That's a good question.
Michael: You know, she loves you more than anything.
Todd: Mm-hmm. And you better go make sure she's okay.
Michael: She's not okay.
Kristina: I'm sorry you had to walk in on that. I shouldn't have even let her get to me. I just... it's just been such a crazy day.
Sonny: They check you out? You okay?
Kristina: Yeah, thanks to Trey.
Sonny: And what about Michael?
Kristina: He seemed fine.
Alexis: Well, thank God for that.
Kristina: Yeah, well, Trey seemed fine, too, and then he just -- he collapsed, and they said he has internal bleeding. Oh, God. Which I guess makes sense, because I dropped my cell phone, and that's when he unbuckled his seat belt, and... that's when we crashed. [Crying] I don't know what's gonna happen to him! And they wouldn't even let me stay because of her!
Connie: Ohh. Oh, it's my fault now?
Kristina: Yeah. Yeah, you caused a scene, and they made us leave.
Connie: Unbelievable.
Kristina: What am I gonna do? We had so many plans.
Alexis: All right, let's go. We're going down to the cafeteria.
Kristina: [Crying]
Connie: What?!
Sonny: You okay?
Connie: [Sighs] [Crying] They won't let me see him. They won't let me see my kid.
Carly: Well, congratulations. Your daughter may never speak to you again. And she's got company.
Todd: He was gonna send me to prison.
Dante: Well, that sucks for you, then, because you're going there anyway.
Todd: You have to at least give me a chance to explain my perspective to you.
Carly: You had every chance to explain, and I would have loved to hear your perspective, but you wouldn't let me. You wouldn't let me.
Todd: I didn't have a choice.
Carly: We all have choices. You made the wrong one, and now you have to live with it.
Dante: So, uh, I'm assuming you can come up with names and contact information for these so-called eyewitnesses?
Johnny: Yeah.
Dante: All right, then. Let's go down to the station. I got a few questions on how your father died, and I have a feeling you had something to do with it.
Johnny: I'll tell you everything you want to know.
Carly: Well, there's a novel concept.
Dante: Todd Manning, you are also under arrest for fraud and kidnapping and whatever the hell else the D.A. Wants to throw at you. Let's go. I'll Mirandize you on the way.
Carly: Wait a second. Wow. I sure can pick 'em, huh?
Dante: Let's go.
Carly: [Sighs]
Steven: Charge.
[Defibrillator powers up]
[Flatline continues]
Connie: [Crying] It's like I was looking at a different person. He was so pale. He's so weak. And if he dies... I'm so scared.
Sonny: Come here.
Connie: [Sobbing] Don't let me go, okay?
Sonny: Kate. "Kate" was 'cause I --
Connie: I know.
Sonny: The reason I said, "Kate" was 'cause I --
Connie: I know why you said, "Kate."
Sonny: No.
Connie: Because if I'm concerned about my son living or dying, it couldn't be me, right? It had to be Kate. 'Cause she's the only one that has any real feelings, right?!
Sonny: No, that's not --
Connie: No, that is right! I'm sorry to disappoint you, Sonny.
Sonny: Come here.
Connie: Don't. Don't you ever touch me...again.
Starr: What's wrong? Is he gonna be okay?
Elizabeth: I think it's best if you wait outside.
Starr: No, that's not an answer. Please, I --
Elizabeth: The doctor will be out with an update as soon as he can, okay?
Starr: Okay. Okay, she said that -- that he'll be out with an update. Is that a good sign or a bad sign?
Michael: Let's say "good" and hope for the best.
Starr: Michael!
Todd: I do want this. And by "this," I mean moving forward -- with you.
Carly: That was a good answer. I'm scared.
Todd: We are officially going steady.
Carly: I think you should kiss me now.
Carly: [Sighs]
Dante: Okay. Make yourself at home. Let's go, Johnny.
Johnny: You're not putting me in there with him.
Dante: Yeah! Yeah. Actually, I am. Do you, uh -- do you have a problem with that?
Johnny: Yeah. He killed his own brother. Yeah, that's a bit of a problem.
Dante: Well, yeah, may be, but I don't think he's gonna be much of a problem for you. I mean, the way you told it... you guys have been joined at the hip for a while now -- sharing each other's secrets, covering them up, and let's not forget the mutual blackmail, right? No, I think you two, uh -- you two deserve each other.
Todd: Are you happy?
Johnny: Do I look happy? [Sighs]
Todd: You should be happy. This is what you've always wanted. You get to be the martyr. You get to shed your guilt. I just don't know why you had to drag me down with you.
Kristina: Michael! Is there any news on Trey?
Michael: Uh...uh, no, not yet. They said they'd come out soon to talk to us.
Kristina: That's -- that's good, right? I mean, they're probably gonna tell us that he's doing a lot better now.
Alexis: I certainly hope so.
Kristina: Did you get to see him?
Starr: Um...
Kristina: And? How did he look?
Michael: There's no way to -- there's no way to tell. They're still working on him. The machines weren't alarming, so...
Kristina: Well, that's great. That's definitely a good sign. Dr. Webber. How's Trey? Is he all right?
Steven: I'm so sorry.
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