General Hospital Transcript Friday 1/4/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele
Todd: Wow.
Carly: [Chuckles] Wow. [Sighs]
Todd: Wow.
Carly: That was surprising.
Todd: What...was surprising?
Carly: Um... [Chuckling] Oh, no! Not -- not during. I don't mean that. I mean, that was, um... that was -- well, clearly I have no words. [Laughs] It was amazing. I'm just -- I'm just talking about I'm surprised... by the way I feel right now. [Laughs]
Todd: Why? How do you feel?
Carly: Happy.
Steve: You are incredible.
Olivia: [Laughs] You mean -- you mean I'm incredible for a grandma-to-be, don't you?
Steve: Total GILF.
Olivia: I don't even want to ask what that means!
Steve: "Grandma I'd like to fool around with."
Olivia: [Laughs] You know, why don't you let Grandma make your dreams come true?
Steve: Ooh. Mm. Wait. Wait.
Olivia: Are you serious?
Steve: There's something I need to ask you first.
Lulu: This may be the best ice cream that I've ever had.
Dante: Yeah. I was actually talking about what we did before the ice cream.
Lulu: Oh. That was really good, too.
Dante: Yeah? That's good.
Lulu: Confession?
Dante: Okay.
Lulu: I'm feeling really guilty.
Dante: Why?
Lulu: I mean, look at us. We're just -- we're eating what we want, we're doing what we want while Maxie's out there, living like a nun.
Michael: I'll be right back, okay?
Kristina: Trey! No! Trey!
Michael: I need some help over here!
Starr: Michael? This is not over. [Gasps] I know her.
Michael: Spinelli's date on Halloween.
Starr: This must have been who Connie was talking about. Is she alive?
Michael: She has a pulse, but it's weak. We, uh, we got to get her out of here.
Starr: Okay.
Johnny: You're finally going down.
Connie: For what, Johnny? The girl came out of nowhere. She jumped in front of my car. They can't pin that on me.
Johnny: Okay, so vehicular manslaughter is out.
Connie: No, no, see, 'cause that's your department.
Johnny: Oh, what about kidnapping, assault, huh? Something tells me I can make one of those charges stick. This is finally over.
Connie: Oh, huh? I'll see you in lockup, Johnny, given, the fact that you just told Starr that you killed her family.
Kristina: Help! Someone, please, help!
Johnny: Don't you even think about going anywhere. Hey, what happened?
Kristina: Trey, he was fine. He went to go look for his cell phone, and then all of a sudden, he just collapsed. You have to do something.
Johnny: Hey.
Kristina: Trey, you'll be okay. You're gonna be fine. Just stay with me. Please. Please. Oh, God. What's wrong with him? Why did he pass out like that?
Johnny: I don't know. But we need a doctor to take a look at him.
Kristina: How?! I-I don't even have my phone. Should I go look for it?
Johnny: No. [Sighs] There's still no service.
Kristina: What are we gonna do?
Johnny: I -- just, please, okay, don't panic.
Kristina: He's not moving, Johnny! He's not waking up! How am I not supposed to panic?!
Johnny: It's gonna be okay.
Kristina: [Crying]
Michael: Her name's Ellie.
Starr: Okay. Ellie? Look, I know that you are probably cold and tired, but please just try to open up your eyes. Ellie?
Michael: Okay.
Starr: Okay, good. Good.
Michael: Ellie, you've been in an accident.
Ellie: I can't move.
Michael: We have to get her to a hospital.
Starr: No, no, no, no, no. You can't move her. We could hurt her worse or she could have internal injuries. Um, we need an ambulance now. Call.
Michael: Damn it. No service.
Kristina: Damn it! Why won't this stupid thing work?!
Johnny: Kristina, you need to calm down.
Kristina: We don't get him to a hospital, he could die.
Elizabeth: Hey. What are you doing here? Thought you were babysitting Emma tonight.
Sabrina: I was. And it was wonderful.
Elizabeth: Uh, hanging out with a little kid on New Year's Eve? I mean, not that Emma's not the most precious little girl ever, but wasn't she in bed by, like, 8:00?
Sabrina: Oh, my God. It was so cute. She tried her best to stay up, but she was out cold by 9:00.
Elizabeth: Aw.
Sabrina: And then Patrick came home early, and we were watching the countdown. And you know how it is. Everyone's hugging and kissing.
Elizabeth: Did he kiss you?
Sabrina: No. But there was this one moment that was just so beautiful where I thought -- I don't know. I thought that he just might. And then the moment vanished.
Elizabeth: Emma woke up?
Sabrina: Dr. Westbourne called and then showed up.
Elizabeth: Of course, she did.
Sabrina: Oh, God. Elizabeth, it was so embarrassing.
Elizabeth: I'm so sorry. If it's any consolation, I spent my night here, missing my boys and drowning in patient files.
Sabrina: Well, hopefully someone somewhere is starting this year off right.
Todd: I guess happy's better than surprised.
Carly: Oh. [Chuckles] Yeah. Yeah.
Todd: [Chuckles]
Carly: [Sighs]
Todd: What?
Carly: Uh... it's just, um... I know I'm sending you mixed signals right now. I'm sorry. I'm not trying to. And I'm really glad we did this. I am.
Todd: Yeah.
Carly: You're gonna hate this. Oh, my God.
Todd: What am I gonna hate?
Carly: All guys hate this. They do. And I get it.
Todd: What, are you gonna stop and ask for directions?
Carly: What did this mean? The sex -- what does it mean?
Todd: [Sighs] It means we're really attracted to one another. And we have been for a long time.
Carly: And we both agree that it wasn't about, you know, forgetting other people. Like the last time we almost did this.
Todd: Mm-hmm.
Carly: So it's just an urge, right? You know, like an urge that needed to be filled and...
Todd: Is that all it was for you?
Carly: I asked you first.
Todd: What if I said no? What if I said it wasn't just an urge?
Carly: Then I'd say, "what's next?" Are we together?
Steve: Do you remember the first time we made love?
Olivia: [Sighs] It's kind of hard to forget the giant scrunchie and attacking you with a paintbrush, so yeah.
Steve: That image of you dancing... so free, so alive. I can't explain it. I mean, I just -- I knew... I wanted to be with you forever.
Olivia: Steve. What are you doing? [Gasps] Oh, my God. Oh, Mary, Mother of God.
Steve: And if you don't mind, I'd like forever to start right now.
Olivia: [Gasps]
Steve: Olivia Falconeri... will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?
Olivia: [Sniffles] I don't know what to say.
Steve: Really? 'Cause one word in particular is popping into my mind.
Olivia: [Stammers] It's such a big step, you know, for b-- one that neither one of us has ever taken.
Steve: It's a step I only plan on taking once.
Olivia: I know. I know. Me too. Me too. That's not what I meant.
Steve: I love you. I love you. And I'm ready for this, and I'm banking on the fact that you are, too.
Olivia: So no more bachelorhood?
Steve: Excuse me?
Olivia: I've talked to your sister. She told me how no one in your family ever thought that you were gonna be ready to settle down.
Steve: Nothing I love more than proving people wrong. You changed me. You made me realize that I want things that I never thought I would have ever wanted.
Olivia: Going home to the missus every night... sounds good to you?
Steve: If that missus is Olivia Falconeri, heck yeah. You're beautiful. You're smart. You're kind. You're sexy.
Olivia: [Laughs]
Steve: The magic you can do with a socket wrench alone...
Olivia: I knew this was just about getting free auto service.
Steve: It doesn't hurt. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And I want the whole world to know it. So I'm gonna take this from the top.
Olivia: Okay.
Steve: Will you marry me?
Olivia: [Sniffles] Yes.
Steve: Yes?
Olivia: Yes. [Gasps]
Todd: You're not even gonna wait for an answer?
Carly: I did wait for an answer, and you didn't have one, which is an answer in itself.
Todd: Okay. When you talk about us being together, you're talking about us being a couple, right?
Carly: That's kind of what "together" means. Yeah. Yeah.
Todd: Okay. Is that something that you want?
Carly: Why do you keep answering a question with a question?
Todd: I have a hard time believing that's something you would consider with me, Carly. I don't have such a great track --
Carly: I know!
Todd: No, you don't.
Carly: Yeah! Yeah, I do. You've made terrible mistakes in all your past relationships. So have I, okay?
Todd: The recent history, okay? Let's take Blair, okay? For whatever reason, she was in love with me, and so I decided to kill my brother, who was her ex-husband. Oh, and pin it on her fiancé.
Carly: That was in the past. You swore to me. There are no deep, dark secrets.
Johnny: Hey, if you see a car, flag it down. I'll be back with help, all right? It's gonna be okay.
Kristina: Trey, I'm here.
Connie: Shame on you, Johnny, lying to a little girl.
Johnny: What the hell are you talking about?
Connie: You just admitted to killing a girl and her daddy. Must have felt great unloading all that guilt, right? And now you're thinking about the consequences. You're thinking about, "This would be the perfect time for me to take off," leaving me high and dry.
Johnny: You see that kid over there, huh?! The one on the ground! Look at him! He's your son! And he could be dying! Does that not mean anything to you?!
Starr: Okay, okay. This is all -- this is all we can do for her. I don't know how much longer we can wait. Michael, do you have any service?
Michael: No. Maybe if I walk around a little, I'll pick something up.
Starr: Go, go, go, go. Go ahead. I'll stay here with her. Ellie? It's going to be okay, all right? Michael's going to get help.
Ellie: Damian.
Spinelli: [Sighs] We just made a terrible mistake.
Lulu: I need to stop worrying so much.
Dante: Didn't I just say that?
Lulu: It's not good for me. It's not good for Maxie. And probably driving her crazy, panicking every five seconds that she's gonna lose our baby. No wonder she wants to keep us out of the loop.
Dante: Didn't I say all that, too?
Lulu: You better watch your mouth, or you're not gonna get any more ice cream.
Dante: Oh, says the girl who just ate the whole carton all by herself.
Lulu: I did not.
Dante: You didn't? Let me see.
Lulu: You don't trust me.
Dante: Absolutely not. No way. [Chuckles] Ha! See? Wow!
Lulu: Okay. There's more in the freezer. So you can relax.
Dante: Relax. That's exactly what you need to do. You just need to relax.
Lulu: I'm going to try. I know. I mean, it's not like every time the phone rings, something bad is gonna happen.
Dante: Exactly.
[Cell phone ringing]
Dante: Mm. [Grunts] Okay, just relax. Relax. Don't worry. It's just Michael.
Lulu: I wasn't worrying.
Dante: Michael, what's up?
Michael: Dante. Thank God.
Dante: Dude, I can barely hear you. What's going on?
Michael: I need your help. There's been an accident. Hey, I got through.
Starr: You did?
Michael: Yeah.
Starr: Help is on the way, Ellie. Everything's going to be okay.
Michael: I got through. Help's on the way.
Johnny: What, 911?
Michael: No. Dante. He said he'd take care of everything and help's on the way. An ambulance should be here soon. What -- what happened here?
Kristina: Michael, we have to help Trey.
Michael: [Sighs] Krissy.
Kristina: He's not waking up.
Michael: Look, I talked to Dante. Help's on the way, okay?
Kristina: What if it's too late?
Michael: Don't say that. He's stronger thank you think.
Connie: Sucks for you. You lost your chance to bolt.
Johnny: For the last time, I'm not going anywhere.
Starr: Good. Because I need to talk to you.
Connie: Well, this should be interesting.
Starr: When you said that it was you who shot out Anthony's tires, you were lying, right? So that I wouldn't let Connie die.
Johnny: I wish I was, Starr.
Starr: It was you. The reason I lost my boyfriend and my little girl was because of you? It was you?!
Elizabeth: I'm sorry. Did you just say Dr. Westbourne was naked?
Sabrina: Standing there in all her glory. And it's pretty glorious. She clearly didn't think I was gonna be the one to open the door.
Elizabeth: Oh, my God. She must have been mortified.
Sabrina: You would think, right?
Elizabeth: What do you mean? She wasn't?
Sabrina: No. More like angry than anything else.
Elizabeth: At whom?
Sabrina: At me for still being there. And then she basically ordered me to come here and finish up her paperwork.
Elizabeth: [Scoffs] Happy New Year to you, too, right?
Sabrina: Telling me. Any action in E.R.?
[Telephone rings]
Elizabeth: No, actually, it's been pretty slow. Emergency. Where? Okay. How far out? All right, we'll be ready. Car accident. Looks like our night's about to pick up.
Starr: I thought you were my friend.
Johnny: I am.
Starr: Friends don't kill each other's families, and they sure as hell don't sit around while someone else takes the blame for it!
Johnny: Starr, I am sick over what I did. If I could go back and change it --
Starr: You can't go back, Johnny!
[Sirens approaching]
Starr: And you! You went along with this lie! Why?! You know what? I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I was wrong about the two of you. You guys are an amazing couple. You absolutely deserve each other. Don't you?!
Michael: What's going on?
Starr: I'll talk to you about it later. Let's just go to the paramedics. Go.
Michael: Two people are hurt. This woman was hit. We haven't tried to move her yet. And Trey just collapsed.
Kristina: Over here, please! Help him. Help him. He needs you. Trey? Trey, we got help.
[Police radio chatter]
Olivia: I love it. And I love you.
Steve: I love you, too. Grandma.
Olivia: [Chuckles]
Steve: Soon-to-be Mrs. Webber.
Olivia: Olivia Webber. Sounds pretty good.
Steve: Sounds perfect.
[Cell phone ringing]
Steve: Mm. Mm.
[Both sigh]
Steve: I'm sorry. I'm on call.
Olivia: Get it. I know. You have to answer it.
Steve: [Sighs] [Groans] Dr. Webber. How many injured? [Sighs] Approximate E.T.A.? All right. I'll be right in.
Olivia: I did not see this coming. And it's weird, because I see everything else.
Spinelli: Sincerest apologies.
Maxie: Spinelli, you don't have to say you're sorry for anything.
Spinelli: My actions were inexcusable, and I have no one to blame except myself. Or maybe the demon alcohol.
Maxie: Would you stop? You didn't force me into anything. I was a willing participant. And, honestly, it was nice.
Spinelli: We have to get you to the hospital.
Maxie: What?
Spinelli: No. There was jostling and -- and -- and lots of strenuous activity. What if -- what if we harmed the fetus?
Maxie: You didn't. You couldn't have.
Spinelli: How do you know?
Carly: Oh, let's face it. Neither of us are perfect.
Todd: That's an understatement. [Sighs]
Carly: You know what I mean.
Todd: I like to think of it that... well, we both made really bad choices.
Carly: [Chuckling] Yeah. If we were smart, we would end this right now.
Todd: Thank God neither one of us is smart.
[Both chuckle]
Carly: Yeah.
Officer: You all right, ma'am?
Connie: Yeah, I'm fine.
Officer: Secure the road there. I'm here.
[Police radio chatter]
Johnny: You see that kid over there?! Huh? The one on the ground! Look at him! He's your son! And he could be dying! Does that not mean anything to you?! Oh, what about kidnapping, assault, huh? Something tells me I can make one of those charges stick. This is finally over.
Connie: The hell it is. I'm out of here.
Paramedic: Post MVA collapsed after standing up. Unresponsive. B.P. is 85/45. Pulse -- 135.
Sabrina: Okay. Well, come with me. We've got cubicles waiting. I'm sorry. They're gonna need room to work.
Kristina: He's my boyfriend. I'm not leaving. Please.
Sabrina: Okay.
Kristina: [Breathes deeply]
Doctor: Guys, put her in the trauma room. Give me vitals, please.
Paramedic: Pedestrian hit by a motor vehicle, found barely conscious. B.P.'s 75/40. Pulse -- 46.
Doctor: Okay. Put her this way.
Elizabeth: Hey. Are you guys okay?
Michael: I'm fine, but Starr was already knocked out once. Someone needs to check on her.
Elizabeth: Okay. Just a second, all right? That doesn't look good.
Johnny: Yeah, maybe not, but I need to take care of something first.
Elizabeth: No, no, no. You need some stitches. Just come with me.
Johnny: [Sighs]
Elizabeth: I'll get back to you, okay?
Starr: [Sighs]
Michael: [Sighs] Can I get you water or coffee or anything?
Starr: Trey and that girl are gonna be okay, right?
Michael: I hope so. Look, Starr, you're gonna be okay, too, okay?
Starr: [Crying]
Michael: [Sighs]
Steve: All right, let's get stat films, run a second panel, CBC, type and cross four units, Chem 10, and a D.I.C. panel.
Starr: [Sniffles]
Michael: It's weird how when you're in the middle of something, you just deal with it. It's only when you're okay that it actually hits you. But we are okay, Starr. And we should probably tell our parents. They'll hear about the accident, think we're hurt, and get all freaked out. I'll tell you one thing. I'll never take cell service for granted again.
Starr: [Chuckles]
Michael: I'll be right back.
Elizabeth: Dr. Webber needs me right now, but if you start to feel dizzy, have me paged.
Johnny: Thank you.
Carly: After the whole thing with Johnny, I swore off boys.
Todd: After the whole thing with Blair, I swore off girls, and look where that got me. Right?
Carly: Yeah.
Todd: [Sighs] So, um... so, what do you think?
Carly: What do I think? A question? Really? You're asking me a question again.
Todd: Okay. I'll answer your question.
Carly: [Sighs]
Todd: I do want this. And by "this," I mean moving forward with you.
Carly: That was a good answer. I'm scared.
Todd: We are officially going steady.
Carly: I think you should kiss me now.
[Cell phone ringing]
Carly: Mm.
Todd: Don't get it. Don't --
Carly: I have to get that.
Todd: Are you kidding? I'm pretty sure we just agreed that we're going out, and all of a sudden we're --
Carly: It's my phone. It's my son. Hey, Michael. Everything okay?
Michael: I'm fine.
Carly: Okay, well, you're calling me late, you know, at this hour, so I thought --
Michael: There's been an accident.
Carly: What kind of accident?
Todd: Is he with Starr?
Michael: Is Todd there?
Todd: Carly.
Carly: Yeah. Yeah.
Michael: Okay, well, tell him Starr's fine, too.
Carly: She's okay. Michael, what happened?
Michael: Connie happened.
Connie: Come on!
[Engine sputtering]
[Siren wailing]
Connie: [Sighs] Okay. These boots were made for walking. [Sighs] Sayonara, Port Charles.
Dante: Whoa! Whoa! You going somewhere, Connie?
Connie: Dante! God, I'm glad you're here.
Dante: Yeah, sure you are. Your car's seen better days, it looks like, huh?
Connie: Don't I know it! Johnny and I were out for a drive and --
Dante: Drive? In this fog? Really?
Connie: Yeah. You know, fog's romantic. And this girl, she jumps in the middle of the road, and I-I swerve to not hit her, and then we crash into this rock.
Dante: What happened with Michael and Starr?
Connie: Yeah, they -- they crashed, too. I hope they're okay.
Dante: Yeah.
Connie: Yeah, I just -- I don't anybody to get hurt.
Dante: So when you clocked Starr upside the head and knocked her unconscious and left her in Johnny's office, what did you want then?
Connie: What? I don't know what you're talking about.
Dante: Save it. Connie, please... I know you abducted your husband, and you brought him out here for what reason I don't know -- a trip down memory lane? You wanted to show him where you killed two people?
Connie: No, you got it all wrong, Detective.
Dante: Well, please, educate me. [Chuckles]
Connie: Okay. See, the thing is... I was driving Johnny to the cops, because he confessed that he was the one that shot out Anthony's tires. Yeah. Can you believe that? That bastard blamed me for what he did.
Dante: Cuff her to the car.
Connie: Wait, Dante.
Dante: And then take her down to the station when you finish processing the scene.
Connie: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Listen to me! You don't believe me, you go and you ask Johnny yourself.
Dante: I will. I'm gonna go to the hospital. I'm gonna check in on the victims, and I'll ask your husband to clarify this whole thing, see what he has to say.
Connie: Okay, you do that! And, Dante, he will talk to you, because he's very talkative these days! Hey! Oh, geez.
Johnny: Look, I know I don't deserve it. Please just give me a chance to explain.
Starr: You're right. You don't deserve anything, Johnny.
Johnny: I never meant to hurt anybody.
Starr: You shot out someone's tires.
Johnny: Okay, fine. I meant to hurt Anthony. But I had no idea what I had done until I read it in the paper the next day. You have no idea what it did to me.
Starr: What it did to you, Johnny?!
Johnny: Okay. You're right.
Starr: You took my whole life from me! You took a part of me, a joy that I will never get back! All because of you!
Johnny: And that's why from the moment it happened, I vowed to do anything to make it up to you.
Starr: Like buying my recording contract?!
Johnny: I had to try.
Starr: Johnny, you killed my boyfriend and my daughter. You could try for the rest of your godforsaken life, and nothing you do will ever make up for that.
Johnny: [Sighs]
Doctor: I know her. I've seen her around.
Sabrina: She's a lab tech. Her name's Ellie. Hey, do you want me to see what's keeping Radiology?
Doctor: I'll call down. But we should contact her family, let them know what's going on. Maybe the information's in her hospital file.
Sabrina: Yeah, I'll check if I don't get anything off her phone.
Doctor: Okay.
[Monitor beeping]
Spinelli: Maxie, we should really go to the hospital.
Maxie: Spinelli, listen. I know you didn't hurt the baby because --
[Cell phone rings]
Maxie: [Sighs]
Spinelli: Ellie calling.
Sabrina: This is Sabrina Santiago. I am a student nurse at General Hospital. I understand you're close with Ellie Trout. I hate to leave this over a message, but... Ellie's been in an accident.
Michael: Is that true?
Johnny: Yeah.
Michael: You accused my father, and the whole time, it was you who tried to kill Anthony.
Johnny: Yes.
Starr: Oh, my God! I almost shot Michael's father because of you. You knew the whole time, and you did nothing.
Johnny: I'm not proud of my actions.
Starr: You're not. Okay, well, are you proud that you bought out my recording contract? Is that what you're proud of?
Johnny: You know what? Honestly, that's the one thing I don't regret.
Starr: Right. Because it doesn't matter if you killed my family, right? Just as long as I get paid to sing.
Johnny: No, because I thought that maybe it would help. Maybe it would give you some sense of healing, of --
Starr: You don't heal from losing your daughter! You don't, Johnny! There's an ache and a wound there that I-I fall asleep with every night and I wake up to every morning!
Johnny: I'm sorry.
Starr: You put that there! You did that to me!
Michael: You're pathetic. You didn't feel like carrying around all that guilt, so you pretended to be Starr's friend to feel better about yourself.
Starr: You're a liar. You're a snake, and I can't believe that I ever thought you cared about me.
Johnny: I did.
Starr: You say that again to me one more time, and you are gonna find out what happens to you.
Johnny: I did care about you, Starr, and I always will.
Starr: I hate you.
Johnny: I don't blame you.
Starr: You took my family from me! I hate you! I hate you so much, Johnny! You were my friend, and you took them from me!
Officer: I think we've got what we need. Let's pack it in. Let's get this prisoner to the station.
Elizabeth: What are you thinking?
Steve: Probably intra-abdominal bleeding.
Kristina: What does that mean?
Steve: You shouldn't be here.
Kristina: He needs me. I'm not going anywhere.
Michael: Starr, it's okay. It's okay. He's gonna pay for what he did.
Starr: But it won't bring Cole and Hope back, Michael. It won't bring them back. [Crying]
Dante: Hey. Hey, I just came from the scene. You guys okay?
Michael: Physically we're fine.
Dante: Yeah. What about the others?
Michael: We haven't heard anything since they took them in.
Steve: And Kristina?
Michael: She's worried about Trey. Have you seen Connie?
Dante: Yeah, she -- she had a lot to say.
Johnny: Bet she did.
Dante: You got anything you want to add, Johnny?
Johnny: Yeah. I want to turn myself in.
Lulu: Hey. Is everything okay?
Olivia: Yeah. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry to come up here so late. But I-I just -- I figured you'd probably be up since Dante probably got called away, too.
Lulu: Oh, "too." Steve -- for the car accident.
Olivia: Yeah. Sorry. I'm probably not making a whole lot of sense right now.
[Both chuckle]
Lulu: Did you have a little too much champagne?
Olivia: I hope not. I just drove myself over here. But, listen, um... I wanted to tell Dante and you both about this together, but --
Lulu: Is this about the dog that you keep seeing? Because, I mean, you don't have to worry, 'cause everything's fine.
Olivia: Why? What happened?
Lulu: Well, Maxie had a run-in with a dog tonight. She chased after it --
Olivia: Is the baby okay?
Lulu: Yeah. Everything's fine, see? So now we know that your hallucinations did mean something, just nothing bad.
Spinelli: [Sighs]
Maxie: Don't you want to call her back?
Spinelli: Why? So she can gloat about the wonderful evening she's having? She probably didn't even mean to call me. She just probably rolled over on her cell when she was in bed with someone else.
Maxie: You were in bed with someone else.
Spinelli: Yeah, but that was under entirely different circumstances. Come on, let's just... forget about Ellie. You were on the verge of -- of telling me something.
Maxie: Yeah, something important. Something really important. About Dante and Lulu's baby.
Dante: You know what happens now, right, Johnny?
Johnny: Yeah.
Carly: Michael?
Todd: Starr. Are you okay?
Starr: Dad.
Todd: Um... have you seen a doctor?
Starr: No.
Todd: Is there a doctor in this hospital?
Starr: Please stop.
Todd: You must have been scared.
Carly: Dante, what's going on?
Starr: It wasn't Connie.
Carly: What wasn't Connie?
Starr: Connie's not the one who shot out the tires and caused my car to go off the road. It was Johnny. He's the reason why I lost my family, and he's been lying to us this entire time.
Johnny: It's true. I just turned myself in.
Michael: You want a medal?
Carly: No. That's not possible.
Johnny: I tried to tell you so many times. I'm not a good person, Carly. There's something you need to know. There's something I need to --
Carly: We don't need to talk about that, okay?
Johnny: But I have to. There's something I need to tell you.
Carly: No, I don't want you talking, okay? You have to save your strength.
Johnny: I've got to tell you everything... everything that happened.
Carly: You did this. Why would Connie cover for you?
Johnny: I... because she had her reasons, but... I married her because she was keeping my secret.
Carly: You lied to me every day, every night, just lying.
Johnny: I really loved you. I never lied about that.
Carly: I hope you rot in hell.
Dante: You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you free of charge. Do you understand these rights as I have explained them to you, Johnny?
Johnny: Yeah. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt innocent people. I'm gonna keep saying that till everyone believes me.
Dante: Let's go.
Carly: Dante, wait.
Olivia: I'm not here about little dogs or wacky hallucinations or anything like that. But I am here about the future. My future... as Mrs. Steven Webber.
Lulu: Oh, my God! Seriously?!
Olivia: It just happened!
Lulu: Ah!
Olivia: It just happened! And I just had to tell someone! I was about to go crazy. So I had to come over.
Lulu: I'm so glad that you did! This is so amazing!
Olivia: [Laughs] Just think. Pretty soon, we're gonna have two new members of our family, Steve and your adorable little baby. [Chuckles]
Lulu: Yay!
Olivia: [Laughs]
Spinelli: The room... do you see -- do you see it spinning?
Maxie: You're the first person that I've told about this. And if I think this is gonna be difficult... Spinelli, I am... not pregnant anymore. I lost Dante and Lulu's baby. [Sniffles]
Doctor: Well, still unconscious, but at least her vitals are stabilized.
Sabrina: How bad is she?
Doctor: I can't say for sure until we run further tests, but I suspect spinal injury.
[Monitor beeping]
Todd: Why don't we let the nice officer do his job --
Carly: I hear you. I can't believe I'm saying this. I can't believe I'm saying this at all. But I actually feel sorry for Connie.
Elizabeth: B.P. is dropping. He's going into V-tac.
Steve: He's crashing.
Kristina: You said you'd come right back, Trey. Come back!
[Alarm beeping]
Steve: Come on, Trey.
Kristina: [Crying] Please come back.
Steve: Come on. [Grunting]
Carly: I'm so glad the truth came out, because maybe Starr can have some kind of closure. Because I do. I regret every second I spent with you. I am so happy to finally be moving on with Todd.
Johnny: Oh, you think that's smart, huh, moving from one criminal to another.
Carly: At least Todd is honest about who he is.
Johnny: Oh, I doubt that. You bare your soul? Didn't think so.
Carly: What is he talking about?
Johnny: You want to tell her, or should I?
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