GH Transcript Thursday 1/3/13

General Hospital Transcript Thursday 1/3/13


Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele

All: 5...4...3... 2...1...

[All cheering]

Singer: Should auld acquaintance be forgot

Carly: Happy New Year.

Todd: Happy New Year.

Singer: Should auld acquaintance

Lulu: Hello, 2013.

Dante: Yeah, I'd say we're getting off to a pretty good start.

Lulu: The year of the baby. Our baby!

Dante: Yeah.

Lulu: I almost can't believe it.

Dante: Believe it.

Lulu: Let's call Maxie. We should wish her a Happy New Year.

Dante: Okay.

[Cell phone ringing]

Maxie: I am sure you have New Year's plans, so just tell me where to sign, and I will get out of your hair.

Britt: We first need to discuss your condition.

Maxie: Condition? It was just another false alarm, right?

Britt: Maxie, I'm sorry. You had a miscarriage.

Maxie: A miscarriage? No, that's im-impossible. I'm still pregnant. Tell me that I'm still pregnant.

Britt: Maxie, I can't. You lost the baby.

[Television playing]

Maxie: I don't understand. It worked. The...embryo implanted, and I was pregnant, and... now I'm not? It's just gone?

Britt: These things sometimes happen. I'm so sorry.

Maxie: Don't be sorry for me. It wasn't my baby.

[Fireworks exploding]

Spinelli: I am not taking this lying down.

[Vehicles approaching]

[Cell phone rings]

Ellie: Oh, a signal!

Connie: Hey, the fog is lifting! Did you hear that?!

Ellie: Damian!

Connie: Oh, my God!

Ellie: Aah!

Trey: Whoa, hold on. I think I see it.

Michael: I forgot this is the same road that Cole and Hope died.

Starr: Michael, look out! No!

[Metal crunching]

Ellie: Hi! You've reached the voicemail of Ellie Trout. I will return your call at my earliest opportunity. Have a wonderful day!


Spinelli: Uh, well, it's after midnight.

[Cork pops]

Spinelli: And I am -- [Laughs] I am alone! Irrefutable evidence that you did not accept my earnest apology and never wish to see me again. I waited for you, Ellie. I'm here. Where are you?

Michael: [Groans] Starr? Starr, can you hear me? Starr!

Starr: What happened?

Michael: Are you okay?

Starr: Are you okay?

Michael: Yeah, I think so. Kristina! Kristina, can you hear me?

Starr: Trey?

Kristina: Hey.

Michael: You okay?

Kristina: Yeah. Yeah. Trey? Oh, my God, Trey. Trey, can you hear me? Trey.

Starr: Trey!

Trey: Yeah, hold on. What's going on? Where's my cell phone.

Kristina: We were in an accident.

Trey: What?

Michael: Damn it.

Starr: What? What's wrong? No cell service. We spun out trying to miss Connie's car. Oh, God, Johnny!

Todd: You want to get out of here?

Carly: I'd love to.

Lulu: Hey, Baby Mama, it's Bio Mama and Dante. We just wanted to, uh, call you and wish you a Happy New Year's, but you must be exhausted and sleeping, so... we'll just see you tomorrow. Bye.

[Knock on door]

Britt: Hey. Do you have any questions?

Maxie: Yeah. How did this happen?

Britt: It's actually quite common. I don't mean that to sound insensitive. The unfortunate fact is, many early pregnancies end in miscarriage.

Maxie: Is it something that I did?

Britt: No, no, no. Most likely, the embryo just wasn't viable. It's nature's way of saying it just wasn't meant to be.

Maxie: No, it's meant to be. Dante and Lulu are supposed to be parents.

Britt: And I'm sure they will be.

Maxie: Oh, this is all my fault. They told me to rest, and I was, and then this stupid dog showed up. They're never gonna forgive me.

Britt: Maxie, there is nothing to forgive.

Maxie: No, you don't understand. They trusted me with their child, and I fell.

Britt: That could've had absolutely nothing to do with the miscarriage.

Maxie: Is there any way you can tell that for sure?

Britt: No. But in my honest opinion, the embryo just wasn't strong enough. And it's better to have this happen early than go through your first trimester.

Maxie: It would've been better if this hadn't happened at all. How am I supposed to tell them?

Britt: Do you want me to call Lulu? She might take the news better coming from a doctor.

Maxie: I feel like it should come from me.

Britt: Okay. Well, there's no rush. Feel free to stay here as long as you want.

Maxie: No. I need some air... and to find a place to think.

[Cell phone ringing]

Patrick: Britt. Hey, what's up?

Spinelli: I even rented a heat lamp for our physical comfort. And now that will go unused, just like all the rest of the surprise I had planned, all because you let my... friendship with Maxie destroy us before we even started! Our coupledom is gone, much like 2012. So, happy new rest of your life.

[Footsteps approaching]

Spinelli: Ellie? Ellie, at long last. Please disregard the last message I sent! Maxie... wh-what -- what are you doing here?

Ellie: [Gasps]

Starr: Connie? Connie? Where the hell is Connie?! Oh, my --

Michael: She must have ran off.

Connie: Somebody help me!

Starr: She didn't get very far.

Michael: I'll go.

Starr: No, no, no, no, no! You, uh -- you have to get Johnny out of the trunk somehow!

Michael: Okay. You sure you're gonna be okay?

Starr: Yes! I'm not the one who's in trouble here. Please help him.

Michael: All right, there's a tire iron in my car. Just please be careful.

Starr: Yes! Go, go, go, go!

Connie: Can anybody hear me?! Help!

Starr: Whoa, whoa! [Gasps]

Kristina: What are you doing?

Michael: Just stay here.

Ellie: Help. Someone...

Spinelli: You're not supposed to be here. What -- I'm sorry. This does not compute.

Maxie: I forgot about your plans.

Spinelli: I...don't recall revealing them to you.

Maxie: No, no, you didn't. Ellie told me she was meeting you here. I didn't mean to crash. I'm so sorry.

Spinelli: Well, do you see Ellie anywhere? [Scoffs] It's funny. I'm seeing two of most things right now, and I can't even conjure up one of her. [Chuckles]

Maxie: She didn't show?

Spinelli: No. No, she didn't. A not-so-subtle message that she does not return my affections.

Maxie: That doesn't seem right.

Spinelli: No, it does not, but it's the truth. If she wanted to renew our relationship, she was to meet me here at midnight. It's over. We're over. This news upsets you?

Maxie: No, um... it's not that. I, um... I've messed everything up, and I don't know how to make it right.

Spinelli: Perhaps you can start by telling me what happened.

Patrick: I'm glad you called.

Britt: I'm glad you picked up. Are you home?

Patrick: Yeah, I am.

Britt: I just wanted to apologize for tonight. I was really hoping to celebrate with you.

Patrick: Yeah, so was I.

Britt: Okay, well, um... Happy New Year, Patrick.

Patrick: Happy New Year, too.

Sabrina: I should go. I left, um -- I left a noisemaker for Emma.

Patrick: Sabrina, wait. I, um -- I didn't -- I didn't pay you yet. Um... I'm a little bit short, so I'm just gonna run to my bedroom --

Sabrina: No, it's really -- it's okay. You can pay me next time.

Patrick: Are you in a rush?

Sabrina: No. No.

Patrick: Okay. Can you just -- I'm just gonna run to my room, I'm gonna check on Emma, and then I'll be back, so please don't leave, okay?

Sabrina: Okay.

Todd: You want a night cap?

Carly: Uh, yeah.

Todd: Yeah, night cap. 'Cause, uh... we have so much to celebrate, right? 2013. That lunatic Connie has kidnapped that lying, cheating Johnny, right? That's when you say cheers. Cheers.

Carly: Cheers.

Todd: Cheers. What? You're not really worried about that guy, are you?

Carly: No! Well, "worried" is a stretch. I'm just wondering that, if Connie's gonna hurt Starr, where does she draw the line with Johnny?

Todd: Well, hopefully she won't.

Carly: I'm trying to figure out what's going on with Connie. Why is she on this rampage?

Todd: Still no messages.

Carly: No message from Blair, huh?

Todd: Uh, no, Carly. No message from Starr. Haven't heard from her since the stroke of midnight.

Carly: Do you always hear from her on New Year's Eve?

Todd: Well, after she was so cold to me on Christmas, I was hoping she'd throw me a bone.

Carly: You never told me why she was so mad at you.

Connie: Why are you just standing there?!

Starr: You tried to run?

Connie: So what if I did, huh? Clearly, I couldn't see where I was going, the damn fog! Aah! You have to help me, please!

Michael: [Grunts] Come on, damn it!

[Lock clicks]

Michael: Johnny.

Connie: Kid, come on.

Starr: I'm not a kid, Connie! You killed my daughter and my boyfriend! Why should I do anything for you?! Huh?!

Connie: Aah! Oh, God!

[Knock on door]

Sabrina: [Gasps] Uh...Patrick? Someone's at...

Britt: Happy New Year! You!

Sabrina: Dr. Westbourne! You're -- you're naked!

Lulu: This is not normal.

Dante: Well, maybe Maxie went down to do laundry.

Lulu: And left the door wide open?

Dante: Ellie! It's Dante and Lulu!

Lulu: Maxie?

Dante: I'm gonna go check the bedrooms.

Lulu: Was she in there?

Dante: She's not here -- no one is.

Maxie: I am a big fat failure who can't do anything right.

Spinelli: What?! How can you say that?! You are generously serving as Dante and Lulu's surrogate! I mean, you are literally a vessel of life!

Maxie: No, Spinelli, you don't understand.

Spinelli: No, I do! I understand perfectly! Look, you're beating yourself up over nothing!

Maxie: Nothing?

Spinelli: Yeah, yeah, yeah. These are the hormones talking, okay? They're wreaking havoc on your emotions.

Maxie: You're wrong.

Spinelli: No, no! Look, it's New Year's. [Laughs] Was. And you're feeling strange, right? Just like on Christmas Eve.

Maxie: Spinelli, it's different this time.

Spinelli: No, no! Maybe different dates maybe, but the physiolo-- physiological root is -- is the same! It'll get better, okay? God, it has to.

Maxie: I don't see how it can.

Spinelli: Well, come on, look around. Who's the failure here? Come on. Let's...evacuate the premises, okay? It is frigid up here... in more ways than one. I will take you anywhere you want. Well, more accurately, I will accompany you, because I am in no way fit to drive.

Maxie: Home. I just want to go home.

Spinelli: Home it is.

Ellie: Help. Must stay conscious. Numbness. Bradycardia. Neurogenic shock. Pulmonary capacity dissipation. [Shuddered breathing] Critical...

Connie: [Whimpering] Come on! Starr, come on! I know you don't like me!

Starr: Is that some kind of a joke, Connie?

Connie: No! You can't leave me here!

Starr: You're right where you belong! You killed my family! You left them to die, Connie, right here! Right here! You took your shot, and you never looked back. Well, now it's my turn.

Connie: No!

Starr: Aah!

[Both grunting]

Carly: You're not gonna tell me why Starr was mad at you at Christmas, huh? Okay, fine. You don't have to tell me. You can be all mysterious, but... no, Michael did not call me, but that's not out of the ordinary, and if it really did bother me, there'd be nothing I could do about it, anyway.

Todd: I can't stand it when Starr doesn't talk to me.

Carly: Oh.

Todd: Hey, you know what? Phones work both ways, right?

Carly: Uh, don't do that.

Todd: Well, why not?

Carly: You don't want to call them and ruin this moment.

Todd: Aww. What moment, Carly?

Carly: I'm talking about the kids, you know? Todd, they've been living under the same roof for... a few months now.

Todd: Yeah, sleeping in separate beds.

Carly: Okay, you're delusional. Those two are ringing in 2013 like every other couple. You know they are.

Todd: Oh, no, no, no.

Carly: Oh, where you going?

Todd: I -- I'm -- I'm going to stop them. That's where I'm going.

Carly: No, you're not. You're gonna stay... right here... with me.

Michael: Slow. You okay?

Johnny: Yeah. What the hell?

Michael: You were in an accident. Are you sure you're not hurt?

Johnny: Yeah. Fine. Oh, God. Starr --

Michael: Starr's fine. Connie knocked her out, but she's okay.

Trey: Michael?

Johnny: Who's that?

Trey: Michael, it's Kristina! Come on!

Johnny: Who is that?

Michael: Try and find Connie's cell phone, okay? And try to find a signal.

Johnny: Oh, damn it.

Trey: We were talking, and she was fine. We were gonna go help you. Then she just passed out. Where the hell's the ambulance?

Michael: Johnny's working on it. Kristina, it's Michael. Can you hear me?

Trey: No, no, no, no.

Michael: What?

Trey: I don't know if she's breathing.

Connie: Please help me up. Please. Please, for the love of God, what are you doing?! No, stop it! Starr, you're gonna kill me! Ohh! No! No!

Johnny: Starr! Starr! No! Starr, don't do it.

Britt: What're you still doing here? Patrick left the party before midnight.

Sabrina: I'm sorry, but we just got to talking, and then --

Britt: And then what, Sabrina? You just happened to be here with him when the clock struck midnight? Unbelievable. This is exactly what you wanted.

Sabrina: What? No, no. It wasn't even like that at all. It was just -- Patrick -- Dr. Drake got home, and then, before we knew it, they started counting down, and --

Britt: Where is he?

Sabrina: Getting money to pay me.

Britt: Here.

Sabrina: What?

Britt: Now go.

Sabrina: Oh, my God, no. This is way too much, and I should probably say good--

Britt: Go. Get a jump on your paperwork. Yes, while you were getting cozy here, I was seeing patients. There's a stack on my desk that needs filing.

Sabrina: Right now?

Britt: Yes, now. I want it done by the morning.

Sabrina: But it's New Year's Eve.

Britt: Goodbye.

Sabrina: [Scoffs]

[Footsteps approaching]

Patrick: Britt.

Britt: Hi.

Patrick: This is a surprise.

Britt: Hopefully a good one.

Patrick: Where's Sabrina?

[Cell phone rings]

Dante: She left her phone.

Lulu: She never goes anywhere without her phone. Something's wrong.

Dante: Try not to panic.

Lulu: Well, it's too late. What're we gonna do?

Maxie: All right, come on.

Lulu: Oh, thank God.

Dante: Hey, where you been?

Maxie: What are you guys doing here?

Dante: Well, we called you a bunch of times, and you weren't answering, so we thought we'd check in.

Lulu: We came here, and the door is wide open, the place is empty. What happened?

Maxie: I was, um... sitting here, resting, and I heard a scratch at the door. Turned out it was a dog.

Dante: A dog?

Lulu: Oh, my gosh. Olivia had another vision of a dog tonight.

Maxie: This ended up being a real one, and, um... I know I was supposed to be keeping my feet up, and I was, but this dog just wouldn't leave, so I -- I got up to tell it to scram, and then it ran in here, and I chased after it. I tripped and fell.

Lulu: Oh, my God.

Dante: Um, did you go to the hospital?

Maxie: Yeah, I saw Dr. Westbourne.

Lulu: Is the baby okay?

Ellie: [Shallow breathing] Please, please move. Oh, B.P. falling precipitously. Oh. Must stay conscious. Chat or die. Damian... Damian... Damian...

Trey: Come on, Kristina, open your -- open your eyes.

Johnny: Starr, come on, let me help you pull her up.

Starr: No! I'm not letting her back up!

Connie: Johnny, please help me!

Johnny: Starr, you don't want to do this!

Starr: Yes, I do!

Johnny: No, you don't!

Starr: Johnny, she had you tied up and locked in a trunk! For all you know, she was gonna kill you!

Connie: No, I wasn't, I wasn't.

Starr: If I let you go, we can both live in peace. [Chuckles]

Carly: Oh, um... wait a second. Wait a minute. Wait.

Todd: Um...okay.

Carly: Are we sure we want to do this?

Todd: Uh, 100%.

Carly: I don't want to regret being with you. I don't want you to regret being with me.

Todd: The only thing that I'm regretting is that we're talking.

Carly: I'm serious.

Todd: Okay. Okay.

Carly: Are you doing this to forget about Blair?

Todd: Pfft! You're the one that stopped us. Are you doing this because you want to forget about Johnny?

Starr: Connie took my whole life from me. It's only fair that I do the same.

Connie: Oh, God!

Starr: God won't help you! You're a murderer. You murdered my precious little girl.

Johnny: No, she didn't. Connie didn't kill Cole and Hope.

Britt: Sabrina had to take off. She asked me to tell you good night for her.

Patrick: Right, I -- I still owe her money for babysitting.

Britt: Oh, no worries. I took care of it.

Patrick: Okay, well, then, I owe you.

Britt: Oh, no, no, no, no. [Chuckles] It's my treat. After all, Sabrina was babysitting so you and I could spend the night together, so... mission accomplished.

Patrick: I'm just a little confused why she left so quickly. Um...

Britt: Maybe she remembered something she had to do or a party she wanted to go to.

Patrick: Right.

Britt: I know that I was sad being away from you at midnight. [Clicks off light switch] I was hoping if I could make that up to you.

Patrick: There's -- there's no need for that.

Britt: I insist. Three guesses what I'm wearing underneath this coat.

Carly: If Blair came to you and said that she made a mistake and she loved you, and she wanted you back... what would you say?

Todd: I'd tell her it's really nice to be vindicated but that... she and I are done.

Carly: Would you say anything else?

Todd: Yeah. Tell her I was with you.

Carly: Really?

Todd: Yeah. Why? What about you? If Johnny walked in right now and interrupted us, much the same way he did the last time --

Carly: I would tell him to get lost.

Todd: You would?

Carly: Mm-hmm.

Todd: Okay. Even if he had some convoluted and yet still plausible excuse for having to marry Connie?

Carly: It wouldn't matter.

Todd: No?

Carly: Mnh-mnh.

Todd: So you two are finished?

Carly: You know, this, um... thing... with us, I'm... I'm thinking it's a new start for me.

Todd: It's a new start for me, too.

Starr: Okay. So now Connie didn't do it? That's crap!

Connie: He's telling the truth, Starr.

Starr: Then why did you tell anyone who would listen that you shot out Anthony's tires?! You can't make me save her, Johnny!

Johnny: I'm telling you, Starr, Connie didn't do it. She never even fired a gun that night.

Starr: Then why did she say that she was there, that she did it?!

Johnny: Because she was covering for the person who did.

Starr: Who?

Johnny: Me.

Starr: What did you say?

Johnny: I shot out Anthony's tires. I took Cole and Hope away from you.

Ellie: [Whimpering] Damian... I was...on my way... to see you. We... b-belong together. Maxie convinced me. [Shuddered breathing]

Lulu: Maxie? Say something. How's the baby?

Spinelli: Wait. The wee one's fine. I ran into Maxie at the hospital, and all is well, and she -- she would have said otherwise if... schnapps? Whoa!

Lulu: Well, thank God.

Dante: So we were worried for nothing.

Lulu: Just don't scare us like that.

Maxie: Sorry.

Lulu: No, I mean, I -- I -- you know, I... why didn't you call us? I mean, we're in this together. We would have taken you to the hospital.

Maxie: I know. I just -- it happened so fast, and I was scared. I didn't think.

Lulu: It's okay. I understand.

Maxie: No, you -- you don't understand how badly I feel.

Lulu: Look, as long as you and the baby are okay, that is all that matters.

Dante: Yes, I second that. Just promise us that if this sort of thing happens again, you call her first, please?

Maxie: I promise.

Lulu: Adrenaline. I feel like I could run a marathon right now.

Maxie: Me not so much.

Dante: Okay, yeah, you must be exhausted.

Lulu: We'll get out of your hair.

Dante: Do you want us to take, uh, that?

Maxie: No, you can leave that here.

Lulu: Happy New Year. Happy New Year, Spinelli.

Spinelli: For some, not for others.

Dante: Okay...

Maxie: Happy New Year, guys.

Dante: You too.

Lulu: Happy New Year, little one.

Maxie: What just happened? What the hell just happened?

Spinelli: Where's Ellie?

Ellie: I'm so sorry I wasn't there, Damian. I wanted to be...

Kristina: [Gasps]

Michael: Kristina.

Trey: There we go. Come on.

Michael: You scared the crap out of me.

Trey: Yeah, me too. Are you okay?

Michael: Don't ever think about doing that again.

Kristina: I'll try. Everyone else... okay?

Michael: Starr and Johnny seemed fine. Heard Connie calling for help earlier, but Starr's checking it out.

Trey: Go, go, go. I'll take care of your sister.

Michael: You sure?

Trey: Yeah, yeah.

Kristina: I'm in good hands.

Trey: Oh, my God, Kristina. I thought I was losing you. I swear, I saw... I saw my life flash before me, and I... I don't want to live without you.

Kristina: Me neither.

Starr: No! Why are you doing this?

Connie: I'm losing my grip. Please.

Starr: Shut up! Stop talking!

Connie: Just listen to him!

Starr: You would have never let Cole and Hope -- you wouldn't have left them to die.

Johnny: I didn't know. I shot out my grandfather's tires, I saw the car spin out of control, and I took off. I didn't hear about the other car until the next day.

Starr: But Connie confessed. Connie did.

Johnny: Yes, because I convinced her to confess.

Starr: How?! Why?!

Johnny: It's not important, and we don't have time for this right now, Starr. Connie didn't take Cole and Hope away from you. I did. She doesn't need to answer for what I did. You want someone to pay? I'm right here.

Connie: Help me! I'm falling! Please!

Patrick: So... You're naked.

Britt: I can prove it to you, if you don't believe me.

Patrick: Uh... don't do that. Don't do that, because then... then I'm gonna have to take you up to my bedroom, and Emma's a light sleeper.

Britt: Mm. I can promise to be quiet.

Patrick: Even if she doesn't wake up, she's not ready to see you here in the morning.

Britt: I completely understand. Do you hate that I came over like this?

Patrick: Believe me, "hate" is the last thing on my mind right now.

Britt: Mm. Well... in that case... maybe one of these nights we can try a hotel room again.

Patrick: Deal. And it'll be different. It's a new year, and... I'm ready to move forward.

Britt: I really think you mean that.

Patrick: I do.

Britt: Happy New Year.

Patrick: Happy New Year.

Sabrina: Oh, God. [Unzips]

Johnny: Come on, come on.

Connie: Oh, God, don't let go of me! Ohh! Okay. Johnny, come on!

Johnny: I got you!

Connie: Aah! Aah! Oh, God. Took you long enough!

Starr: You son of a bitch!

Connie: Whoa!

[Soft music plays]

Maxie: [Sniffles] How am I gonna tell them that there is no you anymore?

Spinelli: [Sighs] Ellie's not even here. Probably out carousing. Looking at the stars with someone new, no doubt.

Maxie: I'm sorry. [Sniffles]

Connie: Where's the girl?

Johnny: What girl?

Connie: The redhead girl. She was in the middle of the road. I think I hit her.

Starr: You think?

Spinelli: Don't cry. Everything will be okay.

Maxie: It can't be.

Spinelli: I promise it will. Have -- have I ever broken a promise to you?

Maxie: No.

Spinelli: Everything's gonna be okay.

Michael: Oh, my God.

Trey: I'm gonna go look for my cell phone, see if I can get us a signal, okay? Get some help out here.

Kristina: Thank you.

Trey: For what?

Kristina: Saving my life.

Trey: There wasn't another option.

Kristina: Thank you, Trey.

Trey: I'll be right back, okay?

Kristina: Trey! No!

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