General Hospital Transcript Wednesday 1/2/13
Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Gisele
Emma: I want to go to the party.
Patrick: Baby, I told you, you can't come to the party 'cause it's for grown-ups.
Emma: Then why does Dr. Britt get to go?
Patrick: Because she's a grown-up.
Emma: She doesn't act like a grown-up.
Patrick: Okay, that's enough. Go put your pajamas on now.
Emma: [Sighs] [Stomping]
Britt: Was -- was that about me?
Patrick: Nothing. Emma's just being a little bit crabby.
Britt: Well, I hope you can still make it tonight.
Patrick: Yes, of course. I will be there. She'll be much better when Sabrina gets here. She loves her.
Britt: Who doesn't?
[Doorbell rings]
Patrick: And that's her, so I will see you in a little bit.
Britt: Okay, can't wait.
Patrick: Hey! Happy New Year.
[Horn toots]
Spinelli: Oh, great. Hephaestus himself could not have done better.
Milo: Who?
Spinelli: Um...Greek God of forgery and fire.
Milo: Oh. I'll take that.
Spinelli: All right.
Milo: This work for you?
Spinelli: Yeah. Milo, you're a true friend. Thank you.
Milo: I'm glad to help. Is there anything else you need?
Spinelli: Uh, well, could you get rid of the fog? I can't see a thing.
Milo: Well, I suppose I could get a couple industrial-strength fans up here, sure.
Spinelli: Yeah, I'm not sure they'd part the heavens in time. Thanks. Okay. Well, other than the fog, everything's in a state of readiness. All that is lacking is my date. Let's hope she shows up.
[Telephone rings]
Maxie: Oh, my... you need to stop calling me.
Lulu: Hi! Good to see you. Happy New Year. I'm coming over.
Maxie: Why? You have a club to run. Besides, I'm gonna see you tomorrow and probably every other day for the next nine months. No need to front load.
Lulu: It's New Year's Eve. Do you really want to be alone?
Maxie: Ellie's here.
Lulu: Well, isn't she gonna go out with Spinelli?
Maxie: Tell Dante I said Happy New Year.
[Phone clicks]
Maxie: [Breathes deeply] Shouldn't you get in the shower?
Ellie: No.
Maxie: I thought you and Spinelli had some big night planned.
Ellie: I wouldn't know what Damian's up to tonight. He's on his own -- tonight and all the rest of nights.
Britt: 5, 4, 3... party time!
Michael: Can we get some help?!
Starr: Michael, Michael...
Britt: Oh, no, no, no.
Starr: I wasted a whole trip. I don't need to go to the doctor.
Michael: Starr, you were knocked unconscious. You could have a concussion, okay? You need to get examined.
Starr: I will be okay, but Connie kidnapped Johnny. He might not be so lucky.
[Pounding, muffled shouting]
Kristina: What was that?
Trey: Thought you might want to know, I, um, got a job offer in California.
Connie: Yeah?
Trey: So I'm gonna be leaving Port Charles... for good.
Connie: No kidding. So am I.
Steve: Whoo-hoo!
Lulu: I'm so glad you guys could make it.
Olivia: Me too.
Steve: Word is out -- Haunted Star throws the best parties in town.
Olivia: Well, normally, I'm not a huge fan of New Year's Eve. This year, I cannot wait. I am so done with 2012.
Steve: 2013's gonna be great.
Lulu: So, what do you think? Any vibes on next year?
Olivia: Oh, honey, I don't need a vibe to know you're in for a whopper! We've got a baby coming.
Lulu: Yes, thanks to Maxie.
Steve: Thanks to Maxie.
Olivia: Thanks to Maxie, who is having you a bouncing baby... dog.
Milo: So, you think your girl's gonna be a no-show?
Spinelli: Well, technically, she's not my girl. We're on a sort of sabbatical.
Maxie: You broke up? Why?
Ellie: It doesn't matter why we broke up.
Spinelli: Ellie is convinced that I would prefer to be with Maxie.
Milo: Would you?
Spinelli: Why would I be doing all this for Ellie if I would rather be with Maxie?
Milo: But if it's over, I mean, why you going to all this trouble? Not that I'm complaining. I mean, hauling that heater up here was a nice little bonus workout. Awesome cardio. Just...I don't know. Feels like a wasted effort is all.
Spinelli: You're misunderstanding. See, Ellie and I haven't ended. In fact, this could be just the beginning.
Ellie: The point is, we broke up. Why I'm not meeting him on the hospital roof at midnight.
Maxie: The hospital roof. Heather Webber jumped off the hospital roof. Why would Spinelli want you to meet him there?
Spinelli: We made an agreement. We said that we'd reconvene here at midnight if we thought there was still hope.
Milo: Like in that movie.
Maxie: "Sleepless in Seattle"?
Ellie: "An Affair to Remember."
Spinelli: "Love Affair," which I won't be having if Ellie doesn't show up.
Maxie: You're just gonna leave Spinelli on the roof.
Ellie: Yeah, it'll never work.
Maxie: Why? I thought you two were like techno soul mates or something?
Ellie: I don't come first with him.
Maxie: Oh. And you think I do.
Patrick: I like the specs. Although I like the old ones better.
Sabrina: Ta-da!
Patrick: Wow! Come on in.
Sabrina: I brought extra. I thought Emma would get a kick out of them.
Patrick: I think that's a great idea. She's gonna love them.
Sabrina: You look like you're ready to party.
Patrick: [Chuckles] Well, it's been a while since I wore this, and I'm just glad it still fits.
Sabrina: Oh, it fits.
Patrick: What's that?
Sabrina: Huh? Oh! Uh, no, I was just wondering if I, um -- if I brought enough noisemakers.
Patrick: I got a better way to make noise. Sabrina. Sabrina. Where'd you go?
Sabrina: No. Nowhere. Nowhere at all.
Starr: How much longer will this take?
Britt: I hope not too much longer. How did this happen?
Michael: She was attacked by a crazy woman.
Starr: She pushed me, and I hit my head on a desk.
Britt: Did you lose consciousness?
Starr: Only for a few minutes, but I'm okay.
Michael: She was unconscious when I got there. It took maybe two minutes to bring her around.
Britt: Well, that's significant. I'm gonna have to run some tests to screen for head trauma.
Starr: Right now? We need to make sure that Connie doesn't do anything to Johnny.
Michael: We don't need to do anything, okay? The cops can take it from here.
[Cell phone rings]
Dante: Yeah, Michael, what's up?
Todd: What are we doing here?
Carly: Okay, um... we're on a date, remember? You asked me out.
Todd: Yeah, I did ask you out. I didn't ask you here.
Carly: [Laughs] What's wrong with this place?
Todd: What's wrong with this place? It's a boat.
Carly: It's a nightclub.
Todd: Yes. Carly, the last time I was at this nightclub, I was with my ex-wife.
Carly: Blair.
Todd: I know her name.
Carly: [Chuckles]
Todd: I do. This whole night is about us leaving the past behind us.
Carly: That's right. We're ringing out the old and ringing in the new.
Todd: At your ex-boyfriend's club.
Dante: Starr found Johnny tied up?
Michael: Connie had him gagged and taped to a chair.
Dante: Yeah, well, knowing Connie, that could mean any number of things.
Michael: Yeah, that's how she spun it, but Starr didn't buy it. They struggled, Starr fell, hit her head. She was unconscious and alone when I got there.
Dante: Any sign of Connie?
Michael: She and Johnny were long gone.
Dante: And you're at the hospital?
Michael: Yeah, the doctor's trying to rule out a concussion. Starr's worried about Johnny. She, uh, thinks Connie kidnapped him.
Dante: Okay, I'll call in an APB. Any idea what Connie's driving these days?
[Thudding, muffled shouting]
Trey: You're leaving town?
Connie: Yeah. You know, it's time to see the world. Besides, there's nothing really keeping me here, so... sorry. No offense. But we were never close, Trey.
Trey: Yeah. Um, so -- so, where are you and Johnny going?
Connie: Oh, no, he's staying. We had a parting of ways.
Trey: You're -- you're divorcing?
Connie: No, I wouldn't go that far. But the honeymoon is definitely over.
Kristina: Connie?
Connie: Yeah.
Kristina: What have you got in your trunk?
Ellie: Look, I say this as a roommate who cares. Your self-absorption borders on egomania.
Maxie: This isn't egomania. This is me taking responsibility.
Ellie: Okay, the present situation, or lack of a situation, is between Damian and me.
Maxie: Ellie... what happened on Christmas Eve was completely my fault. I mean, I had to practically roll over and beg Spinelli to stay with me. I've seen dogs with more self-respect. He was really worried about meeting up with you. He was so excited about introducing you to his famiglia, and there I was, doubling over with cramps thinking I was losing Lulu's baby.
Ellie: Look, I know it was an emergency, but Dami--
Maxie: Do you realize how shmoopy he gets when he talks about you? Or how about the fact that he's the happiest I've seen him in years, thanks to you.
Ellie: I've only known Damian as long as I've known him, so I can't really specu--
Maxie: And I know you know that, um... I made a play for him -- Spinelli -- but he didn't choose me. Because -- hello! -- I mean, he chose you. Spinelli and I are officially friends. You have won.
Ellie: I don't care about winning.
Maxie: Spinelli and I had our chance. He's moved on, and so have I. I mean, I'm pregnant with two other people's child, which is a lot to process, so I can understand how you're confused. I wouldn't blame you. But I... I will blame you if you leave Spinelli hanging.
Milo: Okay. If your girl does show, you better pour it on thick.
Spinelli: Well, I will certainly endeavor to charm her. You know, perhaps a rehearsal might be beneficial.
Milo: Good idea. It never hurts to reinforce muscle memory by walking things through.
Spinelli: Yeah, all right, so then you'll assist me, right? Good! Good, good, good, good! Okay, so you're Ellie.
Milo: I am?
Spinelli: Just try to time things out. Just go with me a little bit here. And I will -- I will be, uh... here.
Milo: Spinelli...
Spinelli: Right, okay. Uh...
Milo: Mm. Maybe just try and be yourself?
Spinelli: Right. Authenticity it is -- is always best. So, I will be me, and she will emerge to the dulcet sounds of "Moonlight Sonata."
["Moonlight Sonata" plays]
Spinelli: Great. [Chuckles] I will, uh... pull out her chair... open the champagne... [Imitates cork popping] [Chuckles]
Milo: Ooh.
Spinelli: All right. And then... I will ask her to dance. [Chuckles] There we go. Okay. And then -- [Laughs] As romance dawns with the new year, I will lead her over to the telescope, weather permitting, and then I will wish upon the brightest star... Which reaches its zenith at midnight of every new year.
Milo: Seriously?
Spinelli: Yes, uh, Sirius, the dog star, yeah.
Milo: Oh.
Olivia: Who let that mutt in here?
Lulu: Are you seeing a dog?
Olivia: Right over there!
Emma: Sabrina!
Sabrina: Hey, girl! I hope you're ready to party.
Emma: Daddy, you should come to our party.
Sabrina: Oh, Daddy's got plans. But you know what? He's not gonna have anything half as cool at his party. [Both laugh] Let's see. Yeah!
Patrick: Yeah.
Emma: Daddy, put them on.
Patrick: Okay, okay. They're matching, too.
Emma: [Chuckles]
[Both laugh]
Patrick: They look good?
Sabrina: All right. You guys take a picture.
Patrick: Yeah? Okay. Come on.
Sabrina: All right. Say "2013."
Patrick: You ready? 1, 2, 3.
Both: 2013!
Sabrina: Perfect.
Patrick: Yes.
Emma: Let me see.
Sabrina: Here.
Patrick: Let me see. Oh, that's perfect. You got to send me that.
Sabrina: Sure.
Patrick: Okay, listen, I got to run, so you be good. And when Sabrina says go to sleep, what do you do?
Emma: Go to sleep.
Patrick: Good.
Emma: Will you wake me up when you get home?
Patrick: I promise. I'll wake you up and say Happy New Year, okay? I love you. Have fun. Bye-bye.
Emma: Bye, Daddy.
Patrick: Bye, baby. You guys have fun, okay?
Sabrina: Okay, you too.
Patrick: Bye.
Sabrina: Just not too much fun.
Emma: [Laughing]
Britt: Scans are clean. You're good to go.
Michael: What, no concussion?
Britt: Nope. Just steer clear of contact sports and Connie Falconeri for a few days.
Starr: Okay, well, thank you.
[Door closes]
Michael: She was in a hurry. You think those were even your tests she was looking at?
Starr: Michael, I'm fine. Come on, let's go. I want to find Johnny.
Michael: I told you, the cops are on it.
Starr: Well, I still feel like I need to do something.
Michael: Thanks to you, the cops know that Connie's holding him prisoner, okay? Isn't that enough heroics for one night?
Starr: Some hero I am. I got myself knocked out.
Michael: Come here. Look, when I couldn't wake you up, I was so scared for you. I couldn't take it if something happened to you.
Starr: Hey. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere, okay?
Michael: I know. Okay, uh... I figured out how I want to spend New Year's. The same way we spent Christmas Eve? Just the two of us.
Starr: It's gonna be a very special New Year's, then. Yeah.
Carly: You know, I hate to admit it, since I own a rival establishment, but the martinis here are the best in town.
Todd: So we're just here for the drinks.
Carly: Yeah.
Todd: Okay.
Carly: If I was at the Metro Court, the staff would come up and ask me questions all night, but now I get to enjoy you. We get to enjoy each other.
Todd: And I'm enjoying you, but I'm just not sure why we're here.
Carly: This is the place to be seen.
Todd: I'm your hot date.
Carly: Yeah.
Todd: We're only here so that you can rub me in Johnny's face. That didn't sound right.
Carly: Well, you know... there's nothing wrong with Johnny seeing that I've moved on.
Todd: You're using me.
Carly: No, I'm not --
Todd: Okay, to be perfectly clear -- use me.
Dante: Hey. Sorry I'm late.
Lulu: Hi. I was starting to think you had been called into work.
Dante: No, I said I would be here, and here I am. What's going on over there?
Olivia: Oh, we're just wondering where you were. That's all.
Dante: Yeah. Had to call something in. Not to ruin everyone's good mood but it affects you, Ma.
Steve: It's not Heather, is it?
Dante: No -- Connie.
Olivia: What'd she do now?
Dante: She's on some kind of rampage.
Lulu: Hi!
Carly: Congratulations! The party's great.
Lulu: I'm so happy to see you.
Carly: Yeah, we're so glad that we could come. And congratulations on the baby.
Lulu: Thank you. We're very excited.
Olivia: Yeah, lots to celebrate this year.
Todd: We were hoping we could pay respects to your co-host.
Dante: Johnny's not here right now.
Carly: Where is he?
Dante: He's been kidnapped by the same woman that assaulted your daughter, Manning.
Connie: What?
Kristina: Something's in your trunk.
Connie: Yeah, luggage. Girlfriend's not too bright there, Trey.
Kristina: Well, your luggage is making noise.
Connie: Well, it's mice -- I don't know -- and they must have eaten their way in.
Kristina: I don't think mice sound like that, Connie.
Connie: Have you ever heard a mouse, Kristina? They can do some serious damage.
Kristina: Can mice do that?
Trey: Open your trunk, Connie.
[Horns blowing, noisemakers rattling]
Sabrina: Okay, okay! You win! I surrender! You have got a pair of lungs, little girl.
Emma: What do people do at grown-up parties?
Sabrina: Oh. Well, it's a lot like what you see on TV. People stand around, and they talk and cheer and... sometimes they dance.
Emma: Will Daddy dance with Dr. Britt?
Sabrina: Probably.
Emma: Is Dr. Britt going to be my new mommy?
Sabrina: H-how would you feel about that?
Emma: Terrible. I don't like her.
Sabrina: Oh. Well, um...
Emma: If I have to have a new mommy, I want it to be you.
Britt: I'm on my way! I'll be there in 10 minutes, tops.
Patrick: Take your time. I'll be here.
Britt: This has taken too long already, Doctor. Tonight, I am stepping on the gas.
[Elevator bell dings]
Britt: Oh! Hey, Lizzy!
Libby's mom: Libby.
Britt: Libby, hi. How are you feeling?
Libby's mom: Well, much better, thanks to you, Dr. Britt. We wanted to thank you, so Libby made you some peanut brittle.
Britt: Aw! That's so sweet. Thank you so much, honey.
Libby's mom: Say, "Thank you, Dr. Britt."
Libby: Thank you, Dr. Britt.
Britt: Aw, give me a hug.
Libby: [Vomits]
Britt: [Gasps] Ugh. Oh, no.
Todd: Connie attacked my daughter? This is how I find out about it? What the hell is the matter with you?! Where's Starr now?
Dante: Your daughter is fine. She's at the hospital with Michael.
Carly: Michael? Is he okay? Was he with her?
Dante: Michael found her, and he took her to the hospital, and then he called me.
Carly: Thank God he didn't go after Connie by himself. I'm glad he's letting the police handle this.
Olivia: Why can't Connie just leave that girl alone? Hasn't she done enough to her?
Todd: How bad is it?
Starr: Dad?
Todd: How badly are you hurt?
Starr: Well, no, I just hit my hea-- wait. How do you know what happened?
Todd: I'm your father. I know everything. What did Connie do to you?
Starr: You want a list? Look, don't worry about it, okay? I'll get Connie.
Todd: No, you are not going after Connie "Falconnery."
Starr: Dad, relax. Michael and I are walking to his car right now. We are going to get in and go home. Besides, Connie's long gone by now.
Connie: I'm not gonna open my trunk.
Kristina: Why not?
Trey: Hey, there's something in there, Connie. We wouldn't want you to have an accident.
Connie: [Scoffs] Oh, gee, kid, thanks. Didn't know you cared. Fine. Knew I should've got this damn thing fixed. I'll pop it from inside, okay?
[Car door closes]
Kristina: She's acting weirder than usual.
Trey: Yeah, how can you tell?
Michael: Kristina? Trey?
[Engine turns over]
Kristina: Hey! Connie! Hey!
[Tires screeching]
[Television playing]
Spinelli: You are enchanting, incandescent... endlessly fascinating. You -- you are... filled with enthusiasm and potential, and I wish you all the happiness.
Maxie: But you don't want me.
Spinelli: Not -- not in the way you wish.
Ellie: So... what do you think?
Maxie: You look perfect.
Ellie: Thank you. Um, I better hurry. Hey, Maxie?
Maxie: Yeah?
Ellie: Thank you so much for getting through to me. Wish me luck.
[Door closes]
Maxie: Good luck.
Spinelli: She should be here by now. It only takes 13 minutes to park and get to the roof, and it's almost midnight.
Milo: Relax. She'll be here. Here. Take a swig, warm up.
Spinelli: Peppermint schnapps. Didn't -- didn't I give this to Sonny for Christmas two years ago?
Milo: Oh, yeah. You did. And do you know what? Sonny liked it so much, he gives that out as gifts now. Well played.
Spinelli: Right.
Milo: You know, I don't get you, Spinelli. Why the lack of confidence? I mean, girls practically throw themselves at you. I see it.
Spinelli: I think you're mistaking me for a Casanova.
Milo: A what?
Spinelli: A Don Juan. A Romeo.
Milo: That -- that is exactly what you are. I mean, look at this setup. I mean, look at this setup. You are a charmer if I've ever met one.
Spinelli: Oh, come on.
Milo: Me? I can barely get a word out if I even try to talk to a woman. Only time they notice me is when I'm half-naked on a stage.
Spinelli: Well, I wouldn't mind being treated as a sex object now and then.
Milo: You got a deal.
Spinelli: Excuse me?
Milo: Yeah, yeah. Okay. You train me, I'll train you. That way, one day, I'll be ready when the right woman comes along. Since Lulu's married now, to the boss' son, no less -- not that it even matters who the guy is -- I would never -- I would never go after a married woman, no matter how amazing and -- and perfect and funny and sweet and totally smoking hot she is. I just -- I have to focus on moving on -- you know, finding someone else. Who knows? Maybe it'll even be Maxie.
Spinelli: No, she's pregnant.
Milo: Oh.
[Television playing]
[Scratching, bell jingling]
[Television mutes]
Maxie: What is that?
[Scratching continues]
[Dog whines]
Michael: What the hell was that about?
Starr: You said that Connie was driving the car?
Kristina: Yeah, she just took off.
Trey: Why? What's going on?
Starr: Was Johnny with her?
Trey: No. She was alone.
Michael: Did she seem off to you at all?
Kristina: See? I told you. There was something weird going on.
Starr: Do you have any idea where she was headed?
Trey: No. I-I just -- I told her I was leaving town, and then she said she was leaving, too, and then said something about luggage in the trunk, and then --
Starr: Wait. Luggage in the trunk. Did you see this luggage?
Kristina: No, but there was definitely something in there. It was making noise.
Trey: That's why she got in the car, 'cause she wouldn't pop the trunk.
Starr: She has Johnny in the trunk! She has him locked in that trunk!
Trey: Wait. What?
Starr: I got to go chase after her.
Michael: Starr, Starr!
Starr: Michael, I'm going with or without you! Do you want to drive, or should I?
Todd: Starr says she's fine.
Carly: Hmm?
Todd: "Hmm?" Now is when you say, "Oh, great, Todd. So glad your kid's not dead."
Carly: Of course! Of course, I'm glad that she's fine. I'm just wondering what that maniac is doing with Johnny and why.
Todd: Why? What do you care?
Carly: Because I knew Connie was lying to me when she said Johnny wasn't there, and she had something going on. She was trying to get rid of me.
Todd: She's just threatened by you 'cause you're hot.
Carly: She doesn't want me to find out the real reason she forced Johnny to marry her.
Todd: Okay, what -- Johnny's the victim now? The guy who lied to you for months? The guy who humiliated you in front of the whole town?
Carly: I get the point, Todd, okay?
Todd: Thinking about Johnny and being concerned about his feelings is a slippery slope. Are you really gonna waste more time thinking about that loser?
Carly: No! No, of course not.
Todd: Good, because I was starting to doubt your commitment to moving forward.
Carly: All right. What about your commitment? To moving on from Blair?
Sabrina: You want me to be your mom?
Emma: If Daddy does.
Sabrina: Oh, Emma... that really means so much to me. You are such a wonderful person, and being your mom would be... a dream come true for me. But the thing is that you already have the world's best mommy.
Emma: But she's in heaven.
Sabrina: And I know how much you and your daddy miss her. So tell you what -- you can count on me to help out, because I'm your friend. But I could never, ever take your mommy's place. No one could. Okay?
Emma: Okay.
Sabrina: Okay. Come here.
Lulu: Hey! Happy New Year.
Patrick: Happy New Year to you. You know what? I would love to, but I'm gonna try and enjoy my life with moderation, thanks to you.
Lulu: Okay. Well, and thanks to Maxie, too.
Patrick: And thanks to Maxie. And speaking of Maxie, any news? What's --
Lulu: Actually, on Christmas Eve, we found out that she's pregnant.
Patrick: No! Congratulations.
Lulu: Thank you!
Patrick: That's wonderful.
Lulu: We're so excited. I mean, I don't even know how we're gonna wait nine months.
Patrick: Yeah, well, you know, it's only gonna get worse. I constantly miss Emma when I'm not with her.
Lulu: Oh, she's such a sweetheart, and she's so smart.
Patrick: She is. I'm not gonna deny it. I'm not gonna be modest about it. In fact, between the two of us, we should have a safe bragging place -- so I can talk about how wonderful Emma is, and you can constantly talk about how cute and adorable, loving...
Lulu: Well, yeah, I mean, I don't even care if my kid is cute. I'll just settle for one that doesn't have a tail to wag.
Dante: Ma, what're you thinking about? New year's resolutions? I got one. Why don't you not lie to your kid?
Olivia: Exactly what are you implying, Dante?
Dante: Well, what I'm implying is, when I got here, you seemed like you didn't want to tell me what you were talking about, and I got the distinct feeling that you might have had one of your visions, maybe saw your little four-legged pal again.
Olivia: That dog is trouble.
Maxie: Uh, I'm sorry. We're fresh out of biscuits. Where's your person? Your -- excuse me! Somebody lose a puppy?! Hello?! Well... hey, you, with four legs -- you don't live here. So scoot, all right? Come on. Let's go. Ohh! Ohh! Ow! Ow. Well, that didn't work out well. Oh! That can't be good.
Todd: I'm pretty sure asking you out demonstrates a willingness to move on. I think it's proof positive that I have moved on.
Carly: Uh, Blair did not marry Tomás, and the longer he stays gone, the less chance that they're going to get married. So I bet you're holding your breath.
Todd: No, Blair's yesterday's news.
Carly: Yeah?
Todd: Yep.
Carly: Can I see your phone?
Todd: Mm. No, you cannot see my phone. I didn't call Blair.
Carly: Really?
Todd: No.
Carly: You didn't want her to know that Starr had a bump on her head?
Todd: I texted her because we're parents and that's how parents communicate.
Carly: I rest my case!
Todd: I'm not hung up on Blair. I was. But she always sees the worst I me. So I moved on.
Carly: Let's review the terms, okay?
Todd: What're you talking about?
Carly: We're friends.
Todd: Yeah.
Carly: We're friends when we're honest with each other, even if it's about what we may or may not feel.
Todd: So the only thing you feel for Johnny is contempt.
Carly: How can you expect me to stop thinking about Johnny when Blair's always on your mind?
Lulu: Sorry. With Johnny missing, all the meeting and greeting is on me. What'd I miss?
Olivia: Nothing.
Dante: Nothing.
Steve: And that's my cue. Come on.
Lulu: Wait. It's not even midnight.
Steve: Well, if we hurry, we can get home to watch the countdown.
Dante: Hey, yeah.
Olivia: If -- if you hear anything at all about Connie, please...
Dante: All right.
Olivia: Call me, text me, anything. Happy New Year.
Dante: Happy New Year.
Connie: Sorry about the bumpy departure there, Hubby, but I had to make tracks, thanks to somebody making noise in the back of the trunk. Not your finest moment! Don't worry. I'm gonna get us to our destination...
[Thudding, muffled shouting]
Connie: ...If I can just see through this fog.
Michael: I see taillights. I think it's Connie's car.
Trey: How can you tell? This fog -- it's, like, thick. Like pea soup.
Kristina: Be careful, Michael.
Michael: Is somebody calling the cops?
Kristina: I can't get through. There's no reception.
Michael: Keep trying. Look, Starr, we're not gonna let her get away, okay?
[Tires screech]
Kristina: Michael, be careful! Oh, you made me drop my phone.
Michael: I'm sorry.
Trey: Can you get it?
Kristina: I can't even see.
Starr: Do you know what road we're on?
Michael: Yeah.
Starr: I just realized this is the road that Connie caused the accident that killed Cole and Hope.
Ellie: Oh, I should've known. With the temperature reaching the dew point, this fog was inevitable. Only a fool would have ventured forth without having her carburetor checked. Ugh! I'll never Mendorran again. [Scoffs] Don't go anywhere, please. I'm coming.
Milo: 5, 6, 7, 8. The turn, move the hips, right? First comes the jacket, okay? Hey. Whoo-whoo. Swivel.
Spinelli: Oh, uh...
Milo: Okay, keep with me. All right, next, the tie. Like, throw that.
Spinelli: I'll keep it on for now, but I follow you.
Milo: Always move the hips.
Spinelli: Always keep moving.
Milo: And then, the shirt, like -- whoa! Okay! And then, last but not least... the pants.
Spinelli: Wait, wait. The pants?
Milo: Oh, yeah, dropping trou is the highlight.
Spinelli: I don't think I can ever get the hang of this.
Milo: It's easy, Spinelli. It's just undressing.
Spinelli: I suppose you're right. Okay, come on. Let's start again.
Milo: Uh, perhaps another time. Look, if I leave now, I can make it to the club in time, and I can get myself a New Year's smooch.
Spinelli: Well, but what about our lesson?
Milo: This has been real romantic and all, Spinelli. I just don't want to be left on New Year's Eve with no one to kiss but you. Sorry.
Spinelli: Well, uh... do you want -- do you want your schnapps?
Milo: Keep it. Good luck, pal.
[Door closes]
Britt: Peanut allergy, and the mom has her making brittle. Anyway, I may come to the party in scrubs, but I'll be there. Uh-huh.
Maxie: Oh, Dr. Westbourne, I'm so glad you're still here. I need to talk to you.
Britt: No, I-I'm sorry. You're gonna have to talk to the desk nurse.
Maxie: Please, it's an emergency.
Patrick: Hey, Britt, what's going on?
Britt: Um, another patient of mine came in.
Patrick: So it looks like tonight's not gonna work, then.
Britt: Oh, no, no, no. It's fine. I'm just gonna be a couple minutes late.
Patrick: You know what? Let's just -- I'll take a rain check. I'll call you tomorrow.
Britt: Hello? What is it this time, Maxie?
Maxie: I fell, and it hurts. I just -- I need you to make sure the baby's okay.
[Television playing]
[Footsteps approaching]
Sabrina: [Gasps]
Patrick: Hey, it's all right.
Sabrina: Oh, uh -- no. [Chuckles] It's okay. What time is it?
Patrick: Just before midnight. How'd everything go?
Sabrina: Great. Emma's in bed.
Patrick: Good.
Sabrina: How was the party?
Patrick: It was all right. Britt couldn't make it, so I came home early.
Sabrina: Oh. That's a shame.
Patrick: Yeah, I wish I would have stayed home with you and Emma. Would've been more fun.
Sabrina: Oh. Emma would have loved that. I should get going.
Patrick: Hold on a second. You can't go. They're just about to drop the ball, and they're gonna start the countdown, so come on. Have some popcorn.
Todd: I think we both have a habit of... thinking about our past... and I'm not gonna do that anymore. Not with you. And if you want to look over your shoulder, you should --
Carly: I don't.
Todd: Good. So, it's New Year's Eve. To looking forward.
Carly: And not looking back.
All: 10...9...
Dante: 8...
Both: 7...6...
Spinelli: 5...4...
Both: 3... 2...1...
[All cheering]
Singer: Should auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot in days of Auld Lang Syne for all the times gone by
Spinelli: Huh. The fog is lifting. I can see Sirius. I can make a wish. But Ellie's not here to wish with me.
Singer: For all the times gone by
Ellie: Oh, Damian, please wait for me.
Maxie: [Sighs] Midnight. Great. Can't believe I'm spending my New Year's Eve in a hospital.
[Door opens]
Maxie: Dr. Westbourne, I'm so sorry I bothered you. I'm just gonna change, and then I have a dog at home I need to go throw out.
Singer: My trust, ye friend give me a hand of thine and we will take
Maxie: I'm sorry. I'm sure you have New Year's plans. Just tell me where to sign, and I will get out of your hair.
Britt: We first need to talk about your condition.
Maxie: Condition? It was just another false alarm, right?
Britt: Maxie, I'm very sorry. You've had a miscarriage.
Singer: For Auld Lang Syne
Spinelli: I'm not gonna take this lying down.
[Cell phone rings]
Ellie: Oh, a signal!
Connie: Hey, the fog is lifting! Did you hear that?!
Ellie: Damian! Aah!
Connie: Oh, my God!
Trey: Oh, whoa, hold on. I think I see it.
Michael: I forgot this is the same road that Cole and Hope died.
Starr: Michael, look out!
Connie: [Gasps]
[Tires screeching]
Starr: No!
[Metal crunching]
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