General Hospital Transcript Monday 12/10/12
Provided By Suzanne
Sabrina: There's got to be someone who can help me resurrect the Nurses' Ball. Maybe she can.
Elizabeth: Hey.
Sabrina: Oh, hi.
Elizabeth: What's that?
Sabrina: Oh, it's a photo album commemorating the Nurses' Ball. Robin must have put it together. Emma showed it to me. That's where I got the idea of reviving it.
Elizabeth: Any particular reason you're looking at a picture of Lucy Coe?
Sabrina: Do you think she can save the Nurses' Ball?
Alexis: Does your new job description include being the boss's punching bag?
Sonny: Don't worry about it. I'm not gonna hurt your boyfriend. Boosh!
Shawn: Ha ha ha!
Alexis: That's very funny.
[Cell phone rings]
Alexis: Alexis Davis. Hello, Tracy. Who? Luke recommended me? [Sighs] All right. I'll be right there.
Val: Oh, I'm sorry.
Alexis: Oh, no, I'm sorry. It was my fault. It was just -- you know, I --
Val: Can I help you with something?
Alexis: Uh, n-no -- no. Do I know you from somewhere?
Val: I don't think so. But we could fix that. Would you like to get a cup of coffee? Meet up for a drink later, maybe?
Alexis: Yes. No! I mean, no. I'm seeing somebody. So, uh -- besides, you're young enough to be partnered with my daughter.
Val: That's too bad.
Alexis: Yeah. That's too bad. All right, you guys play nice, all right? I'm going to the police station.
Sonny: Who -- what? Who's in trouble?
Alexis: Robert Scorpio. I knew he was in town, and I saw him at Edward Quartermaine's funeral, and evidently, he's been arrested. So, boyfriend -- yoo-hoo! Keep your left up.
Shawn: Yeah.
Robert: Any news on my arraignment?
Dante: No, but A.J. Quartermaine backed up your story. Faison is alive, and according to A.J., He's in Switzerland.
Robert: Switzerland?
Dante: That's what he said.
Robert: Are you sure A.J. Quartermaine can be trusted?
Sonny: Now that your girlfriend's gone, I can stop taking it easy on you.
Shawn: Oh-ho! Well, Alexis was just protecting you, pretty boy. Whoa! Whoa!
Sonny: Well, we got all morning, so nobody'll bother us.
A.J.: Gentlemen, good morning.
Sonny: Spoke too soon.
Michael: Hey, you look worried.
Starr: Well, I am a little.
Michael: Anything I can help with?
Starr: Actually, you're the one I'm worried about.
Michael: Look, as long as A.J. stays out of prison, there's plenty of time to figure everything else out.
Starr: I know, but don't you think it's a little too good to be true? He was facing really serious charges.
Michael: A.J. had some information on a criminal -- an ex-spy named Faison. I guess it was valuable enough to keep him out of prison.
McBain: Anna, it's John. Hey, listen -- we need to talk. I have some information that you need to know. Faison is alive. Hey, look, I'm sorry if this is interrupting your ski weekend, but, uh -- I didn't think it could wait. Call me.
Dante: Quartermaine swears he saw Faison in Switzerland. He took a photo with his cell phone. Our guys are taking a look at it, but it appears to be legit.
Robert: So, what's Faison doing in Switzerland?
Anna: Duke? Oh, Faison.
Faison: Anna.
Anna: Oh, you're alive. Robert was right. God. Aah!
Sabrina: So, I completely blew it. Todd Manning was my last hope, and he literally laughed me right out of his office.
Elizabeth: I'm sorry. That doesn't surprise me. What little I know of Todd Manning isn't good.
Sabrina: Yeah. Well, Patrick says he still believes in me, and I can't disappoint him. There has got to be a fairy Godmother out there who will back the ball, and I have got to find them.
Elizabeth: I don't think Lucy Coe is really the fairy-Godmother type.
Sabrina: Why not? What's wrong with her?
Elizabeth: How much time do you have?
Starr: Sorry. I'm happy for you. It's very good news.
Michael: Yeah. Yeah, I didn't know -- I didn't even think that A.J. would be able to avoid going to prison. I still barely know him, but I'm not sure how long he would have been able to survive.
Starr: It's okay. It's over now. You don't even have to worry about it.
Michael: Right. Now I have to worry about the fact that A.J. hates my parents, and they hate him, as well, and that each side is convinced that the other is the worst thing that ever happened to me.
Starr: I know how that feels. I felt like I was torn in seven different directions all at once by my family.
Michael: Well, you seem pretty sane to me. How'd you handle it?
Starr: Well, what I learned from my dad is that I could forgive him without making excuses or defending him.
Michael: Well, it's not about defending him. I want my parents to back off and let me figure this out for myself.
Starr: Where is A.J. right now?
Michael: Diane said he had to take care of some business.
Starr: What kind?
Michael: I have no idea.
Sonny: A.J. Quartermaine, what are you doing here? I thought you were in lockup. A.J.'S family's got a lot of pull. He was on house arrest. What'd you do, slice off the ankle bracelet? Judge is not gonna be so lenient next time.
A.J.: It's nice to see you, too, Sonny. You're wrong on all counts, though. I'm a free man. Come and go as I please. My attorney, Diane Miller, she's such a good attorney. She made that happen.
Sonny: Diane miller made the deal?
A.J.: Yeah, yeah, all the charges dropped, clean slate.
Sonny: Some deal.
A.J.: Yeah. I got to tell you, it's unbelievable to be able to just walk down the street, go wherever I want, talk to anyone, anywhere, anytime, not have to look over my shoulder.
Sonny: I'd keep my eye out if I were you.
A.J.: For your friend here? We haven't been introduced.
Sonny: Oh, where are my manners? A.J., this is Shawn Butler, my associate.
A.J.: Your associate.
Sonny: Uh-huh.
A.J.: Probably more like your enforcer. You probably had to find a new one since you got Jason killed, right?
Sonny: If -- if you could believe this, this is Jason's brother.
Shawn: Yeah, I can see the physical resemblance. But nothing else.
Sonny: That's because there is nothing else. Whatever Jason was, he lacks. He is a spineless drunk. Basically, an all-around dirt bag.
A.J.: You forgot one thing. I'm also Michael's father.
Alexis: Hey.
McBain: Hi.
Alexis: What're you doing here?
McBain: What am I doing here? This is me following my lawyer's advice. I am officially a detective for the PCPD.
Alexis: No kidding. Anna hired you?
McBain: Mm-hmm.
Alexis: Good. Your lawyer approves. Not only is it good for your case, it's good for Sam, because she needs a friend.
McBain: Hey, I want you to know, I'm signing my first paycheck over to you. Please put it towards what I owe you.
Alexis: Don't even worry about it. All right, now that you're officially a part of the PCPD, could you please direct me to my client's holding cell? Robert Scorpio.
McBain: Ah. They brought him on a B&E.
Alexis: Mm. I don't know him well, but he was ex-law enforcement, so petty theft doesn't seem like that's his style.
McBain: He's trying to prove that -- Duke Lavery is actually Faison.
Dante: According to A.J., Faison was in a clinic in Switzerland. I'm guessing he was recovering from injuries he sustained during that explosion.
Robert: How did A.J. spot him?
Dante: Monica sent A.J. there to recover from a broken back.
Robert: This clinic, was it the klinic, Zen Geist Zu Heilen in Lucerne?
Dante: Yeah. Yeah, it is. How do you know that?
Robert: Luke told me about it. He was in there. So was Anna.
Faison: Anna?
Anna: Don't.
Faison: You're more beautiful than ever.
Anna: Shut up.
Faison: You are. You're not happy to see me?
Anna: Stay there.
Faison: Take it easy. What is it?
Anna: How did you do it?
Faison: Do what?
Anna: How did you make me think you were Duke? How did you do that?
Faison: I don't know what you're talking about.
Anna: I'm talking about you impersonating the man I love. How did you do that? Duke's not really alive, is he? It was you! Ugh!
Faison: Maybe I can help clear up a little confusion here, okay?
Anna: [Gasps]
[Door closes]
Anna: [Crying]
Duke: [Grunts]
Faison: Hey! I wouldn't mess with Klaus. He's highly emotional. Upset him and he could shoot your husband.
Anna: Let him go! Let him go!
Faison: No, no, no. There's no letting go after what I've been through in order to find you!
Duke: [Muffled shouting]
Faison: Shut up!
Anna: How are you even alive?! God, didn't that explosion kill you?!
Faison: Well, it was pretty close. Took me several years to recover, only to realize that you were back with your ex. What is it with you and men? Scorpio, Luke, and Duke. Miserable trio. Why do you waste yourself on such men? Pearls before swine!
Anna: You're delusional!
Faison: Shut up when I speak to you! I'm the only man you could ever love!
Anna: You're insane if you think I would love you.
Faison: Love comes in many different forms.
Anna: You're evil.
Faison: No, I'm not evil.
Anna: Yes.
Faison: I'm the only strong man that could ever live with you. What is that?! Look at that! What is that?! Petty amusement?!
Anna: Don't you ever compare yourself to him! He is everything you're not! [Gasps]
Faison: You'll think differently when he's out of the picture.
Robert: According to Luke, heather Webber tells Anna that Robin's still alive.
Dante: Heather web -- why would Anna believe heather Webber? Heather's crazy.
Robert: If you've never lost a child, you really wouldn't know. You believe anything, follow any lead, no matter how futile. It's what Anna did.
Dante: To this clinic in Lucerne.
Robert: Yeah. She got admitted there as a patient, found a transfer patient from Ferncliff in Port Charles. Girl looked just like Robin but, of course, wasn't. Luke said it broke her heart. Now you're trying to tell me that Faison's been treated there at this clinic?
Dante: Yeah, according to A.J., Which, I have to admit, is one hell of a coincidence.
Robert: It's more like a trail of breadcrumbs. Faison wants her at the clinic, but why?
Alexis: So, Robert Scorpio believes that Faison is, "a" -- thank you -- still alive, "b," masquerading as Duke Lavery.
McBain: That is his story, yes.
Alexis: Hmm. Well, I know Scorpio is an ex-spy and convoluted is his stock and trade, but even by those standards, it's a bit of a stretch -- and especially if you factor in that Robin was killed less than a year ago.
McBain: Are you suggesting that grief is somehow affecting his judgment?
Alexis: Maybe. Maybe because he couldn't save Robin, he's now trying to save Anna from her great enemy, even though the man is dead.
McBain: Mm. That's one way of looking at it, yeah.
Alexis: Well, the alternative is to believe that Faison is running around Port Charles with another man's face.
McBain: Stranger things have happened.
Alexis: Name one.
Elizabeth: Lucy Coe is one of a kind. I didn't really know her that well because I met her when I was a teenager, but my grandmother has all kinds of stories to share.
Sabrina: Such as?
Elizabeth: Well, uh, I know that she stole Dr. Quartermaine's husband, Alan, talked him into marrying her. Something happened at the wedding. I don't know what. She had to get married in a red dress. [Laughs]
Sabrina: What? Wow. So Dr. Quartermaine would really not be happy to see her. Okay.
Elizabeth: Well, I don't know about that. They all got past it. And by the time Alan passed away, he was married to Monica again. Lucy had affairs with a lot of different married men.
Sabrina: I guess you're right, then. She's not exactly the fairy-Godmother type.
Elizabeth: No, she's not.
Sabrina: Well, what else did she do?
Michael: I wish I knew where A.J. Was. I really want to talk to him.
Starr: He probably has a ton of legal papers to file, and maybe he went to go see his mom, right? To tell her the good news in person.
Michael: I wonder if my parents know. Mom was so convinced that A.J. Was going to prison. Now that he's not -- she's gonna have a meltdown.
Starr: I just think you have to let your mom know that working at ELQ and having a relationship with A.J. Again isn't going to change the person that you are.
Michael: I'm not sure she's gonna believe that. My dad? My dad is gonna lose it.
Starr: Your dad still loves you. He's just feeling a little threatened right now. Once he adjusts, I'm sure everything will calm down.
Michael: You wouldn't say that if you've known what he's done.
Starr: Can't be any worse than the things my father has pulled.
Michael: Yeah, it's probably best not to compare our fathers, point fingers at who knows how many crimes they've committed.
Starr: You can't change Sonny any more than I can change my dad. But you can set boundaries for yourself.
Michael: Boundaries. My dad's not very good at respecting boundaries -- not mine or anyone else's.
Starr: You know what you should do? You should tell your dad that you still think of him as the man that is your father. Right? That would maybe help him out a bit. People like Sonny and my dad, they're very powerful, but they're still weak at the same time, and I -- my dad needs to know that we love him, or else he just falls apart, and I think that Sonny is the same way.
Michael: You're really good, you know that? You're really very perceptive.
Starr: Well, I've just learned from experience. My dad is a complete control freak, and it drives me crazy, but -- I just think it's because he's scared. I think Sonny is, too. You just need to let him know that you are a grown man. You have to make your own decisions about A.J.
Michael: Whenever I mention A.J.'S name, I get a laundry list of all the crimes he's committed, which is all true, but my father's committed just as much -- that's pointless. There's no point comparing the two, trying to decide who's worse.
Starr: I think you should call your dad.
Michael: I don't know. The last time I talked to my dad, I almost called the cops on him. It didn't end well.
Sonny: Yeah, it's true. A.J. got Carly pregnant. But he was too drunk to remember and too screwed up to be any kind of father.
A.J.: You're so much better, aren't you. Michael got shot because of you.
Sonny: Yeah, he got shot, and he recovered, and he's my son. We got a special bond, and no one's gonna shake that, especially you.
A.J.: Because you must have done something the other day that really shook him. I couldn't get the details, but it must have been real bad.
Sonny: What're you talking about?
A.J.: Michael knows the truth about you, Sonny. He knows who you are and what you are, and that's a thug and a bully, and you proved that when you threatened my life to try and make me sign away my rights to my son.
Sonny: You're always the victim, A.J., always making excuses for what you did, always feeling sorry for yourself. When are you gonna grow up? I don't understand it.
A.J.: You know, you're right, Sonny. Today's a good day. I'm a free man, free to have a relationship with my son, and I really just came here for one reason, and that's to tell you not to interfere with it.
Sonny: You telling me to stay away from my son?
A.J.: I'm telling you that I think there's enough room in his life for both of us. Don't you? Wait till your kids move back home after college.
Starr: I can't tell you how many times I've squared off with my dad -- at family dinners, at the courthouse, at the police station. Every time, it was awful, but we got through it.
Michael: I don't want to fight with him, but I'm also not gonna turn my back on A.J.
Starr: Yeah, well, unfortunately, the better person always has to do the heavy lifting in order to maintain the relationships. You're gonna have to broker some kind of peace, or else you're gonna spend the rest of your life watching A.J. and Sonny tear each other to pieces over you.
Sonny: What happens next is not up to me. Michael's gonna decide what he's gonna do about us.
A.J.: I'll tell you what. I'll take that as a yes that you believe there's enough room in Michael's life for both of us. What do you say?
Sonny: I'll take a rain check.
A.J.: Boxing, huh? Used to do a little sparring back in the day.
Sonny: Yeah, I remember Jagger Cates knocked you on your ass.
A.J.: Well, that, admittedly, wasn't my finest hour, but I stuck with it after that. I actually improved a little bit.
Sonny: Want to go a few rounds?
A.J.: [Chuckles] Eh, it's been a long time.
Sonny: Huh?
A.J.: I'm rusty.
Sonny: You hear that, Shawn?
Shawn: Hmm.
Sonny: He's rusty. [Laughs]
A.J.: What the hell. Let's do it.
Elizabeth: The last time Lucy was in Port Charles was for Lila Quartermaine's funeral. She showed up in a red dress, said it was to pay tribute to the one she married Alan in, and then she let everyone know that mother Quartermaine was a true lady because she always made her feel like family.
Sabrina: Well, she sounds interesting. Well, do you think that there's any chance she would help us with the ball?
Elizabeth: Well, if she knew about it and was available, sure. I don't see why not. I mean, Lucy was the driving force behind the Nurses' Ball. She would bully and coax and flirt.
Sabrina: Flirt?
Elizabeth: Oh, yeah. Flirting was her favorite event. One year, we didn't think the ball was gonna meet its fundraising goals, so Lucy did an impromptu striptease.
Sabrina: What?
Elizabeth: She auctioned off everything she had on -- her dress, her shoes, her gloves -- until she was standing there in her underwear.
Sabrina: Wow. Well, that was inventive. And that's exactly what we need -- someone who will make the ball happen and make it a success, no matter what. Do you have any idea how to get in touch with Lucy Coe?
Elizabeth: Everyone she was close to has moved on.
Sabrina: Someone's got to know how to reach Lucy Coe.
Felix: Ladies, I believe I just heard my cue.
Dante: It is a little too convenient, Faison being spotted at the same clinic where Anna went to look for Robin.
Robert: It's a setup. She was lured there.
Dante: I'm not quite there yet.
Robert: You weren't there when we tried to convince you that Faison was alive.
Dante: That's a big step, Faison being alive to him somehow impersonating Duke.
Robert: It all fits. Faison at the same clinic that Anna was lured to? He wants to observe her, see how she's handling Robin's loss. Then he sees an opening, and whamo! He steps in looking like Lavery.
Dante: Look, I'm a cop. I don't need convincing. I just need evidence.
Robert: Well, while you're doing that, Anna's at risk, and she's up on that mountain all by herself.
Dante: Hey, open up. I'm gonna go try and reach Anna again.
Robert: See if you can find my lawyer while you're at it. Ski-trip hooey. This is all about getting her up there and isolating her from her friends. [Scoffs] He's got a plan.
Anna: No, no, no! Stop it, stop it!
Faison: Stop, stop.
Anna: Listen to me. Listen. God. If you want to impress me, you let him go, okay?
Faison: I absolutely agree. Duke, you are an impediment. Let him go. Shoot him, Klaus.
Anna: No, no, no! Don't shoot him!
Faison: Yes, shoot him.
Anna: Stop it. God, you're insane.
Faison: That's what you think now, but in time you'll forget, and you'll turn to me.
Anna: You think killing him will make me love you?
Faison: Oh, love come in different forms.
Alexis: I understand you're in need of an attorney.
Robert: It's a long, convoluted story.
Alexis: Yeah, I got most of the pertinent facts. But since they don't apply directly to you --
Robert: Don't apply?
Alexis: If you try to explain to a judge that you broke into a home of your ex-wife's other ex-husband who you believe is an eastern-bloc spy who has been surgically altered, you're gonna get 24-hour lockup in the mental ward.
Robert: Well, if you put it like that --
Alexis: I'm putting it like that, which is why you're going to do exactly what I say.
McBain: So Spencer and Anna have been to the same clinic.
Dante: According to Scorpio, Anna went there to look for her daughter.
McBain: Right, right. She told me about that. In itself, it doesn't prove that Faison is trying to pass himself off as Lavery. Then again, given Faison's skill set, it's certainly a possibility. And the whole time he had this little ski trip, right? You have to wonder about that. Scorpio starts making accusations, and what -- less than 24 hours later, Lavery's lured Anna out of town.
Dante: We need to find the commissioner.
McBain: Yeah. I've tried. Every one of my calls go straight to voicemail.
Faison: Duke, you cheated death once but not this time.
Dante: No, Anna. It's a trap! Get out of here!
Faison: Oh, what an appalling noise. Shoot him!
[Gun cocks]
Faison: Shhhhh. Here we go.
Sabrina: You know Lucy Coe?
Felix: Honey, everybody knows Lucy Coe, and that woman is one fierce bitch, and I mean that in the best sense of the word.
Elizabeth: How do you know her? Are you friends with her?
Felicia: Oh, we're more than friends. Lucy Coe is my boss.
Shawn: Here, try these. You can suit up in the locker room.
Sonny: I don't think those are gonna work, Shawn, 'cause they might be just a little too big for him. [Laughter] That's good -- too big. No, I think these'll be fine. Thanks, Shawn.
Shawn: Hey, uh -- you sure this is a good idea, man?
[Cell phone rings]
Starr: Did you talk to your dad?
Michael: No, he didn't answer.
Starr: Did you leave him a message?
Michael: No, I -- no.
Starr: Waiting around's not gonna help.
Michael: I don't know. Sometimes my dad needs time to settle down.
Starr: Michael.
Michael: Fine, fine. Okay, I'll text him. He's usually at the gym this time of day.
Sonny: What's the problem? We're just gonna spar.
Shawn: Look, you goaded him into it, and you know it.
Sonny: No one's goading anybody, all right? It's just gonna be a friendly bout.
Shawn: It doesn't look friendly to me.
[Cell phone vibrates]
A.J.: I'm ready. Let's go.
Dante: If Anna is on the slopes, it'll be a while before she checked her messages.
McBain: She leave a number for that resort?
Dante: Uh, yeah. Yeah, she did. It's called Hurley mountain. It's about an hour from here. Uh, yeah, it's detective Falconeri with the PCPD. Yeah, I'm trying to get ahold of Anna Devane, the police commissioner. All right. Uh -- could you check under the name Lavery? I see. Uh, all right, thank you very much.
McBain: They're not there.
Dante: Lavery canceled the reservation.
McBain: Where the hell are they?
Duke: Aah! Anna! Can you hear me? What have you done to her?
Faison: She'll be sleeping for a while. No worries. She's seen what I need her to see.
Duke: What do you mean?
Faison: Well, Scorpio put this stupid idea into her head that I was impersonating you.
Duke: Robert figured this out?
Faison: Oh, he was bluffing. Anna knew he didn't have any proof. But she lost a little faith in me.
Duke: Faith in you while you were pretending to be me?!
Faison: Faith in me! That's why I brought her here, to Switzerland, so she could see you and I in the same hotel room. Then she will know that I'm not imitating anybody, right? And there goes Scorpio's idea out of the window.
Duke: She's too smart to fall for your plan! Your plan'll never work!
Faison: It's working just fine. [Clicks fingers] Except for one little detail.
Duke: You can't kill me. You need me.
Faison: When a man has served his purpose -- you got to say goodbye.
Duke: Anna, can you hear me? Anna, can you hear me? All of this is a lie.
[Gun cocks]
Duke: I love you! I love you --
[Gun shoots]
Sonny: How you feeling, A.J.? Is it all coming back to you?
Shawn: How about a referee?
Sonny: We don't need a referee. It's gonna be a friendly match.
Shawn: Gentlemen, I want a good clean fight.
A.J.: That's okay. I think Sonny and I want exactly the same thing.
Shawn: Touch gloves. Fight.
A.J.: Feel good belting me in the jaw there, Sonny? Did it?
Sonny: Trying to teach you how to protect yourself. You got to keep your hands up at all times.
A.J.: Why, 'cause you're coming for me, huh?
Sonny: Stop talking. Let's fight. Come on! Come on! Back it up. Boom, boom. Boom, boom, boom.
Dante: All right, thanks, Carly. Anna's car is still at the metro court garage, and she left word with the front desk to hold all calls for the next two days.
McBain: So Lavery picked her up. Question is, where did he take her?
Robert: Ah, guys, you can hand off my holding cell to somebody else. My über-talented lawyer here secured my release.
Alexis: I pled him out. My client agreed to admit to the break-in, and the D.A. Was willing to play ball because he didn't take anything. And he also promised to stay away from Lavery. Isn't that correct, Mr. Scorpio?
Robert: Oh, yeah. I'm more than happy to avoid Lavery. That doesn't apply to Faison, though. Guys, I want to talk to Anna. Hey, guys, look, I know the routine. Commissioner has to phone in her location when she leaves the jurisdiction.
Dante: We've, uh, tried to reach Anna at the resort, and she never checked in.
Robert: You checked the cell phone?
McBain: She's not picking up.
Robert: Well, this is good news. She's up there on the mountain with that crazy, and we can't locate them.
Faison: Regrettable but necessary.
Duke: You shot your own man. Why?
Faison: You're so slow. I don't understand what she sees in you at all. I didn't shoot him. You did, Lavery -- while saving Anna from the monstrous Faison. But, sadly, Faison vanished into the thin air.
Duke: As soon as she recovers from her shock, she'll know that you're a fraud. This masked cartoon you've created of me -- of me, the man she loves -- you'll never get near her.
Faison: On the contrary, Anna will throw herself into my arms, overwhelmed with gratitude, so say your goodbyes, Lavery.
Duke: Anna. Anna, if you can hear me, it's Faison. This whole thing is a fraud. It's Faison.
Faison: Obrecht! Obrecht! Bring that canary back to the clinic.
Sabrina: How can Lucy Coe be your boss? Epiphany's the head of nursing.
Felix: Not here, dollface. At Coeco.
Sabrina: "Cocoa"? As in hot chocolate?
Felix: Honey, have you been living under a rock? It's not "cocoa." It's Coeco, as in Coeco cosmetics.
Sabrina: Oh. So Coeco is Lucy's company?
Felix: Okay, from the top. Like you, I'm a poverty-stricken nursing student. Unlike you, I don't like to babysit. So I've used my natural gifts as a stylist to sell Coeco cosmetics. That delicious lipstick you wiped off your face -- Coeco -- red-velvet cupcake. I'm one of Lucy Coe's top sellers. In fact, I'm on track to win a car.
Elizabeth: That's a great product line. I had no idea Lucy had anything to do with it.
Felix: She has everything to do with it. She's a genius.
Sabrina: Oh, my God. This is amazing! I need to speak with her. Did you know that Lucy Coe used to run the Nurses' Ball? I'm hoping she can help us out.
Felix: So this is about the Nurses' Ball.
Sabrina: Yeah. Can you put me in touch with her?
Felix: That depends -- on what's in it for me.
A.J.: [Grunting]
Shawn: Yo, how about we take a break?
Sonny: I don't want -- it's up to A.J. You want to take a break, A.J.?
A.J.: No, I'm okay. I cam down here in good faith. I tried to make peace with you. I was even generous enough to say that there was room in my son's life for both of us.
Sonny: You go to remember Michael's my son!
A.J.: Yeah?
Sonny: Yeah!
A.J.: Listen to me. I tried to meet you halfway. You wouldn't even shake my hand.
Sonny: Yeah, right, A.J.
Shawn: Okay, okay, okay! That's enough, that's enough.
Sonny: No, I got it.
A.J.: You stole my son, but I'm getting him back. You hear me? I'm getting back everything I lost. By the time I'm done, Michael's gonna hate your mobbed-up guts, and he's gonna know that you hurt him worse than I ever did. You're nothing, Sonny. You're no father. You're a piece of garbage.
Sonny: You're saying I'm garbage?
A.J.: Yeah, you're a piece of garbage.
Sonny: Yeah?
A.J.: Unh! Aah! Unh! Aah!
Shawn: Okay, okay, okay! That's it!
Sonny: Let me get him!
Michael: Dad! Dad! Dad, get off!
Shawn: Listen up!
Michael: What the hell?!
Sabrina: So, what will it take for you to put me in touch with Lucy Coe?
Felix: Artistic control.
Sabrina: Huh?
Sabrina: I don't understand.
Elizabeth: Aren't we all supposed to be on the same side here? Building support for the ball?
Felix: Yeah, which is why I want to make sure this event is run right. I can't be involving ms. Lucy Coe in some crepe-paper nightmare. So I want top billing, artistic control, name above title, private dressing room, a cute little assistant, and a wardrobe supervisor.
Elizabeth: Okay, hold on. I don't think we can promise you any of that.
Felix: Well, then I'm afraid I'll have to take my talents and my contacts somewhere else.
Sabrina: No, no! I'll take your bedpan duty!
Felix: For how long?
Sabrina: A month?
Felicia: Two months and you got a deal.
Sabrina: Fine. Two months.
Felix: Sold. I'll see what I can do about tracking down ms. Coe herself.
Elizabeth: Bedpan duty for two months?
Sabrina: It's so gonna be worth it. Oh, my God! I'm so excited about this! I have a really good feeling.
Michael: You okay?
Starr: Here.
Michael: What the hell were you doing?!
Starr: A.J., I have some water.
A.J.: I'm okay.
Starr: Are you okay?
Michael: How could you do this?
Starr: Wait, wait.
A.J.: Michael, it was my fault. [Grunts] I asked Sonny to spar. Guess I'm a little rusty.
Michael: How could you take advantage of him, dad?
Sonny: You heard the man. He wanted to spar.
Michael: He's bleeding! This was a beat down, and you know it!
Sonny: Michael, it's not what you think it is.
Michael: I get that you hate him, but that does not justify this! What is wrong with you?! I don't even know who you are anymore.
Robert: I mean, this just couldn't have worked out better even if Faison had planned it himself. I shot my mouth off without any proof and pretty much pushed Anna right into his arms.
Dante: Okay, look, just because Anna didn't make it to Hurley mountain doesn't mean Faison has her. They might have hated the room. Maybe they went to a different resort.
Robert: Well, why hasn't she answered her phone or returned any of your calls?
Dante: I don't know. I need to get these guys to call some other resorts, see what I can find out.
McBain: Yeah, good deal.
Alexis: Okay. Will you do me a favor and keep an eye on him? I'm going to process your release. You just stay.
Robert: You got federal credentials.
McBain: Mm.
Robert: You know what we're dealing with here. This guy's a sociopath. He don't even care who or what he hurts. He just wants Anna. If she doesn't cooperate, well, he's gonna kill her.
McBain: We might have a lead.
Robert: The clinic? Too bad it's in Switzerland.
McBain: The clinic. The clinic is one of these places for rich people where they sometimes stash undesirable relations. You pay enough money, anything medically you want can be handled with discretion.
Robert: Mm. Including a relic from the cold war who wants a new face and identity.
McBain: I didn't say that.
Robert: Ah, but you're not dismissing it, either.
McBain: No.
Robert: You know, I never met a fed who, deep down inside, didn't want to try it out as an agency man, see whether you got the huevos to be a spy or not. This is your big chance. We got to stop this guy before it's too late.
Duke: Anna? Anna. Anna, wake up. Anna, my darling. Anna.
Anna: Faison!
Duke: It's okay, it's okay! He was here, he was here! He was here, but he's gone. You're safe now.
Anna: What happened?
Duke: He injected you with something. You lost consciousness. I think he was gonna -- he was gonna make off with you.
Anna: Oh, God. Is he dead?
Duke: Yes. We struggled over the gun, and I shot him. I -- I killed him. I saved you. Faison is gone.
Anna: We need to follow him.
Duke: No, no. He's long gone. You won't find him. You're safe now, Anna. You don't need to worry about Faison.
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